Amoeba Defense

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Transcript of Amoeba Defense

  • 8/2/2019 Amoeba Defense


  • 8/2/2019 Amoeba Defense



    DEFENSEby Larry Dean Jackson

  • 8/2/2019 Amoeba Defense



    In the Amoeba Defense we want pressure on the ball. We want to be very aggressive but

    at the same time we do not want to foul. In the Amoeba defense we want to force the ball

    to the outside and to the corner. We feel that when the ball is in the corner we can defend

    the low post and the high post very well. The corner shot is also a very low percentage

    shot. When the ball is in the corner one of the guards is in a Cut-Off position denying the

    pass out, thus we feel that when the ball is in the corner we force more turnovers.

    1Players 1 and 2 are called the guards and they areinterchangable positions.Players 3, 4 and 5 are called the forwards and theyare interchangable positions.

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    2The Keys to the 1-2-1-1 Amoeba Defense are:

    a) Stop the ballb) Pressure on the ballc) Closest man takes the ball

    d) We have SPRINTS not slidese) Great Close Outs are a Mustf) All five defenders must rebound

    3Guard Responsibilities

    a) Pressure the ball anytime it is above the freethrow lineb) Work together in a tandemc) Keep the ball out of the high post area

    Four Guard Positions

    a) BALL - pressuring the ball when it is above thefree throw lineb) HELP - behind the front guard in a help positionc) DENY - when the ball is at the wing position thisguard denies the reversal passd) CUT-OFF - when the ball goes to the corner, thehelp moves to the cut-off position in a denialstance

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    41 is in BALL position2 is in HELP position

    51 is in DENY position2 is in HELP position

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    62 is in CUT-OFF position1 is in HELP position

    7Forward Responsibilities

    a) Pressure the ball at the wing and belowb) Keep the ball out of the low post areac) Help on all lob passes

    Three Basic Forward Positions

    a) PRESSURE - pressruing the ball at the wingand belowb) FRONT - dead front the ballside block whetherthere is an offensive player at that location or notc) HOOP - help position that is one step in front ofthe hoop

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    84 is at the PRESSURE position3 is at the FRONT position5 is at the HOOP position

    93 is at the PRESSURE position4 is at the FRONT position5 is at the HOOP position

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    If the ball is on top the Guards work in tandem.1 is playing the ball2 is in Help

    11Versus a two guard front.

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    12Versus the dribble to the wing, the guard on theball stays on the ball. In this case it will be 1. 2 willremain in his Help position.

    13If the ball is passed to the wing, a forward willcover the ball and 1 will deny the pass back out tothe offensive player on top in the DENY position.

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    14When the ball is passed to the corner, 2 movesfrom the Help position to the Cut-Off position and 1moves from the Deny position to the Help position.

    When the ball is above the free throw line

    extended the guards are responsible for thepressure on the ball.


    4 is up in the Pressure position playing the ball. 3is fronting the ballside block in the Block position. 5is in the Hoops position.

    When the ball is passto the wing area from the freethrow line extended area and below it is the

    responsibility of the forwards.

  • 8/2/2019 Amoeba Defense


    16On the pass to the corner, 3 the Front sprints toplay the Pressure position on the ball in the corner.4 sprints to the Front position and fronts theballside block. 5 stays in the Hoop position.

    17New alignment, with guards.

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    18Wing to Corner Pass Sprint on the other side of thecourt, including the guards.


    We can make this Sprint on a call or in the case ofan emergency. When the ball is passed to thecorner, 4 covers the corner.

    If 3 sees that 5 is not going to be able to Sprintback to the Front position then 3 will assume the

    Front position and yell "LONG", this signals 5 toSprint from the Pressure position to the Hoopposition.

    We can also make the call that we are playing the"LONG" Sprint. You can actually play the "LONG"Sprint on one side of the court and the regularSprint on the other side of the court.

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    20New alignment.

    21PRESSURE TO HOOP SPRINT ("LONG") on theother side of the court.

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    22If the ball is dribbled down the Pressure man Stayswith the ball.

    23If no one is at the wing the guards Stay tight.

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    24The guards stay tight until someone moves into thewing area.

    25If it is a short pass then the Pressure man stayswith the ball. In this case 5 moves with the ball tocontinue his coverage.

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    26If the ball is dribbled to the wing, we execute aBump. The forward moves up and takes the ball(Pressure position) and Bumps the guard back to aguard position.

    27If the ball is at the wing position and there is not aplayer at the top the guards flatten out at the freethrow line area.

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    28Until an offensive player moves into the topposition, then the backside guard takes him and isnow in the Deny position.


    When the ball is in the corner we want to force theball baseline. When it is driven baseline thePressure man (4) stays with the ball and the Frontman (3) steps out to stop the drive. Forming adouble team with 3 and 4. The guard in the Helpposition (1) immediately drops to the Front position

    and the guard in the Cut-Off position (2) sprints tothe Help position.

  • 8/2/2019 Amoeba Defense



    When the ball is at the wing the player at thePressure position forces the ball to the corner.Should the offensive player make a penetrating

    drive, the player in the Front position moves out tostop the ball.

    We now have two ways to cover this.

    The first is for 4 to stay with the ball and form adouble team with 3. 1 drops to the Front positionand 2 drop to the Help position.

    31The second technique is for 4 and 3 to preform arun and jump stunt. 3 moves out to take the ballhandler and 4 sprints to the Front position and theguards stay in their normal coverage.

  • 8/2/2019 Amoeba Defense


    32In the run and jump stunt if 5 (Hoop) sees that 4 isnot going to be able to cover the Front position,then 5 calls "LONG" and 5 assumes the Frontposition and 4 sprints to the Hoop position.

    33In defensing the cutter from on top. The offensiveplayer passes to the wing. 2 must jump to the ballin DENY position, then takes the cutter to one stepbelow the free throw line, then release him. 1slides to the helpside.

  • 8/2/2019 Amoeba Defense


    34When the spot is filled with a cut to the top with theball at the wing, the helpside top player takes the