Amin's Ugand

W.E.B. Du Bois Institute Amin's Uganda Author(s): Philip Short Source: Transition, No. 40 (Dec., 1971), pp. 48-55 Published by: Indiana University Press on behalf of the W.E.B. Du Bois Institute Stable URL: Accessed: 15/11/2010 19:27 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use, available at JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use provides, in part, that unless you have obtained prior permission, you may not download an entire issue of a journal or multiple copies of articles, and you may use content in the JSTOR archive only for your personal, non-commercial use. Please contact the publisher regarding any further use of this work. Publisher contact information may be obtained at Each copy of any part of a JSTOR transmission must contain the same copyright notice that appears on the screen or printed page of such transmission. JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. Indiana University Press and W.E.B. Du Bois Institute are collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Transition.


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Transcript of Amin's Ugand

W.E.B. Du Bois InstituteAmin's UgandaAuthor(s): Philip ShortSource: Transition, No. 40 (Dec., 1971), pp. 48-55Published by: Indiana University Press on behalf of the W.E.B. Du Bois InstituteStable URL: 15/11/2010 19:27Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use, available at JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use provides, in part, that unlessyou have obtained prior permission, you may not download an entire issue of a journal or multiple copies of articles, and youmay use content in the JSTOR archive only for your personal, non-commercial use.Please contact the publisher regarding any further use of this work. Publisher contact information may be obtained at copy of any part of a JSTOR transmission must contain the same copyright notice that appears on the screen or printedpage of such transmission.JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range ofcontent in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new formsof scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected] University Press and W.E.B. Du Bois Institute are collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve andextend access to Transition.http://www.jstor.orgTRANSITION 40 Am i n ' sUgan da (Ahalf-yearly report] Phi li p Short ' Tos aveabads i tuati onfromgetti n g wors e'i s a m odes t en ough am bi ti on for a coup: m os t govern m en ts - to-be s peak of m aki n g a bad s i tuati on better.Yet i t wasthi sphras e whi ch wasus ed to jus ti fy the overthrowof Dr. Mi ltonObotei nUgan da onJan uary 25. The words , ' It hasbeenn eces s ary to take acti onto s ave a bad s i tua- ti onfromgetti n g wors e' , form ed the open i n g s en ten ce ofthe proclam ati onwhi chan n oun ced that Major- Gen eral Idi Am i nhad s ei zed power.Ugan dan ss ti ll repeat themtoday asaki n d ofwatchword. To what exten t hasthat early objecti ve beenachi eved, an d how hasi t beenm odi fi edi nthe i n terven i n g m on ths ? The un n am ed group of s oldi ers who proclai m ed Am i n ' scom i n g to power li s ted 18 gri evan ces whi ch, they s ai d, had left the people ' an gry, worri edan d very un happy' . They i n cludedthe curtai lm en tof fun dam en talfreedom sof s peech an d as s oci ati on ; thebreakdown of law an d order; m ateri alan d poli ti calcorrupti onwi thi n the ruli n g eli te; econ om i c hards hi ps am on g large s ecti on s ofthe populati on ; the n eglect of the arm edforces i nfavourof DrObote' sGen eral Servi ce Un i t (GSU); tri bali s ti c m an i pulati onwi thi nthe arm y an d a hi gh level oftri bal ten s i onwi thi nthe coun try as a whole; an d Ugan da' si s olati on fromthe Eas t Afri canCom m un i tythrough the i m pos i ti onof curren cy con trols . Som e were clearly m ore i m portan t thanothers .The i m pos i ti onof curren cycon trols , for i n s tan ce, di s advan - taged m ai n ly thos e Ugan dan swhos e hom esbordered Ken ya an d Tan zan i a, a s trategi callyi m portan tgroup but n um eri cally as m all m i n ori ty. Econ om i c hards hi pswere wi des pread,affecti n g ci ty dwellersthrough the ri s i n g cos t of li vi n g, an d farm ersthrough lower pri cesfor cas h crops . Poli ti cal corrupti onan d res tri cti on s onfreedomofas s oci ati onan tagon i s ed both ci vi l s ervan tsan d Dr Obote' spoli ti cal oppon en ts ,n otably adheren tsof the pros cri bed Dem ocrati c Party led by Ben Ki wan uka. The breakdown i nlaw an d order wasan other gen eral problem , but parti cularly acute i nBugan da. The Bagan da, too, s uffered m os tfrom deten ti on wi thout tri al. Lack of freedom of expres s i onwasfelt throughout Ugan da, but es peci ally i nthe academ i c com m un i ty an d by profes s i on alpeople. Dr Obote' sm an i pulati onof the arm y ali en ated s i gn i fi can t elem en ts i nthe offi cer corps . Other groups , whos e gri evan cesthe s oldi ersdi d n ot li s t, i n cludedAfri canbus i n es s m en , di s en chan tedat the con ti n ui n g dom i n ati on of com m erce by the As i ancom - m un i ty; theAs i an sthem s elves , whos aw thei r future bei n g eroded; capi tali s tsofall colours , alarm edat the m ove totheleft; radi calswho regarded Obote as a lukewarms oci ali s t; an d Bagan da tradi ti on ali s ts who yearn ed for the res torati on of thei r Ki n gdom . The com bi n ed hos ti li ty of thes e groupswass uch that the coup en coun teredli ttle oppos i ti on . Obote' spower bas ehad growns o n arrowthat the gen eral reacti on to hi sfall wason e of rejoi ci n g an d what res i s tan cethere wascam e fromGen eral Servi ce pers on n el an d Lan giarm y offi cers .To m os t Ugan dan s ,m oreover, i t wasi m m ateri al that Am i nhad acted fromm oti ves of ri valry ratherthanfroman y deep des i reto ri ghtpas t wron gs . But that thi swass o wass hownboth by Am i n ' sm agn an i m i ty towardsObote' scolleaguesan d by the abs en ceof reform i s tele- m en tsfromthe coup. Speaki n g on Radi o Ugan da onthe even i n g of Jan uary25, Am i ns ai d hi sgovern m en t would be ' purely acaretakeradm i n i s trati on ' tohold the fort un ti lelecti on s couldbe arran ged. Con s i s ten twi th i tsi n teri mn ature, there would be n o Pres i den tbut on ly 48 ' I-- TRANSITION 40 a Mi li tary Head of State. Whatever reform swere n eeded, Am i ni m pli ed, wouldhavetoawai ttheform ati on of the n ext ci vi li anregi m e. Inan other s peech the followi n g day hes ai d he hoped s om eofObote' sform er m i n i s tersm i ght joi ni nwhatever i n teri mgovern m en t he m i ght form . Atthi ss tage Am i nhad n oclear i dea ofwhat s upport hecould expect from theci vi ls ervi ceorofhowthe coun try wouldtake the coup on cethe i n i ti als hockwasover.Then extweeks howedhi m thatthebulkofthe ci vi ls ervi cewas behi n d hi m , an dthatthe coun try asawholewaswell-di s pos ed tothe chan ge ofrule.The n eedtous etheex-m i n i s ters fell away, an dacabi n et com pos edm ai n ly oftechn ocrats was s worn i n on Fe- bruary 5.Mean whi le Am i n cam e un der s tron g pres s ure from s everal s ources- the group ofs oldi erswhohad helped hi mi nthe coup, certai nprom i n en t ci vi li an s , an d perhapsals oextern alelem en ts(the Bri ti s han dthe Is raeli s were alreadybegi n n i n g toli n e up behi n dhi sem bryon i c regi m e)-to look beyon d hi sori gi n alobjec- ti veof m erelyrem ovi n g Obotefrompower. OnFebruary 21, the s am e s oldi erswho had proclai m ed the coup an n oun ced that the n ew govern m en t n o lon ger i n ten ded to act i na caretaker capaci ty, but would rem ai ni n offi ce forfi ve years . (The followi n g day Am i n hi m s elf s ai d ' m uch les sthanfi ve years 'm i ght s uffi ce. Subs equen t govern m en t s tatem en tss ugges ted that i t wasthi n ki n g i nterm softwo years . Inpracti ce, however, an d as s um i n g that the regi m e i sallowed to rem ai ni npower, the s oldi ers , fi ve yearss eem sa m ore reali s ti c m i n i m um ). Mean whi le s tepswere takentoform ali s e the s us pen s i onof poli ti cal acti vi ti esan n oun ced three daysafter the coup, an d Am i nagreed totaketheti tleofPres i den t. Atthes am eti m e the fi rs t reform i s t elem en tsappeared. Then , asn ow, they were very vague: ' We wan t tocleanup thi scoun try i nalli tsas pects ' , Am i nexplai n ed. Whatwasn oteworthy was thati thadtaken fourweeks even for s o m uch to em erge. Lon g beforethedeci s i on was taken toexten dthe govern m en t' s term , the Bugan daproblemwas rai s ed. Theom i s s i on of an y di rect referen ce to Bugan da i n the s oldi ers 'proclam ati onwasun ders tan dablei nvi ew of the arm y' srolei n i tss ubjugati oni n 1966.But i twaspre- ci s ely forthatreas on thatAm i n feltcon s trai n edto con s oli date hi spos i ti onwi th the Bagan da whi le thei r deli - ri umat Obote' soverthrow wass ti ll at a hi gh pi tch. He kn ewthattheeas ewi thwhi chthe coup hadbeeneffected waspartly due to the fact that the i n habi tan tsof Ugan da' sheartlan dhadbeen s o oppos ed toObote' sregi m e asto welcom e an y chan ge. But he als o kn ew that hi s ownpart i nleadi n g theattackon theKabaka' spalace i nMen go i nMay1966, an d the s ubs equen t beha- vi ourofthe arm y i nBugan da, wouldm akehi sregi m e s us pect tothe Bagan da on cethefi rs ten thus i as m di ed down . Accordi n gly, athi s fi rs t pres scon feren ceonJan uary 26, hean n oun ced he would bri n g back from i tsres ti n g place i n Bri tai nthe body ofSi rEdwardMutes a for a cerem on i als tatefun eral.Itwas as hrewd m ove, for on e of the bi tteres t Bagan da gri evan ceshad beenObote' srefus altoalloweven m em ori als ervi cestobeheldi nUgan da at the ti m e of the Kabaka' sdeath. Whi le Am i n ' san n oun cem en t had the des i red effect, i t ram i fi ed beyon d i tsi m m edi ate objecti ve.Man y Bagan da beganto beli eve that the res torati onof thei r ki n gdoman d the i n s ti tuti onofa n ew Kabaka m i ght be i m m i n en t.To curb m oun ti n g Bagan da hys teri a the s oldi ersan n oun ced, i nthei r s tatem en t of February 21, that' there canbe n o returntofeudal ki n gsan d ki n gdom sbecaus e Ugan da i sm archi n g forward n ot backwards ' .The blow wass often - ed whenlater that day Am i n(n ot the s oldi ers ) an n oun ced that the State of Em ergen cy, operati ve i nBugan da s i n ce May 1966 an d i nthe res t of Ugan da s i n ce Decem ber 1969, wasbei n g revoked.Thereafter the govern m en t s tres s ed the i m portan ce ofthefun eral as a ges ture ofn ati on al recon ci li ati on , an da s tron gpropagan dacam pai gnalon g thes eli n es was m oun ted through thelocal pres s . At the en d of March Si r Edward' sbody wasduly return ed an d buri ed i naccordan ce wi th Bagan da cus tomafter fi ve daysofs tate m ourn i n g; the exerci s e wass ki lfully s tage- m an aged, the arm y behaved well, an d n on e of the di s tur- ban ces whi chhadbeenwi delypredi cted m ateri ali s ed. But before i t wasover, the s cen e wass et for the n ext act of the Bagan da' ss truggle for thei r ki n gdom . Si r Edward' s16-year olds on ,Pri n ce Ron ald Mutebi , wasi n s talled asSs abataka (chi ef ofthe Bagan da clanelders ) atacere- m on y at Bam un an i ka, Si rEdward' sfam i lyhom e, the n i ght after the buri al had takenplace.Tradi ti on ally the fun cti on sofSs abataka an d Kabaka are com bi n ed. When Ron aldMutebi (thegovern m en t n o lon ger recogn i s ed hi sti tle) return ed to Ugan da fourm on thslater forhi s s um m er holi days , the govern m en t' si n s i s t- en cethathi s vi s i twas' purely pri vate'di dn ot preven t s om e 30,000 Bagan da gatheri n g at the ai rport an d li n i n g theroute alon g whi chhe pas s ed. Theadulati onthey s howered on hi m tes ti fi estoObote' s lackofs ucces si ndem ythi fyi n g the Kabakas hi p. Three dayslater, Am i nm et Bagan da eldersi ncon feren ce i nKam pala, an d wastold blun tly that the Bagan da wan ted the ki n gdomback.It wasclearly a ques ti onhe had beenexpecti n g- Pri n ce Mutebiwasat hi ss i de an d arran gem en tshad beenm ade totelevi s e the proceedi n gs . But he fluffed hi san s - wer.Onthe on e han d he s ai d, qui te jus ti fi ably, that the Bagan da s hould reali s e the govern m en t had other n o les spres s i n g problem soni tshan ds , an d there wasli ttle tobe gai n ed by m aki n g the ki n gdoma burn i n g i s s ue.But ontheother he i n vi ted the Bagan da tos ubm i t am em oran - dumon the ques ti onwhi ch he wouldcon s i der wi ththe cabi n et an d the defen ce coun ci l. By s o doi n g he n ot on ly reopen ed am atter whi ch,offi ci ally at leas t, hadbeenclos ed, butas s um ed pers on al res pon s i bi li ty for whatever deci s i onm i ghteven tually be taken -s om ethi n g whi ch un ti l thenhe had beencareful toavoi d. The n ext day Am i n tri ed to recoup bydeclari n g that the ques ti onwastoo i m portan t to be deci ded by hi m s elf alon e, an d thatacon feren ceof delegatesfrom alldi s - tri cts wouldbecalledtodi s cus s i t.Butthe Bagan da retai n ed the i m pres s i onthatthean s wer lay i n Am i n ' shan ds .Hi swi lli n gn es stohave the i s s ue di s cus s ed i n di - cated he had n orooted objecti ontoa res torati on , thei r argum en t wen t. It i spos s i ble to m ake a cas e for allowi n g the i n s ti tuti onofan em as culatedKabakaan dtheform ati on ofani m poten t Luki i ko (the Bagan da ' parli am en t'of elders )- thes es eemtobe the Bagan da' sm i n i m umdem an ds -asthe pri ce of defus i n g thei r un derlyi n g des i re for the form al res torati onof Bugan da' sdi s ti n cti ve cultural i den ti ty. A pos s i blecoun terwei ght tothe res urgen ce ofcultural arrogan ce whi ch would followons uch a m ove m i ght be, asDr.Mazruihass ugges ted, the elevati onofSwahi liasUgan da' ss econ d n ati on al lan guage. But evena li m i ted 49 TRANSITION40 con ces s i on ofthi s ki n dwouldbea retrograde s tep, i nthat i t would m ake m ore di ffi cult the even tual de-es cala- ti onof the i n ter-tri bal ten s i on sto whi ch the Bagan da are party. Why Am i nlai d hi m s elf opento the i n evi table Bagan da attack atati m ewhenfeeli n gswere run n i n g hi gh over Pri n ce Ron ald' sreturni s n otclear. Certai n ly i thasbe- com eon eofhi sfavoured techn i questous e con feren cesofthi ski n d asa s afety-valve for the ai ri n g of gri evan ces ; s om eti m esthe con feren ce i sthe en d i ni ts elf an d n o other s tepsaretaken .Buti n thi s cas ehe m i ght havebeenexpected to put offacon fron tati onun ti l em oti on shad cooled,parti cularly s i n ce an ychan ge i n thes tatusquo couldn ot m ean i n gfully be i m plem en ted un ti lthere- s um pti onof poli ti cal acti vi ty i n 18 m on thsti m e. On e li n e of s peculati oni s thathefelthi m s elfun der pres s ure becaus eofthe deteri orati n grelati on s hi p between the Bagan da an d the arm y. As he puti t, the Bagan da had beguns ayi n g ' bad thi n gs 'abouthi stroops . 1 The Bagan da-arm yrelati on s hi p owes m uchtothe ki lli n gsan d gratui tousvi olen cewhi chs ucceededthe Kabaka' sfli ght i n 1966.Onthe on e han d thes e gave the Bagan da s peci al reas on sfor hos ti li ty tothe m i li tary, but oh theother they en abled themto percei ve whatother Ugan dan s fai ledtos ee-thetruen ature ofthe arm y' sroleun der Obote' sregi m e. It wasObote asm uch asthe arm y thatthe Bagan da blam ed for the brutali ty of 1966, an d i t wasagai nObotewhomthey blam edfor looti n g, ci vi li anharas s m en t, an d the other hazardswhi ch follow- ed from the arm y' slack of di s ci pli n e. Other Ugan dan s , lacki n g Bagan da experi en ce, fai led tom ake s uch a di rect con n ecti onbetweenarm y an d govern m en t un ti l the i den - ti ty of the two wases tabli s hed by the coup. On ly thendi d arm yi n di s ci pli n e becom ea poten ti al s ourceofan ti - govern m en t feeli n g at a n ati on al level, an d the s tate of the arm y gen erally am atterof param oun t i m portan ce. Duri n g the takeover i ts elf the arm y behaved well. Very few ci vi li an sdi ed, an d m an y of thos e at ci vi li an s 'han ds . Non -vi cti m i s ati on was theoffi ci al poli cy, an don cethe i n i ti al fi ghti n g wasover evenLan gioffi cerss uffered les sthanm i ght have beenexpected. The s oldi ers '18 poi n tsappeared tofocus atten ti on m oreon the pers on sof Obote an d Aken a Adokoan d Akorokoro Coun ty, thanthe Lan gipeople. Tri bali s mwasn otani m portan t ele- m en t i nthe early s tagesof the coup. Am i n hi m s elfs truckthefi rs t jarri n g n otewhen he explai n ed, at the pres scon feren ce onJan uary26, how the coup had com e about.Obotehad gi venorders that all troops except thos efromLan go an dAcholi s houldbe di s arm ed, he s ai d.The coup had beeneffected to preven t thi staki n g place. Such a s tatem en t m i ght have beenexpected to provoke i m m edi ate m as ski lli n gsof Lan gian d Acholi offi cers .It di dn otfortworeas on s : fi rs tly, Am i nput forward thi svi ew of the coup on ly on ce at that ti m e-lateran d earli er s tatem en ts , far froms ugges ti n g Acholi -Lan gicollabora- ti on , referred to thei r m utual en m i ty; s econ dly, atten ti onwass oonafterwardsdi s tracted fromthe i n tern al pos i ti onby rum oursof anextern al threat i nthe s hape of ani n va- s i onby troopsfromTan zan i a or the Sudan .But whi le n o pogrom followed, hi s clai m ali en atedtheAcholi an d created i nthema s en s e of i n s ecuri ty. At the s am e i t rei n - forced Lan gifearsthat thei r dayswere n um bered. TheLan gi wereawkwardlyplacedfrom thes tart. Lan gioffi cershadledthes hort-li ved oppos i ti ontothe coup. Obote' sattem ptsto pack theoffi cer corpswi th Lan gihad created wi des pread res en tm en t am on g other tri bes -i twasto thi sthat the s oldi ers 'proclam ati onrefer- red wheni t s poke oftri bal m an i pulati oni n the arm y. An dthe very factthatAm i n n arrowed res pon s i bi li ty forthem i s takes ofthe pas t on toObotean dAken a Adoko, whi le s eem i n g toabs olve fromblam e theother prom i n en t fi guresi n theUPC govern m en t, expos ed the Lan gito the pen alti esof collecti ve gui lt. Thi slas t factor m i ght n ot have beeni m portan t had Obote accepted hi soverthrow qui etly. But hi sattem ptsfromDar esSalaamtoun derm i n e Ugan da' si n tern ati on al s tan di n g an dthe s us pi ci onthat he m i ght als o be plan n i n g tous e Ugan danguerri llasfor anattack onthe n ew govern m en t, s teadi ly i n creas ed an ti -Lan gifeeli n g. Aton e s tage Am i nopen ly warn ed that Obote wasreckles s ly en dan geri n g the s afety ofhi sfellow tri bes m enby the s tan d he had taken . By March Lan gioffi cerswere des erti n g i nappreci able n um bers .Toales s erexten tAcholi were goi n gtoo, partly becaus e of Am i n ' searly s tatem en t i m pli cati n g themi nthe alleged di s arm am en t plan , an d partly becaus e of a gen eral ups urge i n i n ter-tri bal ten s i on wi thi n the arm y. The hi gh proporti onof Acholitroopsi nthe arm ed forcesan dthei r am bi guous relati on s hi p wi ththe Lan gihad beena s ource of fri cti onlon g before the coup. Now how- ever i twasleadi n g toi n term i tten t ki lli n gs . As ten s i oni n creas ed betweenUgan da an d Tan zan i a an d the Sudan ; an dthethreatof guerri lla i n curs i on swas taken m ore s eri ous ly,troopsfromother tri besbegantolookonthe Lan gian d Acholi -an dthelatter i nparti cular, becaus e of thei r reputati onasgoodfi ghters-as a poten ti al fi fth colum n .The as s um pti onthat they were des erti n g to joi nthe guerri lla caus e led tom ore ki lli n gs , i n turnleadi n g to m ore des erti on s .Whi le the arm y asa whole i n creas ed i n s i zeas ares ult ofarecrui tm en t cam pai gnlaun ched i m m edi ately after the coup, the offi cer corpscon tracted. Di s ci pli n e beganto break downn ot on ly wi thi nthe arm y, butbetween the arm y an dtheci vi li anpopulati on . Ci vi li anharas s m en t, looti n g, rape an dm urder occurred all too frequen tly aroun d garri s ontown s . Am i n ' s fai lure toact deci s i vely i n thi sdeteri orati n g s i tuati oni sn ot eas y to explai n . Hi si n acti onan d the re- s urrecti onof the tri bal accoun t of the coup m ay go s om e way towardsexplai n i n gwhy thefi rs t large-s cale tri bal fi ghti n g wi thi n the arm y broke outatati m ewhen the putati ve guerri lla threat, an d hen ce the pres s ure ofs us - pi ci ononAcholian d Lan gitroops , had alm os t com plete- ly receded. Altern ati vely i tcan be argued thatthe very reces s i onof the extern al threat cleared the way for i n ter- n als tri fe.Inan yeven t, on Jun e 8Am i n declared that guerri lla i n fi ltrati onwas n o lon ger a problem . Afew dayslater he an n oun ced that Ugan dantroopshad beenwi thdrawnfrompatrolli n g the Tan zan i anborder.An d onJun e 24 a reported 150offi cers an d m enof the Mbara- ra-bas ed Si m babattali on were ki lledi navi olen t tri bal clas h.Mos tof the dead were Acholi . TheMbarara fi ghti n g wasqui ckly followed by the res urrecti onof the extern al threat.Am i nan n oun ced onJuly 3 he waspos tpon i n g a plan n ed State Vi s i t toMalawibecaus e of guerri lla acti vi ty alon g the Ugan da-Tan zan i anborder, whi ch, i twasclai m ed, had cos t670 li vesi nthe previ ousfi vem on ths .Thi s was thefi rs tm en ti on of govern m en t troops bei n g ki lled i nthat part of Ugan da. Four days later, he an n oun ced theclos ure of Ugan da' sborderswi th Rwan da an d Tan zan i a.Then , on July11, 50 TRANSITION 40 Kam pala he left the coun try for the fi rs t ti m e s i n ce the coup to pay a weeklon g pri vate vi s i t toBri tai nan d Is rael. Hoursafter hi sdeparture trouble broke out at Moroto. By m i dn i ght there wasfi ghti n g at Ji n ja an d Magam aga, whi chlater s pread toMas i n di an d Moyo. At Ji n ja i t con ti n ued un ti l July 14; els ewhere i t wasles sdrawnout. Followi n g thes e clas hesthere wasa s i gn i fi can t i m pro- vem en t i nthe arm y' sm orale. Why? Two pos s i ble li n esof thought s ugges t them s elves .Ei ther i t wasbecaus e the vas t m ajori ty of Lan gian dAcholi offi cershad by n ow des erted or beeneli m i n ated, an d the i m m edi ate caus e for tri bal facti on ali s m hadthus been rem oved.Ori twasbecaus eofs om eacti on Am i n hadtaken .Si n cethe Mbarara i n ci den t, Am i n hass poken frequen tly ofthe n eed to i m prove di s ci pli n e an ds oldi er-ci vi li ancoopera- ti on , an di n s om es peecheshasals oreferred di rectly to tri bali s m .But whi le he appearsto com m an d the pers on al loyalty ofthe m ajori ty ofhi stroops , the effecti ven es sof thes e verbal appealsi sdi ffi cult to judge. Eveni f them os t obvi ous s ource oftri bal fri cti onhasn ow beenrem oved, i t would be fooli s h to preten d that the poten ti al forfurther tri bal flare-upsn o lon ger exi s ts . Am i ni sprobably ri ght i nregardi n g the i m provem en t of di s ci pli n e asthe m os t practi cal way of con tai n i n g i t an d atthes am eti m e curbi n g n on -tri bal arm y lawles s n es s . The latter could becom e a m ore pres s i n g problemasan d whenUgan da' sextern al relati on si m prove. Hei s als o ri ght i naccordi n g thi s tas kthe hi ghes tpri ori ty i n hi si m m edi ate program m e: as anexam ple oftheharmanun con trolled arm y cando, the even tsofthe early 1960si nn ei ghbouri n gCon go-Ki n s has a aretoorecen t tobe i gn ored. Pres en t i n di cati on sare thatAm i n i stackli n g i n di s ci - pli n e onthree fron ts : by reorgan i s i n g the pres en t m i li tary s tructure;byi m provi n gexi s ti n garm y barracks -s ub- s tan dardan dovercrowdedfor m an yyears -an dby bui ldi n g four n ew on esto accom m odate the expan s i onof the arm y s i n ce the coup; an d by laun chi n g, m ai n ly wi th Bri ti s h help, am as s i ve trai n i n g program m e to. bui ld up afres h aneffecti ve offi cer corps . There i s li ttle poi n t i ntryi n g to s peculate at thi ss tage how s ucces s ful thes e m ea- s ureswi ll be, orhow lon g they wi ll take tohave effect. Butthe Con goexperi en ce i sagai nn oti rrelevan t: 51 TRANSITION40 although the Ugan dan arm y i svery far from the an archy of the Con goles earm y i n1963, i t hastakenei ght yearsfor orderto be res toredto the Con go' s m i li tarym achi n e, an d evenn ow i t i sclos ely watched by Gen eralMobutu. It m ay take m uch les sti m e thanthat i nUgan da, but there wi ll be n o overn i ght tran s form ati on .An d i nthe m ean ti m e there i s the problemof m on ey: the cri ti cal s tate of the Ugan dan econ om y. Inthei rfi rs t proclam ati on , the s oldi ers werecon cern ed on ly wi th thos e econ om i c gri evan ceswhi chwereheld by the ordi n ary m an . They con dem n ed Dr.Obote' secon om i c poli ci esfor bri n gi n ghi gherun em ploym en t an d hards hi psto wage-earn ers , an d deplored the hi gh level an d di vers i ty of taxati on , the low pri cespai d for cas h crops , an d the hi gh rateof i n flati on .Inthei rs econ ds tate- m en t, onFebruary21,they rei terateds om e ofthes e com plai n tsan d as kedthe govern m en t to put the econ om y ' ona s oun d bas i s .'InApri l the Ban k of Ugan da called for the tai lori n g of publi c an d pri vate expen di ture to avai lable res ources an d a poli cy s tatem en tonpri vate s ector i n ves tm en tan d the role ofn on -ci ti zen s(i .e. the As i anCom m un i ty). Afri can sen gaged i n com m erce reques tedgovern m en t as s i s tan ceto m axi m i s ethei rrole at the expen s e of As i antraders . The IMF advi s eda dras ti c an di m m edi atereducti on i ngovern m en texpen di ture. The govern m en t' sfi rs tm oveswere, un ders tan dably, to try to rem oves om e of the s ources of popular econ om i c di s con ten tto whi chthe s oldi ers had alluded. Pri ce con - trols were i m pos ed ona wi de ran ge of bas i c com m odi ti es , an d the export ofcertai nfood cropswasban n ed to allevi ate s hortages .However, thes e m eas ures were vi ti a- ted by hoardi n g an d the developm en t ofa blackm arket. Later the i rri tati n g but relati velyun i m portan tdevelop- m en ttax wass crapped. OnMay 1, the an n i vers ary of Obote' s an n oun cem en t ofthe 60/40 n ati on ali s ati onform ula, Gen eral Am i nan n oun cedwhat purported to be Ugan da' sn ew econ o- m i c poli cy. Pri vatei n ves tm en twouldbe welcom ed except i n afew key s ectorswhere the govern m en tthought i t es s en ti alto m ai n tai n a m on opoly, an d the 60/40 form ula would be replacedby a 49/51 arran gem en t whi chwould be appli ed, n ot to the 80-odd com pan i esli s ted by Obote, but toa s elect group of18 con cern s . At the ti m e the m ove washai led asa s i gnof flexi bi li ty; what wasn ot poi n ted outwasthatthe econ om y, whi le n o lon ger m ovi n g i nthe di recti on i nwhi ch Obote had poi n tedi t, had becom eai m les s . The old poli cy wasbei n g di s m an - tled butn o n ew thi n ki n g had replaced i t. Inthe cas e of the As i ancom m un i ty, therewasn o old poli cy to di s m an tle-as i tuati on whi ch m i ght have beenexpected to m ake the form ulati on of a n ew poli cy that m uch m ore urgen t. Yet n o clari fi cati on of the pos i ti onof n on -ci ti zen s hasbeenforthcom i n gthough Am i nhasordereda n ew cen s us of As i an s . In s teads everal govern - m en t m i n i s ters have attackedAs i an sasexploi tersof the i n di gen ouspopulati on . Thes e attackshave n oten - couraged As i an i n ves tm en t.Nei therhaveAfri can tradershad m orethanverbalcom fortan d en couragem en t. The en couragem en t of pri vate i n ves tm en twasreferred toat len gth i nthe budget s peech ofFi n an ce Mi n i s ter Em m an uel Wakhweya i nJun e. But the budget i ts elfn ot on ly con tai n edn o n ew i n cen ti ves to pri vate i n ves tm en t -i n vi ew ofthe govern m en t' s li m i ted opti on son re- Ourn am ei sGhan aPanElectri cLi m i ted Butyoucan callus GPEL for s hort. Weareelectri cals peci ali s tsWeofferyoueverythi n gelectri c - Hi gh quali tyequi pm en t Otvari ous un i ts .m odels an ds i zesA com prehen s i veran ge. Fluores cen t Fi tti n gs an dTubesFloodli ghts Swi tchgearFan sRadi ogram sRecord Players Gas an dElectri cCookersRefri gerators DeepFreezers .Kettles WaterHeatersAi r Con di ti on ers Wecan ' tm en ti on them all But wecans upplythem all Sowhen youcom etoGPEL yougeteverythi n g electri c;un deron eroof.fromon es peci ali s t. Ghan aPanElectri cLi m i ted An ddon ' t forgetours plen di ds ervi ce Wei n s tal,repai r an ds ervi ce. Youwi ll agreethen . It pays tocom etoGPEL For everythi n gelectri c I (ANAPANELETICLIMTEDI curren taccoun t that wastobe expected-but actually 52 I_--__ TRANSITION40 i n cludedtwo di s i n cen ti ves .The i n troducti on of a wi th- holdi n g tax onprofi tsrem i ttedovers eas m ade Ugan da a con s i derably les sattracti ve i n ves tm en t area, whi le the i n troducti on ofas i m i lar taxon bus i n es scon s ultan cy s ervi ces m ean tthat en terpri s eswhi chwi s hedto m akeus e of s uchs ervi ces wouldhaveto pay con s i derably m ore for them . The budget wasdi s appoi n ti n g i nother ways . Whi le Wakhweyas poke of aus teri ty an d ' dras ti ccuts 'i nm i n i s - teri al votes , the total draft recurren tan d developm en t expen di ture es ti m ates were both hi gher thanthos e ap- proved i n1970,largely due to i n creas eddefen ce expen di - ture. The 50 per cen t i n creas ei nrecurren tdefen ceex- pen di ture doesn o m ore thanreflectthe i n creas ei nthe s i zeof the arm ed forces , butthe s am ecan n otbe s ai dof the threefoldi n creas e i n the defen ce developm en tbudget. At a ti m e whenthe govern m en t haspledged i tsdeterm i - n ati onon ly to putm on ey i n to di rectly producti ve develo p m en t projects , thi sn on -producti ve i temaccoun tsfor 28 per cen t ofall projecteddevelopm en t expen di ture. Gen eralAm i nhass ai d that m os t of the defen ce developm en tbudget wi llbe s pen t locally oni m provi n g an d expan di n g barracks .Si n ce thi sappearsto be a prerequi s i te for curbi n gi n di s ci pli n e an d rai s i n g arm y m orale, there canbe n o quarrel wi th i t; a s table m i li tary s i tuati on i sas i n e qua n onfor econ om i c pro- gres s , an d to achi evei t the tem porary s acri fi ceof ortho- dox developm en ti s jus ti fi able. ButAm i n hasals o s pokenof re-equi ppi n g the arm y wi th m odernweapon ry, an d hass en t m i li tary m i s s i on s to s everal Europeancoun tri esto i n ves ti gatepos s i ble s ourcesof s upply. Des i rable though thi sm ay be froma m i li tarys tan dpoi n t, i t can n ot be jus ti fi ed i n term sof Ugan da' spres en t forei gnex- chan gepos i ti on . By Jun e of thi syear, Ugan da' s forei gnres erves had fallen to about half thei rlevel of n i n e m on thsprevi ous ly, an d were s uffi ci en tto cover les sthanthree m on thsi m - ports . Wi tha s m allervi s i bletrade s urplusforecas ti nthe com i n gm on ths ,con ti n ui n ghi ghgovern m en texpen di ture an d a hi gh level of publi c s ector con tractor-fi n an ci n g, the res erves s eemcertai ntoweaken .Ifthe govern m en t' spres en tpoli ci es con ti n ue, m eas ures of s uch s everi tym ay ulti m ately have to be res ortedto that forei gni n ves tm en t wi ll be further di s couraged. The lack of a coheren tecon om i c poli cy an d the pro- blem s as s oci atedwi th the Ugan daarm y are n ot the on ly obs tacles i nthe way of econ om i c progres s . Ci vi li an law- les s n es s an d the hi gh i n ci den ceof arm ed robbery(kon - doi s m ) are als o developm en t-i n hi bi ti n g. The prevalen ce of kon doi s m wason e of the 18 poi n tsm en ti on edi nthe s oldi ers 'proclam ati on , an d i t hasbeenanareai nwhi ch Am i n ' sgovern m en t hasm ades om e progres s . A ruthles scam pai gnlaun ched by the arm y i nApri l hasreduced vi olen t cri m e i nci ty cen tresan d wealthy s uburbsto m an ageableproporti on sfor the fi rs tti m ei ns everal years-buti nthe poor s uburbs an d i nm uchof rural Bugan da, parti cularly i nareasadjacen t to Kam pala, les si um pes s i onhasbeen m ade. Am on g the peculi arlyUgan dancaus esof the cri m e explos i oni nthe las t yearsof Obote' sregi m e werelack of con fi den cei nthe poli ceforce, whi chwascorrupt, un der- m an n edan d un der-equi pped;len gthydelaysi njudi ci al proces s ; the exam ple of arm yi n di s ci pli n e; the exam ple of corrupti on bypoli ti cal an d bus i n es sleaders ; an d the poli ti cal an d s oci al frus trati on an d deraci n ati on of the Let' sgo DUTCH! The way theDutch do; whi chm ean sdri n ki n g Dutch an d bei n g parti cular abouti t, whi chm ean sdri n ki n g- BOLS Becaus eBolspeoplearevery parti culartoo An dhavebeen foralm os t400yearsSo en joy B 0L S productsan d you' llwan tto goDutch, agai n , an d agai n . 53 I TRANSTION40 Bagan da after the des tructi onof thei r tradi ti on al i n s ti tu- ti on si n 1966.Am i nhasprom i s ed to revi tali s e the poli ce force, an d aswi th the arm y Bri tai ni sexpected to provi de trai n i n g as s i s tan ce an d perhapsals o equi pm en t. Som e i m provem en t hasalready beenn oti ceable, an d i nrecen t weeksthere have beenpoli cem enonthe beat i nKam pala, where previ ous ly there were n on e.Lack of res ourcesm ay delay the tran s form ati onof the force i n to a fully effecti ve un i t; the poli cebudgetpubli s hed i n Jun ewass li ghtly lowerthan thatforlas t year. The rejuven ati onofthe judi ci ary, als o un derm an n edan d tai n ted by allegati on sof corrupti on , has beenput i n the charge oftheform er Pri m e Mi n i s ter an d ex-detai n ee, BenKi wan uka, whomAm i nappoi n tedActi n g Chi efJus ti ce-am ovewhi ch i n ci den tally won hi mwi des pread s upport am on g form er m em bersof Ki wan uka' sDem ocrati c Party. Corrupti onwasdi s cus s ed at len gth i nthe s oldi ers 'pro- clam ati on , n ots om uchbecaus ei t en couraged lawles s - n es sbut rather asanevi l i ni ts elf. Corrupti ons tem m i n g frompoli ti cal acti vi ti es an dfrom theGen eralServi ce Un i t wasen ded by the s us pen s i onof on e an d the di s s olu- ti on of the other. Shortly after the coup Am i nan n oun - ced the s us pen s i on softhechai rm enofthes tate-own ed Nati on al Tradi n gCorporati onan dCoffee Marketi n g Board an d the appoi n tm en tsof s eparate com m i s s i on sof i n qui ry to i n ves ti gate thes etwobodi es an d corrupti ongen erally. Thecom m i s s i on s wi lln ot begi nworkun ti l later thi syear, an d un ti l they do the prom i s ed ' cleanup'i sun li kely tom ateri ali s e.In them ean ti m e Am i n has ex- pan ded thedefi n i ti onof corrupti ontoi n clude s lacki n g: were thecom m i s s i on s totakeas i m i lar vi ew,Ugan da' spubli c s ervi ce-li kethos eofm os tothercoun tri es - would be deci m ated, Mores eri ous i s thecurren t un certai n ty wi thi n the Eas t Afri canCom m un i ty. Far fromrecti fyi n g the alleged i s olati on i s tten den ci es oftheObote regi m e, ofwhi ch thes oldi ers 'proclam ati on com plai n ed, Am i n has com - pleted Ugan da' si s olati onfromon e EAC partn er s tate by clos i n g the Ugan da-Tan zan i a border. But i tseffect hasbeentos low developm en t n ot on ly i nUgan da, but i nthe Eas t Afri canregi onasa whole. The res torati onof fun dam en tal freedom sto Ugan dan shas n otbeen a problemtoAm i n ' sregi m e i n thes am e s en s e as the arm y, Bugan da orthe econ om y an dalli tsram i fi cati on s .Yet the govern m en t hasdon e m ore i nthi sarea than i n alm os t an y other i n i ts fi rs t s i xm on ths of power.On ly i non e res pect hasi t fai led toli ve up toi tsori gi n al i n ten ti on s , an d that i si nthe m atter of deten ti onwi thout tri al. The s oldi ersli s ted three s ourcesof popular com plai n t: the con ti n uati onof the State of Em ergen cy; lack of free- domof expres s i onan d as s oci ati on ; an d ' the un warran ted deten ti on wi thouttri alan dfor lon gperi odsofa large n um ber of people, m an y of whomare totally i n n ocen t of an ycharges .'TheStateof Em ergen cy was li ftedfour weeksafter the coup, the m ajori ty of poli ti cal detai n eeshavi n g beenreleas ed m uch earli er. The regulati on sfor treati n g n ewdetai n ees haven ot been fulfi lledwi thi n threem on ths ofthe legi s lati oncom i n g i n toforce. Ques ti on ed on thi spoi n t, Am i n ' sreply was n ot reas s uri n g.Mi li tary detai n ees would s hortly becourtm arti alled ' i n thefi eld's om e wayaway VOLTALINESLIMITED Ghan a' ss econ d i n di gen ouss hi ppi n g com pan y offerss hi ppersa goldenopportun i ty to fi n d n ew m arkets , to i n creas e your export trade wi th a reli able an d effi ci en tli n er s ervi ce VOLTALINESOPERATE FROMWEST AFRICA TOUNITEDSTATES/CANADIAN PORTS, FROMWEST AFRICA TOTHECONTINENT OF EUROPE, ANDFROMWEST AFRICA TO JAPAN/FAR EASTERN PORTS ANDWEST AFRICA TOTHE MEDITERRANEAN PLEASECONTACTUS FORYOURBOOKINGS HEADOFFICE: Telephon e: 21166;Telex:2066Accra C 180/1, Wes tFarrar Aven ue,Adabraka, P.O.Box 2816, Accra 54 TRANSITION 40 fromKam pala, hes ai d.Hedi dn ot s ay what chargeswould be brought agai n s t themor what would happento n on -m i li tary detai n ees .An dhe could gi ve n oas s uran ce that the proceedi n gswould be opento the pres s .Shortly afterwards , a n ewdeten ti on decree waspubli s hed,per- m i tti n g the govern m en t tohold m i li tary detai n eesfora further threem on ths wi thouttheMi n i s terofIn tern al Affai rsbei n g requi red toi s s ueform al deten ti on ordersagai n s t themashe would otherwi s e have beencom pelled todo by the Maylegi s lati on . Offi ci alss ai dthes hort durati onof the n ew law' seffecti ven es swasani n di cati onthat s om e of the m i li tary detai n eesm i ght s oonbe releas ed. Scepti css aw i tas am ean s of preven ti n g theDeten ti onRevi ew Com m i ttee, whi chcan n ot begi nworkun ti l deten ti on ordershavebeeni s s ued, fromgai n i n g acces sto the m i li tary detai n ees . Wi th thi s on e excepti on ,however, Am i n ' sregi m e hass hown i ts elf un i quely toleran tofcri ti ci s man ddi s s en t. Am i nhi m s elf hasevengon e s o far asto s ay that a govern - m en t wi thout oppos i ti oni sa weak govern m en t. Hehastravelled wi dely,en couragi n g thos ewi thwhom hehascom ei n tocon tacttoai rthei r gri evan cesfran kly, an d m aki n g frequen t us eofelders 'con feren ces toas certai nthe problem sof parti cular tri besan d di s tri cts .The s am e techn i que was us edi n anattem pt toi ron out reli gi ousdi fferen ces wi thi nthe Mos leman d An gli cancom m un i ti esan d i n ter-reli gi ousdi vi s i on s betweenUgan da' ss everal fai ths :i twas n ot com pletelys ucces s ful, butatleas ta s tart was m ade. Tri bal di fferen ces , n otably thes erf-lord di s pute betweenthe Bwam ba/Bakon jo an dBatoro peo- pleshave beengi venthe s am e treatm en t.The argum en t throughout hasbeenthat i t i sbetter to provi de a s afety- valve for di s con ten t thanto s ti fle i t. It wasfor the lack of a s afety-valve, the govern m en t m ai n tai n ed, that Obote' sregi m e fell s o eas i ly; i t doesn ot wan t to go the s am e way. Part ofthe govern m en t' sdi ffi culty has beentofi n d a s ui tablem ean s of i n s ti tuti on ali s i n g theven ti lati on of gri evan ces . Wi th poli ti cal acti vi ti ess us pen ded, parli a- m en t an d di s tri ct coun ci lsdi s s olved, there are few forum savai lable forthedi s cus s i on oflocalorn ati on ali s s ues . Elders 'con feren ceswere foun d n ot to be en ti rely s ati s fac- tory becaus ethe parti ci pan tsweredrawn from too n arrow a s oci al s tratum . As thi s i swri tten , m oves areun der way to es tabli s h throughoutUgan davi llage,s ub-coun ty,coun ty,an d di s tri ctcom m i ttees whos e m em bers hi p wi llbes elected fromall age-groups , reli gi on s , tri besan d form er poli ti cal affi li ati on s .Thei r fun cti onwi ll be to i den ti fy an d di s cus slocal problem san d pres um ably (although thi shasn ot yet beenm ade clear) to forward themtogether wi th s ugges t- i on s forthei rs oluti on tos om e hi gherauthori ty, yet tobe an n oun ced.The res ult s hould be the n on -parti s ann on -poli ti calequi valen t ofthe apparatusofan ati on al poli ti cal party. Si m i lar m oveswere to have beenm ade to dem ocrati s e them ean s of ai ri n ggri evan ceswi thi n the arm y wi ththecreati on ofas o-called m i li taryjun ta, con s i s ti n g often s oldi ersofran ksran gi n g frompri vate tos en i or offi cer drawnfromeach arm y un i t.Thi sbody wastohave had s weepi n g powerstoadvi s e thedefen ce coun ci l an d als o the cabi n et. Evi den tly thi spropos al wascon s i deredtoo radi cal, however, fors i xweeksafter the jun ta wass ai d to have beenform ed i t wasan n oun ced that i thadn otbeen form edat all, thati ts n am ewas a m i s n om er an d that what wasi nfact happen i n g was that m i li tary com m i tteeswere bei n g form ed i n each di s tri ct. Thes ewouldadvi s ethedefen cecoun ci lonproblem srelati n g tothei r areas , an dwouldals ohaveli m i ted advi s ory powersi nregard to the cabi n et. Am i n has als obeenen couragi n g freer debatei n the Ugan da pres s , but s o far wi th li ttle s ucces s .Acom bi n a- ti onof ti m orous n es sonthe part of reportersan d pus i lla- n i m i ty on the part ofthos ewho occupy theedi tori al chai rs has res ulted i ndepres s i n gly li ttle cri ti ci s m , con - s tructi ve or otherwi s e, appeari n g i nUgan dann ews papers . To s om e exten t i t i sun ders tan dablethat thi ss hould be s o. TheObote regi m e s ofrown edoni n depen den topi n i onthat m os t Ugan danjourn ali s tsn ow fi n d i ts exerci s e di ffi - cult, even un n atural.Buti ti s n on etheles sregrettable. Wi th the bes t wi ll i nthe world, n o govern m en t i sgoi n g to con ti n ue i n vi ti n g cri ti ci s mi n defi n i tely. Accoun ti n g the m eri tsan d dem eri tsof govern m en tsi san i n vi di oustas k, evenby s uch a s i m ple cri teri onas' to s ave abad s i tuati onfromgetti n g wors e' . The foregoi n g hasbeenanattem pt to i den ti fy s om e of the areasi nwhi ch Am i n ' sregi m e hass ucceededan dothers i n whi chi thasfai led, an dto deli n eate the m ai nproblem si t n ow faces -the arm y an d the econ om y,m utuallyi n terlocki n gyet atodds -an d them ai n eraof poten ti alcon cern -Bugan da. Am ore con clus i ve evaluati onwi llhave toawai t the com pleti onofthes econ dan dm oredi ffi cult s i xm on ths .l 55