American muslim youth and prayer

Youth View of Prayer By: Anas Koshak, Anthony Mohammed, and Asif Amin



Transcript of American muslim youth and prayer

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Youth View of Prayer

By:Anas Koshak, Anthony Mohammed, and

Asif Amin

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Status of Prayer in Islam Muhammed-peace be upon him-said,"Islam has been built on five [pillars]: testifying that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammed is the messenger of Allah, performing the prayers, paying the zakat, making the pilgrimage to the House, and fasting in Ramadan." (related by Bukhari and Muslim)

Praying is an important practice for a muslim youth.

Profession of faith Prayers giving to the


during Ramadan Pilgrimage to Mecca

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How Muslims PrayBefor praying

Make WuduFace the QiblaMake Niyaah: The intention to pray

Performing the prayerBegin Salat

A prayer usually takes 5 minutes


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Jewish and Christian prayers

The people of the book or Islam, Christianity and Jewdeism all have some sort of prayer. The Jewish prayer is almost identical to the muslim way of praying.They start of standing strait up then they bend there back a little bit forward. Then they git on the ground and put there head to the ground as a sign of humillity. The Christian prayer places specific emphasis on prayer and worship like muslims. Weekly gatherings are common and muslims have them too.

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Jewish times for prayer Prayer Time

Shacharit Morning Prayers

Mincha Afternoon Prayers

Ma'ariv (or Arvit) Evening Prayer

Friday Night Services Friday Night

Musaf Evening Prayer

Saturday Afternoon Services combined

Saturday Afternoon

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Christian Worship- Practices Christian faith consists of-

Holy Communion Fasting during LintSpeaking in TonguesWorship through song and danceEvangelism

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Youth issues about prayingSince muslims pray five times a day, they will need to pray the Zhur prayer (Prayer just after midday) in school.In some public schools, students leave classes momentarily to pray and some wait to pray when they get home.Muslim prayers in public schools: Akram Shami, from the Islamic Center of Southern California in Los Angeles, said"We pray to God, we worship God, and we recite verses from the Koran. Prayer is typical at noon or 1 p.m. but there are five daily prayers." [Randy Dotinga, The Christian Science Monitor,, July 12, 2007]

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Possible solutions

The school can give students 10 minutes of free time or recess for some students to pray.

There can be an empty classroom for prayers in school or an islamic club in school.

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Friday Prayer

Friday prayer is a community prayer for muslims every friday during midday in mosque.It usually takes 30 to 45 minutes.Most students are in school during Friday prayer.

Friday prayer at the university of

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Possible solutions

Schools can allow students to be excused for the time required to attend a local masjid and to let them be able to make up any missed work.

Schools can allow students to leave during lunch or during Independent research period that can be put in a specific period chosen by the students to be with the time of friday prayer.

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The U.S. supreme court and praying in schools

The U.S. supreme court has forbidden public schools and other agencies of the government to interfere with Americans' constitutional right to follow their own consciences when it comes to religion.

Guide lines were sent to every public school, stressed that students have the right to pray or to discuss their religious views with their peers so long as they are not disruptive.

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Jewish and Christians dealing with praying in school

Students already have the right to pray and read the Bible in public schools; no one is suggesting that right be taken from them. Rather, the question is, should the government lead students in prayer in public schools?