American Baptist (Louisville, Ky.). (Louisville, KY) 1904...

I J A 1V E Po RICAN qo BAPTlStr eElOe J BE k VXKuXXVI NO XLYI LPUISVILLE KY FRIDAY NOVEMBER 18 LOOt ESTABLISHED Hs79 THE HOME DAYS the golden rod has whispered Or OrWben the maple leaves are red the n bins ntllt is empty And the crickets prayers are said r lu the silence and the shadow L hastening fall Of the swiftly Come th dear and happy home Jays II OtjB we love the best of all r Then the house hold gathers early it And the fire light leaps and glows r Till the old earth in its brightness Wears the glory of the rote I t Then the grandsire thinks of stories And tbe children cluster sweet Aud the floor Is just a keyboard For the babys patteing feet If lbs rain drops dance cotillions On the roof aud on the eaves If the chill wind sweeps the meadows Shorn and bare and bound iu sheaves If the arowflakes come like fairies Show in shoes of silence we Ouly crowd the closer closer Where the cheery kindred be Oh the dear moo of the mother AH she tuokn the laddies in Ob the big voice of the father Heard oer all the merry din Home and happy homely loved ones How they weave their spells around Heart and life and creed aud memory In the farmstead holy ground When the goldenrod has laded When the maple leaves are led Jr When the empty net is clinging To the branches overhead In the silence aud the shadow Of the hurry later fall Come the dear days com the borne ° days In the year the best of all Margaret B Sangster Some Reflections on the Election The recent election which resulted In such an overwhelming victory for the Republican party ie replete with lessons for all who will open their eyes Ijgrt riceVH thtru I do jttx jffmpiahsr that any political event except the election of Honest Abe In the pres ¬ idency and the Emancipation act has been freighted with so much good for the whole people and particularly for the Negro as this one Those whose limited visions have compelled tnem to doubt the right ¬ eousness of the foundation upon which the mueh talked of progress of the American people Is being bull as well HS those whose judgment has bean suspended till after that election mutt Hcnuowledge that America stands fur that which exalts nations and that Our average fellow jitlzen is a Bane and healthy man who believes in decency uutl has wholesome mind Not rnly i the election of Roose- velt pruor of these asseitions but the fact thnt states are rising to that enl ¬ nence where they make no hesitancy lu stepping aside from thier party when b better wan is oflered by anoth- er ¬ party The tendency to do this was never more marked than in the recent election Mliaour I for instance elect- ed l Mr Folk Democrat for governor those wbo have followed his fight against the boodlers iu St Louie rec ¬ ognized in Mr Folk a kinored spirit to that of President Roosevelt A Repub¬ lican whose name I do not now recall I wan clouted 1 Prosecuting Attorney to 1sueueecl Mr Folk Mr Uoosevelt car ¬ ried the state jY 1 PREJUDICE WANING itRven the wisest of those who observed r It Ittbe argumenti ot Mr Bryant and thou other orator who dragged the Negro Queitlim into prominence must be a little surprised agreeably so howev ¬ m r er that it cut not even its usual swatb The breaking of the Sq lid South and t r that too when money was not an Is ¬ sue is indeed very significant Here ¬ < in lies much inspiration for the young Negio who ha grown optimistic and fainthearted The voice of the people waN stoutly declared lu favor of men e It has disregarded party afflictions to j reach them It has bnldly and unmis ¬ takably ahpt eyed the Roosevelt policy which which I to set forth in the follow- Ing ¬ woidi token from bis Labor Day speech at Syracuse N Y We taD keep out government on a sane and healthy batja l we can make and keep our sooial system what it should bi only on condition of judg ¬ Bc I lug each man n t ar a member of a class but n Iile worth aft a man It is an infamous thing iu our American life and fundamentally treacherous to Dlleour personal worth or to draw between WOEtwo sets of wen any distinction save the distinction of conduct the distinc ¬ I theton that mark off those who do wJ mad wisely from those who III and fool ishly o comment le needed It is evident t ttak Uli atpublloan victory is a try f t umph of righteousness And many times bleared is he whose faith in God is strong enough to believe that such triumphs are within reach of every idividual There is that in righteous ¬ ness that will make its way upward in spite of the combination of all evil It makes men respect and support it when they would not It is not enough to simply want to be right but tie enough to be right and know it and stand for it We just cant help put love and push forward such people Nor do we ever forget them Certain ¬ ly their perished form will return to the dust whence they came but that which animated them will be a rich legacy from generation to generation WARNING = Thore is some danger that suon arti ¬ cles as this one may be wrongly con ¬ strued Many a man has been shin wrecked because of him being mis ¬ guided in his youth I have strongly implied and am very frank o say that there is a point within reach of every man where he is recognized and desk with as a man But this point let me say with equal frankness Is the result of patient industry the caldron wherein are made heroes true knights This I am aware la the substance of an oftquoted maxim but only he fails I samelthought better put by President Roosevelt that I cannot resist the temptation to quote him again This is taken from his speech in Chicago before the Ham ilton Club in 1899 1 wish to preach not the doctrmceof ignoble ease but the doctrine of the strenuous life the life of toil and ef ¬ fort of labor and strife to preach the highest form of success which comes not to the man who desires mere easy peace but to the man who does not shrink from danger from hardship or bitter toil and who out of these wins the splendid ultimate triumy I B al FOR OVER SIXTY YEARS Mrs Winslow Soothing Syrup has been used for over 60 year by millions of mothers for their children while teething with perfect success It soothes the child softens the gums allays all pain cures wind colic and i the best remedy for diarrhoea It will relieve the poor little sufferer immedi ¬ ately Bold by Druggists in every pars of the world Twentyfive cent a bottle Be sure and ask for Mrs Winslow oothing Syrup and take no other THE B Y P U WORK To the Pastors and Presidents of the B Y P U of the State of Kentucky Dear Brethren At our meeting held in Winchester at the First Baptist church Rev R T Huffman pastor We found after deep and thorough searching that the Unions was in debt to Rev G W Hampton the State Or ¬ ganizer the sum of 12000 At our lest Board meeting held at the above named place in Broadway Baptist church Rev Hampton agreed to give the Union one half of this amount ifwe would make an effort to pay him in a reasonable time I was requested to appeal to the several Unions throughout the State asking you to aonate as much as you possibly could over 9100 I trust the secretary of the city union Mr Carter will take notice andcaUamal meeting of the Union and tngethe with the chairman Mrs W M Parke see what can be done toward this matter I trust every pastor will accept this open letter and ieel as duty bound to help as if I had ailed in person We anxious that this be a year of doing good and helping others to help them ¬ selves The Moderator of the General Association Rev G W Ward D D of Covington is with us and ia one of UH and he will do all In his power to orgaDI1zaUon tends to lift the young people and help them to read end understand the Bible The Book of book We have in the field an energetic young man ir the person of Rev D P Jones of Nicholasville Aiy person may be come a life member upon payment of 100 or an annual member upon pay ¬ went of 26 cents Send your name and money to the secretary and recelvt credit for the same In the near future we will publish the names of the mem uers Yours in the Work MATTZB V DtJPP Cor Secy of B Y P U Somerset Ky aIJ JfI WOMENS WORK Owing to a misunderstanding as to dates we failed to visit Paint Lick and Kirksville churches of which our faith ¬ ful brother and friend Rev W D Thompson of White HallIs pastor we left Richmond for Berea where Rev T R Reed and Sro E D Moran met us at the train We spent the night at the pleasant home of Bro Moran this was possibly the saddest of all days at Berea for it was the opening of Be ¬ rea College and the first time in it his- tory that the door were closed against colored students The colored people or that town who had moved there lor ChildIIren could but sympathize with them in this their great trial and express our gati tude to God for the foresight of our forefathers In establishing our own school State University where nene can molest none make us afraid Was unable to hold our meeting and hurriedly left for Jellico Tenn to att- end the Loudon District Association it was a long tiresome trip aud we were delighted to meet on board our train Bev R B Butler All messengers were met by the Recption Committee aud taken to the home of Mr and Mrs heartyI home and never did we receive a more royal wecome A large delegation was In attendance from all sea lions dinners suppers and breakfasts at the homes of Mesdames Johnson Sweatta Bowles and Jenkins aud every delicacy of the the season served in abundance The sessions were indeed interesting and services largely attended aud greatly enjoyed by all The election of officers was an Interesting feature Revs G W Fish and H Patterson wire elected Moderators and A B H McKee Secre- taries ¬ The sermons preached by Revs R B Butler Dr C P M Bigbee and 1 Fuller deserves special mention We have never heard either of the above named brethren preaeb in this section of Kentucky as tbey preached in the mountains and this was the con ensns cf opinion of all woo hoard them Rev J B Miller tbe little David of Eastern Kentucky is the bonocd pastor of Jel ¬ lico church which so highly entertain ed the association and deserves great credit for tne faithful service rendered and the great work done We hud t e- very gn at pleasure of being Introduced to this Christian body nf ministers ou Friday nigh aud presented our claim The messeng rs members and friends responded by giving a collection ot 1810 including the 300 given for animal membership viz Mrs P H Clarke Mr Sterhnr M Jennie ga and Mr Enl Johnson 1 00 each R JV J Frances W Ison and Bro Bledsoe ably assisted us by d I iMpnfing of 60 charts al 10 cents each during ttie niiviue ttm adding 500 more to the receipts malt ¬ lug a total of 1810 Over 20000 all told was raised dur ¬ log the sitting of this association re ¬ gret not to be able to publish the names of all who contributed but handed our list of name to secretary McKee to copy for his minute who has as yet failed to have It returned to us We are thankful to all who so liberally assisted us in this special co lection We spent Sunday night and part of Monday in tbe invitiu home of Mr and Mrs Ents Johnson who enjoy the distinc ¬ whoI mountainous mining town Thev are accumulating wealth as rapidly as they are friends and distinction Kidding all goodbye we w re off at 210 n m for Middlesboro and per appointment found Rev Ii C Turpin tbe honored pastor awaiting us Enjoyed the trip greatly and can never forget the beau ¬ tiful scenery between Jollico and Mid- dle boro Sister Turpin welcomed us in her usual cordial manner just as she used to welcome us at Danville We enjoyed a hearty supper and then we were off in a trap to church a distance of a mile away Found a large and ap prtoiative audience awaitin us and we were warmly received by all Rev Turpin impressively conducted devo ¬ tional Hxetoisea and then introduced as in an appreciative manner After making a plea for our work the follow ¬ ing named persons contributed to ths same Mrs Ida 1urpin 100 for annual membership brethren King M Kenney 66 cents t Foster 60 cents Wm Strod der John Templeton Martin Tlmple ton Allen Graaam Charley Wells sls terp Mattie Conley 26 cents each total 500 We regretted much to eave next morning In he rain but according to appointment we were oft at 6 a m for London reaching tbi point at 11 a m We found Mra and Miss MoKee await- ing us and went with them to their home whete we were welcomed by each member of tbe family After an joying a hearty meal we were glad to spend the afternoon resting for we felt quite exhausted At 8 p m we were off for church where a small crowd had assembled Owing to pastors ab ¬ generallyknown received from this congregation the sum of 200 Rav A B McKee and sis ¬ ter A D MoKbe contributed 26 cents each We left on the morning tiam for Pittsbnrg and upon reaching that point found our faithful sister Susan Baker there to meet ua and accompa ¬ nied us to her comfortable home On our way we met brother Patterson also coming tl join ua At night a small audience greeted ua after devotional services we were introduced and re- ceived ¬ the sum 1126 Prof T M Faulk ¬ ner Mrs H Patterson and sister Em ¬ ma Tlnsley ifi cents each Before leaving we had the pleasure of visit ¬ ing tee ehool taught by Prof Fanlk nerand was glad to find such a bright set of pupils The trustees are prepar¬ ing to erect their college building In tbe near future on their b antifnl cam ¬ pus at London recently purchased the very suggestion of which broadens smile proficient of Prof T M Faulkner heI I prlnolpalI I Leaving at 11 p m we were off Richmond thence to Flannagan furI I route to Howards Creek Sunday 80hoolI I Convention here we were the comfortable home of possibly one of the oldest and best established fami ¬ lies in Kentucky viz brother and sister l Robert Bush aged 86 and 84 respective ¬ ly the pioneers of the Howards Creek church This church enjoys the distinc tics of being the oldest church in Ken ¬ tucky being 107 years old Our stay hire was a most delightful one Tbe convention was a splendid success both spiritually and finacially the president Rev A W Harris the belov- ed ¬ president was reeleoted to office 01Oross pains in the entertainment of all conS corned a timi long to be remembered tyi historic Howards Creek Saturday V jht we were given an opportunity to prosen out claims although may of the messengers hail left and we had al- most 1 despaired of having any suc- cess ¬ whatever we were agreeably lor- ¬ prised to find a packed house Rev Harris in Sic usual genial manner in ¬ troduced us We spoke at length and presented the claims of our work with all the earnestness of heart and tongue the messenger members and friends responded by giving u contrbutlon of 1245 specified as follows for annual membership Rev A W Harris Bro Henry Murreil and sister iva Rollins 100 each Revs D W Seals J H Lewis brethren Wm H Stevard c Taylor B F Patterson Warren Spotts George Scruggs Ollle Gentry John Zeke Bush Rev J C Cross sisters Jennie Miller Lemma Riley Susie F Young tvo Evan Clara Scruggs Mime Mosbvt Mollie Jobusoi Mary West Nina Prewitt snd Etta Hampton 26 cents each Rev J F Wilson again nobly assisted us in a material way by disposing of 80 charts for 800 while we assisted in taking up the collection making a grand total of 1546 for which all have our thanks A society was organized with the following offi ¬ cers sisters lee Jane Million Iva Rol ¬ lins and Jennie Harris Presidents Em- ma ¬ Murray and Fannie Bush Secrets ¬ rice Iydia Woodford Treasurer Liz ¬ zie Cio < s Mary Gentry and Nina Prewett Members of the Board of Man ¬ agers All entered into tbe work heartily and we are hopeful of great results We enjoyed a delightful din ¬ ner and spent a pleasant night at tbe attractive country home of brother John Zeko Bush and family attended Sunday School Sunday morning and left at 11 a m for Otter Creek per ap¬ pointment I remain faithfully yours L M JACKSON J WORDS OF PRAISE II see a brief note in your pap r of 14tb that Rev H B Wt biter D D preached a sermon which was a I dtlivtryI absolutely and complstelyfrom I I bed set Dr Wb tHr down ao one of I tbe slowest pracherg i In the state of Kentucky butat tho district associa lion he bad the Doctrinal Sermon to preach brethren It was one of the ablest I think I ever heard from a man M lips Sometimes you mav find a gem in a hog pen Yet this doea not apply at all to Dr Webster far his life Is full of good deeds a lovable man with the modesty of an Andrew Heath andaJ K Polk always seems to be seeking to get out of tbe way Such is tJae great and good man Dr Webster No wondirtt was ajE a6nly brilliance I was added to goodness I am sure he did not seek tbe committee to get the job I know some men who go from one association to another to see the Committee on Sermons to get them ¬ selves on to preach the next year and they think they can out preach Dr Gaddie but tbey cant do it This io my opinion of Dr Webster May God bless him to bless others is my prayer B T HOFFMAN Plttaburg Pa- THANKSOYINO I PROCLAMATION Last Monday Governor Beokham Is- sued ¬ the following Thanksgiving Proc Isolation Commonwealth of Kentucky Exec ¬ utive Department Following the ac ¬ tion of the President cf the United States I fix Thursday November 24th as a day of thanksgiving and prayer throughout the Commonwealth of Ken ¬ tucky I request that upon that day all of our people fauall refrain from their business and worldly cares and by charitable and religious deeds ahow their gratitude to Almighty God for lice many blessings and bounties to us In testimony whereof I have here ¬ unto set my baud and caused the great seal of the Commonweltn to be here unto affixed Done at Frankfort this 14th day of Novemberl904aDd in tbe 113th year of the Commonwealth By the Gov ¬ ernor J C W BKCKHAM liB V McChesney Secretary of State I UNIVERSITY NOTES S U Rah rah rab rah S U Rah rab rab rah Hurrah Burrahl State University rah rah rah xo z Rev J W Million pastor at Emi ¬ HIBIremarks He assured us that Eminence would be heard from in the rally IEvery teacher and student is all astir question The sad news of the death of Mrs Florence nee Biruey came to us this week The stnden a and faculty at ¬ tended the funeral Wednesday at Quinn Chapel She was at one time a tender in our University The bereaved fanc- ily ¬ have our sympathy The gaweThank Dr Puree assisted in communion at Green Street church last Sunday af terOOU Mrs Steiumetz held a grand meeting n chapel Tuesday The ladies attended church at Zion last Sunday The Ladies Board will lIve Dr and Mrs Pares a grand reception on the night of December 2nd in honor of their tenth anniversary of toeing in Old Kentucky Tbe Executive Board of the General Association the Board of Trustees the Alumni and other bodies will have rep- resentatives ¬ at the recaption December 2ndCalvary church is being beautified and will soon look like a new church The Fifth Street church had a new appearance on Dr Franks anniversary beautified within and without The ordination of six deacons and Rev Weber there made a good start for a new year Tbe Green Street chinch under Dr Gaddie put on a new app arent last Sunday with its new paper and fresh paint The churches of Loniavllle are up to date e Dr E J Fisher of Chicago preached an excellent sermon at ZIon church Wednesnaj night to help Mr Samuel Ducan in his club for the rally Bro Duncan ia a great worker Bro C M Hammond returned from West Baden in splendid health and spirit tbe springs did him good Dr P H Kenneey is helping Dr Frank in his revival at Fifth St church Much good is being done NOTICE TO ALUMNI The graduates of ill department of State University are requested to meet at the University Tuesday November anl at 2 ooioek p m Business of Importance C M HAMMOND I J t President IIINXq1Nol1 1 Seoy f if STATE MISSIONS PAPER RKAD BY Bsv C C BATs D D AT THE CITY M AD COWFKRBNOB ter Christian ¬ of the preparlDand missionaries the above definition include local state home and foreign missions andI we decide from It that stale missions are enterprises of the Christian church in a state for the peapie sending 10 them teachers called ails aionarlesUnder PreparingTeaebers erecting k greatest and best training schools and auxiliaryTruly ykind along the shores of time throwing out rays of the light of the gospel by which men women and children who would other wander stumble fall finally be lost in the daikeat of sin may plainly see the path which leads to an everlasting life of peace rest and joyWe do not believe that the commis lion given by Christ should be slut In or cut off bit weilbould Go ye into all tbe world and preach the gospel to every creature Jt When we do this we are truly doing missionary work for taking sending or in any way making it possible that the gospel be seut thereby carrying out the Great Commission t is the only way to do mission work We are however afraid that many of those sent eut in the name of mla alouariex forget the Commission of Christ and go out with another ber + j suited to them which ia go into Se cities towns and soft easy places whereo we can have a good time J1dcehr I all JIn y they are f irly sucesaful but tI money 1 gathering for even Christ could or did not wholly dispense with it in pei feet lug the plan of salvation and neither can we But it should not be the prme and greatest cbejftot our missionaries at the expense of rulnea and lost soul In short we suggest that those male objec is to gather money be called fl nauclai agents and our missionaries do more of tbe real work assigned to them by Christ rrt lyhThe servant I Is worthy of hta hire lId they should be supported and as mtb aa possible by the people on tbe field but his work is to save tools and he should be supported even though be doesnt raise a cent Some people go to the extreme and feel that they have no right to give anything to mission fo they say The gospel Is free It I is free and so is water but the bucket cup or vessel in which it ia conveyed is not free ao it ia with the vessel in which the gospel ia conveyed When Christ was here he told tie lari borers to begin working in that part of r tbe field where they were abiding then in the surrounding parts and then to the uttermost parts Acts 18 Then our own states are e much pacts of the Held as planes situated In the heathen lands and should not be neglected by na but let as see to it that they are stations for hi aven and that all that dwell therein ire passengers for that haven of eat Tbe world is the field and our own in ¬ divldual churches pastors if they be rapproved are precious In his eight and when wei too meet our own selfish end or for pile revebege or any aatana promptt ings do anything to impede their pro gross we are sowing tare and what aoever a man soweth that shall he reap e I Cold Comfort from Doctors Doctor say neuralgia ia not danger ou This la peer consolation te a ral ferer who feels that an if his face were t pierced with hot needles aid ten wlUal a thousand pairs of pinoY acv A werd ta t advice to him R a say ifideors and use Perry Davis Palnkillei Tile bl1 freedom from pain which fellows ills treatment cannot be told Then e bf >t- one Painkiller Perry Davis 4 i B Et i n J lJk f I d utwa et

Transcript of American Baptist (Louisville, Ky.). (Louisville, KY) 1904...

Page 1: American Baptist (Louisville, Ky.). (Louisville, KY) 1904 · t Then the grandsire thinks of stories ... For the babys patteing feet







the golden rod has whisperedOrOrWben the maple leaves are red

the n bins ntllt is emptyAnd the crickets prayers are said

r lu the silence and the shadowL hastening fallOf the swiftly

Come th dear and happy home JaysII OtjB we love the best of all

r Then the house hold gathers earlyit And the fire light leaps and glowsr Till the old earth in its brightness

Wears the glory of the roteI t Then the grandsire thinks of storiesAnd tbe children cluster sweet

Aud the floor Is just a keyboardFor the babys patteing feet

If lbs rain drops dance cotillionsOn the roof aud on the eaves

If the chill wind sweeps the meadowsShorn and bare and bound iu sheaves

If the arowflakes come like fairiesShow in shoes of silence we

Ouly crowd the closer closerWhere the cheery kindred be

Oh the dear moo of the motherAH she tuokn the laddies in

Ob the big voice of the fatherHeard oer all the merry din

Home and happy homely loved onesHow they weave their spells around

Heart and life and creed aud memoryIn the farmstead holy ground

When the goldenrod has ladedWhen the maple leaves are led

Jr When the empty net is clingingTo the branches overhead

In the silence aud the shadowOf the hurry later fall

Come the dear days com the borne° days

In the year the best of allMargaret B Sangster

Some Reflections on the Election

The recent election which resultedIn such an overwhelming victory for

the Republican party ie replete withlessons for all who will open their eyesIjgrt riceVH thtru I dojttx jffmpiahsrthat any political event except theelection of Honest Abe In the pres¬

idency and the Emancipation act hasbeen freighted with so much good forthe whole people and particularly forthe Negro as this one

Those whose limited visions havecompelled tnem to doubt the right¬

eousness of the foundation upon whichthe mueh talked of progress of theAmerican people Is being bull aswell HS those whose judgment hasbean suspended till after that electionmutt Hcnuowledge that America standsfur that which exalts nations andthat Our average fellow jitlzen is aBane and healthy man who believes indecency uutl has wholesome mind

Not rnly i the election of Roose-velt pruor of these asseitions but thefact thnt states are rising to that enl¬

nence where they make no hesitancylu stepping aside from thier partywhen b better wan is oflered by anoth-er


party The tendency to do this wasnever more marked than in the recentelection MliaourI for instance elect-

edl Mr Folk Democrat for governorthose wbo have followed his fightagainst the boodlers iu St Louie rec ¬

ognized in Mr Folk a kinored spirit tothat of President Roosevelt A Repub¬

lican whose name I do not now recall

I wan clouted1 Prosecuting Attorney to

1sueueecl Mr Folk Mr Uoosevelt car¬

ried the state


itRven the wisest of those who observedrItIttbe argumenti ot Mr Bryant and thou

other orator who dragged the NegroQueitlim into prominence must bea little surprised agreeably so howev¬

mr er that it cut not even its usual swatb

The breaking of the Sq lid South andt r that too when money was not an Is¬

sue is indeed very significant Here¬

< in lies much inspiration for the youngNegio who ha grown optimistic andfainthearted The voice of the peoplewaN stoutly declared lu favor of men

e It has disregarded party afflictions toj reach them It has bnldly and unmis ¬

takably ahpt eyed the Roosevelt policywhich which Ito set forth in the follow-


woidi token from bis Labor Dayspeech at Syracuse N Y

We taD keep out government on asane and healthy batjal we can makeand keep our sooial system what itshould bi only on condition of judg¬

Bc Ilug each man n t ar a member of aclass but n Iile worth aft a man It isan infamous thing iu our Americanlife and fundamentally treacherous to

Dlleour personal worth or to draw between

WOEtwo sets of wen any distinction savethe distinction of conduct the distinc ¬

I theton that mark off those who do wJmad wisely from those who III and foolishly

o comment le needed It is evidentt ttak Uli atpublloan victory is a try



umph of righteousness And manytimes bleared is he whose faith in Godis strong enough to believe that suchtriumphs are within reach of everyidividual There is that in righteous ¬

ness that will make its way upward inspite of the combination of all evil

It makes men respect and support itwhen they would not It is not enoughto simply want to be right but tieenough to be right and know it andstand for it We just cant help putlove and push forward such people

Nor do we ever forget them Certain¬

ly their perished form will return tothe dust whence they came but thatwhich animated them will be a richlegacy from generation to generation

WARNING=Thore is some danger that suon arti ¬

cles as this one may be wrongly con ¬

strued Many a man has been shinwrecked because of him being mis ¬

guided in his youth I have stronglyimplied and am very frank o saythat there is a point within reach ofevery man where he is recognized anddesk with as a man But this pointlet me say with equal frankness Is theresult of patient industry the caldronwherein are made heroes true knightsThis I am aware la the substance ofan oftquoted maxim but only he fails I

samelthoughtbetter put by President Rooseveltthat I cannot resist the temptation toquote him again This is taken fromhis speech in Chicago before the Hamilton Club in 1899

1 wish to preach not the doctrmceofignoble ease but the doctrine of thestrenuous life the life of toil and ef¬

fort of labor and strife to preach thehighest form of success which comesnot to the man who desires mere easypeace but to the man who does notshrink from danger from hardship orbitter toil and who out of these winsthe splendid ultimate triumy




Mrs Winslow Soothing Syrup hasbeen used for over 60 year by millionsof mothers for their children whileteething with perfect success Itsoothes the child softens the gumsallays all pain cures wind colic and ithe best remedy for diarrhoea It willrelieve the poor little sufferer immedi¬

ately Bold by Druggists in every parsof the world Twentyfive cent a bottleBe sure and ask for Mrs Winslowoothing Syrup and take no other


To the Pastors and Presidents of theB Y P U of the State of Kentucky

Dear Brethren At our meeting heldin Winchester at the First Baptistchurch Rev R T Huffman pastor

We found after deep and thoroughsearching that the Unions was in debtto Rev G W Hampton the State Or¬

ganizer the sum of 12000 At our lestBoard meeting held at the above namedplace in Broadway Baptist church RevHampton agreed to give the Union onehalf of this amount ifwe would makean effort to pay him in a reasonabletime I was requested to appeal to theseveral Unions throughout the Stateasking you to aonate as much as youpossibly could over 9100 I trust thesecretary of the city union Mr Carterwill take notice andcaUamal meetingof the Union and tngethe with thechairman Mrs W M Parke see whatcan be done toward this matter Itrust every pastor will accept thisopen letter and ieel as duty bound tohelp as if I had ailed in person Weanxious that this be a year of doinggood and helping others to help them ¬

selves The Moderator of the GeneralAssociation Rev G W Ward D D

of Covington is with us and ia one ofUH and he will do all In his power to

orgaDI1zaUontends to lift the young people andhelp them to read end understand theBible The Book of book We havein the field an energetic young man irthe person of Rev D P Jones ofNicholasville Aiy person may become a life member upon payment of

100 or an annual member upon pay ¬

went of 26 cents Send your name andmoney to the secretary and recelvtcredit for the same In the near futurewe will publish the names of the memuers

Yours in the WorkMATTZB V DtJPP

Cor Secy of B Y P USomerset Ky



Owing to a misunderstanding as todates we failed to visit Paint Lick andKirksville churches of which our faith ¬

ful brother and friend Rev W DThompson of White HallIs pastor weleft Richmond for Berea where RevT R Reed and Sro E D Moran metus at the train We spent the nightat the pleasant home of Bro Moranthis was possibly the saddest of all daysat Berea for it was the opening of Be¬

rea College and the first time in it his-tory that the door were closed againstcolored students The colored peopleor that town who had moved there lor

ChildIIrencould but sympathize with them in thistheir great trial and express our gatitude to God for the foresight of ourforefathers In establishing our ownschool State University where nenecan molest none make us afraid

Was unable to hold our meeting andhurriedly left for Jellico Tenn to att-

end the Loudon District Association itwas a long tiresome trip aud we weredelighted to meet on board our trainBev R B Butler All messengers weremet by the Recption Committee audtaken to the home of Mr and MrsheartyIhome and never did we receive a moreroyal wecome A large delegation wasIn attendance from all sea lions dinnerssuppers and breakfasts at the homes ofMesdames Johnson Sweatta Bowlesand Jenkins aud every delicacy of thethe season served in abundance Thesessions were indeed interesting andservices largely attended aud greatlyenjoyed by all The election of officerswas an Interesting feature Revs GW Fish and H Patterson wire electedModerators and A B H McKee Secre-taries


The sermons preached by RevsR B Butler Dr C P M Bigbee and 1Fuller deserves special mention Wehave never heard either of the abovenamed brethren preaeb in this sectionof Kentucky as tbey preached in themountains and this was the con ensnscf opinion of all woo hoard them RevJ B Miller tbe little David of EasternKentucky is the bonocd pastor of Jel¬

lico church which so highly entertained the association and deserves greatcredit for tne faithful service renderedand the great work done We hud t e-

very gn at pleasure of being Introducedto this Christian body nf ministers ouFriday nigh aud presented our claimThe messeng rs members and friendsresponded by giving a collection ot1810 including the 300 given for

animal membership viz Mrs P HClarke Mr Sterhnr M Jennie ga andMr Enl Johnson 1 00 each R JV JFrances W Ison and Bro Bledsoe ablyassisted us by d IiMpnfing of 60 charts al10 cents each during ttie niiviue ttmadding 500 more to the receipts malt ¬

lug a total of 1810Over 20000 all told was raised dur ¬

log the sitting of this association re ¬

gret not to be able to publish the namesof all who contributed but handed ourlist of name to secretary McKee to copyfor his minute who has as yet failedto have It returned to us We arethankful to all who so liberally assistedus in this special co lection We spentSunday night and part of Monday intbe invitiu home of Mr and MrsEnts Johnson who enjoy the distinc ¬whoImountainous mining town Thev areaccumulating wealth as rapidly as theyare friends and distinction Kiddingall goodbye we w re off at 210 n mfor Middlesboro and per appointmentfound Rev Ii C Turpin tbe honoredpastor awaiting us Enjoyed the tripgreatly and can never forget the beau¬

tiful scenery between Jollico and Mid-

dle boro Sister Turpin welcomed usin her usual cordial manner just as sheused to welcome us at Danville Weenjoyed a hearty supper and then wewere off in a trap to church a distanceof a mile away Found a large and apprtoiative audience awaitin us andwe were warmly received by all RevTurpin impressively conducted devo ¬

tional Hxetoisea and then introducedas in an appreciative manner Aftermaking a plea for our work the follow¬

ing named persons contributed to thssame Mrs Ida 1urpin 100 for annualmembership brethren King M Kenney66 cents t Foster 60 cents Wm Strodder John Templeton Martin Tlmpleton Allen Graaam Charley Wells slsterp Mattie Conley 26 cents each total500 We regretted much to eave next

morning In he rain but according toappointment we were oft at 6 a m forLondon reaching tbi point at 11 a mWe found Mra and Miss MoKee await-ing us and went with them to theirhome whete we were welcomed byeach member of tbe family After an

joying a hearty meal we were glad tospend the afternoon resting for we feltquite exhausted At 8 p m we wereoff for church where a small crowdhad assembled Owing to pastors ab¬

generallyknownreceived from this congregation thesum of 200 Rav A B McKee and sis¬

ter A D MoKbe contributed 26 centseach We left on the morning tiamfor Pittsbnrg and upon reaching thatpoint found our faithful sister SusanBaker there to meet ua and accompa¬

nied us to her comfortable home Onour way we met brother Patterson alsocoming tl join ua At night a smallaudience greeted ua after devotionalservices we were introduced and re-


the sum 1126 Prof T M Faulk ¬

ner Mrs H Patterson and sister Em¬

ma Tlnsley ifi cents each Beforeleaving we had the pleasure of visit ¬

ing tee ehool taught by Prof Fanlknerand was glad to find such a brightset of pupils The trustees are prepar¬

ing to erect their college building Intbe near future on their b antifnl cam¬

pus at London recently purchased thevery suggestion of which broadenssmileproficient

of Prof T M Faulkner heII

prlnolpalI ILeaving at 11 p m we were off

Richmond thence to Flannagan furII

route to Howards Creek Sunday80hoolI IConvention here we were

the comfortable home of possibly oneof the oldest and best established fami ¬

lies in Kentucky viz brother and sisterl

Robert Bush aged 86 and 84 respective¬

ly the pioneers of the Howards Creekchurch This church enjoys the distinctics of being the oldest church in Ken ¬

tucky being 107 years old Our stayhire was a most delightful one Tbeconvention was a splendid successboth spiritually and finacially thepresident Rev A W Harris the belov-ed


president was reeleoted to office01Orosspains in the entertainment of all conScorned a timi long to be rememberedtyi historic Howards Creek SaturdayV jht we were given an opportunity toprosen out claims although may ofthe messengers hail left and we had al-


despaired of having any suc-cess


whatever we were agreeably lor-¬

prised to find a packed house RevHarris in Sic usual genial manner in ¬

troduced us We spoke at length andpresented the claims of our work withall the earnestness of heart and tonguethe messenger members and friendsresponded by giving u contrbutlon of

1245 specified as follows for annualmembership Rev A W Harris BroHenry Murreil and sister iva Rollins100 each Revs D W Seals J H

Lewis brethren Wm H Stevard cTaylor B F Patterson Warren SpottsGeorge Scruggs Ollle Gentry JohnZeke Bush Rev J C Cross sistersJennie Miller Lemma Riley Susie FYoung tvo Evan Clara ScruggsMime Mosbvt Mollie Jobusoi MaryWest Nina Prewitt snd Etta Hampton26 cents each Rev J F Wilson againnobly assisted us in a material way bydisposing of 80 charts for 800 whilewe assisted in taking up the collectionmaking a grand total of 1546 forwhich all have our thanks A societywas organized with the following offi¬

cers sisters lee Jane Million Iva Rol ¬

lins and Jennie Harris Presidents Em-


Murray and Fannie Bush Secrets ¬

rice Iydia Woodford Treasurer Liz ¬

zie Cio < s Mary Gentry and NinaPrewett Members of the Board of Man ¬

agers All entered into tbe workheartily and we are hopeful of greatresults We enjoyed a delightful din ¬

ner and spent a pleasant night attbe attractive country home of brotherJohn Zeko Bush and family attendedSunday School Sunday morning andleft at 11 a m for Otter Creek per ap¬

pointmentI remain faithfully yours




II see a brief note in your pap r of14tb that Rev H B Wt biter

D D preached a sermon which was a

IdtlivtryIabsolutely and complstelyfromI I bed set Dr Wb tHr down ao one ofI

tbe slowest pracherg iIn the state ofKentucky butat tho district associa

lion he bad the Doctrinal Sermon topreach brethren It was one of theablest I think I ever heard from aman M lips Sometimes you mav find

a gem in a hog pen Yet this doea notapply at all to Dr Webster far his life

Is full of good deeds a lovable manwith the modesty of an Andrew HeathandaJ K Polk always seems to beseeking to get out of tbe way Such istJae great and good man Dr WebsterNo wondirtt was ajE a6nly brilliance

I was added to goodness I am sure hedid not seek tbe committee to get thejob I know some men who go fromone association to another to see theCommittee on Sermons to get them ¬

selves on to preach the next year andthey think they can out preach DrGaddie but tbey cant do it This iomy opinion of Dr Webster May Godbless him to bless others is my prayer

B T HOFFMANPlttaburg Pa-




Last Monday Governor Beokham Is-


the following Thanksgiving ProcIsolation

Commonwealth of Kentucky Exec ¬

utive Department Following the ac¬

tion of the President cf the UnitedStates I fix Thursday November 24thas a day of thanksgiving and prayerthroughout the Commonwealth of Ken ¬

tucky I request that upon that day allof our people fauall refrain from theirbusiness and worldly cares and bycharitable and religious deeds ahowtheir gratitude to Almighty God forlice many blessings and bounties to us

In testimony whereof I have here¬

unto set my baud and caused the greatseal of the Commonweltn to be hereunto affixed

Done at Frankfort this 14th day ofNovemberl904aDd in tbe 113th yearof the Commonwealth By the Gov¬

ernor J C W BKCKHAMliB V McChesney Secretary of State



S U Rah rah rab rahS U Rah rab rab rah

Hurrah BurrahlState University rah rah rah

xo zRev J W Million pastor at Emi ¬

HIBIremarksHe assured us that Eminence would beheard from in the rally

IEvery teacher and student is all astirquestion

The sad news of the death of MrsFlorence nee Biruey came to us thisweek The stnden a and faculty at¬

tended the funeral Wednesday at QuinnChapel She was at one time a tenderin our University The bereaved fanc-ily


have our sympathy

ThegaweThankDr Puree assisted in communion at

Green Street church last Sunday afterOOU

Mrs Steiumetz held a grand meetingn chapel Tuesday

The ladies attended church at Zionlast Sunday

The Ladies Board will lIve Dr andMrs Pares a grand reception on thenight of December 2nd in honor oftheir tenth anniversary of toeing in

Old KentuckyTbe Executive Board of the General

Association the Board of Trustees theAlumni and other bodies will have rep-resentatives


at the recaption December

2ndCalvarychurch is being beautified

and will soon look like a new churchThe Fifth Street church had a new

appearance on Dr Franks anniversarybeautified within and without Theordination of six deacons and RevWeber there made a good start for anew year

Tbe Green Street chinch under DrGaddie put on a new app arent lastSunday with its new paper and freshpaint The churches of Loniavllle areup to date


Dr E J Fisher of Chicago preachedan excellent sermon at ZIon churchWednesnaj night to help Mr SamuelDucan in his club for the rally BroDuncan ia a great worker

Bro C M Hammond returned fromWest Baden in splendid health andspirit tbe springs did him good

Dr P H Kenneey is helping DrFrank in his revival at Fifth St churchMuch good is being done

NOTICE TO ALUMNIThe graduates of ill department of

State University are requested to meetat the University Tuesday Novemberanl at 2 ooioek p m Business ofImportance

C M HAMMONDIJ t PresidentIIINXq1Nol1 1 Seoy






Christian ¬

of thepreparlDandmissionaries

the above definition include localstate home and foreign missions andIwe decide from It that stale missionsare enterprises of the Christian churchin a state for thepeapiesending 10 them teachers called ailsaionarlesUnder

PreparingTeaeberserecting k

greatest and best training schools and

auxiliaryTrulyykindalong the shores of time throwingout rays of the light of the gospel bywhich men women and children whowould other wander stumble fallfinally be lost in the daikeat of sinmay plainly see the path which leadsto an everlasting life of peace rest andjoyWe

do not believe that the commislion given by Christ should be slut Inor cut off bitweilbouldGo ye into all tbe world and preachthe gospel to every creature Jt

When we do this we are truly doingmissionary work for taking sending orin any way making it possible that thegospel be seut thereby carrying out the

Great Commission tis the only way todo mission work

We are however afraid that manyof those sent eut in the name of mlaalouariex forget the Commission ofChrist and go out with another ber+ jsuited to them which ia go into Secities towns and soft easy placeswhereowe can have a good time J1dcehrI allJIny

theyare f irly sucesaful buttImoney 1gathering for even Christ could or didnot wholly dispense with it in pei feetlug the plan of salvation and neithercan we

But it should not be the prme andgreatest cbejftot our missionaries atthe expense of rulnea and lost soul

In short we suggest that those maleobjec is to gather money be called flnauclai agents and our missionariesdo more of tbe real work assigned tothem by Christ

rrt lyhThe servant IIs worthy of htahire lId they should be supported andas mtb aa possible by the people ontbe field but his work is to save toolsand he should be supported eventhough be doesnt raise a cent

Some people go to the extreme andfeel that they have no right to giveanything to mission fo they say Thegospel Is free

It Iis free and so is water but thebucket cup or vessel in which it iaconveyed is not free ao it ia with thevessel in which the gospel ia conveyed

When Christ was here he told tielariborers to begin working in that part of rtbe field where they were abiding thenin the surrounding parts and then tothe uttermost parts Acts 18

Then our own states are e muchpacts of the Held as planes situated Inthe heathen lands and should not beneglected by na but let as see to it thatthey are stations for hi aven and thatall that dwell therein ire passengersfor that haven of eat

Tbe world is the field and our own in ¬

divldual churches pastors if they berapprovedare precious In his eight and whenweitoo meet our own selfish end or forpile revebege or any aatana promptt

ings do anything to impede their progross we are sowing tare and whataoever a man soweth that shall he reap



Cold Comfort from Doctors

Doctor say neuralgia ia not dangerou This la peer consolation te a ralferer who feels that an if his face were tpierced with hot needles aid ten wlUala thousand pairs of pinoY acv A werdtat advice to him R

asay ifideors and usePerry Davis Palnkillei Tile bl1freedom from pain which fellows illstreatment cannot be told Then e bf>t-

one Painkiller Perry Davis 4


BEt i


J lJk f I d

