AMENDMENTS TO THE IMSBC CODE AND … · 2016-07-19 · Preparation of sugarcane biomass ......

62 Documents/English/CCC 3-INF.11 (E).docx E SUB-COMMITTEE ON CARRIAGE OF CARGOES AND CONTAINERS 3rd session Agenda item 5 CCC 3/INF.11 1 July 2016 ENGLISH ONLY AMENDMENTS TO THE IMSBC CODE AND SUPPLEMENTS Supporting information for the proposed the new individual schedule for sugarcane biomass pellets Submitted by Brazil SUMMARY Executive summary: This document contains the cargo information to support the proposed new individual schedule for sugarcane biomass pellets in the IMSBC Code Strategic direction: 5.2 High-level action: 5.2.3 Output: Action to be taken: Paragraph 2 Related document: CCC 3/5/15 Introduction 1 In document CCC 3/5/15, Brazil proposes a new individual schedule for Sugarcane Biomass Pellets in the IMSBC Code. The supporting documentation for this cargo, such as IMO solid bulk cargo information reporting questionnaire, Material Safety Data Sheet, ESG Analysis Report and ignition, burning rate and explosivity testing of sugarcane dust are set out in annexes 1 to 4 to this document. Action requested of the Sub-Committee 2 The Sub-Committee is invited to note the information provided and take action as appropriate. ***

Transcript of AMENDMENTS TO THE IMSBC CODE AND … · 2016-07-19 · Preparation of sugarcane biomass ......

Page 1: AMENDMENTS TO THE IMSBC CODE AND … · 2016-07-19 · Preparation of sugarcane biomass ... biologic-based bulk cargoes. ... Are there any recommendations for tank or hold cleaning? Documents/English/CCC 3-INF.11 (E).docx



CCC 3/INF.11

1 July 2016 ENGLISH ONLY


Supporting information for the proposed the new individual schedule for

sugarcane biomass pellets

Submitted by Brazil


Executive summary: This document contains the cargo information to support the proposed new individual schedule for sugarcane biomass pellets in the IMSBC Code

Strategic direction: 5.2

High-level action: 5.2.3


Action to be taken: Paragraph 2

Related document: CCC 3/5/15

Introduction 1 In document CCC 3/5/15, Brazil proposes a new individual schedule for Sugarcane Biomass Pellets in the IMSBC Code. The supporting documentation for this cargo, such as IMO solid bulk cargo information reporting questionnaire, Material Safety Data Sheet, ESG Analysis Report and ignition, burning rate and explosivity testing of sugarcane dust are set out in annexes 1 to 4 to this document. Action requested of the Sub-Committee 2 The Sub-Committee is invited to note the information provided and take action as appropriate.


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A – Basic background information a.1) Are there other synonyms or trade names in use? Fuel Pellets, White Pellets, Sugarcane Biomass Pellets, Bagasse Pellets and Straw Pellets. a.2) How is it manufactured, how is it made, or where does it originate? Preparation of sugarcane biomass – drying process conducted in the field itself or via dryer machine. Chipping / grinding – biomass with low humidity is ground and reduced to particles of short fibres; Pelletizing – the dried and milled material passes through a mechanical extruder being forced through an orifice in a metallic matrix to get a dense and cylindrical conformation; Cooling and conditioning – the pellets generated in the extrusion step are cooled and then stored in silos for loading and transportation. a.3) What is used? Dryer, special sieves, cutters and pelletizer. a.4) Where is the producer facility? The Cosan Biomass industrial facility is located in Jaú, SP, Brazil. a.5) In what countries? Sugarcane biomass pellets are currently only produced in Brazil. a.6) In what volumes? Our facility has the capacity to produce 200,000 tons per year. a.7) What experience do you have with the cargo? No shipments of this type of product have been made to date; however, it is expected that the cargo behaves similarly to the pellets produced from wood, which have been transported in bulk for several years.

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B – Basic Cargo Properties b.1) What is the colour of the product? Sugarcane biomass pellets are light blond to chocolate brown in colour. b.2) Does it have an odour? Above +5ºC, fresh Sugarcane Biomass Pellets in bulk smell like aldehydes in poorly ventilated spaces and more like fresh bagasse in ventilated spaces. b.3) What form is the cargo in? What particle sizes? Pellet format, cylindrical with 10 to 50 mm long and 6 to 12 mm in diameter, typically with specific density between 1200 to 1700 kg/m³ and bulk density between 600 to 700 kg/m³. b.4) Is anything added to pellet during production process? Product 100% of vegetable origin without any additive. b.5) Quantity of moisture. Typically less than 10%. b.6) How is it stored? Outside? Under Cover? In our plant, cargo is stored in silos. Product could also be stored in covered warehouses, like sugar warehouses, for example. b.7) Does the cargo cake when wet? Yes. b.8) Is it a cohesive cargo or a free-flowing cargo? It is a free-flowing cargo.

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C – Hazardous Properties For this section of the questionnaire, each answer should be supported by test data on multiple samples from difference sources. If a question is not applicable, a detailed explanation of why it is not applicable should be made. c.1) Does it meet the definition of Dangerous goods (Hazard Classes 1-9)? No, the product is not classified in any of the nine categories proposed for hazardous classifications. c.2) Which hazard classes? The product is MHB (Material Hazardous in Bulk), CB (Combustible solids), WT (Solids that evolve toxic gas when wet) and WF (Solids that evolve flammable gas when wet). c.3) Is the cargo easily ignitable, combustible or flammable? Product it is not easily ignitable, but it is a flammable material. c.4) Does the cargo contribute to or accelerate a fire? As it is a solid fuel, it contributes to a fire, but does not accelerate it. c.5) Does the cargo self-heat? What causes the self-heating? Fungal or bacterial growth? Oxidation? Usually the product is not self-heating. Nevertheless self-heat may occur when in contact with water, as described in question c.6 below. c.6) Does the cargo react with water causing toxic or flammable gases to be released? Which gases? How toxic or flammable are the gases? What is the rate of evolution? With the addition of water, cargo could start a fermentation process leading to generation of asphyxiating and flammable gases. Fermentation process could generate carbon-monoxide (CO), carbon-dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and hydrocarbons with Permissible Exposure Levels (PEL) listed in the MSDS (section 4). c.7) Is the cargo toxic? Toxic by inhalation? Toxic by skin contact or ingestion? How toxic? Acute or chronic toxicity? Cargo is not toxic. c.8) Does the cargo exhibit any long-term health effects, such as carcinogenic, mutagenic or reprotoxic properties? No. c.9) Is the cargo a respiratory sensitizer? During handling dust can be generated that may cause respiratory problems if inhaled.

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c.10) Does the cargo contain known pathogens? No. c.11) Does the cargo react with water reaction causing corrosion? Corrosion to eyes, skin, or metal? What is the rate of corrosion? No. c.12) Is the cargo corrosive without water? Corrosion to eyes, skin, or metal? What is the rate of corrosion? Is the cargo Hazardous to the environment? No. Cargo without contact with water is not corrosive. c.13) Is the cargo hazardous to the environment? Cargo is not hazardous to the environment. c.14) Is the dust flammable or explosive? Dust is considered explosive (Group A), according to the DSEAR test MH/13/86, although dust is generated only during handling. c.15) Can the cargo deplete oxygen in cargo spaces and adjacent spaces? By how much? Yes, cargo may consume oxygen during storage as part of the normal degradation of typical biologic-based bulk cargoes. Oxygen in non-ventilated cargo spaces can be completely depleted in less than one week. c.16) Is the cargo incompatible with other cargoes or chemicals? Which cargoes or chemicals? We recommend the segregation of our product materials as classified in IMO 4.1 (flammable solids or substances). c.17) Can the cargo liquefy during voyage? What is the transportable moisture limit (TML) of the cargo? No.

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D – Operational questions d.1) How is the cargo loaded? Conveyor? Clam shell? Shiploader? The product will usually be loaded by shiploader, but grabs and conveyor may also be used. d.2) Does the cargo need to be trimmed? Cargo needs to be trimmed in accordance with section 4 and 5 of IMSBC code. d.3) What type of ship will be used? Bulk carrier? OBO? Self-unloading vessel? General cargo ship? Barge? Usually bulk-carrier vessels and where operationally possible general cargo ships. d.4) What experience do you have carrying the cargo in bulk by vessel? By road and rail? No shipments of this type of product have been made to date; however, it is expected that the cargo behaves similarly to the pellets produced from wood, which have been transported in bulk for several years. d.5) Have there been any incidents when transporting the cargo as a result of the cargo properties or hazards? No shipments of this type of product have been made to date. Nevertheless, some incidents have been reported to have happened when transporting wood pellets, especially in relation to oxygen depleted in spaces without air ventilation. Go back to question c.15 for more information. d.6) Are there any recommendations for tank or hold cleaning? Holds must be swept and dry. Drain all water from the basement.

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E – Emergency response questions e.1) In the event of a fire can the cargo be extinguished with water? CO2? Use the ship's own fire-fighting system. Exclusion of air may be sufficient to control the fire. Extinguish the fire with carbon dioxide, foam or water fog. e.2) In case of personal exposure what procedures should be followed? Eyes: Check if the victim is wearing contact lenses. In positive case, remove them and flush eyes with plenty of clean running water for at least 20 minutes, keeping eyelids separated. Preferably use an eyewash. Seek medical attention if irritation develops. Inhalation: If exposure occurs leave exposure area immediately. If irritation persists, seek medical attention. Skin: Itching for some people. Ingestion: Ingestion is considered unlikely. For advice, contact a doctor. Advice to Doctor: Emergency treatment, as well as medical treatment after overexposure, should focus on control of the set of the symptoms as a whole and will depend on the patient's clinical conditions. Treatment is symptomatic. Refer to the Medical First Aid Guide (MFAG), as amended. e.3) What happens in the event of an accidental release to water during transport? In case of accidental release of the cargo to water, it will become loose, breaking into fine biomass particles and degrading naturally.

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F – Testing questions f.1) Which hazards have been assessed? Explosivity and composition. f.2) Which tests were conducted? DSEAR, Gross and Net Calorific Value, Elementary Composition. Tests performed evaluated the basic components of the product: moisture content as well as ash content, melting point, dry matter etc. DSEAR test evaluated ignition, burning and explosivity. f.3) What were the results of these tests? DSEAR:

Composition and Calorific Value:

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f.4) What was the actual data from the tests? See previous information. f.5) How many tests were conducted? On average, we conducted 1 composition and calorific value test per month. f.6) What samples were tested? Are the samples representative of the cargo to be shipped? Samples came from both pilot and production plants. Sample tested represents the cargo to be exported; however, we have not yet started the consolidation process for the first shipment.


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Material Safety data Sheet

Product Name: Sugarcane Biomass Pellets Page:1

Date: 05/31/2016 Version: 0.3 CANCEL AND REPLACE VERSION: All Previous


Product Name: Sugarcane Biomass Pellet

Synonyms: Fuel Pellets, White Pellets, Sugarcane Biomass

Pellets, Bagasse Pellets and Straw Pellets.

Product appearance: Light blond to chocolate brown in colour,

Cylindrical with 10 to 50 mm long and 6 to 12

mm in diameter.

Recommended Use: Fuel, Animal bedding.

Supplier Name: Cosan Biomassa S A

Fazenda São José II, s/nº, Gleba A1,

Distrito de Potunduva - Jaú, SP - Brazil.

Telephone: + 55 19 3423 9759

Facsimile: + 55 19 3423 9754

Emergency: + 55 19 3403 2564

Important Notice: This material safety data sheet is issued by the supplier in accordance with good safety practices, health and environment. As such, information in it must not be altered, deleted

or added to. The supplier will issue a new MSDS when there is a change in product specifications, and/or regulatory

requirements. The supplier will not accept any responsability for any changes made to its MSDS by any other person or organisations.


CB (Combustible Solids), WT (Solids that evolve toxic gas when wet) and WF (Solids that

evolve flammable gas when wet).

Group B.

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Material Safety data Sheet

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Date: 05/31/2016 Version: 0.3 CANCEL AND REPLACE VERSION: All Previous


>>> PREPARATION: Chemical Nature: Polysaccharides

Feedstock Ingredient Proportion CAS Number

CELLULOSE 50 – 60% 9004-34-6

HEMICELLULOSE 20 – 25% 934-32-6

LIGNIN 20 – 25% 9005-53-2

SUGAR 2 – 4% 57-58-1


Not Available

WATER 07 – 10% Not Available

Additives None

Binders None

Many pellet products consist of a blend of sugarcane bagasse and sugarcane straw feedstock

which may affect the characteristics of the pellets. This MSDS includes the major differences

in the characteristics of the Dust from pure sugarcane bagasse and pure sugarcane straw


SECTION 4: HEALTH HAZARD DATA Sugarcane Biomass Pellets emit dust and gaseous invisible substances during handling and

storage as part of the normal degradation of all biological materials. Ambient oxygen is

typically depleted during such degradation. The sizes of the particulate matter range from

crumbs to extremely fine airborne dust. The dust normally settles on surfaces over time.

Emitted gases are immediately diluted by the air in the containment and escape with

ventilation air. If the Sugarcane Biomass Pellets are stored in a containment which is not

ventilated (naturally or forced) the concentration of emitted gases, or the oxygen depletion,

may pose a health threat for humans present in the containment and the containment should

be ventilated and precautions should be taken as specified in this MSDS. The gases emitted

at normal indoor temperature include carbon-monoxide (CO), carbon-dioxide (CO2), methane

(CH4) and hydrocarbons with Permissible Exposure Levels (PEL) and symptoms as follows;

Entry Substance Permissible Exposure Level and symptom

Remedial action

Swallow Dust Dry Sensation, see Section 11 Rinse mouth Thoroughly with water. Do not induce vomiting.

Inhale Dust Coughing, dry throat. For toxicological data, see Section 11.

Rinse mouth Thoroughly with water. Do not induce vomiting.

Carbon monoxide (CO)

Toxic invisible and odorless gas. Living space TLV-TWA 9 ppmv (ASHRAE). Work space TLV-TWA 25 ppmv (OSHA).

If hygiene level is exceeded, evacuate and ventilate thoroughly, see Section IX for estimation of ventilation requirement.

50 ppmv Max 15 minutes.

200 Mild Headache. Evacuate.

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400 Serious Headache. Evacuate and seek

medical attention.

800 Dizziness, convulsion, unconscious in 2 hours, death 2-3 hours.

Evacuate and seek medical attention.

1600 Dizziness, convulsion, unconscious, death in 1 – 2 hours.

Evacuate and seek medical attention.

3200 Dizziness, convulsion, unconscious, death

in 1 hour.

Evacuate and seek medical attention.

6400 Dizziness, convulsion,

unconscious, death in 25 minutes.

Evacuate and seek medical attention.

12,800 Dizziness, convulsion, unconscious, death

in 1 - 3 minutes.

Evacuate and seek medical attention.

Carbon Dioxide (CO2)

Asphyxiating invisible and odorless gas. Occupational TLV-TWA 5,000 ppmv (OSHA).

If hygiene level is exceeded, ventilate thoroughly, see Section 11 for estimation of



Methane (CH4) Asphyxiating invisible and odorless gas.


Hydrocarbons See Section 11. Odor.


Oxygen depleted air

Oxygen level is normally 20.9 % at sea level in well ventilated

space. Minimum hygiene level is 19.5 % in work space (NIOSH)

If oxygen level is less than hygiene level,

evacuate and ventilate thoroughly.

Skin Contact

Dust Itching for some people. For toxicological data, see Section 5

and 9.

Remove contaminated clothing. Rinse skin

thoroughly with


Eye Contact

Dust Tearing, burning. For toxicological data, see Section 5 and 9.

Flush with water and sweep out particles inward towards the


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Material Safety data Sheet

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Eye Contact: Check if the victim is with contact lenses. In

positive case, remove it and flush eyes with plenty of clean running water for at least 20 minutes, keeping eyelids separated. Preferably use an eyewash. Seek medical attention if irritation develops.

Inhale: If exposure occurs leave exposure area

immediately. If irritation persists, seek medical attention.

Skin Contact: Itching for some people.

Ingestion: Ingestion is considered unlikely. For advice, contact a doctor.

Advice to Doctor: Emergency treatment, as well as medical

treatment after overexposure should be directed to the control of the full picture of the

symptoms and depend on the patient's clinical conditions. Treatment is symptomatic.

Sugarcane Biomass Pellets are considered a benign product for most people. However,

individuals with a propensity for allergic reactions may experience reactions and should

contact their physician to establish the best remedial action to take if reaction occurs.

In case Sugarcane Biomass Pellets are not handled or stored in accordance with

recommendations in Section 8 the risk of harmful exposure increases, particularly exposure

to concentration of CO higher than stipulated. In case of exposure it is important to quickly

remove the victim from the contaminated area. Unconscious persons should immediately be

given oxygen and artificial respiration. The administration of oxygen at an elevated pressure

has shown to be beneficial, as has treatment in a hyperbaric chamber. The physician should

be informed that the patient has inhaled toxic quantities of carbon monoxide. Rescue

personnel should be equipped with self-contained breathing apparatus when entering

enclosed spaces with gas.

Carbon monoxide is highly toxic by means of binding with the hemoglobin in the blood to

form carboxyhemoglobin which cannot take part in normal oxygen transport, greatly

reducing the blood’s ability to transport oxygen to vital organs such as the brain.

Asphyxiating gases like carbon dioxide and methane (sometimes called simple asphyxiant)

are primarily hazardous by means of replacing the air and thereby depriving the space of

oxygen. Person exposed to oxygen depleted conditions should be treated the same as a

person exposed to carbon monoxide.

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Material Safety data Sheet

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Date: 05/31/2016 Version: 0.3 CANCEL AND REPLACE VERSION: All Previous


Sugarcane Biomass Pellets is a fuel and by nature is prone to catch fire when exposed to

heat or fire. With the addition of water, cargo should start a fermentation process leading to

generation of asphyxiation and flammable gases. During handling of Sugarcane Biomass

Pellets there are three phases with various levels of stability, reactivity and decomposition


- Solid intact Sugarcane Biomass Pellets;

- Crumbs or dust;

- Non-condensable (primarily CO, CO2 and CH4) and condensable gases (primarily aldehydes, acetone, methanol, formic acid);

Extinguishing a fire in Sugarcane Biomass Pellets require special methods to be successful as


General: - Restrict oxygen from entering the space

where the Sugarcane Biomass Pellets are stored. - Cover exposed pellets with foam or sand to

limit exposure to air.

Storage in enclosed space: - Seal openings, slots or cracks where

Sugarcane Biomass Pellet may be exposed to


- Use the ship's own fire-fighting system.

Exclusion of air may be sufficient to control

the fire. Extinguish the fire with carbon

dioxide, foam or water fog.

- Inject nitrogen (N2) or carbon dioxide (CO2)

in gaseous form at the bottom or in the

middle of the pile of Sugarcane Biomass Pellet

or as close as possible to the fire if exposed.

N2 is preferred. Dosage of gas depends on the

severity of the fire. Recommended injection

speed is 5 – 10 kg/m²/hour (m² refers to the

cross section of the storage containment such

as a silo) with total injected volume

throughout the extinguishing activity of 5 – 15

Kg/m³ for less several fire and 30 – 40 kg/m³

for more advanced fires.

Storage in open flat storage: Cover the pile of Sugarcane Biomass Pellet

with foam or sand if available or spray water.

Dig out the pile to reach the heart of the fire

and remove effected material.

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Date: 05/31/2016 Version: 0.3 CANCEL AND REPLACE VERSION: All Previous

During handling: - Restrict oxygen from entering the space

where the Sugarcane Biomass Pellets are


- Cover the pile of Sugarcane Biomass Pellet

with foam or sand if available or spray water.

Dig out the material to reach the heart of the

fire and remove effected material.

SECTION 7: ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES If Sugarcane Biomass Pellets are released in a populated area, the material should be

removed by sweeping or vacuuming as soon as possible. Sugarcane Biomass Pellets are a

fuel and should preferably be disposed of by means of burning. Deposition of Sugarcane

Biomass Pellets or related dust should be such that gas from the material does not


In case of accidental release of the cargo to water, it will become loose, braking into fine

biomass particles and degrading naturally.

SECTION 8: HANDLING AND STORAGE Handling: Use safe work practices to avoid eye or skin contact

and inhalation. Observe good personal hygiene. Prohibit eating, drinking and smoking in contaminated

areas. Wash hands before eating. Remove

contaminated clothing and protective equipment before entering eating areas.

Avoid breakage caused by dropping the Sugarcane

Biomass Pellets. Be aware of potential dust generation during high pressure pneumatic handling of pellets.

Avoid friction generated by rough surfaces such as worn out conveyor belts as much as possible.

Suppress dust generation and accumulation at

transfer points and in areas close to mechanical moving parts which may dissipate heat.

Storage: For long period storage in large bulk containment

shall be as air tight as possible. Fires tend to migrate towards air (oxygen) supply. For shorter period open storage, ventilate to eliminate gas and odor. Protect the Sugarcane Biomass Pellets from contact with water and moisture to avoid swelling, increased off-gassing, increased microbial activity and subsequent self-heating. For large enclosed storage, label the

points of entry to storage containment or communicating spaces containing Sugarcane Biomass Pellets with a sign such as “Low Oxygen Risk Area, Ventilate thoroughly before Entry”.

Always protect Sugarcane Biomass Pellets and dust

from exposure to heat radiators, halogen lamps and

exposed electrical circuitry which may generate ignition energy and set off a fire or explosion.

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For large enclosed storage entry should be prohibited by means of secured lock and a well-established

written approval process for entry, only AFTER ventilation has been concluded and measurement with gas meter has confirmed safe atmosphere in the space. Alternatively, use self-contained breathing apparatus when entering space. Always make sure backup personnel are in the immediate vicinity monitoring the entry.

For Large storage spaces install water sprinklers. For smaller storage spaces, contact your local fire department for recommendations.


Exposure standards are established on the premise of an 8 hour work period of normal

intensity, under normal climatic conditions and where a 16 hour break between shifts exists

to enable the body to eliminate absorbed contaminants. In the following circumstances,

exposure standards must be reduced: strenuous work conditions; hot, humid climates; high

altitude conditions; extended shifts (which increase the exposure period and shorten the

period of recuperation).

Exposure Standards: An exposure standard has not been allocated to the ingredients contained in this product.

Ventilation: Ventilate thoroughly all communicating spaces before

entering. In the event the space is enclosed, always

measure both level of carbon monoxide and oxygen.

Use self-contained breathing apparatus if entry is

required before proper ventilation has been completed.

Personal Hygiene: Protective clothing (gloves, coveralls, boots, etc.)

should be worn to prevent skin contact. Wash contaminated clothing and other protective equipment before storing or re-using. Wear protective glasses and dust respirator. Wear gloves during continuous or repetitious penetration.

Eye Protection: When using large quantities or where heavy

contamination is likely, wear dust-proof goggles.

Skin Protection: PPE Wear PVC or rubber gloves and coveralls. Respiratory Protection: Where an inhalation risk exists, wear a Class P1

(Particulate) Respirator.

Smoking and Other Dusts: Smoking must be prohibited in all areas where

Sugarcane Biomass Pellet has being handle or storage areas.

NOTE: The recommendation for protective equipment

contained within this report is provided as a guide

only. Factors such as method of application, working environment, quantity used, product concentration and the availability of engineering controls should be

considered before final selection of personal protective equipment is made.

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Date: 05/31/2016 Version: 0.3 CANCEL AND REPLACE VERSION: All Previous


Appearance: Straw Like Solid Odor: Above +5ºC, fresh Sugarcane Biomass Pellet in bulk

smells like aldehydes in poorly ventilated space and more like fresh bagasse in ventilated space.

Trace Elements: Boron, calcium, chloride, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and sulfur.

Additives/Binders: None

Vapour Pressure: Not Applicable Vapour Density: Not Applicable

Boiling Point: Not Applicable Ash Fusion Temperatures: Shrinkage starting temperature: 820°C

Deformation temperature: 870°C Hemisphere temperature: 1170°C

Flow temperature: 1300°C Solubility (water): If penetrated by water Sugarcane Biomass Pellets will

dissolve into its feedstock fractions.

Specific Gravity: Not Applicable

% Volatiles incl. moisture: 81,4% Dust Explosibility Classification: Group A - explosible Minimum Ignition Temperature of Dust Layer: 310°C

Lower Explosion Limit of Dust: 30 g/m3 Minimum Ignition Temperature of a Dust Cloud: 340°C SECTION 11: STABILITY & REACTIVITY

Chemical Stability: Stable Hazardous Polymerisation: Will not occur Incompatible Materials: Incompatible with strong oxidising agents.

Conditions to Avoid: Keep away from ignition sources, heat or flames.

Hazardous Decomposition Products: Burning can produce oxides of carbon, water and decomposition of hydrocarbons. Incomplete combustion can produce carbon

monoxide. During storage may be the

generation of gases that ignite spontaneously on contact with air.

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Date: 05/31/2016 Version: 0.3 CANCEL AND REPLACE VERSION: All Previous

Off-gassing Emission of CO, CO2 and CH4 from Sugarcane

Biomass Pellets contained in a space is a

function of temperature, ambient air pressure,

bulk density, access to oxygen, relative

humidity in air (if ventilated) as well as the

age and composition of the raw material. The

emission rate in grams (g) of off-gassing per

tonne of stored Sugarcane Biomass Pellets

given below are from measurements of gas

generated within a sealed containment filled

with Sugarcane Biomass Pellets at

approximately constant pressure without

ventilation over a period of > 20 days. The

emission factors values are only valid for

sealed containment without sufficient oxygen

available to support oxidation of the

Sugarcane Biomass Pellets. The numbers

should not at any time be substituted for

actual measurements.

Non-ventilated (sealed) containment

Gas species

Temperature ºC

Emission factor (±10 %) g/tonne/>20 days

Carbon-monoxide (CO)

+20 12

+30 15

+40 16

+50 17

+55 17

Carbon-dioxide (CO2) +20 20

+30 54

+40 80

+50 84

+55 106

Methane (CH4) +20 0.2

+30 1.0

+40 1.3

+50 1.5

+55 1.9

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Material Safety data Sheet

Product Name: Sugarcane Biomass Pellets Page:10

Date: 05/31/2016 Version: 0.3 CANCEL AND REPLACE VERSION: All Previous

Ventilated containment

Gas species

Temperature ºC

Emission factor (±10 %) g/tonne/>20 days

Carbon-monoxide (CO)

+20 0.9

+30 2.2

+40 8.0

+50 18.0

+55 25.0

Carbon-dioxide (CO2) +20 1.3

+30 4.8

+40 17.0

+50 29.0

+55 119.0

Methane (CH4) +20 0.01

+30 0.04

+40 0.18

+50 0.38

+55 1.10

Oxidization It is believed oxidation of fatty acids contained

in the sugar material is the primary cause for depletion of oxygen and emission of gas species as exemplified above during storage of Sugarcane Biomass Pellets or related dust.

The depletion ratio is a function of temperature, pressure, bulk density, relative humidity in air (if ventilated) as well as the age and composition of the raw material. The numbers below are from measurements of gas generated within the space of the Sugarcane Biomass Pellets at approximately constant

pressure. The numbers should not at any time be substituted for actual measurements.

Temperature ºC (±10 %) Depletion of oxygen in %/24h

+20 0.7 – 1.2


+40 1.5 – 2.5



Melting Temperature Not Applicable

Vaporization Emit hydrocarbons as vapors above +5ºC

Boiling Temperature Not Applicable

Flash Point Temperature Not Applicable

Auto-ignition Temperature Auto-ignite of Sugarcane Biomass Pellets at

temperatures > + 260ºC in the presence of


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Material Safety data Sheet

Product Name: Sugarcane Biomass Pellets Page:11

Date: 05/31/2016 Version: 0.3 CANCEL AND REPLACE VERSION: All Previous

Self-Heating Propensity to start self-heating in presence of


Bio-degradability 100%.

Corrosivity Not Applicable.

pH The potential for Hydrogen ions (pH) varies

depending on species of sugarcane.

Incompatibility Always segregate the Sugarcane Biomass

Pellets from oxidizing agents (e.g. poly-oxides

capable of transferring oxygen molecules such

as permanganate, per-chlorate) or reducing

agent (e.g. chemical compounds which

includes atoms with low electro-negativity

such as ferrous ions (rust), sodium ions

(dissolved sea salt)).

Swelling If penetrated by water Sugarcane Biomass

Pellet will swell about 3 to 4 times in volume.

Shock The mechanically integrity of Sugarcane

Biomass Pellets will degrade if exposed to an

external force as a result of for example a

drop in height.

Mechanical ware Sugarcane Biomass Pellets are sensitive to

friction between the Sugarcane Biomass

Pellets and a transportation causeway or

conveyor belt and may generate dust.

Explosibility Sieving of dust for testing purposes; 230

mesh < 63 μm.

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Material Safety data Sheet

Product Name: Sugarcane Biomass Pellets Page:12

Date: 05/31/2016 Version: 0.3 CANCEL AND REPLACE VERSION: All Previous


Health Hazard Summary: Low toxicity. No adverse health effects are anticipated with normal use of this product. However, if dust - fibres are generated irritation of the eyes and respiratory tract may result.

Eye: Low irritant. Over exposure to dust may result

in slight eye irritation.

Inhalation: Low irritant. Over exposure to dust may result

in slight respiratory tract irritation. If bagasse is stored in damp conditions, a mould (Thermoactinomycetes sacchari) may grow; it is this mould that can give rise to bagassosis (an influenza-like illness). Symptoms of bagassosis include dry cough, shortness of

breath and an inflammation of the lungs. Skin: Low irritant. Prolonged and repeated exposure

to dust may result in irritation and dermatitis. Swallowed: Accidental swallowing is unlikely in the

industrial setting. Due to product form and under normal conditions of use, ingestion is considered an unlikely exposure route.

NOTE: It should be noted that the effects from

exposure to this product will depend on several factors including: frequency and

duration of use; quantity used; effectiveness of control measures; protective equipment used and method of application. Given that it is impractical to prepare an alert report which would encompass all possible scenarios, it is anticipated that users will assess the risks and apply control methods where appropriate.


Environment: Limited ecotoxicity data was available for this product at the time this report was prepared. Ensure appropriate measures are taken to prevent this product from entering the environment.

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Material Safety data Sheet

Product Name: Sugarcane Biomass Pellets Page:13

Date: 05/31/2016 Version: 0.3 CANCEL AND REPLACE VERSION: All Previous


Waste Disposal: Reuse where possible. No special precautions

are required for this product.

Product not disposed to sewerage systems,

drains or waterways. Dispose of all waste containers and used drums in accordance with local authority guidelines. Suitable for incineration by approved agent under controlled conditions if permitted by local authorities, otherwise disposal must be in

accordance with local waste and

environmental authority requirements. Legislation: It is called the user's attention to the possible

existence of local regulations regarding

disposal concerning him.


Road and Rail Transport Not classified as a Dangerous Good for the

transport of Dangerous Goods by Road and Rail.

UN number: None Allocated

Proper Shipping Name: None Allocated Class: None Allocated Subsidiary Risk: None Allocated

Packaging Group: None Allocated Hazchem Code: None Allocated EPG Incompatibilities: None Allocated Marine Transport (International

Maritime Dangerous Goods Code): Not classified as a Dangerous Good for the transport of International Maritime Dangerous

Goods Code. UN number: None Allocated

Proper Shipping Name: None Allocated Class: None Allocated Packaging Group: None Allocated Labeling: None Allocated

Marine pollutant: None Allocated Ems: None Allocated

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Material Safety data Sheet

Product Name: Sugarcane Biomass Pellets Page:14

Date: 05/31/2016 Version: 0.3 CANCEL AND REPLACE VERSION: All Previous


Regulations: EEC 67/548 Regulations: Not Regulated Poisons Schedule: A poison schedule number has not been

allocated to this product using the criteria in

the Standard for the Uniform Scheduling of Drugs and Poisons (SUSDP).

SECTION 17: ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THIS DOCUMENT ACGIH American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists

AED Aerodynamic Equivalent Diameter

ASHRAE American Society of Heating Refrigerating and Air-conditioning Engineers

ATEX ATmosphere EXplosible

atm atmosphere pressure

bar 105 Pascal (Pa) or 100 kPa or 0.9869 atm

CCOHS Canadian Center for Occupational Health and Safety

CEN/TC European Committee for Standardization/Technical Committee Comité

Européén De Normalisation

g gram = 0.001 kg mg milligram = 0.000001 kg

mg milligram = 0.000001 kg

HS Harmonized System Code

IARC International Agency for Research on Cancer

IMO International Maritime Organization (UN)

m3 cubic meter

μm micrometer = 0.000001 meter

MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet

NTP National Toxicology Program

LEL Lower Explosible Limit (MEC=LFL=LEL)

LFL Lean Flammability Limit (MEC=LFL=LEL)

MEC Minimum Explosible Concentration (MEC=LFL=LEL)

NFPA National Fire Protection Association (USA)

NIOSH National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (USA)

NTP Normal Temperature and Pressure (+20oC, 101.325 kPa or 1 atm)

OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration (USA)

PEL Permissible Exposure Level

ppmv parts per million on a volume basis. For example, 5,000 ppmv means 5,000

molecules per 1 million molecules of gas, which also corresponds to 0.5 %. A

concentration of 10,000 ppmv corresponds to 1 % of volume.

REL Recommended Exposure Limit

SCIS Shipper Cargo Information Sheet

sec second

STEL Short Term Exposure Limit

STP Standard Temperature and Pressure (0oC, 101.325 kPa or 1 atm)

TLV Threshold Limit Value

tonne 1000 kg

TWA Time weighted Average

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Material Safety data Sheet

Product Name: Sugarcane Biomass Pellets Page:15

Date: 05/31/2016 Version: 0.3 CANCEL AND REPLACE VERSION: All Previous


Additional Information: The trace elements in this product include

boron, calcium, chloride, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and sulfur.

NOTE: This sheet supplements the technical use, but

not replace them. The information contained herein is based on our knowledge of the

product in question to the publication date. They were prepared in good faith. It's called

the attention of users about the risks that were found when a product is used for purposes other than those known. This statement does not relieve in any case the user from knowing and applying all texts

governing his activity. It is your responsibility to take precautions concerning use of the product that he knows. The set of regulations mentioned is simply targeted to help the user to fulfill its obligations when using a dangerous product. This listing should not be

considered comprehensive. She does not exempt you from fulfilling other legal obligations concerning the storage and use of the product, besides those mentioned, for

which he is solely responsible.

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Date Sampled:

Date Received:

Test Date:

Date Reported: 643853

Our Ref:

Customer Ref:

Laboratory References

Sample Number:

6m Bottle:

72m Bottle:

Bio Bottle:



10 February 2015 to 23 February 2015

23 February 2015

10 February 2015

31 December 2014 643853



Supplier: CosanBairro CampestreArea 1Rio Das PedrasSP Brazil

Issue Number:

15/FEB/COA/643853Report Number:

Analysis Report




Environmental Scientifics Group LimitedReg Office: ESG House, Bretby Business Park, Ashby Road, Burton upon Trent, DE15 0YZ

Incorporated in England:02880501

Report Authorised By:

Jonathan Clay

Head of Client Services

Page 1 of 4

Denotes calculated values using UKAS accredited resultsNon accredited method for this matrixSub contracted test UKAS accredited laboratorySub contracted test none UKAS accredited laboratoryCustomer Supplied Result

Analysis was undertaken at the following location(s):

Environmental Scientifics Group Limited, Bretby Business Park, Ashby Road, Burton upon Trent, DE15 0YZ.

This report may not be reproduced in part or full without the written permission of ESG.

For and on behalf of Environmental Scientifics Group

* ** *** ****#

Samples prepared using UKAS method SP19

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Date Sampled:

Date Received:

Test Date:

Date Reported: 643853

Our Ref:

Customer Ref:

Laboratory References

Sample Number:

6m Bottle:

72m Bottle:

Bio Bottle:



10 February 2015 to 23 February 2015

23 February 2015

10 February 2015

31 December 2014 643853



Supplier: CosanBairro CampestreArea 1Rio Das PedrasSP Brazil

Issue Number:

15/FEB/COA/643853Report Number:

Analysis Report






Results Basis

As Received *

As Analysed Dry *

Dry Ash Free *Test

-CA2 % -3.4 -Analysis Moisture

1.5CA3 % -1.6 1.6Ash

7.6SP20 % -- -Total Moisture

77.4CA6 % 85.180.9 83.8Volatile Matter

0.06CA31 % 0.100.06 0.06Sulphur

17782CA11 kJ/kg 1956218590 19245Gross Calorific Value

16376* kJ/kg -- -Net Calorific Value

45.11CA9 % 49.6347.16 48.82Carbon

5.60CA9 % 6.165.85 6.06Hydrogen

-* % -- 43.08Oxygen

0.33CA9 % 0.360.35 0.36Nitrogen

13.5* % 14.914.1 14.6Fixed Carbon

Environmental Scientifics Group LimitedReg Office: ESG House, Bretby Business Park, Ashby Road, Burton upon Trent, DE15 0YZ

Incorporated in England:02880501

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Date Sampled:

Date Received:

Test Date:

Date Reported: 643853

Our Ref:

Customer Ref:

Laboratory References

Sample Number:

6m Bottle:

72m Bottle:

Bio Bottle:



10 February 2015 to 23 February 2015

23 February 2015

10 February 2015

31 December 2014 643853



Supplier: CosanBairro CampestreArea 1Rio Das PedrasSP Brazil

Issue Number:

15/FEB/COA/643853Report Number:

Analysis Report




Reducing Atmosphere

1130deg C

I.D. Softening Hemisphere Flow

1010 1080 1100Ash Fusion Temperatures



Reference Results



Environmental Scientifics Group LimitedReg Office: ESG House, Bretby Business Park, Ashby Road, Burton upon Trent, DE15 0YZ

Incorporated in England:02880501

Page 3 of 4

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ICP Trace Metals

Date Sampled:

Date Received:

Test Date:

Date Reported: 643853

Our Ref:

Customer Ref:

Laboratory References

Sample Number:

6m Bottle:

72m Bottle:

Bio Bottle:



10 February 2015 to 23 February 2015

23 February 2015

10 February 2015

31 December 2014 643853



Supplier: CosanBairro CampestreArea 1Rio Das PedrasSP Brazil

Issue Number:

15/FEB/COA/643853Report Number:

Analysis Report



Metal UnitMethod

Results Basis


Received *



Dry *


Tin mg/kg < 0.5**** --


Environmental Scientifics Group LimitedReg Office: ESG House, Bretby Business Park, Ashby Road, Burton upon Trent, DE15 0YZ

Incorporated in England:02880501

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