Amended Reply to SOC - 100511

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  • 8/6/2019 Amended Reply to SOC - 100511



    Shri K.K. Verma Presiding Arbitrator

    Shri. V.D. Gautam Arbitrator

    Shri. S.K. Jain Arbitrator

    In the matter of Arbitration between:

    M/s. MBL Infrastructures Limited : Claimant/Contractor


    National Highways Authority of India : Employer/Respondent

    In the matter of Arbitration under the provisions of Arbitration andConciliations Act 1996 in Short Term Improvement and RoutineMaintenance work for Chilakaluripet to Vijayawada (Km. 355.00 to Km.

    434.150) and Vijaywada to Eluru (Km.3.400 to Km. 81.600) Section of NH-5



    1 Statement of Defence of the Respondentincorporating amendments to the replies inrespect of Claim Nos. A-1, A-5, A-6, A-7 & A-8




    M. V. KINI & CO.Advocates & Solicitors


    NEW DELHI 110 014


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    1. Shri K.K. Varma, : Presiding ArbitratorAdditional Director General,(CPWD),Retd. EA-290, DDA-SFS FlatsMaya Enclave, New Delhi-110064

    2. Shri. V.D. Gautam : ArbitratorIDSE, Retd.B-44, Jalvayu Vihar, Pocket 4,Plot # 8, Greater Noida 201308

    3. Shri. S.K. Jain : ArbitratorJain-Lok, Kothi Gate,Hapur- 245101


    M/s. MBL Infrastructures Limited

    23A, N.S. Road,3rd Floor, Room No.14,Kolkata Claimant


    NATIONAL HIGHWAYS AUTHORITY OF INDIA,G-5 & G-6, Sector 10,Dwarka,New Delhi. Respondent


    In the matter of Arbitration under the provisions of Arbitration and

    Conciliation Act, 1996 in Short Term Improvement and Routine

    Maintenance work for Chilakaluripet to Vijayawada (Km. 355.00 to

    Km. 434.150) and Vijayawada to Eluru (Km.3.400 to Km. 81.600)

    Section of NH-5

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    1. That the contents of the SOC to the extent not specifically adverted

    to and replied herein shall be deemed to have been traversed in

    extenso and denied by the Respondent save and except those

    which are specifically admitted hereinafter.

    2. That wherever applicable, the Respondent has placed copies of

    correspondence/documents as annexure to the reply and reserves

    its right to rely on the same and further reserves the right to file

    such other correspondence/documents as may be deemed

    appropriate and to make detailed submissions at an appropriate


    3. That the Respondent reserves its right to add, to vary, modify or

    otherwise elaborate its reply, averments, contentions and

    submissions and to submit further documents as may be required.

    Further, the Respondent hereby reserves its right to lead oral as

    well as documentary evidence as may be required in support of its



    That the Claimant has sought to make certain alleged claims

    before this Ld. Tribunal, which are either beyond the terms of the

    Contract or are clearly barred by the terms of the Contract and therefore

    are not maintainable or arbitrable, the details whereof are as under:

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    i) Claim No. A-1 Rs. 33,74,980/- towards loss on account of delay in

    issue of letter to proceed (initial expenditure between 19.05.2006

    to 29.08.2006).

    ii) Claim No. A-5 Rs. 18,17,803/- towards losses on account of price

    rise due to delays.

    iii) Claim No. A-6 Rs. 5,94,88,788/- towards loss due to prolongation

    of Contract period (Claim due to overheads and establishments).

    iv) Claim No. A-7 Rs. 2,07,15,978/- towards loss of profit due to

    reduction on account of Contract which could not be executed.

    v) Claim No. A-8 Rs, 1,00,00,000/- towards loss of Goodwill,

    Reputation, mental harassment etc..

    The aforesaid claims are clearly de hors the Contract and for the samereason not maintainable or arbitrable before this Ld. Tribunal. This

    objection may kindly be treated to have been raised u/s 16 (2) of the

    Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996.


    1. That the present Contract was entered into between the Claimant

    and the Respondent for the purposes of short term improvement

    and routine maintenance of NH-5 from Chilakaluripet to

    Vijayawada and Vijayawada to Eluru. As per the terms of the

    agreement, the Claimant was required to execute the work as

    mentioned in the Scope of Works. According to Clause 27.1, the

    Engineer shall issue the Indents of the works in stages and the

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    Claimant shall submit the program to the Engineer for its approval.

    The language of the Clause 27.1 is reproduced herein below;

    The Engineer shall issue the Indent of work instages specifying the time limit for the same asand when required. The Contractor shall submit tothe Engineer for approval a programme showingthe general methods, arrangements, order, andtiming for all the activities in the works, along withmonthly cash flow forecasts.

    Thus from the above it will be clear that the Claimant was toexecute the works in accordance with the Indents issued to him by

    the Engineer from time to time within the time prescribed for

    completing the Indent. After execution of the Contract dated

    24.08.2006, the Letter to proceed with the work was issued by the

    Respondent to the Claimant on 29.08.2006. It is relevant to submit

    that in accordance with Clause 27.1 of Part-I of GCC read with the

    Implementation Manual and Maintenance Intervention Levels

    (Section-6), it is clearly laid down under clause 6.3.1 that the

    maintenance programme planning shall be in two stages, and it is

    the primary responsibility of the Contractor to submit the first stage

    program within 28 days of issuance of the letter of commencement

    by the Employer. In spite of the said requirement under the

    Contract, the Claimant failed to give any programme to the

    Respondent within the stipulated period of 28 days.

    2. On 11.09.2006 the Engineer, after the joint inspection and in

    consultation of the Claimant issued the First Indent to the

    Claimant, a copy of which has been furnished by the Claimant as

    Document C-14 at pg.72 of the Statement of Claim. On

    09.10.2006, a review meeting was held, which was represented by

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    the representatives of both the parties wherein it was pointed out

    to the Claimant that the scientific laboratory to carry out various

    tests had still not been established by the Claimant even though

    under Clause 53(i) read with Clause 15 (a) of the Contract, the

    Claimant was bound to establish a fully equipped laboratory within

    a period of thirty days. Thereafter, again in a Review meeting on

    09.11.2006, it was pointed out that the Claimant had again failed to

    establish the laboratory. In the said meeting it was brought to the

    notice of the Claimant the poor rate of execution of the work, in as

    much as the Claimant had achieved only 5% against the required

    67%. Copies of the minutes of the review meetings dated

    09.10.2006 and 09.11.2006 are annexed hereto and marked as

    Exhibit- R-1 & R-2, which will show that the Claimant initiated the

    breach of the Contract right from its inception.

    3. That as a matter of fact the Claimant had failed to provide even the

    vehicles for routine maintenance and site management till as late

    as 18.09.2006 Exhibit R-33. The claim of the Claimant that they

    had mobilized the heavy machinery and other staff and labour for

    commencement right from the beginning of June 2006 is totally

    bereft of any truth in as much as the Claimant has miserably failed

    to place any document in support thereof. Contrary to this, the

    Claimant on his own admission had taken on lease an area of land

    measuring 3.84 acres only on 19.01.2007 whereas the work under

    the Contract had commenced on 12.09.2006 and the Contract

    period was to end on 11.09.2007. The copy of Claimants letter dt.

    05.02.2007 is appended hereto and marked as Exhibit R-41. As

    per conditions of the Agreement, after signing of the same,

    Claimant has to mobilize required machinery. As it transpired, the

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    Claimant failed to do so in spite of a number of notices by the

    Engineer. Copies of some of the MOMs and notices are appended

    hereto and marked as Exhibit -R-1 to R-6 as well as R-34 & R-35.

    4. That as already submitted no equipment/machinery whatsoever

    was available at site even after signing of the Contract to attend

    even ordinary / routine maintenance. The failure of the Claimant in

    this regard and on various other issues was brought to the

    Claimants notice by the Consultant from time to time through his

    letters dated 07.11.2006, 16.11.2006, 04.12.2006 and 18.12.2006,

    copies whereof are appended hereto and marked as Exhibit R

    -36 to R- 39.

    5. That That on 22.11.2006 the Engineer placed the Second Indent

    on the Claimant. It is pertinent to submit that the Claimant, in gross

    violation of the requirement under Clause 6.7.3 of the Contract,

    failed to install the Hot Mix plant despite notice in this behalf during

    the review meeting on 14.10.2006, a copy of whose minutes is

    appended hereto as Exhibit R-3. The Engineer again in letter

    dated 8.11.2006 to the Claimant emphasized the need and the

    urgent requirement of the Hot Mix plant at the site. A copy of the

    letter dt. 08.11.2006 is annexed hereto and marked as Exhibit R-

    4. Thereafter, again during the review meetings held on.

    29.11.2006 and 09.12.2006, the Respondent expressed concern

    over the non execution of the balance work in the First Indent. A

    bare perusal of the minutes of said meeting would reveal that the

    Claimant was unable even to start the work in terms of the

    provisions of the agreement. Copies of the minutes of the review

    meetings dt. 29.11.2006 and 09.12.2006 are annexed hereto andmarked as Exhibit- R-5 & R-6.

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    6. That it is submitted that the Claimant had continued with his

    lackadaisical approach in executing the work and submitted only a

    draft of the work program, that too belatedly after a delay of 70

    days on 22.11.2006. Since the work program was only in the form

    of draft, the Engineer made certain remarks vide letter dated 4th

    December, 2006 annexed hereto as Exhibit R-7 and gave a

    further reminder on 20th December, 2006, annexed hereto as

    Exhibit R-8 regarding yearly maintenance program. Thereafter,

    the Claimant resubmitted a back-dated work program on

    11.12.2006 and the same was received by the Engineer only on

    30th December, 2006 (at the end of the first quarter). The Engineer

    in his letter dt. 06.01.2007 (Document C-34 of the Statement Of

    Claim), pointed out to the Claimant his non- compliance of

    submission of Work Programme to the Engineer for approval as

    per the Contract. In the said letter, the Engineer further pointed out

    to the Claimant about his non-compliance with the requirement of

    Work Manual under Clause 6.3.1(b)-(iii) under section 6 of the

    Contract, which is extracted herein below;

    A comprehensive documentation shall be prepared

    separately by Engineer and Contractor mentioning their

    assessment of various types of defects in each km of road.

    As per the above clause, the Claimant is required to prepare a

    comprehensive document mentioning the assessment of various

    types of defects in each KM of road, which was again not complied

    with by the Claimant.

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    7. That right from the date of commencement of work, the Claimant

    exhibited lethargy in executing the work, despite repeated notices

    and reminders of the Engineer/ Respondent on numerous

    occasions. Respondent vide its letter dt. 04.12.2006 (Document C-

    36 in the Statement Of Claim) requested the Claimant to expedite

    the work mentioned therein. Again vide letter dt. 18.12.2006

    (Exhibit R-9) the Respondent pointed out to the Claimant that

    despite repeated reminders through various letters and

    discussions in the monthly review meetings, the Claimant had

    failed to even complete the balance work under Indent No. 1 and

    the value of the works executed by the Claimant was a dismal

    9.79% against the required 87.91% as per the approved Work

    Indent No. I/2006. In the said letter, the Respondent also listed the

    failures of the Claimant in brief in executing various works. The

    Respondent also sought the explanation from the Claimant as to

    why LD should not be levied.

    8. That though the Claimant sought to furnish reasons for their

    various failures in a letter dt. 22.12.2006, the same were absolutely

    imaginary and unconvincing lame excuses. The delay and

    dithering in the execution of the work led to numerous complaints

    from the Public regarding the deteriorating condition of the road

    owing to lack of maintenance and repairs. The Respondent

    through its letters from time to time had consistently apprised the

    Claimant regarding the complaints and emphasized the need for

    speed and expedition in the execution of the Work in a timely

    manner. However, the said requests and entreaties fell on deaf

    ears in as much as there was no discernible improvement in the

    work performance of the Claimant. Copies of some of the

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    complaints received from the Public are annexed hereto and

    marked as Exhibit R-10.

    9. The gross negligence on the part of the Claimant will be eloquent

    from the fact that the lawn in a traffic island around the Rotary at

    Km. 3.460 on Visakhapatnam side caught fire in the month of

    January 2007 despite the responsibility of the Claimant under the

    Contract to conserve all trees, shrubs and similar plantation within

    the right of the way as per provisions of clause 4.2.1. As if this was

    not enough, the Claimant even failed to redevelop the lawn till

    19.04.2007, which fact was brought to the notice of the Claimant in

    a review meeting held on 19.04.2007. A copy of the minutes of the

    review meeting dt. 19.04.2007 is annexed hereto and marked as

    Exhibit R-11. The said incident of fire is a pointer to the gross

    neglect on the part of the Claimant in watering, manuring, trimming

    of the said area as per Contract in as much as the dry plantation

    became susceptible to fire. The callous attitude of the Claimant

    would be evident from the fact that instead of taking remedial steps

    as requested by the Respondent time and again through number

    of letters and reminders, the Claimant sought to disown their

    responsibility and resort to Arbitration proceedings.

    10. In the review meeting held on 09.01.2007 Exhibit R-12 the

    Respondent informed the Claimant about non-compliance of

    various provisions of the Contract Viz., deployment of qualified

    nursing staff, deployment of Ambulances, removal of hoardings,

    submission of Monthly progress reports etc. Not only did the

    Claimant fail to comply with the provisions of the Contract, but also

    miserably failed to fulfill the undertakings given by them in the

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    review meetings from time to time such as establishment of

    laboratory, providing of mobile maintenance unit etc.

    11. That as per the provisions of the Contract, the Claimant was

    required to establish the fully operational laboratory within a period

    of 30 days. However, till the date of termination of the Contract, the

    Claimant failed to establish the site laboratory. Copies of various

    letters on this subject from the Respondent to the Claimant are

    annexed hereto and marked as Exhibit -R- 13 & R-14.

    12. The Claimant was extremely lackadaisical in its approach in

    executing the work. On 08.02.2007 a management meeting was

    held in the office of the Project Director. In the said meeting the

    Claimant was informed that the overall progress of the work was

    only 1.88% against the targeted 35% until 31.01.2007. A bare

    perusal of the various Minutes of the review Meetings will reveal

    that the Claimant had even failed to complete the First Indent in

    spite of the assurance that the same will be completed by

    20.03.2007. Apart from the non-completion of the First Indent, the

    Claimant did not even commence the work against Indent No.3,

    the due date of which was 28.02.2007. A copy of the minutes of

    the meeting dated 08.02.2007 is annexed hereto and marked as

    Exhibit R-15. Again during the review meeting held on 9.03.2007Exhibit R-16 it was observed by the Respondent that the Claimant

    was still to start execution of work under Indent No. 3, the due date

    in respect of which had already expired on 28.02.2007.

    Furthermore, despite several letters from the Respondent, the

    Ambulance services were operated without the qualified staff.

    From the above it will be evident that there was overall and

    comprehensive failure on the part of the Claimant in executing any

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    work as per the terms of the Contract and the untenable claims

    raised in the Statement of Claim are totally false and frivolous.

    13. That despite repeated promises to execute the work in terms of the

    Contract given during the various review meetings and in response

    to the numerous letters from the Respondent, the Claimant

    brazenly breached all such promises and undertakings, thus

    leaving no options to the Respondent except to levy Liquidated

    Damages on the Claimant as per terms of the Contract and

    accordingly, by a letter dt.24th May 2007 (Exhibit R-17) the

    Respondent conveyed the same to the Claimant. Thereafter, in the

    month of June when the monsoon was already active, the

    Claimant brought Hot Mix plant and Milling machinery to the site.

    Notwithstanding this, the progress of work still remained dismal.

    14. That a meeting was held on 29.08.2007 at NHAI Headquarters. In

    the said meeting the Claimant proposed non execution of certain

    BOQ items in view of a proposal for 6-laninig of the whole stretch

    of road between Chilakaluripet to Gundugolanu. The Claimant

    further requested the Respondent to reduce the value of the work

    under the contract. The Claimant further made a request not to

    recover Liquidated Damages in the future bills citing cash-flow

    problems and further undertook to furnish an unconditional BankGuarantee in lieu of Liquidated Damages until finalization of

    Extension of Time as well as the quantum of Liquidated Damages

    to be decided by the Respondent. However, no decisions were

    taken in respect of the Claimants proposals in the said meeting

    and no promise was held out to the Claimant regarding any

    reduction in the value of works or items except the subject of the

    bank guarantees to be provided by the Claimant and extension of

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    BGs already provided. A copy of the Minutes of the Meeting dated

    29.08.2007, which is self explanatory is appended hereto and

    marked as Exhibit R-18.

    15. That the Respondents site inspection in the month of September

    revealed that the progress of work achieved by the Claimant till

    then was a dismal 12.69% vis--vis the requirement of 100% as on

    11.09.2007. The Claimant, in a bid to cover up his failures/

    lapses unilaterally decided not to execute certain BOQ items on

    the excuse that the whole stretch of road between Chilakaluripet to

    Gundugolanu was proposed for six laning. It is a matter of record

    that no instructions whatsoever were issued by the Respondent or

    the Engineer to stop or suspend any work at any point of time.

    Having failed to achieve the required progress in the work as

    scheduled, the Claimant submitted a revised work programme

    through a letter dated 10.09.2007 unilaterally indicating a reduction

    in the scope of work under the Contract to Rs.19,60,38,117/-. As

    per Clause 36.1 of Contract, the Engineer shall, having regard to

    the scope of the Works and the sanctioned estimated cost, have

    power to order only after approval from NHAI / as per NHAI

    guidelines, in writing, Variations within the scope of the Works he

    considers necessary or advisable during the progress of the

    works. The above revised work programme, was not approved by

    the Headquarters of the Respondent who returned the same with

    the remark that the same shall have to be submitted as per Clause

    36.1 of Contract as a variation proposal. Hence, the revised work

    programme submitted by the Claimant is of no relevance

    contractually and the value of the work to be executed under the

    Contract remained as Rs.31,44,10,140.65/- only.

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    progress, bringing the case squarely within the provisions of

    Clause 53.2(h) of the General Condition of Contract, there by

    amounting to fundamental breach of Contract under Clause 53.2.

    Clauses 53.2 and Clause 53.2(h) are reproduced herein below.

    53.2: Fundamental breaches of Contract include,but shall not be limited to, the following:

    53.2 (h): If the contractor has not completedatleast 30% of the value of work required to

    be completed after half of the completionperiod has elapsed

    19. That it is germane to state that the Engineer gave a notice vide

    letter dated 07.02.2007 wherein the Engineer had recorded that

    the Contractor had failed to perform the Contract as per Clause

    No.53.2(h) and 15(c) of Contract Data of General Conditions of

    Contract which amounted to fundamental breach of the Contract

    as per Clause No.53.2(i) of General Conditions of the Contract and

    demanded an explanation to show cause as to why the Contract

    cannot be terminated for his default. A copy of the notice dated

    07.02.2007 is enclosed as Exhibit-R-54

    20. That in view of the fundamental breach of Contract committed by

    the Claimant the Respondent was within its rights under the

    Contract to terminate the same under Clause 53. In the present

    case, the Claimant failed to complete even 30% of the total value

    of work even after grant of EOT up to 31.12.2007. Furthermore,

    the Claimant completely failed to setup a field laboratory with

    prescribed instruments in accordance with Clause 53.1 of the

    General Condition of Contract read along with Item 15 (a) of the

    Contract Data. In view of the said circumstances, the Respondent

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    future interest and the cost of arbitration proceedings and such

    relevant costs as may be deemed fit by this Ld. Tribunal.


    1.4 That the contents of Para 1-4 of the Statement of Claim are

    matters of record and need no reply.

    5. That the contents of Para 5 of the Statement of Claim, only to the

    extent that the Claimant had furnished performance security in theform of bank guarantee within 10 days, are matters of record. It is

    pertinent to submit here that the said performance securities

    furnished by the Claimant are meant to be kept valid till the end of

    the defect liability period and/or till conclusion of any arbitral

    proceedings, if applicable as per provisions of clause 25.3 (e) of

    the Contract. As it transpired, the Claimant has allowed the said

    performance securities given by way of Bank Guarantees to lapse

    and has failed and neglected to renew the same beyond the defect

    liability period stipulated in the Contract, on account of which the

    Respondent has already moved an application u/s 17 of the

    Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 before this Ld. Tribunal for

    appropriate reliefs as prayed therein.

    6. That the contents of Para 6 of the Statement of Claim are disputed

    and denied. It is specifically denied that there was any

    unreasonable delay in the issue of the letter of acceptance as

    contended or at all. The tender conditions under ITB nowhere

    stipulate any time limit for issue of letter of acceptance. The

    contentions that the road was badly maintained by the Respondent

    in the mean time is also totally unsubstantiated and false in as

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    much as the claimant even at the time of taking over the road after

    the contract was finalized never recorded anything in writing with

    respect to the alleged bad quality of the road which is being raked

    up now solely with the intention to make illegal gains. It is pertinent

    to submit that the complaints were received by the Respondent

    regarding road condition from the road users only after arrival of

    the Claimant at site on 03.10.2006. Copies of the documents are

    appended hereto and marked as Exhibit R-10.

    7. That the contents of Para 7 of the Statement of Claim are matter of

    record and needs no reply.

    8. That the contents of Para 8 of the Statement of Claim are

    irrelevant and immaterial and therefore disputed and denied. The

    allegations contained herein are totally unsubstantiated in as much

    as the Claimant has not placed on record any document to show

    that this issue was ever raised by the Claimant at the relevant point

    of time. It is further submitted that signing the formal Contract was

    not a mere ritual as contended by the Claimant in as much as

    before signing of any such contract, it is customary for the

    Respondent to seek the confirmation from the bankers who have

    provided the bank guarantees towards performance securities to

    ascertain the veracity of the bank guarantees provided by the

    contractors. Only after satisfying itself with regard to the

    genuineness of such securities, the contract is signed by the

    Respondent with the concerned contractors. This step was also

    followed in the instant case and only after receipt of such

    confirmation from the claimants bankers the present contract was

    signed between the parties. The details of other contractsexecuted by the Claimant and referred to are of relevance to

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    establish any standard for the time limit for execution of the

    contract reckoned from the date of the letter of acceptance. It may

    be added here that the said contracts referred to by the Claimant

    were entered into for the purpose of maintenance wherein the

    earlier contracts given to other contracts had already expired and

    therefore there was urgency and priority for executing the further

    contracts immediately after expiry of the earlier contracts. The

    stretch under this Contract was all along being maintained by the

    Respondent departmentally/ piecemeal contracts and as such

    there was no urgency and priority to finalize the instant Contract. It

    is also a pertinent to submit that as per terms of the ITB, the bids

    invited for the subject work or to be kept valid for a period of 90

    days from the date of submission as per Para 15 of the Tender

    Conditions and for any further extentions of validity beyond the

    said period, the same was solely at the discretion of the bidder and

    it is a matter of record that the Claimant willingly extended the

    validity of his bid for a period of more than 3 months.

    9 & 10 That the contents of Para 9 of the Statement of Claim are

    denied and disputed. As a matter of fact the Claimant had failed to

    provide even the vehicles for routine maintenance and site

    management till as late as 18.09.2006 Exhibit R-33. The claim of

    the Claimant that they had mobilized the heavy machinery and

    other staff and labour for commencement right from the beginning

    of June 2006 is totally bereft of any truth in as much as the

    Claimant has miserably failed to place any document in support

    thereof. Contrary to this, the Claimant on his own admission had

    taken on lease an area of land measuring 3.84 acres only on

    19.01.2007 whereas the work under the Contract had commencedon 12.09.2006 and the Contract period was to end on 11.09.2007.

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    The copy of Claimants letter dt. 05.02.2007 is appended hereto

    and marked as Exhibit R-41. As per conditions of the Agreement,

    after signing of the same, Claimant has to mobilize required

    machinery. As it transpired, the Claimant failed to do so in spite of

    a number of notices by the Engineer. Copies of some of the

    MOMs and notices are appended hereto and marked as Exhibit

    -R-1 to R-6 as well as R-34 & R-35.

    11-12. That the contents of Para 11&12 of the Statement of Claim are

    disputed and denied as false and concocted. It is a matter of

    record that the Claimant addressed the letter dated 2006. It is also

    a matter of record that the Contract was executed between the

    parties on 24.08.2006 and the letter to proceed with a work was

    also issued on the same date. With regard to the empty claims of

    the Claimant that they had provisioned the machinery and

    equipment for executing the work even prior to the date of the

    Contract, the same claims are totally divide up any proof

    whatsoever regardless of the fact that even if the same were true,

    the Claimant can not hold the Respondent responsible for any

    action or inaction prior to the date of the Contract. As already

    submitted no equipment/machinery whatsoever was available at

    site even after signing of the Contract to attend even ordinary /

    routine maintenance. The failure of the Claimant in this regard and

    on various other issues was brought to the Claimants notice by the

    Consultant from time to time through his letters dated 07.11.2006,

    16.11.2006, 04.12.2006 and 18.12.2006, copies whereof are

    appended hereto and marked as Exhibit R -36 to R- 39.

    13. The content of Para 13 of the Statement of Claim only to the extentthey are part of the record are admitted, rest of the contentions

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    which are surmises of the Claimant are disputed and denied. It is

    further submitted that the Respondent is not answerable to any

    actions taken by the Claimant prior to the execution of the


    14. With respect to Para 14 of the Statement of Claim it is submitted

    that the actual monsoon Seasons in the area of works starts from

    June to September and dry season will start from the October. In

    as much as the Contract was signed on 28.08.2006, the monsoon

    was already coming to an end by that date and the dry season was

    to start by October. It is also a matter of record that the first indent

    of items to be completed by Claimant related to simple

    maintenance of the stretch and had no nexus or connection with a

    monsoon and therefore, it is denied that the Claimant could not

    commence the works due to the Monsoon season. Moreover the

    actual rainfall data as obtained from the Meteorological

    Department would substantiate the fact that most of the month of

    September 2006 was without rainfall and there was ample scope

    for the Claimant to carry out the work. The copy of rainfall data as

    obtained from Meteorological Department is annexed as Exhibit

    R-40. The Exhibits of Claimant i.e., C10 & C11 are matters of

    record and have no nexus or connection with the allegations

    contained therein.

    15. With respect to Para 15 of the Statement of Claim it is submitted

    that as per the agreement entered into between the parties, Clause

    27.1 of Part-I of GCC and Section-6 implementation manual and

    maintenance intervention levels under clause 6.3.1, the

    maintenance program planning shall be in two stages, where it isvery clearly specified and it is the primary responsibility of the

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    Contractor to submit the first stage program within 28 days of

    issuance of the letter of commencement by the Respondent.

    However, the Claimant admittedly failed to provide any program to

    the Respondent, therefore, any plea of the Claimant disputing the

    program is mischievous and mala fide.

    Further it is submitted that the first indent was finalized by the

    Engineer after a joint inspection of the site by the contractor and

    consultant. After the joint inspection the Engineer had even

    requested the contractor for his comments and suggestions as

    substantiated by the copy of the Engineer letter dt. 15.09.2006

    appended hereto as Exhibit R-42

    16. That the contents of Para 16 of the Statement of Claim are totally

    devoid of any substance and hence disputed and denied.

    17-18. That with respect to the contents of Paras 17 & 18, the

    same are disputed and denied for the reasons that they have no

    nexus or connection with the work undertaken by the Claimant

    under the Contract. In as much as the actions on the part of the

    Respondent referred to in the said paragraphs are concerned, they

    were no way connected with the work performance under the

    Contract and the Respondent was totally at liberty to take whatever

    action with respect under the Contract beyond the Contract period

    and for the same reasons the contents thereof deserve to be

    dismissed summarily.

    19. That the contents of Para 19 of the Statement of Claim are

    disputed and denied. Further, it is submitted that the Respondent

    has already explained the failure of the Claimant and the othercommissions and omissions on the part of the Claimant in the

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    Preliminary Submissions, which are not repeated here for the sake

    of brevity. As it transpired, the Claimant himself submitted the

    revised the work programme and requested for deletion of certain

    works from the Claimants scope on the plea that the same are not

    required due to the proposed 6-lanning of the stretch. The said

    request of the Claimant was forwarded by the Engineer to the

    Project Director of the Respondent, who in turn had forwarded the

    same to NHAI Headquarters, New Delhi for necessary approval as

    laid down in the Contract under Clause 36.1 of the Contract. In

    furtherance of the said request vide Exhibit R-48, the Claimant

    held out an undertaking that he will complete the balance work as

    per his revised work programme for a value of Rs.19,43,90,225.2

    by 31.12.2007, which was forwarded by the then Project Director

    to NHAI Headquarters. As it transpired, the Claimant miserably

    failed to execute the work even to the promised reduced value as

    undertaken by them. Even otherwise, the said proposal of the

    Claimant (referred Exhibit R-48) was rejected by NHAI

    headquarters which clearly pointed out that any variations to the

    work under the Contract can be considered only after completion

    of the work under the Contract as enjoined therein and there was

    no scope to accede to the request of the Claimant. As such

    request for reduction of the Contract value to Rs. 19,43,90,225.2

    did not have the approval of NHAI as enjoined by Clause 36.1

    referred to above and the Engineer did not have any authority

    whatsoever to approve the same and the Claimants reliance

    thereon is contractually invalid.

    20. That the contents of Para 20 of the Statement of Claim are

    baseless and preposterous and therefore strongly disputed anddenied. It is submitted at the cost of prolixity that the stand of the

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    NHAI headquarters had been consistent right from the beginning

    that in the scheme of the Contract and under the circumstances at

    that point of time, there was no question of accepting any revised

    work programme from the Claimant as sought to be made out by

    the Claimant. It was emphasized by the NHAI headquarters that

    the Claimant was bound to complete the work under the different

    indents and upon completion thereof, make a request to the

    Engineer/Respondent for extension of time, which may be granted

    with or without levy of Liquidated Damages as the case may be. In

    view of the aforesaid consistent stand of the Respondent, there

    was no need for submission of any revised work programme by the

    Claimant or its approval by the Respondent. Thus the alleged

    delay complained of by the Claimant on the part of the Respondent

    is without any basis whatsoever. Respondent reserves its rights to

    make further detailed submissions at an appropriate time in

    rebuttal of the contents of Para 20.

    It is further submitted that the Claimants letter dt. ______(Exhibit

    C-58) that the work could be completed only to the extent stated

    therein itself is an admission on their part to the Claimants

    inefficiency to perform the work in accordance with the terms of the

    Contract, their bald denials notwithstanding. In as much as the said

    failure of the Claimant qualified for termination of the Contract by

    the Respondent, the Respondent was constrained to do so vide its

    letter dt. 31.12.2007 (Exhibit R-32). The inefficiency of the

    Claimant is compounded by the fact that all the activities stated in

    the Claimants letter Dt. 22.12.2007 (Exhibit C-58) are very simple

    and minor maintenance works which can be done by even a petty

    contractor through simple planning. The very fact the Claimant was

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    unable to do so deservedly called for termination of their services

    which was done by the Respondent.

    21. That the contents of Para 21 of the Statement of Claim are

    disputed and denied. As already stated, the failure on the part of

    the Claimant to execute the work in accordance of the terms of the

    Contract amounted to Fundamental Breach of the terms thereof

    and therefore the respondent rightly terminated the Contract on

    31.12.2007. As admitted by the Claimant in C-60, the only dispute

    which remained to be settled between the Claimant and the

    Respondent as on 29.12.2007 was limited to adjustment of

    payment for variations in the actual percentage of bitumen in terms

    of Clause 507.9 & 509.9 of MORT & H specifications. This

    tantamounts to show that the claims as made by the Claimant

    under the SOC under reply are false, concocted and imaginary.

    The said claims, though are admissible as per terms of the

    contract have been kept in abeyance in as much as the Claimant

    invoked arbitration even before settlement of the same.

    22. That the contents of Para 22 of the statement of claim are admitted

    only to the extent they are matters of record and anything which is

    not part of the record is disputed and denied. It is a matter of

    record that the Claimant failed to submit any inventory of items

    executed by them or any as built drawings as mandated by

    clause 52.1 of the Contract pursuant to termination of the Contract.

    In the absence thereof, the Engineer was constrained to measure

    the work and determine the inventory and made recoveries from

    the claimants dues accordingly, which are final and binding on the

    Claimant. With regard to the contentions of the Claimant that thetermination notice dated 31.12.2007 is illegal, null and void, it is

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    submitted that under Clause 53 which has been quoted by the

    Claimant, the Employer is within his rights to terminate the

    Contract if the Contractor causes a Fundamental Breach of the

    Contract. The contents of notice dated 11.12.2007 (Exhibit R-55)

    from the Engineer to the Claimant is explicit enough to forewarn

    the Claimant that if the Claimant claimed to complete the work by

    31.12.2007, the same will invite the consequences under Clause

    53 of the Contract, which dealt with the conditions under which the

    Contract can be terminated. Not only the Claimant failed to

    complete the work as stipulated but also failed to take any

    cognizance of the said warning and even failed to address the said

    subject in any of his letters subsequent thereto. The termination of

    the Contract was accordingly resorted to by the Respondent and it

    is also a matter of record that the Claimant did not seek to

    challenge the said action before the Engineer at any point of time

    thereafter. The failure of the Claimant to raise any dispute in

    respect thereof shall tantamount to a waiver and the Claimant is

    estopped from raising any incostinent dispute pertaining thereto

    before this Ld. Tribunal.

    23-25. That the contents of Para 23-25 of the statement of claim

    save and except those which are already matters of record are

    disputed and denied. The Engineers notice dated 11.12.2007

    (Exhibit R-55) was itself a prior warning to the Claimant of the

    impending termination. The Claimant was also given an

    opportunity by the said notice to improve his performance, which

    he failed to do. The Contract does not make any stipulations as to

    the timing of the termination and therefore the Contractors

    contention to the contrary are de hors the Contract and

    inadmissible. As already stated if the Claimant wanted to challenge

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    the said termination, the Claimant had all the opportunities to raise

    the said objections before the Engineer soon after the termination

    which the Claimant failed to do. It is the scheme of the Contract

    under Clause 53 that the Contract can be terminated for

    Fundamental Breaches on the part of the Claimant, which subject

    matter, by virtue of the language of the said Clause is entirely

    within the domain of the Engineer and it is a matter of record that

    the Claimant did not care to raise any dispute in respect thereof

    before the Engineer at the relevant point of time. In as much as a

    dispute, duly raised under the Contract is amenable for arbitration

    under the terms of Clause 25.3 of the Contract, the present alleged

    dispute sought to be raised by the Claimant is clearly not

    maintainable. As already stated the said failure to raise a dispute in

    respect thereof amounts to a waiver and the Claimant is estopped

    from raising any dispute with respect thereto. It is a matter of

    record that by a letter dated 03.03.2008 (Exhibit C-67) after a

    lapse of 2 months, the Claimant elected to call the said termination

    in question address to the Project Director of the Respondent

    whereas in accordance with the Contract, it ought to have been

    addressed to the Engineer. The said letter even otherwise can not

    be taken cognizance of in as much as the same was not signed by

    an authorized signatory as enjoined by the Contract.

    26. That the contents of Para 26 of the Statement of Claim are

    disputed and denied. After termination of the Contract, the

    Claimant submitted the bill on 13.02.2008 to Engineer and the

    Engineer, in turn submitted the same to Respondent on

    29.02.2008 Exhibit R-51. However, even while the said bill was

    under scrutiny, the Claimant initiated proceedings under section 9of the arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 before the Honble

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    High court of Calcutta and despite the orders for maintaining status

    quo given by the Honble Court, illegally allowed the Bank

    Guarantees provided by way of Performance Security to lapse. In

    view of the said directions of the court to maintain status Quo, the

    said bills of the Claimant were not processed. It is a matter of

    record that subsequent thereto, the present Ld. Tribunal was also

    constituted on 06.06.2008 pursuant to invocation of arbitration by

    the Claimant. In view thereof, the allegations of the Claimant to the

    effect that the Respondent has acted unfairly, unreasonably and

    illegally do not hold water.

    27. In view of the above explained facts, the claims raised by the

    Claimant are not eligible and reasons are placed also in further


    Claim No.A-1 :

    Claim No. Description Amountclaimed


    Claim No.A-1

    a) Loss on account of delay in issue ofletter to proceed (Initial expenditurebetween 19.05.2006 to 29.08.2006)


    b) Additional Bank Guarantee Charge

    due to delay


    c) Differential interest on Margin Moneyof BG


    Total 3374980.00

    1. That the averments of the Claimant, being in a narrative form, are

    not capable of any para-wise replies. It is therefore submitted that

    the contents whereof, save and except those which are already

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    matters of record, may be deemed to have been traversed in

    extenso and rebutted by the Respondent.

    2. That the above alleged claim, by the Claimants own showing,

    pertains to certain alleged losses purported to have been incurred

    by the Claimant during a period prior to the execution of the

    Contract. In as much as the Contract was executed on 24.08.2006,

    any claim which is prior to the said date is de hors the Contract

    and for the same reason is not maintainable before this Ld.


    3. That the present untenable claim has been built-up purportedly on

    account of costs and expenses incurred on account of (i) idle plant

    & machinery, (ii) idle manpower, (iii) extra charges for bank

    guarantees due to delay and (iv) extra differential interest on

    margin money for issuance of bank guarantees, totally devoid of

    any contemporary documents in support thereof and is entirely

    based on the Claimants bald claim that in expectation of the Letter

    to Proceed, beginning from June 2006, the Claimant had mobilized

    all the plant, machinery and manpower at the site and owing to the

    delay on the part of the Respondent to issue the Letter to Proceed,

    they had to be demobilized and redeployed at considerable costs

    and expenses, which are being claimed.

    4. That the very fact that such a claim has been set up totally in the

    absence of any contemporary correspondences, log books, way

    leaves and permits issued by concerned Govt. authorities for

    movement of such heavy machinery, payment receipts etc., in

    support thereof, militates against its veracity and credibility of thealleged claim. Since the onus of proving the claim is squarely on

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    the Claimant, the Claimant has failed to discharge the said

    onerous obligation.

    5. The agreement provisions are as under :

    (i) Clause 15.2 In exceptional circumstances, prior to expiry of the

    original time limit, the Employer may request that the bidders may

    extend the period of validity for a specified additional period. The

    request and the bidders responses shall be made in writing or by

    cable. A bidder may refuse the request without forfeiting his bid

    security. A bidder agreeing to the request will not be required or

    permitted to modify his bid, but will be required to extend the

    validity of his bid security for a period of the extension and in

    compliance with Clause 16 in all respects.

    (ii) Clause 31.1 : Notwithstanding Clause 30, the Employer reserves

    the right to accept or reject any Bid, and to cancel the bidding

    process and reject all bids, at any time prior to the award of

    Contract, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected

    Bidder or bidders or any obligation to inform the affected Bidder or

    bidders of the grounds for the Employers action.

    (iii) Unless and until a formal Agreement is prepared and executed this

    Bid, together with your written acceptance thereof, shall constitute a

    binding contract between us (Item No.4 of P-80 of Agreement).

    6. That the partial reliance placed by the Claimant on Clause 32 of

    the ITB in general and Sub- Clause 32.2 in particular is misplaced

    in as the said provision imposes a further condition for effective

    implementation of work under the Contract. To be more explicit,

    the said sub- Clause reads as The notification of award will

    constitute the formation of the Contract, subject only to the

    furnishing of a performance security in accordance with the

    provisions of Clause 33. Clause 33 referred in Sub-Clause32.2

    enjoins the successful bidder to provide the performance security

    within 10 (Ten) days after receipt of the Letter of Acceptance.

    Whether the Claimant complied with the said requirement or not

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    will be elucidated by the chronology of events as detailed


    (i) Bid was submitted by Contractor in the name of

    Maheshwari Brothers Ltd on 24.12.2005 Refer pages

    80 & 81 of Contract.

    (ii) Maheshwari Brothers Ltd offered a rebate of 1.7% during

    evaluation of bid on 03.05.2006 Refer page 105 of the


    (iii) Letter of Acceptance was issued by NHAI in the name of

    Maheshwari Brothers Ltd on 19.05.2006 Refer page 05

    of the Contract.

    (iv) Under para-33, sub-para 33.1 of the ITB, the successful

    bidder is required to furnish Performance Security within

    10 days after receipt of the LOA. Refer page 18, para

    33 of ITB.

    (v) Performance Security in the form of Bank Guarantee was

    provided by the Contractor on 27.05.2006 in the name of

    Maheshwari Brothers Ltd and confirmed by the bank by

    letter dated 06.06.2006 and received by NHAI on

    12.06.2006 Refer page 116 of the Contract.

    (vi) As per internal correspondence in NHAI Headquarters

    the Competent Authority discussed for the above subject

    work and it was decided to keep the file pending till

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    obtaining legal opinion in respect of the work of

    Barwadda-Panagarh Section of NH-2 Package-II.

    (vii) On the request of the Claimant, the issue, whether in the

    light of the change in the name of the bidder i.e.,

    Maheshwari Brothers Ltd to MBL Infrastructures Ltd, it

    would be appropriate for the Respondent to enter into

    Agreement with MBL Infrastructures Ltd was referred for

    legal opinion by the Respondent vide letter dated

    30.06.2006 Ref Exhibit- R-67.

    (viii) Legal Opinion was received from M.V.Kini & Co.,

    Advocates, vide letter dated 25.07.2006 Ref Exhibit-R-


    (ix) After receival of legal opinion, the file was put up for

    signing of the Contract Agreement with M/s. Maheswari

    Brothers Ltd., on 26.07.2006 by the concerned Manager

    in Headquarters. The same was discussed by the then

    Chairman on 31.07.2006, it has been desired by the

    Chairman that the file be submitted to his successor. The

    new Chairman has discussed and approved to sign the

    Contract on 17.08.2006.

    (x) By a letter dated 07.08.2006, Contractor formally

    informed NHAI regarding the change of name of the

    company with relevant documents from the ROC.- Refer

    pages 120, 121 & 122 of the Contract.

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    (xi) On 19.08.2006 Bank issued amendment to the BG dated

    27.05.2006 in the name of MBL Refer page 112 of the


    (xii) On 22.08.2006 the Bank confirmed the Amended Bank

    Guarantee Refer page 118 of the contract.

    (xiii) On 23.08.2006, Contractor wrote in continuation of earlier

    letters dated 07.08.2006 and 21.08.2006 enclosing

    copies of MOA & AOA of MBL and Maheshwari Brothers

    Ltd Refer page 124 of the Contract.

    (xiv) Contract was signed on 24.08.2006 Refer page 03 of


    7. That the Claimants averments about massive mobilization are

    hollow and without substance. Contract stipulates mobile

    maintenance unit and minimum equipment to be deployed at site-

    Refer pages 73 and 74 of the Contract. It is also relevant to refer to

    the Claimants admission regarding its inability to mobilize heavy

    equipment in Exhibit C-23 at page 116. It is a matter of record that

    even the field laboratory, setting up of which was mandatory,

    immediately after execution of Contract could not be set up by the

    Claimant in time. Even otherwise, the work under the First Indent

    did not call for mobilization of manpower, plant & equipment etc. to

    the extent claimed by the Claimant. Refer page 68 of the Contract

    and the First Indent (Exhibit R-70) placed on the Claimant.

    8. That it is therefore submitted that there was no delay on the part ofthe Respondent to sign the Contract once the performance

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    security, in accordance with Clause-33 of the ITB was provided by

    the Claimant and the reasons for signing the Contract on

    24.08.2006 vis--vis the Letter of Acceptance dated 19.05.2006

    was solely attributable to the Claimant. The alleged claim therefore

    merits summary dismissal.

    Claim No.A-2 (a, b, c & c1) for Rs.4,17,37,012/- :

    Description Amount (Rs.)

    (a) Work done accepted, certified but notpaid

    (i) IPC-8 16307725.00

    (ii) IPC-9 15854841.00

    (iii) Work done but not certified 4924020.00

    (b) Wrongful deductions for alleged non



    (c) Amount deducted for non acceptable



    Total = 41737012.00

    The analysis of the deductions made by the Engineer is correct

    and the reasons for the said deductions are as under:

    a) BOQ Item No.2.1 Recovered Amount Rs.9,37,832.64/- :

    b) BOQ Item No.4.2 Recovered Amount Rs.15,40,794/- :

    c) BOQ Item No.4.3 Recovered Amount Rs.9,14,337/- :

    Other recoveries amount Rs.12,27,462/-

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    The Engineer had brought to the Claimants Notice to the said

    deductions as and when the same was effected from the monthly

    statements/IPCs it happens regarding various non-conformance

    and recoveries were made accordingly. The recovery towards non-

    conformance for BOQ Items 2.1, 4.2 & 4.3 were made as per the

    Scope of Work, the documentary proof whereof have been

    furnished in Exhibit-R20 to R31. The recovery calculations were

    made by the Consultant Engineer is herewith enclosed as

    Exhibit:R-64. The total recovery amount shown in the Exhibit:R-

    50/A (Amended).

    Other recoveries for an amount of Rs.12,27,462/- was

    recommended by the Consultant to Respondent towards various

    non-conformance of BOQ items as under.

    Non lettering of distance measuring stone of BOQ item 2.2,

    recovery towards surface unevenness of BC was made as

    per section 6 of Agreement implementation manual and

    maintenance intervention level Clause No.6.8.

    Recovery towards casualties of median plantation done as

    per the survey report, median plantation, survey report on

    termination of the contract was prepared and submitted tothis office is herewith enclosed and based on that the

    recovery was made and it is correct.

    Recovery towards photographs and video graph has been

    made as per the agreement conditions.

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    Recovery towards non-carrying out roughness measurement

    has been made as per Standard Specification of

    MOST/IRC/IS Specification, the Contractor has to conduct

    roughness index for the work done. There is no rule that BT

    has continuous stretch for conducting the roughness index,

    hence it can be done even for 100m also therefore

    Claimants argument is herewith denied and recovery made

    by the Consultant is correct.

    Claim No.A-2(c-1) :


    Description Amountclaimed (Rs.)


    Liquidated damages accounted intotal payment due


    The deduction of Liquidated Damages as well as deduction of 20%

    from balance work to be executed as per Clause 54 of the

    Agreement were resorted to by the Respondent strictly in

    accordance with the provisions of the Contract. The Respondent

    reserves its right to make detail submissions in support of the

    same at an appropriate time.


    1-2. That the contents of Paras are disputed and denied.

    3. The contents of the Para 3 are disputed and denied. That as per

    Clause 27.1 Part-I of GCC read along with Clause No. 6.3.1 of

    Section 6 of the Contract, the contractor and the consultant within

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    a period 28 days from the date of issuance of letter of

    commencement by the employer shall firstly, identify the activities

    of routine maintenance. It is clearly mentioned that the inspection

    was made on 7th & 8th September 2006 by the consultant and

    contractor for finalization of the works which were undertaken

    under 1st quarter only.

    In view of the non submission of work programme by the Claimant,

    the Engineer was constrained to finalize and issue the indents

    even in the absence of the required details in the interest of work.

    It is a matter of record that the Claimant eventually submitted the

    work programme on 22.11.2006 i.e., after lapse of 70 days from

    the date of commencement of work whereas in accordance with

    Clause No. 27.1 of Para-I of GCC the same was required to be

    submitted within 28 days from the date of commencement of work.

    It is submitted that the Claimant was to execute the work during

    the currency of the contract period which was 12 months. The work

    was programmed and indents were finalized keeping in mind, the

    monsoon season which will affect the work in the months of June,

    July and August. Therefore, the dry spell is available from

    September, 2006 to May, 2007. Based on the above, the Engineer

    finalized the work program and issued the indents to the Claimant

    for execution.

    4-5. It is submitted the in the minutes off the meeting held on

    08.09.2006 (A copy of the same is marked as Document C/12) it is

    expressly mentioned that Having identified the works to be taken

    up on priority in the Ist quarter, detailed discussions were held bythe Team Leader with the contractor on the work indent to be

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    finalized. The views of the contractor were taken into consideration

    .The contractor was explained in detail about the items of works to

    be executed during the Ist quarter and to ensure the safety of

    traffic and to avoid inconvenience to the road users. Finally the

    draft work indent was prepared and presented to the contractor

    duly requesting the contractor to once again go through it and to

    offer their comments any. Also the contractor was requested to

    submit the methodology / method statement for the items finalized

    now and to quantify the items of work.

    Thus from the above it will be clear that the Ist Indent was

    finalized only after detailed discussions with the contractor, infact,

    the Engineer had requested the contractor to go through the Indent

    again and give its suggestions. The same was accepted and

    signed by the both the parties and therefore, there is no question

    of any discrepancy in finalization of first indent.

    It is submitted that most of the works finalized under indent No.1

    for the period of 12.09.2006 to 11.12.2006 for the first quarter (3

    months) are general and ordinary works and which required no

    need of heavy machinery. Further it is stated that the contractor

    has mentioned preparation of yearly maintenance program which

    is not correct (refer the claimants document C/12) where it is

    clearly mentioned that the inspection was made on 7th & 8th

    September 2006 by the consultant and contractor for finalization of

    the works which were undertaken under 1st quarter only.

    6. The contents of Para 6 are disputed and denied. That as per

    Clause 27.1 Part-I of GCC read along with Clause No. 6.3.1 ofSection 6 of the Contract, the contractor and the consultant within

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    Document C/16 in the written statement) the Engineer has

    informed the Contractor about the absence of their Project

    Manager and the Vice President due to which the execution of the

    work was severely affected. Therefore, contents of the present

    letter are sufficiently evident to prove beyond doubt that the

    contractor was lackadaisical in its approach in executing the work.

    10. That the contents of the Para 10 are disputed and denied. It is

    submitted that the contents of letter dt. 20.12.2006 shows that the

    contractor had failed to even complete the balance work of Indent

    No.1 for the quarter ending with 11.12.2006. In the said letter the

    consultant also recommended penalty on the contractor up to

    completion. Therefore, the negligent attitude of the Claimant is

    clearly borne out from the letter. It is denied that the Claimant had

    brought any machinery at the site for carrying out the works as

    contended. As a matter of fact the Claimant had taken the site on

    Lease and Submitted the lease documents to the Respondent only

    on 05.02.2007 as clearly recorded in Exhibit R-41. Thus the claim

    of the Claimant with regard to mobilization of machinery at site is

    clearly false and fictitious.

    11. That the contents of the Para 11 are disputed and denied. It is

    submitted that all the indents can not be issued at the same time in

    as much as the same have to fit in the work program and

    accordingly issued as and when the work under the earlier indent

    is accomplished. However, a forecast of the future indents are

    issued to the Claimant for the purposes of the advance planning.

    It is pertinent to submit that except for the 1st

    indent, the Claimantfailed and neglected to cooperate with the consultant for

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    finalization of further indents. Non cooperation of the Claimant was

    also brought to the notice of the Claimant during various

    Management meetings. However, the Claimant had deliberately

    and intentionally continued with its non cooperation for reasons

    best known to them.

    12 & 13. That the contents of Para 12 & 13 are disputed and

    denied. The Claimant never complied with the requirements of

    Clause No. 27.1 of Para-I of GCC, after the first indent even

    though the Consultant had initiated, finalized and issued further

    indents. The Claimant failed to carry out even simple maintenance

    of the reach, on account of which the Respondent received as

    many as 70 complaints from the road users during the period of

    Claimants services under the Contract, a list whereof is appended

    hereto as Exhibit R-10.

    Whit regard to the contents of sub paras a, b, c, d & e, it is

    submitted that all the indents contain the details of the locations as

    well. The contractor did not raise any of these issues at the

    relevant point of time. It is further submitted that the details of work

    to be performed as stated in C/17 (the items proposed from 1st

    December, 2006 to 30th April, 2007) corresponds to the work which

    was supposed to be completed by the Claimant under the 2 nd

    indent. Even though the Contractor has failed to cooperate with the

    Consultants in this regard, the indents were issued from time to

    time in accordance with the work programme with proper notice to

    the Claimant giving a forecast of future work.

    14. That the contents of the Para 14 are to the extent they are matterof record are admitted. Rest of the Para is wrong and denied.

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    15. That the contents of the Para 15 are denied. It is submitted that 2nd

    indent commencement date was fixed as 01.12.2006, 3rd indent

    commencement date was fixed on 01.12.2006, 4th indent

    commencement date was fixed on 20.12.2006. Therefore, all the

    indents issued based on the requirement of the site condition and

    available time factor. Almost all the above three indents fall in 2nd

    quarter. The indents issued on various dates during the

    agreement period are annexed as Exhibit R-42 to R-47.

    It is submitted that after signing of agreement, the Respondent

    gave the letter to proceed with the work without any delay.

    Therefore, there is no delay on the part of Respondent. The

    Claimant failed to plan and programme the work which was also

    brought to their notice during various monthly meetings.

    16. That the contents of the Para 16 are false, mischievous and denied

    in entirety.

    (a) The premises of the Inspection Bungalow are not meant for

    establishing the Contractors work site. Hence, same cannot

    be allotted.

    b) As per the requirement to fulfill the agreement condition, the

    Respondent had requested the Claimant to submit required


    c) As per agreement condition, the crane must be 15 ton

    capacity, for the same the consultant had requestedclarification.

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    d) The claimant has appointed i) Shri Anju Maheshwari, ii) Shri

    Suryanarayana Murthy, iii) Shri Riyazuddin Pasha as

    authorized persons by the Directors of its Company. But no

    such power of attorney in this regard had been submitted to

    Respondent. For the same the Respondent has requested to

    submit the authorization duly certified with notary as the

    names of above said persons are not included in the


    e) As per the applicable Labour laws, the Consultants have

    rejected to work on public holiday. If the Claimant wanted to

    work on public holiday, they should have obtained

    permission from Labour Department. The same was brought

    to the Claimants notice. Further, it is stated that preparatory

    work was to be carried out for doing specified work i.e., the

    kerb painting works to be done after the repairs, are to be

    carried out. Due to the said reasons, the RFI was not

    approved by the Consultants which is correct as per

    agreement conditions. Like wise, some of the RFIs are not

    approved on the same lines and reasons were mentioned by

    the Consultants there itself. Hence, it seems that the

    Contractor is not carrying out the work properly as per


    f) That it is a matter of record that the entire site was handed

    over to the Claimant on 28.08.2006, the date from which the

    work was to be proceeded with. This issue was never raised

    by the Claimant during the period of contract.

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    17. That the contents of the Para 17 are disputed and denied. It is

    denied that the Claimant was prevented by the Respondent from

    executing the work. The Consultant had brought to the Claimants

    notice from time to time their lapses during the management

    meetings as well as through correspondence on 7th November,

    2006 and 16th November, 2006 as the due date of completion. A

    bare perusal of these letters would reveal that the Claimant had

    failed to mobilize its machinery in time at site and as a result

    thereof could not execute even the indented work in time.

    18. That the contents of the Para 18, except those which are matters of

    record are disputed and denied. The original date of completion of

    work under Indent No.1 was 11 th December 2006 and not 2007.

    Further, the Claimant had sought EOT on 02.07.2007 and

    02.08.2007, but did not give any cogent reasons for non-

    completion of the work within the stipulated period. In view thereof,

    the request for EOT could not be finalized by the Respondent.

    However on 31st October, 2007 the Claimant represented with

    details and requested EOT and the same was granted up to

    31.12.2007 on certain conditions as per the meeting held at the

    Head Quarters of the Respondent. In the said meeting, the

    Claimant had promised to complete the work within the extendedperiod. However, despite the said assurance the Claimant at the

    time of request for extension of time dated 13.08.2007 marked as

    Exhibit: R-56 and once again failed to execute the work as per the

    terms of the Contract.

    19 & 20. That the contents of paras 19 & 20, except those which are

    matters of record are disputed and denied. it is submitted that dueto the inability of the Claimant to execute the work, a meeting was

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    held at the Respondents Head Quarters wherein the Claimant

    requested for reduction in the scope of work in view of the tenure

    of the Contract and to exempt certain work on account of the

    prospect of 6-laning. Subsequent to the meeting, the Claimant

    submitted a revised work programme dt. 10.09.2007 on account of

    which the revised value of work was shown by the Claimant as

    Rs.19, 60, 38,117/-. However, the said revised work programme

    was rejected by the Headquarters of the Respondent and

    accordingly the Claimant was requested to submit a detailed

    variation proposal. Hence, the reliance of the Claimant on the

    impugned revised work programme and revised value of work is

    de hors the Contract and have no sanctity whatsoever. The value

    of work to be executed under the Contract was

    Rs.31,44,10,141.65/- and remained so till the date of termination of

    the Contract. The Engineer, vide his letter dt. 31.10.2007 had

    informally revised the indents as per the request of the Claimant

    without seeking prior approval from the Employer and the reliance

    of the Claimant on the said letter of the Engineer is totally

    misplaced and inadmissible. A copy of the Contractors letter dt.

    10.09.2007 is annexed hereto and marked as Exhibit - R-48.

    However, the intended completion date of the work was

    31.12.2007 as approved by NHAI pursuant to the request of the

    Claimant subject to the Claimant submitting a revised work

    programme for completion by that date and levy of Liquidated

    Damages by Respondent. However, the Claimant again committed

    breach of the condition to complete the works within the revised

    date of completion (31.12.2007).

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    21. That the contents of the Para 21 are matter of record and needs no


    22. That the contents of the Para 22 are false, frivolous and hence

    denied. The indents 5 & 6 were issued as per site requirements

    and the Claimant failed to co-operate with the Consultant for

    finalization of the indents and also certain items of works which did

    not need any machinery. The Claimant failed to perform even such

    activities, The failure and inability of the Claimant were willful and

    wanton and the Claimants efforts to foist the blame on the

    Respondent are mala fide and misplaced.

    23. That the contents of the Para 23 are disputed and denied as false.

    The Claimant never challenged the validity of Indent nos. 5 & 6

    before the Respondent. Therefore, the Claimant cannot absolve

    himself from the liability to execute the work envisaged in Indent

    no. 5&6, much less to claim any compensation for the work


    24. That the contents of the Para 24 are disputed and denied. As a

    matter of fact the Claimant never submitted any bills in time and if

    submitted, they were without the necessary documents.Resultantly, the bills had to be returned to the Claimant several

    times due to insufficient information. It is pertinent to state herein

    that IPC 8 was submitted by the Claimant at the end of the

    extended period and IPC 9 was submitted after the termination of

    the Contract. Therefore, the Respondent was unable to release the

    bills as the final account has to be settled and also various

    recoveries are to be made.

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    25. That the contents of the Para 25 only to the extent they are matters

    of record are admitted.

    26 & 27. That the contents of the Paras 26 & 27 are disputed and denied.

    The liquidated damages were imposed and calculated IPC wise as

    per details given in Exhibit R-50 & 50/A (Amended) appended

    hereto. However, the recovery of liquidated damages became

    impossible due to the minor value of work executed by the

    Claimant and the priority for recovery of mobilization advance.

    Thus, the Respondent was unable to recover whatever amounts

    were shown in the Measurement Books for future recovery. It is a

    matter of record that the extension of time was granted on the

    specific condition that the LDs would be imposed. It is emphatically

    denied that the Respondent prevented the Claimant from

    completing the work under the indents. In fact the Claimants did

    not need anybody to prevent them from completing any work in as

    much as the Claimant themselves are eminently capable of not

    completing any work assigned to them on their own.

    28 That the contents of these Paras 28 are disputed and denied. The

    Contract entered into between the parties was for maintenance

    and under any maintenance contract it is unlikely that the work will

    be executed only in continuous stretches. The Claimant was well

    aware that the contract was for the repair and maintenance and

    quoted the price accordingly. Therefore, any claim of the Claimant

    regarding the additional cost is wholly misconceived and liable to

    be dismissed. Further it is submitted that as perExhibit:R-43 the

    stretches covered in the indents were more than 400mts and it is amatter of record that in the revised work programme, the Claimant

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    himself submitted his work plan for stretches varying from 100m to

    400m length for BC laying as will be evident from Exhibit:R-59.

    29. That the contents of the Para 29 are disputed and denied. It is

    submitted that after the First Indent, the Claimant failed to

    cooperate with the consultant in finalizing the Indents. However,

    the Consultant has finalized indents as per site requirement as well

    as the available dry spell i.e. from 12/06 to 04/07 because the

    monsoon generally commences from June onwards. As regards

    the 2nd indent, the commencement date was fixed as 01.12.2006,

    after the lapse of 80 days of original commencement of work.

    Hence the Consultant has taken in to the consideration that the

    minimum period has to be given to the Claimant for mobilization of

    heavy machinery and also keeping in mind that the onset monsoon

    may start from June, 2007.

    30-35. That the contents of the Paras 30 to 35 are based on conjecture

    and surmises and therefore are disputed and denied in entirety.

    The Respondent has narrated in detail the true and correct

    sequence of events in the Preliminary Submissions which are

    relevant to the present untenable claims and the same clearly

    negate the misconceived theories sought to be advanced by the

    Claimant in support of the untenable claim. The Claimant

    consciously entered in to Contract with the Respondent for the

    work covered therein and the extraneous considerations which are

    clearly outside the Contract cannot justify the failure of the

    Claimant in the faithful execution of the work. It is very obvious that

    the Claimant has sought to invent reasons to cover up their

    inefficiency and ineptitude to handle a contract of this magnitude.The contentions therefore merit summary rejection.

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    40. That the contents of Para 40 are baseless and preposterous and

    therefore strongly disputed and denied. The averments containedin the Preliminary submissions are reiterated and reaffirmed.

    41 to 43. That the contents of Para 41 to 43 are disputed and denied.

    The untenable and far-fetched reasoning devoid of rationale

    adverted to by the Claimant cannot negate the evident fact that the

    execution of the work was too slow and the Claimant failed to

    execute the work in consonance with the work program. The

    Respondent in its letter dated 18.04.2007 had informed the

    Claimant that the Claimant failed to achieve a minimum of 30%

    progress when in fact half of the Contract period was already over.

    The Respondent further informed the Claimant about its failure to

    establish the lab with all the prescribed equipment.

    44 & 45. That the contents of Paras 44 & 45 are disputed and denied.

    The establishment of field laboratory was not only for the

    bituminous works but also required as per the Contract conditions

    to test and verify the quality of work of various items of works

    which were under BOQ. In the Contract, it was very clearly

    specified that within 30 days from commencement of work the field

    laboratory was to be established.

    46 & 47. That with respect to the contents of Paras 46 & 47 of the

    Statement of claim it is submitted that the work was revised and

    submitted by the Claimant for approval due to the failure of the

    Claimant to complete the work within the time prescribed under the

    Indents. It is emphatically denied that the Respondent had

    extended the time frame in view of its default. It is further denied

    that due to the extension of time frame the Respondent lost its

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    53-57 That the contentions contained in Paras 53 to 57 are baseless and

    preposterous and therefore strongly disputed and denied. The

    Respondent will refer and rely upon the Preliminary submissions

    and explanations made in paras 19-20 in this claim.

    58. That the contents of Para 58 are disputed and denied. The work

    was not completed in time due to reasons totally attributable to the

    Claimant. Therefore the Contract was terminated by the

    Respondent on 31.12.2007.

    59. That the contnts of the Para 59 are disputed and denied. Due to the

    breach of the Contract by the Claimant, the work was terminated

    on 31.12.2007.

    60. That the contnts of the Para 60 are disputed and denied. That the

    Claimant failed to complete the work on or before 11.09.2007,

    original date of completion as per agreement condition and once

    again failed to complete the revised work program within extended

    time period i.e., 31.12.2007 as promised by the Claimant.

    Therefore, on account of continuous and consistent failures by the

    Claimant, the Contract was not extended further.

    61. That the contents of Para 61 are disputed and denied. The

    Liquidated Damages are imposed as per the terms of the Contract

    and any contention to the contrary is emphatically repudiated. The

    contents of sub-paras (a) to (j) are also candidly disputed and

    denied and the Respondent reserves its right to make detailed

    submissions in rebuttal thereof at an appropriate time before the

    Ld. Tribunal.

    Claim No.A-2(f) :

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    That the contentions of the Claimant with regard to their alleged

    eligibility for the above misconceived claim are vebose and without

    any para numbers to facilitate any point-wise or para-wise Replyby the Respondent. Suffice it would to state that the said recovery

    was made by the Respondent wholly in accordance with the

    Contract for the reasons and grounds already stated in the

    Preliminary Submissions and para-wise replies, which are not

    repeated herein for the sake of brevity. It is further submitted that

    the contents of the SOC with respect to the above untenable claim,

    to the extent not specifically adverted to and replied herein

    specifically shall be deemed to have been traversed in extenso ,

    disputed and denied by the Respondent save and except those

    which are specifically admitted herein. Further, the Respondent

    reserves its right to make detailed submissions in rebuttal thereof

    at an appropriate time before the Ld. Tribunal.

    Claim No.A-3 :

    Claim No. Description Amountclaimed


    Claim No.A-3 Amount withheld from IPC-1 to IPC-9. 53,62,518/-

    That the contents of this para are disputed and denied. After

    termination of the Contract, the Claimant submitted the bill on

    13.02.2008 to Engineer and the Engineer, in turn submitted the

    - 53 -



    Description Amount claimed



    Deduction in IPC 9 on amount of20% of the balance work to becompleted


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    same to Respondent on 29.02.2008 Exhibit R-51. However, even

    while the said bill was under scrutiny, the Claimant initiated

    proceedings under section 9 of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act,

    1996 before the Honble High court of Calcutta and despite the

    orders for maintaining status quo given by the Honble Court,

    illegally allowed the Bank Guarantees provided by way of

    Performance Security to lapse. In view of the said directions of the

    court to maintain status Quo, the said bills of the Claimant were not

    processed. It is a matter of record that subsequent thereto, the

    present Ld. Tribunal was also constituted on 06.06.2008 pursuant

    to invocation of arbitration by the Claimant.

    Claim No.A-4 :


    Description Amountclaimed


    Remarks ofthe


    ClaimNo.A-4 Charges on Bank Guarantee forLDs and Differential interest onMargin Money of BG

    15,49,748.00 Disallowed

    That the contents of the Para are disputed and denied.

    The Respondent had already withheld the amount towards

    liquidated damages in running bills as a paper adjustment in

    accordance with clause 45.1 of the GCC of the Contract as the

    value of work done by the Claimant was meagre during the initial

    period of the Contract and the amount was hardly sufficient to

    recover mobilization advance. Therefore the Respondent recorded

    the LDs in the Measurement Book [Exhibit R-50 & 50/A

    (Amended)] to adjust the same in future bills due to negative value

    of work done. However, the Claimant offered to submit

    unconditional BGs in lieu thereof in as much as the Claimant was

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    under financial crisis and requested the Respondent not to recover

    the amount of LD from the payments. The Respondent agreed in

    good faith and with a view to help Claimant to complete the work,

    accepted the same. Thus, the extra Bank Guarantees were

    submitted by the Claimant at their own option and therefore the

    above claim is clearly misconceived and untenable. Even

    otherwise the present claim cannot lie against the Respondent

    under the terms of the Contract.

    Claim No.A-5 :

    1. That the present untenable claim, which is clearly an after thought,

    has also been raised on account of the alleged delay between the

    date of the Letter of Acceptance and the actual date of signing of

    the Contract, which has been dealt with in extenso in reply to

    Claim No. A-1 and therefore is not being repeated for the sake of

    brevity. The contents of the reply to the said claim, to the extent

    applicable, may be treated as reply to the averments of the

    Claimant contained herein.

    2. That the tenure of the services under the present Contract was

    limited to 12 months only and as per practice, such short-term

    contracts do not qualify for price adjustments, which again, as per

    - 55 -


    Description Amountclaimed



    Losses on account of price rise due todelays


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