Amba Stock Picker 2012_Midpoint Review

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Transcript of Amba Stock Picker 2012_Midpoint Review

  • 8/3/2019 Amba Stock Picker 2012_Midpoint Review


    Midpoint Review

    21 Dec 2011 to 18 Jan 2012

    Since the start of this competition, there has been both good and bad news. The unemployment rate

    in the US, surprisingly, declined sharper than expected (but does anyone care about such statistics

    anymore?). On the other hand, many eurozone countries saw their credit ratings graded down from

    pristine AAAs (does S&P have any credibility these days?).

    For active (and expert) investors, news whether good or bad presents an opportunity. Despite the

    intervening holiday season, the past month was a good time to prove ones credentials as a truly

    global investor. Gutsy fundamentals-based contrarian investors would probably have gushed at US

    financials that traded at 50-60% their book value, and the quant types or those who stick with thesaying markets can remain irrational longer than you and I can remain solvent would probably have

    looked for momentum-based signals.

    The 135 teams participating in the contest chose diverse strategies, from very active to very passive,

    and very bullish to very bearish, to beat competition. We present below the top teams and their

    performance so far. Well done, to each of these teams! Even though this is not an environment for a

    big stock market rally (shares look attractive only when compared with artificially depressed Treasury

    yields), the top teams have displayed a keen eye and picked winners over the past month.

    Needless to say, their performance during the previous month is no guarantee of solid performance

    over the remainder of the competition. Rankings could change, and change fast. Those not on this

    top performers list as yet have to decide whether they still have confidence in their investment

    strategies and the stamina to hold on, or whether they wish to change course midstream.

    Rank Team Name Institution Name Sharpe Ratio

    1 junkstocks IIM Calcutta 16.5172

    2 MaryJane IFMR, Chennai 15.6849

    3 ifmrbuds IFMR, Chennai 14.0560

    4 Chargers IFMR, Chennai 11.4672

    5 Fin Devils Symbiosis Institute of Management Studies 11.4494

    6 shubkarman IIM Calcutta 9.6172

  • 8/3/2019 Amba Stock Picker 2012_Midpoint Review


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    Rank Team Name Institution Name Sharpe Ratio

    7 SIMS2013 Symbiosis Institute of Management Studies 9.3589

    8 FINest IIM Calcutta 8.9549

    9 Hedgers Indus Business Academy 8.5059

    10 Seths IIM Calcutta 8.2064

    11 Sparks LIBA 7.6111

    12 meta trader BIM Trichy 7.2123

    13 Mavericks LIBA 6.9361

    14 Goodfellas IIM Calcutta 6.0894

    15 bsemastro Amrita School of Business 5.7797

    16 Greed & Fear ICFAI Tripura 5.6962

    17 bmng Symbiosis Institute of Management Studies 5.5015

    18 Leader Amrita School of Business 5.4279

    19 Hackers Indus Business Academy 5.3023

    20 zalzala Symbiosis Institute of Management Studies 5.2192