
TOP TEN FACTS ABOUT BRAIN !!!! 1.80% of the brain is water.This means that it is important that you remain properly hydrated for the sake of your mind. 2.Our brain is more active at night as compared to day. 3. Information travels along neurons at different speeds. This is why sometimes you can recall information instantly, and sometimes it takes a little longer. 4.Our brain makes up only 2% of our body weight yet it requires 20% of oxygen that enters our bloodstream. 5. Alcohol interferes with brain processes by weakening connections between neurons. 6. Laughing at a joke is no simple task as it require s activity in five different areas of the brain.

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TOP TEN FACTS ABOUT BRAIN !!!! 1.80% of the brain is water.This means that it is important that you remain properly hydrated for the sake of your mind. 2.Our brain is more active at night as compared to day. 3. Information travels along neurons at different speeds. This is why sometimes you can recall information instantly, and sometimes it takes a little longer. 4.Our brain makes up only 2% of our body weight yet it requires 20% of oxygen that enters our bloodstream. 5. Alcohol interferes with brain processes by weakening connections between neurons. 6. Laughing at a joke is no simple task as it require s activity in five different areas of the brain.

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7. Differences in brain weight and size do not equal differences in mental ability. The weight of Albert Einstein‘s brain was 1,230 grams that is less than an average weight of the human brain. 8. A living brain is so soft you could cut it with a table knife. 9. There are about 100,000 miles of blood vessels in the brain. 10. The brain can live for 4 to 6 minutes without oxygen, and then it begins to die. No oxygen for 5 to 10 minutes will result in permanent brain


The World‘s First Heartless Man!! Doctors from the Texas Heart Institute have successfully replaced a patient‘s heart with a device that keeps the blood flowing, thereby allowing him to live without a detectable heartbeat or even a pulse. Here‘s how it works: The turbine-like device, that are simple whirling rotors, developed by the doctors does not beat like a heart, rather provides a ‗continuous flow‘ like a garden hose. Craig Lewis was a 55-year- old dying from amyloidosis, which causes a build-up of abnormal proteins. The proteins clog the organs so much that they stop working.

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It is popular in Japan today to drink water immediately after waking up every morning. Further more, scientific tests have proven its value.We publish below a description of use of water for our readers. For old and serious diseases as well as modern illnesses the water treatment had been found successful by a Japanese medical society as a 100% cure for the following diseases: Headache, body ache, heart system, arthritis, fast heart beat, epilepsy, excess fatness, bronchitis asthma, TB, meningitis, kidney and urine diseases,vomiting, gastritis, diarrhea, piles, diabetes, constipation, all eye diseases, womb, cancer and menstrual disorders, ear nose and throat diseases. METHOD OF TREATMENT 1. As you wake up in the morning before brushing teeth, drink 4 x 160ml glasses of water 2. Brush and clean the mouth but do not eat or drink anything for 45 minute

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3.. After 45 minutes you may eat and drink as normal. 4. After 15 minutes of breakfast, lunch and dinner do not eat or drink anything for 2 hours 5. Those who are old or sick and are unable to drink 4 glasses of water at the beginning may commence by taking little water and gradually increase it to 4 glasses per day. 6. The above method of treatment will cure diseases of the sick and others can enjoy a healthy life. The following list gives the number of days of treatment required to cure/control/reduce main diseases: 1. High Blood Pressure (30 days) 2. Gastric (10 days) 3. Diabetes (30 days) 4. Constipation (10 days) 5. Cancer (180 days) 6. TB (90 days) 7. Arthritis patients should follow the above treatment only for 3 days in the 1st week, and from 2nd week onwards – daily.. This treatment method has no side effects,however at the commencement of treatment you may have to urinate a few times. It is better if we continue this and make this procedure as a routine work in our life. Drink Water and Stay healthy and Active. This makes sense .. The Chinese and Japanese drink hot tea with their meals not cold water. May be it is time we adopt their drinking habit while eating!!! Nothing to lose, everything to gain... For those who like to drink cold water, this article is applicable to you. It is nice to have a cup of cold drink after a meal. However, the cold water will solidify the oily stuff that you have just consumed. It will slow down the digestion. Once this 'sludge' reacts with the acid, it will break down and be absorbed by the intestine faster than the solid food. It will line the intestine.Very soon, this will turn into fats and lead to cancer. It is best to drink hot

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soup or warm water after a meal. A serious note about heart attacks: ·Women should know that not every heart attack symptom is going to be the left arm hurting, · Be aware of intense pain in the jaw line. · You may never have the first chest pain during the course of a heart attack. · Nausea and intense sweating are also common symptoms. · 60% of people who have a heart attack while they are asleep do not wake up. · Pain in the jaw can wake you from a sound sleep. Let's be careful and be aware. The more we know,the better chance we could survive... A cardiologist says if everyone who gets this mail sends it to everyone they know, you can be sure that we'll save at least one life. Please be a true friend and send this article to all your friends you care about. PLEASE DON'T IGNORE SHARE IT. THIS MIGHT SAVE


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The Bugatti Veyron is a truly extraordinary car - here is the low down on the key facts about this £840,000 hypercar... Here's what you need to know about the car: Fact 1: The waste energy from running the 16.4 litre engine at full whack could heat 10 family homes in the winter. Fact 2: It takes 15 hours to build one radiator for the Veyron – each car has a total of 10. Fact 3: The brakes can withstand heat of up to 1800°C Fact 4: When the air brake is at an angle of 55 degrees it generates 70% of the braking force of an average car. Fact 5: The Bugatti Veyron is split into three parts and only held together with 14 bolts. Fact 6: The Veyron uses special Michelin PAX tires found on no other car. The rear wheels are 14.5 inches wide, twice as wide as a normal car. If you require replacements the car needs to be shipped to France, a process that costs $70,000.

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Fact 7: It takes 8 days to weld a Bugatti Veyron fuel tank. Fact 8: In a Veyron it is quicker to decelerate from 60mph to 0 than it is to accelerate there. (It only takes 2.8 seconds to get to 60) Fact 9: Once being road tested for 500 kilometres, each car is put in a light tunnel and inspected and polished for two days solid. Fact 10: A Bugatti Veyron uses fuel pumps that can pump fuel eight times faster than a normal car.


In 2004, The New York Times wrote an article about the loneliest whale in the world. Scientists have been tracking her since 1992 and they discovered the problem: She isn‘t like any other baleen whale. Unlike all other whales, she doesn‘t have friends. She doesn‘t have a family. She doesn‘t belong to any tribe, pack or gang. She doesn‘t have a lover. She never had one. Her songs come in groups of two to six calls, lasting for five to six seconds each. But her voice is unlike any other baleen whale. It is unique—while the rest of her kind communicate between 12 and 25hz, she sings at 52hz. You see, that‘s precisely the problem. No other whales can hear her. Every one of her desperate calls to communicate remains unanswered. Each cry ignored. And, with every lonely song, she becomes sadder and more frustrated, her notes going deeper in despair as the years go by.

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Just imagine that massive mammal, floating alone and singing—too big to connect with any of the beings it passes, feeling paradoxically small in the vast stretches of empty,

open ocean.

Press with thumb for 5 seconds & release for 3 seconds, in the affected point. Repeat for 2-3 minutes for 5 to 10 days. You will get relief.... Don't forget to costs may be useful to some one ...Please Share......)

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Doctors fight to save life of six-legged baby A baby born in Pakistan's Sindh province has six legs, with a doctor assessing that the removal of the parasitic limbs could be a "serious and time-consuming medical exercise". Birth defects like the Mermaid syndrome, a deformity where the legs are fused together, Craniopagus, a phenomenon where twins are joined at the head, and Dicephalic parapagus, a condition of having two heads, occur rarely but prove challenging to the medical world. Here are some instances of successful treatment of congenital

l diseases.

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The Largest Motif have been painted by 250 university students .That largest alpana (motif) on both sides of the Manik Mia Avenue road in the capital. On the eve of Bangla New Year, five eminent artists, Inset, coordinated the 350,000 square feet motif representing the folk culture of Bangladesh. They used 3600 liters (before mixing water ) of two-type color (Red and White ) in this motif.

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A MIRACULOUS EVENT THAT HAPPENED DURING THE FEAST DAY OF THE DIVINE MERCY at Divine Mercy Hills, El Salvador. 4/15/2012 This is one of the 3 miraculous event that I have experienced during our visitation in Divine Mercy hills. We were very amazed and touched of what our Lord Jesus has shown to us. The miraculous event that happened during our visitation were: 1. The dancing rising sun that appeared around 5:30 am before the 4am mass finished. Dancing rising sun means that the sun blinked with many colors and moving up down left right. You can also stare at the sun without hurting your eyes. All the people who attended the mass have seen this. 2. The double rainbow the appeared during the appearance if the dancing rising sun. 3. The statue of Jesus ( the divine mercy statue ) that was closing his eyes. At first, I did not believe what my mother had told me but when we compared the picture that was taken by my mother the night before the feast and the picture that was taken by my sister after the 4am mass, zooming into the face of the statue, we were very amazed. GOD IS GOOD! ALL THE TIME!


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THE STORY OF BIRINGAN INVISIBLE CITY IN SAMAR, PHILIPPINES Somewhere between the towns of Gandara, Tarangnan, and Pagsanhan, all of Samar, lies an invisible metropolis. It is called Biringan City. It‘s a famous city, known to many people in the area, yet it is nowhere to be found for interested visitors. Why, its appearance had been limited to a small number of people. Not everyone could see it. There seems to be a chosen few only who are allowed to behold the city‘s grandeur. And these are usually ordinary folks doing ordinary chores. Moreover, those who claim to have seen it were able to do so only in the dead of the night, not during daytime. Accordingly, this majestic metropolis is comparable to cities like New York, Hongkong, Singapore, etc. but people would only talk of it in private, hushed like they have seen witches or something. Just the name of it generates fear as though it were a horrible place. Because while it is said to be extremely beautiful—consisting of high-rise buildings, cathedrals, elegant structures, magnificent edifices—people likewise know it is inhabited by non-human beings, hence scary indeed. Among those who claim to have seen it are fishermen, farmers, passers-by, and victims of demon possessions. Those who have heard about it from far away places, on the other hand, include car dealers, salesmen, and department store owners.

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The fishermen who saw it spread the word that from the wide seas they were fishing, they caught sight of this magnificent city, glowing in the dark, brilliant with multi-colored lights, and equipped with sophisticated facilities, obviously enjoying highly-advanced technology that may not be possessed by the most advanced cities in the world. Such observation is echoed by the rest of those who got the ―chance‖ to see it. They have the same awed impressions of that city rising to the skies. Those who simply heard of this place from afar are mostly businessmen who claim to have had costumers buying their products, like cars, for delivery to a city whose name they are not familiar with, and which they could not find in the country‘s map. The purchases had been voluminous yet the delivery had been to a place that exists only in name. Perhaps the majority of people testifying to have been there, right in this city, have been the victims of demon possessions. While their bodies are indwelt and controlled by evil spirits, their soul and spirit (entire consciousness) is being brought by demons (appearing in human form) into this city, making it appear that this place is a city of demons. There, according to former victims, the people‘s skin between the nose and the upper lip is flat, unlike ours which has a miniature canal on it. The cars are colored black, and so are the buildings. Their favorite food, too, is colored black. This is the food that human visitors ought to avoid accordingly, or else they would become a citizen of this city and would be unable to come home. True or not, these stories form part of our folktales. The city of Biringan may just be a product of imagination, but one is always welcome to investigate the reality. -Doms Pagliawan

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Largest Swimming Pool, If you like doing laps in the swimming pool, you might want to stock up on the energy drinks before diving in to this one. It is more than 1,000 yards long, covers 20 acres, had a 115 ft deep end and holds 66 milli...on gallons of water. Guinness Book of Records named the vast pool beside the sea in Chile as the biggest in the world. But if you fancy splashing out on one of your own - and you have the space to accommodate it - then beware: This one took five years to build, cost nearly $1billion and the annual maintenance bill will be $2million. The man-made saltwater lagoon has been attracting huge crowds to the San Alfonso del Mar resort at Algarrobo, on Chile's southern coast, since it opened last month. Its turquoise waters are so crystal clear that you can see the bottom even in the deep end. It dwarfs the world's second biggest pool, the Orthlieb -- nicknamed the Big Splash -- in Morocco, which is a mere 150 yards long and 100 yards wide. An Olympic size pool measures some 50 yards by 25 yards. Chile 's monster pool uses a computer-controlled suction and filtration system to keep fresh seawater in permanent circulation, drawing it in from the ocean at one end and pumping it out at the other. The sun warms the water to 26c, nine degrees warmer than the adjoining sea. Chilean biochemist Fernando Fischmann, whose Crystal Lagoons Corporation designed the pool, said advanced engineering meant his company could build 'an impressive artifici al paradise' even in inhospitable areas. 'As long as we have access to unlimited

seawater, we can make it work, and it causes no damage to the ocean.'

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A man walked into his favorite diner that he had been going to for 15 years. He sat down and said hi to the owner. He asked for the usual, a bowl of new england clam chowder with some crackers on the side. Simple, just the way he liked it. The owner of the shop looked at him with a familiar grin. "It's on the house today. How's that album coming along?" The man had been working on a blues album for 10 years, on and off. It was his favorite thing to work on whenever he wasn't working as an architect. "It's almost done," he said, calmly breathing in the aromas of the soup. "Just a few more tracks. I have a good feeling about it." The man went home and looked at his to do list. Right above the blues album was his newest building project. He was running behind. The work was piling on. Looking at his piano and microphone, he sighed and sat down at his office desk to work on his architecture. The next week his wife woke him up with breakfast in bed and asked him how he was doing. "Great, but I can't find the time to work on my blues album." She set down the breakfast tray, and said to him, "you'll finish it soon. I can tell. You always talk about it." "I suppose you're right," he replied. "This album means everything to me." That weekend, he set off to finish the album. As he tried to write, he couldn't keep himself from crying. The last song on the album was about his sister, who died of cancer the year before. He was deeply affected by it because he promised her that he would write a song in her honor. She was his biggest fan, but he could never find the perfect words to use, and she died before he was halfway through the song. He felt crushed.

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Unable to write, the man went down to the diner, and ordered the familiar clam chowder he loved so much. The chowder was constant. People came and left in his life, and the buildings he designed would be built and he would move on to other projects, but the chowder was always the same. It was the one thing he new he could never lose. The owner of the restaurant noticed the sadness on the man's face and asked him what how he was holding up. "I know that it can be hard sometimes. Your sister was a wonderful girl." But there was nothing that the owner could do to console the poor man. He finished the soup and said thank you. The more the man thought of his sister, the more the lump in his throat hurt. He knew what he had to do. He had to finish the blues album. He had to write down all of the pain that he felt, and the pain that she had gone through in her last few days. Architecture suddenly meant nothing to him. He got up to leave and noticed that behind him were 2 men yelling at each other. The man was so wrapped up in his memories that he hadn't noticed the argument going on behind him. The yelling became a fight, and the 2 started swinging fists. The man tried to yell, "Stop!" but the words wouldn't come out. The lump in his throat was still there and his voice was cracking. He ran forward, and tried to pull the men apart. He didn't notice that one of them had drawn a knife. In one quick jab, the knife sank into his chest, and he wailed in pain. He doubled over and looked at his hands. They were covered in blood. The man passed out in 5 seconds. The owner called 911 and an ambulance arrived. They took him to the emergency room and the doctor looked at him carefully. "I'm sorry. There's nothing we can do. The knife went straight through his vital organs and the internal bleeding was too much." The man died that night. He never finished the song about his sister or the album because he always put work first, and he always made excuses. If you ever find something meaningful in life that you want to complete, prioritize it high, because you might not have as much time to finish something as you may think you have. Please share if you know someone that may benefit from this story, and don't let this man's story be in vein. Ok, I totally made all of that up. I literally google image searched fake wounds, and found this picture, then wrote a sad story to go with it. If you ever see a caption story like this, check to see if there is a source, names, or real locations. I'm sick and tired of seeing these fake stories on the internet. Oh yeah, but definitely share it, so that the kind of people that keep sharing this kind of stuff get a wake up call.

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लरए जा यहा है. वह नीच ेफैठ गमा औय भालरक को नभस्ते कहा. वह हभेशा की तयह ऩऺ ऩय कुछ ऩटाखे

के साथ नई इॊग्रैंड क्रैभ चावडय के एक कटोया के लरए कहा. सयर, अबी जजस तयह से वह उसे ऩसॊद

आमा. दकुान के भालरक एक ऩरयचचत भुस्कयाहट के साथ उसे देखा. "मह घय ऩय आज उस एल्फभ के

साथ आ यहा है?"

आदभी 10 सार के लरए ककमा गमा था ऩय एक उदास एल्फभ ऩय औय फॊद, काभ. मह अऩने ऩसॊदीदा कयने के लरए जफ बी वह एक वास्तुकाय के रूऩ भें काभ नहीॊ कय यहा था ऩय काभ कयने की फात थी. "मह

रगबग ऩूया हो चकुा है," उन्होंन ेकहा, शाॊतत सूऩ के aromas भें साॉस रे. "फस कुछ अचधक ऩटरयमों भैं इसके फाये भें एक अच्छा रग यहा है."

आदभी अऩने घय चरा गमा औय सूची कयने के लरए उसकी देखा. ब्रूज़ एरफभ ऊऩय सही अऩन ेनए

तनभााण ऩरयमोजना. वह ऩीछे चर यहा था. काभ ऩय जभा ककमा गमा था. उसकी पऩमानो औय भाइक्रोपोन

को देखते हुए, वह sighed औय उसके कामाारम डसे्क ऩय फैठ अऩने वास्तुकरा ऩय काभ.

अगरे सप्ताह उसकी ऩत्नी ने उसे जगा ददमा बफस्तय भें नाश्ता के साथ औय उसस ेऩूछा कक वह कैसे कय यहा था. "भहान, रेककन भैं भेयी ब्रूज़ एरफभ ऩय काभ कयने का सभम नहीॊ लभर सकता है." वह नीच े

नाश्ता टे्र सेट, औय उस से कहा, "आऩ इस ेजल्द ही ऩूया कयेंगे भैं फता सकता हूॉ. तुभ हभेशा इसके फाये भें फात कयते हैं." "भुझ ेरगता है तुभ सही हो," उसने कहा. "इस एरफभ भेये लरए सफकुछ है."

इस सप्ताह के अॊत भें, वह फॊद सेट कयने के लरए एल्फभ खत्भ. के रूऩ भें वह लरखने की कोलशश की, वह

खदु को योने से नहीॊ यख सकता है. एल्फभ ऩय पऩछरे गीत के फाये भें उसकी फहन, जो कैं सय के वषा ऩहरे

भतृ्मु हो गई थी. वह गहयाई से प्रबापवत ककमा गमा था क्मोंकक वह उसे वादा ककमा था कक वह उसके

सम्भान भें एक गीत लरखने. वह उसकी सफस ेफडी प्रशॊसक था, रेककन वह एकदभ सही शब्दों का प्रमोग

कयने के लरए कबी नहीॊ लभर सकता है, औय वह भय गमा इससे ऩहरे कक वह गीत के भाध्मभ स ेआधे

यास्ते था. वह कुचर रगा.

लरखने भें असभथा है, आदभी डडनय के लरए नीच ेचरा गमा, औय वह इतना प्माय कयता था ऩरयचचत

क्रैभ चावडय के आदेश ददए. चावडय तनयॊतय था. रोग आए औय अऩने जीवन भें छोड ददमा, औय वह

डडजाइन इभायतों का तनभााण ककमा जाएगा औय वह अन्म ऩरयमोजनाओॊ के लरए रे जामा जाएगा, रेककन

चावडय हभेशा एक ही था. मह एक फात है कक वह वह कबी नहीॊ खो सकता है. येस्तयाॊ के भालरक आदभी के चहेये ऩय उदासी देखा औय उससे ऩूछा कक क्मा वह कैसे ऩकड ेहुए था. "भुझ ेऩता है कक मह कबी कबी भुजश्कर हो सकता है तुम्हायी फहन एक अद्भतु रडकी थी." रेककन वहाॉ कुछ बी नहीॊ है कक भालरक के लरए

गयीफ आदभी को साॊत्वना के लरए कय सकता था. वह सूऩ सभाप्त हो गमा औय कहा धन्मवाद.

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अचधक आदभी उसकी फहन, उसके गरे भें गाॊठ चोट के फाये भें सोचा. वह जानता था कक वह क्मा कयना था. वह ब्रूज़ एरफभ को सभाप्त कयने के लरए ककमा था. वह नीच ेददा है कक उन्होंने भहसूस ककमा, औय ददा है कक वह उसे पऩछरे कुछ ददनों भें के भाध्मभ से चरा गमा था के सबी लरखने के लरए ककमा था. वास्तुकरा अचानक उसे कुछ बी नहीॊ भतरफ. उन्होंन ेकहा, उठकय छोड कयने के लरए औय देखा कक

उसके ऩीछे 2 एक दसूये ऩय चचल्रा ऩुरुष थे. आदभी तो अऩनी मादों भें रऩेटा गमा था कक वह उसके ऩीछे

चर यहा तका नहीॊ देखा था. चचल्रा एक रडाई फन गमा है, औय 2 झूरते भुट्ठी शुरू कय ददमा. , "फॊद कयो!" आदभी के लरए चचल्राना कयने की कोलशश की रेककन शब्द फाहय नहीॊ आ जाएगा. उसके गरे भें गाॊठ

अबी बी वहाॉ था औय उसकी आवाज टूटेंगे था.

उन्होंने आगे दौडा, औय ऩुरुषों के अरावा खीॊचने की कोलशश की. उन्होंने ध्मान नहीॊ ददमा कक उनभें से एक एक चाकू खीॊचा था. एक त्वरयत प्रहाय भें चाकू उसके सीने भें डूफ गमा, औय वह ददा भें wailed. वह

दोगुनी औय उसके हाथ को देखा. वे खनू से रथऩथ थे. 5 सेकॊ ड भें आदभी फाहय ऩारयत कय ददमा.

भालरक 911 फुरामा औय एक एम्फुरेंस ऩहुॊच.े वे उसे आऩातकारीन कऺ भें रे लरमा औय डॉक्टय उस ऩय ध्मान से देखा. "भैं भापी चाहता हूॉ वहाॉ कुछ बी नहीॊ है हभ क्मा कय सकत ेहै. चाकू उनके भहत्वऩूणा अॊगों के भाध्मभ से सीधे चरा गमा औय आॊतरयक फहुत ज्मादा खनू फह यहा था." आदभी उस यात तनधन हो गमा.

वह सभाप्त हो गमा क्मोंकक वह हभेशा काभ ऩहरी डार उसकी फहन मा एल्फभ के फाये भें गीत कबी नहीॊ, औय वह हभेशा के फहान ेफना ददमा.

मदद आऩ कबी बी जीवन भें कुछ साथाक रगता है कक आऩ ऩूया कयना चाहत ेहैं, मह उच्च प्राथलभकता है,

क्मोंकक आऩ के रूऩ भें ज्मादा के रूऩ भें आऩको रगता है कक हो सकता है आऩ है कुछ खत्भ नहीॊ हो सकता है.

शमेय कृऩमा अगय आऩ ककसी को ऩता है कक इस कहानी से राब हो सकता है, औय इस आदभी की कहानी नस भें हो.

ठीक है, भैं ऩूयी तयह स ेकक ऊऩय के सबी फनामा. भैं नकरी घाव सचभुच गूगर छपव खोज की है, औय इस

तस्वीय लभर गमा, तो इसके साथ जाने के लरए एक दखुद कहानी लरखी. मदद आऩ कबी बी इस तयह एक

शीषाक कहानी देखते हैं, के लरए अगय वहाॉ एक स्रोत, नाभ, मा असरी स्थानों है की जाॉच कयें. भैं फीभाय औय इॊटयनेट ऩय इन नकरी कहातनमों को देखने के थक गमा हूॉ. अये हाॉ, रेककन मह तनजश्चत रूऩ से साझा कयने के लरए, ताकक रोगों को जो साभान इस तयह का साझा यखने की तयह पोन एक जगा.

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The largest flower was blossoming in RBlanco , Veracruz , Mexico . 2 metres high and weighing 75 kilos , it has the peculiarity of blooming only during three days every 40 years . The Amorphophallus titanum (Araceae) also called the ―cadaverous flower‖ it has the peculiarity of blooming only during three days every 40 years, a privilege bestowed on the town of RBlanco in Veracruz Mexico

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Is it true," says the woman who is proud of us, whether it is true, then why is she lit every day in homes, they say the woman, mother, sister, wife, friend takes care of us in all its forms; Is it true, then why is he hid his Asmt to save homes in May, say the woman is a goddess of nature, whether it is true, then why the offense is in house, they say that women's lives of happiness is, whether it is true, then why is crying in his

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eyes every moment, the urge to say India has the status of the mother, whether it is

true, then why the massacre are made every day, people

Qingdao Jiaozhou Bay Bridge The world's longest cross-sea bridge, spanning 36.48 kilometers across the mouth of the Jiaozhou Bay in China's eastern Shandong province, opened to traffic four years after construction started. Here's a peek into some of the world's longest bridges

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Must Read And Share this Story ♥ Basketball Girl: The little girl who had to use a basketball as her prosthetic body. Qian Hongyan, who was forced to use half a basketball as her prosthetic body, inspired millions with her ambition to compete as a swimmer in the 2012 Paralympics in London. In 2000, Qian Hongyan, was injured tragically in a car accident when she was only 3

years old. To insure

Volkswagen Aqua: Chinese designer creates eco-friendly all-terrain car for land, water and ice. Created by Chinese designer Yuhan Zhang, the Volkswagen Aqua would be powered by a hydrogen fuel cell and would emit zero carbon dioxide.The all-terrain vehicle, which has a top speed of 62mph and works like a hovercraft, can move seamlessly between different surfaces..

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World‘s Stretchiest Skin,I Can't Believe It On October 28, 1999, it was recorded that the world‘s stretchiest skin belongs to a guy named Gary Turner: Garry Turner, of Caistor, Lincolnshire, England, stretched skin of his stomach to a distended length of 15.8 cm (6.25 in) on the set of Guinness World Records: Primetime in Los Angeles, California. After examining Gary‘s medical condition it was discovered that he had a rare medical condition called Elhers Danlos Syndrome, a disorder of the connective tissues.

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They are suffering from a rare genetic disease called hypertrichosis. Statistics say

hypertrichosis, or the werewolf syndrome, is so rare that it occurs for 1 out of 10 billion

people, However there are 19 people alive diagnosed with this disease, out of 6.5 billion

people, so it‘s more like 1 in 340 million.

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How did this big rock end up on this strange terrain? One of the more unusual places here on Earth occurs inside Death Valley, California, USA. There a dried lakebed named Racetrack Playa exists that is almost perfectly flat, with the odd exception of some very large stones, one of which is pictured here. Now the flatness and texture of large playa like Racetrack are fascinating but not scientifically puzzling — they are caused by mud flowing, drying, and cracking after a heavy rain. Only recently, however, has a viable scientific hypothesis been given to explain how 300-kilogram sailing stones ended up near the middle of such a large flat surface...

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AMAZING FRUIT CASTLE,hit "SHARE" if its AMAZING...) A worker puts the final touches to a castle made from lemons and oranges during the lemon festival in Menton, southern France. Some 145 metric tons of citrus fruits are used to make displays during the 79th festival, which is themed "The Regions of

France", and runs from February 17 through March 7.

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The Slauerhoffbrug is a fully automatic bascule bridge (aka tail bridge) in the city of Leeuwarden in the Netherlands. It uses two arms to swing a section of road in and out of place within the road itself. A tail bridge can quickly and efficiently be raised and lowered from one pylon (instead of hinges). The lift bearing, complete with asphalt and road markings, seamlessly disappears into the road when lowered.

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Searched the Internet Still,Information Lacking......But wherever it is....Really Beautiful Place..I'll surely Visit this Place if its in this planet. This is the world's largest digging machine, it was built by German manufacturer Krupp and it is in an open air coal mine in Germany. It took more than 5 years and $100 million to design and manufacture. ...

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"The World's Largest Digging Machine is almost 95 meters high and 215 meters long which is just like almost 2.5 football fields in length with 45,500 tons in Weight. Maximum digging speed is 10 meters per minute and it can move more than 76,000 cubic meters of coal, rock, and earth per day."

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The Great Blue Hole at Lighthouse Reef Found on both land and in the ocean throughout the Bahamas and the national waters of Belize are deep circular cavities known as Blue Holes which are often the entrances to cave networks, some of them up to 14 kilometres in length. Divers have reported a vast number of aquatic creatures some of which are still new to science. In addition, they‘ve recorded chambers filled with stalactites and stalagmites which only form in dry caves. For the explorers this was proof that at one time, nearly 65,000 years ago, when the world was in the grip of the last major ice age, the sea level of the Bahamas was up to 150 metres lower than it is today. Over time the limestone of the islands was eroded by water and vast cave networks created. When sea levels rose again about 10,000 years ago some of these collapsed inwards and the Blue Holes were formed.

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Say cheese! Giant skate fish smiles for the camera after pulling fisherman two miles out to sea

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Here is a photo I would like to contribute to your Amazing Places on Earth album. Many believe the Havasupai Falls photo was photoshopped, but it is real! I have been there, my husband goes every summer for the last three years! Anyone who has the chance should go.. it does require a LOT of hiking to get there, but worth it! And it's NOT expensive! —

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Cactus House (Rotterdam, Netherlands) Cool-looking would be a good enough reason for us, but this housing design was created to maximize each apartment‘s outdoor space and indoor sunlight. The splaying stack of slabs creates big terraces for gardening and the irregular shape allows sun to enter from multiple angles.

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Facade Planning for the Hangzhou Congress Center, China.. After perennial design and construction phase the congress center of the new city administration of Hangzhou, China is completed. The concept and design of the facade was made by Peter Ruge Architekten in collaboration with Prof Wang Xiaosong from DBH GmbH. The new building ensemble is situated close to huge Qiantang River not far from the city center. It will be the focus building of the new large business and administration district of the city. The new fascinating complex consists of six office high-rise buildings arranged in a circle and connect in the upper floors through a circular bridge building. The high-rise buildings are flanked with flat multi-functional buildings including four main entrances from all directions. As the new central form of the main administration building of the City of Hangzhou the Congress Center resembles a large precious stone

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WORLD'S HIGHEST WATERFALL: Angel Falls Angel Falls (Spanish: Salto Ángel; Pemon language: Kerepakupai Vená, meaning "waterfall of the deepest place", or Parakupá Vená, meaning "the fall from the highest point", is a waterfall in Venezuela. It is the world's highest waterfall, with a height of 979 m (3,212 ft) and a plunge of 807 m (2,648 ft). The waterfall drops over the edge of the Auyantepui mountain in the Canaima National Park (Spanish: Parque Nacional Canaima), a UNESCO World Heritage site in the Gran Sabana region of Bolívar State. The height figure 979 m (3,212 ft) mostly consists of the main plunge but also includes about 400 m (0.25 mi) of sloped cascades and rapids below the drop and a 30-metre (98 ft) high plunge downstream of the talus rapids.

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The base of the falls feeds into the Kerep River (alternatively known as the Río Gauya), which flows into the Churun River, a tributary of the Carrao River

Photograph courtesy Jodie Bieber, Institute for Artist Management, shot for Time A portrait of 18-year-old Afghan Bibi Aisha, whose nose and ears were cut off by the Taliban husband she'd fled, is the subject of the World Press Photo organization's 2010 Photo of the Year. South African photographer Jodi Bieber's picture, made for Time magazine, became controversial when it appeared on that publication's cover in July 2010. "This could become one of those pictures—and we have maybe just ten in our lifetime—where if somebody says 'you know, that picture of a girl ... ,' you know exactly which one they're talking about," said jury chair David Burnett in a statement on the winning photo. When photographing Aisha in an Afghan women's shelter, "I really wanted to capture

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the inner beauty," Bieber told World Press Photo when contacted by phone after the jury's decision, according to a press statement. For the awards, an international team of judges selected winners in ten subject areas, including spot and general news, sports, nature, and portraits, for which Bieber's image also took first prize. In each subject area, the judges awarded first, second, and third prizes for both individual photos and photo-essays. This year a "special mention" was given to a series of 12 photos taken by the Chilean miners trapped underground for 69 days and rescued in October.

मो कझ या चानचझन हैन

हल्र ैहल्राको देशभा के मो कझ या साॉचो होरा त ? भान्छे ६० फषष आमझ फाॉच्न त गायो बई सक्मो, झन ६० दझना १२० फषष बने ऩछछ सॊसायकै अचम्भको कझ या हैनाय ?? त्मछत भात्र ैहोय ! तानाकझ टी झ्माई ऩाने वारा ऩछन छनये ! भेडिमारे साॉचो कझ या ल्मामो की झझटो ??? भेडिमारे ल्माएको उल्रेखित सभाचाय तर हेनझष होरा .......

फझढाऩाकारे दशैँभा टटका रगाइटदॉदा ववशासम आमझ होस ्वा एकसम बफस वषष फाॉचसे ्बनेय आशशक

टदन्छन ्। त्मसैरे भान्छेका रागग १ सम २० वषष फाॉच्नझ ऩछन बाग्मकै कझ या हो । तय बायतको असभका एक भाछनस बने एक सम बफस वषषम्भ फाॉचकेा भात्र छैनन ्उनरे त मो उभेयभा बफहे गयेय सफैराई

अचम्भभा ऩायेका छन ्। करयभगञ्जको सतघोयी गाउॉका भीत हाजी अब्दझर नूयरे १ सम २० वषो उभेयभा बफहे गयेका हझन ्। मछत

धेयै फझढारे कझ न उभेयकी दझरही शबत्राएका होरान ्बन्ने जजऻासा सफैभा उत्ऩन्न हझनसक्छ । उनरे आफ्नो उभेयको अनझऩातभा साॉच्चीकै तरुनी फेहझरी ऩाएका छन । नूयरे आपझ बन्दा आधा उभेय कान्छी अर्ाषत ्६० वषी भटहरासॉग झ्माइॉ ऩायेका हझन ्। गएको आइतफाय बएको बफहेभा उत्तय बत्रऩझयाको पूरफायी गाउॉका साभोइ फीफी ६ फीस उभेय कटेको भान्छेराई रोग्नेको रुऩभा ऩाउॉदा िझसी देखिजन्र्न ्। बफफाह सभायोह बव्म बएको गर्मो य झण्ि ै५ सम

जना ऩाहझनाराई छनम्तो गरयएको गर्मो । नूयरे भतदाता सूगचभा आफ्नो उभेय १ सम १६ वषषउल्रेि बएऩछन आफ्नो िास उभेय १ सम २०

वषषयहेको फताए । ऩटहरी श्रीभतीको ६ वषषछघ छनधन बएरगत्तै नूयरे दोश्रो बफहे गनष िोजेका गर्ए । तय िाॉिाऩायीको जून

बएको भान्छ राई कसरे छोय टदन््मो य तय इश्वयरे जोडि जझयाइटदएऩछछ के राग्छ । ऩटहरे बफहे गयेको रोग्न ेभयेय ववधवा फनेकी य छोयाछोयी नबएकी फीफीको बाग्मभा दोश्रो रोग्नेको रुऩभा नूयराई ऩाउन

रेिेको यहेछ ।

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ऩटहरी श्रीभतीफाट २ छोया, ४ छोयी तर्ा र्झप्रै नाछतनाछतभा य ऩनाती ऩनाछतना गयी १ सम २२ जना सन्तती यहेका नूय दोश्री श्रीभतीफाट ऩछन वॊश ववृि गनष अफ सऺभ छैनन ्। तय फझढेशकारको सहाया बने अवश्म ऩाएका छन ्। फझवारे साछनभा शबत्राएकोभा नूयाका छोयाछोयी छनकै िझसी छन ्।

The world's largest cave contains a jungle. Two hundred meters below the earth in Vietnam lies a jungle contained by the Hang Son Doong cave. Because of a collapsed portion of the cave roof, vegetation began to grow and form what would be the largest cave jungle. The jungle is fairly small, but considering its location also fairly incredible. It also has the nickname ‗Garden of Eden.‘ The cave itself was only discovered twenty years ago and is getting properly explored now. It is the largest known cave and contains caverns large enough to fit streets. The subterranean passage could hold 40-story buildings for a half-mile block. Also notable are the unfamiliar formations of the rocks and walls within the cave. One part of the cave is characterized by algae-covered, ribbed stone formations as the cave floor. These ribs were formed by water overflowing the floor and reshaping it.