Amazing grace transportation non emergency medical transportation blog articles


Transcript of Amazing grace transportation non emergency medical transportation blog articles

Finding the Finest Medical Transportation in New York For over the course of our history, man has been moving from one place to another to find comfort, protection, security and many others just to satisfy either his necessities or his desires. From travelling with bare feet to venture the wheels, man has continuously made wonders just to achieve and realize what he wants. As technology flourished man’s daily living, various modes

of transportation have been made into existence to help man achieve what he wants as fast and as effortless as possible. This dream of luxury and comfort has led to the invention of cars, aero planes, trains, ships and many more.

New York has been one of the destinations of millions of people from all around the globe. It has been one of the biggest hives of art, commerce, education, entertainment, fashion, finance, media and technology in the whole the United States of America. It is the center of international diplomacy as it houses the United Nations Headquarters. The state has often been pointed out by many as the world’s cultural and financial center and the most economically powerful city in the world.

Living in a state such as the Empire State is both a blessing and a curse most especially in the line of transportation. Because of the grandeur of the state, people have been flocking and wanting to

be in the state so bad that overcrowding and overpopulation became one of the issues the state has been facing now. Though we have revolutionized the way of travelling and are continuing to do so, it is still an undeniable fact that some of our fellows do not have the privilege of traveling

due to health problems and some, because of inabilities. Due to this fact, medical transportation in New York has been established. Who benefits from the service? The medical transportation in New York benefits New Yorkers who cannot ride city

transportation in order to go to their doctor’s appointments. Why are they unable to do so? They cannot ride the typical city transportation due to some special reasons and most of these reasons

are because of their physical health. They need a special service that will cater their special needs so as to navigate to and from the busy streets of New York to their destination. These special individuals need expert care and suitable equipments their individual needs, both of which can be provided by a medical transportation company.

What makes medical transportation in New York exceptional? Knowing that New York is one big and busy city, its transportation system has been intermodal; meaning passengers can easily switch from one mode of transportation to another. This can be advantageous to the majority of the New Yorkers but not to the minority who are suffering from

various the ailments and discomforts of travelling. Their experience could only get worst! To answer this problem, the medical transportation services, most especially in New York, extends to the plights of these individuals so as to be able to help them and bring comfort and safety to the travelling experience of these unique individuals.

What are the services expected of a medical transportation in New York? Some services offered by a company offering medical transportation in New York are as follows:

Wheelchair Services This service is beneficial to patients who cannot be transported without the aid of a

wheelchair. It involves transporting the patient from point A to point B where the source of medical care is available and can only be applicable for those patients who have no serious or life-threatening condition. The wheelchair to be used in the transport of the patient can either be provided by the company or owned by the client.

Stretcher Services

Some patients are not able to get up from their bed and would prefer to be transported in a lying position. Our Stretcher Services are suitable for these patients. We offer to transport our beloved patients from door to door or bed to bed. This is to ensure that only professional hands are allowed to assist you.

Ambulatory Transportation Services

An Ambulatory Transportation Service is the right service for you in the busy streets of the Empire State. It is suitable for patients who need immediate and speedy medical attention.

Taxi Services

For those individuals who call for a safe and comfortable transportation services, we respond to their plight through our Taxi Services.

We guarantee that our services are safe, affordable and reliable for the welfare and the convenience of our valuable patients and patrons.

The Perks of Securing a Medical Transportation for your Doctor’s Appointment The medical field has never been this successful in their endeavor without the efforts, knowledge

and skills of a medical professional. The most important medical practitioners would most probably be the doctors wearing white lab gowns and roaming around with a stethoscope on their shoulders. They have been the pillars in the hospital and have poured most of their time studying to save mankind from preventable diseases, illnesses, accidents and many more. Individuals have seen their significance and have allocated a part of their income for a doctor’s appointment.

Whether you are afraid to know what ails you or anxious because of the attitude of your doctor, it is still beneficial on your part to get a medical checkup for your own good. This is the reason

why a doctor’s appointment is one meeting you must never miss. Some of these can be for the sake of your routine monitoring of your wellbeing and some must be met as soon as possible. But “as soon as possible” can be a trouble when you are in a metropolis like the Empire State. Even if you are in a hurry, the crowd of people in New York rushing day and night to make a living can

be very overwhelming and can brush you aside even if your destination is the very significant in literally changing your life.

New York ranks fourth in the most populous state and is the seventh most densely populated in the United States of America. To be able to live without severing your head in the city that never sleeps takes a lot of effort most especially for those who are concerned of their medical condition. Traffic takes toll for an appointment in the city life of a New Yorker. To keep the problem off of your chest, you need to avail a medical transportation service in the city for you to be on time for your doctor’s appointment.

What are the advantages of enjoying a medical transportation service for your important appointment? The following are the advantages that you will surely experience and learn to love:

Fast navigation

Unlike other means of transportation, a medical transportation service gives you the privilege to be respected by other commuters and vehicles. When you avail of this service, everyone already perceives that your travel on the road is something urgent and literally between life and death. Because you are currently in a vehicle that screams “in

a hurry,” you can make it to your doctor’s appointment as soon as possible without sacrificing your time, effort and even your health.

Trustworthy in delivering services

Every patient has a special need to be considered in travelling. This is the reason why

these individuals can never fit in with a regular transportation mode. It is also a fact that there is a big possibility of switching of transportation mode is inevitable considering the reality that the place is in New York. When you ask for the services of a medical transportation company, you are given the chance of being assisted by professional medical transporters. This is indubitably a significant matter most especially because of your medical needs.

As a medical transportation company, we offer services and equipments that will make your travel hassle-free. These services include but are not limited to:

o Wheelchair Services o Stretcher Services o Ambulatory Transportation Services o Taxi Services

Reasonably priced

Having said some of the services offered by a medical transportation company, you may think that it costs so much to avail on a regular basis. But did you know that a medical transportation service is more pocket-friendly than what you perceive? With this service, you can not only enjoy an inexpensive service but also avail a service so

suited and so professional for your exceptional needs. Your health should not get in your way of living your life to the fullest. That is why we know the importance of your appointment to the doctor’s and how it gives a significant impact to your wellbeing. In the very progressive state of New York, you could get the best medical treatment and procedure. But because of the height the state has achieved, living in its premises is very demanding to every individual let alone to people whose medical needs must be met at any cost.

But with a medical transportation service to help you get to your doctor’s appointment, you can drastically change your life in the middle of the hustle and bustle of the city of lights.

Revolutionizing Medical Transportation for the Disabled in New York Each one of us is born different from one another. Some differ in the color of their skin, and some, their eyes, their height, their shape, their gender and many more as the list could go on. Others differ in beliefs and culture while others have different family orientation. The world is a very beautiful place to live in because of the diverse people living in it. Various cultures have colored the face of the earth and a vast number of traditions, and beliefs have created different nations.

Though we have embraced the beauty of diversity, there are still people who are extremely left out because they have been different on a much larger scale. People with disabilities have always experienced support because they need a double amount of care from the community. They have always struggled with our methods of doing things from simple routines like maintaining the cleanliness of their bodies to moving from one place to another. They move on a different pace and on a different manner to ensure their comfort and, at the same time, reach their goals and

destinations. This may be a different story for a person with exceptionalities who is, at the same time, living in a state as grand as New York.

New York is one of the state that is skyscraping the economy, history, culture, literature, art and commerce in the United States of America. Many have taken the risk of venturing on the Empire State that is why urbanization is a very common scenario in the city. When overpopulation commences in a highly urbanized city, problems in the transportation system will always arise.

That is why in New York, there are various modes of transportation from the everyday cars, bikes and motorcycles to trains, ships and helicopters. For those persons with disabilities, there is a special service for your transportation needs in the city that never sleeps. This service is called Medical Transportation.

What is Medical Transportation for the Disabled?

Medical transportation for the disabled has been a prevalent service in developed countries such as the United Stated of America for the advantage of patients who cannot travel or simply move from one location to another without the help of caretakers and their assistance. Making sure that their travel should be safe and comfortable for these individuals is the goal of this

service. To achieve this objective, service like the medical transportation for the disabled is not your typical transportation services. What makes Medical Transportation for the Disabled different from other transportation services?

Like any other transportation services, medical transportation makes traveling possible. Their only difference, due to the fact that they are geared towards the transportation of the disabled, is that this transportation service is packed with equipments needed by the team of assistants to ensure the protection and reassurance of a these people with disabilities. Their services include wheelchair services, stretcher services, ambulatory transportation services, and many more to


Surely not all transportation for these individuals with disabilities needs to be an emergency transportation. For the assistance of these people, non-emergency medical transportation in New York is made available for a patient who badly needs to be transported to a different location in New York.

What should you know about non-emergency medical transportation in New York? As mentioned above, not all medical transportation for the disabled are emergency situations. Because of their inabilities, they need to be assisted in their daily activities and most especially, in travelling the lively streets of New York. Non-emergency medical transportation in New York City is a transportation service made especially for the benefit for those people who are incapacitated. This service covers a wide array of services all for the

medical transportation of the disabled. It can include services like wheelchair services, taxi services, stretcher services and many more. The difference is the purpose. Non-emergency transportation service is provided to the disabled for non-emergency situations. In order to help these people with special medical needs, helicopters, ambulances and other emergency transportation vehicles can be used in non-emergency medical transportation. A

variety of these vehicles providing medical support are needed in busy states such as New York to arrive to their destination faster. The non-emergency medical transportation in New York and all the other non-emergency medical transportation in the country are provided for patients who are medically stable but are still in need of assistance in moving from point A to point B. The following situations are examples of patients who can avail the service:

Elders who have just been released from hospital and needs to go to their homes or the

nursing home People with disabilities who need to be transported to another location for events People who badly need equipments like the wheelchair and stretcher to reach their


Life Hacks of Transporting a Patient Time is short and limited especially for people who have a lot of things on their shoulders. A lot of us make priorities in order to rank the most important duty in our bucket list and accomplish first the most of significant ones over those that can be delayed. There are consequences that will be paid and roads not taken because of our chosen priorities in life. Take for instance parents who

are working to make ends meet. Some parents may prioritize going home early so as to cater their children’s needs. Their income may be lesser if they could have worked overtime but did not for they prefer quality time with family over a bigger salary. Other parents, on the other hand, prioritize arriving late at night so as to earn more and utilize their profit to cater their children’s needs.

In life, we must set priorities in order to succeed in our everyday circumstances and challenges. It is our choice on what to prioritize first over the other and making a very sound decision can be a very tough job. Everybody has different priorities that they consider important but in a hospital setting, the welfare of the patients is the topmost priority of every medical practitioner. When a patient encountered a health problem, it is the job of all medical professionals, family and relatives, by-standers, or those people around him or her to cater to the patient’s discomforts as

soon as possible. Delays are never tolerated for it is the life of the patient that is placed at a stake.

Something could go wrong in each passing minute that the patient is unattended. In the medical practice, it is in every medical practitioner’s value and ethics to practice working attentively and snappily. Nobody should dilly-dally and should get into work as soon as possible. To address this value and practice in the medical field, services that require the immediate transportation of patients have been established. Patient transportation services

accommodate patients who are in need of the aid of a medical professional or two to transport them to and from the health institution. What is patient transportation service?

This service is a medical transportation service accommodated by healthcare institutions or companies to their patients who needed to be transported in a specific location. Unlike any other transportation services available, this service is for individuals who need medical support as they

are travelling. One may enjoy this service whether you are going to medical institutions such as a hospital or going back home from the hospital after the patient has been discharged by his or her physician. Who are legible to avail the service?

Everyone can enjoy the privilege of being transported with the aid of medical experts but patient transportation service is geared towards the needs of patients who are:

Experiencing conditions that must not be overlooked without the help of a health aid and professional

Having medical conditions that hinder their travel to a professional health aid or center

Being transferred, admitted or discharged to a health institution This service also provides a room for loved ones to come along side their ailing member in order to support their family member who is in poor health. Because speed is the key to being successful in treating a patient’s discomforts, the patient transportation service is the tool that enables doctors, nurses, therapists, etc. to bridge the gap between life and death of a person may it be literal or not.

What are the benefits of availing the service? As mentioned earlier, patients need immediate professional intervention when their conditions worsen. Upon availing this service, one can speedily reach a medical institution before their condition declines in every passing second. A patient transportation service cannot be slowed

down by traffic or other interventions on the way to the institution. A lot of patient’s lives have been saved because of the speedy response of these medical transportation services. So the next time you encounter a health emergency or you see someone experiencing the emergency, consider enjoying the service of a medical transportation company and witness a miracle in a matter of split seconds.

Can patients who are not critically unstable also benefit from this medical transportation service? The answer is yes. Hospitals and other healthcare institutions and companies accommodate patients who must be transported with the help of an experienced medical staff and adequate medical equipments and tools. They offer a non-emergency medical transportation to a lot of patients who needs to be supported by medical equipments and tools and a medical staff to

guide and perform first aids or other medical procedures. With a medical transportation service to aid in your swift travelling experience, you are in safe hands.

What is non-emergency medical transportation or NEMT? Non-emergency medical transportation refers to a medical transportation service that has

medical equipments and tools as well as medical professionals who can aid patients in their transportation and travel. These medical transportation modes may be in the form of a vehicle, boat or helicopter as long as they can respond quickly to the needs and discomforts of a patient. Equipments such as stretchers, wheelchairs, IV fluids and a lot more are packed inside a medical transportation vehicle in case of emergencies or worst case scenarios or simply to make a patient’s journey comfortable.

Non-emergency medical transportation is only to be availed by patients whose conditions are not really alarming and are still medically stable. These services can also extend to giving comfort to patients through transporting them inside and out of their dwelling and even to the comfort of their beds. It is the best life hack of patients who wants to arrive at their destination

with nothing but comfort to increase the likelihood of avoiding stress.

Excellent Non-Emergency Medical Transportation For The Sick, The Elderly, and The Disabled Some people today do not always understand the value of regularly seeing their doctors. This could possibly be because they do not have the time nor resources to get to any hospital or medical center. It could also be because they receive medical care for their health conditions at home, which means they do not need to go to a hospital as much. However, it is so important and incredibly advantageous for us if we choose to get medical attention from professionals, whether

if it is for something serious or a just typical check-up, because it can lead us to knowing what more we can do for good health and better care of our bodies.

If you are receiving home care and have the assistance of a caregiver, there are days when you need social interaction and he or she needs the time off. This is the purpose of Adult Day Programs or simply Adult Day Care. These establishments help those who are sick and

disabled interact with others of similar conditions and provide them with their daily and nutritional needs. They are also in charge of supervising the patients in all that they do, further allowing them to participate in rehabilitation and receive medical care. Therefore, when patients need to be in an Adult Day Program, we offer great non-emergency medical transportation to get them to where they should be. We are the Amazing Grace Transportation, a company designed to take people to their medical

appointments on time through non-emergency medical transportation. We are based in Schenectady, New York, and we offer transportation in the counties of Albany, Rensselaer,

Saratoga, and Schenectady. Our services will give you the chance to receive more advanced medical care. In many situations, people do not choose to take the opportunity to meet up with their doctors because of hindrances such as transportation, even when they have to. That is why we are here. We want to let you have the finest health care services. Through our non-emergency

medical transportation, you will reach your destination and get medical attention successfully. To those medical patients who are required to be in Adult Day Programs, we will be the first to take you there, or wherever you need to be for that matter. Our transportation for senior citizens are second to none, and we care for our clients very much which is why we have the best people as our staff. They will guide you through your trip and get you there safely. Furthermore, our vehicles are of the highest quality and completely safe. The vans we drive are also, very

clean, fully licensed and insured because we always make sure to leave our clients and customers satisfied. Here at the Amazing Grace Transportation, we offer a wide range of medical transportation services. This includes transportation for senior citizens. Our non-emergency transportation

will bring them where they have to be and on schedule too. Generally, the elderly are always a

top priority for many different services, especially if they are ill and unwell. At the Amazing Grace Transportation, we too, put them first because they can be frail and require extensive medical care. Equally, because we want to help them. As a conclusion, you can do no wrong with us because our transportation for senior citizens are first-rate. We are one of the leading non-emergency medical transportation providers in America. So trust us and book our services as soon as you can. Browse through our website and read all about us and our services. Here you can find our contact number and email address. Enjoy!

We Can Take You To Your Medical Appointments Any Time You Need Us To

No one should be late for their doctor’s appointments. Regular check-ups and consultations are essential to good health. Unfortunately, many choose not to go to medical or health care centres because they do not have the transportation to take them there. That is exactly what we are here for. At the Amazing Grace Transportation, you will be lead to your doctor safely and successfully. We provide the best non-emergency medical transportation for everyone in the

upstate New York counties of Albany, Rensselaer, Saratoga, and Schenectady. If you book our services, you will always be on time for all of your medical appointments. Our transportation services are excellent. Therefore, the people of New York are in great hands with us. We have the most proficient staff as well as the strongest and sturdiest vehicles. We at the Amazing Grace Transportation provide non-emergency medical transportation for people so that they can go see their doctors regularly or just when they need to, without the trouble of

going to any location by themselves. We take charge of medical transportation superiorly well.

But why is it important for you to book our medical transportation services? For one thing, you will get to any medical establishment on time. Whether if it is an emergency or not, you can receive the medical attention that is suitable for your health condition. In our company, we take

you to hospitals, clinics, and other medical establishments for situations that are not necessarily

urgent. In times that someone in your family has to go to the hospital for a minor injury that needs to be treated or an important medical check-up that requires them to arrive at a specific time, you should always be prepared. By way of example you should have things like transportation ready and available. That being said, if you cannot manage to do that due to reasons such as not having the vehicle to take you there or not being capable of travelling to places on your own when you need to, our medical transportation services are just right for

you. The Amazing Grace Transportation functions to take you to your destination safely, which means you can count on us to protect you and help you in any situation. So if you think you should go see a doctor for any health concern, call us and we can take you straight to them. You can make a doctor’s appointment today and we will happily bring you to where your doctor is as soon as

possible. People choose us to take them to hospitals because we are very dependable. You can trust us

with your health and we will guide you through all our trips. Furthermore, we are affordable. This means you can get to your doctor’s appointment any time at great prices. Here at the Amazing Grace Transportation, our licensed drivers will shelter you from harm and make sure you reach your medical center securely.

If you are interested and would like to make inquiries, you can browse through our website and send us an email or simply call us 518-250-4664. You may also travel to our location if you need to. We are always on call and very equipped to help you. So take better care of your health and well-being by choosing us. The Amazing Grace Transportation can be your way to being healthier and stronger individuals. Our high quality non-emergency medical transportation is at your service for any situation. Have a fantastic day!

The Most Expert Non-Emergency Medical Transportation For The People Of New York We are the Amazing Grace Transportation, a non-emergency medical transportation provider in the state of New York. We offer you the most timely and appropriate medical transportation when you need to go to a medical establishment to see your doctor. Whatever the situation, we are fit to take you to any location. In our company, we value your health which is why want you to reach your doctor as soon as you can if you have any concerns regarding your current state of health. Everyone should have the chance to physically see and speak to their

physicians, even just occasionally, to know their health a little better. The Amazing Grace Transportation can guarantee you productive trips to the hospital and helpful results.

We also provide safe and excellent non-emergency medical transportation for senior citizens. The elderly are of great import because in most cases, they, along with people who are disabled are the least capable of travelling to hospitals and other medical centers on their own.

That is why our services at the Amazing Grace Transportation are here to support them. We want to be of absolute aid to them not just in their time of need but in times that they want to go to hospitals. They have the freedom to choose to be healthier and we will help them achieve all that.

In addition, senior citizens are often those with serious health conditions. Your health deteriorates as you grow old. But even if it does not, you still need regular meetings with your

doctor so that you can know more about your state of health and what you can do to further care for and improve it. You can truly reduce what you have to endure if your medical transportation is all set and ready for you when you need it. Our non-emergency medical transportation was made to take you to your local hospital to give you the chance to get checked and be advised by your physicians. Most senior citizens go through more than one health problem which requires them to take a lot of medication. This means constant consultations with professionals is important. And what better way to get to where you need to be than expert medical


You do not have to worry about how to get to the hospital or which route to take. We will handle all of that for you. We prioritize all of our clients and make sure we guide and protect them through all their trips. We consider them our family and as a consequence, gain the trust we need from them that gives us the strength to keep helping more people. Furthermore, you can be very

positive that our staff are the very best and our transportation vehicles are completely secure. It is safety first with our company. Our transportation for senior citizens will take them exactly where they need to be safely, effectively, and happily. The Amazing Grace Transportation is available any time of the day so you can call us whenever you need to. Our medical transportation services are both guarded and affordable because we want all of our customers to be protected without having to think of the expenses. Plus, we make

transportation for senior citizens so much easier and more convenient. We are accomplished providers of non-emergency medical transportation for the people of Albany, Rensselaer, Saratoga, and Schenectady. If you would like to book any of our medical transportation services, you can reach us online or call us at 518-250-4664. You may also feel free to go to our location. We are always ready when you need us!

Perfectly Accessible Medical Transportation

Incapacitated from a certain health issue but needing to visit the hospital for your periodic

consultation? Amazing Grace Transportation provides non-emergency transportation

services that will be able to help you reach your doctor’s appointment on time. Whatever

sickness is weighing you down our non-emergency transport will be able to take you safely to

your hospital safely. Then you ask, what can non-emergency transport do for you?

Loading and unloading assistance from experienced staff

Our staff knows easy loading and unloading procedure for patients such as

stretcher services. Safe boarding is very important for passengers with different

kinds of physical difficulties. With Amazing Grace Transportation, we are certified

under Department of Transportation, Department of Health and Department of

Motor Vehicle (DMV) so you will be boarder to and from our vehicles safely

without harm.

Wheelchair transportation services

Amazing Grace Transportation provides wheelchair transportation service to

those who may not be comfortable or having difficulty in standing or walking. We

may transport the patient together with their wheelchair if they prefer using their

own, or use our company wheel chair to assist them in the hospital. Our vehicles

are spacious and will be able to contain wheelchairs. Also, loading and unloading

individuals in a wheelchair is easy with our custom vehicles that contain ramps.

Safe journey

Never worry about what’s on the road. Every service teams in every vehicle we

send out are professional in handling patients having difficulty in moving their

limbs. Our drivers are also licensed with special screening to make sure they are

free from drugs and other toxins. The driver will be taking routes that are hassle

free and smooth so that your will surely have a comfortable ride. Bumpy rides

might make you nauseated or might worsen your injuries that you are supposed

to consult with the doctor.

Amazing Grace Transportation wants to assist people who are having disabilities in transporting

them from one place to another. We specialize in giving them comfort and easy access to

transport. We give different medical transportation services such as:

Taxi Service

Ambulatory Services

Stretcher Services

Different services for the different needs on proper medical transportation service. We want

to serve the best to people in great need of transportation; may it be from hospital to hospital,

hospital to home, home to hospital or many other places that they want to be transported under

professional care.

Who are the people who can benefit from medical transportation services?

Pregnant women

Women under their second or third trimester who are experiencing high risk

pregnancy can use medical transportation service to go to the hospital.

Pregnant women are delicate and need proper handling not only for their baby’s

safety but also for their own.

People with arthritis

Bad case of arthritis may make people unable to walk properly. With our

assistance, we will be able to transport them directly to the doors of their

physician and then safely back to their homes.

People under extreme nausea

There are illnesses or even medical treatments that give extreme nausea and

because of this, people may not be able to stand or even sit up without falling

back to their beds. Amazing Grace Transportation can give these people help in

going to and from their doctors with perfect handling.

People with different inabilities

Different sickness needs different handling. Some people may have different

experiences with their sickness or medication that are unable them to get to their

periodic checkups in their doctor’s office.

These people, and possibly many more, may require a medical transportation service that will

help them to where they are scheduled to be. With our help, we can push boundaries in making

safe medical transportation accessible for everyone who are in need.

Professional Medical Dispatch Team at Your Service

Patients in hospitals that are ready to be sent home but require vehicular assistance have nothing

to worry about. Amazing Grace Transportation gives non-emergency transportation services

with great teams that are ready to assist you.

We offer you medical transportation services such as:

Stretcher services

Clients who are bedridden or are unable to sit up due to their medical condition

can access stretcher service to be able to board them safely to our vehicle.

Taxi service

Want a quick ride to your clinic? You can access taxi services from Amazing Grace

Transportation too!

Wheelchair Transportation

People with wheelchairs can be easily boarded in our vehicle. The client can use

their own wheelchair but we always carry one with us.


This is very desirable for door through door service in going to your physician’s

office or hospital.

Each and every team we send is certified professionals with high experience in handling delicate

patients with different diseases. Our staffs serve with a cause in lined with our company’s Mission

and Philosophy.

Amazing Grace Transportation staff values:


Our staffs are reliable. We value our clients’ safety above all. We are, after all, a

medical transportation service and we also follow the oath of every medical

practitioner. We care therefore we serve; with this, we’d give our client comfort

and the feeling of safety with just being with our staff.


What is more to say? We value giving the best services to you as would medical

staffs inside the hospital. Our staffs are licensed professionals with great

experience in handling different kinds of people with different kinds of illness.


Courteousness is a sign of respect. Our staffs always greet the clients

appropriately and address them as the clients want them to. We believe that

giving respect is the first sign of professionalism and we are glad to give respect

to our clients as each and every people need to be.


We serve whoever are in need of our help no matter what their skin color is,

whatever their religion and whatever their beliefs. We believe that we are one

people and we deserve the same right as the other has. We, as medical

professionals, believe that everyone has the right to access medical services as

they need it.

We offer our medical transportation and wheelchair transportation services to anyone

and everyone who needs it. We value our clients’ health and we believe that giving them the best

transportation service to or from their hospitals and clinics is something they deserve. Amazing

Grace Transportation gives high quality service to everyone regardless of sex, ethnicity, culture

and sickness.

Why choose medical transportation?

Safe boarding

Each client is handled differently when it comes to boarding in our vehicle

depending on their physical and medical condition. Our staffs are experienced in

giving the best boarding technique for each client’s condition.

Harmonious transport

The drivers of our vehicular units choose the best roads that will give the client a

pleasant ride. Some people, depending on their sickness, are very sensitive to

movement and thus making them very nauseous during travelling. Our drivers

are very careful with driving to make them feel better.

Medical assistance on the side

We are a medical transportation service, so our clients will be under

professional medical assistance. In the duration of the transport, our clients may

be able to ask medical inquiries to our staffs. With this, the client will be able to

face their illness with knowledge and readiness

If you or any one you know is ever in need of non-emergency medical transportation service,

Amazing Grace Transportation will always be ready to serve you! We are approved and certified

by the Department of Transportation, Department of Health and the Department of Motor
