AMA Magician Membership Application June 2015



Application for magic castle

Transcript of AMA Magician Membership Application June 2015

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First Name ________________________________________________________________________ Last Name _______________________________________________________________________ Birthdate __________________________________________________________________________ □ Gentleman □ Lady

Business/Employer _________________________________________________________________________________ Occupation ______________________________________________________

Residence Street Address _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Suite _______________

City, State, Zip ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Country ________________________________

Mailing Address □ Home □ Business

Contact Information Email _________________________________________________________________________________ Home Phone ___________________________________________________________________

Work Phone _______________________________________________________________________ Other Phone _________________________________________________________________

Academy of Magical Arts Sponsor Information (Required) Member First Name ___________________________________________________________ Member Last Name ________________________________________________________ Member Number ___________________________________________________________ Phone ___________________________________________________________

Sponsor Reference (required for Non-Resident Magician Applicants only if no AMA sponsor is known)

Club Official ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Magic Club _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Club Office Held ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

City _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone ______________________________________________________

If you are transferring from an Associate to Magician member, please list your Member number: __________________________________________

Years Interested in Magic ____________ Other Magic Organizations to which You Belong ________________________________________________

Please give a brief synopsis of your history and interests in magic. For additional space, please attach your magic resumé or

other documents to this application. k (Non-Residents: Please attach at least one page with as much information on your

background as possible.) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________




Secondary Applicant (who must be a spouse or domestic partner; other relationships are not permitted)

First Name ________________________________________________________________________ Last Name _______________________________________________________________________

Birthdate ______________________ Anniversary ______________________ Email _________________________________________________________________________________________

What is the most important reason you want to become a member of the Academy of Magical Arts, Inc.?




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How did you hear about Membership options with the Academy of Magical Arts?

□ Facebook, Twitter or Other Social Media □ Member of the AMA □ News via TV, Internet, Radio, Newspaper,

Etc. □ Friend □ Call or Walk-In □ Other

Resident Magician Membership RequirementsMagician Membership applicants will be interviewed by the Membership Committee. During this in-person meeting, you will be asked a series of questions to determine your level of knowledge and interest in magic. If, as most, you are actively practicing magic as a career or as a hobby, you will be asked to demonstrate some magic effects before the Committee. You should be ready to provide a ten-minute performance. At the discretion of the Committee, performers in magic’s Allied Arts (such as juggling or ventriloquism) may also be considered for membership, again via an interview and a short performance.Magic assistants with legitimate experience should be prepared to discuss that background, demonstrate a viable understanding of magic they have performed, and provide video and/or other records of prior work for review by the Committee. If you wish to apply for Magi-cian Membership as a non-performer, the interview will expand to include area(s) of specialization. Magic histo-rians and/or collectors should be prepared to talk about their studies, and provide examples. Magic inventors or prop builders should be able to explain the nature of their expertise, and bring samples of such work.

Auditions are typically held on the first Monday of each month at the Magic Castle usually beginning at 7:00pm. If you wish to audition, you must RSVP with the Membership Department beforehand. With you to the audition, you will be required to bring a Magician membership application, completely filled out, along with your payment of dues. Both of which will be taken upon your acceptance as a Magician Member.

Non-Resident Magician Membership RequirementsNon-Resident Magician applicants must reside outside of a 60 mile radius of our location. Non-Resident Magi-cian applicants must have a background in magic. To be considered for Non-Resident Magician membership with the AMA, the applicant is required to provide the Membership Committee with a separate one page biography listing as much background information as possible regarding their life in magic. Any videos (online video links, DVDs, etc.) included may expedite the approval process. You may submit a Magician membership application along with the required information via mail, fax, or email to [email protected]. Please note that this approval process may take as long as a month to complete. If you are accepted as a Non-Resident Magician member of the AMA, you will be notified by our Membership Department promptly.

Membership DuesPlease contact Membership Services for pricing details at [email protected].

Please enclose/attach the appropriate amount for the month in which you apply. These amounts activate the membership from the month applied for through December 31st of the same year. Annual renewals will become due each January 1st. Prices above are prorated for the first year only and include the one-time initiation fee.□ Visa □ Mastercard □ American Express □ Discover

Name on Card_______________________________________________________ _ Card Number___________________________

Exp Date ___________________________ CVV Code ___________ Billing Zip Code _______________________________

I hereby authorize the Academy of Magical Arts, Magic Castle, to charge the above credit card for the Membership Fees in the amount of ________________________.

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Approved By ____________________________________________________________________ Date _________________________ New Member Number _________________________


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Signature of Applicant ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Date _________________________________________

understand that membership, if granted, entitles me the privilege of using any and all facilities and services available to me under the guidelines of my particular membership for as long as I am a current member in good standing with The Academy of Magical Arts, Inc.. My membership is subject to the rules and regulations set forth in the current bylaws and Standing Rules of the Academy of Magical Arts. I understand membership in the Academy constitutes a personal privilege extended only to the primary member and the secondary member listed on the membership. Mem-

bership cards may not be transferred or used by any person other than the person whose name appears on the card. I will notify the Academy in the event that any information listed on this application changes or is no longer valid. I understand that this membership does not entitle me to any rights, shares or securities of any person or corporation, which may now or hereafter own, operate, maintain or manage the Academy of Magical Arts. If this application is disapproved by the Academy, all funds deposited herewith shall be immediately refunded, this agreement shall be cancelled and will be null and void. I may resign from the Academy at any time by giving written notice to the Academy. However, I agree to pay any dues or other charges for which I am liable and/or may have incurred prior to or upon such resignation. I shall not thereafter be subject to any further dues or additional charges. If legal action is necessary or any attorney employed to collect any of the payments due on this agreement or any obligations to the Academy of Magical Arts, reasonable attorney fees and costs shall be added to the amounts due. I hereby submit my application to become a member of the Academy of Magical Arts, Inc. If accepted, I agree to abide by the Academy rules as they now exist or as they may hereafter be amended, with our without notice. My permission is hereby granted. The Academy of Magical Arts is welcome to use my name and picture for publication in the Academy’s monthly news-letter, magazines or other Academy publicity materials.