AMA Ferris 2012-2013 Annual Report



Measurement of chapter success based upon the 2012-2013 Chapter Plan.

Transcript of AMA Ferris 2012-2013 Annual Report

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2012-2013 Annual Report

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Each year, AMA Ferris pushed itself to improve upon the experiences of our members. This year has been exceptional. As this report will indicate, AMA Ferris has provided more opportunities than ever before in the areas of Professional Development, Membership, Fundraising, Community Service, Communications, and Social Affairs. Not only have we hosted more new events, but those which we have repeated have been improved and taken to another level.

AMA Ferris had its work cut out for us this year as many returning members did not feel AMA had benefited them professionally. In order to overcome this perception issue, a new membership campaign emphasizing professionalism and leadership was implemented. Because of our efforts, 39 new members have been added to our chapter this year to reach our highest number of members of all time.

Our number one goal has always been creating a valuable experience for our members to grow both personally and professionally through their involvement. In order to make sure our members are satisfied, each semester the membership completes satisfaction surveys to help measure our achievement of chapter goals and better understand what they are interested in.

The 2012-2013 AMA Ferris theme is “CMO: Creating More Opportunities.” This reflects our efforts to create more opportunities for our members to act as leaders, gain marketing experiences, and extend their knowledge beyond the classroom. Furthermore, we believe in creating opportunities through helping members build a network with professionals and other AMA chapters which can contribute to their job placement upon graduation.

exeCutive summary

Chapter goalsThe goals listed below are reflected in every event we have hosted and participated in this year. When an event is planned, we ask ourselves how it will contribute to our overall goals and provide member value. Furthermore, each goal coincides with “CMO: Creating More Opportunities”. In order to gauge our success, we have developed a rating system which incorporates our theme. Events that have not yet occurred are represented by a lock to symbolize that the opportunity has yet to be accessed. In addition to “Creating More Opportunities” for members, AMA Ferris is always looking to create more opportunities as a chapter. Therefore, events that have been added after the chapter plan are symbolized by “New”

exCeeded expeCtations met expeCtations short oF expeCtations

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goalBecome a “Gold Chapter” at the 35th International Collegiate Conference

resultsForthcoming at AMA International Collegiate Conference 2013

goalBecome a 5-Star Registered Student Organization at Ferris State University

resultsForthcoming at Ferris State University Torchbearer Awards

goalProvide leadership opportunities to all members through director positions.

results23 of our current 56 members have taken on leadership roles. Our chapter has 8 e-board positions responsible for planning chapter activities. Furthermore, we have had 15 general members take on leadership roles. These roles help with execution of specific events within specific areas.

goalMaintain our status as the most recognizable and involved student organization in Ferris State University’s College of Business

resultsAMA Ferris has maintained its reputation as the most recognizable College of Business student organization. AMA Ferris represents 11 unique majors other than marketing. Therefore, almost every College of Business program can be represented within the AMA.

goalDevelop and improve networking opportunities to help build relationships in the professional world.

resultsThis year has offered more networking opportunities than ever before. AMA Ferris attends at least 8 on-campus professional sessions each semester to network with professionals. Furthermore, each month AMA Ferris members travel to Grand Rapids to network with our

goalCreate value at weekly meetings by providing workshops and other skill building activities.

resultsThis year, several new programs were implemented in order to add value to each meeting. At the end of these events, a satisfaction survey was distributed in order to measure overall satisfaction with the event, if they would like to see another similar event, and if they would be likely to share a similar event with a friend. Some of these events include resume and interview workshops as well as the newly launched Career Development Certificate.

local professional chapter. Finally, we network with our peers by traveling to several regional conferences such as the University of Wisconsin- Whitewater’s conference and Lansing Community College’s conference.

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goalAchieve a satisfaction average about 4.0 on a 1-5 scale and a 75% rate of attendees willing to attend another similar event.

goalCollaborate with other groups on campus for 2 events a semester.

resultsFall semester, 3 collaborations took place. To date, 3 events have had collaboration in the spring semester

summaryAMA Ferris collaborated with the AdGroup of American Advertising Federation for two events and the Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) for one event last semester. This semester, AdGroup of AAF collaborated with AMA Ferris in hosting Justin Godley and participated in our internship panel. PRSSA has also collaborated in our Internship Panel. The Club Management Association of America also helped put on the first annual Etiquette Dinner.

goalCompete in 8 marketing-related competitions

resultsCompeted or plan to compete in the following competitions at the forthcoming International Collegiate Conference:

• AMASavesLives

• CaseCompetition

• WebsiteCompetition

• StudentMarketeroftheYear

• NorthwesternMutualSalesCompetition

• OutstandingMarketingWeek

• SABREInternationalCollegiateCompetition

• ChapterExhibitBooth

• ChapterPlanandAnnualReport

• EBSCOScholarship

non-ama competitions

• 5-StarRSO(Non-AMAcompetition)

Each year Ferris competes to become a 5-Star Registered Student Organization. In order to compete, AMA Ferris creates a book highlighting our chapter’s activities and on-campus involvement. This book is then reviewed by a panel of judges.

proFessional developmentThe focus of Professional Development is to provide members with professional skills and abilities beyond those taught in the classroom. Our members are given the opportunity to become leaders, learn professional etiquette, and better understand the climate of the marketing industry through the opportunities provided.

goalFacilitate 8 on-campus and 5 off-campus events each semester.

resultsFall semester AMA Ferris provided 11 on-campus and 6 off-campus events. This spring, 5 on-campus events and 1 off-campus event have been provided to date.

summaryAMA Ferris has exceeded its expectations in providing professional development opportunities this year. The variety of events covered professional skills sessions, job search preparation, and industry information. With the activities planned for this semester, we are confident we will exceed this goal again.

resultsAverage satisfaction of 4.33 and average of 99.7% of attendees willing to attend a similar event

summaryAfter averaging all of the surveys from the events AMA Ferris hosted throughout the year, we were happy to see we exceed our goal of a 4.0. These results show we have provided value for our members and our attendance will continue to increase as the events are repeated in the future.

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summaryLuke Wyckoff presented on the importance of utilizing social media for both your personal professional growth and how it can be utilized in marketing. The event was a huge success and had higher attendance than expected.

paint Big rapids pinkgoalCreate community awareness in Paint Big Rapids Pink week long event

results6 business’s windows were painted by 2 of our members. The business owner’s were pleased with our efforts and we will be continuing the promotion of the event in the future.

summaryThe F.I.R.M. was asked to come up with a way to get local businesses involved in Paint Big Rapids Pink, the Big Rapids breast cancer awareness initiative. With this goal in mind, The F.I.R.M. coordinated window decorating of downtown businesses. The windows were decorated using a pink theme along with the Paint Big Rapids Pink logo.

luke wyCkoFF on soCial media - sept 11DoggoneImportantforYourFuture

goal 10 members attend

aCtual 12 members attended

Crop hunger walkgoalIncrease student participation in the community CROP Hunger Walk.

results9 student organizations were represented and 54 total Ferris students participated.

summaryPromotional efforts included creating and distributing flyers, utilizing social media, creating a registration tutorial and sending a direct email piece to leaders of registered student organizations with details about participation.

the F.i.r.m.

Creek’s edge apartmentsgoalCreate awareness for the First Annual Creek’s Edge Welcome Cook Out

resultsAlthough the client expressed how pleased they were with our efforts, they did not keep attendance of the event and the inclement weather cut the cookout short.

summaryThis fall, The F.I.R.M. was responsible for communicating to current residents of Creek’s Edge Apartments, a local Big Rapids student apartment complex, information about the First Annual Creek’s Edge Welcome Cook Out. Promotional efforts included creating a direct mail piece for the residents, updating the Creek’s Edge Facebook page, and updating the Creek’s Edge website with information about the cookout.

Crop hunger walk

on-Campus proFessional development

The F.I.R.M. stands for “First-hand Integrated Real-world Marketing” and is AMA Ferris’ effort to create marketing for various local agencies and events. Some of the anticipated clients mentioned in the Chapter Plan had decided not to use our services. However, specific goals were set after consultation with each client and are evaluated below.

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seCond annual regional ConFerenCe - oCt 12goal25 AMA Ferris members & 25 non-AMA Ferris students to attend

aCtual14 AMA Ferris members, 70 total conference attendees from 4 different campuses

summaryAMA Ferris hosted its second regional collegiate conference. The theme was “CMO” Creating More Opportunities.” The goal of the conference was to provide attendees with knowledge that often gets overlooked in the classroom so that attendees are better equipped to get “the job” upon graduation. To do this, we strategically broke the conference up into 3 sections

Industry Speakers, Career Speakers, and Skills Sessions. All but 2 surveys indicated that the attendees would attend a similar event in the future.

adCraFt College tour oCt 16goal40 students to attend

aCtualEvent cancelled

summaryA few days before the event, the AdCraft representative cancelled with AMA Ferris. Although we were extremely disappointed, we were able to secure an insightful replacement speaker (See Tom Hogenson).

event title rating

Meijer Interactive Content 4.07 Express Employment 3.55Ferris Alumni Q&A 3.94Elevator Pitch Session 3.88MSL GROUP Social ROI 3.65Creative Merchandising 4.80Gift of Life Michigan 4.50Chapter Improvement 4.68

Regional Conference Ratings are on a 1 to 5 scale with a 5 as highly satisfied and 1 as highly unsatisfied.

Career speakers

Fall marketing week - oCt 9-16tie dye soCial - oCt 10See Social Affairs for details

Business olympiCs - oCt 11See Social Affairs for details

New tom hogenson, meCosta County mediCal Center - oCt 16goal15 members to attend

aCtual18 AMA members attended, 29 total attendees

summaryThis speaker was secured after the AdCraft College Tour cancelled with us. Hogenson, Director of Community Relations at Mecosta County Medical Center, discussed how to market to the community for nonprofit organizations and exceeded expectations.

student proFessional Career and leadership ConFerenCe - oCt 27goal10 members attend

aCtual0 attendees

summaryThe event conflicted with our Chicago Agency Tour/UWW Regional Conference. Therefore, no members attended the event.

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New Career development CertiFiCate presentationgoal75% of members attend at least one presentation

aCtual68% of members attended at least one presentation

summaryIn order to complete the Career Development Certificate Program, AMA Ferris gave members the opportunity to become a leader of each topic and present it during the meetings. Each presentation counted as a professional development event and attendance was taken during the

New Chevrolet and toyota motorsports speaker - Jan 28goal5 members attend

aCtual9 members attended

summaryAMA Ferris members received the opportunity to hear from Ed Laukes, Toyota V.P. of Marketing Communications and Motorsports and Terry Dolan, Manager of Chevrolet Racing and a Ferris Alumni. After the event, AMA Ferris members networked with the professionals and received internship information. Because this event was hosted by the university, satisfaction surveys were not distributed.

resume & interview panel - deC 4goal30 members attend

aCtual22 members attended

summaryDespite not reaching our goal for attendance, this event was a huge success. It was rated an average of 4.65 out of 5, and 100% of attendees indicated that they would attend a similar event in the future. The event will be held again in the spring semester further from final exam week to increase attendance.

Career Fairs - Fall & springgoal10 members attend at least 1 fair

aCtualFall fair - 1 member attended

Spring fair - 4 members attended

summaryLow attendance of the fall career fair was likely because of the low number of December graduates in AMA resulting in many students focusing on the Spring career fair. Furthermore, the early scheduling of the career fair fell during AMA Ferris recruitment. Therefore, active membership was low at this time. Spring Career Fair aligned with Blizzard Nemo causing many recruiters to cancel and preventing students from traveling to the fair.

New andy maier, gordon Food serviCes - oCt 25goal5 members to attend

aCtual5 members attended

summaryThis additional event was a collaboration with the AdGroup of AAF. Andy Maier, Marketing Communications Manager for Gordon Foods, provided insight to our members and AdGroup members about what it’s like to create marketing communications plans for a major retailer.

meetings to keep track of who was progressing towards earning the certificate. 8 different members led each set of sessions, adding leadership value to these events. Currently, 13 members have attended every session and are on track to receive the certificate. Though we were just shy of the attendance goal, we have had 16 new members join this spring and we are confident they will attend a session at a later meeting to reach the goal.

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linkedin session with Chet tryBus FeB 6goal15 AMA members attend, 30 total attendees

aCtual12 AMA members attended, 33 total attendees

summaryThe event consisted of two sessions. The first introduced users to LinkedIn, the second helped current LinkedIn users improve their current profiles. The event rated a 4.64 out of 5 and 100% of attendees would recommend the event to a friend. 5 different registered student organizations were represented at the event.

Justin godley, kellogg’s Jan 31goal30 members attend, 10 non-members attend

aCtual16 AMA members attended; 28 total attendees

Bowling tournament - FeB 6See Fundraising for details

New valassis media and latCha & assoCiates tour FeB 8-9goal10 members attend

aCtualEvent rescheduled for April 6-7

summaryThe agency tours have been rescheduled as Blizzard Nemo coincided with the event and it was unsafe to travel. The tours will take place in April instead.

Cran hill ranCh soCial - FeB 10See Social Affairs for details

ama saves lives taBle - FeB 11-12See Community Service for details

spring marketing week - FeB 6-13

summaryJustin Godley of Kellogg’s presented on how to measure and create a social media presence in product marketing and how branding plays a key role in social media campaigns. The event received a 4.48 out of 5 rating and 100% of attendees would recommend the event to a friend. The event was marketed via Facebook, posters and flyers, and personally inviting several other registered student organizations.

linkedin sessionwith Chet tryBus

internship panel - FeB 12goal30 AMA members attend, 10 additional students attend

aCtual34 AMA members attended, 5 additional students attended

summaryThe event featured 2 Public Relations majors, 2 Advertising majors, and 4 Marketing majors discussing how they acquired their internships. The event received a 4.52 out of 5 and 100% of attendees said they would recommend a similar event to a friend.

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spring resume and interview panel - marCh 19goal50 students attend

aCtualResults forthcoming

summaryGiven the success of the fall Resume and Interview Panel, we decided to host another, on a larger scale.

ChiCago agenCy tour - nsa media oCt 25goal10 members attend

aCtual11 members attended

summaryMembers gained insight regarding how a print media company provides both traditional and digital solutions for clients large and small. Attendees also left with contact information for the College Relations Manager, giving them an opportunity to apply for internships or employment upon graduation.

nsa media ChiCago

New giFt oF liFe speaker FeB 28goal20 AMA members attend


summaryJennifer Trislerics from Gift of Life Michigan will be discussing the challenges of non-profit marketing.

ama west miChigan - monthlygoalAt least 2/3 (66%) of members attend one meeting and at least 5 members attend each month on average

oFF-Campus proFessional development

etiQuette dinner - FeB 13goal20 members attend, 30 non-members attend

aCtual20 AMA members attended, 6 non-members attended

spring marketing week (Continued)summaryThough we fell short of our attendance goal, the event was one of the highest rated of the year with 4.97 out of 5 and 100% of attendees willing to recommend the event to a friend. This was the first Etiquette Dinner AMA Ferris has hosted and after the positive feedback, another will be planned and promoted more heavily.

aCtual12% of members attended one meeting and averaged 2 members each month.

summaryTo date, 8 members have traveled to AMA West Michigan It was challenging for students to attend due to the luncheons taking place on a week day and the last minute cancellation of one of the events.

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New regional ConFerenCe lansing Community College - FeB 26goal10 members attend

aCtual7 members attended

summaryOur chapter was glad to network with Lansing Community College, as well as participate in a team building activity with Jim Reed and play flag football after a morning of professional development.

regional ConFerenCe - university oF wisConsin-whitewater - oCt 26goal10 members attend

aCtual11 members attended

summaryThis event met our expectations and provided an opportunity to network with fellow marketing chapters within the region.

ChiCago agenCy tour ogilvy & mather - oCt 25goal10 members attend

aCtual11 members attended

summaryMembers received an overview regarding the history of this legendary agency and details outlining its exceptional internship program, including the steps one should take to apply. Members then received a tour of the Chicago campus.

regional ConFerenCe – university oF CinCinnati - FeB 9goal10 members attend

CinCinnati agenCy tour – empower media marketing - FeB 8goal10 members attend

aCtualEvent canceled

summaryBecause the Regional Conference in Cincinnati was canceled, the Agency Tour was rescheduled to agencies in Detroit to reduce the cost of the trip. See Spring Marketing Week for Detroit Agency Tour Details.

New 13th annual sports Career Fair - FeB 28goal8 members attend

aCtual9 members scheduled to attend

summaryA group of AMA Ferris’ sports marketing majors will be traveling to Indiana to network with representatives from the NBA, Detroit Pistons, Indiana Pacers, Columbus Blue Jackets and more.

ogilvy & matherChiCago

aCtualEvent Canceled

summaryUniversity of Cincinnati canceled their conference so AMA Ferris was not able to attend as anticipated.

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Crop hunger walk - sept 30goal20 members to attend, 20 members to promote the event, and contribute $500 for hunger relief.

results10 members attended the event, 7 worked the event, and 3 members promoted. $395 were raised for hunger relief.

summaryThough our own organization’s attendance was low, due to our promotional efforts overall campus participation was high. Our members helped to staff the event selling CROP t-shirts and registering participants.

marketing related serviCes

Crop hunger walk

Community serviCeAMA Ferris is dedicated to helping both the Ferris State and Big Rapids community. We strive to have our members be involved in the community by volunteering our time as well as our marketing knowledge. Through utilizing social media, traditional marketing, and hard work we have had a positive effect on the community as listed below.

goal400 hours of community service hours with 75% of those hours being marketing related

resultTo date, 299 hours of community service hours have been completed with 75.7% being marketing related.

summaryAMA Ferris has actively been providing marketing related community service as well as non marketing related hours. With the number of new members and planned activities we are certain to exceed this goal.

goal75% of chapter members will obtain at least 5 hours of community service each semester

resultFall semester, 37% of members gained 5 hours. Spring semester results forthcoming.

goal50% of chapter members will obtain at least 10 community service hours

resultFall semester, 16% of members gained 10 hours. Spring semester results forthcoming.

summaryOf those who were involved in community service, almost half had earned 10 or more hours. Though we fell short of our goal, the members who did take on community service were responsible for the majority of the hours.

summaryThere was a large number of new members that joined later in the semester, many were unable to meet the aggressive community service goal during this time frame.

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New ama saves petsgoal5 members participate in promoting and caring for the animals at the local animal shelter.

results11 members participated in promoting and caring for the animals at the local animal shelter.

summaryOur members would go to the local animal shelter once a week. During our visits, we took pictures of the animals to post to the animal shelter Facebook page to promote adoption of the animals. Furthermore, we used social media to post pictures and videos of us with animals to share with friends and encourage adoption.

paint Big rapids pink - oCt 2012goal10 members promote Paint Big Rapids Pink

results3 members promoted Paint Big Rapids Pink

homeComing tailgate oCt 13goal10 members participate in the promotion and hosting of the event

results7 members helped to promote and host the event.

summaryAMA Ferris was chosen to represent Ferris State University’s College of Business and distribute free hot dogs and non-alcoholic beverages to alumni, students, and staff. However, the event was not as successful as anticipated due to severe thunderstorms and cold temperatures.

New day oF disCovery - oCt 17goal3 members promote AMA Ferris and the Ferris State marketing program

results7 members promoted AMA Ferris and the Ferris State marketing program

summaryDay of Discovery brought area high schools to Ferris’ campus to learn about the College of Business and business related careers. At the beginning of the day, AMA Ferris had a table next to student registration to promote our RSO and answer questions about marketing. Throughout the day, 4 members were each assigned to different groups of students and answered questions about the College of Business and college life.

0ther serviCes

ama saves livesgoal60 hours of service by AMA members

resultsFall semester, 73.75 hours of service were earned; To date, 66 hours have been earned for Spring semester.

summaryWe have found creative ways to involve our members this year including attending university basketball games, setting up registration tables in buildings that students frequent, and recruiting donors at blood drives and sponsoring the Gift of Life Michigan speaker at our 2nd annual Regional Conference. We have continued our efforts for this semester and are looking to bring in a speaker from Gift of Life Michigan as well as set up registration tables at new locations.

summaryPaint Big Rapids Pink is Big Rapids’ annual breast cancer awareness campaign. In order to bring awareness, AMA Ferris painted local business’s windows as referenced in The F.I.R.M. section of the annual report. Though we exceeded our client’s expectations, we did not have as many members participate as we had anticipated.

saFe ride - twiCe eaCh semestergoal 2 members participate at each event and host 2 events per semester

results 2 events were held last semester with 2 members participating in each. 2 more

events have been scheduled for the spring semester.

summary Each semester, two members ride on the shuttle to local establishments from midnight to 2:30am. Our members enjoy this event each semester and look forward to participating again this semester.

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FundraisingAMA Ferris’ fundraising efforts contribute to sending members to the New Orleans Intercollegiate Conference, chapter operations, and donations for charitable causes. With many AMA Ferris members being professional selling majors, these opportunities have helped them fine tune their interpersonal sales skills. Also, each fundraising event is marketed using social media, print media, and provides a leadership opportunity for a member to take charge of each event.

relay For liFe - april 5goal20 join the AMA Ferris team and raise $400 in contributions


New Bell ringing For the salvation army - deCgoal5 members participate

results7 members participated

summaryMembers stood outside the local Wal-Mart ringing the bell for the Salvation Army and spreading holiday cheer. the Big event - april 13

goal15 members participate


New walk For warmth FeB 23goal10 members participate and raise $100 in contributions.



adopt-a-highway - Fall & springgoal15 members participate each semester

results13 members participated in the fall clean-up. We anticipate 15 for the forthcoming spring.

summaryThough we were two members shy of our goal, the fall 2012 Adopt-A-Highway had a record number of participants in AMA Ferris’ history. With our increased membership for the spring semester, we anticipate exceeding the goal for the forthcoming spring Adopt-A-Highway.

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rada knives Cutlery - Fall & springgoalRaise $700

results$756.80 raised

summaryIn this past, AMA Ferris has struggled to sell cutlery. This year was record breaking for Rada sales and professional selling skills were emphasized to membership as well as reporting weekly on who had made the most sales to create a competitive aspect to the sales process.

Bigwords.Com Campaign - Fall & springgoal$150 earned each semester

results$150 earned fall semester; Spring results forthcoming.

summaryIn the Fall, AMA Ferris promoted, a textbook search engine, to Ferris’ campus through social media, handing out stickers and flyers with QR codes, and ping pong balls with the Bigwords logo.

Bowling tournament - Fall & springgoal10-15 teams attend each semester; Raise $300 at each event

results9 teams attended fall semester and $225 was raised. 16 teams participated spring semester and $400 was raised.

goalTo provide enough money to support charitable causes, chapter operations, professional development events, and recruitment purposes. ($3,400)

resultsTo date, $5,067.40 have been raised.

summaryAMA Ferris was able to raise funds by acquiring sponsorships, hosting events, and professional selling efforts.

homeComing tailgate - oCt 13goalRaise $75


summaryDespite the severe thunderstorm and cold weather at the event, AMA Ferris continued to sell the donated soda pop throughout the year to various professors in the College of Business.

summaryThough we fell just short of our goal for fall semester, spring semester’s bowling tournament was AMA Ferris’ largest to date. The event was marketed through social media, posters hung in the College of Business, and personal contact with other student organization presidents in order to register them for participation.

t-shirt sales - Fall & springgoal$600 raised

results$48 raised

summaryDuring the fall semester, t-shirts were sold much later in the semester as more profitable fundraisers were the main focus. Second semester, the t-shirts were sold in the business building and in the library. A social media campaign was implemented to increase sales during the spring semester resulting in $48 shirt sales. We anticipate more sales during the spring when the weather is more t-shirt appropriate.

Fall Bowling tournement

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dairy Queen Coupon Books - springgoalRaise $500

resultsResults forthcoming

summaryThe local Dairy Queen does not open until the spring at which time, AMA Ferris will help them with their sales promotion campaign.

New popCorn palaCe sales - springgoalRaise $150

results$108.80 raised

summaryDespite this professional selling opportunity coming late in the fall semester, AMA Ferris members sold $460 in Popcorn Palace products over the holiday break.

BuFFalo wild wings BlaZin’ Challenge - Fall & springgoal$200 earned each semester

results$220 earned Fall semester; Spring semester to be determined.

summaryIn order to promote the event, AMA Ferris printed, produced, and distributed over 200 flyers on campus and in the community. Furthermore, a Boneless Wing Challenge was added to the event in which contestants paid an entry fee and whoever ate 8 Blazing boneless wings the fastest won a cash prize. The event brought in $220 and was a huge success for the chapter.

New Can drive - springgoalRaise $100

results$86.80 to date

summaryThe AMA Ferris Can Drive began in the spring semester when professors began donating their soda bottles and cans to us for the $0.10 deposit. After the success of our first can return, AMA Ferris members began regularly collecting cans from offices in the College of Business, the library, and other personal donations.

gala - april 13goalHave 10 alumni attend, 15 faculty members attend, 90% of active members attend and have 85% of them bring family and friends. $1,500 raised by hosting 100 individuals.


Bww BlaZin’Challenge

pot oF gold raFFle goalRaise $200

resultsEvent canceled.

summaryFerris Athletics has changed their policies and fundraisers for student organizations are no longer allowed at Ferris sporting events.

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goalMaintain at least 70% of last year’s active members eligible to return

results68% of last year’s active members returned.

summaryLast spring, AMA Ferris had a poor reputation within the College of Business. Therefore, many potential returning members did not feel they benefited from membership and did not return in the fall semester. However, a new campaign was implemented promoting professionalism leading to a high number of new members in the fall. Spring semester, AMA’s reputation had not only improved but we became recognized for our professionalism and growing numbers resulting in more members returning.


university sponsorships - annualgoal$1,000 from College of Business, $1,000 from Student Government

results$1,000 from College of Business, $1,000 from Student Government, $500 from Ferris State Management Department

summaryTwo executive members presented to the Dean of the College of Business and Student Government to receive a $1,000 sponsorship from each. Due to the large number of management majors represented in AMA Ferris, the management department chose to sponsor our annual trip to the AMA International Collegiate Conference.

meiJer Corporate sponsorshipgoalRaise $500

results$500 earned

summaryBecause of our member’s experiences in AMA Ferris, an internship was procured at Meijer. After the internship was completed, Meijer chose to sponsor our chapter.

In order to recruit active members, AMA Ferris has implemented all tactics outlined in the Chapter Plan. These tactics included creating an distributing a pre-membership packet, member folders, classroom visits, and traditional marketing efforts.

goalHave at least 50 active members by the end of fall semester

results40 active members by the end of fall semester

summaryAMA Ferris was able to rejuvenate its image and once again be recognized for professionalism. 23 new members joined in the fall as a result of our campaign that included social media, class room visits, pamphlets, new member folders, and new member meetings.

memBership retention

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goalHave 40% of our membership base be underclassmen

results61% of membership base are underclassmen

summaryAs illustrated in the pie chart, AMA Ferris had 22 seniors, 18 juniors, 8 sophomores, and 8 freshman.

goalIncrease membership to 60 active members by the end of the 2012/2013 school year

results56 active members to date

summaryAs a result of the heavy recruitment campaign, 16 new members joined during the spring semester. This is AMA Ferris’s largest ever spring recruitment which ultimately led to the largest total membership in AMA Ferris’ history as illustrated in our 6 year membership trend.

goal15% of membership reach All AMA, 25% reach All Pro or higher, 50% reach Pro or higher.

results13% of membership achieved All AMA, 20% achieved All Pro or higher, 25% achieved Pro or higher as of Fall semester

summaryBecause many of our members joined later in the fall semester, they did not have the opportunity to attend enough events to meet our aggressive membership level goals. Because our membership levels and weekly meeting attendance has been high, we are confident that our members will reach higher levels this semester.

memBership levels

Class rank6 year memBership trend

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During the third week of classes each semester New Member Meeting’s were hosted to give potential members a better understanding of what we do throughout the year. In the fall semester, 14 people attended our New Member meetings and 10 became AMA Ferris Members. In the spring, 17 people attended and 13 became members. In additional to New Member Meetings, AMA Ferris visited 56 classrooms in the fall and 49 in the spring to recruit College of Business students. 9 of our fall members were recruited through classroom visits and 8 more joined after class visits in the spring semester.

goalHave 7 majors in our organization other than marketing

resultsCurrently,11 different majors are represented in AMA Ferris

taCtiC measurements

CommuniCationsIn order for our members to get the benefits we provide as a chapter, we must communicate in a clear and easily accessible manor. To communicate with our members and the greater public we used the avenues of social media, email, web, OrgSync and texting.

soCial media (FaCeBook/twitter)goalMinimum of 4 updates and tweets per week; Have all members join the private AMA Ferris Group

resultsAverage of 5 updates and tweets per week; All members have been added to the private AMA Ferris Group

summaryAMA Ferris’ public Facebook and Twitter have been linked to allow easy access to events throughout the

year. Interesting marketing articles, pictures from events, and posters for upcoming events are all uploaded to this page throughout the week. Furthermore, as members join they are added to our private Facebook page where members can see information from general meetings and other pertinent information in a timely manner.

texting programgoalText a reminder to each individual an hour before the event

resultsText reminders have been sent after the program was implemented.

summaryAMA Ferris added a mass texting program for the first time to remind member’s of upcoming events. At each meeting, those interested in attending each event are recorded and then they are reminded via the texting program. The program was implemented in late fall and will be continued into the spring semester.

summaryOur members include marketing, business administration, ornamental horticulture, advertising, communications, accounting, political science, professional tennis management, biology, music industry management, insurance and risk management, and graphic design majors.

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soCial aFFairs

weBsitegoal2 stories posted every month; Website analytics report presented during a general meeting each semester

goal70% of members attend one social; 60% of members attend 2 socials

results72.5% of members attended one social; 57.7% of members attended two socials fall semester

summaryOur social goals were met for fall semester by providing more opportunities than anticipated for members. We expect to meet the goal again spring semester and get our new members more involved.

Though many of our professional development, community service, and fundraising events have social aspects; we also offer specific social events so that our members can bond.

goal1 off campus and 3 on-campus events each semester

resultsFall semester 1 off campus event was held and 7 on-campus events; Spring results forthcoming

summaryWe exceeded our goal for on-campus events last semester and plan to repeat our success by hosting events such as Biggby nights, Logo’s game nights, and bowling.

e-mailgoalEmail all individuals who request more information about joining; Send 2 newsletters each semester

resultsAll individuals who requested more information about joining were contacted; 2 newsletters were sent in fall; Spring results forthcoming.

summaryDuring classroom visits, those interested in learning more about AMA can record their email address and name and are sent an introductory email including our meeting times and upcoming new member meeting dates. Last semester 2 newsletters were sent out. Our spring semester newsletters have been planned to highlight this semesters activities and will be distributed later in the semester.

orgsynCgoalAll events posted to the OrgSync calendar tool; All members join OrgSync

resultsTo date 87% of events have added to the OrgSync calendar tool; 79% of members have joined OrgSync

summaryThough we fell short of our OrgSync calendar posts goal, we have still improved on past years success rate with posting events. As many of our members have just joined in the past few weeks, we are still working on having them join the OrgSync group. However, All fall members have joined the OrgSync group.

results2 stories were posted only once; Website analytics were not presented during any general meetings.

summaryIn November 2 stories were posted on the website due to lack of knowledge of web hosting. Additionally, we have found Social Media was a more effective communication tool than the use of the website.

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general memBer meetingsgoalHold 1 general meeting each week throughout the semester

result1 general meeting held each week

summaryThough our goal was met for holding a general meeting each week, our meetings have been greatly improved for members. In addition to discussing upcoming events, we have added value to meetings by hosting professionals, holding workshops, and introducing the AMA Certificate Program.

exeCutive Board meetingsgoalHold 1 e-board meeting each week for an hour

resultDuring fall semester, e-board met each Thursday for one hour. Spring semester, e-board meetings were held once a week for two hours.

summaryFall semester, e-board meetings agenda’s were rushed and many times we did not have time to review reports. During spring semester, e-board meetings were moved to Wednesday’s for two hours. This proved to be successful and planning was more efficient in spring semester.

Chapter operationsThis year’s executive board consisted of 8 different positions. The AMA president reports directly to our 2 faculty advisors. Under the president are 7 Vice President roles responsible for each section outlined in this report. Elections for the new e-board will take place during a general meeting on March 5.

direCtorshipsgoal Provide leadership opportunities to all members through director positions

resultTo date, 23 of our 56 current members have taken on leadership roles

summaryOnce an individual becomes an AMA member, they are placed in a committee that corresponds with each executive board role. When an event is hosted, general members are given the opportunity to become a director and take on major responsibilities associated with the project.

exeCutive Board retreatgoalHold 2 e-board retreats; One each semester

result4 e-board retreats held; Two per semester

summaryAt the end of the spring 2012 semester, a retreat was held to create chapter goals and plan events. A similar retreat is held before spring 2013 semester began to report on progress towards our goals and plan events for spring semester. Additionally, two teamwork oriented retreats were added each semester to increase communication and cohesiveness of the e-board.

transition taCtiCsAfter the election process is complete, each new e-board member meets with the retiring e-board member and our faculty advisor. At this time, all previous events, major responsibilities, and other pertinent information is exchanged. Furthermore, for the first three weeks after elections, both the retiring and new e-board participate in weekly e-board meetings to provide guidance and allow any questions to be answered as they arise.

Executive manuals are also created by each e-board member throughout the year. These manuals contain reports from activities that took place this year, contact information for speakers we have brought in, and general instructions for tasks that must be completed throughout the year. These manuals are given to new e-board members and reviewed during the meeting with the retiring e-board member, the new e-board member, and the faculty advisor.

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Revenues Expected Actual Expenses Expected Actual

Professional Development Professional DevelopmentThe F.I.R.M. $50 $35

FSU Regional Conference FSU Regional ConferenceRegistration Fees $450 $515 Bags $300 $301.38

Grant $500 $250 Food $250 $291.50Speaker Expense $500 $75

Etiquette Dinner $1,500 $390 Etiquette DinnerFood $1,400 $390

Promotion $100 $30 Meeting Speakers $300 $0

Chicago Agency Tour $500 $330 Chicago Agency Tour $500 $660.87Cincinnati Agency Tour/Detroit $500 $240 Cincinnati Agency Tour/Detroit $500 TBDUWW Regional Conference $450 $495 UWW Regional Conference $450 $520U Cin Regional Conference $450 $0 U Cin Regional Conference $450 $0LCC Regional Conference $200 $45 LCC Regional Conference $200 $0AMA West Michigan $375 $120 AMA West Michigan $375 $120

New Orleans Conference $4,000 $3,780

Fundraising CompetitionsT-Shirt Sale $600 $48 Case Competition $25 $20Buffalo Wild Wings $400 $214.75 SABRE $25 $0Homecoming Tailgate $75 $72 Exhibit Booth $100 $40Pot of Gold Raffle $200 $0Corporate Sponsorship $2,000 $500 $300 $150 Spring GalaRADA Knives $700 $756.80 Reservation $300 TBDDairy Queen Coupon Sales $500 TBD Invitations $200 TBDStudent Governement $1,000 $1,000 Food $2,200 TBDCollege of Business $1,000 $1,500 Misc $200 $100Bowling Tournament $900 $1,500 Bowling Tournament $525 $875

Community ServiceRelay for Life $50 TBDCROP Hunger Walk $25 $25

Membership MembershipNational Dues $2,820 $2,632 National Dues $2,820 $2,632Chapter Dues $2,880 $2,064 Recruitment Promotions $600 $215

Member T-Shirts $480 $617

CommunicationsHost Fee Website $80 $80Misc. Postage $20 $15

Total Revenues $18,300.00 $12,822.55 Total Expenses $17,025 $10,822.75

Carryover $1,275.00 $1,999.80