Always change a winning team

Never change a winning team! ALWAYS Marcel Chaudron
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Transcript of Always change a winning team

Page 1: Always change a winning team

Never change a winning team!ALWAYS

Marcel Chaudron

Page 2: Always change a winning team

Why should you change a winning team?

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Being successful today is no guarantee for being successful tomorrow

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It is NOT the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to CHANGE – Charles Darwin

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New playing fields - Music

Page 6: Always change a winning team

New playing fields - Music

Page 7: Always change a winning team

New playing fields - Music

Page 8: Always change a winning team

New playing fields - Music

Page 9: Always change a winning team

New playing fields - Social

Page 10: Always change a winning team

New playing fields - Products

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New playing fields - Information

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New playing fields - Information

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Consumers are changing behaviours

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Consumers are changing their behaviour

Innovators 10%

Majority 80%

Laggards 10%

Faster adoption and shorter product cycles

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But why are so many companies & people resistant to change?

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It’s not possible

We have always done it

this way

It won’t work for

our company

It’s too radical

There is no clear mandate

We have never

done that before

We tried it before

We do OK as it is

We don’t have the right staff

It’s too complicated

It will take too long

Reasons for being resistant to change

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But is resistant really that holds us back from change or… it exhaustion?

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Are you following or are you directing the change?

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Inspired by three books:

How to overcome resistance & exhaustion and direct the change?

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Dynamic of emotions in change










Page 22: Always change a winning team

Who moved my cheese

Change Happens

Anticipate Change

Monitor Change

Adapt To Change Quickly


Enjoy Change !

Be Ready To Change Quickly & Enjoy It Again

Four characters in this delightful parable represent parts of ourselves whenever we are confronted with change. Discover how you can let change work to your advantage and let it lead you to success!

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“The key to effective change is getting the elephant and the rider moving together in the same direction”

The Elephant is the overpowering emotional element to decision making, It always wins and looks for the easy wins.

The rider is is the logical decision maker, who takes care of all the analysis and thinks about the long term.

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Shape the path

Motivate the Elephant

Direct the rider

Find bright spots

Script the critical moves

Point to the destination

Find the feeling Shrink the change

Tweak the environment

Build habits

Rally the herd

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Achieve Likability & Trustworthiness

“Passion, Smile & Trust others”






“The process off delighting people with a Product, Service, Organization or Idea”

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Deep : It needs to be deep, so that you have anticipated what your customers will needs as they move up the power curve

Intelligent :It has to be intelligent, so that it solves people’s problems in smart ways

Complete : It should be complete, so that the entire customer experience is thought through and designed to enchant

Empowering : It has to be empowering, so that your customer can do things that they couldn’t do before buying your product

Elegant : It should be elegant, so that it appears as though somebody cared about the user interface

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Don’t fear change – it will make you grow, accept that change is happening anyway

Change is hard & never easy

What’s next?

Exhausting and resistance can be overcome – Bright spots & enchant all influencers

Direct the rider, Motivate the elephant and Shape the path

We all can change – be the changeAlways change a winning team since the environment is contiguously changing

Engage people in the change - “What I hear I forget, what I see I remember, what I do I understand”