ALV Tree Based on Class CLSALVTREE


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ALV Tree Based on Class CLSALVTREE

Transcript of ALV Tree Based on Class CLSALVTREE

  • ALV tree based on class CL_SALV_TREE[3/9/2013 9:24:02 PM]

    infodepotsee other examples

    ALV tree based on class CL_SALV_TREE

    This tutorial programdisplays sample ALV treebased on classCL_SALV_TREE. The treeconsists of a hierarchy ofALV classes (seescreenshot). There areseparate tables used forthe tree data andhierarchy. Consider, youhave to pass an emptytable to the factorymethod.

    The ALV tree looks like on this screenshot:

    Here the corresponding program:

    REPORT zkm_tree.

    TYPES:* Types for structure and table of tree data

    BEGIN OF ts_data, class TYPE seoclsname, descript TYPE seodescr, END OF ts_data, tt_data TYPE TABLE OF ts_data,

    * Types for structure and table of tree hierarchy

    BEGIN OF ts_hier, node TYPE string, parent TYPE string, key TYPE salv_de_node_key, END OF ts_hier, tt_hier TYPE TABLE OF ts_hier.

    DATA: gt_data TYPE tt_data, " Tree data gt_hier TYPE tt_hier. " Tree hierarchy

  • ALV tree based on class CL_SALV_TREE[3/9/2013 9:24:02 PM]


    * Read the tree data and hierarchy

    PERFORM scan_hier USING 'CL_SALV_MODEL' '' CHANGING gt_data gt_hier.

    * Display tree

    PERFORM display_alv_tree.


    *& Form scan_hier


    FORM scan_hier USING pi_node TYPE seoclsname pi_parent TYPE seoclsname CHANGING pt_data TYPE tt_data pt_hier TYPE tt_hier.

    DATA: ls_data TYPE ts_data, ls_hier TYPE ts_hier, lv_child TYPE seoclsname.

    * Read and save data

    ls_data-class = pi_node. SELECT SINGLE descript INTO ls_data-descript FROM seoclasstx WHERE clsname = pi_node AND langu = sy-langu. APPEND ls_data TO pt_data.

    * Save relation

    ls_hier-node = pi_node. ls_hier-parent = pi_parent. APPEND ls_hier TO pt_hier.

    * Find children

    SELECT clsname INTO lv_child FROM seometarel WHERE refclsname = pi_node.

    PERFORM scan_hier USING lv_child pi_node CHANGING pt_data pt_hier. ENDSELECT.ENDFORM. "scan_hier


    *& Form display_alv_tree


    FORM display_alv_tree.

    DATA: lt_empty TYPE tt_data, ls_data TYPE ts_data, ls_hier TYPE ts_hier,

  • ALV tree based on class CL_SALV_TREE[3/9/2013 9:24:02 PM]

    lv_key TYPE salv_de_node_key, lo_tree TYPE REF TO cl_salv_tree, lo_nodes TYPE REF TO cl_salv_nodes, lo_node TYPE REF TO cl_salv_node, lo_columns TYPE REF TO cl_salv_columns, lo_column TYPE REF TO cl_salv_column, lo_tree_settings TYPE REF TO cl_salv_tree_settings, lv_text TYPE lvc_value.

    FIELD-SYMBOLS: TYPE ts_hier.

    TRY.* 1. Create instance with an empty table

    CALL METHOD cl_salv_tree=>factory IMPORTING r_salv_tree = lo_tree CHANGING t_table = lt_empty.

    * 2. Add the nodes to the tree and set their relations

    lo_nodes = lo_tree->get_nodes( ).

    LOOP AT gt_hier ASSIGNING .

    IF -parent = ''.* Add the node as root

    lo_node = lo_nodes->add_node( related_node = '' relationship = if_salv_c_node_relation=>parent ). ELSE.* Read the ALV key of parent node and add as a child

    READ TABLE gt_hier INTO ls_hier WITH KEY node = -parent. lo_node = lo_nodes->add_node( related_node = ls_hier-key relationship = if_salv_c_node_relation=>first_child ). ENDIF.

    * Save the ALV internal key

    -key = lo_node->get_key( ).

    * Add the data of the tree

    READ TABLE gt_data INTO ls_data WITH KEY class = -node. lo_node->set_data_row( ls_data ). lv_text = ls_data-class. lo_node->set_text( lv_text ). ENDLOOP.

    * Do some final format tasks

    lo_columns = lo_tree->get_columns( ). lo_columns->set_optimize( abap_true ). lo_column = lo_columns->get_column( 'CLASS' ). lo_column->set_visible( abap_false ).

  • ALV tree based on class CL_SALV_TREE[3/9/2013 9:24:02 PM]

    Copyright (C) 2010

    Disclaimer: I am not affiliated or related to any division or subsidiary of SAP AG.Trademarks or registered trademarks of any products or companies referred to on this site belong to those companies.

    Anyone using the given solutions, is doing it under his/her own responsibility and at own risk.

    lo_tree_settings = lo_tree->get_tree_settings( ). lo_tree_settings->set_hierarchy_header( 'Class' ). lo_nodes->expand_all( ).

    * Display Table

    lo_tree->display( ).

    CATCH cx_salv_error. " for cl_salv_tree=>factory ENDTRY.ENDFORM. "display_alv_tree

    See other related notes in my infodepot:

    00003 - ALV popup based on class CL_SALV_TABLE 00019 - Events in ALV tree based on class CL_SALV_TREE

    See full list of examples in my infodepot

    If you have a question, have found an error or just want to contact me, please usethis form.

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