Alterations in Eye, Ear, Nose,

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  • 8/10/2019 Alterations in Eye, Ear, Nose,


    Alterations In Eye, Ear, Nose,and Throat Function

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    Pediatric Differences- Eyes

    Visual Acuity ranges between 20/100 and 20/400;20/50 by 2-3 years; 20/20 by 6-7 years

    Lens are more spherical and cannot accommodate toboth near and far objects

    The ability to distinguish color and other details isdecreased

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    Snellen Chart

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    Pediatric Differences- Eyes

    The rectus muscles that control binocular vision maybe uncoordinated at birth

    Alignment and coordinated movement by three

    months Nystagmus(involuntary rapid eye movement) and

    esotropia(momentary turning inward of the eyes) arecommon in neonates

    Conjunctival and retinal hemorrhages may be observedin newborns as a result of the trauma of birth

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    Retinal Hemorrhage

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    Eyeball- that of an adult and unprotected laterally ,thus more easily injured. By 14 years normal adult size

    Tears are produced but only produced enough tears tolubricate and protect the eye

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    Vision allows a child to acquire meaning from whatis seen

    The brain learns to interpret messages as acuityimproves

    Disturbances in vision affects the brains ability tointerpret visual input.

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    Infectious Conjunctivitis or pink eye

    Inflammation of the conjunctiva

    Causes- bacterial, viral, allergies, trauma or irritant .Bacterial more common in children

    -Staph. A-H. Influenzae

    -Strep. P


    Usually a yellow or white discharge is seen

    For infants under 30 days- opthalmia neonatarum

    A blocked lacrimal duct can mimic conjunctivitis

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    Manifestations- Bacterial

    Edema of the eyelid

    Reddened conjunctiva

    Mucopurulent discharge

    Itching Burning


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    Bacterial Conjunctivitis

    Spread- hand eye contact

    Common in institutions; schools, day are etc.

    May be bilateral or unilateral

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    Antibiotic eye medication e.g. ciprofloxacin,norfloxacin

    Antiviral acyclovir Antihistamine

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    Nursing Interventions

    Assessment and referral Give medication as prescribed

    Educting parents

    The importance of keeping child home

    Careful hand hygiene practices

    Avoidance of shared towels

    Not rubbing eyes

    Keep toddlers busy

    How to instill eye drops

    For children with allergies; s&s, use of wash cloth with

    cold water over the eyes, avoiding contact lenses

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    Periorbital Cellulitis

    Infection of the eyelid and surrounding tissue Can occur after a scratch or bug bite around the eye

    allow micro-organism to cause an infection.

    Infection may extend to another site, e.g sinusitis

    Average age of occurene; 6-8 yrs

    Manifestations- Edema, tender red of purple eyelids,painful movement of the eye, fever

    Treatment- hospitalization, IV antibiotics,application of hot packs. Must be prompt to avoidspread to the posterior orbit and nerves

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    Nursing Intervention

    Assessment and referral

    Give antibiotics as prescribed

    Monitor vital signs

    Teach family members about infection

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    Visual DisordersErrors of Retraction

    Hyperopiafarsightedness; light rays focus posteriorto the retina resulting in the inability to focus on nearbyobjects. All children have some degree until 9 10 years

    Myopianearsightedness ; light rays focus on the

    anterior of the retina, resulting in an inability to see farobjects. Commonly develops at about age 8 yrs.Squinting and complaints of headaches are common

    Astigmatism-light rays are refracted differently

    depending on their place of entry to the eye. Thecurvature or cornea of the lens is not uniformly spherical,causing blurred vision. The child often holds pages closeto face

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    Normal Refraction

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    Visual Disorders- Strabismus

    Strabismus- deviation of the eye (lazy eye) Lack of coordination between the extraocular muscles

    problems with cranial nerve III, IV and VI

    May be congenital or acquired

    Symptoms; squinting, frowning when reading, closingone eye to see, trouble picking up objects, dizziness,headache

    Associated with other conditions as cerebral palsy,

    hydrocephalus, down syndrome Diagnosis vision testing

    Treatment- Occlusion therapy, lenses, surgery of rectusmuscles, eye exercise

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    Visual Disorders- Amblyopia

    Reduced Vision in one or both eyes

    Common caused- untreated strabismus alsocongenital cataract

    Diagnosis- vision testing Treatment lenses, occlusion therapy 2-6 hours

    daily, eye exercises, atropine 1%,

    20/20 vision rarely attained

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    Visual Disorders-Cataracts

    Opaque lens prevents refraction of light ontoretina

    May be congenital or acquired

    Lens may be cloudy, symptoms of vision loss,distorted red reflex

    Associated with fetal alcohol syndrome and downsyndrome

    Treatment- surgical, corrective lenses

    Post op- restraints, antibiotics, steroids

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    Visual Disorders -Glaucoma

    Childhood glaucoma

    also referred to ascongenital glaucoma, pediatric, or infantileglaucomaoccurs in babies and young children.It is usually diagnosed within the first year of life.

    Increased Intraocular Pressure due to blockage of thecirculation of aqueous, or its drainage

    Increased pressure may damage the optic nerve

    Tearing, blinking, corneal clouding, progressiveenlargement of eye, photophobia

    In older children the eye responds to increased intraocularpressure in a manner similar to adults. No increase in thesize of the eye and the cornea does not become cloudy.

    Treatment surgery to reduce pressure followed by lenses

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    Congenital glaucoma is present at birth. Infantile glaucoma develops between the ages of 1-24 months. About

    10% of primary congenital/infantile glaucoma cases are inherited Glaucoma with onset after age 3 years is juvenile glaucoma.

    Another way to classify glaucoma is to describe the structural abnormalityor systemic condition which has caused the glaucoma. Most cases of pediatric glaucoma have no specific identifiable cause and

    are considered primary glaucoma. When glaucoma is caused by, or associated with a specific condition or

    disease, it is called secondary glaucoma. Examples of conditions whichcan be associated with childhood glaucoma include Axenfeld-ReigerSyndome, aniridia, Sturge-Weber Syndrome, neurofibromatosis,chronic steroid use, trauma, or previous eye surgery such as childhoodcataract removal.

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    Danielle Fiarito, 16, was diagnosed with glaucoma atage 4

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    Nursing Management


    Assess baby/child to see

    How they follow objects

    If they notice objects to right or left Move asymmetrically or one wanders off

    Difficulty picking up objects

    Learning difficulties

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    Nursing Management

    Disturbed Visual Sensory Perception

    Risk for injury

    Risk for altered growth an development

    Risk for compromised family coping

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    Desired Outcomes / Interventions

    The child will receive adequate sensory input

    Provide kinesthetic, tactile and auditory

    stimulation e.g. talking, playing, noises during

    daily activities

    The child will be protected from hazards

    Eliminate hazards

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    Desired Outcomes/Interventions

    The child has experiences necessary to foster

    normal growth an development

    Help parents plan activates

    Provide opportunities for independent activities Provide environment rich in sensory input

    Assess growth an development regularly

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    Desired Outcomes/Interventions

    The family identifies methods of coping

    Provide explanation of disorder

    Refer parents to organization and support groups

    Assist parents to plan developmental, educational,safety needs

    Allow to express feeling

    Involve in the plan of care

    Enhancing Development in Visually Impaired

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    Enhancing Development in Visually ImpairedChild

    Well lit setting Large print books

    Expose to everyday sounds

    Encourage the use of the sense of touch toys should

    have different textures Encourage speech

    Keep furniture in same position

    Emphasize Childs abilities

    Orient to new environment

    Announce presence when approaching child

    Identify contents of meals and positions

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    Eye Injuries


    Sports, fireworks, blunt or sharp instruments,chemical or thermal burns, irritants, abuse

    See handout

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    Ear Structure

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    Pediatric Differences- Ear

    The Eustachian tube which connects thenasopharynx the middle ear is shorter and wider andmore horizontal

    During feeding the tube remains open formilliseconds allowing free passage

    The external ear is soft with little cartilage

    The external canal is small at birth thus the

    tympanic membrane is close to the surface and easilydamaged

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    Eustachian Tubes of Child vs Adult

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    Otitis media

    Inflammation of the middle ear About 70% of children have at least one case on their

    first year of life

    Occurs frequently in children with allergies, usepacifiers and in children exposed to tobacco smoke

    Children with conditions as cleft palate and Downsyndrome also experience otitis media

    Breast feeding appears to be a protective againstotitis media

    May be acute or chronic which may lead to deafness

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    Otitis Media

    Causes Unknown

    Dysfunction of the Eustachian tube

    Upper respiratory tract infection

    The infection causes the mucous membrane of theeustachian tube to become edematous. The air that flowsthrough the middle air is blocked and re-absorbed intothe blood stream. Fluid is pulled into the space from the

    mucosal lining providing a good medium for rapidgrowth of the pathogen. The tympanic membrane andfluid behind it become infected

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    Acute otitis media

    Acute otitis media bacterial infection in the middleear from pathogens transferred from thenasopharynx

    Cause ; S.pneumoniae, H.influenzae, M. catarrhalis

    S&S; ear pain/pulling at ear, rapid onset, irritability,malaise, poor feeding

    On exam; bulging tympanic, fluid or air behind

    tympanic, red, white or gray tympanic, membranedisplaced by light reflex

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    Light Reflex

    Light Reflex

    The light reflex is a cone of light reflecting back fromthe otoscope as a result of the slightly conical shapeof the tympanic membrane

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    Otitis media with effusion

    Otitis media with effusion- collection of fluid in themiddle ear behind the tympanic membrane, notinfected with a bacteria

    S&S; difficulty hearing in most cases

    On Exam; no signs of inflammation, tympanicretracted or neutral, immobile or partly mobilemembrane, yellow or gray, opaque or thickened

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    Retracted EarDrum

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    Otitis Media

    Other Signs and symptoms

    Middle ear effusion


    Diarrhea Irritability/waking up at nights and crying

    Acting out


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    Otitis Media- Diagnostics

    Otoscopic examination

    Special gradient acoustic reflectometry

    Flat tympanogram

    Culture of the middle ear fluid Pneumatic otoscopy


    Audiological testing

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    Otitis Media- Treatment

    Antibiotic Therapy for 10 days in children under 6years; 5-7 days for children 6 years and over

    Antibiotics are delayed for 48-72 hours afterdiagnosis in children 6mths 2yrs with non severesymptoms at presentation or uncertain diagnosis

    First line therapy amoxicillin; 2ndline amoxicillinwith clavulmante or cefuroxime

    Ibuprofen for pain if antibiotics are not prescribed Topical anesthetic ear drops if tympanic membrane

    is intact

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    Nursing Management

    ND-Altered comfort- acute pain

    Goal- The child will indicate absence of pain


    Give analgesic as prescribed Have child sit up, raise head on pillows or lie on

    unaffected side- elevation decreases pressure from fluid

    Apply heating pad or warm hot bottle- heat increases

    blood supply and reduces discomfort Have child chew on gum or blow balloon relieves

    pressure in the ear

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    ND- Infection r/t presence of pathogens

    Goal- The child will be infection free


    Encourage breastfeeding of infants- affords naturalimmunity

    Administer meds as prescribed

    Encourage parents to keep follow up appointment

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    ND- Risk for care role strain r/t chronic conditionGoal- The parents will manage the childs condition

    with minimal stress


    Determine the parents ability to manage condition

    Provide information

    Encourage parent in the plan of care- increases

    confidence and ability to manage condition Allow parents to express feelings- reacting

    empathically encourages parents to communicate

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    Otitis Externa

    Inflammation of the skin and surrounding tissue ofthe ear canal- Called swimmers ear

    Injury can also occur because of injury by foreignobjects , irritants, or drainage from broken tympanicmembrane. The canal can become infected

    S&S; pain, itching, swelling and redness of ear,drainage in canal

    Tx-cleaning and irrigation with NS, steroid eardrops for inflammation reduction, antibiotic drops

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    Otitis Externa

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    Follow up care

    Child should not return to swimming for about 5days

    On return ear plugs or swim caps Ensure canal is dry after swimming or bath

    Do not place cotton tipped applicators or foreignobjects in the canal

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    Injuries to Ear


    Lacerations, infections, hematomas, placing of foreign

    objects, insects entering canal, blow to head or ear

    See handout

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    Nose, Throat and Mouth

    Up to 6 mths, infants are primarily nasal breathers

    Immature immune system puts young children at riskfor URTI

    Enlarged adenoids are commonly infected

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    Disorders of the Nose and Throat


    Common in school aged children

    Kisselbachsplexus, an area of plentiful veins locatedin the anterior nares are usually the source

    Causes- irritation, from nose picking, foreign bodies,low humidity, forceful coughing, allergies,

    congestion or nasal mucosa

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    Assessment Hx of nose bleeds

    Contributing factors

    Vital signs esp. pulse Examination of nasal mucosa, allow to blow gently to

    look for clots, suction if necessary

    Assess flow, nose bleed on one side is often anterior,both sides posterior (suspect blunt trauma)

    Swallowed blood may cause nausea

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    Anterior Place child upright, tilt head forward Squeeze nares just below nasal bone and hold for 10-15

    minutes while child breathes through mouth Application of ice packs or cold compress on bridge of

    nose If bleeding does not stop insert cotton soaked with

    topical vasoconstrictor and anesthesia epinephrine,lindocaine

    CauterizationPosterior Packing

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    Avoid Bending over, hot drinks, hot showers,strenuous exercise

    Sleeping elevated

    i i i

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    Inflammation of one or more of the paranasalsinuses

    Usually become infected following a viral URTI

    S&S- purulent nasal drainage fever above 102

    degrees F, facial pain, malodorous breath, mouthbreathing, hyponasal speech, anorexia, headache

    Treatment; antibiotics

    Some clear on its own

    Repeated cases should be referred to anotolaryngologist

    h i i

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    Infection of the pharynx and tonsils Common in children 4-7 yrs

    May be bacterial or viral

    Viral Strep

    Nasal congestionMild sore throatConjunctivitisCoughHoarsenessPharyngeal rednessFever 38.3 deg C

    Ph i i S I f i

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    Pharyngitis- Strep Infection

    Ph i i

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    Diagnosis/Treatment Throat culture Antibiotics Pain relief

    lozenges containing benzocaine or other anesthetics Nursing Intervention Administering meds Cool non acidic drinks and soft foods Humidification Gargling with warm salt water Rest Parent education

    Ph i i

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    Complications Rheumatic fever


    Glomerulonephritis Meningitis

    T illiti d Ad iditi

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    Tonsillitis and Adenoiditis

    Inflammation of the palatine tonsils and adenoids Bacterial and viral infections can cause tonsillitis.

    A common cause is Streptococcus bacteria. Othercommon causes include:


    Influenza virus

    Epstein-Barr virus

    Parainfluenza viruses Enteroviruses

    Herpes simplex virus


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    Throat pain or tenderness Redness of the tonsils A white or yellow coating on the tonsils Painful blisters or ulcers on the throat

    Hoarseness or loss of voice Headache Loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting Ear pain Difficulty swallowing or breathing through the mouth Swollen glands in the neck or jaw area Fever, chills Bad breath

    T illiti d Ad iditi

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    Tonsillitis and Adenoiditis

    T t t

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    Throat culture Antibiotics if bacterial


    Drink warm or very cold fluids to ease throat pain

    Eat smooth foods, such as flavoured gelatin, ice cream Use a cool-mist vaporizer or humidifier in your room

    Gargle with warm salt water

    Suck on lozenges containing benzocaine or other

    anaesthetics Take over-the-counter pain relievers such

    as acetaminophen or ibuprofen.

    S i l

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    Tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy (T&As)recommended for recurrent infections ( about threeper year), obstructive sleep apnea, problems withspeech, mouth breathing

    Complication of Surgery




    C Aft T ill t

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    Care After Tonsillectomy

    Most children go home about four hours after surgery and require aweek to 10 days to recover from it. Parents are adviced to

    Give Cool fluids- reduces spasm and the muscles surrounding throat

    Avoid giving child milk products for the first 24 hours after surgery.

    Pain meds

    Apply ice or cool compress around neck

    Gargle with baking soda and salt

    Rinse with lidocaine before swallowing


    For several days after surgery, child may experience a low-gradefever and small specks of blood from the nose or saliva. If fever isgreater than 102 degrees F and bright red blood is seen, refer todoctor

    Nursing Diagnosis

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    Disorders of the Nose and Throat

    Acute pain related to inflammation risk for fluid volume deficit

    Ineffective breathing patterns

    Impaired swallowing

    Disorders of the Mouth

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    Disorders of the Mouth

    Mouth Ulcers see hand out for causes andmanifestations

    Txkeep mouth clean, topical analgesics, nonirritating foods


    Altered comfort pain

    Impaired oral mucous membrane

    Imbalanced nutrition less than

    Mouth and Dental Emergencies

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    Mouth and Dental Emergencies

    Causes Trauma to mouth due to falls, sports, MVAs


    Fracture jaws, tooth avulsion


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    Pediatric Nursing- Caring for Children Ball & Binder4thEdition