Alpha Dog Description


Transcript of Alpha Dog Description

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Dear Alpha Dog,

Strength of the Unit: Football is the ultimate team sport and success is only reached when the team successfully achieves the goal of ultimate

dependency on each other. A successful football program is driven by a culture (positive, negative or indifferent); the culture we are building at

JMU is based on fanatical effort and competitive excellence in the classroom and on the field. Our basic formula is E + R = O (Event +

Response to that Event = the Outcome). This formula applies in the classroom, on the field and in life. We will win at a championship level

through our championship culture.

The Alpha Dogs group is a unique support system within JMU Football and it is a vital part of helping to build a championship culture by

developing relationships with the closest supporters and diehard believers in JMU Football. I believe when an individual becomes a part of an

organization, corporation or team, he or she has made a choice to be fully immersed, engaged and committed to the goals and vision of that

team. He or she now gives up or sacrifices to benefit the team. The more invested that individual is in the goals and vision of the team, the

better the outcome. I need every member of the Alpha Dogs to be fully invested and believe in the vision of JMU Football.

We are looking at change in a positive way. The Alpha Dogs will be leaders in the community and have one voice, evoking positive change to

build a championship culture. This systematic team of football supporters will be asked to finance football-specific projects, like the Plecker

Athletic Center renovations that are ongoing. This group will also be leaders that creatively push others to accomplish our vision and goals.

Lastly, this group will be asked to help develop our student athletes holistically to prepare these young men for life after football through

invitations to our Life Lessons Thursdays program and in other ways. I expect the Alpha Dogs to provide assistance with resumes, job

interviews and post-graduate jobs. If you believe in our program and the young men we are molding, then you will have no problem hiring and

assisting these men after graduation.

Alpha Dogs is an exclusive group that allows unique access into JMU Football. You will build life-long friendships with JMU supporters,

alumni, the coaching staff, and our student athletes. As a part of your yearly dues to being an Alpha Dog, you will go to an exclusive weekend

retreat with the coaching staff of JMU Football. This is a time to relax, golf, eat, and socialize on a personal level with the staff and get to know

the “men behind the curtain” and for them to get to know you. There will be opportunities for field passes for games, seats on buses and

planes, and to share a meal with the team on Friday nights before games. Other perks include access to gear and equipment that has not been

released to the public, insider information into the interworking of JMU Football and an open door to practices and meetings.

Strength of the Unit: I expect this group to grow and be a consistent force behind JMU Football so we can breed a championship culture.

Your support is vital to the success of our Football team. In fact, I want you to have the mindset that this is also YOUR Football Team!

Go Dukes!

Everett Withers

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The Challenge

Athletics represents the front porch of most colleges and universities. It is a core

element of the “brand” of the institution. JMU has embarked on a strategic plan that

is positioning the university to have a “national profile”. Athletics, of which football is

a critical element, should support the plan by achieving success and visibility at the

highest levels possible.

In order for football to achieve the level of success needed to ensure national

visibility, several factors must be addressed:

• The right coaching staff must be in place to guide young men and win in the

classroom on the field (We have the right staff NOW!);

• The program must be capable of recruiting the best talent available;

• The facilities must be at a level to be able to win the recruiting wars and prepare the

team to succeed competitively; and

• The academic and nutritional support must improve to support the demands of high

level football.

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The Challenge cont.

• There are limited budget dollars that are allocated for football each year and

there are limited fund raising dollars from the Duke Club that are designated

for football.

• JMU has been dedicated to a number of football projects over the years and

the University continues to be dedicated to allocating funds to the football

program. The large projects have been the building of the Plecker Center

and the first expansion of Bridgeforth Stadium.

• We have determined that additional private fund raising is needed to

augment the funds from the University so we can achieve national status on

an accelerated timeframe.

• The bottom line is JMU needs a strong football-focused fund raising

platform to position the program to succeed in today’s competition and to

meet the challenges of future conference realignment.

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What is an Alpha Dog? The Alpha Dogs are a unique support system within JMU Football and they are a

vital part of helping to build a championship culture by developing relationships with

the closest supporters and diehard believers in JMU Football.

The Goal of the Alpha Dogs is to provide resources to JMU Football that help

ensure the overall success and competitiveness of the program and its student

athletes. Examples of this support include the following:

Upgrades team locker room;

Improvements to Plecker Center offices and team rooms;

Uniform and helmet variations;

Nutritional support center for student athletes;

Foundational support for an indoor practice facility; and

Additional needs that will make JMU competitive in recruiting top athletes

This group will be asked to help develop our student athletes holistically to prepare

these young men for life after football through invitations to our Life Lessons

Thursdays program and in other ways. Coach Withers expects the Alpha Dogs to

provide assistance with resumes, job interviews and post-graduate jobs. If you believe

in our program and the young men we are molding, then you will have no problem

hiring and assisting these men after graduation.

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Alpha Dog

Membership Privileges

Membership in the Alpha Dogs comes with a variety of

benefits. They include:

• A weekend retreat with the JMU Football coaching staff;

• Opportunities for field passes on game day;

• Seats on the team buses and planes;

• Exclusive privilege to eat Friday night team meal with

Coach Withers and the travel squad at home or on the

road the night before a game;

• Access to gear and equipment that has not been released

to the general public yet;

• Insider information into the interworking of JMU

Football; and

• Access to all practices and meetings.

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To Become an Alpha Dog

Becoming an Alpha Dog is a mission that requires dedication and commitment.

• Annual Financial Gift - Financial commitment of $5,000.

• Participation in periodic conference calls to discuss the program.

• Willingness to participate in activities, such as speaking engagements, that support the student athletes.

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Alpha Dog Project History

Project Funding



Plecker Center Football Locker Room

and Office Graphics:

$42,000.00 Completed! Alpha Dogs

provided all $42,000 for


Purple Chrome Helmets: $55,000.00 Completed! Alpha Dogs

provided all $55,000 for


Black Playoff Shirts for BFS: $5,000.00 Completed! Alpha Dogs

provided all $5,000 for


Plecker Center Football Office

Recruiting Lounge

$25,000.00 Completed! Alpha Dogs

provided all $25,000 for


Plecker Center Football Locker Room:

New Lockers

$300,000.00 Completed! Alpha Dogs

provided $100,000 for

the project.

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Holistically Supporting a Championship Culture

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We asked for a Team Room Wall…

We Made a Plan…

You Made it Happen!

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We wanted to honor the Past… We Made a Plan

You Made it Happen!

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We asked for an Electric Entrance…

You Made it Happen!

We Made a Plan

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We needed to creatively advertise JMU

You Made it Happen!

We Made a Plan

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We needed a flashy Recruiting Lounge

You Made it Happen!

We Made a Plan

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We needed to recognize our NFL History

You Made it Happen!

We Made a Plan

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We needed to create a Locker Room Centerpiece

You Made it Happen!

We Made a Plan

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We asked for State of the Art Lockers… We Made a Plan…

You Made

it Happen!



Watch on YouTube!

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Swag…Brought to you by the Alpha Dogs