HIGHER EDUCATION COMMISSION QUALITY ASSURANCE AGENCY (QAA) Quarterly Progress Report Proforma Reporting period From To Day Mont Year Day Mont Year 01 10 2012 31 12 2012 A. QEC SECRETARIAT ESTABLISHMENT a) Quality Enhancement Cell establishment notification date. Day Month Year 24 11 2004 b) Status of QEC office Permanent in Vice Chancellor Secretariat Permanen t Temporar y c) If no Permanent office established, specify reasons & expected time frame for the establishment of permanent office: ______________________________________________________________ _______ d) Current update on the recruitments made: Posts Status Date of appointment Salary Permanen t Contrac t Addition al Director 04-10-2011 Professor on TTS Deputy - - Research Officer/ 24-10-2012 BPS-17 Research Asst./ Adhoc 19-12-2011 BPS-16 Admin officer 22-05-2008 BPS-16 Data Entry 30-10-2012 BPS-9 Data Entry 13-04-2012 BPS-9 Data Entry 12-04-2012 BPS-9 Daftri Adhoc 27-01-2009 BPS-2 Naib Qasid 10-05-2012 BPS-1 e) If no permanent/contractual appointments made against the specified posts, specify the reasons & the expected time frame



Quarterly Progress Report ProformaReporting period

From ToDay Mont Year Day Mont Year

01 10 2012 31 12 2012


a) Quality Enhancement Cell establishment notification date.

Day Month Year24 11 2004

b) Status of QEC office

Permanent in Vice Chancellor Secretariat Permanent Temporary

c) If no Permanent office established, specify reasons & expected time frame for the

establishment of permanent office:


d) Current update on the recruitments made:

PostsStatus Date of

appointment SalaryPermanent Contract Additional Charge

Director √ 04-10-2011 Professor on TTS

Deputy Director - -Research Officer/Asst. Director

√ 24-10-2012 BPS-17

Research Asst./ Assistant

Adhoc 19-12-2011 BPS-16

Admin officer √ 22-05-2008 BPS-16Data Entry Operator √ 30-10-2012 BPS-9Data Entry Operator √ 13-04-2012 BPS-9Data Entry Operator √ 12-04-2012 BPS-9Daftri Adhoc 27-01-2009 BPS-2Naib Qasid √ 10-05-2012 BPS-1

e) If no permanent/contractual appointments made against the specified posts, specify the

reasons & the expected time frame for recruitment of permanent staff: Post of Deputy Director

has been advertised, applications received, scrutinized and only interview left.


a) Awareness seminars/ conferences/ workshops arranged at university on SAS. No Title of the event Date Target

groupPurpose of the event

1. Training/Workshop of Program teams on the Self-Assessment Report (SAR) Preparation/writing - I

08.12.2012 Program Team


Trained to Program Team Members for the preparation of SARs of each degree program, as per HEC format.(list of Program Team Members are attached)

c) If no event arranged, specify reasons & the expected time frame for organizing the


Departments undertaking Assessment by ATs (Program wise)

ATs formed(attach list of


Date of AT visit

Date of submissio

n of AT report

Date of AT exit

meeting with the

Dean, PT & Faculty

Date of submission of executive summary to VC by QEC

Date of submission of Implementation plan to VC

1 Chemistry (M.Sc.) List Attache




Same As per previous column

27.12.2012 27.12.2012

2 Chemistry (M.Phil) 24-10-2012

02-11-2012 - 27.12.2012 27.12.2012

3 Chemistry (Ph.D) 24-10-2012

02-11-2012 - 27.12.2012 27.12.2012

4 Biochemistry (M.Sc.) 24-10-2012

02-11-2012 - 27.12.2012 27.12.2012

5 Biochemistry (M.Phil) 24-10-2012

02-11-2012 - 27.12.2012 27.12.2012

6 Biochemistry (Ph.D) 24-10-2012

02-11-2012 - 27.12.2012 27.12.2012

7 Agri. Entomology (M.Sc. Hons.)


15-11-2012 - 27.12.2012 27.12.2012

8 Agri. Entomology (Ph.D) 12-11-2012


- 27.12.2012 27.12.2012

9 Physiology (M.Phil) 13-11-2012


- 27.12.2012 27.12.2012

10 Physiology (Ph.D) 13-11-2012


- 27.12.2012 27.12.2012

11 Pharmacology (M.Phil) 13-11-2012


- 27.12.2012 27.12.2012

12 Pharmacology (Ph.D) 13-11-2012


- 27.12.2012 27.12.2012

13 Pharmacology (B.Sc) 13-11-2012


- 27.12.2012 27.12.2012

Self Assessment Reports using 8 criterions of 13 degree programs finalized during this quarter

Departments Names (Program wise)


Criterion 220

Criterion 310

Criterion 410

Criterion 515

Criterion 6


Criterion 710

Criterion 8


Total Points

100 Chemistry (M.Sc.)

3.33 13.5 5.33 7.33 9.54 13.71 6.67 8 67.41

Chemistry (M.Phil)

3.3 13.5 5.33 7.33 10.09 14.28 6.67 6 66.5

Chemistry (Ph.D) 3.50 14.0 6.00 7.33 9.82 15.42 6.67 6 68.74 Biochemistry (M.Sc.)

3.83 15 6.67 8 11.45 16.0 6.67 8 75.62

Biochemistry (M.Phil)

4.00 15.5 6 8 10.64 14.86 6 7 72

Biochemistry Ph.D)

4.00 16.5 6 8 11.18 14.86 6 7 73.48

Agri. Entomology (M.Sc (Hons.))

3.5 15.0 6.7 7.33 11.18 15.43 7.33 6 72.47

Agri. Entomology (Ph.D)

3.5 15.50 7.33 7.33 11.18 16.57 7.33 7 75.74

Physiology (M.Phil)

4.67 16 6.67 9.3 13.36 17.7 6.67 9 83.37

Physiology (Ph.D) 4.67 15.5 6.67 9.3 13.1 16.6 6.67 8 83.8

Pharmacology (Ph.D)

4.67 16 6.67 9.3 13.36 16.57 6.67 9 82

Pharmacology (B.Sc)

4.67 18 6.67 9.3 13.9 16.57 6.67 9 84.78

Pharmacology (M.Phil)

4.8 16 6.67 9.3 13.1 16.57 6.67 9 82.11

Sr. No Departments for which Implementation plan

finalized/ approved(Program wise)

Weaknesses identified Actions taken

1 Chemistry (M.Sc.) 1. Needs improvement in infrastructure and operational cost.s

2 Chemistry (M.Phil) 1. Supply of chemicals, expenses in lab space, and overall infrastructure is needed

3 Chemistry (Ph.D) 1. Lack of Sufficient funds, space and infrastructure for maintain the optimal standards of education and research

4 Biochemistry (M.Sc.) 1. Shortage of funds and facilities are creating problems for the students and faculty

5 Biochemistry (M.Phil) 1. Infrastructure needs a lot of improvement to accommodate students properly

6 Biochemistry Ph.D) 1. Needs more operational funds & infrastructure for optional qualities of research and academics

7 Agri. Entomology (M.Sc.Hons.)

1. Budget constraint affecting the research of students.2. Faculty must be encouraged to submit

proposals for projects to sustain research in the department Budget constraints affecting the research of

8 Agri. Entomology (Ph.D) 1. Lack of budget to run the teaching labs. of the departments.2. In order to sustain research in the department the faculty must be encouraged to submit new proposals to funding agencies.

9 Physiology (Ph.D) 1. IT Course should be included in the curriculum

2. Insufficient office space, animal room and stores etc.

3. Insufficient faculty for no of programs in the dept.

4. Training needed to helping staff lab technique

5. Name of program teams in report missing 10 Physiology (M.Phil) 1. Course on IT should be included in

Curriculum. 2. Office space , animal houses and stores

insufficient 3. Faculty insufficient for department

program in the department 4. Names of program teams missing

11 Pharmacology (Ph.D) 1. Course on IT should be included in Curriculum

2. Details of instruments Labs not included in report.

3. Insufficient office space animal’s rooms & stores etc.

4. Faculty insufficient for five programs5. Name of program team missing in report

12 Pharmacology (B.Sc) 1.Course on IT should be included in curriculum 2. Insufficient office space animal rooms and

stores etc.3. Insufficient faculty for programs in the dept.4. More effects needed in projects.5. Names of program team missing

13 Pharmacology (M.Phil) 1. Courses on IT should be included in Curriculum.

2. Insufficient office space, animal rooms & stores etc.

3. Insufficient faculty for programs run in the department

4. More efforts needed in projects 5. Name of program team missing

d) If Self Assessment Process not completed in 4 departments, then specify the reasons:

In other departments this process is in progress

f) Provide action plan for the completion of SA process (specifying time frame for each step not undertaken on the following format) in at least 4 departments:

S. No.

Selection of


Formation of PTs

Submission of SAR

Formation of ATs

ATs visit

Submission of AT


Exit meeting of AT

with the Dean, PT

& Faculty

Submission of

executive summary to VC by


Submission of

Implementation plans to


g) If no action taken against the weaknesses identified in the Implementation Plans for 4

departments, then specify the reasons & the expected time



h) If feedback on all ten Proformae not compiled for 4 departments, then specifies the

reasons and time frame for the evaluation of feedback:

1. Teacher’s Evaluation proformae were analyzed and results were conveyed to

Dean during Winter Semester 2011-2012 for corrective measures/counseling

2. One basis of Course evaluation proformae, many courses have been revised

through statutory bodies.

3. All Departments has been instructed to file Proformae in next six months.

i) Attach copies of

Notification of QEC: Already supplied

Program Team Report: List Attached

Assessment Team Report: Already supplied

Executive summary: List Attached.

Implementation plan: List Attached.

Actions taken against the weaknesses specified in the Implementation Plan (Share

Supporting documents)

Restructure/ modification if made in assessment Proforma for maximum data


Comparative analysis of the Proformae


a. Workshops/ Trainings/ Meetings attended/ organized by QEC at national /international level for awareness on the subject

S. No Title of the event DatePurpose of the event

(Participation/ Contribution)

1. Participate as a speaker in one day workshop on young research’s skill development.(30 minute lecture in the workshop on “Bio-ethics and Plagiarism.)

15.12.2012 Focusing to improve the ability of students to make their case for foreign scholarships/research masters’ degree stronger via effective written communication medium.

b) If paper presented in a national/ international forum on QA, give details (title, author,

conference etc.):



c) Membership of national/ international bodies obtained by the QEC

S. No Name of the International organization/ body Date when acquired

1. Membership of Telloires Network 11-12-2012

d) If no membership obtained, then specifies the reasons & time frame for acquiring


e) Nonvoting membership of the statutory bodies of the university acquired by the QEC head

S. No Name of the statutory body Date when acquired

1. Dean`s Committee 2011 to onward

2. Convener, Ethics Committee, UAF 2009 to date

3. Academic Council 2006 to onward4. Member, Plagiarism Standing Committee, UAF 2010 to onward

5. Convener, Inquiry Committee on “Protection

against Harassment of Women at Workplace


2010 to onward

6. Departmental Tenure Review Committee, UAF 2010 to onward7. Affiliation Committee 2012 to onward

8. Member, Institutional Performance Evaluation

Review Panel, QA, HEC

2012 to onward

f) If no membership obtained, then specifies the reasons & the expected time frame for

acquiring membership:


g) QEC website development and relevant information uploaded

S. No Website uploaded (Yes/No) List down the relevant information uploaded

YES List Attached

h) If website/ relevant information not uploaded, then specifies the reasons & time frame

for making the QEC website functional:


i) QEC expenditures incorporated in University recurring budget (Yes/No) Yes(see attached copy of budget register)

D. Time bound future course of action for the next quarter

Self Assessment reports of 10-15 Degree Programs will be finalized.

E. Accomplishments during the Reporting PeriodList each activity of significant importance accomplished for enhancing the standard of education at university date wise briefly and clearly. A copy of the supporting literature i.e. minutes, reports and lists should also be enclosed as annexure.

F. Endorsement: The report should be signed by report writer (QEC Head or a person authorized on his behalf) and the Vice Chancellor/Rector of the Institution.

Prof. Dr. Ahrar KhanDirector, QEC, UAF.