Almost 7er IKyr - University of wild geese...

s k j A M JggSW I cnn UUh Senn iijJ ia t T- hAfiORP1DLIVER i I ts the parent o- fConstipation indigestion and all Rhoumatlo Symptoms j The Safc4t and Sure Remedy known I- sNDr Garlstedts German Liver Powder rthfeU not a dniff mixture but q veritable Identific translation of one of Nature t Innermost secret If 011 are a gulfer OFCIiAnOB Liver Powder OUT 16 booklet whichepntalns authentic teatunnnlalf rom have been wadelay The American Pharmacal Co Evansville End and recobimended br druggists everywhere PARKt e y Continued from First Pasel sodonthe road for the last 25 miles The twenty miles to Man ¬ moth orSpringswas over a welt kept mountain road upon which 110r ernment a corps of wor- t mi Joperating street sprinklers the water being obtained fro i wooden tanks into which the mountain streams are constant running The road passes sever i pretty lakes Two close together are called Twin Lakes In another larger one wereseen several ben ver houses and a dam built by the s beavers Frequently we would pass wild geese and ducks on the + lakes and they would nor fly up so gentle were they and so unused to ° being frightened About half way between the last two hotels we passed Obsidian Cliffs This curi- osity ¬ r is a great black mountain I obsidian being a kind of glass pro duced by volcanic action It i s better known as the glass mountain Not far from this place there is an- other mountain with a small gey vsr on its summit The boiling I it the name of Roaring fountain fA mile or two before we reached the last hotel we alighted from the coachesandwent on foot through the woods with a guide to see sev- eral ¬ pretty terraces a cave called the Devils Kitchen the three hot springs that give the place its a name and other attractions We I reached the mammoth Hot Springs hotel tired aqd travel stained at five oclock This place is only five miles from Gardiner and Fort Yel ¬ lowstone is located near the Note The grounds are handsomely im ¬ proved and the valley in which the F hotel is situated is very beautiful There we ate our last meal in the R park and it was the best one of all Here also we again encountered colored waiters All the other J J k w I to i8outh Ste ijfitjiA1t + j jt MwA jW hotels in the whjte j PjMr tendent of the hotel system j of roubdI I sorry When they frajFto tell hjm j goodbye He kind and thoughtful their interest patient anti painstaking underall circUm stances and a clever accommo ¬ dating gentlemapin dealing with his guests He Is the right man for the place May his shadow never grow less J At 630 we were taken in still larg er coaches itb3qpacityf r 25 tJj 30 peopl inside and on tqpand drawn by six horses we covered in1less oclock we wee back in our special cars that had = been brought around from Monida iyhere we left them Tonight weYI11start bmeward1 We got hold ofc some daily papers today and learned that the PopeK had been dead several days ana that Belknap had been nominated by the Republicans for Governor o Kentucky C M M t a- A Saved From Terrible Death j The family of Mrs M L Bobbitt dyk were to save physicianm every surelyal r consumption turned despair into joy The first bottle brought im meditate relief and its continued use completely cure her Its the most certain cure in the world for all throat and lung trouble Guaranteed Bottle SOc and 100 Trial Bottle at R C Drug stare Camp Party For Kids IeCapt Jno R Green will leave to- morrow with a party of twelve or fifteen small boys from South Main street to go into camp for a few days at Huffmans mill six miles south of town They expect to have a great time I I Domestic TroubleI It is exceptional to fine a family where there are no domestic rup tures occasionally but these can be lessened by having Dr Kings New Lite Pills around Much trouble they save by their great work inStomach and Liver trouble They not only relieve you but cure 25c at RC Hardwicks drugstore Returned From Arizona Rev John D Fraser who went to Nogales Arizona about six weeks ago to accept the pastorate of the Methodist Church at that place returned to Cater last week Failing health due to the climate was the cause of his return Record < I HERNDON NOTES J ryF Herndon July 24M Botildin has reiu fed after a ttiyiil Itiirf Miss Mollie l3 I evensonuof Bci- pettstown wash 1 eguest tot Mi9Et Howell last wee < 7er Clarksville Y Miss MildredEbderson lLi f 111hia Miss Mary guestorfa Mph Irvin D at Howell W CiDaWtiol1 visited rcia Lafayette Friday andai IMrs 1t > J Daisy Vitally returned hone Sunday after qn extended visit to friends in Tennessee c v returnN at Roaring Spring + J beent past two weeks left Thursday f or j her home in Gurley Ala Mrs John Rees is very ill of tyj pboid fever > eMiss Maude Dawson is spending a few with Miss Effie Dawson Iio Goo Goo DOUBLE HANGING The Youthful Lexington Murder ers Pay the Penalty of Crime Lexington Ky July 24Claude OBrien of Memphis and Earl Whitney of NashVille the murder ers of Addison B Chinn senior member of the dry goods firm of Chinn Todd in this city and a noted exConfederate soldier were hanged here this morning at 8 oclock in an enclosure in the jail yard The execution was attended by no sensational features the remark able nerve of the boys who were each in their twentieth year and a scene created by John OBrien a brother of the young murderer in front of the jail being the most striking incidents SHROUD FOR MISS DUNNING Who Was to Have Been Married in Few Weeks agedeighteen Christian county where she was born died of typhoid fever at the family home in Evansville Satur- day ¬ She was to have been married in a few weeks to a prominent young man of Evansville BIG SHIPMENT Cf Tobacco 1Yiade by fir Kennedy At Paducah r MrVBKenoedj ofthiscitywlio 4 engaged in the tobacco business i hogscads > reign Government at Mayfield and Paducah within the past two weeks The value of the tobacco was x 250000 and the freightwas ° 20000 This was t j ipmentever made outof PacfUcab requiring ten trains Wow r Cheap Baking Powder is ffe riade recent seizure of a 19tof heap baking powders by the I authorities of a neighboring city fKas exposed the character bf the low priced brands of baking pow ¬ manufacturera i try The price of the powders firs i attracted attention to them Sam- ple were taken and analyzed Th official report of the powdera S and pulverized rock e aJe powders were declared dan rgerOltS to health and several thous and were confiscated an Destroyed f have frequently cau tied consumers against mixing food with these socalled cheap baking powers They are all found when analyzed to contain large percentage of alum and sul ¬ phuric acid to which are added various sorts of filling matter some ¬ times both injurious and nasty The high class cream of tartar- bakingpowders are the most eco ¬ nomical and wholesome and should Theywill besides making the food better and more healthful Keep ilarriage Quiet a Year Qwensboro Ky July 23 Owensboro society was surprised today at the announcement that Miss Elizabeth Rowe and William Morton were married at Clarksville Tenn last August They both I were graduated from the Owensboro Nigh School two months ago Mrs is the youngest daughter of Commonwealths Attorney J E Rowe Mr Mortons father is in the revenue service I weather saps the vital en ¬ and makes the hardest work- ers ¬ lazy To maintain strength and energy use Prickly Bit ¬ industryR A Strike Settled Madisonville KyJuly 22lhe strike at the Wheatcroft coal minds has been settled Look out for malaria It is sea ¬ sonable now A few doses of Prick ¬ ly Ash Bitters is a sure preventive R Hardwick special agent NANCEBARR Christian County Girl Weds Da vless County merchant Tltdmarriageo AIt Frances nn Barr and William dtfance was july 22 at the Willard hotel in Louisville The ceremony was d Rev Dr Bow of the First Baptist- church Mr and Mrs Nance at once departed on a bridal tour up IKyr ous merchant His bride is the youngest daughter of Mr W II countyr l LNANDTC 0 Two Roads will flake Physical Connection at Nashville 25Thet between the Louise ¬ beens and willAbe ready for business as soon as an interlocking switch arrangement can be install ¬ ed The connection between the Chattanoogad next Tis marks the end of a matter that has been kept prominent before the public ever since the Tennessee Central reach ¬ ed Nashville with its line General Manager Clarke announced this morning that the Nashville yards of the Tennessee Central would be about doubled in capacity A Very Close Call I stuck to my engine although every joint ached and every nerve was racked with pain writes CW Bellamy a locomotive fireman of Burlington Iowa I was weak and pale withoutany appetite and all run down As I was about to give up I got a bottle of Electric Bitters and after taking it I felt as well as I ever did in my life Weak sick- ly run down people always gain new life strength and vigor from their use Try them Satisfaction guarnteed by R C Hardwick Price 50 cents RURAL ROUTES Three of Them Established in Caldwell Last Week A rural free delivery route was established at Princeton Caldwell county routes 1 2 and 3 length of routes seventyone miles popu ¬ lation served 1606 MwMMOMMwMMOM NwMMwM J lu- e + > Jt DO YdUGET UP i t WITH A LAME BACK> Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable Almost everybody who reads the news papers Is sure Wof the wonderful cures made by Dr- KilmersSwampRoot the great kidney liver and bladder remedy- It the great medi cal triumph of the nInet- eenth century dis ¬ covered after years of scientific research by Dr Kilmer the emi- nent ¬ kidney and blad- der specialist and Is wonderfully successful promptly curing lame back kidney bladder uric acid trou ¬ bles and Brlghts Disease which is the worst form of kidney trouble Dr Kilmers SwampRoot Is not reo > ommended for everylhlng but If you have kld ney liver or bladder trouble It will be found Just the remedy you need has been tested Jnco many ways in hospital work in private practice among the helpless too poor pur chase relief and has proved suetyfult every case that a special arrangement has been made by which all readers of this paper who have not already tried ft may have a sample bottle sent free by mall also a book telling more about SwampRoot and how to find out if you have kidney bladder trouble When writing mention reading this generous offer In this paper andr send your address to Dr KllmerCoBing hamton N Y The regular fifty cent and Home of 8w mpRoo dollar sizes are sold by all good druggists Dont make any mistake but remember the name Swamp Root Dr Kilmers SwampRooU and the address Binghamton N Yoon every bottle FOUR DEATHS i t Among Colored Population With in Past Few Days 4 Baxter Porter died on Hays 1 street Friday of gangrene aged 54 years ffi Jim Wood died at his homeon Me ¬ chanic street of grip aged 48 years A 12yearold son of Tom Lowry died near Pee Dee Sunday Death was caused by fever A child of Zach Stegar of near Newstcad died Saturday t Wonderful Nerve Is displayed by many a man en ¬ during pains of accidental Cuts Wounds Bruises Burns Scalds Sore feet or stiff joints But theres no need for it Bucklens Arnica Salve will kill the paine and cure the trouble Its the best Salve on ffll earth for Piles too 25c at R C I Hardwick Druggist Decided Against Calhoon Washington July 24The con ¬ troller of the treasury has decided against the claim of Capt C C Cal ¬ hoon which he has been pressing in favor of the Fourth Kentucky regiment i P RICKLY CURES CONSTIPATION ASH BITTER S m R C Hardwick Special h i R L h lIf l 1 f 1 1 f h h 4 k WOW WOWwOW MwW WOWWOWwOW WwWWOW rOM WOKWONWOWwwWWOWWOWVOWWOW VOWOWWOWWOW WOK WOW w WwOV Ww WWOWwOWwOWwOWwOMWOWwOWwwW WINwwW WOW WOWOMWO VWOWwONWOWWOM f- WOW Al rgiOreat M earance ae II S i 1 444444 W 0 F it m f IeI t to I rr4f t I f c I I S f II it It S fCommences Thursday r July 30thi And Continues Until Saturday Night August 29th J f dWefully realize the fact that a nice business depends upon a clean and fresh stock We now come to you with ° the 15 Sj story We are going to close out all our summer stock and we are going to do it in the next 30 days Our fall goods will be coiningb r and we must have the room So we must sell all of our summer goods We are going to offer our entire stock at 1pricesthat will defy competition and will paralyze our competitors It is not a macter of making money it is a matter of cleaning i our stock and starting the coming season as always is our custom with new goods Come early and secure the bargains as all j t J I advertised must be sold at prIces quoted In large bills Your bill has been mailed to you i j t s lix 208 Main Mw- t k pdrkemfiioy < Hardwicks ulpburicacid IHot C to is In It to sa or Ii 1 goods 206 MrlRobTt Agent THE JOHN MOAYON CO MMAMMwMMwwnMwNMwMNwMMwMMwMMYMMwMMMMOMMwMMwMMOM NOMMwMMwYMwMMMMwAMwMMwMMwM 1tTV tTJ oo- Hopkil1SiVi11es SGreatest tore 15 J VV l- rfijtli i tti Mw 1tiii e 6

Transcript of Almost 7er IKyr - University of wild geese...

s k

j A


I cnn UUh Senn iijJia t


hAfiORP1DLIVERiI ts the parent o-

fConstipationindigestion and all

Rhoumatlo Symptoms

j The Safc4t and Sure Remedy known I-

sNDr GarlstedtsGerman Liver PowderrthfeU not a dniff mixture but q veritableIdentific translation of one of Nature

t Innermost secret If 011 are a gulfer

OFCIiAnOBLiver Powder OUT 16booklet whichepntalns authentic

teatunnnlalf rom have beenwadelayThe American Pharmacal Co

Evansville End

and recobimended br druggistseverywhere


y Continued from First Pasel

sodonthe road for the last 25miles The twenty miles to Man ¬

moth orSpringswas over a weltkept mountain road upon which110rernment a corps of wor-

t mi Joperating street sprinklersthe water being obtained fro

i wooden tanks into which themountain streams are constantrunning The road passes sever

i pretty lakes Two close togetherare called Twin Lakes In anotherlarger one wereseen several benver houses and a dam built by the

s beavers Frequently we wouldpass wild geese and ducks on the

+ lakes and they would nor fly up sogentle were they and so unused to

° being frightened About half waybetween the last two hotels wepassed Obsidian Cliffs This curi-osity


r is a great black mountain I

obsidian being a kind of glass produced by volcanic action It i sbetter known as the glass mountainNot far from this place there is an-

other mountain with a small geyvsr on its summit The boiling

I it the name of RoaringfountainfA mile or two before we reachedthe last hotel we alighted from thecoachesandwent on foot throughthe woods with a guide to see sev-


pretty terraces a cave calledthe Devils Kitchen the three hotsprings that give the place its

a name and other attractions WeI reached the mammoth Hot Springs

hotel tired aqd travel stained atfive oclock This place is only fivemiles from Gardiner and Fort Yel ¬

lowstone is located near the NoteThe grounds are handsomely im ¬

proved and the valley in which theF hotel is situated is very beautiful

There we ate our last meal in theR

park and it was the best one of allHere also we again encounteredcolored waiters All the other J


k w I toi8outh Ste

ijfitjiA1t + j jt MwA


hotels in the whjte jPjMrtendent of the hotel system j ofroubdI I

sorry When they frajFto tell hjm j

goodbye He kind andthoughtful their interest patientanti painstaking underall circUmstances and a clever accommo ¬

dating gentlemapin dealing withhis guests He Is the right manfor the place May his shadow nevergrow less J

At 630 we were taken in still larger coaches itb3qpacityf r 25 tJj30 peopl inside and on tqpanddrawn by six horses we covered

in1lessoclock we wee back in our specialcars that had = been brought aroundfrom Monida iyhere we left themTonight weYI11start bmeward1We got hold ofc some daily paperstoday and learned that the PopeK

had been dead several days anathat Belknap had been nominatedby the Republicans for Governor o

Kentucky C M Mt



Saved From Terrible Deathj

The family of Mrs M L Bobbittdykwere to savephysicianmeverysurelyalrconsumption turned despair intojoy The first bottle brought immeditate relief and its continueduse completely cure her Its themost certain cure in the world forall throat and lung trouble

Guaranteed Bottle SOc and 100Trial Bottle at R C

Drug stare

Camp Party For KidsIeCapt Jno R Green will leave to-

morrow with a party of twelve orfifteen small boys from South Mainstreet to go into camp for a fewdays at Huffmans mill six milessouth of town They expect to havea great time


IDomestic TroubleI

It is exceptional to fine a familywhere there are no domestic ruptures occasionally but these can belessened by having Dr KingsNew Lite Pills around Muchtrouble they save by their greatwork inStomach and Liver troubleThey not only relieve you but cure25c at RC Hardwicks drugstore

Returned From Arizona

Rev John D Fraser who wentto Nogales Arizona about sixweeks ago to accept the pastorateof the Methodist Church at thatplace returned to Cater last weekFailing health due to the climatewas the cause of his return Record


I HERNDON NOTES JryFHerndon July 24M

Botildin has reiu fed after a ttiyiil

ItiirfMiss Mollie l3I

evensonuof Bci-pettstown wash 1 eguest tot Mi9EtHowell last wee <7erClarksville

Y Miss MildredEbderson lLi f

111hiaMiss Mary guestorfaMph Irvin D at HowellW CiDaWtiol1 visited rciaLafayette Friday andai

IMrs 1t > J

Daisy Vitally returned honeSunday after qn extended visit to

friends in Tennessee c


returnNat Roaring Spring + Jbeentpast two weeks left Thursday forj

her home in Gurley AlaMrs John Rees is very ill of tyj

pboid fever >

eMiss Maude Dawson is spendinga few with Miss Effie DawsonIioGoo Goo


The Youthful Lexington Murderers Pay the Penalty of Crime

Lexington Ky July 24ClaudeOBrien of Memphis and EarlWhitney of NashVille the murderers of Addison B Chinn seniormember of the dry goods firm ofChinn Todd in this city and anoted exConfederate soldier werehanged here this morning at 8oclock in an enclosure in the jailyard

The execution was attended byno sensational features the remarkable nerve of the boys who wereeach in their twentieth year and ascene created by John OBrien abrother of the young murderer infront of the jail being the moststriking incidents


Who Was to Have Been Marriedin Few Weeks

agedeighteenChristian county where she wasborn died of typhoid fever at thefamily home in Evansville Satur-day


She was to have been marriedin a few weeks to a prominent youngman of Evansville


Cf Tobacco 1Yiade by fir KennedyAt Paducah


MrVBKenoedj ofthiscitywlio4 engaged in the tobacco business i


reign Government at Mayfieldand Paducah within the past twoweeks The value of the tobaccowas x 250000 and the freightwas°20000 This was t

j ipmentever made outof PacfUcabrequiring ten trainsWow


Cheap Baking Powder isffe riade

recent seizure of a 19tofheap baking powders by the I

authorities of a neighboring cityfKas exposed the character bf thelow priced brands of baking pow ¬

manufacturera i

try The price of the powders firsi attracted attention to them Sam-ple were taken and analyzed Thofficial report of the

powderaS and pulverized rockeaJe powders were declared danrgerOltS to health and several thousand were confiscated anDestroyed

f have frequently cautied consumers against mixingfood with these socalled cheapbaking powers They are allfound when analyzed to containlarge percentage of alum and sul ¬

phuric acid to which are addedvarious sorts of filling matter some ¬

times both injurious and nastyThe high class cream of tartar-

bakingpowders are the most eco ¬

nomical and wholesome and shouldTheywillbesides making the food better andmore healthful

Keep ilarriage Quiet a YearQwensboro Ky July 23

Owensboro society was surprisedtoday at the announcement thatMiss Elizabeth Rowe and WilliamMorton were married at ClarksvilleTenn last August They both I

were graduated from the OwensboroNigh School two months ago Mrs

is the youngest daughterof Commonwealths Attorney J ERowe Mr Mortons father is in therevenue service I

weather saps the vital en ¬

and makes the hardest work-ers


lazy To maintain strengthand energy use Prickly Bit ¬industryR

A Strike Settled

Madisonville KyJuly 22lhestrike at the Wheatcroft coal mindshas been settled

Look out for malaria It is sea ¬

sonable now A few doses of Prick ¬

ly Ash Bitters is a sure preventiveR Hardwick special agent


Christian County Girl Weds Davless County merchant

Tltdmarriageo AIt Francesnn Barr and William

dtfance was july 22 atthe Willard hotel in LouisvilleThe ceremony was dRev Dr Bow of the First Baptist-church Mr and Mrs Nance atonce departed on a bridal tour upIKyrous merchant His bride is theyoungest daughter of Mr W IIcountyrl LNANDTC


Two Roads will flake PhysicalConnection at Nashville

25Thetbetween theLouise ¬beensand willAbe ready forbusiness as soon as an interlockingswitch arrangement can be install ¬

ed The connection between the

Chattanoogadnext Tis marks the end

of a matter that has been keptprominent before the public eversince the Tennessee Central reach ¬

ed Nashville with its line GeneralManager Clarke announced thismorning that the Nashville yards ofthe Tennessee Central would beabout doubled in capacity

A Very Close CallI stuck to my engine although

every joint ached and every nervewas racked with pain writes CWBellamy a locomotive fireman ofBurlington Iowa I was weak andpale withoutany appetite and allrun down As I was about to giveup I got a bottle of Electric Bittersand after taking it I felt as well asI ever did in my life Weak sick-ly run down people always gainnew life strength and vigor fromtheir use Try them Satisfactionguarnteed by R C HardwickPrice 50 cents


Three of Them Established inCaldwell Last Week

A rural free delivery route wasestablished at Princeton Caldwellcounty routes 1 2 and 3 lengthof routes seventyone miles popu ¬

lation served 1606



lu-e+> Jt


WITH A LAME BACK>Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable

Almost everybody who reads the newspapers Is sure Wof the wonderful

cures made by Dr-

KilmersSwampRootthe great kidney liverand bladder remedy-

It the great medical triumph of the nInet-eenth century dis¬covered after years ofscientific research byDr Kilmer the emi-nent

¬kidney and blad-

der specialist and Iswonderfully successful promptly curinglame back kidney bladder uric acid trou ¬

bles and Brlghts Disease which is the worstform of kidney trouble

Dr Kilmers SwampRoot Is not reo>ommended for everylhlng but If you have kldney liver or bladder trouble It will be foundJust the remedy you need has been testedJnco many ways in hospital work in privatepractice among the helpless too poor purchase relief and has proved suetyfultevery case that a special arrangement hasbeen made by which all readers of this paperwho have not already tried ft may have asample bottle sent free by mall also a booktelling more about SwampRoot and how tofind out if you have kidney bladder troubleWhen writing mention reading this generousoffer In this paper andrsend your address toDr KllmerCoBinghamton N Y Theregular fifty cent and Home of 8w mpRoodollar sizes are sold by all good druggists

Dont make any mistake but remember thename Swamp Root Dr Kilmers SwampRooUand the address Binghamton N Yoon everybottle


tAmong Colored Population With

in Past Few Days 4

Baxter Porter died on Hays 1

street Friday of gangrene aged54 years ffi

Jim Wood died at his homeon Me ¬

chanic street of grip aged 48 yearsA 12yearold son of Tom Lowry

died near Pee Dee Sunday Deathwas caused by fever

A child of Zach Stegar of nearNewstcad died Saturday


Wonderful NerveIs displayed by many a man en¬

during pains of accidental CutsWounds Bruises Burns ScaldsSore feet or stiff joints But theresno need for it Bucklens ArnicaSalve will kill the paine and curethe trouble Its the best Salve on ffllearth for Piles too 25c at R C


Hardwick Druggist

Decided Against CalhoonWashington July 24The con ¬

troller of the treasury has decidedagainst the claim of Capt C C Cal¬

hoon which he has been pressingin favor of the Fourth Kentuckyregiment



R C Hardwick Specialh




rgiOreat M earance ae IIS


1 444444 W 0F it mfIeIt

to Isfrr4f tI fc II



IIit ItS fCommences Thursday


July 30thiAnd Continues Until Saturday Night August 29th J

f dWefully realize the fact that a nice business depends upon a clean and fresh stock We now come to you with °the 15Sj story We are going to close out all our summer stock and we are going to do it in the next 30 days Our fall goods will be coiningb

r and we must have the room So we must sell all of our summer goods We are going to offer our entire stock at1pricesthat will defy competition and will paralyze our competitors It is not a macter of making money it is a matter of cleaning i

our stock and starting the coming season as always is our custom with new goods Come early and secure the bargains as all j

t J I advertised must be sold at prIces quoted In large bills Your bill has been mailed to you i

j t s lix
























1tTV tTJ


SGreatest tore 15J

VV l-

rfijtli i ttiMw
