Almería, Health, Leisure and Sport · of his film in Almeria “How I won the war.” His song...

An oasis of wellness Almería, Health, Leisure and Sport

Transcript of Almería, Health, Leisure and Sport · of his film in Almeria “How I won the war.” His song...

An oasis of wellness

Almería,Health, Leisure and Sport


A paradisefor health

Spa in a hotel at El Toyo


Spas y thermal bathsArabic baths Al-Hammam AlmerayaC/ Perea 9, 04003 AlmeríaT: 950 231 [email protected]

Aire de Almería. Termas de Al-AndalusPza. de la Constitución 4-504003 AlmeríaT: 950 282 [email protected]

Spa Barceló Cabo de GataAvda Juegos Casablanca s/n04009 AlmeríaT: 950 184 [email protected]

Spa Cabo de Gata GardenAvda Juegos Casablanca s/n04009 AlmeríaT: 950 010 750

Spa Cabo de Gata Mar GardenAvda Juegos Casablanca s/n04009 AlmeríaT: 950 181 680

Spa Cabo Gata Plaza SuitesC/ Juegos de Argel s/n, Urb. El Toyo04131 Retamar (Almería)T: 950 001 [email protected]

Spa Alcazaba MarC/ Juegos de Argel s/n, Urb. El Toyo04131 Retamar (Almería)[email protected]

Almería is the last health paradise to be discove-red, hidden on the shores of the Mediterranean, with the most hours of sunshine a year in Euro-pe. Its underground water with a special salinity helps the cultivation of the best tomatoes in the continent, and the warm and mild climate is also pleasant in winter. The city and its surrounding lands have contributed to providing and promo-ting health facilities and relaxation tourism.

With the sun and water as protagonists, the city offers peaceful corners where you can relax and recuperate, while enjoying a universe of sensa-tions. These are found from a city located be-tween the sea and the desert, among the peaks of the Sierra Nevada and the beaches of Cabo

de Gata, with a world full of cultural heritage from all eras; especially dating back to the former Muslim domination and flavoured by a typical and unique gastronomy, which has through the art of tapas its best examples.



Facilities:A networkfor everyone

The city of Almería is made up of a dense network

of sport facilities open to both citizens and tou-

rists, part of which are large sport infrastructures

and the other part are classified as small sports

areas, that are found in every corner of the mu-


The Complejo Deportivo de los Juegos Medite-rráneos (Mediterranean Games Sports Complex)

is the jewel in the crown of the city’s sports. In

this complex, the Estadio de los Juegos Medite-rráneos (Mediterranan Games Stadium); with a

capacity for 15,000 spectators, which can be ex-

tended to 20,000, is the home ground of a first

division football club as well as being an athletics

stadium. This has housed Spanish championships

and the 2005 Mediterranean Games. The com-

plex is completed with an office area, an athletic

track next to a football pitch and the Palacio Me-

diterráneo with a capacity for 5,000 spectators, which has hosted matches of the Spanish basket-ball and volleyball teams, also the Copa del Rey for handball (Spanish Cup).

Together with this complex, Almería has another football stadium, Juan Rojas, that has a capaci-ty for 12,000 spectators. Also with an extensive network of grounds of different capacities such as the Ciudades Deportivas in Los Ángeles, El Zapillo, La Vega, Avenida del Mediterráneo, La Cañada or El Alquián, and other municipal trai-ning grounds. The majority have artifical grass, a material that is perfectly suited to the climate and the natural resources of this land, although some of them do have natural grass.

Referring to the indoor complexes, as well as the Palacio de los Juegos Mediterráneos, Almería has others such as: Antonio Rivera Pavilion in El Zapillo, José Antonio Segura in the quarter of Araceli, that in the quarter of La Cañada and El Toyo Pavilion; all of these have a capacity for fewer than 1,000 spectators.

Together with these, the pavilions of two out of the three large multi-sport centres of the city, are a new form of public sports service granted to the private sector, which has revolutionized sport in Almería. The Rafael Florido Complex is the ol-dest; although its last refurbishment turned it into a modern and functional facility which has a pavi-lion for 2,000 spectators, a fitness room and orga-nized activities, indoor swimming pool and splash pool, area with saunas, jacuzzis, etc; in addition to


Alborán Golf Course, El Toyo,


having tennis and paddle tennis courts. (Avda. del Mediterráneo, 228. T: 950 224 447).

Also Los Ángeles Pavilion combines an indoor pavilion with a capacity for 1,000 spectators, a multi-sports centre with a swimming pool and splash pool, fitness rooms and organized activi-ties, a large climbing wall and an area with a sau-na and jacuzzi. (Los Ángeles quarter, T: 950 621 331). Both, this centre and the previous one are managed by the Supera company, in accordance with the public service standards regulated by the administration.

The third major multi-sports centre is called Las Almadrabillas, managed by another private company under the name of Ego Sport, also un-der the criteria of the public service. It has ten-nis and paddle tennis courts, as well as a squash court, several service areas, also fitness rooms, or-ganized activities and a magnificent and modern water area, with swimming pools of 50 and 25

metres, as well as other water activities. (Avenida Cabo de Gata s/n. T: 950 253 230).

The city also has two other swimming pools. One is the Club Natación Almería, which is a large sport complex with a football ground, 11 tennis and pa-ddle tennis courts, all kinds of sport facilities and an indoor swimming pool of 25 metres. Not very far away, in the Costacabana neighbourhood is the complex of the same name, with sport and tennis courts and another indoor swimming pool of 25 metres. (C/Garona. Barrio de Costacaba-na,T: 950 293 399).

Mediterranean Games Pavilion

Multi-sports Centre El Toyo

To all of these, we have to add the facilities of the other clubs; like the Club de Mar Almería, a flagship institution in the world of sailing and fishing, located in the maritime heart of the city and with tennis, paddle and gym facilities; or the Club de Tenis Almería, which is in the neighbou-ring municipal area of Huércal de Almería, but historically linked to Almería city. It has eight clay tennis courts and some other “fast”courts in addi-tion to paddle tennis courts, swimming pool, gym and other sports facilities.

Golf also boasts a quality installation in the city found in the tourist resort of El Toyo, with a 18 hole golf course near the sea, where the compe-titions for this sport were held in the 2005 Medi-terranean Games.

Together with this framework of services, a ne-twork of municipal facilities for public use are dis-tributed throughout all districts of the city, which make up the entity of “Ciudad del Deporte” (City

of Sport). Almería has earned by its own merits under the coordination of the Patronato Municipal de Deportes (Municipal Board of Sports); which in addition to the maintenance of this network, coordinates a sports service structure also com-prising of sports schools, popular competitions and elite events, services for clubs and sport edu-cation, which are open to any citizen or visitor. (


Almería City Marina

Nautical Activities Centre


Of cultureand art

Archaeological Museum of Almería

Almería is a great melting pot of cultures, a per-petual exposure to cultures, wisdoms and forms of artistic expression from former settlers and ci-vilizations that have been superimposed on this territory through the book of the centuries.

Phoenicians, Carthaginians, Romans, Muslims and Christians have left their footprints on this land and opened the doorway to their cultures. A door that the Almerians have known how to enter, to remain and exhibit in their city through a mixture of signs and manifestations which are available to both, culture lovers and different cultures.

Alongside this wealth, the city concentrates its cultural displays in a network of museums and cultural spaces, that are open to the public and have constant year round activity. The cultural

programme of the City Council of Almería has un-dergone a dramatic revitalization in recent years, holding first rate shows with the presence of top international artists; from musicians like Pablo Al-borán, Alejandro Sanz, Joe Cocker, Chavela Vargas, Carlos Cano, Joan Manuel Serrat, Pablo Milanés, Tomatito and Raphael, to the most important theatre, dance and performing art companies.

Equally its museums show first class art, sculptu-re and photograpy exhibitions, without forgetting the thematic areas, like the Cinema Museum and the museums of the Spanish Civil War, both uni-que of this kind within Europe.


Andalusian Centre of Photography


Film and history are the reasons for two cultural

and historical centres that are found in Almería

and are incomparable in Europe. They are the Ci-

nema Museum and the Civil War air raid shelters.

The Refugios de la Guerra Civil are the greatest

testimony to air raid shelters throughout Europe.

They are nine metres below the surface, and the

visitor can walk along about 1 km below the Pa-

seo de Almería of the 4,5 km designed by the mu-

nicipal architect Guillermo Langle in 1936. These

were built during the Civil War between 1937 and

1938, to protect the population from the bombing

that destroyed some buildings in the city. The cu-

rrent shelters recreate, for example, the operating

room with all the instruments from that time and

the store room that was constructed in the same


Meanwhile, La Casa del Cine is the most impor-

tant and extensive testimony to the golden age of

cinema of Almería, located in the so-called Corti-

Cultural centres and facilities

Operating Room in the Civil War Air Raid Shelters Cinema Museum

jo Romero. During this flourishing period, actors

such as Clint Eastwood or Brigitte Bardot stayed

here, as well as John Lennon during the shooting

of his film in Almeria “How I won the war.” His

song “Strawberry fields forever” was composed in

this building. Today, the Cinema Museum has the

biggest historical collection of the period when

Almería was the European Hollywood and allows

a guided visit of those moments, with quite a few

technological resources.

Together with these two thematic museums the

city comprises of a network of venues, whose best

example is the Maestro Padilla Auditorium with

a capacity for 1,000 spectators, which in 2013 ce-

lebrated its twentieth anniversary and has seen

the best artists who have shown their talent in

this land. A smaller venue, but equipped with all

of the resources for the best artistic performances

is the Apolo Theatre, situated in the city centre

and with a capacity for 400 spectators. The pri-

vately owned Cervantes Theatre, is another pla-

ce of architectural and cultural wealth in the city,


Maestro Padilla Auditorium

Apolo Theatre


which is able to combine large events of all kinds

of theatre productions and cinema, as on a daily

basis it is used as a cinema screening room.

The rest of the city’s cinema activity takes place

at the Cines Monumental, found in the Medite-

rranean commercial centre. Flamenco is another

cultural expression of great importance in the ca-

pital. This art has various Peñas Flamencas (fan

associations) which form part of the city and have

a rich history, like: El Taranto in the city centre, El

Morato located in a cave in the upper area of the

popular and flamenco quarter of La Chanca, and

that of Antonio de Torres in the neighbourhood

of La Cañada.

Cinema Museum

Peña “El Taranto”

Auditorio Maestro PadillaPlaza Alfredo Kraus 1, 04007 AlmeríaT: 950 273

Teatro ApoloRambla Obispo Orberá 25, 04001 AlmeríaT: 950 269

Teatro Cine CervantesCalle del Poeta Villaespesa 1, 04001 AlmeríaT: 950 237

Cines CC MediterráneoAvda. del Mediterráneo s/n, 04009 AlmeríaT: 902 010

Filmoteca Museo ArqueológicoCarretera de Ronda, 91, 04005 AlmeríaT: 950 175

Peña Flamenca El MoratoTenor Iribarne, 20, 04001 AlmeríaT: 675 525

Peña Flamenca El TarantoTenor Iribarne, 20, 04001 AlmeríaT: 950 235

Peña Flamenca La ChancaC/ Barranquillo, 04002 AlmeríaT: 608 639

Peña Flamenca Antonio de TorresC/ Real 80, 04120 La Cañada de San Urbano, AlmeríaT: 605 366


Apolo Theatre

Maestro Padilla Auditorium


Almería has experienced a huge growth in the va-

riety of its museums in recent years. Some of the

historical and emblematic buildings of the city are

now dedicated to exhibit the testimony of many

of the most important artistic manifestations of

the past and present.

The Centre of Art Museum Almería (CAMA)

has today become one of the most important

centres; hosting art, sculpture and photography

exhibitions nearly all year round. It is located

opposite the railway and bus station and next to

El Preventorio building.

Not very far away, heading up the Carretera de

Museums and exhibition halls

Centre of Art Museum Almería

Interior of Centre of Art Museum Almería

Ronda, the Archaeological and Historical Mu-seum is found; it has recently been revitalized through new exhibitions and displays.

Another of the important tourist attractions of Al-mería is the previously mentioned Museo Casa del Cine (Cinema Museum).

The Museum of the Spanish Guitar “Antonio de Torres,” the Andalusian Centre of Photography or the Centre of Documentation from the 2005 Almería Mediterranean Games, which is insta-lled in the University; complete some of the most outstanding examples of the Almerian Museum and exhibition space.


Archaeological Museum Cinema Museum

Andalusian Centre of Photography


OZ NATURE WILDLIFE ALMERÍAOrnithological and geographical itinerariesT: 626 260 [email protected]

ALHAVENTUR4x4, bikes, paintball, hiking and tourist centreT: 616 496 [email protected]

MALCAMINO’SBusiness tourism, party events, cinema and audiovisual, ac-tive tourism, tourism projectsT: 652 022 582 / [email protected]

RASTRILLO DE CULTURASHandicraft, bohemian, medieval, antique, themed, flea and Christmas markets.T: 605 988 [email protected]

Companies with a complimentary offer

Pilgrimage on Torregarcía Beach

CELEMÍN FORMACIÓNEvent organizersT: 950 250 [email protected] / [email protected]

ESCENALIAProject, cultural and management designT: 950 306 793 / 650 714 [email protected]

PARQUE OCIO TOYO AVENTURAAdventure sport & entertainment, staged events and showsT: 699 431 [email protected]

ALMERÍA VERTICAL Ecotourism and active tourismT: 607 299 [email protected]

UNA GOZADA DE ALCAZABATheatrical visits to the Alcazaba of AlmeríaT: 677 316 861 / 635 229 [email protected]

CIENCIA DIVERTIDAEducation to educate the society of the futureT: 618 644 [email protected]

J-126Guided tours through the Natural Park of Cabo de Gata-NíjarT: 950 380 [email protected]

CELEBRITASEntertainment and eventsT: 609 791 454 / 695 907 [email protected]


19CAMELUSCamel rides and farm visit with picnic area.T: 950 100 [email protected]

RUTAS POR ALMERÍA Cycling and hiking routesT: 950 277 454 / 607 189 [email protected]

PRODESURAdventure and extreme sports in AlmeríaKayaksur, Squisur, FestisurT: 950 281 780 / 669 423 [email protected] / [email protected]

GEOGATAExperience a volcanic eruption of Mónsul and [email protected]/en

SUB PARKET: 680 402 855 / 950 389 [email protected]

ZONA AKTIVAT: 654 992 [email protected]

BUCEO ALMERÍAT: 610 297 [email protected] / [email protected]

YOUR TIME ALMERÍAT: 657632098 / [email protected] / [email protected]

Golf Courses. Walking on the green

Cruises and Yachting. Almeria from the sea

Culture and Traditions. A walk through history

Dream Escapes. Urban people and families

Accommodation. Much more than just hotels

Congress and Exhibition City. Exclusivity in the Mediterranean

Charms of Cooking. 190,000 “thankful palates”

Land of Film. Unique scenes

Year round Sun and Beaches. Spectacle of light and water

Oficina Municipal de TurismoTel. 950 210 538

Email: [email protected]