Alliance Magazine Jun-Jul-Aug 2011



The magazine of the Alliance Française de Melbourne

Transcript of Alliance Magazine Jun-Jul-Aug 2011

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Le Magazine de L’aLLiance Française de MeLbourne jun-jul-aug 11

la fête de la musiquejeudi jazzy

between the spokes23 june > 26 juLy 2011

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Edito Unlike most of its neighbours, including England, Spain and Italy, France is not a country where sport fills the headlines and arouses passions. There is however an event that holds a particular place in the heart of French people, and each year in July, brings different generations together: the Tour de France. The biggest cycling race in the world is a show that, around the roads and behind the screens, brings millions of spectators together, especially in Australia.

Former Olympic cycling champion Kathy Watt exhibits some of her photographs from the 2010 Tour de France in our gallery. She answers our questions in this magazine.

The Alliance Française would also like to invite you to celebrate the Fête de la Musique in all four corners of the City of Port Phillip on 21 June. Make sure to contact us quickly if you are a musician!

La France, à la différence de la plupart de ses voisins, notamment britanniques, espagnols ou italiens, n’est pas un pays où le sport monopolise la une des médias et suscite des passions exacerbées. Il est pourtant un événement qui occupe une place à part dans le cœur des Français et fédère toutes les générations chaque année en juillet : le Tour de France. La

plus grande course cy-cliste du monde est un spectacle qui réunit autour des routes et derrières les écrans, des millions de spectateurs, notamment en Australie.Kathy Watt, ancienne championne olympique de cyclisme, expose dans no-tre galerie ses clichés pris

lors de l’édition 2010 du Tour de France. Elle répond à nos questions dans ce magazine.L’Alliance française vous propose égale-ment de célébrer la Fête de la musique aux quatre coins de City of Port Phillip le 21 juin prochain. Contactez-nous vite si vous êtes musiciens !

so far as lawfully possible the alliance française de Melbourne and its management and staff accepts no responsibility for or in relation to the contents whether express or implied of any advertisement appearing in this magazine nor for the safety, quality, or accuracy of any premises, goods, services or information referred to therein.

Printed on 100% recycled paper.

june-july-august 2011 issuecover: Kathryn Watt ©editor: Patrice Pauceditorial contributions: Patrice Pauc, Françoise Libotte, aurélie Pierre, alice gauny, Maxime Luisin.Translation: Léuli & Layout: Mathieu Vendeville.Printed by barney's group Pty Ltd.

alliance Magazine is published by the alliance Française de Melbourne, 51 grey street, sT KiLda, VicToria 3182, ausTraLiaTel: (61-3) 9525 3463 / Fax: (61-3) 9525 5064. e-mail: [email protected]

Patrice Pauc Director

Alice Gauny Deputy Director

P.4>5 newsP.6>8 interview Kathy WattP.9 The Melbourne salonP.10>11 Fête de la musiqueP.12 stork TheatreP.13 jeudi jazzyP.14 bastille dayP.15>21 course guide

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Veber will be “In Conversation in English” with Steve Kaplan, an expert on comedy and Hollywood script consultant and teacher, on Sat 06 August 2011 from 9am to 10.30am at ACMI Cinema 2. Tickets are $25 each and can be booked at

MIFF will also be presenting French master of animation Michel Ocelot’s Tales of the Night 3D, the only French film featured in this year’s prestigious Berlinale Competition.

Melbourne International Film Festival 2011July 21st – August 7th, various Melbourne venues.For all festival and ticketing information, please go to:

with the support of

There will be plenty in-store for the Francophile cinephile.

French direcTor Francis Veber in MeLbourneFrancis Veber is a master of comedy screen-writing and directing with a string of hits to his name, including The Dinner Game, The Valet, The Closet and La Cage Aux Folles, as well as adaptations of his films for international audiences - most recently The Dinner Game being re-made as Dinner For Schmucks. Don’t miss this rare opportunity to hear talks - in French and English by this living legend of comedy - exclusive to Melbourne.Veber will present a lecture on his films in French on Fri 05 August 2011 from 9.30am – 11am at the State Library of Victoria’s Village Roadshow Theater. Tickets are $17 each and can be booked at

melbourne international film festival (miff) celebrates its 60th anniversary in 2011, establishing it as one of the world’s oldest and most prestigious film festivals. Also the largest film festival in Asia-Pacific, MIFF has showcased some of cinema history’s most beloved films over its six decades.From the indies to the arthouse, from auteur blockbusters and festival favourites to new discoveries and those taking on the outer limits of storytelling and cinema, MIFF offers a full program lineup of world cinema every year. Regular programming strands include International Panorama, a hand picked selection of new filmmaking from all around the world and an Australian Showcase.

Melbourne International Film Festival

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AllianceFrançaisede Melbourne

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The details of Trio Paul Klee’s Rounds 1 and 2 performances are as follows:

round 1 Mon 11 juL, 7.30PM

round 2 Thur 14 juL, 3.00PMThe competitors in the 6th Melbourne International Chamber Music Competition are judged by a top international jury which this year includes French pianist and recording artist Philippe Cassard alongside Australian pianist Piers Lane, Borodin String Quartet violist Igor Naidin (Russia) and cellists Lesley Robertson (St. Lawrence String Quartet, USA) and Alasdair Tait (United Kingdom).

More information: and concert information is available through the Competition presentation partner, Melbourne Recital Centre:

compete for nine days in July. This year a French trio, Trio Paul Klee, is travelling to Australia to compete. The members of Trio Paul Klee—Jae-Won Lee (violin) , Tristan Cornut (cello) and François Lambret (piano)—are currently studying an Artist Diploma degree with Pierre-Laurent Aimard, Vladimir Mendelssohn and Claire Désert at the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique de Paris. The trio is also a member of the European Chamber Music Academy (ECMA) and all three members of the trio have studied under internationally renowned teachers in Stuttgart, Berlin, Cologne and Geneva. The preliminary rounds of the Melbourne International Chamber Music Competition are being held at the Australian National Academy of Music, South Melbourne 9-14 July. The finals will be held in the Elisabeth Murdoch Hall, Melbourne Recital Centre on Saturday 16th and Sunday 17th July.

major international chamber music competition in melbourne to feature young french ensemble in july.2011 marks the exciting return of the Melbourne International Chamber Music Competition from 9-17 July. One of the most highly regarded competitions in the world, the Melbourne International Chamber Music Competition only takes every four years and attracts the most accomplished piano trios and string quartets under the age of thirty-five years.Following extensive live international auditions conducted by Australian chamber music specialists, Keith Crellin OAM and Howard Penny, eight string quartets and eight piano trios from Europe, Australia and the USA will be travelling to Melbourne to



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© Kathryn Watt

inTerVieW exhibiTion 23 june > 26 juLy

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Who is Kathy Watt? (For those who don’t know you)

I am best known to the Australian public as the first Australian female to win a Gold medal at the 1992 Olympic Games in Barcelona. But I have also won World Cups, Commonwealth Games, Oceania and Australian Gold medals as well as many International cycling competitions. I have experienced the Tour de France from both sides of the lens- last year as a photographer and six times as a competitor.

How did develop a passion for photography?

I was interested in photography from a young age after my grandfather bought me a camera. I studied photography

Qui est Kathy Watt ? (pour ceux qui ne vous connaissent pas)

Je suis avant tout connue du public australien car je suis la première cycliste australienne à avoir gagné une médaille d’or aux Jeux olympiques de Barcelone en 1992. J’ai également gagné plusieurs Championnats du Monde, Jeux du Commonwealth, des médailles d’or en Océanie et en Australie ainsi que diverses compétitions cyclistes internationales. J’ai vécu le Tour de France des deux côtés de l’objectif : l’an passé comme photographe et six fois comme compétitrice. Comment est née cette passion pour la photographie ?

La photographie me passionne depuis

Kathy Wattinterview with kathy watt, who having lead a remarkable cycling career, became a professional photographer.

ExhibitionBetween the spokesOpening Thu 23 June, 6.30pmVenue Alliance Française Eildon Gallery51 Grey SreetSt Kilda

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© Kathryn Watt

exhibiTion 23 june > 26 juLy inTerVieW

firstly at school then in 1986, I enrolled in a course in industrial and scientific photography at RMIT University. I like to combine my passion for sport with my photography. I particularly enjoy photographing a variety of different sports and capturing the characters of the athletes and what is unique about each sport.

Is the Tour de France an event in its own league?

The Tour de France is a unique and grand cycling event which runs for three weeks. Along with the Olympics it is one of the biggest events on the world stage. It is unique in that the world’s elite cyclists are so accessible to the general public, often signing autographs for fans in the towns at the start and end of stages. It is like a carnival atmosphere where spectators often camp out or cycle to view points on the hills to enjoy the atmosphere of the event - including the race caravan that passes through two hours before the riders - and view the world’s best cyclists taking on the challenging climbs that the Pyrenees and Alps have to offer.

Australian cycling - on road and on track - is really taking off at the moment. What is driving this golden age?

Australia has always been a strong cycling nation winning Olympic and world medals and achieving great things in international cycling from the beginning with champions like

mon plus jeune âge lorsque mon grand-père m’a offert un appareil photo. J’ai d’abord étudié la photographie à l’école, puis en 1986 je me suis inscrite dans une formation en photographie industrielle et scientifique à l’université RMIT. J’aime associer ma passion pour le sport avec ma photographie. Surtout, j’apprécie photographier différentes disciplines sportives et saisir les personnalités des athlètes, ce qui rend en fait chaque sport unique. Le Tour de France est-il un événement à part ?

Le Tour de France est un grand événement cycliste qui dure trois semaines. Avec les Jeux olympiques, c‘est un des plus grands événements au monde. Il est à part car les meilleurs cyclistes du monde sont à la portée du public. Ils signent des dédicaces pour les fans dans les villes au début et à la fin des étapes. Il existe une sorte d’ambiance de carnaval où les spectateurs campent au bord des routes ou montent sur leur vélo pour vraiment apprécier l’atmosphère de la course – y compris la caravane du Tour qui passe deux heures avant les cyclistes. De là, ils voient les meilleurs cyclistes au monde s’attaquer aux difficiles montées que leur proposent les Pyrénées et les Alpes. Le cyclisme australien - sur route et sur piste - explose actuellement. A quoi est dû cet âge d’or ?

L’Australie a toujours été une nation forte en cyclisme, gagnant des médailles olympiques et mondiales, accomplissant de grandes performances dans le cyclisme mondial dès ses débuts. Avec des champions tels que Russell Mockrigde, Sid Patterson, John Nicholson, Clyde Sefton pour en citer quelques uns. Plus tard, les efforts de Phil Anderson pour prendre le maillot jaune dans le Tour de France ont contribué à

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inTerVieW exhibiTion 23 june > 26 juLy

Russell Mockrigde, Sid Patterson, John Nicholson, Clyde Sefton to name a few. In later years Phil Anderson’s efforts in taking the yellow jersey at the Tour de France helped get Australians recognised by the European teams. Australian cyclists are now sought after because of their racing ability and attitude to “have a go” which within an opportunistic sport like cycling can win you many races.In women’s cycling as a result of me winning the gold medal at the Barcelona Olympics, Ros Kelly who was the Minister for Sport, started a full time women’s road cycling program based in Canberra. This helped in the development of women’s cycling, which hadn’t received much help or recognition until then.

la reconnaissance des Australiens par les équipes européennes. Les cyclistes australiens sont désormais convoités pour leurs qualités de rouleurs et leur attitude « à tout tenter », ce qui, dans un sport opportuniste comme le cyclisme, peut signifier gagner de multiples courses.Après ma médaille d’or aux Jeux olympiques de Barcelone, un programme de cyclisme féminin sur route - basé à Canberra - a été créé par la ministre des Sports de l’époque, Ros Kelly. Ceci a aidé au développement du cyclisme féminin qui n’avait pas - jusqu’alors - reçu beaucoup de soutien et de reconnaissance

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In this dramatic installation, Melbourne artist Trinh Vu transforms the ordinary into the extraordinary.Trinh creates intriguing works using digital tools for experimentation, visualisation and fabrication. Both ordinary objects and iconic forms are incor-porated in a process that explores construction and deconstruction.

Trinh is a senior lecturer in the Faculty of Art and Design at Monash University and is represented by ArtsBank and Chika Gallery (Tokyo).She was the inaugural recipient of the 2007 Georges Mora Foundation Fellowship, of which Blue skies is the outcome.

Opening hoursThe exhibition is open from 10am to 9pm Monday to Thursday, and from 10am to 5pm Friday to Sunday.

Blue skiesFri 25 March > sun 31 juLy 2011Free / sTaTe Library, 328 sWansTon sTcoWen gaLLery LeVeL 2a

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AllianceFrançaisede Melbourne

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The Fête de la Musique is a daylong event celebrated here in Melbourne and around the world. Although the 4th anniversary of the Melbourne edition is approaching, this is actually the event’s 30th year. A long-standing institution in France, the Fête de la Musique is still a comparatively small event here. Despite this fact the daylong celebration of music has seen a steady increase in popularity, a trend organisers expect to continue with each passing year.

Starting in France in 1982, the Fête de la Musique was launched by Jack Lang, the then French Minister of Culture, as a means of developing participation and

a deeper appreciation of music performance. Organisers noted that one in two French youth played a musical instrument and felt compelled to celebrate this wealth of musical talent within the country. They encouraged youth but also everyone (amateurs and professional musicians) who wanted to perform in public settings, to celebrate their talent and the public’s love of live music. This event, dedicated to all genres of music, reached the entire French population and quickly took off, becoming an annual event. It began its expansion in 1985 as part of the European year of music.

Held on 21 June each year, the Fête de la Musique is now

celebrated in over 125 countries and 430 cities around the world. The global French cultural network and local operators have continued to collaborate together, making this event a truly international one. Music academies, associations, municipalities and many other organisations play a significant role in the event’s success. Its founding principles still govern the Fête de la Musique today.

The Fête de la Musique is a free event; musicians perform on a voluntary basis and outdoor performances are encouraged where possible, even in unusual places.

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Make music Melbourne!The Alliance Française de Melbourne invites you to celebrate the Fête de la musique in all four corners of the City of Port Phillip, on Tuesday 21 June 2011, from 4.30pm.For everyone who loves making and celebrating music. No matter your style or age, amateur or professional, whether soloist, choir, drumming group, orchestra, whistle-player, rock, jazz, gypsy or swing band – we want you to join Melbourne in MAKING MUSIC EVERYWHERE!

apply as a performer before june 11Please fill in the application form online and click submit.

For further information, please go to

Readings, 253 Bay Street, Port Melbourne

Readings, 112 Acland Street, St Kilda

Alliance Française de Melbourne51 Grey Street, St Kilda

Goethe-Institut Australien 448 St Kilda Road, Melbourne

Australian National Academy of Music 210 Bank Street, South Melbourne

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sTorK TheaTre

Helen & Clytemnestra by jane montgomery griffiths 3 - 21 augusT

Anna Karenina by leo tolstoy 25 May - 12 june

From the writer of the acclaimed ‘Sappho... In Nine Fragments’ and ‘Razing Hypatia’, comes a dazzling new play about the problems of being the most infamous sisters in the history of the world.

Jane Montgomery Griffiths, world authority on ancient Greek drama, combines her academic talents as an A.R.C. Research Fellow in Drama at Monash University, with her brilliant acting and writing skills for the Australian stage.

“Australia is lucky to have her...” Phillip Adams, ABC Radio National.

The Australian premiere of this Russian Classic - often described as the greatest novel ever written. Adapted by Judith Armstrong (Crime and Punishment 2010). Directed by Greg Carroll.

This production brings together two great talents: Judith Armstrong, an internationally renowned Tolstoy specialist, who extracts the essence of this epic, 800-page, sprawling novel into a spellbinding night of theatre; and director Greg Carroll, whose production of Stendhal’s The Red

Helen and Clytemnestra are twin sisters. Helen “the face that launched a thousand ships”, abandons husband and child and sails off with Paris, precipitating the Trojan War. The Greeks raise an armada to bring her back. They succeed, after thousands die. It is led by Agamemnon whose wife, Clytemnestra, murders him upon his return.

“When your names are Helen and Clytemnestra, it’s difficult not to be just a little suspicious of manuals on housework, stain removal and child rearing.”

& The Black was “ a theatrical triumph” (The Age).

“Everything is finished . . . I have nothing but you. Remember that.”The beating heart of this vast and celebrated nineteenth-century novel about Russian society, family, and politics is the story of Anna and Vronsky whose passion becomes their prison. Does Anna demand more from life than life can ever give her? Yet her destruction lives on beyond the novel to become a psychic tattoo on the western consciousness.

Wed – Sat @ 8pm. Sun @ 3pm, 51 Grey Street, St Kilda.

bookings & info: 9410 0295 [email protected]

Tix $29 / $27 sen. and conc./ $19 (full-time students under 25)

Book and pay now with credit card details by return email or phone.

Stork Theatre

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The New Impromptu QuartetThu 9 june / 8PM / aLLiance FrançaiseThe New Impromptu Quartet is actually often a quintet and more! Beginning with a core lineup of musicians from different backgrounds from around the world, the band fuses jazz, latin, reggae and soul/funk grooves in a unique and original style, Formed in 2007 the band includes a formidable collective of performers who have all recorded and toured internationally.

Sonya Veronica´sThu 11 aug / 8PM / aLLiance FrançaiseSonya Veronica’s first love is singing, second is jazz and third is French language.

“Singing has always been part of my life. Jazz to me feels natural, it’s never monotone, at times serious, other time whimsical and passionate the next. That’s also how I fell in love with the French language. Je le trouve trés melodic, comme chansons que j’ai deja entendu quelque temp, quelque part.”

At Jeudi Jazzy, all is to be intertwined. Sonya will be singing a mélange of jazz and chanson Française, from Billie Holiday’s You Go to My Head to Léo Ferré’s Avec Le Temps. She will be joined by fabulous and sympathetic musicians, Mark Fitzgibbon (piano), who is also the music arranger, Howard Cairns (double bass) and Raj Jayaweera (drums).

Introducing The New Impromptu Quartet:

Piano/keyboards, musical direc-tion: Alexander NettelbeckBass: Conrad Henderson, Ben Cripps, Drums: Ben Karsay, Andrew Horneman, Vocals: Rita Satch, Rachelle Medley, Rachel Delgado, Guitar: Lenny Parker, Mikey Chan,


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Alliance Française de Melbournetickets: $23 full / $18 members

bookings essential as places are limitedBookings: 9525 3463 or secure online credit

card booking at


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Pre-sale $15 or 9525 3463

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“Paris in the 1830s seems a golden age,” says David Hood. “Revolution at the start of the decade had ended the ancient regime, and the 1848 upheavals were yet to come.”

Paris was undoubtedly the cultural capital of Europe: Frédéric Chopin from Poland and Franz Liszt from Hungary both came to meet their destinies there. “There they contracted ‘liaisons’”, he says with a smile, “with George Sand (Aurore Dudevant), an established author, and Marie d’Agoult (Daniel Stern), who became one.”

Each pair met initially and socialized often in the salons: “in grand rooms and in intimate corners stood actors, painters, politicos, poets and musicians. Liszt was one of the first ‘celebrities’ but it was a celebrity of substance: talk, music and ideas flourished.”

Centre stage for these salons was the piano (probably made by Sébastian Érard) - the source of entertainment! Who could resist an invitation to come and hear Liszt play?

“This is one of my favourite eras, and I love presenting material on it. I’ll show the 1830’s portraits where we can see our quartet (perhaps a little romanticized), but the later photos tell no lies: these are geniuses, but real people.” According to David the ‘soundtrack’ is a must, so he will be playing some favourite Chopin at the keyboard.

David Hood is a musician and local celebrity himself: long-time 3MBS FM broadcaster and previous pre-concert speaker for the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra, he has been sharing his love of Liszt for years, and has been honoured by the Hungarian Government for his Liszt studies.

“the eXistential piano”: chopin, george sand, liszt, marie d’agoult and the paris words, music, portraits and photographs, presented by david hood. aT The aLLiance Française Friday 29 juLy 2011, 7-9 PM

AllianceFrançaisede Melbourne

Please note this Salon will exceptionally be held in the

basement at the Alliance Française (accessible only by stairs).

Cover charge payable on the night (includes cheese and wine) Cash

only please: $15Bookings essential

[email protected] (numbers strictly limited to 50)


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Entirely in French with English surtitlesDirector - Matthew O’sullivanProducer - Michael BulaPerformances 23 To 27 August 2011

MFT will present the Australian premiere in French of this famous black comedy about the psychology of couples, marriages and relationships from one of Britain’s most prolific playwrights.

Rehearsals start mid-June 2011 at La Maison De Maitre Building203-205 Canning Street, Carlton - Corner Neill Street

date 1 : saturday11 june 2011, 2.00pm

date 2 : monday13 june 2011, 7.00pmRegistration for auditions only by website please at Enquiries 03 9349 2250 (Theatre Office)

two auditions only - absenT Friends Mariages & consÉQuencesby Sir Alan Ayckbourn

French TheatreMelbourne

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Beginner 1



Beginner 2 10am-1pm6pm-9pm

French for travellers 6pm-9pm


Speaking Work-shop for beginners



WORKSHOPSLe français en chansons for intermediate Mon-Fri 10am-12pmCatch up/review workshop (Beginners 1&2)


Mon-Fri 2pm-4pmSpeaking work-shop Units 3&4Conversation for IBCHILDRENCHILDREN COURSES French is FunFrom 6 to 10 years old Mon-Fri 10am-1pm


Mon-Fri 6pm-9pmBeginner 2Beginner 3CONVERSATION

Intermediate conversation




Advanced conversation


6pm-8.30pmWORKSHOPS Le français en chansons for beginners Mon-Fri 10am-12pmCatch up/review workshop (Beginners 3&4)


Mon-Fri 2pm-5pmVCE Units 3&4 IBYEAR 7 TO YEAR 10 Int 1, 1st year of French

Mon-Fri 10am-12.30pm

Int 2, 2nd year of FrenchInt 3, 3rd year of FrenchInt 4, 4th year of French

Adultsadult courses 3h / day oVer 5 days $255/c $230For beginners 1 to 3 and French for Travelers.

conversation 2.5h / day oVer 5 days $219/c $197For beginners, intermediate and advanced levels.

workshops 2h / day oVer 5 days $175/c $158►LE FRANÇAIS EN CHANSONS: For beginners and intermediate: a great way to practice your French, expand your vocabulary and discover the culture while listening to some popular French songs.

►CATCH UP/REVIEW WORKSHOP: For beginners 1 to 4 only: whether you have missed something during the term or just would like to spend more time on a particular lesson, this workshop will help you get more confident as you go on with your French studies.

High School Studentsconversation 2h / day oVer 5 days $180/c $162An ideal workshop to help you improve your conversational skills and feel more comfortable speaking French.

preparation for the eXam 3h / day oVer 5 days $270 /c $243 For Year 11 and 12 students only: these classes will help you ease your way towards the exams. You will work on your listening, reading and writing skills and learn more about grammar.

year 7 to year 10 2.5h / day oVer 5 days $225/c $202A good opportunity to understand how French works and get to appreciate the language!

Childrenchildren courses 3h / day oVer 5 days $278/c $250A great class to learn French whilst having fun! Hands-on and playful activities will be organised throughout the week.

WEEK 1: 4►8 JULY 2011WEEK 2: 11►15 JULY 2011




course guide

5% off Enrol before 20 Jun 1Enrol before 27 Jun 2

Early bird discount

1: Week 1: enrol before 20 June 2011 and get 5% off. 2: Week 2: enrol before 27 June 2011 and get 5% off.

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AdultTerm 3Courses

The Alliance Française de Melbourne offers French courses in a friendly and intimate envi-ronment, with a class size of between 6 and 16 students. We provide a wide range of times and days to suit your individual commitments and a wide selection of work-shops.

All our courses are oriented towards conver-sation and all our teachers are native French speakers. Our classes are conducted almost entirely in French in order to create immersion.

General CoursesLanguage classes at Alliance Française cover 3 levels: Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced. Each level comprises six 20-hour sessions. Choose your pace:

standard - $340/c $306 2 hours / week over 10 weeks evening or daytime.

SATURDAY/SUNDAY EXPRESS - $340/c $306 4 hours / day over 5 weeks Saturday mornings or Sunday afternoons.

WEEKDAY EXPRESS - $680/c $6122 hours / day, 2 days a week Tuesday & Thursday over 10 weeks. 2 levels covered instead of one.

PRIVATE TUITIoN - fRom $74/hoURStudy wherever and whenever you want!


Beginner 1

Mon 6.05pm-8.00pm

Tues 10.00am-12.00pm8.05pm -10.00pm


8.05pm -10.00pmThur 6.05pm-8.00pmSat 2.30pm-4.30pm

Weekday express

Tues & Thur6.05pm-8.00pm

Sat express 9.00am-1.00pm (sess A/B)Sun express 1.30pm-5.30pm (sessA/B)

Beginner 2

Mon 6.05pm-8.00pm

Tues 10.00am-12.00pm8.05pm-10.00pm

Wed 6.05pm-8.00pm8.05pm-10.00pm

Thur 8.05pm-10.00pmSat 2.30pm-4.30pm

Sat express 9.00am-1.00pm (sess A/B)Sun express 1.30pm-5.30pm (sess A/B)

Beginner 3

Mon 6.05pm-8.00pm

Tues 10.00am-12.00pm8.05pm-10.00pm

Wed 6.05pm-8.00pm8.05pm-10.00pm

Thur 6.05pm-8.00pmSat 2.30pm-4.30pm

Sat express 9.00am-1.00pm (sess A/B)Sun express 1.30pm-5.30pm (sess A/B)

Beginner 4

Tues 10.00am-12.00pm6.05pm-8.00pm

Wed 6.05pm-8.00pmThur 10.00am-12.00pmSat 2.30pm-4.30pm

Sat express 9.00am-1.00pm (sess A/B)Sun express 1.30pm-5.30pm (sess B)

Beginner 5

Mon 6.05pm-8.00pm

Tues 10.00am-12.00pm6.05pm-8.00pm

Sat express 9.00am-1.00pm (sess A/B)

Beginner 6Mon 6.05pm-8.00pmTues 10.00am-12.00pm

Sat express 9.00am-1.00pm (sess A/B)

Intermediate 1Mon 6.05pm-8.00pmTues 10.00am-12.00pm

Sat express 9.00am-1.00pm (sess A/B)

Intermediate 2Wed 6.05pm-8.00pmThur 6.05pm-8.00pm

Sat express 9.00am-1.00pm (sess B)

Intermediate 3 Wed 6.05pm-8.00pmSat 2.30pm-4.30pm

Intermediate 4 Tues 6.05pm-8.00pm

Intermediate 5

Tues 6.05pm-8.00pmWed 6.05pm-8.00pmThur 10.00am-12.00pm

Sat express 9.00am-1.00pm (sess A)

Intermediate 6 Sat 2.30pm-4.30pmSat express 9.00am-1.00pm (sess B)

Advanced 1 Sat 2.30pm-4.30pmAdvanced 2 Sat express 9.00am-1.00pm (sess A)

Advanced 3 Mon 6.05pm-8.00pmSat express 9.00am-1.00pm (sess A/B)

Advanced 4 Sat express 9.00am-1.00pm (sess B)Advanced 6 Tues 6.05pm-8.00pm

18 JUL ► 25 SEPTexPress a 23 juL > 21 augexPress b 27 aug > 25 sePT

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Special Courses$350/c $315

french for travellers a1> Complete Beginners. The perfect survival kit for your trip to France ! Thursday 6.05pm-8.00pmSaturday 2.30pm-4.30pm

read and write in french b1 > Advanced. Perfect to expand your vocabulary and explore poems and novels from famous French writers! Monday 6.05pm-8.00pm

conversation & grammar b2> Advanced. A great class to practice your French while dealing with the more complex grammatical structures!Monday 10.00am-12.00pmWednesday 6.05pm-8.00pmThursday 6.05pm-8.00pmSaturday 9.00am-11.00am

art, history & culture b2> Advanced. Learn about French culture and discuss various topics related to art, culture, and history in a friendly atmosphere.Tuesday 6.05pm-8.00pm delf & dalf preparation b2 c1> Advanced. This preparation course will help you familiarize with general content of the examinations (B2 & C1 only).Wednesday 6.05pm-8.00pm

current affairs c1> AdvancedTake part in a vibrant discussion and debate on the latest news from the French-speak-ing world, with the help of press articles and TV programs.Thursday 10.00am-12.00pmSaturday 11.00am-1.00pm

A la carteSoIRéE DU mARDI - $18/c $15Tues 6.30pm > 8 pm > All levelsNice and cosy, with a glass of wine and some French cheese... Perfect for those who want to speak French in a relaxed atmosphere.

P’TIT DEJ DU JEUDI - $18/c $15Thu 10.30am > 12pm > Intermediate levelsOur ptit dej du jeudi will delight those look-ing for French conversation around a table laden with coffee and croissants. Yum!

atelier cinema - $20Wed 27 July 6pm > 8.30pm > Adv levelsTous les matins du monde, directed by Alain Corneau (1991). Enjoy this French film fea-turing the story of Marin Marais, viol player of the 17th - 18th century, who at the end of his life recalls his childhood memories and in particular learning the viola da gamba with his master Monsieur de Sainte Colombe and his two daughters. Not to be missed!Come to watch this French film and discuss it afterwards while enjoying a glass of wine and some French cheese.

catch-up lessons Have you missed a class? Don't despair! Our catch-up lessons will help you revise the content of the class you missed. Fast and easy, only $20 for half an hour or $40 for one hour.

help and support A teacher will be present every evening in the library from 5.30pm to 6pm, just before class-es start so do not hesitate to ask us for help regarding your homework, a grammar point...

For more information, visit our website: or call: 9525 3463



course guide

5% off Enrol before 3 Jul 1Enrol before 7 Aug 2

Early bird discount

1: Standard and Express session A courses: enrol before 3 July 2011 and get 5% off. 2: Express session A courses: enrol before 7 August 2011 and get 5% off.

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l’heure du conte (story telling)A new workshop to delight youngsters! Every Thursday from 4.30pm to 5.30pm. (During school terms only). For children aged 4 to 6 and their parents.

Come along and join us for a special time packed with beautiful stories and lots of fun hands-on activities.

ENTRY FREE Booking Essential:Telephone 9525 3463 or Email: [email protected]

$278/c 2501.5 hours a week over 10 weeks

Alliance Française has many years of experience working with children. We offer your child the possibility of progressing through 3 different levels. Our programs provide hands-on activities to create an enjoyable yet effective learning experience. Special courses are also available for bilingual children who have lived in a French-speaking country or have a French-speaking parent.

vce immersion day - $130 only!saT 18 june 10.00aM- 5.30PMAimed at VCE (Years 11&12), this immersion day is designedto prepare students for their final examination. Throughout the day, students work on the four components of the VCE final examination (general conversation, listening, reading and writing) and receive personal feedback from their teacher. A buffet lunch is included making our immersion days an enjoyable experience in a total French environment!

For more information, visit our or call 9525 3463

High School Students


Class Day TimeADO 1

(for beginners) Thur


ADO 2 (2nd year of French) Wed

ADO 3 (3rd year of French) Tues

ADO 4 (4th year of French) Mon

VCE Unit 1&2 WedVCE Unit 3&4 ThurIB Preparation WedAdolescents

francophones (11-14 years old)


Class Day Time

Children 1 Sat 10.30am-12.00pmWed 4.30pm-6.00pm

Children 2 Sat 1.30pm-3.00pmChildren 3 Mon 4.30pm-6.00pmChildren 4 Tues 4.30pm-6.00pm

Enfants francophones (7-10 years old)

Fri 4.00pm-5.30pm

$270/c $2431.5 hours a week over 10 weeks

adoThese courses are for secondary school students enrolled in Year 7 to Year 10. They are a good opportunity to understand how French works and get to appreciate the language. A great after-school class for those who want to succeed! VCE/IB PREPARATIoN classesSpecially designed for Year 11 and 12 students, these courses help them ease their way towards the exams. They will work on their conversational and listening skills and learn more about grammar.

5% off Enrol before 3 July

Early bird discount

5% off Enrol before 3 July

Early bird discount

18 JUL ► 25 SEPT

18 JUL ► 25 SEPT

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TCf/TCfQTCF and TCFQ are language placement tests for non-native speakers of French who wish to obtain a simple, effective and precise evaluation of their general language skills for professional or personal reasons. The certificate of achievement is valid for 2 years.June 2011 Session:Mon 20 to Fri 24 June 2011Registration closing date:Fri 27 May 2011, 5pm TEf/TEfAQTEF/TEFaQ are language placement tests for non-native speakers of French recognised by CIC (Citizenship and Immigration Canada) and MICC (Immigration and Cultural Communities Department, Province of Québec Government).August 2011 Session:Mon 8 to Fri 12 August 2011Registration closing date:Fri 29 Jul 2011, 5pm

Take the opportunity to discover the Sutton Grange Winery near Bendigo including a buffet lunch with regional delicacies accom-panied with wine. In the afternoon, you’ll have the chance to visit or revisit Castle-maine. Come and join us for a

French immersion and country-side discovery.All inclusive (return transport by coach, buffet lunch and wine, visits).

Booking essential: 9525 3463 or online:

neWs course guide

book club29 jun / 20 juL / 10 aug 2011Je vous invite à découvrir des auteurs et des livres autour d’une thématique. A chaque rencontre nous échangerons et partagerons nos points de vue, nos réactions ou nos sentiments sur nos aventures littéraires. Je vous rappelle que nous nous rencontrerons à trois reprises pour chaque thème. Le prochain sera « les romans épistolaires ».L’inscription est réservée aux membres de l’Alliance française, elle se fait en ligne sur :[email protected] (Attention seuls les 10 premiers inscrits seront retenus).Rendez-vous les mercredis 29 juin, 20 juillet et 10 aout de 18h30 à 20h30.

A très bientôt !Fabienne Roussel,Responsable de la bibliothèque.

fRENCh ImmERSIoN AND WINERY VISIT - $180sun 26 june, aLL day eVenT

delf-dalfnoVeMber 2011 sessionThe Alliance Française de Melbourne is accredited to conduct the DELF (Diplôme d’Etudes en Langue Française) and DALF (Diplôme Approfondi de Langue Française). Both diplomas are official qualifications awarded by the French Ministry of Education to certify the competency of candidates from outside France in the French language.

WRITTEN TESTS:Unit Date prices

Register before 28 Oct 2011,


A1 7 Nov $100A2 8 NovB1 9 Nov $120B2 10 NovC1 11 Nov $150C2 7 Nov

ORAL TESTS: 7 to 18 Nov 2011

For more information please contact:[email protected]

Page 22: Alliance Magazine Jun-Jul-Aug 2011

Enrolment Form Enrolment Form Enrolment Form

Enrolment Form Enrolment Form Enrolment Form

Enrolment Form Enrolment Form Enrolment Form

Enrolment Form Enrolment Form Enrolment Form

Enrolment Form Enrolment Form Enrolment Form

Enrolment Form Enrolment Form Enrolment Form

Enrolment Form Enrolment Form Enrolment Form

Cheque Cash EFTPOS MasterCard Bankcard Visa

I have completed.......year(s) of French / Year: .........

term 2 term 3 term 4


High School Students

Class / Level: ............................................................................................Day and time: .........................................................................................Surname: ...........................................................................................First Name: ......................................................................................... Date of Birth:……………………………………………………………….Address: .............................................................................................. ..............................................................................................Suburb: .................................................Postcode: .............................. Phone: ..................................................................................................Email: ................................................................................................... How did you hear about us? Newspaper Word of mouth Internet Other:…............................................................................……………Payment by:

N° __ __ __ __ / __ __ __ __ / __ __ __ __ / __ __ __ __

Expires: ____ / ____Name of cardholder: ............................................................................... □ I have read and understood the conditions aside.Total Amount: $......... Date:................ Signature:...................

Please mail to Alliance Française de MelbournePO Box 2042, St Kilda West VIC 3182



Week Day express

Saturday express

Sunday express

Holiday Intensive


Holiday Intensive

Immersion Day


Holiday Intensive

conditions of enrolmentenroLMenTEnrolment is on a first-come, first-served basis. Early enrolment is recommended to avoid disap-pointment. Enrolment is not confirmed unless payment is made in full before the first lesson of the session.

PLaceMenT TesTStudents with prior knowledge of French are requested to complete a placement test. Please visit our website to complete the test.

cLass size and ViabiLiTyMinimum class size is 6. For classes with less than 6, the course fee remains the same, but the duration of the course is reduced. The smaller class size provides more personal attention and therefore students will progress through the course material at a faster rate.

40-hour courses reduced to 30 hours20-hour courses reduced to 15 hours15-hour courses reduced to 12 hours

12-hour courses reduced to 9 hours10-hour courses reduced to 7.5 hours7.5-hour courses reduced to 6 hours

regisTraTion and PayMenTONLINE Visit our website and enrol online

with our Secure Online Booking Form.


Call us on 9525 3463 and enrol over the phone with VISA or MASTER-CARD.

IN PERSON Pop in to our office in St Kilda and register at our front desk.

BY MAIL Send in the detachable registra-tion form with credit card details or cheque (payable to the ‘Alli-ance Française Melbourne’)

cLass canceLLaTionsThe Alliance Française reserves the right to can-cel or reorganise classes. If a course is cancelled due to insufficient enrolments, students may re-quest a transfer to another class, a credit note or a full refund of fees paid.Please note that course fees cannot be trans-ferred to private lessons.

TransFersTransfers into another level will only be considered in the first week of commencement of the course after discussion with the course co-ordinator.

reFundsAny student who has paid for a course and who withdraws at least 5 working days prior to the commencement of that course will be entitled to a refund less a 20% processing fee. Application for a refund must be addressed in writing to the Director. The Alliance Française cannot be held responsi-ble for students’ changes in work commitments or personal circumstances. Please note that fees cannot be refunded or transferred if a student cancels his/her enrolment less than 5 working days prior to the commencement of that course or once the term has started.

PubLic hoLidaysClasses will not be held on Victorian public holi-days but will be rescheduled to a suitable time within the session. Please note that refunds will not be possible for students who cannot attend replacement sessions.

concession PricePlease be advised that a 10% DISCOUNT on Course fees applies to the following only: - Health Care Card Holders* (aged pension, unem-ployed, disability, sole parent),- Full time tertiary student*,- French teachers*, - the second (and subsequent) member within a family unit enrolled in the same term, - Alliance française’s members,

(*) enclose or present documentation for these concessions. Please note that only one discount applies per person.

Page 23: Alliance Magazine Jun-Jul-Aug 2011

Déménagements InternationauxMaritimes & Aériens

- Service domicile à domicile,- Container complet ou groupage,- Devis gratuit,- Emballage et douane,- Transport d’animaux et de véhicules,- Garde-meuble,- Assurance.

Contacter : Dominique Parot48-50 Assembly Drive

TULLAMARINE VIC 3043Tel : 9335 1154 - Fax : 9335 6479

e-mail: [email protected]:

Sophie RussellPsychologue

Dip. E.P.P. (Paris) Psych Clin. MAPS

Enfants, adolescents, adultes.Consultation et thérapie en français ou anglais.

Mob: 0411 644 426Suite 4, 546 Malvern Road, Prahran East VIC 3181

[email protected] and major private health funds rebates

Nicole Renaud

B.A. (USA), M. Couns & H.S. (Australia), PACFA

Adv. Dip. Gestalt Therapy, GANZ

0438 682 697

[email protected]

Counselling & Psychotherapy

English, French and German

Access over 35 channels and services and Discover a universe of French TV programs for

you and your whole family!




Promotional code: AFM720

Find out more: call LBF Australia on 1300 131 224 Or visit our website

Make it happen…the French way!A picturesque French village. A rustic villa. Café et Croissants. An idyllic setting in which to learn French in a small group with an experienced teacher. For more information about upcoming language holidays please visit

A La Française

Page 24: Alliance Magazine Jun-Jul-Aug 2011



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