ALLEVY'S NEW THREE-STORYCAFEWILL BE A BEAUTY WCSt … · of,the palace of Justice. During his ......

NO CLUE DISCOVERED TO POSTOFFICE THIEVES 1 F. W. Little of the real estate and mining firm of Little & Little, Salt Lake City,- is a guest at the Angelus, It is understood that Mr. Little is here for the purpose :of.; closing: up a big deal in property. 'Incidentally he is posting himself as to values of Los Angeles business .property outside of the central district. R. A.. 'Roman . returned '.last night, from San' Francisco, where he was engaged for several days in taking pre- liminary steps, towards closing a large sale for a Los Angeles property owner. John D. Foster is at Santa Barbara to remain .until Monday.' ...'. \u0084 . ' '.'.. '.'. ' ' Architect Edelman, who has been out of the. city; for a week on business, la due to return . Monday. ' . .'\u25a0\ ' ' , Peter Haack, who had the -time of his ' life at" Salt" Lake' in company with Fisher \u25a0\u25a0 Harris,' secretary of the Com-, merclal club, and other - good fellows, has returned to his. desk In.the Byrne building. Mr. Haack, as a social re- sult of his trip, acquired a big repu- tation as an entertaining after dinner orator. . ' , . .' .' '. . .' .' ' Percy H. Clark : has returned from the southern part' of the state.' ' ers" exchange is in the east- on a busi- ness and' pleasure trip. '\u25a0 Morris 'Colin has gone on duty 'In thejofflceiof*. Superintendent of Public , Buildings J. J. Backus., as assistant tor Chief Clerk Snyder. President . Daubenspeck of the ' Build- The "proposition to close all real es- tate olllc-t'S at 1 o'clock each Saturday afternoon after July 1 meets with gen- eraf favor. The realty board leads, in the' movement. ' ,"A.,E. .Halsey is a new real estate operator who has opened an office <n room , 714 "Braly building. Mr. Hlasey will engage in building enterprises and point the way to investments. -^.E.;S. Butterworth, James A. Keeney and ;Fred Latimer, three hustling .realty dealers of Los Angeles, have ar- ranged for . a leisurely tour of . the world.' They will nofattempt to make the,- round in eighty days. They, will not hurry. Eight months after they .leave Los Angeles they will return -with'full personal knowledge of the more "Important cities and countries on -the globe. They will first visit the Portland fair. goi*g thence to Canada, and ' will 'sail , from- New York for Qiieenstown. itinerary Includes Ireland, England. Scotland, the Neth- erlands, ' Paris, Constantinople, the Holy : land arid Kgypt, India. Hong- kpng, Japan, Manila and Honolulu. Charles F. "Whlttlesey and Otto H. Neher,' architects, in the / Hellman building, have formed a partnership, and the firm is now engaged In look- ing after; the details of the auditorium . building that they designed. Several noted architects of the east, among them .Louis Sullivan of Chicago, . one of the greatest architects of America, were in competition for the auditorium proposition^ j but the plans of Whlttle- ; cey &Neher were accepted as the most beautiful and satisfactory as to'ar- rangement and space. Mr. Neher has "but recently located in Los Angeles. He was architect for the German: gov- ernment, and for a time was in charge of, the palace of Justice. During his residence in St. Louis Mr. Neher. de- signed some of, the large buildings that have 'been erected fli that city on the Mississippi. Mr. , Whittlesey designed many -of the handsome stations on the line of the Santa Fe railroad and has built a number of beautiful homes in i Los -Angeles. New Agents Join Hustling Fraternity. Real Estate Offices Are to Be \u25a0;>/.'- Closed Every Saturday Afternoon ..'.\u25a0•'>\u25a0.' '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 r-. \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 -\u25a0 OTTO NEHER, NEW ARCHITECT TRIP OF DEALERS AROUND I THE WORLD Trick Bicyclist Thrown \u25a0 From His """"Wheel and Found to Be Serl- . \u25a0 , '\u25a0'\u0084; '. ously Injured Special to The Herald. . LONG BHACH, June 84,-No clue to the Identity of the men who cracked the post- office. n»fe\ Here; Thursday night has so far been discovered. 1, though Ui« fellows left traces, enough .about town. They loaded. their plunder In an empty mall aack and coolly carried It to the beach and divided up. . The mall aack was found today under the board walk, as were also a number, of papers which had been taken from the safe ami wem of -no -value to the thieves. H.. W. .West, »• safa expert, came here today, and after examining the wrecked Bate said" it was not the work of professionals. Tho explosion, he •aid, .had not broken the combination, this being done later with » hammer and i.olif chisel. . .. ...,.» .. - JTor several days past three '. men . have - Bank Stocks * . Bid. Asked. American National .......... 116% 120 - Broadway Bank &Trust Co. 146 Central 180 Citizens' National 176 185 Commercial National 101 102 Dollar Savings Bank 125 135 equitable Savings Bank 130 Farmers & Merchants' Natl. 265 280 . First National 350 ... ' German American 375 405 . Home Sav. Bank of L.A..... 60 70 I Los Angeles National..., 197 ... LOCAL STOCKS AND BONDS Big Fish Scared by Preparations Made ',\u25a0 for Their Capture by Tourna-. , .. ment Fishermen Special to The Herald. . . . . AVALON, June 24. If an abundance of bait and enthusiasm are the only essentials to the success of a Jewfish tournament, yesterday's event was a qualified success. But when a dozen launcltes and twice as many anglers put in an entire day at the "sport" and only two of the monsters reward the efforts of the party, there is likely to be something more , than sunburn smarting the flshless fishermen on their return. Although every requisite and detail was carefully looked to by both fishermen and boatmen, the first jewfish tournament of the season came a long way from furnishing- the results expected. The big fish, or which six were caught on Wednesday, were wary, and few strikes were reported. Of the two fish caught, the biggest weighed 290 pounds and was taken from tho I An Old Bachelor's Grouch There \u25a0 are a good many boys and girls in this. town who think they arc In love and think they want a hus- band or wife, when what they reaiiy need- is a good, sound spanking and to be sent to bed without their supper.— Myrtle Point (Ore.) Enterprise. PERSONAL NEWS IN REALTY FIELD Los Angeles Trust C0..; 105 . ;\t \u25a0...\u25a0: Merchants' National 314 Merchants' Trust Co 104V4 110 National Bank of Cal 175 200 Security Savings Bank 250 ... Southern California Savings 250 Southwestern National 110H 115 State Bank and Trust .103 110 United States Nat'l Bank... 129V4 ••• Union Bank of Savings 330 West: Side Bank 104 115 Bonds Bid. Asked. Associated Oil Co 96% 9!> California Pacific Ry 99 lt-3 Corona Power & Water C0... ... 100 Cucamonga Water Co.. 101 Edison Electric Co., Con 99>,i 101 Edison Electric, old Issue.... 100V4 . ... Home Telephone Co . .96% .96% Los Angeles Ist Con. Mtgs... 106 Mission Trans. &R. OD . 100 Mt. Lowe Ry. 80 «\u25a0": - 92V4 Pacific Light and Power Co. 102 ;\u25a0•\u25a0". 105 , Pacinc Electric Railway Co. 109% Pomona &Ont. L.&F. C0... fcO Pomona Con. Water Co ... 98' Riverside Light &Fuel Co 101 San Antonio Water Co 100 \u25a0 102 Santa Barbara Electric Ry. . 70 103 United Electric G. & P. Co..- 100 104 Union Transportation C0.... 9T& 99 U. S. L. D. T. & T. Co 92% 96 Visalla "Water C0.... 90 - 100 Prices include accrued interest. Miscellaneous Stocks Bid. Asked Conservative Life 173.00 Cal. Portland Cement C0.... 25.00 70.00 California Hospital 95.00 Edison Electric preferred... ..... 88.00 Edison Electric, common. Emergency Hospital 40.00 Home Telephone ;... 67.50 . Home Trust 66.00 Los Angeles Brewery 90.00 125.00 L. A. Jockey Club 50.00 100.00, Pacific Wireless Tel. C0.... 1.00 3.50. Sun Drug Co .75 I.JU Seaside Water C0..... 76.00 100.00 launch Katherlne by.E. Fallon of Ava- lon. The catch wns gaffed in fifteen minutes after taking the bait. The first.. angler's prize of an engraved.sil- ver spoon was awarded Mr. Fallon. and Georgfi Johnson, his boatman,, received, first boatman's prize. of an expensive reel. Robert Ingalese of New . York caught the second fish, which weighed eighty-six pounds. 1 This one was taken from the launch Nestella. and was van- quished after a six-minute fight. Hotel del Coronado leads them all. Maude and Her Art Grayce A year ago Maude said she was wedded to her art. \u25a0 '•».. \u25a0, -> \u25a0\u25a0- Gladys^What now? V; - * Grayce She says she " fears she'll have to get a divorce on 'the grounds of non-support.— Harrtsburg Telegraph. Title G. & Trust, pfd... .....121.00 Title 1. ft Trust, pfd 111.60 " U. S. L. D. Tel. Co. pfd.... 62.50 64.00-- 01l Stocks Bid. Ask»d. Associated Oil .........'.....:.- .64% .55 Central. ..... .BO Continental ~.!7Vi .2514 Fullerton Con .75 Fulerton Oil .30 •\u25a0 Globe .05% . .... Home (Whittler) ;..... .60 Mexican Petroleum ......... .49% .52^4 OUnda Land Co .03 .uu. Plru Oil &' Land Co .02 \u25a0 Puente Oil \u25a0 Co .60' 1.00 Reed Crude .;..... 18 ...... Senator .21V4 Union 95.00 97.00 \u25a0 United Petroleum 151.25 175.00 VVestlake 02 Whittler Con. Oil ' ' .01% Western Union 150.00 \u25a0". Mining Stocks/ '\u25a0'•> '\u25a0••-'.\u25a0? Bid. Askert. Blsbee West C0............... '\u25a0 .02 .- .04 '.'\u25a0 Butte Lode .28.00 Bufa M. & M. Co 92 1.00 Golden Argus 14.00 25.00 Green Con. 19.00 ... Jesse Bell .03 Nevada Chief , .0614 New Era 07U .09 Nevada Keystone .20 Peninsula M. &M. Co \)1 .OF Quartet 10.00 16.00 Searchlight M. &M. Co 45 -.52*i Verde Klne v -12V4 Los Angeles Bank Clearings Exchanges for the banks comprising the Los Angeles Clearing house were as fol- lows: 1905. 1904. 1903. . June 19 .$1,433,810.74 $1,245,273.38 $ S3l,ti&l.7fi June 20.. 1,412,522.23 1,ft">3.060.52 732.93H.5.S June 21.. 1,774,445.59 1,254,673.43 1,196,529.25 June 22.. 1,413,078.86 986,730.43 988.519.63 Juno 23.-. 1,613,637.80 868,794.34 693.876.15 June 24.. 1,170,903.70 721,903.25 746.833.81 POPULAR RESORT TO CLOSE famous places of .Los ' Angeles, and Southern California. 7 For eleven years Mr. Levy, with the aid of 110 persons on the. pay roll, has served the . public night- and day. The old space long since became cramped and. inadequate to meet the growing demand. Consequently Mr. Levy has' decided to keep pace with the expansion of.Los Angeles by- enlarging his building and fittingIt up in elaborate style. The ac- companying design, drawn by Archi- tect A. M. Edelman, shows how the new three-story building will .appear when finished at a cost of $150,000, about Christmas day, 1905/ . \u25a0 All contracts for the improvement were signed Saturday and this evening Mr. Levy will close the establishment and take a rest until the new building is ready for occupancy. , The frontage of Levy's new .cafe on Third street will be 164 feet, 115 feet on Main, the enlargement ,to, conform to the size of the brick on the corner. Tlii main entrance will be on Third street. The grand staircase, eight : feet wide, will supplant the old stairway, and fine offices. will be fitted up near 'the en- trance. The enlarged kitchen. will front on Third street as at present- and wIM have large plate \u25a0 glass windows. The saloon and cigar stand will be on the alley sideof the building..' . '..:\u25a0\u25a0 The main dining room will-front on Main, street— a room J seventy-five feet wide, with a twenty-foot ceiling and a gallery extending around, the room. Above the central part of the' dining room will be a large dome with colored glass, and two marble mantels each ten feet in width, green marble walns- cottlng five feet high and 'beam celling will be features of the dining room, in addition to the overhanging gallery for the musicians. .". \u25a0 "'\u25a0>. Off the grand staircase will be the mezzanine floor, subdivided- for \u25a0 toilet rooms and a parlor for. women. The main banquet room, severity-five feet square, and two smaller banquet halls willbe on the third floor: also two handsomely furnished parlors for women. On the second floor will be sixty-five private dining rooms, also an English room, . a French room and a. Dutch room, each decorated and furnished ap- propriately. The French room will be 20x36 feet. •• '\u25a0 \u25a0 v'.v^ .'< : Fire escapes willbe provided for the building:./ The smoking room for the men, 25x 100 feet, will be In the basement. This room will be finished In fine style throughout, regardless of expense. been" camping on the beach- at the foot of American "avenue, near where the mail bag... was. found. They had' -several bundles, but no tent, and evidently slept on the beach. ' They have ' been missing since the postofflce robbery." One was a young man, evidently about SO, while the others were between 40 and 50. ... "Zarrow,", a trick bicyclist, was badly hurt while performing one of. his feats on the beach about 3:30 this afternoon. His feat consisted of riding \u25a0 down a steep incline at the foot of which there was an abrupt . rise which shot him off into space some forty feet, there being an- other Incline on which he was supposed to alight and ride down to the ground. The rider got a bad start today and zlg* zagged all the way down the first in- cline. -When he made his jump he turned a complete somersault on the wheel and struck : the \u25a0 second Incline on his back, falling from U to the ground. He was picked up. with a broken arm and badly injured ' back, and will be laid up for several weeks. . \u25a0 The canvass of Alamitos on the annex- ation : question has been completed and the poll shows a large majority in favor of Joining Long Beach. Summer rates at Hotel del Coronado. j PLENTY OF ENTHUSIASM BUT ONLY TWO JEWFISH OTTO H. NEHER, ARCHITECT PART If. LOS ANGELES HERALD:. SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE 95/ 1905. AL LEVY'S NEW THREE-STORY CAFE WILL BE A BEAUTY 3 Building Operations to Begin at Once '.and New Structure to Be Fin. \u25a0/_\u25a0 ished on or Before Christ. : N mas Day ' Twelve years ago Al Levy, the -well known caterer, began business In Los Angeles on Fifth street, near Spring, In a small room that he describes rather Indefinitely as "a- hole In the wall." He prospered, and leasing rooms on the northwest corner of Third and Main streets he became more prosperous, and has ' made "Levy's cafe" one .of the \(s ' / V Korr Reached by Pacific Electric Line Direct. No Change of Cars. Time About Forty Minute*. *^ I tolls i\ S: Free Excursions on the Bay and River inFast Launches Jilii S: SS: \%M£^WSa&t \u25a0V&js^^a.)' SjjlrCr i \u25a0.i MSf I ll:20 a. m! 12:30 p. m. I J^j»-. "" H 'J. 1 , '.\u25a0 1:30 p. m. i •\u25a0->* \u25a0 » -j• \u25a0 . .. W.i ft i\u25a0'•• ' \u25a0 j /t» f\u25a0W £\ . ' J IT 2:45 p. m. 1 "*^ BS:c= ---= t-''at -'' a \u25a0 fiSgiS: A rCW JUOIS LCII at tpUOU dllU Up S|g:S: 1 i|^^!Srg| . ,\u25a0 i-\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 i ' \u25a0 9*oo n* m' vJne*x nirct \Jasn ii*xo x x jl^lv I*l.o \u25a0».'.' 10:15 p. m. \u25a0 \u25a0 ' :: M»^^ \u25a0 ** m \\ll'*-<I _\u25a0 'Jg=">^ ~~^ 1 ' I We know that all beach resorts have some attraction; As an Investment Alamitos Bay Tract offers money-mak- le~^r£*±_jL.~~'I e~^r£*±_jL. ~~' I .; 'I ~-^£-'_ \u25a0' ri^ri they all have the same old ocean, the sands are the same , Ing chances th«t are exceptional, even In beach properties. I '——^Z^^ 1 ..I. ' "-jJ ' I at most places, and some people may say that It makes There will be over, a hundred^thousand dollars spent be- f «-"'"^ ,_ i ''V' \u25a0;•''\u25a0 I ]^T?v ' —^-_ S M 'no difference which beach they go ; to. But those who tween July Ist and September .Ist on the Bay of Alamitos ;\u25a0;—\u25a0 »\u25a0 .\u25a0'J^«" 1 \u25a0\u25a0•'•\u25a0' I \u25a0•-"^" Z^^^^.' I began spending Bundays at Alamitos early, this season and the Ban Gabriel. Rlver/whlch empties Into It. This, I "W l^ U .- J \u25a0TZ£~r^ : -; I', sre, found here each Sunday. No other beach offers such of COU " t 1 !; p X"i l p J n^*" 0 a lo2 7»t. Ue v°t f un.^ld^SSr thet J .r". I -==r I ••\u25a0--\u25a0, •'•""^r it— \u25a0 H ' , \u25a0*\u25a0 i.i'i- l. u. Ina. Triers sre some gooa lots yet unsoia, dui *ney are \u25a0 ' **—^ \u25a0 .'.\u25a0„ ... c-r* I \u25a0\u25a0' variety, no other beach has a navigable river, where boat- nO "J apt t0 b e obtainable very long.! If you want to specu- I'^- ~ r=r^ I '. ' '\u25a0 . «V*11*7"" : """ ''\u25a0" ,M , I"B>bathing, fishing and rowing can be Indulged In so pleas. . | ate | n "real estate, don't forget that there Is more. money V." ' fl ROBERT MARSH & GO, j Rex Gossii I STRONG .& DIpRINSpN 303 H, \W. Hclirijan'nidß. , ' BotH Phones 238^ ! \u25a0Re»id«nt Agent on,the \Traot 138 South Broadway ;, ;. ! : Both Phones 1273 Sale WCSt I3.kC XrOtS s^ le Just West of Wcstlakc Park Wheeler Place... and ...Occidental Park Large Lots Fronting Occidental Boulevard 120 Feet Wjde— Parkway in Center— Planted and Cared for By City A Part of Sunset Park System y Go Out [loniJ'JK^gygCyfOTJl Branch Office TODAY pl^^aM^al 5950 And See Them Wilshire Blvd.

Transcript of ALLEVY'S NEW THREE-STORYCAFEWILL BE A BEAUTY WCSt … · of,the palace of Justice. During his ......



F. W. Little of the real estate andmining firm of Little & Little, SaltLake City,-is a guest at the Angelus, Itis understood that Mr. Little is herefor the purpose :of.;closing: up a bigdeal in property. 'Incidentally he isposting himself as to values of LosAngeles business .property outside ofthe central district.

R. A.. 'Roman . returned '.last night,from San' Francisco, where he wasengaged for several days in taking pre-liminary steps, towards closing a largesale for a Los Angeles property owner.

John D. Foster is at Santa Barbarato remain .until Monday.'...'. \u0084 . '

'.'.. '.'.'

'Architect Edelman, who has been outof the. city;for a week on business, la

due to return .Monday.' . .'\u25a0\ '


Peter Haack, who had the -time ofhis

'life at"Salt"Lake' in company with

Fisher \u25a0\u25a0 Harris,' secretary of the Com-,merclal club, and other

-good fellows,

has returned to his. desk In.the Byrne

building. Mr. Haack, as a social re-sult of his trip, acquired a big repu-

tation as an entertaining after dinnerorator. . '

,. .' .' '. . .' .''

Percy H. Clark :has returned fromthe southern part' of the state.'


ers" exchange is in the east- on a busi-ness and' pleasure trip.

'\u25a0 Morris 'Colin has gone on duty 'Inthejofflceiof*. Superintendent of Public,Buildings J. J. Backus., as assistanttor Chief Clerk Snyder.

President .Daubenspeck of the'Build-

The "proposition to close all real es-tate olllc-t'S at 1o'clock each Saturdayafternoon after July 1meets with gen-eraf favor. The realty board leads, inthe' movement.


,"A.,E..Halsey is a new real estateoperator who has opened an office <nroom ,714 "Braly building. Mr. Hlaseywill engage in buildingenterprises andpoint the way to investments.

-^.E.;S. Butterworth, James A. Keeneyand;Fred Latimer, three hustling

.realty dealers of Los Angeles, have ar-ranged for. a leisurely tour of. theworld.' They willnofattempt to makethe,- round in eighty days. They,willnot hurry. Eight months after they.leave Los Angeles they will return-with'full personal knowledge of themore "Important cities and countrieson-the globe. They will first visit thePortland fair. goi*g thence to Canada,and 'will 'sail,from- New York forQiieenstown. itinerary IncludesIreland, England. Scotland, the Neth-erlands,

'Paris, Constantinople, the

Holy:land arid Kgypt, India. Hong-kpng, Japan, Manila and Honolulu.

Charles F. "Whlttlesey and Otto H.Neher,' architects, in the / Hellmanbuilding, have formed a partnership,

and the firm is now engaged Inlook-ing after; the details of the auditorium.building that they designed. Severalnoted architects of the east, among

them .Louis Sullivan of Chicago, . oneof the greatest architects of America,

were in competition for the auditoriumproposition^ jbut the plans of Whlttle-;cey &Neher were accepted as the most

beautiful and satisfactory as to'ar-rangement and space. Mr. Neher has"but recently located in Los Angeles.He was architect for the German: gov-ernment, and for a time was in chargeof, the palace of Justice. During hisresidence in St. Louis Mr. Neher. de-signed some of, the large buildings thathave 'been erected fli that city on theMississippi. Mr.,Whittlesey designedmany -of the handsome stations on theline of the Santa Fe railroad and hasbuilt a number of beautiful homes iniLos -Angeles.

New Agents Join Hustling Fraternity.• Real Estate Offices Are to Be

\u25a0;>/.'- Closed Every Saturday


..'.\u25a0•'>\u25a0.' '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 r-. \u25a0\u25a0




Trick Bicyclist Thrown \u25a0 From His""""Wheel and Found to Be Serl- .

\u25a0 , '\u25a0'\u0084; '. ously InjuredSpecial to The Herald. . • • •

LONG BHACH,June 84,-No clue to theIdentity of the men who cracked the post-office. n»fe\ Here; Thursday night has sofar been discovered. 1, though Ui« fellowsleft traces, enough .about town. Theyloaded. their plunder In an empty mallaack and coolly carried It to the beachand divided up.. The mall aack was foundtoday under the board walk, as were alsoa number, of papers which had been takenfrom the safe ami wem of -no -value tothe thieves. H.. W. .West, »• safa expert,came here today, and after examiningthe wrecked Bate said" it was not thework of professionals. Tho explosion, he•aid, .had not broken the combination,this being done later with » hammer andi.olifchisel. . .. ...,.» ..-

JTor several days past three '.men.have-

Bank Stocks* . Bid. Asked.American National .......... 116% 120

-Broadway Bank &Trust Co. 146Central 180Citizens' National 176 185Commercial National 101 102Dollar Savings Bank 125 135equitable Savings Bank 130Farmers & Merchants' Natl. 265 280 .First National 350 ... '

German American 375 405. Home Sav. Bank of L.A..... 60 70ILos Angeles National..., 197 ...


BigFish Scared by Preparations Made',\u25a0 for Their Capture by Tourna-. ,.. ment Fishermen

Special to The Herald.. . .. AVALON,June 24.—

If an abundanceof bait and enthusiasm are the onlyessentials to the success of a Jewfishtournament, yesterday's event was aqualified success. But when a dozenlauncltes and twice as many anglersput in an entire day at the "sport" andonly two of the monsters reward theefforts of the party, there is likely tobe something more , than sunburnsmarting the flshless fishermen ontheir return. Although every requisiteand detail was carefully looked to byboth fishermen and boatmen, the firstjewfish tournament of the season camea long way from furnishing- the resultsexpected. The big fish, or which sixwere caught on Wednesday, were wary,and few strikes were reported. Of thetwo fish caught, the biggest weighed290 pounds and was taken from thoI

An Old Bachelor's GrouchThere \u25a0 are a good many boys and

girls in this. town who think they arcIn love and think they want a hus-band or wife, when what they reaiiy

need- is a good, sound spanking and tobe sent to bed without their supper.—Myrtle Point (Ore.) Enterprise.


Los Angeles Trust C0..; 105 . ;\t\u25a0...\u25a0:Merchants' National 314Merchants' Trust Co 104V4 110National Bank of Cal 175 200Security Savings Bank 250 ...Southern California Savings 250Southwestern National 110H 115State Bank and Trust .103 110United States Nat'l Bank... 129V4 •••Union Bank of Savings 330West: Side Bank 104 115

BondsBid. Asked.

Associated Oil Co 96% 9!>California Pacific Ry 99 lt-3Corona Power & Water C0... ... 100Cucamonga Water Co.. 101Edison Electric Co., Con 99>,i 101Edison Electric, old Issue.... 100V4 . ...Home Telephone Co . .96% .96%Los Angeles Ist Con. Mtgs... 106Mission Trans. &R. OD . 100Mt. Lowe Ry. 80 «\u25a0":


Pacific Light and Power Co. 102 ;\u25a0•\u25a0". 105 ,Pacinc Electric Railway Co. 109%Pomona &Ont. L.&F. C0... fcOPomona Con. Water Co ... 98'Riverside Light &Fuel Co 101San Antonio Water Co 100 \u25a0 102Santa Barbara Electric Ry.. 70 103United Electric G. & P. Co..- 100 104Union Transportation C0.... 9T& 99U. S. L. D. T. & T. Co 92% 96Visalla "Water C0.... 90


Prices include accrued interest.

Miscellaneous StocksBid. Asked

Conservative Life 173.00Cal. Portland Cement C0.... 25.00 70.00California Hospital 95.00Edison Electric preferred... ..... 88.00Edison Electric, common.Emergency Hospital 40.00Home Telephone ;... 67.50 .Home Trust 66.00Los Angeles Brewery 90.00 125.00L. A. Jockey Club 50.00 100.00,Pacific Wireless Tel. C0.... 1.00 3.50.Sun Drug Co .75 I.JUSeaside Water C0..... 76.00 100.00

launch Katherlne by.E. Fallon of Ava-lon. The catch wns gaffed in fifteenminutes after taking the bait. Thefirst..angler's prize of an engraved.sil-ver spoon was awarded Mr. Fallon. andGeorgfi Johnson, his boatman,, received,first boatman's prize.of an expensivereel. Robert •Ingalese of New . Yorkcaught the second fish, which weighedeighty-six pounds. 1 This one was takenfrom the launch Nestella. and was van-quished after a six-minute fight.

Hotel del Coronado leads them all.

Maude and Her ArtGrayce

—A year ago Maude said she

was wedded to her art. \u25a0 '•».. \u25a0,-> \u25a0\u25a0-

Gladys^What now? V;- *


She says she"fears she'll

have to get a divorce on 'the groundsof non-support.— Harrtsburg Telegraph.

Title G. & Trust, pfd... .....121.00 •Title 1. ft Trust, pfd 111.60


U. S. L. D. Tel. Co. pfd.... 62.50 64.00--

01l StocksBid. Ask»d.

Associated Oil .........'.....:.- .64% .55Central. ..... .BOContinental

•~.!7Vi .2514

Fullerton Con .75Fulerton Oil .30 •\u25a0

Globe .05% . ....Home (Whittler) ;..... .60Mexican Petroleum ......... .49% .52^4OUnda Land Co .03 .uu.Plru Oil &'Land Co .02 \u25a0

Puente Oil \u25a0 Co .60' 1.00Reed Crude .;..... 18 ......Senator .21V4Union 95.00 97.00 \u25a0

United Petroleum 151.25 175.00VVestlake • 02Whittler Con. Oil

' '.01%

Western Union 150.00

\u25a0". Mining Stocks/'\u25a0'•> '\u25a0••-'.\u25a0? Bid. Askert.Blsbee West C0............... '\u25a0 .02 .- .04 '.'\u25a0Butte Lode .28.00Bufa M.& M. Co 92 1.00Golden Argus 14.00 25.00Green Con. 19.00 ...Jesse Bell .03Nevada Chief , .0614

New Era 07U .09Nevada Keystone .20Peninsula M. &M. Co \)1 .OFQuartet 10.00 16.00Searchlight M.&M.Co 45 -.52*iVerde Klne v -12V4

Los Angeles Bank ClearingsExchanges for the banks comprising the

Los Angeles Clearing house were as fol-lows: 1905. 1904. 1903. .June 19 .$1,433,810.74 $1,245,273.38 $ S3l,ti&l.7fiJune 20.. 1,412,522.23 1,ft">3.060.52 732.93H.5.SJune 21.. 1,774,445.59 1,254,673.43 1,196,529.25June 22.. 1,413,078.86 986,730.43 988.519.63Juno 23.-. 1,613,637.80 868,794.34 693.876.15June 24.. 1,170,903.70 721,903.25 746.833.81

POPULAR RESORT TO CLOSE famous places of .Los'Angeles, and

Southern California. 7 For eleven yearsMr. Levy, with the aid of 110 personson the. pay roll, has served the .publicnight- and day. The old space longsince became cramped and. inadequateto meet the growing demand.

Consequently Mr. Levy has' decidedto keep pace with the expansion of.LosAngeles by-enlarging his building andfittingIt up in elaborate style. The ac-companying design, drawn by Archi-tect A. M. Edelman, shows how thenew three-story building will .appear

when finished at a cost of $150,000, aboutChristmas day, 1905/ . \u25a0

All contracts for the improvementwere signed Saturday and this eveningMr. Levy will close the establishmentand take a rest until the new buildingis ready for occupancy. ,

The frontage of Levy's new .cafe on

Third street willbe 164 feet, 115 feet onMain, the enlargement ,to, conform tothe size of the brick on the corner. Tliimain entrance willbe on Third street.The grand staircase, eight:feet wide,

will supplant the old stairway, and fine

offices. will be fitted up near 'the en-trance. The enlarged kitchen. willfronton Third street as at present- and wIMhave large plate \u25a0 glass windows. Thesaloon and cigar stand will be on thealley sideof the building..' . '..:\u25a0\u25a0

The main dining room will-front onMain, street— a room J seventy-five feetwide, with a twenty-foot ceiling and agallery extending around, the room.Above the central part of the' diningroom will be a large dome with coloredglass, and two marble mantels eachten feet in width, green marble walns-cottlng five feet high and 'beam cellingwill be features of the dining room, in

addition to the overhanging gallery forthe musicians. .". \u25a0 "'\u25a0>. •

Off the grand staircase will be themezzanine floor, subdivided- for \u25a0 toiletrooms and a parlor for. women.

The main banquet room, severity-fivefeet square, and two smaller banquet

halls willbe on the third floor: also twohandsomely furnished parlors forwomen.

On the second floor willbe sixty-fiveprivate dining rooms, also an Englishroom, .a French room and a. Dutchroom, each decorated and furnished ap-

propriately. The French room will be20x36 feet. •• '\u25a0

\u25a0 v'.v^.'<

:Fire escapes willbe provided for thebuilding:./

The smoking room for the men, 25x

100 feet, will be In the basement. Thisroom will be finished In fine stylethroughout, regardless of expense.

been" camping on the beach- at the footof American "avenue, near where the mailbag... was. found. They had' -severalbundles, but no tent, and evidently slepton the beach.

'They have

'been missing

since the postofflce robbery." One was ayoung man, evidently about SO, while theothers were between 40 and 50.... "Zarrow,",a trick bicyclist, was badlyhurt while performing one of.his feats onthe beach about 3:30 this afternoon. Hisfeat consisted of riding\u25a0 down a steepincline at the foot of which there was anabrupt . rise which shot him off intospace some forty feet, there being an-other Incline on which he was supposedto alight and ride down to the ground.The rider got a bad start today and zlg*zagged all the way down the first in-cline. -When he made his jump he turneda complete somersault on the wheel andstruck :the \u25a0 second Incline on his back,falling from U to the ground. He waspicked up. with a broken arm and badlyinjured 'back, and will be laid up forseveral weeks. . \u25a0

The canvass of Alamitos on the annex-ation :question has been completed andthe poll shows a large majority in favorof Joining Long Beach.

Summer rates at Hotel del Coronado. j





Building Operations to Begin at Once

'.and New Structure to Be Fin.

\u25a0/_\u25a0 ished on or Before Christ.

: N mas Day

'Twelve years ago AlLevy, the -well

known caterer, began business In LosAngeles on Fifth street, near Spring,In a small room that he describes ratherIndefinitely as "a-hole Inthe wall." Heprospered, and leasing rooms on thenorthwest corner of Third and Mainstreets he became more prosperous, andhas'made • "Levy's cafe" one .of the

\(s '/ V Korr Reached by Pacific Electric Line Direct. No Change of Cars. Time About Forty Minute*. *^ I

tolls i\ S: Free Excursions on the Bay and River inFast Launches JiliiS: SS: \%M£^WSa&t\u25a0V&js^^a.)' SjjlrCri\u25a0.i MSfI ll:20 a. m! 12:30 p. m. IJ^j»-.""

H'J.1 , • '.\u25a0 1:30 p. m. i •\u25a0->* \u25a0 » -j• \u25a0... W.i fti\u25a0'••

'\u25a0 j /t» f\u25a0W £\ . '

J IT 2:45 p. m. 1 "* B̂S:c=---=t-''at-''a \u25a0

fiSgiS: A rCW JUOIS LCIIat tpUOU dllUUp S|g:S: 1i|^^!Srg|•. ,\u25a0 i-\u25a0 • \u25a0 \u25a0 i '\u25a0 9*oo n* m' vJne*x nirct \Jasn ii*xox x jl^lvI*l.o\u25a0».'.' 10:15 p. m. \u25a0


::M»^^ \u25a0


\\ll'*-<I_\u25a0 'Jg=">^ ~~^ 1'I We know that all beach resorts have some attraction; As an Investment Alamitos Bay Tract offers money-mak- le~^r£*±_jL.~~'I e~^r£*±_jL.~~' I.;'I~-^£-'_ \u25a0'

—ri^ri they all have the same old ocean, the sands are the same ,Ing chances th«t are exceptional, even In beach properties. I'——^Z^^ 1

..I. • '"-jJ

'I at most places, and some people may say that It makes There will be over, a hundred^thousand dollars spent be- f «-"'"^ ,_ i''V' \u25a0;•''\u25a0I]^T?v '

——^-_S M 'no difference which beach they go ;to. But those who tween July Ist and September .Ist on the Bay of Alamitos ;\u25a0;—\u25a0 »\u25a0 .\u25a0'J^«" 1

\u25a0\u25a0•'•\u25a0'I\u25a0•-"^"Z^^^^.' I began spending Bundays at Alamitos early, this season and the Ban Gabriel. Rlver/whlch empties Into It. This, I—

"Wl^ U.- J \u25a0TZ£~r^:-; I',sre, found here each Sunday. No other beach offers such of COU


alo2 7»t.Uev°tfun.^ld^SSr thet J.r". I -==r I••\u25a0--\u25a0, •'•""^r it—• \u25a0 H ' , \u25a0*\u25a0 i.i'i- l. u. Ina. Triers sre some gooa lots yet unsoia, dui *ney are \u25a0

' **—^ \u25a0.'.\u25a0„ ... c-r* I\u25a0\u25a0' variety, no other beach has a navigable river, where boat- •

nO"J apt t0 be obtainable very long.! Ifyou want to specu- I'^-~ r=r^ I•'.


"""''\u25a0" ,M , I"B>bathing, fishing and rowing can be Indulged In so pleas. . |ate |n "real estate, don't forget that there Is more. money V." ' fl

ROBERT MARSH &GO, jRex Gossii I STRONG .& DIpRINSpN303 H,\W.Hclirijan'nidß. , ' BotH Phones 238^!\u25a0Re»id«nt Agent on,the \Traot 138 South Broadway ;, ;.! : Both Phones 1273

Sale WCSt I3.kC XrOtS s l̂e

Just West of Wcstlakc Park

Wheeler Place... and ...Occidental ParkLarge Lots Fronting

Occidental Boulevard120 Feet Wjde—Parkway in Center— Planted and Cared for By City

A Part of Sunset Park System

y Go Out [loniJ'JK^gygCyfOTJl Branch Office

TODAY pl^^aM^al 5950And See Them Wilshire Blvd.