All Saints Catholic Parish - · Like us on Facebook: ... Psalms, sometimes...

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Transcript of All Saints Catholic Parish - · Like us on Facebook: ... Psalms, sometimes... Baraga Radio: 88.9 FM Like us on Facebook: Alpena Catholics of All Saints Parish

All Saints Catholic Parish

All Saints Parish Page 2 Alpena, Michigan

We have this false sense of humility that tells us that we shouldn’t talk that way about ourselves. But real humility is recognizing who you are – and who you are not – and recognizing and giving credit to what (or more correctly to WHOM) made you who you are; and then, living who you are. That’s humility.

When John the Baptist was asked, “Who are you?”, he didn’t answer by giving his name; he answered by giving his purpose. How would you answer if you were asked, “Who are you?” How many of us would reply with: “I’m a Catholic” or “I’m a Christian”? There is much implied in that kind of response. And what implication would that be? Well, when we were baptized, we not only were washed clean of sin and became, in a special way, a son or daughter of God, we also received the Spirit, and we were anointed with the chrism oil as priest (as we perform the priestly duty of offering sacrifice as we offer up our lives to God; not to be confused with ordained priesthood), prophet (as we proclaim God’s truth by how we live our lives), and king (we were given a royal dignity as children of God and Christ’s sisters and brothers).

So, having been anointed, having the Spirit upon us, having great things done for us (becoming God’s own children, having Jesus come among us and die for us), and realizing who we are not: do we bring glad tidings to the poor? Do we heal the brokenhearted? Do we proclaim liberty to captives and release to prisoners as we forgive others or ask for forgiveness? Do we testify to the light that is Jesus Christ? Do we make straight the way of the Lord? Do we proclaim the greatness of the Lord? Do our souls rejoice in God our Savior? Hopefully the answer is “Yes”, maybe not by actually saying words to that effect, but more importantly by how we live our lives, by how we treat one another. And if the answer is “No” or “Not really”, well … that’s what this time of Advent is for – to prepare ourselves for the way of the Lord.

The blessing that St. Paul gives toward the end of this Sunday’s second reading is so appropriate: “May the God of peace make you perfectly holy and may you entirely, spirit, soul, and body, be preserved blameless for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (1 Thess 5:23)

Have a blessed third week of Advent.

From Fr. Joe Rejoice! That’s what the traditional name for this 3rd Sunday of Advent – Gaudete – means. And that’s what three of the four scriptures from this 3rd Sunday of Advent, talk about. We even hear, “Rejoice always”, in Paul’s first letter to the Thessalonians. (Wait a minute, what do you mean four scriptures? There’s the 1st and 2nd readings and the Gospel – that’s only three. Well, it’s often easy to view the Responsorial Psalm as just filler between the 1st and 2nd readings, but whether sung or recited, it is Sacred Scripture being proclaimed. The Responsorial Psalm usually comes from the Book of Psalms, sometimes referred to as the Bible’s songbook. This Sunday’s Responsorial Psalm, however, is actually part of the Gospel of Luke (1:46-48, 49-50, 53-54) – Mary’s Magnificat.) And, that’s why we light a rose colored candle. Rose is a celebratory color, and as we light the rose colored candle on the Advent wreath, we celebrate that our Advent waiting is almost over and getting ever nearer. (Often times Gaudete Sunday marks the halfway point of Advent, but with this Advent being the shortest possible, Gaudete Sunday is more like the 2/3 point of Advent

Another common thread through the scriptures this weekend is the recognition of who someone is and what their role is. For Isaiah it was recognizing that he was one whom the spirit of the Lord was upon, that he was anointed by the Lord, clothed with salvation, and wrapped in justice, to bring glad tidings to the poor, heal the broken hearted, to proclaim liberty to captives, release to prisoners, to announce a time of favor from the Lord (Isaiah 61:1-2a, 10-11). Mary recognized that she was a lowly servant, yet God looked upon her and blessed her, and was doing great things for her; so much so that her soul couldn’t help but rejoice in God her Savior, and her life proclaimed the greatness of the Lord (Luke 1:46-48, 49-50, 53-54). John the Baptist recognized that he was not the Christ, not Elijah, not the Prophet; but that he was “the voice of one crying out in the desert, make straight the way of the Lord, as Isaiah the prophet said.” (John 1:23) He was not the light, but came to testify to the light. His calling was to prepare of the way for “one who is coming after me, whose sandal strap I am not worthy to untie.” (John 1:27)

To us, when someone makes such statements about themselves, it can sound pretty arrogant.

Third Sunday of Advent Page 3 December 17, 2017

Pastor: Rev. Joe Muszkiewicz Associate: Rev. Scott Lawler [email protected] Hospital Chaplain: Rev. Jim Kendziorski (989-354-8302)

Welcome to All Saints! We would like to welcome home anyone who has been away from the Church and has joined us for Mass this weekend. We know coming back may not have been an easy decision, and we are very glad you made it. Please stop by the office to introduce yourself and register.

Parish Office 817 Sable Street, Alpena, MI 49707 Monday-Friday 8:00am– 4:00pm Phone 989.354.3019 Fax 989.358.9079 Facebook ‘Alpena Catholics of All Saints Parish’ Business Manager Kim Krajniak [email protected] Bookkeeper Bette Tadajewski Office Manager Maria Kraft [email protected] Receptionist Penny Jones [email protected] Office Assistant Judy Quast [email protected] Music Ministers Suelyn Bartz, John Luke Grabiel, Eileen Tank, Julie Wood Parish Catechetical Leader Jackie Benson [email protected] Maintenance Supervisor Greg Dziesinski Maintenance Staff Joe Pokorzynski Part-Time: Jim Bouchard, Mike Jaskolski, Mike LaMarre, Mike MacArthur

All Saints Catholic School 500 N. Second Ave Phone............................................................................. 989-354-4911 Principal Roger Pauley (Email: [email protected]) Secretary Deb Kelley (Email: [email protected])

Local Ministries Madonna House ......................................................... 354-4073 Catholic Human Services ............................................ 356-6385 Friendship Room ......................................................... 354-8018 St. Vincent dePaul Society .......................................... 354-3671 Options Pregnancy Center .......................................... 354-6089 Baby Pantry ................................................................ 356-9317 Children’s Closet ......................................................... 356-9545 LARCC Contact (Sr. Mary Hughes) .............................. 356-1038 Caring Place Adult Day Center .................................... 358-7928 Salvation Army (Call Us for Help)................................ 358-2769 Holy Cross Cemetery………………………………………………. 354-3831

Pastoral Council: Bob Mischloney, Ann-Marie Ruder, Mark Balko, Virginia Tadajewski, Kristin Carriveau, Christopher Benedict, Mary Alice Comar, Kathleen Melville-Hall, Deb Spleet Finance Council: Kim Rabeau, Jenny Poli, Don Bartosh, Teresa Yachcik

Confession Times for Reconciliation Mondays 11-11:45 am; 6-8 pm | Tuesdays 11-11:45 am; 6-8 pm

Wednesdays 4:30– 5:15 PM | Thursdays: 11-11:45 AM Fridays 11-11:45 AM, 1:00—2:00 PM; 3:00—4:00PM;

7:00 –8:00PM Confessions also available by making an appointment with the


Mass Intentions Monday, December 18 11—11:45 am Confession time for Reconciliation Noon +Gene Repke 6:00 –8:00 pm Confession time for Reconciliation

Tuesday, December 19 11—11:45 am Confession time for Reconciliation Noon ++Lloyd & Terry Baker 6:00 –8:00 pm Confession time for Reconciliation

Wednesday, December 20 St. Mary Church 8:00 am +Ann Wieschowski School Mass open to everyone St. Anne Church 4:30 pm Confession time for Reconciliation 5:00 pm Rosary 5:30 pm +James Roy Thursday, December 21 St. Anne Church 11-11:45 am Confession time for Reconciliation Noon For peace in our hearts Friday, December 22 St. Anne Church 11:00 –11:45 am Confession time for Reconciliation 12:00 pm +Lancelot Kendziorski 1:00 pm Exposition 1:00—2:00 pm Confession time for Reconciliation 3:00—4:00 pm Confession time for Reconciliation 6:00 pm Evening Prayer 7:00—8:00 pm Confession time for Reconciliation 8:00 pm Reposition of our Lord Saturday, December 23 St. Anne Church 3:30 pm Rosary (for Evangelization and Peace) 4:00 pm ++Alfred & Helen St. Charles

Sunday, December 24 St. Anne Church 7:00 am Souls in purgatory needing our prayers 9:00 am Living & Deceased of the Parish 10:30 am Rosary (for Evangelization and Peace) 11:00 am +Stanley & Cecelia Wikaryasz

**Christmas Eve St. Anne 4:00 pm +Ann Wieschowski St. John 4:00 pm +Lorie McEwen St. Mary 7:00 pm Living & Deceased of the Parish St. Bernard Midnight +Isabelle Fitzpatrick **Christmas Day St. Anne 9:00 am +Winnie Kirchoff St. Anne 11:00 am +Mary Ann Townsend St. Anne 3:00 pm Extraordinary Form (Latin Mass) All those entrusted to the prayers of St. Monica

Third Sunday of Advent Page 4 December 17, 2017

Stewardship in Our Readings All of the people in today’s readings—the prophet

Isaiah, the Virgin Mary, St. Paul, St. John the Baptist—seemed to understand clearly and rejoice in what God

was calling them to be and to do. Do I?

Stewardship of Prayer December 17, 2017

Sunday Third Sunday of Advent Is 61:1-2a, 10-11; Lk 1:46-48, 49-50, 53-54; 1 Thes 5:16-24; Jn 1:6-8, 19-28 Monday Jer 23:5-8; Ps 72:1-2, 12-13, 18-19; Mt 1:18-25 Tuesday Jgs 13:2-7, 24-25a; Ps 71:3-4a, 5-6ab, 16-17; Lk 1:5-25 Wednesday Is 7:10-14; Ps 24:1-2, 3-4ab, 5-6; Lk 1:26-38 Thursday Saint Peter Canisius, Priest and Doctor of the Church Sg 2:8-14 or Zep 3:14-18a; Ps 33:2-3, 11-12, 20-21; Lk 1:39-45 Friday 1 Sm 1:24-28; 1 Sm 2:1, 4-5, 6-7, 8abcd; Lk 1:46-56 Saturday Saint John of Kanty, Priest Mal 3:1-4, 23-24; Ps 25:4-5ab, 8-9, 10 and 14; Lk 1:57-66 Sunday Fourth Sunday of Advent 2 Sm 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16; Ps 89:2-3, 4-5, 27, 29; Rom 16:25-27; Lk 1:26-38 Vigil: Is 62:1-5; Ps 89:4-5, 16-17, 27, 29; Acts 13:16-17, 22-25; Mt 1:1-25 or Mt 1:18-25

Stewardship of Time Monday, December 18 6:00 pm All Saints Catholic Women’s Grp Dinner –Rm. A

Tuesday, December 19 6:00 pm RCIA—Classroom Wednesday, December 20 4:30 pm Children’s Christmas Choir Practice—Sodality Rm. 5:30 pm Jr. High Youth Ministry 5:30 pm Sr. High Youth Ministry 6:00 pm Faith Formation Classes 6:00 pm REDD Thursday, December 21 9 am—3 pm—Baby Pantry Open—St. Bernard Center NO G.O.L.F. Friday, December 22 4:30 pm Children’s Christmas Choir Practice—St. Mary

Stewardship of Treasure December 9 / 10

Regular Offertory .............................................. $19,972.00 Envelopes Used ............................................................ 585 Loose ...................................................................... $702.00 Building Fund .......................................................... $739.00 Capital Improvement Grand Total (All Funds) ........ $866.00 Christmas Flower Fund (totals to date) ............... $3,307.00 Immaculate Conception (totals to date) ............. $3,378.00

Program Totals

Gross Profit: $362.08 Shipping fee: -0.00

(shipping fee covered by generous donations) NET PROFIT: $362.08

*This profit includes Christmas sales Total Sales 74; Avg. profit per card $1.35

Grand total of cards sold = 269 cards; God bless you for helping your parish with

purchasing SCRIP

Week of Dec. 4—Dec. 10


Any ?’s about scrip, call me, Jeri Standen, at 354-5946

The Parish Office will be CLOSED Monday, Dec. 25th through

Tuesday, Jan. 2nd [We will re-open on

Wednesday, January 3rd]

The staff and volunteers wish everyone a blessed Christmas

and may our Lord continue to guide us in His love in 2018.

Retired Religious Thank You

A religious sister writes, “When we see the generous response of so many thousands of person in order to help us, religious men and women, we are left speechless.” Senior sisters, brothers, and religious order priests across the country send heartfelt thanks and prayers for your donation to last weeks’ Retirement Fund for Religious collection.

Total collected: $8,292.00

Christmas Masses and the Rosary

For those who wish to pray the Rosary communally (out loud) before the Christmas (Eve) Masses, the communal Rosary should begin 45 minutes prior to the start of Mass to allow everyone to enjoy and participate in the special music carols prepared by our Music Ministry. Please note that the special music before the 4:00 PM Christmas Eve Mass at St. Anne will begin at 3:00 PM

Third Sunday of Advent Page 5 December 17, 2017

Please Pray for the Departed We pray for the repose of the souls of those

who have gone to their rest in the hope of rising again:

Leonard Marcotte and Wanda Kaiser May they rest in peace!

Christmas Masses: NO “Two-for-One” The [Diocesan] Office for Worship is receiving inquiries about Mass on Sunday, December 24 and Monday, December 25. The questions are about the possibility of a Sunday evening Mass “counting” for both Sunday and Monday. The USCCB in their February 2017 Newsletter explains that there is no “two-for-one.” To summarize the article briefly, it states that Mass after 4:00 PM on Sunday will be for Christmas – only. The faithful will need to participate in Mass on Saturday evening or before 4:00 PM on Sunday to fulfill the Sunday obligation. In addition, please note that January 1, Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God is not a holy day of obligation this year since it falls on a Monday.

Why will we not be having an Advent Penance Service in Alpena? This year, we have decided to expand our hours for confessions during the Advent Season, in addition to the usual confession schedule.

Mondays 11-11:45 am; 6-8 pm / Tuesdays 11-11:45 am; 6-8 pm / Wednesdays 4:30– 5:15 pm / Thursdays: 11-11:45 am / Fridays 11-11:45 am; 1:00—2:00 pm; 3:00—4:00 pm; 7:00 –8:00 pm

Like going to confession with a priest from outside of our parish? We will be having a “guest” priest hearing confessions from 6 PM—7 PM on Monday and Tuesdays.

Still prefer an Advent Penance Service? St. Ignatius, Rogers City, Dec. 17 @ 2 PM;

St. Casimir, Posen, Dec. 17 @ 4 PM

Volunteers Needed to Decorate our Churches for Christmas

This year, with very little time between the celebration of the 4th weekend of Advent and the Christmas liturgies, we will be using a progressive approach to decorating the Churches for Christmas crescendoing with the final important details for Christmas (a.k.a. little bit at a time building up to Christmas). Can you offer your help?

Remaining decorating dates/times CHURCH DATE/TIME St. Anne Sunday, Dec. 24th—after 11 AM Mass St. John To Be Determined *Call the office (354-3019) if you can help at any of these dates/times. If you forget to call, no worries, just show up! THANK YOU!

Holy Days Mass Schedule

Christmas Christmas Eve

4 PM—St. Anne 4 PM—St. John the Baptist

7 PM—St. Mary (Kolenda—choirs begin at 6:30 PM) Midnight—St. Bernard

Christmas Day 9 AM—St. Anne

11 AM—St. Anne 3 PM—St. Anne—Extraordinary Form (Latin Mass)

Mother of God Sunday Liturgies Noon—St. Mary 6 PM—St. Mary

Clip & Save

LARCC Prayer Intention: We join our brothers and sisters in the LARCC community

(Lutheran, Anglican, Roman Catholic, Congregational) in praying for this weekend’s intention:

Trinity Episcopal: Children’s Worship Center

The Blessed Mother Shrine Votive Lamp (14 day candle at St. Mary Church)

In Memory of the deceased members of the Heath Family

requested by Judy Leginza

December Contact Confidential Prayer Line

MaryAnn Gunderson phone: 356-2561

All Saints Parish & School: 1st Quarter—July 2017 - Sept. 2017


of Columbus


K of C 4th Degree Fr. Clarence Smolinski Assembly #485, will NOT meet on Wed., Dec. 27th due to the Christmas Holidays.

Your next scheduled meeting will be on Wed., January 24, 2018 at the Knights’ Hall (1880 Hamilton Rd.)

Knight of the Month Larry Belanger

Family of the Month Richard & Rita Losinski


Church Income Church Expense Offertory 256,306 Personnel 128,271

Holy Day 3,752 Clergy Training/Retreat 1,767

Donations 3,164 Lay Training 177

Designated Donations 1,554 Household Supplies 1,774

Candles 1,699 Office Expenses/Postage 2,873

Flowers 0 PR/Advertising/Printing 283

Capital Improvement/Maint 9,310 Parish Books & Subscriptions 832

School Support 992 Offertory Envelopes 3,024

Book & Registration Fees 1,500 Teaching/Program Supplies 4,371

Scrip Sales 47,924 Utilities 15,893

Building Fund/Loan Pledges 8,172 Insurance 20,929

Utilities Envelopes 3 Contracted Svs. 5,653

Mass Stipends 874 Maintenance/Janitorial 1,994

Stole Fees 2,635 Transportation/Fuel 2,219

Fundraising 1,820 Miscellaneous 281

Social Activities 0 Interest on Loans 10,604

Other Envelopes 0 Fundraising Expense 857

Interest 34 Rental Expense 1,615

Rental 7,010 Scrip Cost of Goods Sold 43,584

Other* 3,218 Scrip Inventory 5,575

Insurance Proceeds 16,354 Social Activities & Appreciation 98

Funeral Luncheons 300 Christian Works & Funeral Lunch 11,190

Sale of Assets 4,023 Worship Supplies 6,300

CSA Refund 6,106 Transfer to Cap. Imp. Funds 15,416

Transfer from Cap. Imp. Funds 38,107 Capital Outlay 26,209

School Income School Expense

Designated Donations 4,306 Personnel 127,406

Donations 2,914 Office Expenses/Supplies 1,252

Tuition 51,651 Postage 236

Scholarship Fund 168 PR/Advertising 178

Playground Fund 0 Textbooks 4,223

APS Reimbursement 0 Dues/Memberships 0

Capital Imp/Maint 0 Stipends 20

Grants 50,000 Teaching/Program Supplies 1,388

Fundraising 4,102 Utilities 2,496

ASCS Other 0 Contracted Svs. 5,160

Endowment Interest 0 Maintenance/Janitorial 283

Transfer from Cap. Imp. Funds 0 Miscellaneous 186

TOTAL School & Parish 527,996 Fundraising Expense 50

Transportation/Travel 524

* Other includes Ushers Club and Catholic Women of Alpena

Capital Outlay ASCS 39,347

TOTAL School & Parish 494,537




CI FUNDS 131,271

OTHER 19,924



TOTAL 608,886






Oplatek The traditional Polish

Christmas wafer, is available at the Parish Office during

the week and at all entrances to the Church for $1.00 each envelope (containing three white and one pink wafer).

Third Sunday of Advent Page 7 December 17, 2017

This Advent, Prepare for Christmas by

reading “Joy to the World” our newest book in our book program

How Christ’s coming changed everything

(and still does) Dr. Scott Hahn brings the first Noel to new light through his thought-provoking combination of exciting story-telling and penetrating biblical insight. Christmas, as it appears in the New Testament, is the story of a father, a mother, and a child . . . Their relationships, their interactions, their principles, their individual lives, and their life in common. To see the lives

of this “earthly trinity” is to catch a first glimpse of heaven. Dr. Hahn shows Christmas to be the story of a family.

This book is available to everyone at Church entrances!

(No fee, just a donation if you would like)

Advent Table: Alternative Gift Giving

The Stewardship Committee of the Pastoral Council invites you to stop by the Advent table in the Gathering Area this weekend (Dec. 16 / 17).

Charitable Giving—Make a donation to one of the featured charitable organizations. You will receive a beautiful card along with a brief history on the organization of your choice to be given as a gift to a friend or family member. In this way, a gift is given and someone less fortunate will benefit from your generosity this Christmas season. Friendship Room Society of St. Vincent DePaul Madonna House Fairbanks, Alaska Diocesan Charities—help missionaries

ministering in Northern Alaska (Bishop Chad Zielinski’s Diocese) to bring the Mass, the Sacraments, religious education, and training to the widely-scattered Indian and Eskimo people of Christ. [Checks payable to “Catholic Bishop of Northern Alaska (CBNA)”]

The Financial Peace University class, offered again!

Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University (FPU) 9-week course will be offered again in our parish starting this coming January 7, 2018. FPU’s Mission Statement is: “To empower and give HOPE to everyone from the financially secure to the financially distressed.” Dave Ramsey has found that personal finance is 80% behavior and 20% head knowledge. Therefore, the goal of Financial Peace University isn’t just information – it is transformation! Last winter’s group of 13 households, consisting of individuals and married couples (people who, like many of you, are struggling to make ends meet), collectively paid-off $43,433 in debt, and saved $43,375. That means the average household that participated in this course – right here in our Alpena area – eliminated $3,341 in debt and saved $3,337! That’s an average turn-around of $6,678 in just 9 weeks!!! If you are struggling financially to make ends meet, are tired of living paycheck to paycheck, are sick and tired of being sick and tired over money matters – or someone you know is – consider taking Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University. If you have questions about Financial Peace University feel free to ask Fr. Joe, or Al Guest (phone 989-916-5228 or at [email protected]). You can register at the parish office, or online ( Online, the cost of the course is $129. The cost when registering through the parish is $95 guaranteed for the first 10 registrants. Reminder there is no charge for those who have taken FPU previously, and are re-taking the course as a refresher. Payment should be made at the time of registration so that materials can be ordered and received in time for the first class. To be sure your class materials are available for the first class, please register by Tuesday, January 2, 2018. You can still register after that date, but your membership kit might not be there for the first class.

Fair Trade Coffee will also be available at the Alternative Gift Giving table - featuring a fair trade coffee from our Sister Diocese of Matagalpa, Nicaragua. 1 lb. bags are $10 each. (We also have a fair trade decaf available.)

Christmas Flower Fund The deadline has passed to submit names to appear on our Christmas Flower Fund list. (Any late submissions, unfortunately, are not able to be printed.)

To be the best stewards of resources, we do not insert the flower funds into the bulletins (this would require several pages stuffed into each bulletin). So the list will be made available in the following ways:

Hard copies will be available at the Church entrances A copy will also be posted on the wall in the hallway of the gathering area (near the restrooms) It will also be available as a PDF file to open from our website (

Third Sunday of Advent Page 8 December 17, 2017

Children’s Choir Practices All Saints Parish will be celebrating a Christmas Eve Mass at 7:00 PM. As in year’s past, we will begin with a Children’s choir singing prior to Mass at 6:30 pm and at Presentation during Mass.

All youth in grades kindergarten through 12th grade are invited to sing. This is a wonderful way for our youth to celebrate Christmas.

Remaining youth rehearsal dates (approx. 1 hr. in length) will be Tues., Dec. 12th—4:30 PM—Parish Ctr. Sodality Room and Friday, Dec. 22nd –4:30 PM—St. Mary Church. Those who are interested may contact Karen Wojt (356-0516).

All Saints Catholic School “Let the children come to me.”

Matthew 19:14

Advent Greetings,

What a joyful time we are experiencing at the school! The children are anticipating December 25th, as all children do, but the emphasis has been that “Jesus is the reason for the Season”. Discussing the angel, Grabiel’s announcement to Mary (the Anunciation), Christ’s humble birth in a stable in Bethlehem, and the travels of the Magi to honor the newborn King, gives us all pause to reflect on the true meaning of Christmas.

The staff and parents are very proud that the students consistently think of others. Teachers take every opportunity to ask, “What would Jesus do? and the children respond with kindness and grace. Some testaments over the last couple weeks showcase their sincere generosity and caring attitude towards others:

The raising of $5,500.00 for a well in Nigeria

The donation of $225.00 to our local St. Vincent DePaul Society (Meijer’s matched our amount so they will actually receive $450.00!)

The annual Merry Christmas School Bazaar netted approximately over $5,600.00. Several of our former students and those in Faith Formation were present and lending a helping hand.

Our Santa Shop provided the students with an opportunity to shop for their parents, siblings, and grandparents - at no charge!

I hope that all of you see the magnificent gift we have in these children. They are the next lineage of disciples and leaders in our faith community. A special thanks to all of you who volunteer when called upon with your time, talents, and treasures. None of these activities could go on without your continuing support.

My prayers this Christmas season have already been answered as I am blessed daily with the presence of spectacular children, awesome parents, dedicated staff, fantastic volunteers, and Fr. Joe and Fr. Scott who pray for us and teach us about God’s never ending love for us.

Wishing you all a blessed Christmas,

Roger Pauley, Principal All Saints Catholic School

Scrip Schedule Last Sales Before Christmas While we are not able to do another order in time for Christmas gift giving, Scrip gift cards that we have in stock will be available during the weekdays at the parish office until Friday, December 22nd. (The office is closed Dec. 23—Jan. 2).

Scrip will be sold after the weekend Masses this weekend, Dec. 16/17.

To allow for time with families and reflection on this holy

season, Scrip will NOT be sold after the Masses:

Fourth weekend of Advent (Dec. 23/24 Christmas Massses (Dec. 24/25) Holy Family weekend Masses (Dec. 30/31) Feast of the Mother of God

(New Year’s—Dec. 31/Jan. 1) We will see you again in the new year!

Soup, Salad & Dessert

Card Party

To Benefit Madonna House

Date: Wed., January 17th, 2018 @ 6 pm

Location: All Saints Parish Center Doors open at 5 PM — Dinner at 6 PM

Cost: $8.00/Person Reservations preferred with limited tickets at the door. For reservations, please call Linda Wallen at 354-5720 (leave a message if no one answers). To volunteer or help in some other way, call Linda Bicksler (354-8094).

Lots of fun and all for a good cause!

Third Sunday of Advent Page 9 December 17, 2017

Help St. Vincent DePaul Food Pantry!

Meijer has once again selected our local St. Vincent DePaul Food Pantry to be the recipient of their “Simply Give” campaign. Now through December 30th any donations made to St. Vincent’s are matched with funds from Meijer. (E.g. $10 donation becomes $20 with a match from Meijer). Last year, our local St. Vincent DePaul Food Pantry helped 13,109 individuals. The Food Pantry is vital to helping those in need in our community. Donations can be dropped off at Meijer, the St. Vincent DePaul Thrift Store, in the collection basket or at the All Saints Parish Office.

For your convenience, envelopes are in the pews and entrances at St. Anne Church.

Baby Pantry Open The Alpena County Baby Pantry, located in the St. Bernard Center, will be open from 9 AM—3 PM on Thursday, Dec. 21st. For more information about the Baby Pantry, or to see how you can help, call 356-9317

Our Parish Giving Trees Thank you to everyone who participated in our Giving Trees. Your gifts benefited: visitors to the Friendship Room, children

in Foster Care, and the Annual Christmas Wish Program in conjunction with ACC Volunteer Ctr. - you’ve helped to make Christmas brighter for those in need of our community. God bless you!

A note from the ACC Volunteer Center:

On behalf of our community, staff and volunteers at the Alpena Volunteer Center express sincere appreciation to you for your generosity to help those in need in our area. Many families and children are in crisis situations and the gifts, groceries, and household products they donors provide bring relief from financial burdens and emotional stress.

We know children are thankful for their gifs. Because they are given anonymously, recipients are unable to personally thank you, but your kindness is greatly appreciated. . .

[The parish contributed a total value of gifts of approximately $7,500.00]

Sincerely, Cathy Abraham - Director, Alpena Volunteer Center

Guild of St. Camillus, Homebound Eucharistic Ministers

Please Deliver Our Parish’s Gifts to the Homebound

Gifts to those on our homebound Eucharistic Ministry list are ready to be delivered to our homebound!

If you take communion to the homebound, please stop by the parish office beginning Monday to pick up and deliver the gift to those you minister to. All gifts need to be delivered by Wednesday, Dec. 20th.

[There will be a sign-out sheet for gifts so we know which home-bound still need to receive their gift]

Thanks for your assistance with this!

Jaxson Kraft—22 mos.

Third Sunday of Advent Page 10 December 17, 2017


January Schedule The January schedule has been created and is available in the gathering area and on our website ( under the “ministries” tab. The February Schedule will be created on Thursday, January 4th. To submit dates that you are unavailable call Maria (354-3019) or email [email protected]

Christmas Eve 4:00 PM St. Anne Sacristan: Jane Fortner Lectors: Judith Burns, Steve Kuschel Altar Servers: Kristina Neumann, Malley McGuire, Arik McGuire EM’s: Michele McGuire, Delaney McGuire, Jane Fortner [volunteers needed] 4:00 PM St. John Sacristan: Ann Moody Lectors: Joyce Demski, [volunteer] Altar Servers: [volunteers needed] EM’s: Carol Putkamer, Karon Halleck, Jim & Kathy Kolson [volunteers needed] 7:00 PM St. Mary Sacristan: [volunteer needed] Lector: [volunteers needed] Altar Servers: Caden DeCaire, [volunteer needed] EM’s: Alecia Dietz, [volunteers]Midnight St. Bernard Sacristan: Julie Murray Lectors: Kait Melville-Hall, Elizabeth Wright Altar Servers: Collin, Connor, Keira & Megan Wright EM’s: Deb Spleet [volunteers]

Christmas Day 9:00 AM St. Anne Sacristan: Janet Mott Lectors: Scott McWilliams, [volunteer] Altar Servers: [volunteers] EM’s: [volunteers] 11:00 AM St. Anne Sacristan: Jim Baczkiewicz Lectors: [volunteers] Altar Servers: Vivian Furtaw, [volunteer] EM’s: [volunteers]

3:00 PM Extraordinary Form (Latin Mass) at St. Anne

Noon St. Mary Sacristan: [volunteer] Lectors: Steve Kuschel, [volunteer] Altar Servers: [volunteers] EM’s: [volunteers]

6:00 PM St. Mary Sacristan: [volunteer] Lectors: [volunteers] Altar Servers: John Grabiel, [volunteer] EM’s: [volunteers]


EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS Saturday 4:00 PM Sacristan: Jane Fortner Kati Meek, Andrew Randazzo, James Standen, Jane Fortner, Mary Mischley, Joyce Krajnik, Jim Lixie, Mary Charoth, Michele McGuire [2 volunteers needed]

Sunday 7:00 AM Sacristan: LeJean C. Phil Milostan, Deb Spleet, LeJean Carter, Steve Gougeon [4 volunteers needed]

9:00 AM Sacristan: Janet Mott Jon Emerson, Janet Mott, Margaret Fox, Barb Mink, Carolyn Szatkowski, Linda Bicksler, Scott Samp, Julie Kowalski, Karen Grochowski, Scott McWilliams, Joann Kuschel

11:00 AM Sacristan: Jane Hiske Patsy Weise, JoAnn LeTourneau, Rosanne Schultz, Julie Murray, Bill Hirschenberger, Larry Weise, Joseph Bleau [4 volunteers needed]

5:00 PM Sacristan: A. Moody Virginia Tadajewski, Pat Glomski, John Briggs, Keira Wright [4 volunteers needed]

LECTORS Saturday 4:00 PM Jim Standen, Denise Ewell Sunday 7:00 AM Carolyn Anderson, Chris Benedict 9:00 AM Paula Christensen, Bernie Harkins 11:00 AM Thomas Sheridan, Steven Sheridan 5:00 PM Keira Wright, Marilyn Klingshirn

ALTAR SERVERS Saturday 4:00 PM John Grabiel, Kristina Neumann Sunday 7:00 AM Cash Spleet, [volunteer needed] 9:00 AM Ashley Bridgewater, Clare LaCross 11:00 AM Nathan Pokorzynski, Joseph Sheridan 5:00 PM Grace & Cecelia Weaver

December 16 / 17

EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS Saturday 4:00 PM Sacristan: Jane Fortner Delaney McGuire, Michele McGuire, Ann-Marie Ruder, Sylvia Owens, Andy Schultz, Mary Charoth, Jim Lixie, Joyce Krajnik, Mary Mischley, Jane Fortner, Jim Standen Sunday 7:00 AM Sacristan: LeJean C. Diane Roy, Ken Anderson, Steve Gougeon, LeJean Carter, Deb Spleet, Phil Milostan [2 volunteers needed]

9:00 AM Sacristan: Janet Mott Sall Shrock, Bernie Lamp, Fred & Rose Raible, Susan Roy, Joann Kuschel, Scott McWilliams, Julie Kowalski, Kim Rabeau

11:00 AM Sacristan: Jim Baczkiewicz Jim & Kathy Kolson, Joseph Bleau, Larry Weise, Bill Hirschenberger, Rosanne Schultz, JoAnn LeTourneau [4 volunteers needed]

5:00 PM NO 5 PM MASS this weekend Any Mass after 4 PM this day is the Christmas Vigil

LECTORS Saturday 4:00 PM Judith Burns, Jane Fortner Sunday 7:00 AM Mike Roy, Kathleen Melville-Hall 9:00 AM Scott McWilliams, Bernie Klimaszewski 11:00 AM Don Bartosh, Larry Weise 5:00 PM [NO 5 PM Mass this day] ALTAR SERVERS Saturday 4:00 PM Barney Trahan-Grabiel, Stephanie Nowland Sunday 7:00 AM Cash Spleet, [volunteer needed] 9:00 AM Ashley Bridgewater 11:00 AM Charles & Ben Carriveau 5:00 PM [NO 5 PM Mass this day]

December 23 / 24

Mother of God

As of 12/13/17

As of 12/13/17