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All Rights Reserved © 2014 77 Incredible Foods That Make You Age Slower


All Rights Reserved © 2014 77 Incredible Foods That Make You Age Slower

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3

The Foods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5The Right Diet to Minimize the Effects of Aging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6The Five Steps to Minimizing the Effects of Aging . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7Talking with Your Doctor About Major Dietary Changes . . . . . . . . . 8

Getting Rid of All Those Chemicals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Sugar is Very, VERY Bad for You . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13How This Affects Aging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16Low Glycemic Index Foods for Your Diet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16Changing Your Sugar-Heavy Diet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Anti-Inflammatory Foods to Put in Your Diet . . . . . . 22What Causes Inflammation the Worst? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23Balancing the Fat Intake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

More Foods to Fight the Effects of Aging . . . . . . . . 29Phytonutrients and Common Sense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29The Right Sources for These Nutrients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31How to Balance a New Diet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

Putting It All Into Action . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36


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IntroductionThe human body is an incredible thing - we give it far too little credit for what it is able to accomplish .

Every day, millions of cells replicate and repair, your body fights off 99.9% of all foreign bodies and germs it comes into contact with, and that’s if you’re sitting on the couch watching TV .

Our bodies can power through adversity like a triathlon through mile seven - it’s what we’re designed to do . But we certainly don’t make it easy for ourselves .

Regardless of how remarkable a machine the human body is, it needs fuel . Natural, nutrient-rich fuel that can keep us moving at top speed, thinking with our quickest wits, and feeling like a million bucks .

And yet most of us pour processed chemicals, hormones, and stimulants into our bodies that does everything but .

The average western diet is loaded with processed sugar, salt, saturated fat and caffeine - we subsist on “food” that in almost every sense of the word really isn’t food . It just goes to show how amazing the body truly is that it can continue to operate semi-efficiently while consuming foods that have almost nothing in them but pure calories .

Now imagine what happens when you start consuming foods that ARE healthy - that ARE loaded with the right nutrients and that DO provide the right balance of energy and nutrition to keep your body not only active, but young .

These foods are all around you - they might even be in your diet right now to some degree - providing some degree of nutrition, however small it might be .

Now imagine you overhaul your diet and replace ALL of that junk, processed food with the nutrient-rich, energy dense, slow burning power of these super foods - what would happen to your body when you go back to what your body is MEANT to consume?


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It’s a truly amazing thing to see .

The body starts to run like it’s truly meant to run - toxins are expelled, energy is produced, and you start building up a reserve of energy unlike anything you’ve ever seen before .

You can even start to reverse the signs of aging in certain ways throughout your body - slowing down the overall process of aging while you zap wrinkles and dry skin, regain some of the energy you’ve lost, standing up straighter and jumping out of bed faster .

You can reach a point where everything just moves that much faster and you feel that much better and it doesn’t require a comprehensive overhaul of your diet, careful calorie counting, or a bunch of supplements and herbs .

It just requires a keen sense of what’s good for you, what’s not, and how to start making the shift from one to the other . That’s what we’re going to cover in this short book - 77 foods that can actually combat and slow the effects of aging in your body .

Let’s get started .


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The Foods One of the most significant factors to contribute to aging is Advanced Glycation End products - in short the sugars that latch themselves on to other molecules like fat and protein with no enzyme to process that molecule .

This stuff is so problematic that it can rapidly increase the risks of aging, leading to a build-up of toxin-loaded tissue everywhere in your body . This is turn worsens the risk of things like heart attack, diabetes, cancer and other chronic diseases .

Your blood vessels tend to build up the most of this “plaque” which is of course why western countries have such a high rate of heart disease - all that food we eat turns into plaque which then clogs arteries and blood vessels .

But the damage doesn’t stop there .

Even if you’re lucky enough not to see the effects of aging in the form of high cholesterol levels or blocked arteries, you might experience wrinkled skin, diabe-tes, and other issues that can damage your body in parts or as a whole .

Inflammation, irritation, and clogging due to plaque will weaken the overall strength of the human body to the point at which you are at a higher risk of aneu-rism and stroke, and of course high blood pressure due to constricts vessels .

There are other effects as well .

While scientific research has yet to discover a true cause for things like Alzheim-er’s Disease and dementia, many nutritionists and a growing number of doctors suspect the effects of these uncontrolled molecules deposited by your food play a role in higher risk factors for those diseases .

The substances that create this effect in the body, along with a boat load of other health issues that can directly affect you in a number of ways can be deposited there in any number of ways .

The most common however, and this should come as no surprise, is from diet .

AGE’s appear in almost any food that is roasted, grilled, or otherwise cooked at


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high temperatures, but especially in meat and grain-based foods . So things like bread, cooked red meat, cookies, chips, crackers, and other processed goodies .

You actually CREATE those AGE’s when you cook something out of water - the sugars and proteins bind together and create the goop that your body will be fighting against for the rest of your life.

Some food companies will even ADD these substances to food to make them taste better - all that saturated fat and trans fat? Yup, that’s going to stick to your body like glue and it’s not going anywhere without a LOT of work on your part .

Of course, there are other sources of this stuff too .

Your body will actually produce it when you eat too much sugar - it’s just too hard for the human body to process the 42 ounces of Mountain Dew you just drank, so it turns into a sticky sludge that will not only add weight but can cause that plaque to build up throughout your body .

Any processed sugars are bad, but the chemically enhanced processed sugars we eat today are even worse - your body barely even recognizes them as food and they wreak havoc on your pancreas .

But this book is not about what you should NOT eat . It is about the foods you CAN eat that will help alleviate the effects of these foods .

The Right Diet to Minimize the Effects of Aging

The first step is to start cutting out the bad stuff in your diet, but that’s not enough, because diets are not sustainable .

Just eating LESS food can help, sure, but unless you’re currently downing 10,000 calories a day, there’s only so much you can do to cut out foods, and eating less sugar won’t do much other than ensure the build up of toxins in your body stops progressing . At some point, you need to start combatting the effects of what’s already there while making substantial lifestyle changes that will fundamentally alter how you


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feel and make eating these foods part of your every day life - not a chore you groan at every day when you wake up .

Part of my goal in providing such a large list of foods is to ensure you have op-tions - to ensure you can make these changes without feeling like you’re missing out on everything good you’ve ever had in life . It’s to make you WANT to keep trying and keep working toward your goal of a healthier, younger feeling and looking lifestyle .

Some of the foods on this list will be more enticing than others, and to be sure you’ll need a mixture of all of them to maintain a healthy diet .

You can’t just eat olive oil and fish every day and expect to see the kinds of re-sults you want to see . It’s going to take more than that - a lot more .

The Five Steps to Minimizing the Effects of Aging

Over the years I’ve developed what I consider to be the five ideal steps to mini-mizing the effects of aging in the human body. These are five things you can do to cut down on the number of negative side effects that can and will build up in the human body when left unchecked . They include:

1 . Reduce Sugar Intake - Processed sugar is barely a food at all . There are no nutrients in it whatsoever and it wreaks havoc on your pancreas and blood sugar levels, not to mention the negative effects it has on your weight, your complexion, and general cell health . Sugar is probably the biggest culprit on this list . Cut it out and you’ll do yourself a HUGE favor .

2 . Reduce Grain Intake - Whole grains ARE good for you, but most grains are cooked to some degree and when you cook grains the resulting molecules are not as good for you . They tend to spike blood sugar, add weight, and lead to the same toxins we’ve been talking about in your body . So cut out as much what and corn as possible from your diet .

3 . Eat More Raw Foods - The ideal diet is one heavy in organic raw foods . That’s hard, but if you start integrating MORE raw foods into your diet you are on the right track . If nothing else, when cooking, boil and steam rather than bake your foods .

4 . Avoid Heavily Cooked/Fried Foods - Again, cooking food without water


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leeches it of its nutrients and creates those compounds that are harmful to your body’s cells and lead to advanced aging . So avoid any foods that must be cooked without water - that includes roasting, frying, grilling, or browning - pretty much anything in your oven .

5 . Avoid Processed Foods - Processed foods often have been cooked AND have chemicals, fats, salts, and sugars added for taste and color . It’s a Molo-tov Cocktail of harmful substances for your body - no matter how healthy the box looks, processed foods are never a good idea .

If you do these five things consistently, regardless of what you eat, you’re going to see significant improvements in almost every aspect of your diet and how you feel and look .

Sure you ought to eat less saturated fat, more vegetables and fruits, and the right mixture of lean white meats and whole, uncooked grains, but don’t try to do ev-erything all at once . Give yourself the time and opportunity to make these chang-es over time .

Give yourself the opportunity to slowly work up to the changes that will have the biggest impact on your life .

Then it becomes a series of permanent lifestyle changes rather than a hardcore diet that will be hard to follow and even harder to maintain after it is over .

These changes need to be permanent to have any real effect, so just as big as understanding them is having a system in place to ensure they can be main-tained over time .

As I share with you the top 77 foods to replace the foods listed above with in your diet, I will also share tips to help you integrate them as easily as possible as well as which foods they can directly replace if you’re having a hard time making the transition .

While I can’t tell you it will be easy, I can provide the tips you need to make it as easy as possible .

Talking with Your Doctor About Major Dietary Changes


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Before we move to the next step and start looking at some of the foods that have been shown over the last few decades to really help slow down the effects of ag-ing, I want to offer a short disclaimer . Food is not immediately safe because it doesn’t contain things like chemicals or additives . Food in all its many forms can have a negative effect on any one hu-man body if not eaten properly . Suddenly and drastically changing your diet can put a lot of stress on an already stressed body while other foods can interact with existing medications or treatments .

While there is a LOT to be said for holistic, nutrition-based treatment for medical conditions, never discount the advice and expertise of your doctor .

If you don’t trust your doctor, you can certainly look for a second opinion, but never ignore medical advice entirely when it comes to what you put into your diet .

Most doctors, especially if they do their jobs right will be happy to discuss with you all of your options and to help you layout a new dietary plan that will allow you to gain many of the benefits described in this book.

Now, let’s take a closer look at what some of the most common and yet incredible foods in your refrigerator can do for your body .


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Getting Rid of All Those ChemicalsTo combat the effects of all the foods that you’ve just ingested loaded with chemi-cals, rebonded proteins and other potentially dangerous and damaging com-pounds, your best food options include low-glycemic, uncooked or steam/water-cooked foods .

As you can imagine, this means almost entirely vegetables and fruits, but there are some legumes, grains and even fish and meat products that can help you get the results you are looking for .

Specifically, though, that should include:

1 . Kale - Kale is one of the healthiest foods you can eat . It’s low in calories, high in fiber, loaded with iron, high in Vitamin K, has a boat load of antioxi-dants and is one of the most effective anti inflammatory foods available. On top of all that, it has Vitamins A and C and is loaded with calcium .

2 . Spinach - Spinach is a close second to Kale, loaded with many of the same nutrients as a dark leafy green .

3 . Carrots - Carrots are a sweet, carbohydrate rich vegetable and is a good source of Thiamin, Vitamin B6, Niacin, Vitamin A, Dietary Fiber, Vitamin K and Potassium. They are also considered moderately anti-inflammatory

4 . Tomatoes - A raw tomato is loaded with Vitamins E, B6, A, C, and K, and minerals like Potassium, Manganese, and Magnesium . It is high in natural sugars, but with a low calorie count it is a good supplement to most meals .

5 . Sweet Potatoes - Sweet potatoes are a powerful food, chock full of a wide range of nutrients including 377% of your daily allotment of Vitamin A. They are also considered decently anti-inflammatory.

6 . Artichokes - Artichokes are good sources of dietary fiber, B-complex vita-mins, iron and phosphorous and are high in protein as a vegetable .

7 . Bell Peppers - Bell peppers are sweet and make a good addition to most meals but are also loaded with nutrients like Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Vitamin K and Potassium .


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8 . Cruciferous Vegetables - Cruciferous vegetables include broccoli, cauli-flower, brussel sprouts and some others that offer a range of different vita-mins and nutrients, including high levels of iron .

9 . Berries (any kinds) - Berries are strong antioxidants and come in many forms including raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, and more . Keep in mind that strawberries are actually a fruit, not a berry .

10 . Grapes (red or black) - Grapes are a good source of Vitamin K and Man-ganese . While low in other nutrients and high in sugar as a choleric source, they are a good snack with a low glycemic load .

11 . Beans (black, garbanzo) - Like any beans, garbanzo and black beans are best when raw and cooked instead of canned . They are very high in iron, calcium, Vitamin C and protein, and with a low glycemic load are one of the best all around foods you can eat .

12 . Plums - Plums are much like grapes - high in certain nutrients, but a good snack source because of their low glycemic load and anti-inflammatory properties .

13 . Cherries - Cherries are also a good food for this reason . They work to purge chemicals and other foods from your body rapidly .

Additionally, the following spices and beverages can have a positive impact on your body:

14 . Green Tea - Green tea has been shown to have numerous anti-inflamma-tory and anti-toxin effects . While there is caffeine, the low acid nature and nutrient rich nature of uncooked tea leaves is very high .

15 . White Tea - White tea is roughly the same in terms of nutritional benefits to green tea because it has not been roasted like coffee or black tea .

16 . Turmeric - Turmeric is one of those anti-inflammatory, body purging super spices that can be very effective when combined with other things on this list .

17 . Cinnamon - Cinnamon is similar to turmeric and makes a great sugar sub-stitute as you start to adjust your diet .

18 . Cloves - Cloves taste great and work well with many starchy foods, but are


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also loaded with a number of vital nutrients .

19 . Ginger - Raw grated ginger is a strong anti-inflammatory food, and has a lot of minerals that can add to your diet . While it doesn’t contain much in the way of food nutrients or calories, it has been linked to many positive health effects .

20 . Cayenne - The capsacin in hot peppers and spices like cayenne pepper powder or flakes has been shown to have a strong anti-inflammatory and purging effect in the body .

As you’ll find soon there are a lot of different foods that can be greatly enhanced by the use of spices . Often, the diets that most effectively integrate spices and other supplemental flavors like the ones listed above are the ones lowest in fat and sugar content and subsequently reduced rates of diseases of affluence.


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Sugar is Very, VERY Bad for You Hopefully at this point I don’t have to beat around the bush with this one . We all know it’s bad for us .

Whether it stops you from consuming obscene amounts of refined sugar or not is a completely different issue . The problem here is not just the fact that it’s bad for you; it’s that we put sugar in EVERYTHING .

Even a loaf of bread has a pretty unnecessary amount of sugar in it . Heck, just look at the list of words we use to describe processed and refined sugar in any one nutritional label:

•High Fructose Corn Syrup•Malt•Brown sugar•Buttered syrup•Beet sugar•Cane juice crystals•Cane sugar•Caramel•Carob/corn/golden/refiner’s/sorghum syrup•Date sugar•Dextran•Dextrose•Diatase•Diastic malt•Ehtyl maltol•Fructose•Fruit juice•Glucose•Glucose solids•Golden sugar•Grape sugar•Honey• Invert sugar•Lactose•Maltodextrin


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•Mannitol•Raw sugar•Molasses•Sorbitol•Sucrose•Yellow sugar

It’s very likely that if you ate anything at all today out of a package - from a waffle to a kernel of popcorn, there was some kind of sugar added to it, for color, for taste, or for shelf life . It’s that ubiquitous .

So it’s no wonder we have such a big sugar problem . But what exactly does this stuff DO to you and why is it SO dangerous .

Part of it goes back to what we were discussing earlier in the book - sugar is a highly processed form of a natural food - a natural food that human beings crave more than anything . Here’s why . The human body needs a lot of energy and before we had things like grocery stores and refrigerators, we spent anywhere from 40% to 80% of our waking hours thinking about, tracking down, collecting, and eating food . Food was the cornerstone of human existence because it was NOT easy to find.

And one of the single hardest things to find in the world of food was sugar. Ber-ries, fruits, and certain vegetables were not exactly common in the wild, and yet they offered instant energy that would allow us to stay active for longer and get more of the nutrition we needed from a relatively dense food product .

It was a good thing .

So human beings crave sugar . We always have and always will . And it did not take long for people to learn how to synthesize just about anything that was sweet . So we cultivated fruit and vege-tables through agriculture, we harvested honey from bees, we created molasses and eventually refined sugar.


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But it wasn’t until the industrial revolution that this could be done on a WIDE scale - to the point that the resulting foods were not only affordable but downright cheap . We now live in a world where you can get a box of cookies for the cost of two apples and plenty of people are more than willing to do so . Heck a lot of us can’t help ourselves .

And this is the problem .

But instead of getting an energy rich, nutrient dense, low glycemic food when we satisfy our sugar craving, we get . . . .sugar .

And nothing else . We get a single simple carbohydrate with ZERO nutrients that our bodies can process in seconds . Sure, it’s a nice boost of energy but it’s done and gone faster than you blink and the result is very, very bad for you .

First, your pancreas gets a work out . Blood sugar spikes, your pancreas has to produce more insulin to process that sugar, your blood sugar drops, you crash and you eat more sugar . Rinse and repeat . Do this often enough and not only does inflammation become a reality in your blood vessels, liver, kidneys AND pancreas, but you risk your pancreas not responding when it should or becoming unable to respond - hence diabetes .

Second, sugar contains a lot of calories. A single tablespoon of refined sugar contains48 calories . The average soda has between 3-4 tablespoons of sugar in it - so you’re consuming as much as 200 calories of JUST sugar .

Because your body processes that SO fast, it is almost instantly converted to glu-cose which your body eventually stores as fat . In fact, because it is converted so fast and because the simple carbohydrates are so inefficient, sugar is easily one of the top contributors to obesity .

On top of ALL THAT, something peculiar happens when you eat processed sug-ars .

High fructose corn syrup, for example, doesn’t trigger the same “I’m full, let’s stop


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eating” response that other foods would, even other sugars .

Because it goes into and out of your digestive system so fast, you keep eating it - it’s why people can drink 1,000 calories in soda every day and not bat an eye-lash .

They don’t feel full afterwards . The natural hunger receptors your body uses to tell you “stop, we don’t need anymore!” never trigger and your cravings are never really fulfilled. You keep drinking, keep consuming calories, and keep gaining weight .

How This Affects Aging

This book is not about weight loss or how fat is formed, though . It’s about aging and so it’s important to note that sugar has a HUGE impact on aging in the hu-man body .

First, there is the issue of blood sugar regulation . That alone is a major factor be-cause poor sugar regulation can lead to poor circulation, neurological problems, diabetes, and heart disease .

All that extra glucose has to go somewhere, so fat cells grow and your body can start to look and feel older as new wrinkles, cellulite, fat deposits, and worse de-velop .

The same chemicals and free floating compounds start to form as well, leading to plaque in neural tissues, the heart, and arteries, increasing the risk of heart dis-ease and worse .

This isn’t universal . Every body responds differently and the volume of sugar you intake will have a huge impact on how many of these problems you are likely to experience, but if you don’t take action - if you allow your body to become depen-dent on sugar - these are all likelihoods that you will need to deal with at some point in your life .

Low Glycemic Index Foods for Your Diet

The bottom line is that processed sugar is one of the root pillars of the obesity epidemic . All that sugar does some very, VERY bad things to the human body


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and yet we tend to ignore it because the primal cravings of our mammilian brains crave sugar .

It’s a shame because sugar alone isn’t so bad, but not in the form we’ve turned it into .

So the opposite can be true as well - eating foods that help to manage blood sugar in any way can be good for you and help reduce the effects of aging .

Real foods that have low glycemic indexes like fish, nuts, berries and beans are all very good in this way . Here are some of the top foods from that list:

22 . Tree Nuts - Tree nuts include walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, macadamia nuts, and others that are pulled from trees . They are best for you when raw .

23 . Peanuts - Peanuts, while often served with nuts, are actually legumes and therefore a different classification of food altogether. Be sure to eat them raw without salt or sugar added for maximum benefit.

24 . Avocados - Avocados offer one of the most complete non-animal fats you can eat, right up there with olives. In fact, 77% of the calories in an avocado come from fat, and the fruit is considered high on the anti-inflam-matory chart . It’s also a good source of Vitamin C and Vitamin K .

25 . Lentils - Lentils are, like chick peas and other beans, a very good source of fiber and protein while offering low glycemic load for the calorie con-tent .

26 . Chick Peas and Hummus - Chickpeas are good as we’ve established, but so too is the fat rich food that humans have been eating made from them for centuries - hummus .

27 . Split Peas - Split peas are another great low-glycemic legume that offers numerous health benefits in the form of fiber, protein, and mineral con-tents .

28 . Eggplant - Uncooked eggplant has a glycemic load of 1, about as low as you can get, and it is neutral to the body in terms of inflammation. Com-bined with high levels of B-complex vitamins, Copper, dietary fiber, folate, potassium and more, it’s a great food .


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29 . Green Peas - Green peas fall into the same category as some of the legumes on this list, but with a lower glycemic load, higher contents of Vitamin A and Vitamin C and anti-inflammatory effects.

30 . Leafy Green Lettuces - Leafy green vegetables are good for you, period . If it’s dark, rich and green, it’s going to be loaded with nutrients - spinach, kale, swiss chard, collard greens, you name it .

31 . Onions - Raw onions are off the charts in terms of anti-inflammatory ef-fects . Combined with a low glycemic load and high volumes of Vitamin C, Dietary fiber and various minerals, it is a wonder food.

32 . Mushrooms - Mushrooms are very filling and yet have a glycemic load of just 2, making them a perfect addition to your diet when trying to keep the load on your body to a minimum . They are also full of minerals and vita-mins .

33 . Plain Yogurt (unsweetened) - Unsweetened yogurt has a number of probiotics that improve digestion and the handling of high glycemic load foods, and is generally a mild, anti-inflammatory addition to your diet.

34 . Quinoa - Quinoa is a low cholesterol food with a decent volume of protein and fat as a grain .

35 . Brown Rice - Brown rice, similar to quinoa has a low glycemic load while offering a decent amount of nutrients per serving . Be wary of where your rice is grown though due to recent concerns over toxins in the husk .

36 . Apples - Apples are high in Vitamin C and dietary fiber, have a very low glycemic load and tend to keep you full for a decently long time .

37 . Pears - Pears fall into the same camp as apples as filling fruits that offer a range of nutrients when raw and unskinned .

38 . Apricots - Apricots are a rare fruit that is good for you both raw and dried - offering a range of nutrients in the skin .

39 . Coconuts/Milk - Coconuts and coconut milk are rich and loaded with natural fats, but they are low in some of the bad stuff that can cause dam-age in other vegetable oils .

40 . Strawberries - Strawberries are high in histamines which can make them a tough regular food for some people, but for those without allergies or


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allergic responses, this is a top fruit .

And again, spices are a great way to help in reducing the effects of high glycemic food; they also add a TON of flavor to your food without needing things like salt and sugar . Some additional spices that are good for you in general include:

41 . Cumin - Found in curries, Cumin is a powerful and very anti-oxidant rich spice that can add a lot of flavor to your foods without reducing nutrient density .

42 . Coriander - Coriander or Chinese parsley (in its raw form) is a very strong spice as well, though it is a rarity in that people tend to taste it very differently. While it tastes sweet and flowery to some it tastes raw and bit-ter to others .

43 . Ginseng - Ginseng has been linked to longevity and general health for millennia and for good reason . It is rich in many strong antioxidizing and anti-inflammatory effects.

44 . Fenugreek - Fenugreek is a great spice and a solid flavor that you can add to just about any food or meal, and it happens to be great for the body .

45 . Sage - Sage is another one of those high anti-inflammatory, high min-eral rich foods that adds just enough flavor to food to be a good offset for things like salt .

Generally speaking, spices are very good for you, especially when fresh . They add a lot of flavor to food without adding fat or sugar, they are rarely processed, and they are loaded with phytonutrients and antioxidants . It’s not universal - the ones listed in this book are better for you than others - but it is a very common and very effective range of options .

Changing Your Sugar-Heavy Diet

A lot of the foods in this book are things you might already eat and don’t realize how healthy they are . Others are going to feel like supplements or medication you take to help boost the immune response and aging support for your body .


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But when it comes to cutting down on your glycemic index and replacing sugars in your diet, it’s a lot harder . How hard?

Consider recent studies that have compared the additive qualities of sugar to cocaine and heroine…and determined that processed sugar very well may be MORE addictive .

Consider that more than 25 million people in the US suffer from diabetes - over 8% of the population - and that the average American consumes 156 POUNDS of added sugar every year . That’s not including the natural sugars we get from our food on a regular basis already .

So you can see why sugar is not only an epidemic that’s leading to the rapid speed of aging in some people and how common so many diseases are becom-ing in the western world, but also why it’s so hard to stop eating .

If you want to eat healthier, you need a plan, so here are some tips to get started in removing all that sugar from your diet:

1 . Identify Sources of Sugar - Do a quick audit of your diet and see where you get sugar on a daily basis . Download an app like Lose It that will help you track what you eat and visualize the sources of your nutrients . It’s easier to cut things out when you know where to cut .

2 . Remove Them from Your Diet - Start removing sugar from your diet . Stop buying processed foods, throw out remaining processed foods, and start us-ing more whole, raw vegetables and fruits when cooking .

3 . Identify Habits and Reform Them - Identify habits that most commonly lead to sugar consumption - things like dessert, trips to the city, or snacks during movies . Now change them for a different habit that will be equally satisfying but less damaging .

4 . Exercise Daily to Encourage Healthier Eating - Exercise encourages your body to eat healthier as it seeks more nutrients to keep you moving at peak condition . Start exercising daily to replace all those bad nutrients with better


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ones .

5 . Integrate Natural Sugar Sources - When replacing your bad sugars, start eating more of the good stuff from carrots, apples, bananas - too much fruit can be bad too, but when switching over, it can help you make the transition a lot easier .

It’s not going to be easy and there will be some of you who find a different tact works better . Sometimes cold turkey won’t cut it and you need to cut down on sugar first. Others won’t be able to do that as the cravings run rampant.

Whatever the case, one of the most significant changes you can make, if you ignore EVERYTHING else in this book is to cut out that added sugar . That alone will set you on the path to healthier living in so many ways .


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Anti-Inflammatory Foods to Put in Your Diet There has been a recent trend in pop-science and nutrition to talk about just how bad inflammation can be, but very few actually explain what inflammation means or how it affects the human body . Therefore, there are plenty of misunderstand-ings about what it means and why it is so dangerous .

Of course, medical science hasn’t caught up on this either - there are few studies out there showing just how dangerous inflammation can be to the human body when left unchecked .

The problem of course being that inflammation is a natural and generally good thing for the body .

When something happens to your body - either through injury or illness - inflam-mation occurs to deliver more blood to the damaged or sick area and speed up recovery .

So when you get a cut it will swell . When you get sick your throat may get tight and your sinuses clogged . When you have allergies, you may have a hard time breathing .

All very normal and all generally good or controllable .

So what’s the big deal then? Why are we trying to turn off the body’s natural de-fenses? Because all that cruddy food you eat is having a very negative effect on your body - so bad in fact that your immune system is flipping on and off like a faulty light switch, attacking the very substances you THINK are food .

This leads to chronic inflammation in almost every organ of the body as a result.

Digestive problems, blood sugar problems, poor circulation, heart disease, and even neurological disorders are all strongly linked to this idea of inflammation be-ing a driver of chronic illness .

We’re quite literally eating ourselves into old age and illness .


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It all makes perfect sense when you think of it - but this is something that medi-cally we are just beginning to understand . Doctors can look at elderly patients and see an increase in chronic diseases that involve inflammation - everything from heart disease to rheumatoid arthritis.

All are more common as you age, but why? Does your body suffer from inflam-mation more often as you get older or do you age faster because of chronic inflammation?

Our bodies are ill-prepared to handle this shift and when we continue to feed these foods into them, inflammation becomes chronic to the point of perma-nence .

Food you ate in your twenties could be causing damage to your body in your 50’s and imagine what everything in between is doing .

To be fair, none of this has been proven on paper . We don’t know exactly why inflammation occurs in some cases and not in others, and auto-immune disor-ders like arthritis are among the least understood chronic illnesses humans suf-fer from, but as studies continue and we begin to learn more, one thing becomes increasingly clear .

Diet can have a HUGE impact on how we combat ALL of these chronic diseases, and those who don’t take advantage of that fact are missing out on a huge oppor-tunity .

The worst part about chronic inflammation, though, is that few people realize it is happening . It’s so subtle and so poorly understood because it happens slowly over time .

The things that cause inflammation are not necessarily as bad as say a deep fried twinkie for breakfast every day . They can develop issues in your body slowly over time, and only after many years show up to the point that you are actively ill .

What Causes Inflammation the Worst?

When looking at the cause of the inflammation, the worst culprits are often those


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things that have been in the human diet the least amount of time .

To be sure, there are plenty of foods that people have developed allergies to - things like fish and tree nuts - that cause inflammation in their own ways, but the most common universal inflammatory foods are things like grains and high-carb foods .

In fact, the kind of diet that until very recently doctors were prescribing to people trying to lose weight and stay healthy is one of the worst when it comes to inflam-mation .

Refined sugar is of course a no-no - blood sugar spiking and dropping as occurs when too much processed sugar is consumed will have a strong inflammatory ef-fect on the body . High insulin levels have an equally bad effect on the body . But it goes beyond just processed sugars .

Corn, dairy, wheat and other processed grains including things like barley, spelt, and polished white rice (to a small degree) can all have this effect . Our bodies simply are not naturally disposed to processing these foods and the risk of in-flammation from them is higher.

It’s why so many people are allergic to these foods or can develop autoimmune responses in the form of lactose intolerance or celiac disease .

The other thing that most people are sorely miseducated on is fats .

This is a societal problem - partly due to a poor understanding of how fats work in the body and partly because of poor communication from doctors and the gov-ernments that set nutritional guidelines .

For a long time, we were told “fat is bad” . That’s not right at all because a healthy diet obtains upwards of 30% of its calories from fat. It’s a vital component of diet, and while the word “fat” has plenty of negative connotations, it is a good thing for your body, generally speaking .

But there are a few types of fats and the right balance is necessary to ensure you are getting all of what you need and none of what you don’t .

• Trans Fats - These are unnatural fats - things that have been hydrogenated


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and are therefore loaded with free radicals and compounds that will deposit in your body and cause damage over time . These have literally been changed from their natural form simply to make things taste better and it’s downright dangerous for the body - to the point that it can replace the good fats you need, weaken cells walls and weaken your immune system . Bad, bad stuff here .

• Saturated Fats - Saturated fats are natural but equally unhealthy - usually derived from things like red meat . While a small amount is safe, this should be limited in your diet as much as possible .

• Polyunsaturated Fats - Polyunsaturated fats have a good reputation (re-cently), but there is a problem . We get a LOT of them and they tend to throw the balance in our body off a bit . Too much polyunsaturated fat and not enough Omega-3 fatty acids (which are derived from seeds, some nuts, and leafy vegetables, along with fish), can throw off the balance in you cells just as much and lead to illness and inflammation on the same degree. Doctors have even started prescribing fish oil supplements to get these fatty acids into balance.

• Mono Unsaturated Fatty Acids - This includes avocados, olive oil, nuts, coconuts and a few other very healthy foods are actually ANTI-inflammatory and probably the best source of fats you can get . While you still need foods that contain some polyunsaturated fats, the odds are that you will get them without trying too hard . The MUFAs are harder to get and take more conscious effort . Making sure you get at least as much of these as you do of soybean and vegetable oil containing foods is important .

It’s impressive just how good for you some of these foods can be - there is a strong anti-inflammatory effect you’ll find when you balance out your fat intake, remove processed and unnatural hydrogenated fats, and eat less processed sugar .

Balancing the Fat Intake

So how do you ensure you get what you need without throwing your diet com-pletely out of balance . Here are some of the key foods you should be eating that


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are anti-inflammatory.

46 . Tuna - Tuna is a nutrient rich fish with a lot of healthy fats and EFAs. You should avoid eating too much tuna in particular, however, because of the risk of mercury content .

47 . Salmon - Again, Salmon is a nutrient rich cold water fish, and it has a lower risk of mercury content than tuna . The thing to watch out for with salmon is farm vs . fresh raised . The best option is wild caught and frozen at sea .

48 . Halibut - Halibut is very rich in nutrients but suffers from the same potential risks as tuna due to the size and age of most fish caught in the wild.

49 . Cod - Cod is a great fish with a short lifespan, generally low levels of mercury and other potential toxins, and high levels of EFA but it is becoming scarce in the Atlantic and is thus more expensive and harder to find than in the past.

50 . Organic Eggs - Eggs are once again considered healthy, containing high amounts of EFA and offering a good source of healthy cholesterol balance .

51 . Flax Seeds - Flax seeds are rich in EFA along with other nutrients that have been shown to help with memory formation and mental acuity .

52 . Chia Seeds - Chia sees hit all the right notes for EFA contents, but also con-tain loads of other vitamins and nutrients - considered one of the true super foods and are easy to eat in things like yogurt or smoothies .

53 . Hemp Seeds - Hemp seeds are rich in EFA but also contain other useful nu-trients that your body doesn’t get from many other non-living sources .

54 . Coconut Oil - Coconut oil is rich, natural and clean, and doesn’t need to be processed like some other vegetable oils, making it a great cooking oil substi-tute .

55 . Hormone Free, Grass Fed Lean Meat - Generally speaking, if you can avoid it, don’t use meat as a source of fat in your diet . However, if you do continue to eat meat, eat hormone free, grass fed lean meat not including red meats like beef .

56 . Dark Chocolate - Dark chocolate with no milk and low sugar content is ex-tremely rich in nutrients and has been shown to provide the right balance of nutrients that are good for mental acuity and general health .


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57 . Pineapple - Pineapple scores high on the anti-inflammatory chart, and is high in dietary fiber and Vitamin C, helping to keep glycemic load down while processing fats .

58 . Kelp - Kelp has almost no calories at all, but what it does have is pretty bal-anced offering both some fat and protein . It is also loaded with minerals and some vitamins that are not always easy to find, like pantothenic acid, zinc and copper .

59 . Hot Peppers - Again, hot peppers have high amounts of chemicals like cap-casin, which in a healthy body without digestive problems can offer quite a few benefits.

And the spices and herbs that have similar effects on the body with no calories (generally):

60 . Garlic - Garlic is the king of anti-inflammatories. It scores off the charts for its size and has 0 glycemic load and almost no calories . So you get a ton of flavor and a load of positive benefits to your body.

61 . Rosemary - Rosemary is neutral with no calories, glycemic impact or inflam-matory properties, but it does offer a lot of useful nutrients and is a flavor font.

62 . Parsley - Parsley is a leafy green, meaning it carries with it a load of iron, vitamin K and C and other nutrients along with all that flavor.

63 . Red Rooibos Tea - Red Rooibos tea is at the top of the list in terms of over-all benefits like those offered by green and white teas.

64 . Basil - Basil is another powerful spice that offers a range of benefits. While small in many ways, the flavor offsets the need for things like fat and sugar with salt in your food .

65 . Cardamom - Cardamom offers zinc, potassium, iron, manganese, and much more as a very robust, well rounded spice with a ton of potential value .

When it comes to reducing fat intake and keeping your body’s overall balance between fat and protein and carbohydrates even (not skewed in either direction), you can’t “diet” as you’ve been told for so many years .


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The balance can be hard to strike at first, but when you strip out processed foods, red meat and other foods that are naturally unbalanced, things get a lot easier . Most highly nutritious foods tend to be more balanced by their very na-ture .


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More Foods to Fight the Effects of Aging There are many cause of aging, many more than we could discuss in this book, and there are even more foods that can combat those effects . The bottom line though is that if you REMOVE the bad stuff that is causing all that damage and then use anti-inflammatory, low glycemic, and raw, organic foods to repair that damage, you can actually slow your aging and start to recover .

How these foods do that will vary . But the common theme is that the human body evolved to eat certain things and our bodies are VERY efficient at extracting the nutrients from THOSE foods .

This is something very important to keep in mind whenever you find yourself growing overwhelmed by how much there is to remember .

If it’s not natural - if the human body isn’t designed to process it - you probably shouldn’t be eating it .

We’re a smart race - we can do a lot of complicated things with technology and science, and one of those things is artificially create stuff that makes us feel good .

From processed sugar that strips out all the bad stuff we don’t want to tastier fats and salts that make any food in a bag taste amazing . We don’t NEED any of it and yet we can’t stop eating it .

There’s a good reason for this and if you can recognize that, overcome the urge to eat that food and focus on the foods your body actually needs, you’ll start re-versing those signs of aging now instead of later .

Phytonutrients and Common Sense

Here is one of my favorite tips because it is so simple and so easy to remember . A lot of the time people who read these books will ask me “how do I know which fruits and vegetables I should eat?”

For the most part, any fruit or vegetable is better than none .


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But when it comes to the BEST of the best, there is a very easy rule to remem-ber . The richer the color, the richer the nutrients . It’s not a universal truth but it’s very close to it. All that color you find in kale, tomatoes, carrots, and everything else that just pops with color is because of phytonutrients and cartenoids that carry some of the densest and richest sources of nutrients known to man .

All those phytonutrients can do a body good - specifically fighting free radicals, acting as anti-oxidants and ensuring you get all the good stuff you need to look and stay young for longer . Sure, you can get a lot of these antioxidants as sup-plements, but 99% of them come in food sources that are freely available at your local grocery story, and it’s ALWAYS better to get them from food sources than a pill .

They include:

• Anthocyanin - Most often found in the colorful flowers and bright flesh of fruit on plants, this is used as a sort of “sunscreen” for those plants . In food, you’ll find them in berries, eggplant, grapes, and sometimes less so in things like bananas, pears, fennel and peaches .

• Astaxanthin - This is what makes salmon pink, so you can imagine where you’ll find it in the food chain. Larger, pink or red sea creatures like crab, lobster and salmon .

• Lycopene - Easiest to find in tomatoes, guava and watermelon, this is a very effective carotenoid terpenoid .

• Polyphenol - There are more than 4,000 different species that contain this antioxidant, including honey, legumes, apples, berries, pears, plums, broc-coli, cabbage, onion, parsley, chocolate, white tea, green tea and grains .

• Vitamin E - Vitamin E is used to protect lipids and is combined with fat in the body to be most effective. It is therefore found in vegetable oil, fish oil, green leafy vegetables, nuts and seeds .

• Vitamin C - Vitamin C is vital for a number of things in both plants and ani-mals . It is a water soluble compound and is most commonly found in citric fruits like lemon and orange, but is also found in broccoli, tomatoes, green leafy vegetables, and tomatoes among others .


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• Vitamin A - Found in dark green, orange and yellow vegetables, Vitamin A is used to protect them from solar radiation, so you should look for foods rich in beta-carotene like carrots, squash, broccoli, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, kale and other rich, bright vegetables and fruits .

Every one of these is vital and can be part of your diet relatively easily if you just eat a richer, more complex diet full of those nutrients . Here’s how we do it . The Right Sources for These Nutrients

That’s a lot of nutrients - where do you get all of them? Most of the foods we’ve talked about carry a lot of these already, and as I mentioned, the brighter the food, the richer it is as a source of phytonutrients, but here are a few more than you can add to your list as you try to build up a smarter, more robust diet of nutri-ent rich foods to fight aging.

67 . Pomegranates - Pomegranates are considered a top anti oxidant food and are loaded with natural sugars that can add a ton of flavor to anything - from juices to smoothies to salads .

68 . Cranberries - Cranberries are a top food for a lot of things . They’re so ef-fective at stripping out toxins and clearing the body of oxidants that doctors prescribe cranberry juice with antibiotics for urinary tract infections .

69 . Acai - Acai is a recently popularized berry with strong anti-oxidizing compo-nents that make it a top choice for healthier living .

70 . Figs - Figs are loaded with antioxidants, fiber, and sugars that are complex enough to keep the glycemic load low . They should be eaten raw, however .

71 . Red Cabbage - Red cabbage has a low glycemic index, high anti-inflamma-tory properties and is loaded with more than a dozen high potency vitamins and minerals including Vitamin C, Iron and Vitamin A .

72 . Oranges - Oranges are very good for you when eaten raw. All that flesh and pulp is full of nutrients like Vitamin C (off the charts) . Avoid juices from or-ange, however, especially for men who could suffer from too much iron expo-sure .

73 . Beets - Beets are high in sugar content, but are also good for dietary fiber, folate, potassium, and manganese among others . They also have a relatively


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low glycemic load and are neutral in terms of inflammation.

74 . Radishes - Radishes, while not tasty on their own, add a lot to many dishes . They also have high Vitamin C, Riboflavin, B6, and Calcium content and are anti-inflammatory to some degree.

75 . Lemons - Lemons have a high Vitamin C, Iron and Calcium count, they are anti-inflammatory, and they can cleanse the body of toxins and oxidants in many ways . While you won’t want to eat a lemon raw, they can be a good ad-dition to many foods .

76 . Pumpkin - Pumpkins are bursting with nutrients . They’re off the charts with Vitamin A and contain high amounts of iron, thiamin, niacin, B6, folate, panto-thenic acid, vitamin E, riboflavin and much more.

77 . Watermelon - Watermelon tastes wonderful and has quite a bit of sugar for a fruit, but is also loaded with Vitamin A and C, Potassium and some Iron .

One Last Thing I want to mention, and this will provide a few extra foods to make sure you are really combatting the signs of aging as well as possible, are probiot-ics .

“Probiotic” is a blanket term that refers to any of the millions of bacteria living in your gut . Yes, you have a massive ecosystem in your body and when it is not properly maintained, it can be damaging to the rest of your body .

Generally, these bacteria develop and thrive naturally in your body, but they can be diminished for a few reasons .

• Overuse of Anti-Biotics - Antiobiotics are designed to target a material in cells only found in bacteria, so they can kill just about every type of bacteria in the human body . Prolonged, recurring use of antibiotics can lead to mass death of vital digestive bacteria, which is often why so many people have digestive issues when they are on antibiotics for a long time .

• High Acid Content in Your Diet - High acid diet from foods like tomato sauces, vinegar, processed foods, wine, or fruit juices can also cause a de-crease in bacteria volume in your digestive tract .

• Immune Disorders - Immune disorders that target the digestive tract such as Crohn’s Disease and Celiac Disease are also known to have disrupting


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effects on bacteria volume and placement in the human body .

• Chronic Inflammation - Regular and chronic inflammation can actually kill off bacteria through the normal immune response of the human body .

Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to replace a lot of these probiotics and keep their levels high, especially lactobacillus and bifidobacterium - two of the most potent and helpful of the bunch .

When the levels are maintained effectively, the positive abound, from faster weight loss to improved complexion (as various toxins are removed from your body), better liver function, and stronger, healthier hair, among other things .

Here are some of the best food sources for probiotics:

78 . Yogurt - Yogurt contains a number of probiotics naturally . Look for yogurt with live cultures, however, and don’t be afraid of the lower fat yogurts with addi-tional probiotics added to the mix .

79 . Kombucha Tea - Kombucha tea is fermented so it contains a number of pro-biotics in its pure form .

80 . Kimchi - Kimchi is another fermented meal that contains large volumes of probiotics that can have a strong positive impact on the human body .

81 . Miso - Miso contains probiotics in its pure, non-processed form . Watch for processed or prepared Miso, however, due to its high sodium content .

82 . Tempeh - Tempeh is one of the few forms of soy that is unquestionably good for the body . While unprocessed soy in general can be good, Tempeh is ex-ceptionally so, as it includes fermented soy beans and loads of probiotics .

There are others - generally fermented foods are a good source of probiotics, but always check in advance to see what each of those foods contains . Addition-ally, probiotic supplements are among the few I will recommend, as long as they contain live cultures .

Live probiotic cultures can be just as effective on their own as in food because you are getting the same benefits and your body will absorb and utilize them the same as it would from food .


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How to Balance a New Diet

I’ve just shared with you 80 foods that are loaded with nutrients, anti-oxidants, minerals and vitamins to help you lose weight, fight back the effects of aging and overcome your addiction to processed sugars and fats .

How do you take action from here to turn all of these suggestions into a new life-style that will keep you healthier for longer and help you fight the effects of aging into your 70s, 80s, and even your 90s?

It’s not going to be easy .

It’s going to take a lot of work to make changes that will help you overcome the long standing concerns you already have about your diet and the next steps you KNOW you need to take to get healthier . But don’t do it all at once . Don’t assume that just because you know what to eat you can suddenly swap everything out for healthier, more nutrient rich foods and call it good .

It’s going to be a lot harder than that . You’re going to need help . You’re going to need support . You’re going to need a plan .

Start by identifying the bad habits that you know are keeping you from eating healthy right now - the after dinner snack, the late night popcorn, the movie soda . These things might seem like small issues, but when allowed to persist they can have a strong negative effect on how you develop your diet and fight against those cravings .

At the same time, don’t forget to talk to your doctor and possibly even a nutrition-ist about the next steps when making so many dietary changes .

For some people, slow steady change, addressing one area at a time will be best . For others, a sudden jarring change that forces you to overhaul everything you consume and your daily habits will be even better .

Whatever your decision, know that there are resources to help and that you can return to this book to find alternatives to the foods you crave or the ones you


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know you should eat but cannot force yourself to eat any more of than you al-ready have .

When you have a plan and resources in place to help make that plan a reality, everything gets that much easier, no matter what challenges you face .


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Putting It All Into Action If you just read this book beginning to end your mind is probably reeling . How many things do we THINK we know about food are wrong and how many options are there to fix them and overhaul our diets? It’s true astounding when you start to think about how complex our bodies are . But there are some very common sense things in this book that will make creat-ing and following a new lifestyle diet much easier .

Sure it will be hard to kick bad habits like processed foods and sugars, high caf-feine and alcohol intake, or processed grains in bread .

These are staples of the western diet and have probably been on your table for every meal since you were 2 years old .

How do you cut them out overnight without feeling a sharp loss?

You don’t . I won’t sugar coat things for you . This won’t be easy . Not only is it a major change that requires a complete overhaul of your eating habits; many of those foods your body has become addicted to .

Like a drug, your body feels an urgent NEED for those chemicals and foods, even as they destroy it .

That reliance can be hard to overcome, so I hope by providing more than 80 new foods you can start to integrate into your diet, I’ve helped you see just how many options you now have to make your diet stronger, better suited to healthier living, and in the end, primed to fight the effects of aging.

Just imagine a few months from now feeling younger than you ever have before, having lost weight, shed years from your complexion, and running circles around people half your age .

This isn’t a miracle diet - it’s the way you were meant to live and you are about to embark on a journey to make it a reality in your life .

If you’re ready, I encourage you to start today . Right now .


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Start feeling the surge of energy that comes from a life of smart, healthy, organic, raw eating . Start feeling like you were MEANT to feel .

It’s an amazing experience and I’m happy to have shared it with you .