All plants have features (adaptations) which help them to survive and reproduce

All plants have features (adaptations) which help them to survive and reproduce in the places where they live (their habitat)


Adaptation. All plants have features (adaptations) which help them to survive and reproduce in the places where they live (their habitat). Trees lose water through their leaves. In winter it can be very cold and it’s more difficult for trees to get water from the soil. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of All plants have features (adaptations) which help them to survive and reproduce

Page 1: All plants have features (adaptations)  which help them to survive and reproduce

All plants have features (adaptations) which help them to survive and

reproduce in the places where they live (their


Page 2: All plants have features (adaptations)  which help them to survive and reproduce

Trees lose water through their leaves.

In winter it can be very cold and it’s more difficult for trees to get water from the soil.

To save water trees like this Beech shed their leaves and rest during the winter.

Page 3: All plants have features (adaptations)  which help them to survive and reproduce

In summer the beech tree arranges its leaves so that they receive as much light as possible.

Plants need light to make their food.

Page 4: All plants have features (adaptations)  which help them to survive and reproduce

In summer Beech trees with all their leaves make the woodland very dark.

Food stored in its underground bulb helps it to grow quickly in the spring.

The Bluebell gets plenty of light by growing and flowering in early summer before the Beech leaves are fully formed.

Page 5: All plants have features (adaptations)  which help them to survive and reproduce

Honeysuckle climbs by twining its stems around the twigs and branches of other plants.

Plants which live amongst tall plants often climb up to reach the light.

Page 6: All plants have features (adaptations)  which help them to survive and reproduce

The creamy coloured flowers and strong scent of the Honeysuckle attract dusk-flying moths which pollinate the flowers.

Scent and colour help to attract pollinating insects.

Page 7: All plants have features (adaptations)  which help them to survive and reproduce

This Wild Clematis is scrambling over other plants in the hedgerow using its leaf stalks to cling to them.

Page 8: All plants have features (adaptations)  which help them to survive and reproduce

The fruits of the Wild Clematis have feathery tails.

These parachutes help the tiny fruits to float through the air spreading the seeds away from the parent plant.

Page 9: All plants have features (adaptations)  which help them to survive and reproduce

Ivy uses special roots on its stems to cling to the tree as it climbs.

Developing roots on an Ivy stem.

Page 10: All plants have features (adaptations)  which help them to survive and reproduce

Ivy fruits ripen in mid winter when food for birds is scarce. This makes it more likely that its fruits will be eaten and its seeds dispersed.

Page 11: All plants have features (adaptations)  which help them to survive and reproduce

Growing along hedgerows and amongst tall grasses, Bush Vetch climbs up to the light using leaf tendrils.

Page 12: All plants have features (adaptations)  which help them to survive and reproduce

Bramble uses its backward-pointing prickles to scramble over other plants.

Being prickly also helps to protect a plant from being eaten by animals.

Page 13: All plants have features (adaptations)  which help them to survive and reproduce

Hawthorn has long sharp thorns which help to protect it from being eaten by animals such as cows and deer.

Page 14: All plants have features (adaptations)  which help them to survive and reproduce

Bright red is a colour which birds see really well.

Hawthorn berries are bright red, which helps to make sure that birds find them and disperse the seeds in their droppings.

A Blackbird eating Hawthorn berries.

Page 15: All plants have features (adaptations)  which help them to survive and reproduce

Holly leaves have prickles which help to protect them.

Leaves at the bottom of the tree are more likely to be eaten and are often more prickly.

Page 16: All plants have features (adaptations)  which help them to survive and reproduce

The bright red Holly berries are easily found by birds which eat them and help to disperse the seeds.

Page 17: All plants have features (adaptations)  which help them to survive and reproduce

Sharp spines on the leaves help to protect this Dwarf Thistle plant from grazing animals.

The flowers are also protected because they have very short stems and sit amongst the prickly leaves.

Page 18: All plants have features (adaptations)  which help them to survive and reproduce

Ground Ivy has lots of hairs and a strong smelling oil in its leaves. Rabbits don’t like it.

Hairs, strong smells and an unpleasant taste can put off grazing animals.

Page 19: All plants have features (adaptations)  which help them to survive and reproduce

Plants need mineral salts. Peat bogs have soils low in mineral nutrients. Carnivorous plants can get extra mineral nutrients by catching small animals

This Sundew has caught a damselfly in its sticky leaves.

Page 20: All plants have features (adaptations)  which help them to survive and reproduce

Butterwort traps small insects on its very sticky leaves.

Carnivorous plants often have flowers with long stalks. This helps to protect pollinating insects from being trapped.

Page 21: All plants have features (adaptations)  which help them to survive and reproduce

The pitchers on this Trumpet Pitcher Plant are formed by the leaves.

Insects are attracted to the pitcher by nectar and are trapped when they fall in.

This is another carnivorous plant

Page 22: All plants have features (adaptations)  which help them to survive and reproduce

The large round leaves of White Water Lily have their stalk attached to the middle. This helps to keep the leaf floating flat on the water surface.

The stalk is long enough to keep the leaf on the surface when water currents move the leaf around.

Page 23: All plants have features (adaptations)  which help them to survive and reproduce

This Water- crowfoot has both floating leaves and finely divided underwater leaves.

Underwater, finely divided leaves are more efficient for photosynthesis and respiration.

Page 24: All plants have features (adaptations)  which help them to survive and reproduce

The whole Frogbit plant floats on the water surface.

Here, it is growing amongst the small floating plants of Duckweed.

Frogbit survives the cold winter months by producing special winter buds which sink to the bottom of the pond and grow again the following spring. Winter buds of Frogbit

Page 25: All plants have features (adaptations)  which help them to survive and reproduce

In the natural world there is a struggle for life as plants and animals compete with each other.

Those best adapted to the habitat are most likely to survive.