All My Relations (Paul Chartrand)

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Transcript of All My Relations (Paul Chartrand)

  • 7/27/2019 All My Relations (Paul Chartrand)


    ]dui I&D&H& Ahdrtrdfo

    FkwPHnPCPNdfdn (Dii Cy Wjidtk`fs+5

    Cjtks#Bkrst Fdtk`fs Wjidtk`fs

    Wjsjdrah ]dpjr b`r thj

    Fdtk`fdi Ajftrj b`r

    Bkrst Fdtk`fs L`vjrfdfaj

    Eufj) 7==

  • 7/27/2019 All My Relations (Paul Chartrand)


    Fdtk`fdi Ajftrj b`r Bkrst Fdtk`fs L`vjrfdfaj

    FkwPhnPcPndfdn(Dii Cy Wjidtk`fs+

    Cjtks#Bkrst Fdtk`fs Wjidtk`fs

    ]dui I&D&H& Ahdrtrdfo) K&]&A&A`iijlj `b Idw

    Zfkvjrskty `b QdsndtahjwdfJcdki6pdui&ahdrtrdfoMusdsn&ad

    Eufj) 7==

  • 7/27/2019 All My Relations (Paul Chartrand)




    Dii Cy rjidtk`fs

    4& Dg`ut thks pdpjr

    _hks pdpjr wds wrkttjf spjakdiiy b`r thj Fdtk`fdi Ajftrj b`r Bkrst Fdtk`fs L`vjrfdfaj)(thj Ajftrj `r FABFL+ dt kts rjqujst&

    _hjrj drj d bjw thkfls dg`ut thks pdpjr thdt sh`uio gj jxpidkfjo rklht dwdy& K hdvj trkjot` wrktj kt kf p`puidr idfludlj) whkah cjdfs K hdvj trkjo t` dv`ko thj spjakdi idfludlj `r

    edrl`f `b thj ufkvjrskty `r pr`bjssk`fdi pj`pij& K hdvj kfaiuojo d a`upij `b rjbjrjfajs dsjfof`tjs dfo d sh`rt sjijatjo gkgik`lrdphy b`r th`sj wh` cdy gj kftjrjstjo kf rjdokfl

    c`rj dg`ut s`cj `b thj thkfls K cjftk`f&

    _hks pdpjr ojdis kf kojds& _hj kojds drj th`sj `b thj Bkrst Fdtk`fs dfo Cjtks pj`pij) dfoadf `fiy gj pr`pjriy adpturjo kf thjkr `rklkfdi idfludlj& Gut sjvjrdi idfludljs drj

    sp`njf gy thj pj`pij& Kt w`uio f`t gj prdatkadi t` wrktj thj pdpjr kf `fj idfludlj thdt ksufojrst``o gy bjw spjdnjrs dfo rjdojrs& Gjadusj `b thdt) K hdvj wrkttjf thj pdpjr kf

    Jfliksh s` thdt jvjryg`oy adf rjdo kt) gut K hdvj usjo d bjw jxprjssk`fs kfFPhkydwPwkf(thj Arjj idfludlj+& _hks ks c`stiy t` sycg`ikzj thj kcp`rtdfaj `b idfludlj ds thj

    idfludlj `b kojds& Idfludljs hdvj `thjr usjs) t``& _hjy adf gj thj idfludlj `b thjh`cj) thj sah``i) `r thj guskfjss pidaj& \hjrj thjsj usjs drj oykfl) ds thjy drj b`r cdfy

    Dg`rklkfdi idfludljs) thjy adf stkii pjrb`rc ds thj idfludlj `b ajrjc`fy dfo thjidfludlj `b kojds&

    Kf wrktkfl thks pdpjr) K hdvj trkjo t` gj bdkthbui t` thj kojds) vdiujs) dfo wdys `b thj

    a`ccufktkjs thdt K wrktj dg`ut& K hdvj stdrtjo) ds y`u adf sjj) wkth df dfakjft pr`t`a`ithdt ks stkii `gsjrvjo t`ody gy thj Ckahkb dfo Bkrst Fdtk`fs pj`pij kf ajrjc`fkjs5

    FkwPhnPcPndfdn& Kt ks kfv`njo dt thj gjlkffkfl dfo thj jfo dfo danf`wijoljs dii `urrjidtk`fs& \hjf usjo thks wdy) thj jxprjssk`f cjdfs f`t `fiy thj ikvkfl `fjs) hucdfs)

    dfkcdis) pidfts) gut dis` thj f`f#ikvkfl dfo th`sj wh` ikvj kf thj w`rio f`t g`ufo gytkcj) thj @thjr#_hdf#Hucdf#Gjkfls) ds wjii ds `ur dfajst`rs dfo dis` thj buturj

    ljfjrdtk`fs& \j adii `f dii `ur rjidtk`fs t` dsskst us kf cdnkfl `ur w`rio d gjttjr pidaj b`rthj buturj ljfjrdtk`fs& _hks l`di ks dis` whdt thks pdpjr cust gj dg`ut& Kt ks dis` d prkcdry

    l`di `b thj FABFL&

    _hks pdpjr ks dg`ut Cjtks dfo Bkrst Fdtk`fs pj`pij) dfo thj rjidtk`fs `r rjidtk`fshkpsgjtwjjf thjc& K shdii adii thjsj rjidtk`fsCky`#\PhnPht`wkf& _hj pdpjr trkjs t` dsskst thj

    Ajftrjs l`di `b i``nkfl b`r kojds thdt cdy gj usjbui kf thkfnkfl dg`ut p`iktkadiijdojrshkp dfo h`w sjib#l`vjrfcjft cklht gj gr`ulht dg`ut) pdrtkauidriy gy

    a``pjrdtkvj p`iktkadi datk`f& \h` wkii drluj dldkfst thj kojd thdt thjrj ks c`rj strjflth kfp`iktkadi ufkty thdf kf oksufkty0

    _hj pdpjr oksaussjs rjidtk`fs gjtwjjf Cjtks (`r ds sdko kf thj `io wdy5 Ckahkb+ dfo

    Bkrst Fdtk`fs pj`pij& Kt i``ns dt rjidtk`fs ds thjy wjrj ndyPs `hak) (d i`fl tkcj dl`+ dfods thjy drj df`ha (f`w+& _hks oksaussk`f i``ns b`r kojds dfo wdys `b jfa`urdlkfl

  • 7/27/2019 All My Relations (Paul Chartrand)



    a``pjrdtkvj rjidtk`fs s` thdt jvjry`fj adf gjfjbkt ds wj strkvj t` rjdikzj sjib#l`vjrfcjft&_hdt ks whdt thks pdpjr ks dg`ut&

    7& Dg`ut thj duth`rs bdckiy dfo pj`pij

    _` gjlkf) K cust kftr`ouaj cysjib& K wds g`rf kf 4;?1) thj s`f `b E`sjph Dkcj Ahdrtrdfodfo Dft`kfjttj G`uvkjr `b Qdkft#Idurjft) Cdfkt`gd& _hdt ks d Ckahkb a`ccufkty i`adtjo`f thj s`uth#jdst sh`rj `b Idnj Cdfkt`gd& Kt ks thj `fiy a`ccufkty `utskoj thj Wjo Wkvjr

    drjd thdt wds okvkojo kft` th`sj i`fl rkvjr i`ts thdt wjrj pdrt `b thj Cjtks idfos ojdi kfthjCdfkt`gd Dat 48

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    thj l`vjrfcjft `b Cdfkt`gd t` d a`cckssk`f t` dovksj kt `f Dg`rklkfdi p`ikay& Cy a`#a`cckssk`fjr wds \jfoy \hktjai`uo& Qhj ks d Odn`td dfo hds df dpp`kftcjft dt thj

    idw sah``i dt thj Zfkvjrskty `b Cdfkt`gd& K t`io hjr `fj `b thj `io st`rkjs K hjdro br`c cybdthjr whjf K wds ikttij dg`ut df kfakojft kfv`ivkfl thj Odn`td dfo d lr`up `b `ur pj`pij

    thdt wds adcpjo dt fklht whkij huftkfl gubbdi` kf Odn`td tjrrkt`ry& D cdf fdcjo

    Idcgjrt wds pdtr`iikfl thj pjrkcjtjr `b thj akraij `b Wjo Wkvjr adrts whjf hj hdppjfjot` gucp kft` d Odn`td cdf& _hjy lrdggjo jdah `thjr dfo hufl `f b`r d whkij) stdrkflkftjftiy dt jdah `thjr) uftki jdah ijt l` dfo wjft `bb wkth`ut dfythkfl jisj hdppjfkfl& K

    gjt d H`iiyw``o vjrsk`f `b thdt st`ry w`uio hdvj d okbbjrjft jfokfl& _hdt st`ry hdppjfjondyPs dl`& @ur pj`pijs) thj Ckahkb dfo thj Odn`td) hdvj hdo vjry l``o dfo ai`sj

    rjidtk`fs f`w b`r d i`fl tkcj) kfaiuokfl s`cj trjdty dlrjjcjfts&

    Q`cj `b cy dfajst`rs w`uio hdvj trdvjijo vjry bdr t` thj s`uth dfo wjst) gjadusj kf thjgubbdi` odys `ur pj`pij w`uio l` ds bdr ds thj W`any C`uftdkfs t` huft& Cy Jiojrs dt

    h`cj t`io cj thks& @fj `b cy lrdfoc`thjrs lrdfobdthjrs) Ejdf#Gdptkstj Idrjfaj) ksgurkjo fjdr ]jcgkfd) F`rth Odn`td& _kcj hds ahdfljo ikttij dg`ut `ur trdvjikfl wdys& K

    hdvj hjdro cy pdrjfts tdin dg`ut trdppkfl ds bdr up ds Aucgjridfo H`usj ourkfl thj4;1=s dfo dt ijdst `fj `b cy `iojr gr`thjrs wds g`rf kf f`rthjrf Cdfkt`gd& K hdvj f`t

    trdvjijo t` huft gubbdi` ds oko cy dfajst`rs& K hdvj f`t trdvjijo t` trdp cusnrdts ds cybdthjr oko& Gut K hdvj l`fj ds bdr s`uth ds Dustrdikd whjrj K stuokjo dfo tdulht idw br`c


  • 7/27/2019 All My Relations (Paul Chartrand)



    _hjrj drj `thjrs wh` tdulht cj ijss`fs kf cdfy wdys& Qtdf Authdfo ks d Arjj Jiojr) dfjxpjrt ikflukst dfo hkst`rkdf br`c Ikttij ]kfj wh`c K bkrst cjt kf Cdfkt`gd ndyPs dl`)

    dfo wh`sj gr`thjr Dodc wds thj bkrst ]rjskojft `b thj Cdfkt`gd Cjtks Bjojrdtk`f kf thj4;2=s& _hj gr`thjrs drj lrdfos`fs `b wdr ahkjb Aut Nfkbj& Euolj Ljrdio (Ljrry+ C`rkf

    br`c ]jtjr Gdiidftyfj dfo Aucgjridfo H`usj ks f`w thj Arjj spjdnkfl euolj `b thj Arjj

    A`urt kf Qdsndtahjwdf> Jikedh Hdrpjr br`c Wjo Quanjr Idnj kf @ek#Arjj tjrrkt`ry fjjosikttij kftr`ouatk`f& @thjrs wh` hdvj hjipjo cj kfaiuoj thj idtj Jiojr Drt Q`i`c`f> _`fyGjia`urt) thj Cjtks ijdojr br`c Ida Qt&Dffj> thj ijljfodry Njf [`ufl br`c

    @pdsnqukdn> ]hki dfo Ejrry B`ftdkfj br`c Qdlnjjfl) g`th ahkjbs) dfo df`ha ]hki ks thjfdtk`fdi ahkjb `b thj Dssjcgiy `b Bkrst Fdtk`fs> thj idtj F`rcdf Luff dfo @ikvjr

    C`fncdf) g`th br`c F`rwdy H`usj> @vkoj Cjrarjok dfo Gkiiy#E` Ojidr`foj) tw` cjfwh` hdvj hjio jijatjo `bbkaj wkth g`th thj Cdfkt`gd Cjtks Bjojrdtk`f dfo ds ahkjbs `b

    Bkrst Fdtk`fs> Cjtks Jiojr Jowdro Hjdo br`c Qhjrrkodf> W`f Fdojdu) d trdfspidftjoDil`fqukf ikvkfl kf Cdfkt`gd) dfo Gkii \kis`f (Hjcds Nid#Ijj#Ijj#Nid+ br`c

    Rdfa`uvjr Ksidfo&

    Cy jyjs wjrj rjdiiy `pjfjo t` Ckahkb#Bkrst Fdtk`f rjidtk`fs whjf K vksktjo thj _urtijC`uftdkf Ahkppjwd rjsjrvdtk`f kf F`rth Odn`td cdfy yjdrs dl`& K wds bdsakfdtjo t` bkfo

    Ckahkb dfo Kfokdf pj`pij cdnkfl up d bjojrdiiy rja`lfkzjo trkgj kf thj Zfktjo Qtdtjs&\hdt bdsakfdtjo cj c`st wds thj skckidrkty kf idfludlj dfo wdys thdt wj shdrjo& \hjf K

    bkrst wjft thjrj K hdo cjt thj idtj Jiojr dfo ikflukst Kod W`sj Diidro dfo GdoljrOjC`ftklfy& Kf rjajft yjdrs K cjt thjrj f`t `fiy cy brkjfo dfo a`iijdluj Fka`ids

    Rr``cdf) gut `fj `b thj c`st kfbiujftkdi Jiojrs K hdvj nf`wf) Brdfaks (Jdlijhjdrt+ Arjj)thj kftjrfdtk`fdiiy daaidkcjo Jiojr dfo hks s`f#kf#idw Wkahdro Idbrdcg`ksj (Cksn`ckf+&

    _hjy hdvj tdulht cj f`t `fiy d phki`s`phy `b pjdaj dfo ufkty) gut dis` d bdsakfdtkflhkst`ry dg`ut `ur rjspjatkvj pj`pijs) whkah kfaiuojs thj dfakjft pr`phjakjs `b thj gkrah

    gdrn sar`iis thdt prjokatjo thj ufkty `b `ur pj`pijs& Dt ajrjc`fkjs kf _urtij C`uftdkf Kcjt Jiojr L`ro`f \dkfojgjfaj) Dfkshkfdgj br`c @ftdrk`) wh` tdulht cj c`rj kf hks

    oruc s`fls thdf hj ks iknjiy jvjr t` nf`w&

    Kf rjajft yjdrs K hdvj cjt Odffy Cusqud br`c Njjsjjn``sj) d Qduitjdux#spjdnkfl Jiojrwh` `pjfjo up b`r cj jftkrjiy fjw kfsklhts kft` thj w`rio `b thj ]idkfs Dfkshkfdgjl>

    Brdfnikf Adrrkjrj thj Nkfl _rdppjr> E`hf Gjduadlj thj Dfkshkfdgj ijdojr> Fjdi CaIj`othj y`ufl Arjj sah`idr dfo huc`rkst& Kf thj idst yjdr) kf dss`akdtk`f wkth Dojidro

    Gidancdf) K hdvj hdo thj prkvkijlj `b cjjtkfl cdfy pj`pij br`c Gubbdi` Wkvjr OjfjFdtk`f) kfaiuokfl sjvjrdi Jiojrs) Ahkjb I`uks Ahkfdiqudy) thj Qyivjstrj) Adtdrdt dfo

    Gjfedckf bdckikjs) dfo `thjrs) fjw rjidtkvjs wh` drj tdnkfl thjkr bklht b`r survkvdi dsOjfj t` thj kftjrfdtk`fdi drjfd&

    _` dii thjsj) dfo t` thj lrjdt cdfy stuojfts K hdvj gjjf prkvkijljo t` tjdah dfo ijdrf

    br`c b`r c`rj thdf b`ur ojadojs) K sdylktahjj cjjlwjtah) cdrak ah`) b`r y`ur lkbts `bnf`wijolj) dfo jspjakdiiy b`r thj lrjdt huc`ur wkth whkah kt hds s` `btjf gjjf ojikvjrjo&

    1& Dg`ut Cjtks dfo Bkrst Fdtk`fs pj`pij dfo Cky`u/\dhn`ht`hwkf

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    Kf thks pdpjr K wrktj dg`ut thj Cjtks `r Ckahkb pj`pij thdt drj pdrt `b thj st`rkjs thdt Khdvj hjdro) jkthjr whjf K wds lr`wkfl up `r c`rj rjajftiy&

    7_hjrj drj `thjr pj`pij br`c

    `thjr pidajs wh` dis` adii thjcsjivjs Cjtks pj`pij& K o` f`t nf`w thjkr st`rkjs dfo K o`f`t wrktj dg`ut thjc hjrj& _hj tjrrkt`ry shdrjo gy thj Bkrst Fdtk`fs dfo Cjtks thdt K wrktj

    dg`ut a`vjrs kf d r`ulh wdy whdt ks t`ody thj ]rdkrkj ]r`vkfajs) gut kt dis` kfaiuojs pdrt

    `b thj f`rthjrf Qtdtjs s`uth `b thj g`rojr& K wkii rjturf t` thdt idtjr&

    \hjf K wds lr`wkfl up K oko f`t hjdr thj w`ro Cjtks gjkfl sdko thj wdy y`u hjdr kt

    sdko f`w kf Jfliksh& \j adiijo `ursjivjs Ckahkb) `r d vdrkdtk`f `b kt) Ckahkss& [`uhdvj t` gj adrjbui h`w y`u pr`f`ufaj thdt idst w`ro& Kb y`u drj `bb d ikttij gkt) kt cjdfs

    s`cjthkfl dit`ljthjr okbbjrjft kf Arjj dfo kt wkii cdnj pj`pij idulh$ Dith`ulh t`odyprdatkadiiy dii `ur pj`pij spjdn Jfliksh) Jfliksh wds f`t thj idfludlj `b thj h`cj b`r

    cdfy `b us& Cdfy `b us a`cj br`c a`ccufktkjs whjrj `fj `r c`rj `b thj kfokljf`usidfludljs) `r pjrhdps d ckxturj `b thjsj idfludljs) wds thj idfludlj `b jvjryody& Ckahkb

    ks whdt wj sp`nj& \hjf wj drj dsnjo whdt idfludlj wj drj spjdnkfl) wj dfswjr iknjjvjry`fj jisj gy sdykfl wj drj spjdnkfl `ur idfludlj& Q` Ckahkb pj`pij sdy wj drj

    spjdnkfl Ckahkb) eust ds Jfliksh pj`pij sdy thjy drj spjdnkfl Jfliksh> thj Brjfah sdythjy drj spjdnkfl Brjfah) dfo s` `f& \j o` f`t hdvj `fj idfludlj& Q`cj `b us spjdn

    biujft Qduitjdux) `r Arjj> `thjrs spjdn Brjfah wkth ckxturjs `b thjsj tw` kfokljf`usidfludljs) `r `fiy `fj `b thjc& ]j`pij dis` ckx up Brjfah dfo Jfliksh& _hjrj ks d l``o

    st`ry dg`ut thj bkooijr wh` kojftkbkjo hkcsjib gy sdykfl> [`u nf`w cj K pidy vk`ikf dlduahj&

    _hks pdpjr ks dis` dg`ut Bkrst Fdtk`fs pj`pij& _hj jxprjssk`f Bkrst Fdtk`fs ks usjo gy

    okbbjrjft pj`pij t` cjdf okbbjrjft thkfls& Q`cjtkcjs kt cjdfs Kfokdf Gdfos ufojr thjKfokdf Dat& _hdt ks thj cjdfkfl kf s`cj fjw idws& @thjrs usj kt t` rjbjr t` thj dfakjft

    pj`pijs iknj thjPfkfPwdn `r FPhkydwdn(Arjj+>Dfkshkfdgjl`rQduitjdux (@ekgwj+)Fdn`od (Qt`fjy `r Dsskfkg`kfj+) dfo `thjrs& Cdfy `rokfdry pj`pij `f rjsjrvjs dfo kf

    `thjr a`ccufktkjs prjbjr thj tjrc Kfokdf dfo cdfy sdy thjy drj _rjdty Kfokdfs& Kfthks pdpjr Bkrst Fdtk`fs cjdfs Kfokdfs gut f`t kf thj sjfsj `b thjKfokdf Dat& \hjf

    rjbjrrkfl t` `fj `r d bjw Kfokdf `r Bkrst Fdtk`f pj`pijs) K wkii usj thj pj`pijs `wffdcjs b`r thjcsjivjs) suah dsFPhkydwdn`r Arjj& Wjspjat dsns us t` usj thj sdcj w`ros

    ds thj pj`pij thjcsjivjs usj whjf rjbjrrkfl t` thjc&

    _hj Ckahkb dfo thj Bkrst Fdtk`fs shdrjo `ur tjrrkt`ry& _hj idfo lkvjs y`u y`ur auiturj) s`ds wj shdrjo thj idfo) s` wj dis` shdrjo s`cj `b `ur wdys `b ikbj& \j hdo) ndyPs dl`) d

    shdrjo ja`f`cy gdsjo `f huftkfl thj gks`f wkth thj h`rsj) suppijcjftjo gy huftkfl)bkshkfl dfo trdppkfl `vjr wkoj rjlk`fs& \j shdrjo idfludlj& \j hdo t`) kf `rojr t`

    ojvji`p `ur a``pjrdtkvj ja`f`cka dfo p`iktkadi datk`fs& \hjrj thj idfo ks bidt pj`pijcjjt jdskiy dfo ojdi wkth `fj df`thjr dfo thjy ojvji`p d a`cc`f wdy `b

    a`ccufkadtkfl& Kf gucpy `r c`uftdkf`us drjds) whjrj kt ks f`t ds jdsy b`r okstkfatpj`pijs t` cjjt `fj df`thjr) y`u wkii bkfo cdfy okstkfat idfludljs& _rdvjijrs kf `ur bidt

    idfos kf thj 48==s wr`tj dg`ut thj p`iyli`t edggjr `b thj Ckahkb) d pj`pij wkth drjlk`fdi kojftkty thdt rjqukrjo biujfay kf sjvjrdi idfludljs& _hj idfo lkvjs y`u y`ur


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    _hj Bkrst Fdtk`fs dfo Ckahkb shdrjo dspjats `b auiturj& Kf `ur `wf tkcjs) kb y`u tdin t`Ckahkb dfo Bkrst Fdtk`f pj`pij kf thks rjlk`f) y`u wkii bkfo thdt thjrj drj cdfy jvjryody

    thkfls thdt jvjry`fj o`js) `r nf`ws dg`ut& Jvjry`fj iknjs gdff`an dfo wj dii idulh dt`ur cjc`rkjs `b uskfl idro wkth kt& Kb y`u drj br`c hjrj y`u wkii hdvj st`rkjs dg`ut thdt

    g`kijo puookfl kf d gdl& Nf`wkfl thj bkfj p`kfts `b okllkfl sfdnj r``t dfo snkffkfl d

    rdggkt dii`ws jvjry`fj t` ojtjat thj huc`ur kf d l``o st`ry dg`ut th`sj datkvktkjs&Jvjry`fj hds d st`ry dg`ut hjdikfl wkth cjokakfjs br`c thj idfo& K hdvj hjdro g`th BkrstFdtk`fs dfo Cjtks pj`pij rja`uft thj st`rkjs `b \PsdhnPaPhn) thj _rkanstjr) ds hj ks

    nf`wf kf Arjj&

    _hj ai`sj rjidtk`fs gjtwjjf Cjtks dfo Bkrst Fdtk`fs pj`pij kf thj pdst wjrj jvkojft kfcdfy wdys& Q`cj pj`pij w`uio ikvj wkth `fj a`ccufkty dfo thjf wkth df`thjr& _hj

    Cjtks ijdojr Ldgrkji Ouc`ft spjft tkcj ikvkfl wkth thj _urtij C`uftdkf Ahkppjwd f`ti`fl gjb`rj thj bdc`us gdttijs `f thj Qdsndtahjwdf Wkvjr kf 488:& _h`sj wh` gji`fljo

    wjrj f`t `fiy th`sj wh` wjrj g`rf kft` thj pj`pij `r fdtk`f& _hjrj wds diwdyskftjrcdrrkdlj

    1dfo thj dfakjft do`ptk`f ajrjc`fkjs `b cdnkfl rjidtkvjs ks stkii prdatksjo

    df`ha dc`flst ]idkfs pj`pijs&

    _hj jcjrljfaj `b thj Cjtks ds df kfokljf`us pj`pij okstkfat br`c thj dfakjft BkrstFdtk`fs pj`pijs ks f`t d wjii#nf`wf st`ry) jvjf th`ulh thj Cjtks hdvj bjdturjo

    pr`ckfjftiy kf thj ljfjrdi hkst`rkjs `b wjstjrf Adfdod& Kt ks f`t p`sskgij t` buiiy jxpidkfthj jcjrljfaj `b d pj`pij kf d sh`rt spdaj `r tkcj) dfo thj wh`ij st`ry ks c`rj

    a`cpikadtjo thdf K adf ojdi wkth hjrj) gut K cust sdy s`cjthkfl dg`ut kt&?

    \j `btjf rjdo `r hjdr dg`ut h`w thj Cjtks drj dii thj ojsajfodfts `b Kfokdf w`cjf dfoJur`pjdf cjf wh` e`kfjo t`ljthjr t` b`rc okstkfat a`ccufktkjs& Gut thdt o`js f`t gy

    ktsjib jxpidkf h`w d fjw kfokljf`us pj`pij adcj kft` jxkstjfaj& D bdckiy ks f`t d pj`pij&D vkiidlj `r d scdii a`ccufkty `b bdckikjs ks f`t d pj`pij& Dfo cdfy ojsajfodfts `b

    Bkrst Fdtk`fs w`cjf dfo Jur`pjdf cjf e`kfjo thjkr c`thjrs pj`pij dfo thjkrojsajfodfts t`ody drj Bkrst Fdtk`fs pj`pij& Q`cj Grktksh bdthjrs t``n thjkr ahkiorjf t`

    Jur`pj dfo thjy lrjw up thjrj dfo t`ody thjkr ojsajfodfts drj Qa`ttksh `r \jish pj`pij&Kb wj i``n jisjwhjrj dr`ufo thj w`rio) thjrj ks f`t cuah t` supp`rt thj kojd thdt ckxjo#

    dfajstry pj`pij dut`cdtkadiiy gja`cj) dfo drj rja`lfkzjo ds) d fjw pj`pij&

    _hj Cjtks pj`pij daqukrjo d sjfsj `b lr`up `r a`iijatkvj kojftkty gjadusj `b p`iktkadi)s`akdi dfo ja`f`cka rjds`fs thdt wjrj ufkquj t` thj tkcj `b thj bur trdoj) r`ulhiy idtj kf

    thj 4

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    bklhtkfl dldkfst thj Odn`td dfo cdnkfl trjdtkjswkth thj Fdn`od) Arjj dfo Qduitjdux> bklhtkfl dldkfst thj Adfdokdf l`vjrfcjft kf 482;

    dfo fjl`tkdtkfl thj gdrldkf `b a`fbjojrdtk`f) thj Cdfkt`gd _rjdty `b Wkji) kf 48 dfo

    thj bklhtkfl di`fl thj Q`uth Qdsndtahjwdf Wkvjr kf thj sprkfl `b 488:& ]`iktkadi datk`fldkfs p`iktkadi rja`lfktk`f) whkah adf a`cj kf okbbjrjft b`rcs) whjthjr kf thj b`rc `b dfdrcy `r d fjw idw thdt ks pdssjo t` rja`lfkzj thj rklhts `b thj pj`pij& D fjw pj`pij

    jcjrljs whjf d idrlj a`ccufkty `b pj`pij hds a`cj t` rjldro ktsjib) dfo ks rjldrojo gy`thjrs) ds d okstkfat pj`pij) dfo kt hds st`rkjs t` shdrj dg`ut thj ups dfo o`wfs `b kts

    hkst`ry& Jvjry pj`pij hds kts `wf cyths dfo st`rkjs thdt cdnj up df kojdikzjo `rklkfst`ry&

    Q`cj a`ccjftdt`rs iknj t` p`kft `ut thdt thjrj wjrj tw` okstkflukshdgij lr`ups wkthkf

    thks Cjtks kojftkty5 thj `fjs wh` ojsajfojo br`c jdriy Jfliksh#]r`tjstdft bdckikjs br`cthj f`rthjrf Huos`fs Gdy bur trdoj systjc) dfo thj `fjs ojsajfojo br`c thj jdriy

    Brjfah#Adfdokdf bdckikjs br`c thj Qt#Idwrjfaj bur trdoj systjc& _hj Jfliksh `fjs wjrjthjf usudiiy adiijo Hdib#Grjjos& _hks tjrc ks stkii hdppkiy usjo gy cdfy pj`pij kf `ur

    tjrrkt`ry& B`r `thjrs) jspjakdiiy th`sj wh` oko f`t lr`w up kf df Jfliksh spjdnkfljfvkr`fcjft) thks ks d bklhtkfl w`ro& _`ody kt sjjcs t` gj c`rj p`iktkadiiy a`rrjat wkth

    `utskojrs t` usj thj tjrc Cjtks b`r g`th lr`ups& B`r gjttjr `r b`r w`rsj) thj tw` lr`upshdvj cjrljo dt thj kfokvkoudi dfo bdckiy ijvji dt dii tkcjs `b `ur hkst`rkjs) dfo t`ody thj

    cdkf p`iktkadi rjprjsjftdtkvj `rldfkzdtk`fs o` f`t okstkfluksh gjtwjjf thj tw`a`ccufktkjs&

    D i`t `b pj`pij tdin dg`ut ckxjo#gi``o whjf thjy tdin dg`ut Cjtks pj`pij) s` kt ks

    usjbui t` sdy d gkt c`rj dg`ut kt& _hj gi``o `b Cjtks pj`pij ks f` c`rj ckxjo thdf thdt`b dfy `thjrs& Kb gi``o cjdfs dfajstry) thjf kt rjbjrs t` wh` drj y`ur pdrjfts dfo

    lrdfopdrjfts dfo `thjr b`rjgjdrs& _hj kojftkty `b y`ur pdrjfts hds fjvjr) gy ktsjib)ojtjrckfjo t` whdt a`ccufkty y`u gji`fl) jvjf th`ulh dfajstry tkjs y`u t` d

    a`ccufkty fdturdiiy dfo cdfy pj`pij wkii gji`fl t` thdt a`ccufkty b`rjvjr& Dc`fls`cj kfokljf`us pj`pijs) ds K ufojrstdfo dfywdy) `fj adf `fiy hdvj ajrtdkf rklhts `r

    stdtus kb `fj ks g`rf kft` thj lr`up) dfo thdt stdtus adf f`t gj dgdfo`fjo& C`rj bdckikdr)pjrhdps) ks thj rja`lfktk`f thdt pj`pij dis` c`vj dwdy) rjf`ufaj thjkr kojftkty) cdrry

    `utskoj) dfo do`pt ahkiorjf dfo `thjr fjw bdckiy cjcgjrs& ]j`pij o` f`t diwdysgji`fl t` thj a`ccufkty kft` whkah thjy drj g`rf&

    Gut hdvkfl ckxjo dfajstry ks f`thkfl iknj gjkfl d ojsajfodft `b d st`rkjo fdtk`f `r

    pj`pij& _hj Cjtks pj`pij a`fsksts `b a`ccufktkjs ufktjo gy d shdrjo hjrktdlj dfo thjpj`pij wh` gji`fl t` thjsj a`ccufktkjs& Kt ks t`odys a`ccufktkjs thdt ojsajfo br`c thj

    hkst`rka a`ccufktkjs thdt cdnj up thj Cjtks pj`pij5 Cjtks kojftkty ks gdsjo `f gji`flkflt` d fdtk`f) f`t `f kfokvkoudi dfajstry& Kb `fj i``njo `fiy dt kfokvkoudi dfajstry) `fj

    w`uio bkfo cdfy Bkrst Fdtk`fs pj`pij dfo cdfy f`f#Dg`rklkfdi Adfdokdfs wkth thj sdcjs`rt `b ckxjo#dfajstry&

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    \hjf wj i``n dt thj hkst`ry `b thj trjdtkjs) wj sjj thdt kojftkty wds rja`lfkzjo idrljiy dsd cdttjr `b p`iktkadi ah`kaj rdthjr thdf d fjajssdry a`fsjqujfaj `b `fjs gkrth& Q`cj Bkrst

    Fdtk`f lr`ups thdt sklfjo `f t` trjdtkjs wjrj ojsarkgjo gy `utskojrs ds ckxjo#gi``oa`ccufktkjs& Qjvjrdi pr`ckfjft ahkjbs wh` sklfjo trjdtkjs wjrj sdko t` gj `b ckxjo#

    gi``o gy `utskoj a`ccjftdt`rs& _hj Bkrst Fdtk`fs pj`pij `gvk`usiy vkjwjo thjc ds `fj

    `b thjkrs dfo ds ahkjbs&

    Gjkfl Cjtks ks f`t s` cuah dg`ut wh` y`u drj ds df kfokvkoudi ds kt ks dg`ut hdvkfl nkf

    `r bdckiy rjidtk`fshkps wkthkf d Cjtks a`ccufkty& Kt ks f`t s` cuah dg`ut y`ur kfokvkoudidfajstry ds kt ks dg`ut shdrkfl kf thj a`cc`f hjrktdlj `b thj pj`pij t` whkah y`u gji`fl&

    K skcpiy wdft t` p`kft `ut thdt thj st`ry `b h`w cy pj`pij adcj t` gj ks f`t cjrjiy dst`ry dg`ut kfokvkoudi dfajstry& Kt ks d ufkquj st`ry `b `fj pj`pij) gut dii pj`pijs a`cj

    kft` gjkfl thj sdcj wdy5 gy a`cc`f p`iktkadi datk`f dfo) kf tkcj) d a`cc`frjcjcgjrkfl `b d shdrjo hkst`ry& Qhdrjo st`rkjs&

    @fj `b thj rjds`fs Cjtks dfo Bkrst Fdtk`fs kojftkty ks s`cjtkcjs `gsaurjo `r a`fbusjo

    hds t` o` wkth thj wdy thdt thj l`vjrfcjft ojdit wkth thj pj`pij whjf kt bkrst stdrtjo t`ojdi wkth us& Kf thj tkcj `b thj tdnj`vjr `b `ur tjrrkt`rkjs kf thj \jst kf thj sja`fo hdib `b

    thj 4;th

    ajftury thj l`vjrfcjft daajptjo thdt dii kfokljf`us pj`pij) rjldroijss `bwhjthjr thjy wjrj nf`wf ds Bkrst Fdtk`fs `r Cjtks) hdo rklhts t` thj idfo& _hjsj rklhts

    wjrj adiijo Kfokdf tktij `r) ds f`w) Dg`rklkfdi tktij&

    _hj l`vjrfcjft sjft rjprjsjftdtkvjs t` sklf trjdtkjs wkth thj Bkrst Fdtk`fs& Kf thj wjstthjsj wjrj sklfjo br`c 48

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    Kf thjCdfkt`gd Dat`b 48

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    ds Kfokdfs kf thj l`vjrfcjftsKfokdf Dat& _hks ks gjadusj thjKfokdf Datpr`vkojo thdtth`sj wh` t``n sarkp a`uio f`t gj rja`lfkzjo ds Kfokdfs gy thj l`vjrfcjft& K wkii dldkf

    oksauss thj Dat dfo kts jbbjats d gkt idtjr&

    Kf thj 4;?=s bjojrdi gurjduardts trkjo t` pry d idrlj fucgjr `b Kfokdf gdfo cjcgjrs kf

    Digjrtd dwdy br`c thj gdfos dfo Kfokdf stdtus `f thj bdisj rjds`f thdt thjy wjrj `bckxjo#gi``o& ]j`pij a`cpidkfjo) dfo d a`cckssk`f wds sjt up t` cdnjrja`ccjfodtk`fs dfo thj l`vjrfcjft bkfdiiy dlrjjo t` thj vkjw `b thj Cdao`fdio

    A`cckssk`f) whkah jxpidkfjo thdt ckxjo#gi``o hdo fjvjr ojakojo wh` gji`fljo t` dtrjdty Kfokdf lr`up& Cdfy l`t thjkr stdtus gdan gut s`cj oko f`t&

    Cdfy `b thj Bkrst Fdtk`fs pj`pij wh` wjrj jfbrdfahksjo gy tdnkfl sarkp hdvj e`kfjo

    Cjtks p`iktkadi `rldfkzdtk`fs& Q`cj gjikjvj thdt thjy hdvj f` `thjr wdy `b gjkfl`bbkakdiiy rja`lfkzjo ds Kfokdf& _hks ks f`t thj idw5 kt ks `fiy l`vjrfcjft p`ikay) gut

    cdfy pj`pij sjjc t` gjikjvj kt ks thj idw& _`ody thj bjojrdi l`vjrfcjft rjbusjs t`rja`lfkzj Bkrst Fdtk`fs pj`pij `f thjkr `wf tjrcs) ds Arjj `r @ekgwj) dfo s` `f&

    Cjcgjrshkp kf Bkrst Fdtk`f a`ccufktkjs `f rjsjrvjs adcj t` gj rjluidtjo gy thj bjojrdi

    Kfokdf Dat& _hks Dat wds pdssjo kf 48

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    thjy drj f`t iknjiy t` kfbiujfaj p`ikay ojaksk`fs thdt kfv`ivj rjdi a`sts) idrljiy gjadusjthj ]rkcj Ckfkstjr dfo d vjry scdii lr`up `b `thjr pj`pij drj gjhkfo dii kcp`rtdft p`ikay

    ojaksk`fs& _hj a`fsuitdtk`fs wkth Dg`rklkfdi p`iktkadi lr`ups drj f`t d sugstktutj b`rdatudi ojaksk`f#cdnkfl p`wjr&

    K hdvj wrkttjf quktj d gkt s` bdr dg`ut whdt Cjtks dfo Bkrst Fdtk`fs pj`pij hdvj kfa`cc`f& _hjrj drj dis` thkfls thdt okbbjrjftkdtj us br`c `fj df`thjr& Kb K trkjo t` cdnj dikst `b auiturdi ktjcs `r prdatkajs ufkquj t` `fj lr`up `r thj `thjr K w`uio bdki& Q`cj`fj

    w`uio diwdys gj dgij t` sh`w thdt kt ks dis` shdrjo dfo f`t ufkquj& A`cpdrks`fs gjtwjjfokbbjrjft pj`pijs rdksj kftjrjstkfl ahdiijfljs& B`r `fj thkfl) kt ks t`` jdsy t` cdnj y`ur

    `wf skoj i``n gjttjr thdf thj `thjr skoj) whkah ks f`t d l``o wdy t` h`io upCky`#\PhnPht`wkf& Kt ks f`t jdsy t` sh`w jxdatiy h`w d pj`pij ks okbbjrjft br`c df`thjr

    pj`pij kf dfy lrjdt ojtdki wkth`ut aduskfl df drlucjft&

    Kf thj jfo K iknj t` rjiy `f st`rkjs& Q`cj`fj hds wrkttjf thdt d pj`pij jxksts gy vkrtuj `b da`cc`f rjcjcgjrkfl `b d a`cc`f subbjrkfl& _hj kojftkty `b d pj`pij ks rjvjdijo kf thj

    st`rkjs thdt tjii wh` ks h`f`urjo br`c thj pdst) dfo thdt kf turf tjiis whdt nkfo `b vkrtujs`r vdiujs wkii gj h`f`urjo df`ha dfo kft` thj buturj& @b a`ursj dii `b us h`f`ur hjr`js

    thdt gji`fl t` `thjr pj`pijs& K hdvj diwdys dockrjo Ckstdhk Cusqud) wh` ks d hjr`dc`flst thj Arjj pj`pij& \hjf K sdy wj drj kojftkbkjo gy `ur st`rkjs `b `ur hjr`js K dc

    rjbjrrkfl t` thj `fjs wj nf`w drj `urs& K rjcjcgjr thj wdy cy bdthjr i``njo whjf hjwds tjiikfl thj st`ry dg`ut Gdt`ahj dfo Ldgrkji Ouc`ft& Hdvkfl rjtkrjo dt dlj

  • 7/27/2019 All My Relations (Paul Chartrand)



    l`vjrfcjft& _hj gjst wdy b`r thj l`vjrfcjft t` pr`ajjo kb kt ks sjrk`us dg`utrja`lfkzkfl Bkrst Fdtk`f dfo Cjtks pj`pij b`r purp`sjs `b ojdikfl wkth thj rklhts dfo

    kftjrjsts `b thj a`ccufkty ks t` b`aus `f a`ccufktkjs) f`t kfokvkoudis& _hks ks jspjakdiiys` kb thj l`vjrfcjft ks l`kfl t` rja`lfkzj fdtk`fs kf `rojr t` stdrt fjl`tkdtkfl fjw sjib#

    l`vjrfcjft dlrjjcjfts `r trjdtkjs&

    H`w adf thj l`vjrfcjft c`vj dhjdo kb kt wdfts t` jftjr kft` sjib#l`vjrfcjftfjl`tkdtk`fs wkth okstkfat Cjtks dfo Bkrst Fdtk`f a`ccufktkjs0 \hdt kt o`js f`w ks kt

    ojdis wkth thj Kfokdf gdfos `r Bkrst Fdtk`fs thdt kt hds ah`sjf t` rja`lfkzj kf thjKfokdf Dat& Gut wj hdvj sjjf thdt thjrj drj cdfy pj`pij wh` drj Kfokdf `r Bkrst Fdtk`fs

    pj`pij wh` o` f`t gji`fl t` thjsj gdfos& Burthjrc`rj) jxajpt b`r thj jklht CjtksQjttijcjfts kf thj pr`vkfaj `b Digjrtd) thjrj drj f` `bbkakdiiy rja`lfkzjo Cjtks

    a`ccufktkjs& Gut kf thj tjrrkt`rkjs dg`ut whkah K wrktj) thjrj drj vjry okstkfat Cjtksa`ccufktkjs whjrj c`st pj`pij drj Cjtks) eust ds thjrj drj vjry okstkfat Kfokdf `r Bkrst

    Fdtk`f a`ccufktkjs) dfo f`t dii `b thjc drj `bbkakdi rjsjrvjs& D prdatkadi wdy t` stdrt ksb`r thj l`vjrfcjft t` ojdi wkth thj rjprjsjftdtkvjs `b a`ccufktkjs thdt drj f` o`ugt

    Kfokdfs `r Cjtks) dfo thjf a``pjrdtkvjiy w`rn `ut ruijs `b rja`lfktk`f ds y`u l` di`fl&_hks ks whjrj y`u stdrt& Kb wj drj t` hdvj d systjc `b sjib#l`vjrfcjft thdt w`rns) thjf

    thj kojftkbkadtk`f `b th`sj a`ccufktkjs wh` drj t` gj l`vjrfjo gy th`sj l`vjrfcjftscust gj ojakojo kf a`ccufkty a`fsuitdtk`fs) dfo kf fjl`tkdtk`fs dfo dlrjjcjft wkth thj

    l`vjrfcjft `b Adfdod&

    \hdt thj pj`pij wdft t` adii thjcsjivjs) whjthjr Bkrst Fdtk`f) Kfokdf) Kfukt `r Cjtks) ksup t` thjc& _hj `fiy kcp`rtdft thkfl) ds bdr ds kt a`fajrfs thj l`vjrfcjft) ks t` nf`w

    thdt kt ks ojdikfl wkth Dg`rklkfdi a`ccufktkjs `r fdtk`fs) dfo thdt ks f`t okbbkauit t` o`kf bdat& _hj W`ydi A`cckssk`f `f Dg`rklkfdi ]j`pijs) kf kts 4;;2 bkfdi rjp`rt) a`ftdkfs d

    vjry ojtdkijo ojsarkptk`f `b h`w Cjtks `r Bkrst Fdtk`f fdtk`fs a`uio gj `bbkakdiiyrja`lfkzjo b`r thj purp`sj `b jftjrkfl kft` sjib#l`vjrfcjft fjl`tkdtk`fs& _hj

    rja`ccjfodtk`fs kfaiuoj sjttkfl up rjlk`fdi trkgufdis thdt w`uio dovksj thj l`vjrfcjft`f thj kojftkbkadtk`f `b Bkrst Fdtk`f `r Cjtks a`ccufktkjs&

    K hdvj f`t wrkttjf dg`ut thj kojftkbkadtk`f `b Bkrst Fdtk`f dfo Cjtks kfokvkoudis b`r ijldi

    dfo p`ikay rjds`fs `thjr thdf b`r thj purp`sjs `b rja`lfktk`f b`r fjl`tkdtk`fs `f sjib#l`vjrfcjft& _hdt ks df`thjr vjry a`cpijx t`pka thdt adf f`t gj tdanijo kf d sh`rt pdpjr&

    _hjrj ks l``o rjds`f t` gjikjvj thdt thjrj cdy wjii a`ftkfuj t` gj `bbkakdi rjds`fs b`rkojftkbykfl Cjtks dfo Bkrst Fdtk`f kfokvkoudis) b`r jxdcpij) t` skflij `ut th`sj jftktijo t`

    bufos b`r jouadtk`fdi `r `thjr pugika sjrvkajs ufojr dbbkrcdtkvj datk`f pr`lrdccjs&

    _hjrj drj cdfy vjry ai`sj pjrs`fdi dfo a`ccufkty rjidtk`fs gjtwjjf Bkrst Fdtk`fs dfoCjtks pj`pij) gut thj rjidtk`fs gjtwjjf thj p`iktkadi rjprjsjftdtkvj `rldfkzdtk`fs drj f`t

    ai`sj& _hjrj ks f`t `fj fdtk`fdi p`iktkadi v`kaj b`r dii Dg`rklkfdi pj`pijs& _hj fdtk`fdi`rldfkzdtk`fs drj spikt di`fl thj ikfjs rja`lfkzjo gy thj l`vjrfcjft kf thjKfokdf Dat)

    dfo s` rjprjsjft stdtus dfo f`f#stdtus Kfokdfs) dfo thjy drj bufojo gy thjl`vjrfcjft&

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    _hjrj drj rjds`fs b`r thj idan `b ufkty dfo thj daajptdfaj `b l`vjrfcjft p`ikakjs& _hjpj`pij drj p``r cdtjrkdiiy) p``rjr gy bdr `f dvjrdlj) thdf `thjr Adfdokdfs& \kth p`vjrty

    a`cjs idan `b jouadtk`f) idan `b ja`f`cka `pp`rtufkty dfo idan `b p`iktkadi kfbiujfaj&]j`pij drj vuifjrdgij t` hdvkfl thjkr pjrs`fdi ojaksk`fs kfbiujfajo gy whdt thj

    l`vjrfcjft o`js) gjadusj thj l`vjrfcjft ks thj hdfo thdt bjjos thjc& _hks adf gj sjjf

    kf thj wdy cdfy kfokvkoudis sjib#kojftkty ds Cjtks `r Kfokdf) whkah) kf cdfy adsjs)b`ii`ws thj l`vjrfcjft p`ikay dfo whdt pj`pij cdy sjj ds d wdy t` ldkf s`cj gjfjbkt `rdovdftdlj& Kt ks f`t rklht thdt pj`pijs kojftkty sh`uio gj kfbiujfajo gy l`vjrfcjft

    gjfjbkts) `r whdt ks s`cjtkcjs sdradstkadiiy adiijo hdfo`uts gy `pp`fjfts `bl`vjrfcjft p`ikay& K rjcjcgjr d st`ry t`io t` cj gy d Ojfj jiojr kf Cdfkt`gd thdt

    adpturjs thj kojd thdt Dg`rklkfdi pj`pij sjj thj l`vjrfcjft ds gjkfl thj hdfo thdt bjjosthjc& O` y`u nf`w) hj sdko) thj wdy d o`l i``ns dt y`u whjf y`u h`io `ut s`cjthkfl

    b`r hkc t` jdt0 _hdt ks whdt wj drj iknj wkth thj l`vjrfcjft& _hj p`iktkadi wjdnfjss `bBkrst Fdtk`fs dfo Cjtks pj`pij adf gj ojsarkgjo ds puttkfl Cjtks dfo Bkrst Fdtk`f pj`pij

    kf d sktudtk`f whjrj wj rja`lfkzj thdt kt ks thj l`vjrfcjft thdt ojakojs f`t `fiy wh` jdts)gut whdt ks jdtjf dfo whjf kt ks jdtjf& K gjikjvj thdt s`cj f`f#Dg`rklkfdi pj`pij wkii f`t

    iknj thks kcdlj dfo s`cj cdy wksh t` rjejat kt& _hdt ks ufojrstdfodgij kf thj adsj `brjdojrs wh` hdvj f`t hdo thj jxpjrkjfaj thdt w`uio dii`w thjc t` ufojrstdfo thks kcdlj&

    \hy sh`uio Cjtks dfo Bkrst Fdtk`fs p`iktkadi `rldfkzdtk`fs a`fskojr w`rnkfl t`ljthjr0

    _hjrj ks strjflth kf ufkty) dfo thj bjojrdi l`vjrfcjft) whkah hds thj p`iktkadi p`wjr wjo` f`t hdvj) cust gj ojdit wkth& _hjrj ks f`t cuah a``pjrdtk`f gjadusj thjrj ks ikttij

    okrjat kfajftkvj b`r p`iktkadi rjprjsjftdtkvjs t` w`rn b`r thj ljfjrdi l``o `b `thjrs whjfthjy drj jijatjo gy thjkr `wf scdii a`ccufkty& A`ccufktkjs wkth prjsskfl i`adi

    a`fajrfs drj f`t iknjiy t` put d prk`rkty `f ojdikfl wkth kssujs thdt o` f`t sjjc t` dbbjatthjc ds okrjatiy ds i`adi ja`f`cka) hjdith dfo jouadtk`f kssujs) b`r jxdcpij& I`adi

    rjprjsjftdtkvjs drj dis` f`t kccufj br`c thj tjfojfay t` b`aus `f kssujs thdt drj c`stiknjiy t` njjp thjc kf thjkr p`iktkadi p`sktk`fs& I`adi rjprjsjftdtkvjs wh` gjikjvj thjy adf

    dovdfaj thjkr i`adi dljfod drj f`t iknjiy t` bdv`ur gr`do p`iktkadi diikdfajs whjrj thjkrr`ij dfo kfbiujfaj ks iknjiy t` gj okiutjo wkthkf thj okbbjrjft dljfod `b d idrlj p`iktkadi

    a`diktk`f& ]`iktkadi ufkty w`uio pr`vkoj d cjdsurj `b strjflth kf ojdikfls wkthl`vjrfcjfts) gut thjrj drj sklfkbkadft ahdiijfljs kf thj wdy&

    \hdt drj s`cj `b thj thkfls thdt rjprjsjftdtkvjs cklht b`aus `f whjf thkfnkfl dg`ut

    a``pjrdtkvj p`iktkadi datk`f0 _hj fjxt st`ry kiiustrdtjs thj vdiuj `b nkfshkp g`fos dfoshdrjo p`iktkadi kftjrjsts& Kt dis` kojftkbkjs thj s`uraj `b thj stdtus `b thj Cjtks ds df

    Dg`rklkfdi pj`pij kf `ur tjrrkt`ry&

    ?& D st`ry dg`ut `ur rjidtk`fs NdyPs dl`

    _hks st`ry thdt K wkii tjii hdppjfjo kf thj jdriy 487=s whjf `ur pj`pij hdo cky`#wPhnPht`wkf wkth thj Arjj) Qduitjdux dfo Fdn`od& _hjrj wds d i`t `b kftjrcdrrkdlj

    gjtwjjf `ur pj`pijs thjf& K hdvj hjdro thks st`ry br`c Brdfaks Arjj) WkahdroIdbrdcg`ksj dfo Fka`ids Rr``cdf& Kt wds d okbbkauit tkcj& _hj Fdn`od) thj @ekgwj) wh`

    drj adiijo Ahkppjwd kf thj Zfktjo Qtdtjs) thj Arjj) dfo thj Ckahkb) wjrj dii gjkflsqujjzjo gjtwjjf thj Odn`td) Ahjyjffj) Drdpdh`j dfo Dcjrkadf bur a`cpdfkjs kf thj

  • 7/27/2019 All My Relations (Paul Chartrand)



    s`uth) dfo gy thj F`r\jstjrs) thj Huos`fs Gdy A`cpdfy) dfo thj Qjinkrn sjttijrs wh`drrkvjo kf 4847) t` thj f`rth& _hj prjssurj `f thj Ckahkb dfo thjkr Bkrst Fdtk`f diikjs lrjw

    wkth thj diikdfaj `b thj tw` bur trdoj a`cpdfkjs kft` thj HGA kf 4874 dfo wkth kfarjdsjoOdn`td datkvkty t` jxtjfo thjkr tjrrkt`ry&

    _hj jvjft thdt prjakpktdtjo df diikdfaj gjtwjjf thj b`ur kfokljf`us lr`ups wds thj nkiikflgy thj Odn`td `b Ahkppjwd Jiojrs dfo w`cjf) dfo thj tdnkfl `b quktj d fucgjr `bahkiorjf& Dbtjr d wkftjr `b stdrvdtk`f whjf thj Odn`td i`st thjkr ahkiorjf) thjy wjrj

    i``nkfl t` rjpidaj thjc b`r thj survkvdi `b thjkr lr`up& D li`vj pdkftjo rjo dfo bkiijowkth t`gdaa` wjft dr`ufo kfvktkfl thj pj`pij br`c thjsj b`ur lr`ups t` a`flrjldtj dt

    Gubbdi` I`olj Idnj) whkah ks kf F`rth Odn`td kf thj rjlk`f `b thj _urtij C`uftdkfs& Dp`iktkadi diikdfaj w`uio ajcjft thjkr ufkty b`r d a`cc`f ojbjfaj& Nkfshkp tkjs dfo

    a`cc`f p`iktkadi kftjrjst adf arjdtj str`fl g`fos&

    _hjrj wds d fjjo dis` t` grkfl thj Ahkppjwd dfo thj Ckahkb) wh` wjrj rjidtkvjfjwa`cjrs t` thj tjrrkt`ry) kft` thj w`rnkfls `b thj Lrjdt Cystjry kf thdt pdrt `b thj

    w`rio& D _hkrsty Odfaj wds adiijo gy thj Arjj ijdojr Cdfy Jdlij Qjt& Kt ks sdko t` hdvjgjjf thj idrljst Quf Odfaj jvjr hjio `f thj f`rthjrf pidkfs& _hjrj wjrj `vjr bkbtjjf

    huforjo odfajrs br`c thj b`ur lr`ups) dfo b`urtjjf ajftrj p`ijs& K wkii rjturf t` thks st`ryidtjr&

    @fj thkfl K wdft t` strjss ks thdt thj Ckahkb dg`ut wh`c K wrktj hdvj gjjf buii#bijoljo

    ]idkfs kfokljf`us pj`pij skfaj ndyPs dl`& _hj Ckahkb hdo s`ikokbkjo thjkr kfokljf`uskojftkty thr`ulh nkfshkp rjidtk`fs dfo d sjrkjs `b a`ccufdi jvjfts kfaiuokfl thj wjii#

    nf`wf snkrcksh dt Qjvjf @dns kf Eufj 4842 `f thj prjsjft sktj `b \kffkpjl&_hks kswhjf thj Ckahkb fdtk`fdi dfthjc wds a`cp`sjo t` ajijgrdtj thdt vkat`ry thdt K wr`tj

    dg`ut jdrikjr& _hks dfthjc ks cuah `iojr thdf Adfdod `r kts dfthjc&

    ]`iktkadi diikdfajs dc`fl Ckahkb dfo Bkrst Fdtk`fs pj`pij wjrj jstdgikshjo i`fl dl`5whdt wj cklht o` ks rjcjcgjr thjc dfo ijdrf br`c thjc& Nkfshkp g`fos dfo a`cc`f

    p`iktkadi kftjrjsts a`cpji ufkty& K wkii a`cj gdan idtjr t` oksauss h`w thks adf hjip ust`ody dfo kf thj buturj t` ojvji`p l``o rjidtk`fs b`r sjib#l`vjrfcjft& Gut bkrst K wdft t`

    oksauss whdt adcj gjtwjjf us whjf thj Adfdokdfs t``n `vjr `ur tjrrkt`rkjs idtjr kf thj48==s&

    ?& NPnP#cPydhndckndhn5 \hjf _hkfls \jft \r`fl

    Fjdi CaIj`o ks d y`ufl Arjj phki`s`phjr) huc`rkst dfo ufkvjrskty pr`bjss`r& Hks bdckiy

    ks br`c thj _rjdty Qkx pj`pij) dfo hj ks b`ii`wkfl d okstkflukshjo trdoktk`f `b sjrvkaj kfjouadtk`f kf hks bdckiy& K `wj t` hkc thj Arjj jxprjssk`fs dfo phki`s`phkadi kfsklhts

    dg`ut dspkf nPnP#cPydhndckndhn5 thj tkcj whjf thkfls wjft wr`fl& \hdt hdppjfjonPnP#cPydhndckndhncust gj ufojrst``o s` thdt wj adf ufojrstdfo thj sktudtk`f kf

    whkah thj Bkrst Fdtk`fs dfo Cjtks pj`pij bkfo thjcsjivjs t`ody) dfo whdt thjy drj bdakflds thjy try t` c`vj b`rwdro wkth a``pjrdtkvj datk`f&

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    NPnP#cPydhndckndhnwds `fj `b thj lrjdt wdtjrshjo pjrk`os kf `ur a`iijatkvj hkst`rythdt ahdfljo `ur akraucstdfajs b`rjvjr& _hj pjrk`o rufs thr`ulh thj ojaikfj `b thj gks`f

    hjros) whkah supp`rtjo thj ]idkfs h`rsj auiturj dfo t` thj a`cpijtj tdnj`vjr `b thj \jstgy Adfdod& Kt cdrnjo thj jfo `b thj odys `b brjjo`c b`r `ur pj`pijs& _hj cko 488=s

    wjrj d tkcj `b stdrvdtk`f `f thj ]rdkrkjs dfo f`rthjrf rjlk`fs& _hj gubbdi` wjrj eust

    dg`ut l`fj& _hj kftruojrs) thj Grktksh dfo thj Adfdokdfs) wjrj stdrtkfl t` squjjzj `urpj`pij ds c`rj dfo c`rj `b thjc adcj dfo gjldf t` cdnj thjcsjivjs dt h`cj kf `urtjrrkt`rkjs& _rjdtkjs wkth thj l`vjrfcjft `b Adfdod hdo gjjf jftjrjo kft` kf s`cj pidajs)

    gut Bkrst Fdtk`f dfo Ckahkb ijdojrs bjdrjo thj buturj thjy sdw dfo w`fojrjo h`w thjya`uio njjp `f survkvkfl dfo i``nkfl dbtjr thjkr ahkiorjf&

    Ijdojrs `b thj vdrk`us Bkrst Fdtk`fs dfo Ckahkb pj`pij a`ftjcpidtjo diikdfajs dfo cdfy

    oksaussk`fs wjrj hjio) f`t `fiy wkth `io diikjs gut dis` wkth th`sj wkth wh`c rjidtk`fshdo gjjf okbbkauit& Dt ijdst `fj trjdty hdo gjjf dlrjjo gjtwjjf thj Ckahkb dfo thj

    Odn`td& Kf 4828 thjrj hdo dirjdoy gjjf d hulj ldthjrkfl `b Arjj) Ckahkb) Qduitjdux) dfoFdn`od kf thj drjd `b Wjlkfd t`ody& Fka`ids hds t`io cj thdt thjy hdo d Quf Odfaj dfo

    ojvji`pjo d a``pjrdtkvj strdtjly ds thjy dovdfajo kft` jfjcy tjrrkt`ry) i``nkfl b`r thjojaikfkfl gubbdi` hjros& _hj st`rkjs `b lrjdt pdtrk`ts dfo ahkjbs iknjCkstdhk Cusqud)]kd

    ]`t) dfo thj Cjtks ijdojr Ldgrkji Ouc`fthdvj b`ufo thjkr wdy kft` thj wrkttjf hkst`rkjs)ds hdvj thj st`rkjs `b jdrikjr ijdojrs iknjCPsnk# ]kt`f& @thjr st`rkjs dg`ut thjsj ijdojrs

    drj f`t pugikshjo gut thjy drj nf`wf dfo shdrjo t`ody dc`fl thj pj`pij& Kf thjsj st`rkjs`fj a`cjs t` nf`w dg`ut thj ai`sj rjidtk`fshkps `ur pj`pijs hdo& _hj a`cpijtj st`rkjs

    dg`ut thj pdst dfoNPnP#cPydhndckndhndrj thj hjrktdlj `b thjkr pj`pijs dfo thjy drj f`twkojiy nf`wf&

    _hj jvjfts thdt cdrnjo thj jfo `b thj odys `b brjjo`c hdvj gjjf wrkttjf dg`ut cdfy

    tkcjs) dfo K wkii f`t spjfo cuah tkcj `f thjc hjrj&Fjdi CaIj`o) Wjthkfnkfl_rjdty Qkx kf thj Qpkrkt `b Ckstdhkcdsnwd (Gkl Gjdr+) Adfdokdf E`urfdi `b Fdtkvj Qtuokjs 4;) f`& 4

    (4;;;+5 2;#8;&