All My Children WYD: Chapter 4



We meet Babies F and G, so far still to go...

Transcript of All My Children WYD: Chapter 4

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Now if you’re a Superman/Pokemon fan I hope you get the pun titles that I

seem to be so fond of recently…





Okay fine bad puns are bad moving on…

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Sick of these birthday shots yet? I am starting to be…

Clamperl: I feel like I was robbed of face time.

You probably were. Birthdays come fast and hard in a WYD, and the B-Team wants

to go to college.

Clamperl: So that’s why you want to show this? Because my brothers are impatient?

Yeah, and I want to see Eevee evolve.

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Clamperl: Doomed to a life of obscurity…*sigh*

Breloom: Welcome to a WYD little sis.

Blaziken: You’ve seen one cake you’ve seen them all.

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Clamperl: Black…black like my lonely soul.

Breloom: Abby would hate this, you got all black clothes like she wanted.

Depressing much? How about I evolve you into a nice happy Gorebyss?

Would that help?

Clamperl: How about an angry Huntail instead?

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There you go. My little Evolution Pokemon.

Eevee: Want to evolve!!

Deoxys: No, I’m trying to teach you something here.

Eevee: Flareon!

Deoxys: Geeze, at least pick Espeon. I hate being the only Psychic type.

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Deoxys: This is hopeless, can’t I just use Mind Reader and make him learn


Eevee: Flareon!!

Eevee Scott



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And soon Baby F courtesy of Herbert Benton the Slob has made its appearance.

And the faces on Deoxys and Tucker say it all I think. ^_^

Deoxys: BOO!! Babies!!

Whimsy: That’s not nice Dee.

Tucker: How much longer is this going to go on?

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Two boring days later…

Deoxys: Look Banette!! An awesome tower!

Eevee: Evolve?

How did you find me? 0_o?

Deoxys: I used Foresight of course. I identified Banette.

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Clamperl: Thanks mom, scarred for life and sworn off kids forever too.

Whimsy: I love babies, I love babies…I wanted this…

Clamperl: *usesWithdraw* Tell me when it’s over.

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Here’s hoping for a singlet…

Whimsy: What kid number is this?

Eight. And the sixth letter, you have 18 more to go.

Whimsy: Oh so no bonus for that Have 10 Kids want yet?


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Oh good, a singlet and another boy…can’t win them all I guess. Meet

Forretress the Bagworm Pokemon, a Bug/Steel type. Dex number 205


X : It is encased in a steel shell. Its peering eyes are all that can be seen

of its mysterious innards.

Y : It remains immovably rooted to its tree. It scatters pieces of its hard

shell to drive its enemies away.

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So Whimsy heads back out to find Baby Daddies H and I. Still no REDHEAD but

we did find Blond Downtownie in Green Glasses. He’s a potential but we have

blonds already so Whimsy can keep him on the list to toss to one of her

daughters (or sons) maybe.

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Remember Count Crabby? Yeah, a.k.a. Bitey McHappy. I knew this would

happen as soon as I called him over for the pollenating process. One reason

why I made Whimsy a witch.

Count Curt: My dear, forgive me for our previous encounter. I was blood-

deprived and grumpy. But a sip from you will fix everything up right.

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Whimsy: I got my Flying half back!!

Count Curt: Bleh! Where’s my Fed on a Fairy moodlet?

Not in Sims 2, unfortunately. But that would be cool…

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Whimsy: Well I don’t like the idea of burning up in the sun. So time to brew up a cure.

Thatta girl. Can’t have you dying on me now can I? Although…no aging would help

the baby making process…hmm.

Whimsy: I wasn’t doing it for you Banette. I’m Family, I don’t want to be a vampire.

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Whimsy: This looks like poison. Grass/Fairy types are 4x vulnerable to


Just drink the glowing purple vial already >_<

Whimsy: I don’t know…

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Whimsy: Did it work? I’m still cold and clammy.

Give it a sec…

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Whimsy: There we go, all better. Now I want to go stalk Eevee with spamming queues

of “Read To”.

No. That annoys me more than the “Dances Together” that you keep trying to do

with Deoxys.

Whimsy: But…but Family coding says…


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Tucker? What are you doing with Forretress?

Tucker: I had this urge to “Help with Birthday” but I just can’t seem to

remember how to do that.

Great. You’re glitched. >_< Drop the baby, I’ll get the caking ready for

Forretress and Deoxys.

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Wait!! You didn’t do the thing!! The blowing the candles out thing, see

they’re still all there!!

Deoxys: His glitch won’t affect me will it?

Arceus knows, I hope not.

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Deoxys: No one is paying attention to me…

Forretress: *farts*

Forretress Scott



Well, I knew going in that I’d get a Slob from the Slob father…*sigh*

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Deoxys: Did the glitch kill my hair? It’s all been buzz cut off.

No, that just means there’s no Teen mesh for the Pixie hair. Go change, Clamperl

wants to go to college.

Deoxys Scott PO/R



LTW: Be Celebrity Chef

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Clamperl: Off I go…anyone?

Forretress: *poops*

Clamperl Scott PL/PO



LTW: Be Game Designer

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Eevee didn’t even wait for the cake.

Eevee: I’ve evolved!! Finally!

Into what?

Eevee: Umm…

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And then Whimsy popped with Baby G just as everyone mothed the kitchen

to see Clamperl off.

Clamperl: They do care…

Tucker: Bye Baby C!!

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Leaving Eevee to teach the toddler the Nursery Rhyme. I see you evolved

into a Flareon there.

Eevee: Yep!! Fire is the best.

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Forretress: *stares vacantly*

Eevee: Anyone home in there?

Probably…somewhere, maybe…

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And just before Eevee could finish, the G baby was making their appearance

in one of the favoured spots. Where mothing around the birthing mother is

made up of “Shoo flee!!” and hand waves.

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Whimsy: Points taste good!

And just because I hit the random button…and…

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I finally get a different gene set with TWINS!! Meet first born Golbat, the Bat

Pokemon. A Poison/Flying type with the Dex number 042 (Kanto).

X : Once it bites, it will not stop draining energy from the victim even if it

gets too heavy to fly.

Y : Once it starts sucking blood, it does not stop until it is full. It flies at

night in search of prey.

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Whimsy: Here, hold her Dee.

Deoxys: Excellent, type advantage. I am so going to enjoy this…

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And Golbat’s twin, Gallade. Finally, different skin tones but the same eyes…ah

well. Gallade, the Blade Pokemon, is a Psychic/Fighting type with the Dex

number 475 (Sinnoh). Coming with the ORAS games in November, it has a Mega

Evolution as well. Which actually looks kind of awesome.

X : Because it can sense what its foe is thinking, its attacks burst out first,

fast, and fierce.

Y : A master of courtesy and swordsmanship, it fights using extending swords

on its elbows.

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Tucker: Way to go wall!! You rock the green!!

Deoxys: So glad I’m not related to that guy.

Both twins have brown hair and green eyes that all TEN of them have had

already. Golbat has Skin tone 3, and Gallade has Skin tone 4 which is something

I’m grateful for, no more custom skin. Gallade fits his name perfectly since all

Gallades are males. I’ll probably have one on one of my ORAS teams when the

games come out. ORAS stands for Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire in case you

forgot, or didn’t know, or if you didn’t care…whatever the reason.

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That’s all for now, so for the updated baby daddy stats list:

Bab(ies) A: Absol and Articuno (female)

Father: Tucker Gray (NPC), Blond hair, dark blue eyes

Bab(ies) B: Blaziken and Breloom (male)

Father: Victor Aspir (playable), Black hair, brown eyes.

Baby C: Clamperl (female)

Father: Hayden Long (Downtownie), Brown hair, light blue eyes.

Baby D: Deoxys (male)

Father: Herbert Goodie (Elder), Brown hair, green eyes.

Baby E: Eevee (male)

Father: Helios Cross (NPC Chef), Black hair, brown eyes.

Baby F: Forretress (male)

Father: Herbert Benton (NPC Slob)

Bab(ies) G: Golbat (female), Gallade (male)

Father: Count Curt (a.k.a. Count Crabby, Bitey McHappy), Brown hair, red eyes.