All I Want to See is Your Happiness



PONNY TSAI WENZAO URSULINE COLLEGE OF LANGUAGES Cinderella got married, book. However, this time, it was the and they lived happily ever Princess, Cinderella, met the poor Prince. “The Prince and after.” 2 The first encounter 4 4 We shall be happy .23 3 I want to be with you .13 5 Living happily ever after . 28 1

Transcript of All I Want to See is Your Happiness

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All I Want to See

is Your Happiness


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All I Want to See

is Your Happiness

“The Prince and

Cinderella got married,

and they lived happily ever


This was how the story ended in the

book. However, this time, it was the

Princess, Cinderella, met the poor Prince.

Would they still be happy?

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1 Once upon a time 1

2 The first encounter 4

3 I want to be with you .13

4 We shall be happy .23

5 Living happily ever after . 28

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-1- Once upon the Time

“This! This one! I want to hear this story!” the

little girl asked.

“The Cinderella’s story? Alright!”

It was raining outside but the fire from the

fireplace warmed the entire house. The little girl was

lying on the bed hearing her mother reading happily

a story.

“… The clock struck twelve and Cinderella had

to leave. She was in such a hurry that she left one of

her shoes on the stairs. The Prince picked it up and

swore that he would find her and married her.”

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She was in such a hurry that she left one of her shoes on the stairs.

“And then… how does the story continue?” the


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little girl asked.

“The Prince searched every house of the city.

Then finally, he found Cinderella was locked in a

basement,” the mother said. “The Prince saved

Cinderella from her mother-in-law and sisters.

Finally, they got married. They lived happily ever

after,” the mother ended the story with a gentle kiss

on the girl’s forehead.

“Is Cinderella pretty?” the little girl asked.

“Of course.”

“Prettier than you?”

“Um… I guess so.”

“Is the Prince handsome?” another question.

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“More handsome than Dad?”

“Your Dad is the most handsome one in the


“How did you and Dad meet? Did you loose

your shoes on the stairs just like Cinderella?”

“Not at all.”

“Then, how did you meet each other? How?

How?” the little girl asked with excitement.

“Well…it was a long story,” the mother began.

-2- The First Encounter

Seven years ago in a small village, there was a

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beautiful girl named Nancy. She was smart and

always got the highest grades in the class.

Everything went well as she expected and she was

very pleased with her life. She was happy… she


In February, Nancy heard that there was a new

student coming into her class. The semester was

about to end and it was strange for school to accept a

new student coming in at this time.

Nancy usually went to school at 7 : 30. This

morning, when she was on her way to the classroom,

she was knocked down by a boy. The boy seemed

to be in a hurry so he did not stop.

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“Sorry!” he cried as he was running away.

* * *

8:30 in the classroom.

“Good morning classmates. Today, we have a

new friend here, John,” Professor Lin introduced the

new student for the class.

As Nancy saw John, she frowned.

John was the boy who knocked her down that


“Hello. May I sit here next to you? You are the

class leader, aren’t you? Nice to meet you. I am John,

and you? What’s your name? Ah! I forgot to bring

the books. May I look with you? But…what is the

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next class. Math! Oh my god. I hate math. ”

Rude, frivolous, and annoying were Nancy’s

first impression of him.

* * *

One day after school. “Want to go out?” John



“Do you want to go out with me? I have

somewhere to show you.”


* * *

“Want to go out?” John asked the next day.

“No, I have to study.”

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* * *

Few days passed, John came to Nancy again.

“Want to go out?”

“Sorry, I have to go to a cram school.”

* * *

It was Friday, after the class.

“Want to go out?” John asked.

“No, I am busy and…”

“And there is a test next Monday so you have to

go home and study.”

“Yes,” said Nancy calmly.

“Won’t you feel your life is…. Is boring!”

“What do you mean?”

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“ You don’t play? I mean… go out for fun.

Seeing a movie. Shopping. Or just do nothing…


“I don’t know where to go…beside cram school.

And I don’t like watching films. Do nothing… don’t

you think it is a waste of time.”

“Oh, come on. You must have interests, don’t

you? Alright, are you free this Sunday afternoon?”


“Ok. Wait for me at five o’clock in the

afternoon at the school. I want to show you

somewhere and I bet you will love it. Ok. That’s a

deal. See you!”

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“Wait! John!!”

* * *

“Hi! I am very happy that you really came.”

“It was very rude of you. You didn’t even wait

for my answer and set up the appointment yourself.”

“But you are here now.”

“My god. I must be crazy. Ok. You say you want

to show me somewhere. So, what is it?”

“Come with me.”

* * *

“Where is this?” said Nancy with a surprising


She could feel the soft of the sands under her

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feet and the endless waves swatted up to where she

stood. She saw the sun setting far away on the other

side of the sea. The sunlight color the world with red,

and seemed if the world would be burning to the


“Have you ever been to the beach?” John asked.

“Yes… when I was very little.”

“Have you ever seen the sun set? It is pretty,

isn’t it?

“Ya….this is my first time seeing the sun set.

It is yellow.”

“Or orange,” John continued. “It looks like an

orange, juicy and pretty.”

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“You should smile more often. Your smiles

are pretty,” John said suddenly. “You looked

unhappy these days. Were there anything bothering


“Or orange,” John continued. “It looks like an orange, juicy and pretty.”

“Yes, it is YOU who annoyed me there days,”

quickly Nancy replied. “Ha ha, just kidding. Never

mind…. Why can you always smile so happily?


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Weren’t there anything bothering you? How about


“It doesn’t matter to me. And you either. I think

the true reason making you unhappy is your


“….Why did you say so?”

“You live for them, not for yourself.”

-3- I Want to Be with You

“You live for your parents…not for yourself.”

After coming back from the beach, what John

had said continued repeating in Nancy’s mind. Was

she really like what John had said? Wasn’t she

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happy with her life?

“Nancy. Come down to the living room.”

It was her father calling her from the first floor.

Her strict and serious father.

* * *

“You got only a B in Math this midterm exam.

Was it hard?” her father asked.

“Not really,” Nancy replied.

“You usually get A in every subject. But this

time… you did not do quite as well.”


“I have heard that there is a boy who you often

went out with.”

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“I have also heard that he is not a hard working

student. He usually did poorly on his exams. I don’t

think it is good for you to make friends with him.”

“Dad.. He is not so bad..”

“Yes. He is not bad…. But he will influence

your study. Nancy, there is only one year left. After

you graduate, you are going to the best university in

the country. You must work hard instead of playing.”


“Nancy, you are my daughter. I know what is

best for you. I do not want to see you meeting that

boy anymore. Understand?”

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* * *

It was another Friday after school.

“Why didn’t you see me?” John asked when he

saw Nancy quickly packing her affairs and about to



“Hey. Don’t just walk. Say something! You

don’t have anything to say?”

“Well… I am sor…. My father said..”

“Wait! I want to know about YOUR feelings not

your father’s.”

“I can’t go out with you anymore.”

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“Why? Don’t you like those places?”

“Yes! Of course I like them. But my father will

not allow me to go out with you anymore.”

“YOUR FATHER again! Alright, I see. I won’t

bother you anymore.”

This is the first time they had a quarrel. Seeing

the sight of John’s back walking away, Nancy just

could not stop crying.

Of the following days, John did not come to her.

Nancy found herself start to miss him. Miss his

laugh. Miss his talkativeness and rudeness. And on

her way home, when she was walking under the

shadow of the sun set, she thought about his

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* * *

Today, it was already eleven o’clock when she

got home from the cram school. After taking a bath,

she found her mother was waiting for her in her


“Nancy, come here,” her mother said. “I have

something to talk to you about,” the mother pulled

Nancy’s arm. They sat together on the bed.

“How is everything going around school?” the

mother asked.

“Fine. I got the highest grade in my English test

last time.”

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“I know you are a hard working student. But

beside the studies, were there anything bothering


Nancy’s heartbeat pounded suddenly when she

heard this. How familiar this sentence was.

“…No,” Nancy replied.

“You don’t look good these days,” the mother


“How could you guys know I wasn’t happy?”

Nancy cried out.

“YOU GUYS? So, there are others who have

said the same things to you.”

“Um…well ..I mean….”

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“It’s alright, sweet heart. I am happy that there

are other people who are concerning about you.”

“What does that mean?”

“I know you are not comfortable with your

father’s instructions.”

“No, Mom. I just..”

“I see. You always listen to us and do whatever

we ask you to do. You are so nice and always behave

so well. But, I want you to know that sometimes, the

things we think are best for you will not always fit

your need. You can make your OWN choices and

your OWN decisions. You can always talk to us

instead of just following our orders. All we want is

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to see you happy.”


“Your Dad was worried about you. He found out

you slept quite little these days. He thought maybe

he gave you too much pressure. He wanted me to

talk with you. Yet, I know you are not really worried

about the studies but somethings or someone else,


“Mom!” Nancy blushed.

“Alright. Calm down. It is fine with me.

Remember, all we want is to see you happy. Don’t

just keep everything yourself. If you need someone

to talk to, come to me.”

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“Ok. It’s time for bed. Go to bed early. You

still have to go to school tomorrow,” the mother said

as she opened the door.

“Wait, Mom.”


“I love you.”

The mother smiled. “I love you, too.”

That night, Nancy

made a decision before

falling asleep.

That night, Nancy made a decision before falling asleep.


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-4- We Shall be Happy

The next day, at nine ten in the morning, Nancy

saw John walking slowly into the classroom. John

ignored her but this time, Nancy decided to be more


“Good morning, John, you are late,” said Nancy.

“…Good morning,” replied John. He seemed to

be shocked by Nancy’s activeness.

“I have something to tell you but not right now.

The final exam is coming. I think we should

concentrate on studying first. After the exam, I want

to invite you somewhere. Would you come?”

“When?” asked John.

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“This Sunday afternoon, at the beach we went to

the first time.”

John was a little bit surprised when he heard

these words. Yet, Nancy did not give him time to

ask and said, “Great! See you then.”

* * *

Finally, the weekend came. Nancy and John

were in the same places where they had gone to

before. Nancy looked at the sea, and with a great

courage, she said slowly, “Months ago, it was here

that I first made a difference on my boring routine

life,” she started without a look at him. “It was also

the first time I saw such a beautiful sun set. And, the

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most important thing was that I first found out there

was a rude, frivolous and annoying boy who was

actually different from what I first thought.”

“That was the happiest time I ever had,” she

continued as she looked into John’s eyes. “All I

want to say is THANK YOU.”

There was a silence between the two of them.

John looked at Nancy and finally, he spoke, “Well,

you are welcome, you know, all I want is to see you


Nancy smiled as she heard this. “Yes, I will be

happy if you are with me,” she replied.

John was shocked. For a sudden, he was not

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sure what he had just heard.

“You mean…?” he said, unconfidently.

“I want to always be with you. May I?”

The setting sun colored the world with red,

including Nancy’s face.

“Of course! I will take care of you. I will never

let you cry. We will be the happiest people in the


“We will be happy,” Nancy repeated.

“Yes, we will be happy ever after,” said John


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“We will be happy,” Nancy repeated. “Yes, we will be happy ever after,” said John sternly.


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-5- Living Happily Ever After

“After that day, your Daddy started to work hard.

He and I entered the same university. He found a job

as an engineer after the graduation. And two years

ago, we got married.”

The story was ended. There was a beautiful

smile on the mother’s face.

“Mommy, you are Daddy’s Cinderella, and

Daddy is your Prince. You did not lose your shoes

but you left your heart for him. You got married just

as the Price and Cinderella did. We will be happy

ever after surely!” the little girl cried out.

“You naughty!” the mother blushed.

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“I want to be Cinderella, too,” the little girl said.

“You will, sweet heart. One day, you will find

your Prince. But now, it’s time to go to bed.”

“Good night, Mom.”

“Good night,” the mother gave the girl a good

night kiss and turned off the light.

She walked out of the room. As she closed the

door, she heard, “Nancy, is the girl sleeping?

“John, you are back. She has just fallen asleep.

How was everything today?”

John walked toward Nancy and gave her a bear

hug. The couple sat at the sofa in the living room.

John just came back from work. Nancy made a drink

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for him and told him what had happened this night.

When she talked about the Cinderella’s story, they

both laughed.

It was time for them. No matter they were

Cinderella and Prince or not, they were happy now.

Once they had each other accompanying with, there

was nothing to worry about.

LOVE, starts from two strangers’ encounter

Continues with two’s promises

Ends in each other’s sincerity

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