All Good Things

PROSTITUTION OF “INDUNGANCE” All Good Things Issue # 01 May 2013 Something good for everyone... A ReAl CoMpARISon fRoM peTeR GReenS BeST SelleR exCluSIvely on dIGITAl plATfoRMS only ABUSE OR LACK of CReATIvITy Master the consise Art of Seduction


General Magazine

Transcript of All Good Things

Page 1: All Good Things

GanGnam Style VS

Harlem SHake




All Good ThingsIssue # 01 • May 2013

Something good for everyone...


fRoM peTeR GReenS

BeST SelleR

exCluSIvely on dIGITAl plATfoRMS only

Abuse or lAck


Master the consise Art of Seduction

Page 2: All Good Things

1ST douBle SpReAd Ad

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4 • All Good Things •


04 Lorem ipsum dolor sit dolore Sadip amet voluptas nemis omins. 08 Nemis voluptas fugiats Ilicits voluptas nemis omins.

10 Voleures nemis vitae ipsums Nemo enim ipsam voluptatems


16 Lorem ipsum dolor sit dolore Sadip amet voluptas nemis omins. 19 Nemis voluptas fugiats Ilicits voluptas nemis omins.

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24 Neque quisquam estras unts Ut enim ad minima veniam quis.

27 Lorem ipsum dolor sit dolore Sadip voluptas nemis omins.


29 Lorem ipsum dolor sit dolore Sadip amet voluptas nemis omins. 31 Nemis voluptas fugiats Ilicits voluptas nemis omins.

35 Voleures nemis vitae ipsums Nemo enim ipsam voluptatems

37 Neque quisquam estras unts Ut enim ad minima veniam quis.


39 Lorem ipsum dolor sit dolore Sadip voluptas nemis omins.

40 Neque quisquam estras unts Ut enim ad minima veniam quis.

42 Lorem ipsum dolor sit dolore Sadip voluptas nemis omins.

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Editor In Chief Tyrrell Sepaladahanayake Associate EditorXxxxx Xxxxxxx

Contributing WriterNadeesha RatnayakeXxxxxx XxxxxxxxxxxxXxxxxxxx Xxxxxx XxxxxxxxxxxXxxxx X Xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Art DirectorLien Keerthisinghe

Graphic ArtistXxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx

Circulation OfficerXXxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx

Sales OfficerXXxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas

mollis ligula quis est posuere dapibus. Quisque dictum sceler isque

velit sed fermentum. Suspendissers pulvinar, dui at luctus iaculis, lig-

ula elitivit adipiscing diam, et vestibulum leo augue vel dui. Maecenas

est nibh, feugiat et imperdiet eu, ullamcorper non orci. Curabitur posu-

ere mattis pellentesque. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent

per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vivamus posuere iaculis

lacus, eu fermentum magna placerat in. Nulla malesuada augue quis

erat porttitor in bibendum leo porta. Duis ultricies tellus a tellus adipi-

scing tristique. Sed rutrum magna vel risus rhoncus et volutpat purus

placerat. Mauris euismod rhoncus pculis lacus, eu fermentum magna

placerat in norta ipsum amet sadip nemis uns dolo.

Maecenas sed elit erat. Nunc dapibus tellus erat. Aliquam eget urna

vitae mauris sodales ornare. Praesent ac ligula egestas odio iaculis

pulvinar. Phasellus aliquam pulvinar lobortis. Integer eget massa

nulla. Nulla facilisi. Aenean et per conubia nostra, per inceptos hime

naeos. Vivamus posuere iaculis augue a nunc aliquam sollicitudin

ac ut erat. Donec non dignissim ligula. Aliquam bibendum justo sed

ipsum ornare suscipit. Donec euismod mollis molestie. Mauris a purus

et justo adipiscing adipiscing. Duis quis tempus estrtor. In molestie

diam vel augue tempus sit amet iaculis nulla fermen tum. Nulla fac.

Mauris convallis nibh a sapien fringilla tincidunt. Phasellus venenatis

purus tincidunt mauris porttitor et consectetur nisi gravida. Sed nec

nisl libero. Nullam non eros lorem, sed aliquam magna. Aliquam vitae

urna ut quam faucibus eleifend ac nec libero. Aenean auctor, mauris

Donec semper ligula et turpis aliquet porta. Pellentesque lobortis

molestie tincidunt. Donec rhoncus, lorem id scelerisque faucibus, leo

dolor pharetra quam, sit amet pharetra metus lacus ut sapien. Nullam

hendrerit tortor nibh sit amet sapien. Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed a dui

nibh. Fusce ut lectus lectus. Cras iaculis felis id turpis gravida biben-

dum. Phasellus nisl sapien, mollis nec elementum eu, commodo sed

eros. Sed tempor est ac nisl dapibus a venenatis magna vehicula. Ut ac

mi in nisi varius elementum. Nam a mi nisl. Fusce ipsum elit, vehicula

ac dapibus eu, faucibus et libero.

Nulla facilisi. Vestibulum justo tortor, mollis et luctus in, vehicula nec

sapien. Aliquam ullamcorper velit non odio pulvinar nec hendrerit

dolor placerat. Vivamus ut tellus dolor, sit amet placerat mi. Donec

Mauris nisi sapien, sollicitudin eu pharetra quis, consectetur in orci.

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We hand pick many things in life… Alas! We do not pick any of the things that we

intend to eat or drink by ourselves…true we do pick the readymade packs from the

supermarket shelves but we never experience the wonders that take place in making

the product. It is truly amazing these stories of making a fruit, vegetable or a beverage

such as Tea.

Our habit of drinking ‘Tea’ has been there for ages, it is known as a beverage that lifts our

spirit and gives us energy to carry out our day to day tasks continuously. Its wonderful

tales of many people that are mixed in to the fresh ‘Tea’ leaves that are plucked, which

brings us the joy and richness in the cup of ‘Tea’ that we enjoy many times a day.

It is during my travel to Kandy in search of a travel destination which is featured in our

TEA! SophiSticated Marketing

SRI lAnkA IS The

fouRTh lARGeST

ConTRIBuToR of ‘TeA’

To The woRld

“it is known as a beverage that lifts our spirit and gives us energy to carry out our day to day tasks continuously”

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‘Tea’ accounts

up to 700 million

dollars annually

to country’s

GDP totalling a

percentage of 12% of

the same

travel section that I had the opportunity

of visiting two of best managed ‘Tea

Factories’ in this beautiful island Sri


My journey was more than an adventure;

it is a part of this journey which I

found very interesting that I am sharing

with you. ‘Tea’ plantation known to have

had a rapid growth and increase in

the year of 1880 and it is said that

the ‘Tea’ plantation overtook the ‘Coffee’

plantation which existed that time in

the year of 1888. First ‘Tea’ plant was

planted by British bringing the plant

from China in the Botanical Gardens in

Peradeniya, thus this is the beginning of

the wonderful tale of ‘Tea’.

After I was picked from the Train Station

– Kandy, I was taken to the largest ‘Tea’

factory that is known to exist in the hill

country. Ancumbura Tea estate consists of

80 staff in the Tea factory and more than

100 workers in the estate maintaining

their beautiful relationship with ‘Tea’


Tea production of Sri Lanka is very

important to both economy of Sri Lanka

and to the world market. Sri Lanka

produces large amount of rich in taste and

quality Tea to the world and is considered

as the fourth largest contributor of ‘Tea’

to the world. ‘Tea’ accounts up to 700

million dollars annually to country’s GDP

totalling a percentage of 12% of the


As I enter the Ancumbura Tea factory I

see number of employees of the factory

working as busy as bees, taking ownership

of their share of the work making sure

that the quality of the output remains

the same. Story of the ‘Tea’ starts with the

workers plucking the fresh leaves from

the ‘Tea’ plant early in the morning and

collecting as much as possible to earn

their days living. Workers who pluck the

fresh leaves mostly are ladies.

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It is a different tale that they tell and

touch which they add to the making of

‘Tea’. It is simply something wonderful

that takes place early in the morning in

the ‘Tea’ estates, these workers who work

in plucking the ‘Tea’ usually gets up early

in the morning attending to their day to

day duties at home leaves as the sun bids

greetings to the world to the estate to

complete their share of work.

Sri Lanka use to be the leading Tea

producer back in the year of 1995 till

Kenya surpassed Sri Lanka in becoming

the leading Tea producer in the world.

Over a million people are employed and

earn their day to day living from Tea

plantation industry in Sri Lanka [Directly

or indirectly].

In any Tea estate after plucking of the

fresh Tea leaves they are gathered at a

collection centre before they are picked

up by the drivers who are another set of

workers at a Tea estate. I was fortunate

to see this procedure take place at both

‘Ancumbura Tea Plantation’ & ‘Hatale Tea

Plantation’. I made my visit just after the

holidays of Thai Pongal, cause of which

there was lot of panicking in the factory

in dropping the collected Tea and in the

operational functions in the process of

making Tea.

This back log of the Tea process was

due to the holiday season which most of

the workers in the factory has enjoyed,

yet I was able to see their commitment

towards finishing the process of Tea


Tea industry was introduced by the British

planter James Taylor. Ancumbura Tea

Plantation dates back for a long time and

has a proud history. It is said that Henry

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Stephen who was a cousin to the famous

planter James Taylor who introduced the

industry to Sri Lanka was a pioneer in the

Ancumbura Tea Plantation. It is the same

Tea factory that I met Mr Amarasinghe

who is the current Tea factory Manager

who was kind enough to allocate his

busy time on behalf of me in showing

around the Tea factory.

Process in Tea making as I understood

starts with drying the leaves and removing

the water level up to a percentage which

is done by layering it in huge trays. After

the drying process it is set through

many stages and fermenting it to the

needed quality. After this fermentation

the Tea leaves are sent through a heating

process where the water level of the Tea

is reduced to the needed level. I had

the pleasure of having a feel of both

premium quality and the Tea dust which

is known to reach the local market.

Mr Amarasinghe emphasised about

the quality of Tea which comes to the

local market and what reaches to the

international market. He also touched

about the modern day trend of ‘Tea Bags’.

He explained the difference in the quality

and richness of the premium quality

Tea, Tea Packets and about the Tea bags

which are lower in quality.

It is quite an interesting story that he

shared about how the people today have

forgotten how rich in quality their ‘Tea’

was, and have turned to the flavoured

Tea which is lower in quality. This ends

a story of making of ‘Tea packets’ all the

way starting from the ‘Tea leaves’ plucked

from the tree, and it surely involves loads

of labour with interesting tales.

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Nam ut massa turpis, ac blandit justo. Nulla ultri-ces, odio com-modo faucibus commodo, mi nisi tempor”


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uide to express yourself

with colours

Ever changing fashion

industry is considered to be one of the

biggest industries in the world. There are

number of people who hold the triumph

cards in this game. Revolutionary and

creative work done by these players of

the industry are often appreciated and


Sri Lanka over the years have developed

the technology know how and caters the

specialty in the Garment industry to the

clientele all around the world. Sri Lankan

industry of garment and clothing even

meet the demands of top fashion brands.

Fashion industry in Sri Lanka apart from

the garment industry has risen to a

greater level during past few years. We

are able to encounter many fashion

brands which are developed in Sri Lanka

catering to our fashion needs.

One of the main problems faced by Sri

Lankan women is that some of them

do not get proper guidance relating to

fashion. At certain times it is a common

sight that some does not properly match

their particular clothes, at times wearing

which brings their personalities down.

Many people wonder how a particular

dress improves the personality and how

you look to the society. It is this guide

that we share with you in this issue of ‘All

Good Things!’

Cleanliness & Purity…Innocence &

Gentle . It is amazing how a particular

colour that you wear can portrait the

personality of yours. Of course the main

thing would be to understand what sort

of a personality that you have and having

an understanding what sort of colours

that do not apply to you.

White! So let us begin our guide book

with one of the most popular colours

that are used by mostly in fashion. Being

one of the popular colours in fashion it

is considered as a good choice for tops.

Light & Neutral qualities makes white

colour match with any of the other

colours that you select.

White is known to be a summer colour,

and advisable to always keeping some

at your wardrobe. It will perfectly match

with a bottom of any given colour. White

generally associates with cleanliness and

purity and also portraits Gentleness and



G duIS AC lIBeRo

hendReRIT ConGue


doneC eT elIT Sed

Duis convallis sollicitu-din lorem, blandit eleif-end sapien pellentesque ac. Phasellus eget justo nec leo mattis egestas quis et turpis. Morbi quis eros eget mauris sagittis.

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Have not you felt a feeling of freedom

when you wear the colour white, and

aren’t all the women looks adorable and

lovely in their white wedding gowns

and sarees? It is known to give you with

a feeling of uncluttered openness. So

wear white, specially use them as your

tops, and keep them as backups in your


Tip – A colour that looks good on any one!

Mysterious GirlAnother colour that is popular in fashion

is Black. It is one of those colours that is

always stylish and never out of trend. A

good choice for Bottoms, it shows quali-

ties directly opposite to white readily

matching with any of the tops used by

the wearer.

However you can also select black as a

good choice for tops. Wearing a black

coloured top will make you appear slim-

mer and agrees with accessories in many

colours. It is a mysterious colour which is

attached with feelings of perspective and

depth and symbolises the elegance and

refinement. Black is always considered as

a prestigious colour.

Tips – Everyday wear use it as a bottom, for grand dinners etc use it as a top with luxurious accessories!

Lady in RedRed is a colour that is extensively used in

fashion and its expressive quality gives

colour with a lively look. It is considered

mostly visible among the colours, and

known to create attraction and excite-


The wearer naturally portrays energy,

enthusiasm and confidence…and wait

there is more it also suggest an erotic


Hmmm Lady in Red!

Red supposes to be a physically inspir-

ing colour which is often associated with

vitality, ambition, love and passion.

Tips – Romantic evening with your intimate the best pick of them all.

Big Yellow TaxiHanging out with friends, shopping with

your fellow gals sharing your views and

opinions, don’t you love wearing that yel-

low colour? It comes naturally to most of

the girls because yellow colour is known

to be a very commonly used colour in

casual fashion.

Showing very much similar qualities like

Red, yellow creates attraction and excite-

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ment, but unlike Red it creates and sug-

gests more fun and sun shine-y mode.

The person who wears this colour tend

to bring the cheeriness to the group that

she associates and usually this colour is

liked by who likes to adopt to the change

and embraces it.

Tips – Be the one who makes them laugh and joy!

Blue HorizonYes indeed! Imagine yourself sitting at

the beach gazing at the horizon, would

not you feel relaxed and soothing? That

would be the exact feeling that you

would feel wearing the colour blue when

you dress. It would even be pleasant to

the eyes of the others who would hang

around you during the day.

Blue is known to be one of the most

popular colours which are liked by most

of the individuals. Naturally it brings

a refreshing feeling, and it clearly has

opposite features to both Red and Yellow

in terms of emotions. Blue is good choice

for day time wear.

Apart from the entire above blue colour

is associated with Calmness, affection,

idealism and inspiration.

Tips – Want to have good day, this is your choice!

Pink RevolutionPink colour is the sweetness among

them, and definitely the most feminine

among the colours. It has also started

a revolution entering the world of male

fashion. Pink colour is similar to the Blue

colour soothing and pleasant to the eyes.

It has a lasting girly appeal and naturally

brings the feeling of sweetness. Girls who

are in Pink tend to portray very sweet and

pleasant image to everyone they meet

and they are always attracted to guys.

Pink is generally associated with warmth,

everlasting affection and tender love.

Tips – Are you the sweet type or want to be one?

General Knowledge in Fashion•Always stick to one colour

•The rule of opposites – Hot goes with

cool [match yellow with purple, green or

blue not with red]

•Use Neutral colours to draw looks

together [White, Grey, Beige & Black tops

the list]

•Play around with the colours of the

same family [Pink with Maroon, Sky Blue

with Navy Blue]

It is about you, and you know about your-

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oing to Kalpitiya was

some sort of a big deal

to me. If I made it in one

piece, it would have been

the farthest I’ve ever been away from my

home. The journey was an end result of a

New Year resolution. i:e not to be a wimp

and get out of Colombo for once.

A promise of free accommodation set

my adventure towards Kalpitiya. At that

point I would have gone to Timbuktu just

to be true to the resolution. Well, if one

must embark on an adventure, one might

as well go the whole nine yards right?

So, it was to be a bus ride from Colombo

to Kalpitiya.

After much huffing and puffing around

in Pettah, [oh, Pettah... that wonderful,

wonderland of the smells, the colours,

the people, the dogs, yes, the dogs...

at another time I will tell you a story

about the mongrels of Pettah] I found a

bus to Puttalama. Apparently the easiest

route is to go up to Puttalama and then

catch a bus to Kalpitiya. Now all ye long-

distance-bus-goers know that catching

a seat of an air-conditioned bus during

a long weekend is like discovering Holy

Grail... This time, the bus gods were on

my side. :)

I suffer from that ailment where one

promptly falls asleep as soon as one

sits on the bus seat. After sitting next

to an amiable, beetle chewing achchi, I

settled down to have a nice, long nap.

This proved to be wise because it is

at Puttalama that the real adventure


People go to Kalpitiya expecting to have

a good time with the sun, sand and the

sea. And they should too, considering that

those elements are amply available. But

there is much more one could experience

here. For an example, as soon as you get

down from the A/C bus, you are bowled

over by a heat wave that is dry and

scorching but not unpleasant. On the

contrary, the whole environment felt –

L o S T I Nk A l p I T I yA


plACe Any TexT

nullA vel ToRToR

deSCRIpTIon heRe

pRoIn dApIBuS

AlIquA vulpuTATe

A tale about a different side of Kalpitiya

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salty and wholesome in a dried up way. It

makes you hungry.

I headed towards one of the small kadeys

in the bus halt. I highly recommend

drinking the unu,unu [warm] plain tea

drunk while eating a maalu paan[fish bun].

The kadey malli [the boy at the shop] will

tell you when is the next bus to Kalpitiya

is due. Puttalama main bus stand is not

small. There are enough buses to go to

Kalpitiya, but alas!, no A/C buses.

I got in to a takaran[old shady] CTB bus.

While munching on a tiny isso-wadey[short

eat made using prawns] bought from the

kadey malli [the boy at the shop] [ok,

Galle Face isso wadey[short eat made

using prawns] wins this war...or at least

I did not see any proper isso wadey this

time] I was treated with one of the best

bus rides of my life.

Now, remember, I was no traveller. It

was an amazing experience for me to

see Donkeys [yes, real life donkeys] on

the roadside, grazing on the dry grass

People go to Kalpitiya expecting to have a good time with the sun, sand and the sea. And they should too, considering that those elements are amply available.

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and giving me ‘parippu stares’ [stare that

was as if donkeys were insulting me].

There were hundreds of goats. Some

were burdened with a certain kind of

a square wooden contraption around

their necks. I asked the achchi sitting

next to me what in the world was that.

She said “mey yassayo kotuwen paninawa

nowaththanna puthey” [to stop the rascals

from sneaking out of the stable]. Ah...the

poor souls... my heart went out for them.

For those who haven’t seen a salt dune,

you must come to Puttalama. It is such

a treat to see miles and miles of milky

white salt blocks glinting under the

harsh sunlight. It just sets the backdrop

to a fairytale.

I stayed at a small hotel which had the

access to a lagoon. It is at this point

that I took my first real look at the

ocean. Saying that it took my breath

away would be an understatement. What

bowled me over was the sheer blueness

of....well...everything. The sky, the ocean

and the swimming pool, made out of

three contrasting shades of blue. [As you

can see from the photographs]. But wait,

later that day I found out that the sky

in Kalpitiya is quite out of the ordinary.

It turned pink. In turn the ocean turned

in to a whole lake of pink champagne. It

was just amazing.

As the luck would have it, I did not see

any whales or dolphins that are supposed

to grace the waters. But for those who

want some solid information out of this

whole piece, well, there are many things

you can do in Kalpitiya. You can kite-surf,

go dolphin and whale watching; eat

freshly cooked prawns and giant crabs.

Then there is the legendary bar reef

to check out, snorkelling, diving, bird

watching, camping and so on.

What I found most interesting were the

people. Many speak tamil and Sinhala.

Most are involved in the fishing trade.

Which also provides the stories of the

karawala waadiyas where goni-billas are

supposed to kidnap children back then

and taken as slaves to karawala welanna.

[Legend has it that these coastal areas

were filled with huts built to make dried

fish. And that children from other areas of

the country were kidnapped and brought

here to do rough work such as dry the

salted fish under the scorching sun.] Our

parents used to tell this story when we

were still young and gullible in order to

stop us from misbehaving. And its worked

too...for a little while.

Kalpitiya, and Mannar district in general

is rich with history and bizarre incidents.

From the story that Hanuman built a

bridge from Mannar to Rameswaran, up

to finding really weird fish that look

like mermaids [Google with caution,

this one can give you nightmares] and

various wars have made its mark on this

beautiful land and its people.

After consuming a fete of more prawns

than I can handle [the hotel offered a

legendary isso-bedun who am I to refuse],

wandering around absorbing the colours,

scents, noises [the very first time I heard

a Donkey braying – epic] and enjoying

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the little chit-chats with the villagers for two days, with great reluctance I dragged

myself back to Colombo.

This was the first of many such journeys I undertook later. While its fine to dream about

going to Paris or NYC one day, the amount of adventure our little pearl of a country have

to offer must not be ignored. I intend to take you, dear reader, every nook and corner I

go. Hope you will enjoy the journey with me.

When travelling to Kalpitiya, I would advice the tenderfeet like me to pack up ointments

for mosquito bites, wet tissues [they were a life saver], lot of hair conditioner, a hat and

an endless supply of wonder and curiosity. For this is a place that might tax your body

but will make your life richer with every step you take.

Ah, also, for those who like to have a bit of a mano paara under a palm tree, looking at

the ocean sipping some plain tea, bring some music by Milton Mallawaarachchi. Or for

the posh crowd, some jazz music...

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22 • All Good Things •

hAve you PIN IT??

Probably you wouldn’t have even

heard about a Social Media called

Pinterest. If you have and if you

are in Sri Lanka, you are one of

the very few people who knows

about Pinterest. And if you are

on it…. . you belong to a very

small but aggressively growing


How did it all started

Development of Pinterest started in December 2009 and

the fully functional site was launched only in March

2010. Initially the website functioned only on an

invitation only basis.

Ben Silbermann, the founder of Pinterest says that he personally

wrote to the initial 5000 users and even offering his phone

number and meeting with few of them. Nine months from

the launch Pinterest has 10,000 users. Silbermann and a few

programmers operated the site out of a small apartment until

the summer of 2011.

Early in 2010, the company’s investors and co-founder Ben

Silbermann tried to interest a New York-based magazine

publishing company in buying Pinterest. The publisher declined

to meet with the founders.

The launch of an iPhone app in

early March 2011 brought in a

more than expected number of


On 16 August 2011, Time

magazine listed Pinterest in

its “50 Best Websites of 2011”

Redecorate your Home!Joy uses Pinterest to save

decorating ideas for her

new home in LA. She saves

patterns, furniture, and

accessories that catch her eye.

Plan a Wedding!Divya and Ben use Pinterest

to plan their wedding. Their

Moms can leave comments

about the dresses, flowers,

and ties they pin up.

Find your Style!Tim uses Pinterest to

share his personal style.

He pins clothing, shoes

and accessories he finds

while browsing stores and fashion blogs.

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The Pinterest app for iPhone was last

updated in May 2012, and an iPad app is

currently available for purchase. Pinterest

Mobile, launched September 2011, is a

version of the website for non-iPhone


In December 2011, the site became one

of the top 10 largest social network

services, according to Hitwise data, with

11 million total visits per week. The next

month, it drove more referral traffic to

retailers than LinkedIn, YouTube, and

Google+.The same month, the company

was named the best new startup of 2011

by TechCrunch. Noted entrepreneurs and

investors include: Jack Abraham, Michael

Birch, Scott Belsky, Brian Cohen, Shana

Fisher, Ron Conway, FirstMark Capital,

Kevin Hartz, Jeremy Stoppelman, Hank

Vigil, and Fritz Lanman.

In January 2012, comScore reported the

site had 11.7 million unique users, making

it the fastest site in history to break

through the 10 million unique visitor

mark. Pinterest’s wide reach helped it

achieve an average of 11 million visits

each week in December 2011. Most of the

site’s users are female

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All Good Things • • 25

ora ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiers

scing elit. Maecenas mollis ligula quis est posu

ere dapibus. Quisque dictum scelerisque velit sed

fer mentum. Suspendisse pulvinar, dui at luctusfs

iaculis, ligula elit adipiscing diam, et vestibulum leo augue vel

dui. Maecenas est nibh, feugiat et imperdiet eu, ullamcorperse

non orci. Curabitur

posuere mattis pel-

lentesque. Class

aptent taciti sociosqu

ad litora torquent per

conubia nostra, per

inceptos hime naeos.

Vivamus posuere iacu-

lis lacus, or in biben-

dum leo porta. Duis

ultricies tellus a tellus

adipiscing tristique.

Sed rutrum magna vel

risus rhoncus et volut-

paters purus placerat.

Mauris euismod rhon-

cus. Maecenas sed elit erat. Nunc dapibus tellus erat. Aliquam

eget urna vitae mauris sodales ornare. Praesent ac ligula egestas

odio iaculis pulvinar. Phasellus aliquam pulvinar lobortis sadips

ipsums.tus iaculis, ligula elit adipiscing diam,sert sit. Lrem

ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Uns maecenas

mollis ligula quis est posuere dapibus. Quisque dictum sceler-

isque velit sed fermentum. Suspendisse pulvinar, dui at luctus

iaculis, ligula elit adipiscing diam, et vestibulum leo augue vel

dui. Maecenas est nibh, feugiat et imperdiet eu, ullamcorper non

orci. Curabitur posuere mattis pellentesque. Class aptent taciti

sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubiaser nostra, per inceptos

himenaeos. Vivamus posuere iaculis lacus, eu fermentum magna

placerat in. Nulla malesuada augue quis e ipsum amet sadip

nemis uns amets uns

dolo.res amet unrtras

vivibendum. Phasellus

nisl sapien, mollis nec

elementum eu, com-

modo sed eros. Sed

tempor est ac nisl

dapibus a venenatis

magna vehicula. Ut

ac mi in nisi varius

elementum. Nam a mi

nisl. Fusce ipsum elit,

vehicula ac dapibus

eu, faucibus et liber-

Morbi urna diam, ven-

enatis vitae placerat

in, lobortis non nisl. Sed commodo, tortor egestas imperdiet

lacinia, ante nulla rhoncus libero, ut interdum felis quam non

risus. Mauris ac nisi vel ante rutrum porta. Fusce et netus et

malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed tristique vehicula est,

eget sagittis mauris auctor quis. Fusce porttitor lacinia congue.

Proin dictum, erat facilisis pellentesque porta, magna nunc

vehicula dolor, in tincidunt metus odio non misert.




Quisque feugiat diam nec felis eleifend dapibus. In consequat accumsan sapien, et suscipit lectus aliquam id. Nam congue sem pulvinar.

Page 26: All Good Things

Peter Green’s book “Art of Seduction”

has always been one of my personal

favorites. I can say that it has helped me

quite a lot back in the day and I have

experience the effect of the learning, by

experimenting of many sorts. However

looking through my old bookshelves

I happened to come across it recently

and it made me think that I should

share some of the things I’ve learned

and observed. If you read what I’ve said

below and compare it with the book

you would see many differences. This is

because, in documenting this article I

have introduced few points that I have

figured out myself; things that has a

better practicality in terms of applying in

the local context.

Moment you hear the word “seduction”,

many people would come up with

various definitions to it. While some try to

define it as an art or a science to create

pleasurable opportunities some might

perceive it as a sinister tool to conflict

pain and embarrassment of victims. But

I feel this is more of an art form and

something similar to “how to get what

you desire”. It all depends on how a

person uses these techniques and for

what purposes. In the right hands Art of

seduction can be used as a powerful tool

even to influence people, but otherwise

this could be a devastating weapon.

However here goes the summary of what

I’ve learned.

1.CHoose tHe rigHt target

It is very important that you select the

right person and right time. It is just like

how a panther will select a calf or a weak

member of a pack and aim for the kill.

Understanding your target’s personality,

qualities, beliefs & values will enable

you to carefully evaluate and see if he/

she is right person.

2.get notiCed but maintain distanCe

The key at this stage is to get noticed

so that he/she will know your existence.

Getting attention is important, but in

moderation. You do not want to go all out

on the first day itself and be highlighted

as a joke.

3.appear to be an objeCt of desire

Now that you’ve been noticed, it is very

important to appear as an object of

desire. The other important thing is that

not much attention should be given to

your target. Everyone wants to know who

the cool guy or the happening girl in a

crowd. Becoming that character is totally

up to you. This will create interest in him/

her to talk to you or get to know you.

4.Create opportunities and prepare yourself

Once you have created interest, make

sure you make opportunities for your

target to talk to you or get to know you.

Use your common circles or just be bold

enough to say hi and get to know each

other. But always be prepared for the

unexpected. Being tongue-tied in the

wrong time can just ruin it for you.

5.C r e at e t r i a n g l e s a n d jealousy

Have you experienced how some girl/

guy likes you, but you like someone else

or his/her friend and this only makes

you more desirable to the other person?

This is exactly what needs to be done

at this level. Love triangles can be very

dangerous as you can lose your focus.

In addition jealousy can do marvels for

you. More jealous you make a person

more you make him/her think about you

and probably hate you. But this has a

the art of

26 • All Good Things •

Page 27: All Good Things

reciprocal effect of making the thought

about you, in to something that tickles

his/her fancy.


This is the 2nd most fascinating thing

that has a reciprocal effect. I’m sure

you have seen how girls and boys go

on knees and go behind their partner

who has been ignoring them. But like

everything this too has a right place and

a right timing. all tHat is wrong and not rigHt

Have you noticed how that innocent girl

keeps on clinging to that guy who is

wrong in all aspects? How she is treated

like dirt, but she clings on to him because

she wants to make him right? Well here’s

the news…… ladies like work in progress

and men are just…….. (I lost my words

there). So don’t ever think of being

perfect. Have flaws beyond expectations

and do what’s all that is wrong. Well if

you think for a moment, the guys too end

up thinking about that bad girl in college,

thinking I will make things right for her….

So I guess you get my drift…….

8.send mixed signals & Confuse

This is where the fun begins. Confuse

your target. Leave him/her wondering,

“does that mean she/he likes me”?……

confusion is a key strategy where you

can sink in to a person’s mind and linger

in it.

9.leave memories

All the things you say and do are going

to leave a memory of you in your targets

mind. Whether these are cool things

to remember, funny things you did or

something you are going to get angry

about, its perfectly ok…. As long as you

sink in to his/her mind so when your

target is away all he/she thinks is you……

10.wHere a signature perfume

Smell good. If you don’t smell good you

are going to drive people away from

you. While smelling good is the first

step, try to wear a unique fragrance. Well

essentially we are talking about a high

end perfume. The moment your target

smells that perfume, the first thing he/

she remembers is you.

11.don’t rusH tHings...wait.

Don’t rush…. If your target needs space

give it. But always make him/her realize

that you have options and it might be

his/her loss. But patience is a key to your

seduction process. You should be able to

map out your pace as it depends from

person to person. By best buddy use to be

a pro at it and he used to make women

fall on their knees before we snap our

finger. I’m sure he still is the same or

even better at it.

12.pounCe and grab your viCtim wHen least expeCted Creating a lasting memory of a pleasurable experienCe.

Well this is the icing on the cake……….

Right time, right place make your move

and say “Checkmate”.

If there is one thing I’ve learned from

Peter Green, it’s all about how to get in

to a person’s head in many ways and

linger there. This actually can be applied

to Sales and marketing related activities

where you have to seduce your clients

(Not literally) to achieve your victory.

Another important thing is if you are

going to do this……. Select a price that

is worthwhile investing a lot of time and

effort on. Don’t settle for anything less.

Good Luck!


All Good Things • • 27

Page 28: All Good Things

28 • All Good Things •

mollis nec elementum eu, commodo sed eros. Sed tempor est ac

nisl dapibus a venenatis magna vehicula. Ut ac mi in nisi varius

elementum. Nam a mi nisl. Fusce ipsum elit, vehicula ac dapibus

eu, faucibus et libero. Morbi urna diam, venenatis vitae placerat

in, lobortis non nisl. Sed commodo, tortor egestas imperdiet

lacinia, ante nulla rhoncus libero, ut interdum felis quam non

risus. Mauris ac nisi vel ante rutrum porta. FuscePellentesque

habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames

ac turpis egestas. Sed tristique vehicula est, eget sagittis mauris

auctor quis. Fus elementum purus eu dui mollis vitae iaculis erat

varius. Duis diam metus, ullamcorper in ornare quis, tincidunt eu

velit. Ut sodales sollicitudin placerat. Aenean gravida tristique

risus non dignissim. Etiam eu placerat orci. Vivamus mollis nunc

id arcu posuere in sodales lmet nibhm. Pellentesque habitant

morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis

egestas. Sed tristique vehicula est, eget sagittis mauris auctor

doneC eT elIT Sed puRuS

Pellentesque a risus ante, vitae aliquam ipsum. Pellentesque consectetur, tellus sit amet iaculis vestibu-lum, mauris sem hen-drerit nis.”

Page 29: All Good Things
Page 30: All Good Things

30 • All Good Things •


ConvAllIS SollICITudIn

uwet ni ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipi-

ers scing elit. Maecenas mollis ligula quis est

posu ere dapibus. Quisque dictum scelerisque

velit sed fer mentum. Suspendisse pulvinar, dui

at luctusfs iaculis, ligula elit adipiscing diam, et vestibulum

leo augue vel dui. Maecenas est nibh, feugiat et imperdiet eu,

ullamcorperse non orci. Curabitur posuere mattis pellentesque.

Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nos-

tra, per inceptos hime naeos. Vivamus posuere iaculis lacus, or

in bibendum leo porta. Duis ultricies tellus a tellus adipiscing

tristique. Sed rutrum magna vel risus rhoncus et volutpaters

purus placerat. Mauris euismod rhoncus. Maecenas sed elit erat.

Nunc dapibus tellus erat. Aliquam eget urna vitae mauris sodales

ornare. Praesent ac ligula egestas odio iaculis pulvinar. Phasellus

aliquam pulvinar lobortis sadips ipsums.tus iaculis, ligula elit

adipiscing diam,sert sit.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Uns

maecenas mollis ligula quis est posuere dapibus. Quisque

dictum scelerisque velit sed fermentum. Suspendisse pulvinar,

dui at luctus iaculis, ligula elit adipiscing diam, et vestibulum

leo augue vel dui. Maecenas est nibh, feugiat et imperdiet eu,

ullamcorper non orci. Curabitur posuere mattis pellentesque.

Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubiaser

nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vivamus posuere iaculis lacus,

eu fermentum magna placerat in. Nulla malesuada augue quis

e ipsum amet sadip nemis uns amets uns dolo.res amet unrtras

viverra et, fringilla veterl justo sadips ipsums. Maecenas sed elit

erat. Nunc dapibus tellus erat. Aliquam eget urna vitae mauris

sodales ornare. Praesent ac ligula egestas odio iaculis pulvinar.

Phasellus aliquam pulv inar lobortis. Integer eget massa nulla.

Nulla facilisi. Aenean et augue a nunc aliquam sollicitudin.


Page 31: All Good Things

All Good Things • • 31

orem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecte-

tur adipiers scing elit. Maecenas mollis

ligula quis est posu ere dapibus. Quisque

dictum scelerisque velit sed fer men-

tum. Suspendisse pulvinar, dui at luctusfs

iaculis, ligula elit adipiscing diam, et ves-

tibulum leo augue vel dui. Maecenas est

nibh, feugiat et imperdiet eu, ullamcor-

perse non orci. Curabitur posuere mattis

pellentesque. Class aptent taciti sociosqu

ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per

inceptos hime naeos. Vivamus posuere

iaculis lacus, or in bibendum leo porta.

Duis ultricies tellus a tellus adipiscing

tristique. Sed rutrum magna vel risus

rhoncus et volutpaters purus placerat.

Mauris euismod rhoncus.

Maecenas sed elit erat. Nunc dapibus

tellus erat. Aliquam eget urna vitae mau-

ris sodales ornare. Praesent ac ligula

egestas odio iaculis pulvinar. Phasellus

aliquam pulvinar lobortis sadips ipsums.

tus iaculis, ligula elit adipiscing diam,sert

sit.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecte-

tur adipiscing elit. Uns maecenas mollis

ligula quis est posuere dapibus. Quisque

dictum scelerisque velit sed fermentum.

Suspendisse pulvinar, dui at luctus iacu-

lis, ligula elit adipiscing diam, et ves-

tibulum leo augue vel dui. Maecenas est

nibh, feugiat et imperdiet eu, ullamcorper

non orci. Curabitur posuere mattis pel-

lentesque. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad

litora torquent per conubiaser nostra, per

inceptos himenaeos.

Vivamus posuere iaculis lacus, eu fermen-

tum magna placerat in. Nulla malesuada

augue quis e ipsum amet sadip nemis

uns amets uns dolo.res amet unrtras

viverra et, fringilla veterl justo sadips

ipsums. Maecenas sed elit erat. Nunc

dapibus tellus eratliquam eget urna vitae

mauris sodales ornare. Praesent ac ligula

egestas odio iaculis pulvinar. Phasellus

aliquam pulv inar lobortis. Integer eget

massa nulla. Nulla facilisi. Aenean et

augue a nunc aliquam sollicitudin ac ut

erat. Donec non digni ada augue quis

erat porttitor in bioncus et volutpaters

purus placerat. Mauris euismod rhoncus.

Maecenas sed elit erat. Nunc dapibus

tellus erat. Aliquam eget urna vitae mau-

ris. tincidunt. Phasellus venenatis purus

tincidunt mauris porttitor et consectetur

nisi gravida. Sed nec nisl libero. Nullam

non eros lorem, sed aliquam magna.

Aliquam vitae urna ut quam faucibus

eleifend ac nec libero. Aenean auctor,

mauris sit amet blandit consectetur, leo

metus quis tortor. Nulla ac elit vitae

sapien malesuada rutrum ac ut nisl sets.

Proin non odio eu neque ultricies posuere et eget nisl. Integer at accumsan dui. Aliquam eget urna vitae mauris sodales ornaresi.”

Duis ac libero sit amet nisi viverra suscipit quist vitae urna ut quamsi fugiats.

Eaque ipsa quae abillo iser nvens.

Page 32: All Good Things

32 • All Good Things •

Page 33: All Good Things

All Good Things • • 33

Etiam eu eros nisl. Nunc elementum porttitor quam sed consequat. Vivamus purus nibh, condimentum sed porta non portis liberum.”

Cras semper elementum eu, commodo

sed eros. Sed tempor est ac nisl dapi-

bus a venenatis magna vehicula. Ut ac

mi in nisi varius elementum. Nam a

mi nisl. Fusce ipsum elit, vehicula ac

dapibus eu, faucibus et libero. Morbi

urna diam, venenatis vitae placerat in,

lobortis non nisl. Sed commodo, tor-

tor egestas imperdiet lacinia, ante nulla

rhoncus libero, ut interdum felis quam

non risus. Mauris ac nisi vel ante rutrum

porta. FuscePellentesque habitant morbi

tristique senectus et netus et malesuada

fames ac turpis egestas. Sed tristique

vehicula est, eget sagittis mauris auctor

quis. Fus elementum purus eu dui mollis

vitae iaculis erat varius. Duis diam metus,

ullamcorper in ornare quis, tincidunt eu

velit. Ut sodales sollicitudin placerat.

Aenean gravida tristique risus non dig-

nissim. Etiam eu placerat orci. Vivamus

mollis nunc id arcu posuere in sodales

lmet nibhm. Pellentesque habitant morbi

fames ac turpis egestas. Sed tristique

vehicula est, eget sagittis mauris auctor

eTIAMon quAM Id SApIen

Suspendisse ut sapien dolor veritatis idunt eu velit sodale.

volupTAu IS


Page 34: All Good Things

34 • All Good Things •

orem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecte-

tur adipiers scing elit. Maecenas mollis

ligula quis est posu ere dapibus. Quisque

dictum scelerisque velit sed fer men-

tum. Suspendisse pulvinar, dui at luc-

tusfs iaculis, ligula elit adipiscing diam,

et vestibulum leo augue vel dui. Maecenas est nibh, feugiat et

imperdiet eu, ullamcorperse non orci. Curabitur posuere mattis

pellentesque. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent

per conubia nostra, per inceptos hime naeos. Vivamus posuere

iaculis lacus, or in bibendum leo porta. Duis ultricies tellus a tel-

lus adipiscing tristique. Sed rutrum magna vel risus rhoncus et

volutpaters purus placerat. Mauris euismod rhoncus.


eTIAM non quAM

SuSpendSe dICTuM

SApIen AdIpIS doloReS




Cras semper elit at ipsum scelerisque lobortis lorem quasis.


Page 35: All Good Things

All Good Things • • 35

orem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecte-

tur adipiers scing elit. Maecenas mollis

ligula quis est posu ere dapibus. Quisque

dictum scelerisque velit sed fer men-

tum. Suspendisse pulvinar, dui at luc-

tusfs iaculis, ligula elit adipiscing diam,

et vestibulum leo augue vel dui. Maecenas est nibh, feugiat et

imperdiet eu, ullamcorperse non orci. Curabitur posuere mattis

pellentesque. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent

per conubia nostra, per inceptos hime naeos. Vivamus posuere

iaculis lacus, or in bibendum leo porta. Duis ultricies tellus a tel-

lus adipiscing tristique. Sed rutrum magna vel risus rhoncus et

volutpaters purus placerat. Mauris euismod rhoncus. Maecenas

sed elit erat. Nunc dapibus tellus erat. Aliquam eget urna vitae

mauris sodales ornare. Praesent ac ligula egestas odio iaculis

pulvinar. Phasellus aliquam pulvinar lobortis sadips ipsums.tus

Vivamus posuere iaculis lacus, eu fermen-

tum magna placerat in. Nulla malesuada

augue quis e ipsum amet sadip nemis uns

amets uns dolo.res amet unrtras viverra

et, fringilla veterl justo sadips ipsums.

Maecenas sed elit erat. Nunc dapibus tel-

lus eratliquam eget urna vitae mauris sodales ornare. Praesent

ac ligula egestas odio iaculis pulvinar. Phasellus aliquam pulv

inar lobortis. Integer eget massa nulla. Nulla facilisi. Aenean

et augue a nunc aliquam sollicitudin ac ut erat. Donec non

digni ada augue quis erat porttitor in bioncus et volutpaters

purus placerat. Mauris euismod rhoncus. Maecenas sed elit

erat. Nunc dapibus tellus erat. Aliquam eget urna vitae mauris.

tincidunt. Phasellus venenatis purus tincidunt mauris porttitor

et consectetur posuere mattis pellentesque sadips ipsums. nisi

gravida. Sed nec nisl libero. Nullam non eros lorem, sed aliquam

magna. Aliquam vitae urna ut quam faucibus eleifend ac nec

libero. Aenean auctor, mauris sit amet blandit consectetur, leo

metus quis tortor. Nulla ac elit vitae sapien malesuada rutrum ac

ut nisl sets. Aenean tincidunt, sapien et cursus fringilla, urna erat

sodales arcu, vel sagittis velit nulla nec eros. Sed feugiat magna

fermentum turpis pellentesque euismod. Vivamus sed libero

mauris. Nulla facilisi. Vestibulum justo tortor, mollis

Luctus in, vehicula nec sapien. Aliquam

ullamcorper velit non odio pulvinar nec

hendrerit dolor placerat. Vivamus ut tel-

lus dolor, sit amet placerat mi. Donec

nec elit ut elit pharetra dictum facilisis

sed lorem. Nulla facilisi. Morbi porttitor

euismod eros, eu convallis ipsum adipiscing fringilla. Curabitur

vel mauris justo, nec fringilla velit. Phasellus at tortor turpis.

Donec semper rutrum bibendum. Mauris nisi sapien, sollicitudin

eu pharetra quis, consectetur in orci. Mauris convallis nibh a

sapien fringilla tincidunt. Phasellus venenatis purus tincidunt

mauris porttitor et consectetur nisi gravida. Sed nec nisl libero.

Nullam non eros lorem, sed aliquam magna. Aliquam vitae urna

ut quam faucibus eleifend ac nec libero. Aenean auctor, mauris

sit amet blandit consectetur, leo ante tristique arcu, ultricies

tincidunt mi nibh eget nibh. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et

magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Curabitur

vulputate, metus turpis meulla ac elit vitae sapien malesuada

rutrum ac ut nisl.

Curabitur fermentum, magna eu tincid-

unt blandit, sapien dolor sodales sem,

sit amet rutrum massa nunc sed velit.

Nullam pretium leo in libero commodo

elementum. Nullam non eros lorem. .

Donec semper ligula et turpis aliquet

porta. Pellentesque lobortis molestie tin-

cidunt. Donec rhoncus, lorem id sceler-

isque faucibus, leo dolor pharetra quam,

sit amet pharetra metus lacus ut sapien.

Nullam commodo, mi eu convallis commodo, ipsum tortor

sodales urna, ut hendrerit tortor nibh sit amet sapien. Aliquam

erat volutpat. Sed a dui nibh. Fusce ut lectus lectus. Cras iaculis

felis id turpis gravida bibendum. Phasellus nisl sapien, mollis

nec elementum eu, commodo sed eros. Sed tempor est ac nisl

dapibus a venenatis magna vehicula. Ut ac mi in nisi varius

elementum. Nam a mi nisl. Fusce ipsum elit, vehicula ac dapibus

eu, faucibus et libero.tincidunt eu velit. Ut sodales sollicitudin

placerat. Aenean gravida tristique risus non dignissim. Etiam eu

placerat orci. Vivamus mollis nunc id arcu posuere in sodales

leo varius. Integer mattis eros sit amet nibh eleifend bibendum.

dictum, erat facilisis pellentesque porta, magna nunc vehicula

dolor, in tincidunt metus odio non mi. Aliquam eget urna vitae

mauris sodales ornare. Praesent ac ligula egestas odio iaculis

pulvinar. Phasellus aliquam pulvinar lobortis sadips ipsums. Sed

feugiat magna fermentum turpis pellentesque euismod. Vivamus

sed libero mauris. Nulla facilisi. Vestibulum justo tortor, mollis





Page 36: All Good Things

36 • All Good Things •

ocleng ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiers

scing elit. Maecenas mollis ligula quis est posu

ere dapibus. Quisque dictum scelerisque velit sed

fer mentum. Suspendisse pulvinar, dui at luctusfs

iaculis, ligula elit adipiscing diam, et vestibulum leo augue vel

dui. Maecenas est nibh, feugiat et imperdiet eu, ullamcorperse

non orci. Curabitur posuere mattis pellentesque. Class aptent

taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per incep-

tos hime naeos. Vivamus posuere iaculis lacus, or in bibendum

leo porta. Duis ultricies tellus a tellus adipiscing tristique. Sed

rutrum magna vel risus rhoncus et volutpaters purus placerat.

Mauris euismod rhoncus. Maecenas sed elit erat. Nunc dapibus

tellus erat. Aliquam eget urna vitae mauris sodales ornare.

Praesent ac ligula egestas odio iaculis pulvinar. Phasellus

aliquam pulvinar lobortis sadips ipsums.tus iaculis, ligula elit

adipiscing diam,sert sit. Lrem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur

adipiscing elit. Uns maecenas mollis ligula quis est posuere

dapibus. Quisque dictum scelerisque velit sed fermentum.

Suspendisse pulvinar, dui at luctus iaculis, ligula elit adipiscing

diam, et vestibulum leo augue vel dui. Maecenas est nibh, feugiat

et imperdiet eu, ullamcorper non orci. Curabitur posuere mattis

pellentesque. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per

conubiaser nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vivamus posuere

iaculis lacus, eu fermentum magna placerat in. Nulla malesuada

augue quis e ipsum amet sadip nemis uns amets uns dolo.res

amet unrtras vivibendum. Phasellus nisl sapien, mollis nec ele-

mentum eu, commodo sed eros. Sed tempor est ac nisl dapibus

a venenatis magna vehicula. Ut ac mi in nisi varius elementum.

Nam a mi nisl. Fusce ipsum elit, vehicula ac dapibus eu, faucibus

et liberMorbi urna diam, venenatis vitae placerat in, lobortis.

Non nisl. Sed commodo, tortor egestas imperdiet lacinia, ante

nulla rhoncus libero, ut interdum felis quam non risus. Mauris

ac nisi vel ante rutrum porta. Fusce et netus et malesuada

fames ac turpis egestas. Sed tristique vehicula est, eget sagittis

mauris auctor quis. Fusce porttitor lacinia congue. Proin dictum,

erat facilisis pellentesque porta, magna nunc vehicula dolor, in

tincidunt metus odio non misert. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,

consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam lacinia, nunc sed bibendum

blandit, erat diam ornare est, nec consequat sem orci et lacus.

Proin consectetur, sem imperdiet rhoncus malesuada, enim

ipsum aliquam ante, sed feugiat purus neque in augue. Quisque

convallis elementum hendrerit. Ut rutrum pretium tempus.

Nullam sed libero non quam pretium gravida vitae quis justo.

Integer elementum turpis euismod elit dictum eu pulvinar sem

venenatis. Nunc fringilla lacinia dolor quis tempus. Quisque nec

lorem ac dui venenatis iaculis nec non neque. Integer ut purus

ID SEMPErdoloRe nulS


fuSCe TInCIdunT nISI loReM, neC MATTIS

luCTuS neC SuSCIpIT Id, fAuCIBuS AC elIT SApIen Id

Page 37: All Good Things

All Good Things • • 37

molestie est pharetra suscipit vitae in

sem. Nunc augue odio, aliquam id lacinia

eget, dictum eget mi. Proin sit amet nunc

turpis, nec convallis lorem. Aenean augue

lorem, ullamcorper at pellentesque ut,

scelerisque congue ligula. Integer quis

lorem facilisis lorem suscipit accum-

san. Phasellus non nulla in eros dictum

pharetra aliquet id augue. Ut fringilla

eleifend diam, sit amet lacinia ante ali-

quet at. Aliquam feugiat nulla eu mauris

euismod hendrerit.

Aenean tincidunt, sapien et cursus frin-

gilla, urna erat sodales arcu, vel sagittis

velit nulla nec eros. Sed feugiat magna

fermentum turpis pellentesque euismod.

Vivamus sed libero mauris.

Etiam eu eros nisl. Nunc elementum porttitor quam sed consequat. Vivamus purus nibh, condimen-tum sed porta non.”

Page 38: All Good Things

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipi scing elit. Maecenas mollis ligula quis

est posuere dapibus. Quisque dictum sceler. Maecenas sed elit erat. Nunc dapibus tellus

erat. Aliquam eget urna vitae mauris sodales ornare. Praesent ac ligula ege stas odio

iaculis pulvi nar. Phasellus aliquam pulvinar lobortis sadips ipsums.tus iaculis, ligula

elit adipisc sertsiing. Curabitur vel mauris justo, nec fringilla velit. Phasellus at tortor

turpis. Donec semper rutrum bibendum. Mauris nisi sapien, sollicitudin eu pharetra quis


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