All Aspects of the Industry SDCOE-ROP/CTE Fall 2012.

All Aspects of the Industry SDCOE-ROP/CTE Fall 2012

Transcript of All Aspects of the Industry SDCOE-ROP/CTE Fall 2012.

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All Aspects of the IndustrySDCOE-ROP/CTEFall 2012

Page 2: All Aspects of the Industry SDCOE-ROP/CTE Fall 2012.



Forges links between schools, businesses, and community institutions.

Prepares students with a variety of skills in a fast-changing workplace.

Students are shown the “Big Picture” of the industry and general technological principles important to the specific industry.

Integrating academic and CTE Empowering learners to make

career and life choices Enabling learners to adapt to

technological change Involving learners in economic


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Business Planning

How regulatory laws can have an impact on a business’ operations.

Ways an employee can influence company decision-making policy

The differences between delivering products and delivering services.

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Business PlanningCareer Development Skills

Distinguish between types of decisions◦ Economic◦ Technical◦ Social

Utilize problem solving skills◦ Identity the problem for

resolution◦ Define critical issues◦ Analyze causes of a problem◦ Utilize research and

assessment skills Examine results of a problem Offer solutions to a problem Select a solution to a problem

Implement an action plan

Prepare a business plan outline the costs to open a new business

Design a floor plan for new equipment

Interview a company on their hiring goals and objectives when hiring staff

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What is the “chain of command”◦How does the “chain of command”

workWhat is the significance of a

company’s workplace cultureHow cultural and gender diversity

can have a positive effect on an industry

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ManagementCareer Development Skills

Outline the procedures involved in ordering, distributing, and controlling supplies

Explain an ordering decision

Requisition◦ Supplies◦ equipment

Prepare a booklet outlining supply and equipment orders. Include examples of forms and what information is needed to process the requisition in a timely fashion.

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Health, Safety & Environment

List Management’s responsibility for a safe workplace◦What are the benefits of good workplace

ergonomics.How to avoid job-specific health threatsThe benefits of good workplace

ergonomicsEffects weather has on an industry

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Health, Safety and EnvironmentCareer Development Skills

Comply with safety and health rules in a given work environment, including:◦ Following established

emergency proceduresExhibit the safe use

of tools and equipment

Maintain clean and orderly work area(s)

Develop a set of instructions for medical emergencies

Create a display to promote conservation for a community Earth Day Event

Research what precautions are taken to make the buildings and surrounding parking lots safe at night

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Community Issues

Why is a company’s public perception important?

Why is it important for a company to provide access needs of the physically challenged?

Why is it important for a company to contribute through volunteer work?

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Community IssuesCareer Development Skills

In your industry, choose a company and list positive and negative perceptions

Rate if your company is accessible to the physically challenged

Develop a short range and a long range goal to change the public’s negative perception

Create and present a PowerPoint on your company’s community projects

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Principals of Technology

What are the basic resources necessary for your company

What are ergonomics and why are they important

What academic or technical education is needed to perform the technical and or production skills

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Principles of TechnologyCareer Development Skills

In your industry, develop a resource guide specific to your company

Outline the level of education and or technical training needed for entry level positions

Post the resource guide to the company’s website◦ Develop and present

the resource guide to employees

Create and present a PowerPoint on the company’s entry level positions

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Personal Work Habits

List non-technical skills and characteristics expected in the workplace

What are the benefits of having a positive attitude, personal fitness and appearance and readiness to work

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Personal Work HabitsCareer Development Skills

Why is it important to being fit for work?

How would you characterize the company’s expectations regarding ◦ Attitude◦ Appearance◦ fitness

Define and explain the importance of the following worker characteristics◦ Cooperation◦ Integrity◦ Honesty◦ Positive Attitude

List and defend your strong worker characteristics

List your worker characteristics that need further development

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Technical & Production Skills

Research the certifications requirement for a specific position

Obtain technical information and training for a specific position

List positions that are inter-related

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Technical & Production SkillsCareer Development Skills

What are the advantages of an industry certification?

Research the technical training needed for a specific position

List positions that are inter-related

Locate information on positions requiring industry certification

Develop a brochure on a specific position listing the technical training required

Develop a spreadsheet that shows inter-related positions

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Labor IssuesThe importance of knowing your

rights as a workerAdvantages/disadvantages of

hourly and salaried payThe importance of cultural


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Labor IssuesCareer Development Skills

Research your company’s employee rights

Develop a list of salary and hourly positions

Identify skills needed to maintain effective work relations with colleagues

Develop and present your rights as an employee

Create a spreadsheet showing the advantages/disadvantages of salary and hourly pay

Create a brochure on cultural sensitivity for your company

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FinanceWhat are the key factors

effecting profit and lossWhat are the implications for a

company extending creditHow does the company acquire

capital to operate?

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FinanceCareer Development Skills

Research financial vocabulary

List the steps of an accounting cycle

How has technology increased and/or decreased the costs of operations

Create a glossary of financial terms and there meaning

Interview a financial manager on the accounting cycle◦ Create a brochure

Develop and present how technology increased and/or decrease the costs of operations