All About School !

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  • 8/8/2019 All About School !




    As the time goes by, after passing for about three

    months, alhamdulillah for the first time on this new

    academic year 2010-2011, our school SDIT Luqman Al

    Hakim had held midterm examination. As usual,

    atmosphere in the school would be a bit different. The

    children looked very serious, reading and writing on

    the paper. Some of them, busy with the scanner

    board on their hands. But, for 1st graders, it would be

    their first experience. Zia, 1st grader from Abu Bakr

    looked very confused when Bu Mila, his class teacher

    handed him the paper for examination. Then, he

    asked, What is this..? What are we going to do,

    Bu?(with an innocent face, he flicked through the 3 sheets of the exam papers). Up to you,Ziaif you

    want to fold it into a paper plane, thats okay said Bu Mila while smiling widely. Haahhh???, Zia was

    getting confused. Welcome to the elementary world and keep on learning students!


    Asyhadualla ilaha illallaah..wa Asyhaduanna Muhammadar Rasulullaah. Its been so long we didn't

    hear all the students recited it together during pledge, our weekly routine activity in the morning. Since

    Ramadhan, competencies and midterm examination, our school didnt do the pledge. Alhamdulillah,

    finally on Monday, 25th October 2010 ,all the students and the teachers of SDIT Luqman Al Hakim

    gathered together in the field, lined up tidily for doing the pledge. Ilma and Daya from 6th grade cameforward for leading reciting the Syahadat. Ilma recited in Arabic and Daya recited the translation in

    English. Then, continued by dua asking for knowledge. For closing, Ustadz Imam gave some speech to

    remind all the students the importance of the pledge since it was a recognition as a Muslim in the

    presence of Allaah. So, be proud of being moslem child, show your confession nicely and seriously!

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    On Saturday morning , 23rd

    October 2010, some teachers

    and the students which members of soccer team went

    to Gunung Tembak. They were going to do football

    friendly match with the students of MI Radhiyatan

    Mardiyah, Gunung Tembak. It was one of the sport

    teacherss program. The children were very enthusiatic

    to compete. But, unfortunately their condition not too

    well. That caused the lost of our side, 3 goals to 0. Arya

    from 4th

    grade Zaid actuall scored 1 goal, but

    nfortunartely it was hand ball. yThey cant compete well.

    Our students lost 3 goals to 0, although Arya 4th

    grade of

    Zaid Class almost gave 1 goal but unfortunately it was hands ball. Well, better luck next time,children..!

    Keep on practice...and fight for the best..!



    During October 2010, PGTK Mardhatillah had cookery weeks.

    What have they cooked? Started from Playgroup Hafshah and

    Kindergarten B on Monday,6th

    October 2010. PG Hafshah made

    the avocado juice that mixed with milk, syrup and some kinds of

    fruits. Emmm, its yummy..!, commented Rizky and cheeredAurel Bu Rahmi, I want more.. said Fidhel and Wajha, while

    Muti directly came

    forward for adding

    some more juice. Bu Erna seemed very busy to give them one

    by one. Slow down, kidsyou will get coughing if you drink to

    much smiled Bu Piah. At the same time, Kindergarten A also

    crowded with their Cocktail. They were so happy with the

    activity. Yummy..! Then, continued on Wednesday, 13th

    October 2010, Kindergarten A made some Ote-ote. A quite

    different kinds of food with the other class, K-A was cooked in

    outdoor, in front of the stairs of masjid, near by the tree

    house.They felt just liked doing picnic, it was so fun..!

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    On Monday, 18th October 2010, all of the kindergarten A classes were gathered in the snack room. They

    learned about five senses, integrated with healthy and halaal food through simple experiment. The

    teachers accompanied the children to make a sandwich. But, not an ordinary sandwich like used to. The

    children have to arranged some cheese, eggs and tomatoes became a face on the sandwich. LookThis

    is mine! It seems like it smiling at me, teacher!, said little Aisyah proudly. They were even more excited,

    when the teacher told them that after everything has done, they allowed to enjoy and eat their


    EXERCISE TIME ! tThursday mean exercise time. Although that day was a bit

    cloudy, the children and the teachers of PGTK

    Mardhatillahs were always very enthusiastic in the yard

    doing Duck Gym. Bu Ningsih, teacher of Fathimah Class

    gave spirit to the children, Keep spirit kids, we will

    shooted on television..,she joked. This sport has been a

    weekly routine activity that followed by all children and

    the teachers. They moved and laughing together happily.

    Keep healthy all..!


    Alhamdulillah, finally our school had an orthopedagog.

    Orthopedagog is a therapy paedagog to overcome specific

    learning difficulties in children. Orthopedagog therapist can

    identify children's learning difficulties. She is Bu Uci. She came

    from Bandung and responsible to give theraphy for special need

    children. Regurarly according to the schedule, Bu Uci gave

    therapy to the children in Child Stimulation Unit (U.S.A). It has

    been running for about 3 months. We hoped that the children

    could develop their studying potential with more optimal.


    In order to improve the english skill,some teachers followed english course. This program has been

    running for about 6 months. And its time for final examination. Before the test, Mr. B invited someteachers to his English program on IDC FM. On Saturday night to speak about their course. So, their came

    Mr. Nasri, Mr. Ahmad, Mr.Amri, Mr. Awal, Mr. Imam and Mr.Dudi on aired on his program last Saturday,


    October 2010. They discuss about Character Building and it was an interesting topic. Many listeners

    from parents and teachers called to IDC and asked about the character of their children or students. Have

    you heard the show?

    Inna Lillahi Wainna Ilaihi Rojiun

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    All teachers and employees of SIT Hidayatullah took sympathy and sorry to Mrs. Nabila and her family

    because her mother and brother have passed away. Hopefully the charity and the worship accepted by

    Allah SWT and the families will given the fortitude and patience.