All About Pragnancy

4 Weeks Pregnant Pregnancy Body Changes at Four Weeks Pregnant Congratulations! Your focus from now on is to be healthy. Think, act, and eat healthy. Rest, eat right, and exercise in moderation. You're doing everything for two, which means taking care of two people the very best that you can. At 4 weeks pregnant, you may be experiencing any of the following pregnancy symptoms: missed period, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, headaches, bloating, a feeling of fullness, light cramping, poor appetite, frequent urination, and breast tenderness. If you've had some minor spotting in the past week, it may be implantation bleeding, which is not a cause for concern. Some women have no symptoms at all which is perfectly normal. As soon as you discover you are pregnant, schedule your first appointment with your OB/GYN or midwife. Early prenatal care is important. After 4 weeks of pregnancy, a test will probably be able to detect your pregnancy. Pregnancy tests look for a special hormone in the urine or blood that is only there when a woman is pregnant. This hormone, hCG, is the hormone that is measured in pregnancy tests. The hCG levels increase drastically each day you are pregnant. Your Baby's Growth and Development at 4 weeks pregnant The baby's brain, spinal cord, heart, and other organs begin to form. Your baby is now about 1/25 of an inch long (0.04 inches). Four weeks into your pregnancy, your baby (called an embryo) consists of two layers of cells - the epiblast and the hypoblast that will eventually develop into all of your baby's organs and body parts. Two other structures that develop at this time are the amnion and the yolk sac. The amnion, filled with amniotic fluid, will surround and protect the growing embryo. The yolk sac will produce blood and help to nourish the embryo until the placenta takes over that role. The placenta has also started to form -- it is producing hCG, among other hormones, which is an important hormone in pregnancy. 5 Weeks Pregnant Pregnancy Body Changes at Five Weeks Pregnant



Transcript of All About Pragnancy

Page 1: All About Pragnancy

4 Weeks Pregnant Pregnancy Body Changes at Four Weeks Pregnant

Congratulations! Your focus from now on is to be hea lthy. Think, act, and eat healthy. Rest, eat right, and

exercise in moderation. You're doing everything for two, which means taking care of two people the very

best that you can.

At 4 weeks pregnant, you may be experiencing any of the following pregnancy symptoms : missed

period, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, headaches, blo ating, a feeling of fullness, light cramping, poor

appetite, frequent urination, and breast tenderness . If you've had some minor spotting in the past week, it

may be implantation bleeding , which is not a cause for concern.

Some women have no symptoms at all which is perfectl y normal. As soon as you discover you are

pregnant, schedule your first appointment with your OB/GYN or midwife. Early prenatal care is important.

After 4 weeks of pregnancy, a test will probably be able to detect your pregnancy. Pregnancy tests look

for a special hormone in the urine or blood that is only there when a woman is pregnant. This hormone,

hCG, is the hormone that is measured in pregnancy tests .

The hCG levels increase drastically each day you ar e pregnant.

Your Baby's Growth and Development at 4 weeks pregn ant

The baby's brain, spinal cord, heart, and other org ans begin to form. Your baby is

now about 1/25 of an inch long (0.04 inches).

Four weeks into your pregnancy, your baby (called a n embryo) consists of two layers of cells - the

epiblast and the hypoblast that will eventually de velop into all of your baby's organs and body parts .

Two other structures that develop at this time are the amnion and the yolk sac. The amnion, filled wit h

amniotic fluid, will surround and protect the growi ng embryo. The yolk sac will produce blood and help

to nourish the embryo until the placenta takes over that role.

The placenta has also started to form -- it is prod ucing hCG, among other hormones, which is an

important hormone in pregnancy.

5 Weeks Pregnant Pregnancy Body Changes at Five Weeks Pregnant

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Your body is creating a new life, and at 5 weeks pre gnant you may be feeling exhausted and unusually

irritable or emotional. Your increased metabolism an d growing uterus may be causing more frequent

urination. Your breasts may be particularly tender now and you may find that sleeping in a sports bra

helps. Support early will help you avoid pain and t enderness throughout your pregnancy.

During this trimester , your body is working extra hard so you may be fee ling extra tired. You may be

feeling tenderness in your breasts as the milk glan ds multiply. Morning sickness could make its debut (if

it hasn't already), however some women never experi ence it after implantation . Going to the bathroom

more frequently is normal, as are headaches due to the rise in hormones. You may have all of

these pregnancy symptoms , some of them, or none at all. Each woman's pregnan cy is different from

another woman's and even different from first pregn ancy on to additional pregnancies in the same


Make sure you get plenty of rest to help your body do its job. Exercising can also help, keeping your

muscles strong and your body moving is important al l throughout your pregnancy!

Your Baby's Development at 5 weeks pregnant

Your baby's heart will begin to beat this week! Your baby is now called an embryo and is about the size

of an apple seed.

Until now, the embryo has been a mass of cells; but starting at about week 5 of pregnancy, a distinct

shape begins to form. A front, back, top, and botto m are now apparent. Also, a bulge in the center of the

embryo develops into your baby's heart. The nervous system, muscles, and bones begin to develop.

Your placenta and the amniotic sac will also begin t o develop, so many developments are happening all

at once!

Morning sickness may be rearing its ugly head at this point. Nausea affects one third to one half of all

pregnant women and usually subsides or even disappe ars by the start of the second trimester . It may be

caused by a higher level of estrogen, as well as th e rapid expansion of the uterus.

During week six of your pregnancy, your body is wor king hard to produce what will be your baby, which

means that the symptoms of pregnancy can be more pronounced this week. Your nausea may g et worse

this week as your hormone levels rise. Remember it' s called morning sickness, but it can strike at any

point of the day. Stay hydrated by drinking lots of water. Your breasts may tingle, feel heavy, and the

areola (dark nipple portion) may become darker. Food cravings and food aversions may develop. You

may feel the need to urinate more often.

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If you have not already done so, schedule your firs t prenatal appointment with your health care provid er.

Begin eating healthy if you haven't been, and avoid smoke, drugs, and alcohol.

Avoid changing cat litter for there is a risk of to xoplasmosis. Let someone else do this duty for a wh ile.

Toxoplasmosis can cause pregnancy problems and prob lems in the newborn.

Your Baby's Growth and Development

By week 6, your baby's brain and nervous system are developing at a rapid pace. The larynx starts to

form as does the inner ear. Optic vesicles, which l ater form the eyes, begin to develop this week on t he

side of the head, as do the passageways that will m ake up the inner ear. The head and tail of the embr yo

are formed, limb buds are present, and basic facial features begin to appear.

Your baby's heart will begin to beat around this tim e, and the earliest forms of the digestive and

respiratory systems appear.

Because their legs are curled up against the torso for much of the pregnancy, making a full-length

measurement difficult, babies often are measured fr om the crown to rump rather than from head to toe.

In week 6 of pregnancy, your baby is 0.08 to 0.2 in ches from crown to rump.

Pregnancy Body Changes

More symptoms of pregnancy may appear in when you are 7 weeks pregnant. Nause a and morning

sickness, constipation, vaginal discharge and exces s saliva are some. Rapid acceleration of hormones

can cause your face to break out. Wash your face tw ice a day with a gentle cleaner and drink plenty of

water. Vitamin B6 not only helps with nausea, but you may find it al so improves the condition of your


Your waist may already be expanding , causing your clothes to feel snug. You may

experience constipation and have occasional bouts of indigestion. Some wom en also feel a bit dizzy or

lightheaded at times. Persistent symptoms that conce rn you should be immediately reported to your


You will develop a mucus plug around this time, whic h forms in the opening of the cervical canal and

seals off the uterus for protection. Eventually, you will lose this plug as your cervix dilates in prep aration

for labor. If you haven't already, you should call your doctor for an OB appointment.

Your Baby's Development

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The hand plates become present this week, and the b aby is 0.2 to 0.52 inches long, or about the size of a marble. He or she weighs abo ut 0.03 ounces. The genital tubercle is present, bu t you can't distinguish girls from boys by sight at t his point. Nasal pits are forming.

Your baby will actually go through 3 sets of kidneys , very rapidly as they develop during this period. This

week the second of such sets will form. Your baby's heart becomes completely formed , the limb buds

are present and the eyes appear as dark spots with the eyelid folds forming. Your baby's tongue begins

to form and his or her trunk of their body elongate s and straightens. The pituitary gland is forming i n the

middle of the brain.

The stomach and esophagus begin to form and the umb ilical cord, which is the link between your baby

and the placenta, is now clearly visible. Your baby' s liver starts functioning also this week. Your baby will

also start producing red blood cells.

Pregnancy Body Changes

When you are 8 weeks pregnant, your uterus is now t he size of an orange. You may

have early pregnancy symptoms such as acne, tender, swollen breasts, nausea, and extreme fatigue.

Indigestion and bloating are common complaints of p regnancy. A slowed digestive process causes these

symptoms and allows your bloodstream to better abso rb nutrients that are then passed on to your baby.

Try wearing loose-fitting clothes, eating small, fr equent meals, chewing your food thoroughly

and avoiding high fat foods . This discomfort is completely harmless to your ba by.

Once you have confirmation of your pregnancy from a home pregnancy test or blood or urine test at the

doctor's office, you should call and schedule your first prenatal visit.

What to expect at the first visit:

Urine Sampled (protein, hCG, etc.)

Blood Pressure (baseline)

Weight (baseline)

Pelvic Exam (size of uterus, cysts, coloring of cervi x)

Pap Smear (some practitioners do this now, others wai t)

Blood (Rh factor, iron levels, immunities, specific ally rubella)

Family History (complications that may be predictab le)

Be sure to ask any questions that have you have, yo ur care provider should always be your primary

source of answers for your pregnancy questions .

Your Baby's Growth and Development

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During your eighth week of pregnancy, your baby wil l likely begin developing

webbed fingers and toes. This week your baby's gona ds will become either testes or ovaries.

Pregnancy Body Changes

At 9 weeks pregnant, you may find yourself with a p ersistent stuffy nose. Nasal

congestion and nose bleeds are fairly common during pregnancy. Try using a vaporizer or humidifier to

help lessen the symptoms of pregnancy . You continue to feel tired, nauseated, and possibl y dizzy . You

also may be experiencing heartburn and indigestion, occasional food cravings and food aversions,

nausea, bloating, and mood swings and weepiness from the hormones raging and changin g throughout

your body.

Your breasts may be feeling full and tender. This ca n be one of the earliest symptoms of pregnancy. The

areola typically darkens and Montgomery's glands, l ubricating sweat glands on the areola, may become

prominent and more numerous. Especially for those wi th a light complexion, veins in the breast often

become more pronounced.

Your waistline may be expanding and you may even beg in to show slightly. Each woman and each

pregnancy is different; don't worry if you aren't l ooking pregnant yet!

Your Baby's Development at 9 weeks of pregnancy During pregnancy week 9 your baby may be roughly on e inch long. Your baby also weighs in at roughly

one ounce. Your baby's physical body including her a rms, legs and head has taken shape. The

embryonic tail at the bottom of your baby's spinal cord is shrinking, and your baby's head is now near ly

half the size of its entire body.

More fetal developments that typically occur during the ninth week of pregnancy are the formation of

nipple and hair follicles, the abdomen and chest ca vities become separate, the eye muscles and upper l ip

develop the nerve cells of the retinas form in the eyes and the semicircular canals of the ears form. At

this point, all your baby's fingers and toes are pr esent. The urinary and rectal passages are complete ly

separate and the intestines start to move out of th e umbilical cord and into the abdomen.

Elbows appear and the process of ossification (harde ning of the bones) begins. The leg buds divide into

thigh, leg, and foot units and the arm buds divide into hand, arm, elbow, and shoulder units. Your bab y's

arms and legs will begin to move spontaneously.

In week 8 of pregnancy, the baby's eyelids begin to form, the ears, upper lip, and tip of the nose bec ome

recognizable and the tongue begins to develop. Teet h are developing under the gums.

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Changes in your body that may start appearing in we ek 10 of your pregnancy include complexion

changes (blotchiness, acne), mood swings, and weight gain . Tiredness and nausea are very common

still. Your waist is starting to disappear.

Hormonal changes occur during pregnancy that can af fect the gums. The gums may become swollen and

inflamed in response to bacteria along the gum line . This is called " pregnancy gingivitis ." It usually

appears during the third to ninth month of pregnanc y. Schedule an appointment with your dentist to keep

your teeth and gums healthy during your pregnancy.

Your care provider will be able to check for the bab y's heartbeat using a Doppler stethoscope. This may

be the first visit you get to hear your baby's hear tbeat!

Your Baby's Growth and Development

When you are at 10 weeks pregnant, your baby is now 1.25 to 1.68 inches long and

weighs approximately 0.18 ounces. In week 10 of pre gnancy your baby now enters its fetal period. Tiny

toes have formed.

The eyes are largely open, are no longer transparen t. External genitalia are beginning to differentiat e.

External ears are completely formed, as well as the upper lip.

As external changes such as the separation of finge rs and toes and the disappearance of the tail takes

place, internal developments are taking place too. Tooth buds form inside the mouth, and if you're hav ing

a boy, his testes will begin producing the male hor mone testosterone.

The two lobes of the lungs extend into many tiny tu bes (bronchioles) and the diaphragm begins to

separate the heart and lungs from the stomach, whic h moves into its final position.

Pregnancy Body Changes

By 11 weeks of pregnancy most women have gained ver y little weight. It is important to

stick to (or start) eating a healthy diet . You will only need about 300-500 calories extra a day while you

are pregnant. Make those calories premium, they hel p your baby grow.

Avoid junk foods , and try to ensure that you are getting a variety of fruits and vegetables and protein.

One word about protein, even in pregnancy it does n ot have to come from meat. There are a lot of

successful vegetarian pregnancies.

It is important that you wear a well supporting bra throughout your pregnancy, which will give your

breasts plenty of support.

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Other common body changes you may notice at 11 week s of pregnancy include dizziness and nausea if you haven't experienced them yet. By about this tim e your uterus is just thinking about popping up above your pubic bone. Once this happens you will s tart showing a bit more. Many women start noticing physical changes including rapidly growing hair and nails. Some headaches appear as a result of the changes in your hormone levels. Prevent them before they

start by eating regularly, drinking plenty of fluid s, getting adequate sleep and keeping stress levels low.

Ask your care provider if you can treat headaches w ith Tylenol (acetaminophen), a pain medication that

is considered safe for pregnant women. If you exper ience frequent headaches, if the headache is the by -

product of a fever, or if it causes visual disturba nces or puffiness in the hands and face, call your doctor


Your Baby's Development

During pregnancy week 11, your baby is almost large enough for you to nestle in your palm. Most babies

are just under 1 ½ inches long by now and may weigh as much as .3 ounces. Your baby's skin is still

transparent, once your baby reaches full term he wi ll start to fill out, and you will no longer be abl e to see

your baby's blood vessels showing through his skin. Most babies will double their size during the next

three weeks. The iris will begin to develop this we ek and finger nails appear.

Week 11 of pregnancy marks the end of the embryonic period. From now on, your baby is called a fetus.

It also marks the period when your baby is out of t he danger zone for the development of most

congenital complications . Other developments that are happening around this time are the external

genitals move outside of the body, the hair follicl es of the skin are forming , and teeth are beginnin g to


Pregnancy Body Changes

You begin to have a "pregnant glow" by the time you are 12 weeks pregnant.

Increased blood volume and pregnancy hormones work together to give you that glow. The greater blood

volume brings more blood to the blood vessels and h ormones increase oil gland secretion, resulting in a

flushed, plumper, smoother skin appearance. The inc reased oil gland secretion can also cause

temporary acne.

Some body changes that occur during week 12 of pregn ancy include morning sickness diminishing or

disappearing, fatigue disappears or diminishes, and your waistline expands. You may experience

headaches or lightheadedness.

Your placenta will take over the production of hormones around t his time. Your risk of miscarriage is

reduced even further this week.

Your uterus has risen above your pubic bone, and you r obstetrician will be able to feel it during an

abdominal exam. Around this time, you may begin to show. For first-timer mothers, "showing" may occur

a bit later, as strong abdominal muscles hide your pregnancy longer.

Your Baby's Growth and Development at 12 weeks preg nant By the time you are 12 weeks pregnant, your baby is about 2.5 inches long and weighs approximately 0.3

to 0.5 ounces. Your baby's brain continues to develo p, and tiny fingernails and toenails start to form.

Vocal cords are formed this week, which is the last of your first trimester .

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Your baby's kidneys are functioning, as is the liver . They thyroid gland and pancreas are also complete.

Your baby is now passing urine and the gall bladder secretes bile. After swallowing amniotic fluid, yo ur

baby will now be able to pass it out of the body as urine. A skeleton made of cartilage is forming.

Pregnancy Body Changes at 13 weeks

During week 13 of pregnancy, many of your early pregnancy symptoms may have

subsided or will soon. Anxiety may also decrease be cause the risk of miscarriage is significantly less

after the twelfth week of pregnancy . The second trimester most often the easiest trimester. This is

because women often regain energy, as their baby's vital organs have formed, giving their own bodies a

rest from production.

As you enter your second trimester, your nausea mos t likely is gone. You aren't very large or

uncomfortable, which is the perfect time to keep up with moderate exercise. You may feel absolutely


You may feel some abdominal pain during week 13 of p regnancy as the ligaments that hold up your

uterus stretch to accommodate it as it grows. This is called "round ligament pain." This is very norma l

and typically associated with stretching necessary for your uterus to grow.

Round ligament pain should not persist. You can diff erentiate round ligament pain from other problems i f

vomiting, cramping or bleeding accompanies your symptoms. If you do experience pa in with any of

these symptoms be sure to contact your health care provider immediately.

Remember to rest if you are feeling tired ; your body is still adjusting to the pregnancy. Th is is usually the

time when mothers feel their best. They are "over" the joys of early pregnancy and have more energy.

They are also beginning to feel pregnant.

Your prenatal appointments will now consist of:

Blood Pressure


Fundal Height (Growth of the Uterus)

Baby's Heart Tones


Your Baby's Growth and Development

Your baby is actually quite large by now, a whopping 3 inches long in some cases and weighs in at

roughly .7 ounces. By 13 weeks pregnant your baby's intestines are working on maturing and your

baby's tiny pancreas is working hard to produce ins ulin. This will help your baby regulate her blood

sugar levels in the months and years following deli very.

Your baby's eyes also start to move closer to the ce nter of your baby's head. The head can move easily

from side to side and up and down, and the facial f eatures are starting to form. Your baby's arms have

almost reached final proportion and length, though the legs are still quite short relative to the baby 's

body. At 13 weeks pregnant, your baby can now proba bly flex its arms and kick its legs. He or she may

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also be able to put a thumb in his or her mouth, al though the sucking muscles are not yet completely


The sockets for all twenty teeth are formed in the gums, and vocal cords are beginning to form. Other

things happening at this time are the appearance of fingernails, the beginnings of fingerprints and

footprints, the start of vocal cord formation, the appearance of visible ribs. The trachea, lungs, sto mach,

liver, pancreas, and intestines are developing into their final functioning form.

During week 14 of pregnancy, you should be experien cing less nausea and less frequent urination . Your

energy levels should be increasing. You may begin ex periencing constipation due to hormones. If it

becomes a problem, add more fiber to your diet and make sure you are drinking plenty of fluids. You may

develop cravings or food aversions , loving foods you previously hated or vice versa. The changes in

your hormones are partly responsible for this.

You may have developed a dark line down the middle o f your abdomen to your pubic bone called a linea

negra. Your uterus is now the size of a grapefruit. The areolas (the darker colored part around your

nipple) of your breasts are darkening and growing l arger in diameter. Your body is preparing for

breastfeeding by growing new milk ducts. Your nipple s may also be more sensitive.

Your Baby's Growth and Development When you are 14 weeks pregnant, your baby is about 3 to 4 inches long. He or she weighs about 1 ounce.

All of the baby's nourishment is being received fro m the placenta. The placenta has also taken over all

hormone production from the ovaries. These hormones will continue to play a vital role in maintaining

your pregnancy along with the changes in your body.

The baby is now about 12.5 cms or 4.92 inches. Your baby is now producing urine and actually urinating

into the amniotic fluid. It also can practice "brea thing" the amniotic fluid in and out of its lungs.

Your baby will start to get covered with a soft, fin e hair over its body called lanugo. The lanugo will be

shed before he or she is born and replaced with thi cker, coarser hair. Your baby's sex organs have full y

differentiated into male or female.

Other fetal development that occur around week 14 o f pregnancy include the ears having moved from the

neck onto the head, complete digestive glands, the thyroid starts to produce hormones, and the vocal

chords are complete. Your baby will begin to inhalin g and exhaling.

At 15 weeks of pregnancy your uterus is just poppin g up above the pubic bone and you may begin to

show. There is a great variation in the time your pregnancy becomes visible. This usually occurs

between 14 and 20 weeks. If this is your second or third pregnancy, you a re probably "showing" sooner

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than a first-time mom because the muscles of your a bdomen are a bit more relaxed, and the uterus tends

to fall forward more easily because of the relaxati on of the supporting ligaments.

Along with looking pregnant, you may start feeling some of the side effects that come with pregnancy.

Pregnant women are also more susceptible to common i llnesses, in part because their immune systems

are compromised during pregnancy. Take extra precau tions to avoid germs that cause illnesses by

washing your hands after using public areas.

Some of the side effects that may show up are:

Urinary tract infection

Abdominal pain

Stuffy nose

Leaking breasts


Hair changes

Skin changes.

If you experience abdominal pain in your second trimester it is most likely caused by your enlarging

uterus. The pain usually occurs when you are sleepi ng or when you move quickly. This is common, and

you can ease the pain by applying heat, taking your time rising and sitting, and avoiding sudden

movement. If the pain persists or intensifies notif y your care provider immediately.

Nosebleeds and stuffiness is due to the mucous memb ranes being soft and swollen due to the increased

flow of blood in your body brought on by pregnancy hormones. Try using a humidifier to keep the air

moist in your home.

Your skin may show some pigmentation. A dark line ma y appear down the centre of your abdomen, and

your nipples may darken. You're less likely to notic e any of this if you are very fair-skinned. If you are

olive, black or brown skinned, the coloration will be visibly darker than the rest of your skin.

You may experience constipation during pregnancy. In crease your fluid and fiber intake, and eat more

fruit and vegetables. Prunes are excellent at helpin g with this.

Your Baby's Growth

Your baby is a about the size of an orange by pregna ncy week 15, between 4 and 4 and ½ inches long

and weighing more than 1 ½ ounces. This week your b aby will start producing lanugo, which is fine hair

that will cover your baby's body up until a few wee ks before birth.

Your baby's bones are starting to get harder during pregnancy at 15 weeks and will continue to do so

throughout your pregnancy. Your baby is spending mos t of his time practicing breathing, by inhaling and

exhaling amniotic fluid. This helps your baby's air sacs develop during pregnancy.

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Your baby continues to form taste buds at this point in time. Your baby s legs are longer than his arms

at this point. Eyebrows and hair may appear, and if your baby is going to have dark hair the hair cell s

which color it will start to produce their color.

You may begin to feel the baby move at 16 weeks preg nant. However, many first time mothers do not

recognize fetal movements until 22 to 24 weeks . These first movements are called "quickening." You may

also begin experiencing a stuffy nose and nosebleed s, bleeding gums, pain in your abdomen from

stretching ligaments and swelling of your feet.

For some women, nasal congestion and nosebleeds are a side effect of pregnancy . This is due to altered

levels of hormones, which may cause the mucous memb ranes in your nose to swell. Increased blood

volume and softening of the tissues also contribute s to this. Unfortunately, it may continue throughou t

your pregnancy. A vitamin C deficiency may cause nosebleeds, so an increase in your consumption of

vitamin-C-rich foods may help. Do not use nose drop s, other than saline, unless recommended by your

care provider.

Between weeks 16 and 18 of pregnancy, your health c are provider may offer you the maternal

blood screening test , also known as a "triple marker" test or "triple s creen," which measures the levels

of alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), a protein produced by th e fetus, and the pregnancy hormones hCG and estriol

in the mother's blood. The results of the triple ma rker test can tell whether your baby is at risk for

common pregnancy complications like neural tube defects such as spina bifida or c hromosomal

abnormalities such as Down syndrome. The tests will only tell you if there is a risk, not if your baby has

the abnormalities. Talk to your health care provide r about the risks and advantages of this test.

Your Baby's Growth and Development

By the time you are 16 weeks pregnant, your baby is between 4 and 4.5 inches from

crown to rump and weighs about 3 to 3.5 ounces. Your baby's nails are well formed, and some babies are

even in need of having their nails trimmed at birth . The ears have also moved from the neck to the hea d.

Your baby can hold his or her head erect, and the de velopment of facial muscles allows for a variety of

expressions, such as squinting and frowning. The st omach is producing digestive juices and the kidneys

are producing urine. Your baby is well on its way to being a little person!

At 17 weeks pregnant, you may begin to feel your ba by move. His or her muscles are now being used.

Your uterus is about 1½ to 2 inches below your belly button.

Your breasts may be getting noticeably larger with v isible veins. Hormones are preparing your breasts

for milk production, more blood is flowing to the breasts, and the glands that produce milk are growi ng

in preparation for breastfeeding .

Make sure you wear bras with enough support through out your entire pregnancy. As your baby is

growing, your appetite may be also. You've probably gained about 10 pounds by now and your belly is

starting to protrude.

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Your Baby's Growth and Development

Your baby is now 4.4 to 4.8 inches long and weighs a bout 4 ounces.

The placenta is growing to accommodate your baby's needs . It n ow contains thousands of blood

vessels that bring nutrients and oxygen from your b ody to your baby's developing body.

Other developments with your baby at 17 weeks inclu de developing reflexes that will enable your baby t o

swallow, blink and suck. The circulatory and urinar y systems are working. Lanugo (a soft, fine hair)

covers your baby's shoulders, back, and temples.

When you are 18 weeks pregnant your uterus is about the size of a cantaloupe. Your uterus can be felt

just below your belly button. You may feel your baby move, and may even feel when he or she has


Your body is working harder to pump the extra blood in your system, and nourishing your growing baby,

causing you to feel dizzy, lightheaded, or faint . This is especially common when going from sitting or

lying down to standing.

These symptoms are not harmful unless they occur frequently or se verely. To help minimize these

symptoms, dangle your legs over the side of the bed or chair for 20 seconds before standing up.

Your Baby's Growth and Development

During week 18 of your pregnancy, your baby measure s about 5 to 5.6 inches from

crown to rump and weighs about 5.25 ounces. The rap id growth spurt is slowing down during this time,

but your baby's reflexes are still developing quick ly. Your baby can now yawn, stretch, and make facial


Ears move to their final position and they stand out from the head. Your baby's eyes are also developing

- they're now facing forward rather than to the sid es. The skeleton can be clearly outlined in the

ultrasound of the fetus, and the bones begin to har den. Make sure you are getting enough calcium!

Your baby's taste buds are beginning to develop and pads (the fatty, soft parts) are forming on the

fingertips and toes. If your baby is a boy, his pro state gland is beginning to develop. The bones in t he

inner ear and the nerve endings from the brain are developed. This means that your baby will hear

sounds such as your heartbeat and blood moving thro ugh the umbilical cord.

Around 19 weeks pregnant, many women wonder whether having sex will hurt their developing baby, and

the answer is no. Sex is considered safe at all stag es of pregnancy, as long as your pregnancy is norma l.

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Many expectant women find that their desire for sex fluctuates during the various stages of pregnancy,

depending on their fatigue, growing size, anxiousne ss over the birth, and a host of other body changes .

During your week 19 prenatal checkup, your doctor w ill likely check your weight, your blood pressure,

urine, your uterus, and your baby's heartbeat. Talk to your doctor about anemia, and signs to watch fo r.

You may start to notice blotchy patches on your fore head, cheeks, nose, and chin. You also may begin to

develop stretch marks and the dry, itchy skin that comes with them.

Your Baby's Growth and Development

Nineteen weeks into your pregnancy , your baby is about 5.2 to 6 inches long and

weighs about 7 ounces. Your baby is also getting a l ot more active by kicking, turning, twisting, movin g

its arms, and wiggling its fingers and toes. This m ay feel as if you have butterflies; a lot of first- time

mothers may not feel the classic kicking until they are 26 weeks pregnant.

At 19 weeks your baby starts to develop brown fat, which will help keep your baby warm after birth.

During the last trimester, your baby will add more layers of fat for warmth and protection.

Your baby is now covered with a white, waxy substanc e called vernix caseosa, which helps prevent

delicate skin from becoming chapped or scratched. Premature babies may be covered in this cheesy

coating at delivery.

The skin is developing and is transparent, appearin g red because blood vessels are visible through it.

Your baby is developing nerves that connect the musc les to the brain.

When you are 20 weeks pregnant, you may notice a da rkening of the line between your belly button and

pubic area (linea nigra). It will fade after delivery .

As your baby grows, pressure is being put on your l ungs, stomach, bladder and kidneys; causing

frequent urination, a shortness of breath with exer cise, and indigestion or heartburn. You may also be

perspiring more, as your thyroid is more active.

If you notice vaginal discharge that is thin, milky-colored, and has a slight odor do not be alarmed. This

is normal. However, call your care provider if your discharge becomes thick and yellowish, very watery ,

or bloody -- these could be signs of a more serious problem.

If you haven't already had one, your health care pr ovider may recommend that you receive an ultrasound ,

a diagnostic test that uses sound waves to create a n image. An ultrasound can determine the size and

position of the fetus, and any structural abnormali ties of bones and organs that are visible along wit h the

umbilical cord, placenta, and amniotic fluid.

Your Baby's Growth and Development

Page 14: All About Pragnancy

When you are 20 weeks pregnant, your baby measures about 5.6 to 6.4 inches and weighs

about 9 ounces. Your baby is starting to grow hair o n his or her head, eyebrows are forming and if your

baby is a girl her uterus is now forming. Nail grow th begins.

Your baby can hear sounds now, and it will cover its ears with its hands if a loud sound is made near y ou

or move if it is startled.

You're to 21 weeks pregnant! At your prenatal appoin tment your provider has probably been measuring

the height of your uterus (fundal height) since it appeared above your pubic bone. After about 20 weeks

pregnant , this measurement generally correlates with your due date . Fundal height measurements

assess growth from visit to visit. Ultrasound would be performed for any inconsistency in fundal height.

After about 36 weeks the measurement for fundal height becomes less acc urate as your baby settles into

your pelvis.

As your pregnancy progresses, you're carrying more weight. Because this is pregnancy weight , it

changes your center of gravity. You may feel clumsie r, and lose your balance much easier. Be careful!

Take extra precautions to make sure your steps are sure and steady. This is the time you start taking

things slower, for yours and your baby's safety.

Weight gain is on many pregnant women's minds; make sure you discuss this with your doctor. While

you don't want to obsess, you also don't want to le t your weight get out of control, risking complications .

Weight gain is also a way for your doctor to decide if you are measuring right for your due date, and can

monitor your baby's growth.

You may be finding yourself out of breath more often ; this is caused by your uterus pushing against you r

diaphragm, leaving less space for your lungs.

Your Baby's Growth

Your baby could measure about 10 inches from head to toe and weighs about three-

quarters of a pound. The eyebrows and eyelids are f ully developed and the fingernails cover the

fingertips. Babies are more active at this stage, a s they still have lots of room to move around. You'l l feel

a lot more movement from your little one.

You may want to start preparing for your baby's birt h, by getting supplies together a little at a time.

Our Baby Needs Checklist is a complete printable list of everything you'll need to have on hand for your

new baby. By starting now, you'll be able to take a dvantage of coupons and freebies that manufacturer' s

give away

Page 15: All About Pragnancy

You're to 21 weeks pregnant! At your prenatal appoin tment your provider has probably been measuring

the height of your uterus (fundal height) since it appeared above your pubic bone. After about 20 weeks

pregnant , this measurement generally correlates with your due date . Fundal height measurements

assess growth from visit to visit. Ultrasound would be performed for any inconsistency in fundal height.

After about 36 weeks the measurement for fundal height becomes less acc urate as your baby settles into

your pelvis.

As your pregnancy progresses, you're carrying more weight. Because this is pregnancy weight , it

changes your center of gravity. You may feel clumsie r, and lose your balance much easier. Be careful!

Take extra precautions to make sure your steps are sure and steady. This is the time you start taking

things slower, for yours and your baby's safety.

Weight gain is on many pregnant women's minds; make sure you discuss this with your doctor. While

you don't want to obsess, you also don't want to le t your weight get out of control, risking complications .

Weight gain is also a way for your doctor to decide if you are measuring right for your due date, and can

monitor your baby's growth.

You may be finding yourself out of breath more often ; this is caused by your uterus pushing against you r

diaphragm, leaving less space for your lungs.

Your Baby's Growth

Your baby could measure about 10 inches from head to toe and weighs about three-

quarters of a pound. The eyebrows and eyelids are f ully developed and the fingernails cover the

fingertips. Babies are more active at this stage, a s they still have lots of room to move around. You'l l feel

a lot more movement from your little one.

You may want to start preparing for your baby's birt h, by getting supplies together a little at a time.

Our Baby Needs Checklist is a complete printable list of everything you'll need to have on hand for your

new baby. By starting now, you'll be able to take a dvantage of coupons and freebies that manufacturer' s

give away.

At 22 weeks pregnant, you are still feeling pretty good and active. If you are still having aches and pains

or feel like you are slowing down you may want to l ook into some different remedies for the problems

you're experiencing. You will begin to gain weight more steadily as your baby continues to fill out. The

extra weight gain may cause additional strain in your lower back . This can be eased by wearing low-

heeled shoes and avoiding sitting or standing for l ong periods of time.

Your uterus has risen to roughly ¾ of an inch above your navel. While your belly isn't tremendous yet, it

certain changes your profile. Many women start noti cing stretch marks at or around this time, though

some won't notice them until the third trimester an d still others will barely get any stretch marks du ring


Roughly half of all pregnant women develop stretch marks during their pregnancy. Many women develop

them on their bellies, breasts, thighs and even but tocks during pregnancy.

Page 16: All About Pragnancy

In the second trimester libido is usually increased. With the increase blo od flow and secretions in the

vagina and clitoris, some women become orgasmic or multi-orgasmic for the first time.

There is no way that you are going to harm the baby during intercourse, although this is a common fear .

The baby is well surrounded by the amniotic sac and totally unaware of your actions. Unless you have

been told by your practitioner that you should abst ain from sex, it is a healthy activity to engage in while


Your Baby's Development

Your baby is about 7.6 inches long and weighs about 12.3 ounces. Your baby's

muscles are developing and becoming stronger week b y week. During week 22 of pregnancy, your baby

will respond regularly to sound, rhythm, and melody . The sounds that your baby hears in your womb will

soothe him or her after birth.

At this point in your pregnancy, your baby's brain and nerve endings are formed just enough so that th e

baby can feel touch. Other developments include the eyelids and eyebrows becoming well developed,

the fingernails are completely formed, and taste bu ds have started to form on your baby's tongue. Baby

boys' testes have begun to descend from the abdomen to the scrotum and baby girls uterus and ovaries

are in place and the vagina is developed.

At 23 weeks pregnant, Braxton Hicks contractions ma y start appearing now. They are usually tightenings

in your lower abdomen similar to menstrual cramps. These contractions may last from 15 seconds to one

minute, keep track of them. You need to inform your doctor if they last longer than an hour or become

more intense. Their purpose is to begin preparing y our body for labor and birth .

As you get closer to your delivery date you may hav e trouble sleeping. Anxiety, frequent urination,

heartburn, indigestion, leg cramps, and general dis comfort can contribute to sleeplessness. Because

your hormones are in overdrive, you may also be exp eriencing mood swings . As your belly grows, your

skin may become dry and itchy. Remember to hydrate yourself and your skin. Drink lots of water and use

a good lotion on your belly to help prevent itching and stretch marks .

Many doctors recommend that pregnant women sleep on their sides (not their backs or their stomachs),

so that blood flow to the placenta is not restricte d. If you find this uncomfortable, try placing a pi llow

between your knees to relieve the pressure of your weight while lying on your side. A pregnancy pillow is

wonderful for this, they are specifically designed for a pregnant woman's body and provide comfort to

the places you need it most.

If you are experiencing aches in the small of your back, lying down, getting massages, and applying a

heating pad or hot water bottle to the area can hel p.

Your Baby's Growth

At 23 weeks pregnant, your baby weighs a little ove r one pound and measures about 11.5 inches from

head to toe. Your baby will begin to move the muscle s in its fingers, toes, arms, and legs more regular ly,

Page 17: All About Pragnancy

which may cause you to feel more forceful movements in your abdomen. From this point on your baby

will start gaining approximately 6 ounces of weight per week.

Your baby's eyebrows and eyelashes are forming, and the facial features such as lips and eyes are

becoming more distinct. The bones in your baby's mi ddle ear begin to harden. Your baby's body is

becoming more proportioned.

At 24 weeks pregnant the top of your uterus reaches just above your navel. Your baby's movements are

obvious at this point in your pregnancy.

You may be starting to gain quite a bit of weight . Keep concentrating on healthy foods and low impact

exercising. The average weight gain based completel y on baby weight and extra fluids should be

anywhere from 20-35 pounds. Excessive weight gain or too little weight gain can be signals of problems ,

which should be discussed with your doctor or healt hcare provider.

You may be noticing faint stretch marks on your abdo men, hips and breasts. Wear a supportive bra to

help prevent or minimize them on your breasts. Almo st 90 per cent of women get stretch marks which

eventually fade after giving birth.

You may be given the glucose screening test by your doctor this week. The glucose screening is an

important prenatal test. It is usually done sometim e during your pregnancy between week 24 and week

28. This prenatal test checks for gestational diabetes which is a tempora ry type of diabetes that occurs

during pregnancy. Gestational diabetes can cause your newborn to be born with low blood s ugar and

may also increase the chances needing a cesarean se ction as it can lead to the hormonal growth of

unusually large babies (macrosomia).

Your Baby's Growth

Your baby is approximately 1 1/4 pounds and is 8"-10 " in length. This is an active time,

with lots of movement going on.

With a handheld Fetal Doppler, your healthcare prov ider will be able to pick up the heartbeat of your

baby. This common, painless test uses sound waves t o listen to the blood going through your baby's

heart, allowing you to listen to the heartbeat. It is without a doubt, one of the sweetest sounds of

pregnancy. Your baby's heartbeat will be very fast - - it is usually twice the average rate of an adult,

varying between 110 bpm and 170 bpm (beats per minu te).

If you have a high risk pregnancy, you may be presc ribed a Fetal Doppler to use at home. They are only

available via prescription and are monitored by the FDA.

Your baby's brain is really beginning to mature, his lungs are forming and will be producing surfactant in

the near future. Surfactant keeps the air sacs in ou r lungs from collapsing and from sticking together

upon exhalation, thus allowing us to breathe proper ly.

Your baby is almost completely formed, and is beginn ing to deposit fat on his or her body. Newborns

have a difficult time regulating body temperature, the fat helps to retain heat.

Page 18: All About Pragnancy

Babies born at this point have some chances of surv ival with very special care. They will be in the

Intensive Care Unit, usually until their due date. A major problem with premature babies is lung

development. If preterm labor is detected early eno ugh a steroid shot can sometimes be given to

enhance lung development.

It is important to recognize the signs of premature labor , which is more common in the summer months

but can happen during any season. Premature labor ca n be caused by dehydration in some women, so

keep yourself hydrated with water. Call your doctor if you have any of the following:

Contractions or cramps, more than 5 in one hour

Bright red blood from your vagina

Swelling or puffiness of the face or hands, a sign of preeclampsia

Pain during urination, possible urinary tract, bladd er or kidney infection

Sharp or prolonged pain in your stomach (preeclampsi a signs)

Acute or continuous vomiting (preeclampsia signs)

Sudden gush of clear, watery fluid from your vagina

Low, dull backache

Intense pelvic pressure

Remember, if you have any of the above signs call y our doctor immediately. It is always better to be s afe

than sorry!

During week 25 of pregnancy, you will be starting t o show more and your skin begins stretching to

accommodate your changing body. Make sure you keep your skin hydrated to ease or avoid itching

associated with your enlarged belly.

When you're 25 weeks pregnant, you may also experie nce a few more not so wonderful side effects of

pregnancy (hopefully not all of them!). You may be c onstipated, have frequent indigestion or heartburn,

increased sweating, vivid dreams, and forgetfulness . Hemorrhoids may develop, which are dilated blood

vessels in the rectal area. Let your care provider know, there are many options available to soothe

hemorrhoids, they will offer the best solution for you. This too shall pass, but mention anything unus ual

(or even worrisome to you) to your doctor or health care provider.

As your uterus continues to grow it places some pre ssure on your back and pelvis. Because of this,

some women will experience a condition called sciat ica. This often happens when the baby's head

presses against the pelvic bones causing the nerves in your lower back and legs to be compressed.

Severe pain often results and can occur in the lower back, leg or legs and even buttocks. Some women

will also experience numbness or tingling in the le gs.

Some suggestions to help ease pain and discomfort ca used by sciatica:

Apply a hot or ice pack for 10 minutes to the area that is most painful.

Avoid sitting for long periods of time.

Avoid frequent bending at the waist.

Don't engage in movements that make the pain worse.

Use support cushions and a full body pillow in bed.

Don't lift anything heavy and when you do lift be s ure to bend from the knees.

Page 19: All About Pragnancy

In many cases the pain subsides within 1-2 weeks, t hough it may not disappear completely until after


Your Baby's Growth

When you are 25 weeks pregnant, your baby is starti ng to gain weight. By pregnancy

week 25 your baby is approximately 1 ½ pounds and j ust under 9 inches long. From this point on

however your baby's weight and length may vary some what. Every baby is different as you'll soon realize

during your pregnancy week by week. Other fetal dev elopment that is occurring when you are 25 weeks

pregnant includes the following:

The structure of the spine begins to form

Taste buds are forming

If you are having a boy, his testes have dropped in to the scrotum

If you are having a girl, the vagina has hollowed o ut

The hands are fully developed -- fingerprints and a ll!

The blood vessels of the lungs are developing

The nostrils are beginning to open.

At 26 weeks pregnant, your uterus is now about 2½ i nches above your belly button. Your weight gain will

increase to about a pound per week. You may also exp erience rib pain, indigestion, heartburn, or stitch -

like pains down the sides of your abdomen as your u terine muscle stretches.

You may begin to feel Braxton Hicks contractions mor e regularly. These contractions are painless, but

feel similar to menstrual cramps, and occur at irre gular intervals. Braxton Hicks contractions are you r

body's way of practicing for delivery and will help to tone your uterus for labor.

Your Baby's Growth and Development

At 26 weeks pregnant, your baby will be about 9.2 i nches long and will weigh around 2 pounds. He or sh e

is still wrinkly, but will continue to gain weight and fill out as time goes on.

Although your baby's eyes have been sealed shut for the last few months to allow the retinas to develo p,

they are likely opening and beginning to blink duri ng week 26 of pregnancy.

Your baby begins to make breathing movements (althou gh there is no air in the lungs) and will respond

to touch. The eyelids, eyebrows, and fingernails ar e still developing.

At 27 weeks pregnant, you are getting larger which means your pelvic muscles are strained. To keep

them strengthened, which will assist tremendously i n the birth process, practice Kegel exercises. They

also strengthen the bladder muscles, which can help alleviate incontinence.

Page 20: All About Pragnancy

To help identify the muscles involved, think about the muscles that you would use to stop your urine

stream. Practice slowly squeezing the same muscle th roughout the day. Work up to 50 repetitions and

hold the muscle tight for 8 to 10 seconds.

Your uterus continues to grow and develop; now reach ing roughly 2.8 inches above your navel. You may

start noticing around this time your energy starts dropping . Your body is working hard to create a new

life; this is the period of time your baby is growi ng quite a lot. Because your uterus is moving close r to

your rib cage, it can be difficult for your lungs t o fully expand. This does not mean your baby is bei ng

deprived of oxygen. The pregnancy hormones have hel ped you out -- they are causing your circulatory

system to work more efficiently, pumping more oxyge n- and nutrient-rich blood to you and your baby. To

help alleviate shortness of breath, slow down, redu ce stress, and decrease your activity.

You probably weigh 16 to 22 pounds more than your pr e-pregnancy weight. You may feel off balance as

you get bigger, which is normal. Remember to take i t slow. Stretch marks may become visible as your

uterus continues to expand. The placenta is produci ng more hormones, including progesterone, which is

vital in helping your uterine muscles relax. While these hormones do wonderful things for your baby an d

your body, they may have an effect on your moods. I f you experience mood swings, try to relax and ride

them out. Don't take them too seriously; most are c aused by hormonal shifts.

Some women are candidates for home uterine monitorin g after 27 weeks pregnant. These include women

who have a history of premature labor or those at r isk for premature labor. High-risk complications can

often place a woman at risk for premature labor . In these cases it helps to monitor the uterus for

contractions to help prevent a delivery that is too early. Your care provider will discuss this with yo u if

they feel it is necessary.

Your Baby's Growth

Your baby is over 2 pounds and is almost 15 inches l ong. Your baby is now perfectly formed, though she

still has a lot of growing to do in the upcoming we eks. The internal organs and systems continue to

grow, mature and develop. Around this time your bab y's eyelids will open (up until this point in time they

were fused together). Sometime around weeks 27 to 28 they finally open. During this time the retina of

the eye also starts maturing, allowing your baby's eyes to finally receive light and translate images.

The forebrain grows to cover the rest of the brain, resulting in some important brain development. Your

baby's muscle coordination will allow him or her to start thumb sucking. This activity calms your baby

and strengthens cheek and jaw muscles for nursing. Your baby will be taking some breaths, and

although breathing in, it is good practice for the lungs. Your baby may be able to recognize your voic e

and your partner's voice.

If you have a high risk pregnancy, you may be presc ribed a Fetal Doppler to use at home. They are only

available via prescription and are monitored by the FDA. However, a woman with a routine low risk

pregnancy may want to listen to her baby in utero.

When you are 28 weeks pregnant, you have probably g ained between 15 and 25 pounds. You may be

experiencing leg cramps and mild swelling of ankles and feet, shortness of breath, lower abdominal pai n,

varicose veins, heartburn and indigestion. You may a lso be feeling Braxton Hicks contractions in

preparation for labor. Hemorrhoids may develop arou nd this time.

You will probably begin seeing your health care prov ider every two weeks at this point. He or she

probably sent you for some blood tests early in you r pregnancy. One thing blood tests measure is the R h

Page 21: All About Pragnancy

factor, a substance found in the red blood cells of most people. If you don't have it (if you're Rh ne gative)

but your baby does (is Rh positive), there is poten tial for your baby to have health problems, such as

jaundice and anemia. Your doctor can prevent these p roblems by giving you a vaccine called Rh immune

globulin at 28 weeks and again after delivery. Your doctor may also schedule a glucose tolerance test.

Your Baby's Growth and Development

During week 28 of pregnancy, your baby now weighs a bout 2 to 3 pounds and

measures about 15 inches from head to toe. During t his week, your baby will grow another one-half inch

in size.

At your next prenatal appointment, your health care provider may tell you whether your baby is headfir st

or feet- or bottom-first (called breech position) i n the womb. Babies who are in the breech position m ay

need to be delivered by cesarean section. Your baby still has 2 months to change position, though, so

don't worry if your baby is in the breech position right now. Most babies will switch positions on the ir


The folds and grooves of your baby's brain continue to develop and expand. In addition, your baby

continues to add layers of fat and has continued ha ir growth. The baby's eyes can now open and close

and their muscle tone is increasing.

Although lungs are still immature, they are capable of sustaining life in the event of a premature bir th

(with some medical help).

At 29 weeks pregnant your uterus is now about 3 and a half to four inches above your belly button. You

should be paying attention to your baby's movements , you will notice patterns of rest and wakefulness in

your baby. If you notice any abnormal movement patt erns or a substantial reduction in movement be

sure to contact your healthcare provider immediatel y.

Your blood volume has doubled, and you've gained 15 to 20 pounds. Keep your calcium and iron intake

high - you need it, and so does your baby! Now more than ever it is important that you eat several sma ll

meals per day. Your baby needs the nutrients , and your digestive processes have slowed tremendo usly

due to rising levels of progesterone and the decrea sing space in your belly. It is also important that you

drink plenty of water during the third trimester to help ward off constipation, which can result in


Don't stop exercising . Walking (or swimming) is important and can make y ou feel more energetic.

Exercises designed for strengthening the abdominal m uscles, which support the back, can help. After

the fourth month of pregnancy, you should avoid exe rcising while lying on your back, according to

recent guidelines from the American College of Obst etricians and Gynecologists. Take special care in

practicing proper posture to avoid back pain. Most women gain the most amount of weight during their

third trimester. Sometimes this is due to the baby's growth spurt, whereas at other times it is due to

increasing levels of water retention. Don't be alar med if you notice a sudden weight jump within a two-

week period.

Page 22: All About Pragnancy

There are times however during the third trimester when a sudden weight jump may be cause for alarm. I f

for example, you gain several pounds within a coupl e of days, accompanied by high blood pressure,

increased swelling of the hands and face and a terr ible or debilitating headache, you may be at risk f or

preeclampsia. If this is the case, your doctor will have to monitor you very closely for complications to

ensure a healthy and safe delivery for you and your baby. If you experience premature labor (some sign s

are menstrual-like cramps or lower back pain, a tri ckle of amniotic fluid, or a watery pinkish or brow nish

discharge preceded sometimes by the passage of a th ick, gelatinous mucus plug) call your care provider

immediately. They can often stop labor from progres sing with bed rest or other drugs, possibly requiri ng


More Information About:

Gestational Diabetes


Your Baby's Growth

Your baby now weighs around 2.5 pounds and measures about 13-15 inches long from head to toe. At

this stage a fetus's eyes are almost always blue an d can distinguish bright sunlight or artificial lig ht

through the uterine wall. Your baby's movements may not be as acrobatic since space has become more

cramped, but you will still feel a lot of kicking a nd stretching. In boys, testicles descend from near the

kidneys through the groin en route to the scrotum. In girls, the clitoris is relatively prominent beca use it's

not yet covered by the still-small labia. These wil l grow to cover it in the last few weeks before bir th.

Your baby's head is getting bigger, and brain growth is very rapid at this time. Nearly all babies reac t to

sound by 30 weeks. Your baby's nutritional needs rea ch their peak during the third trimester. You'll ne ed

plenty of protein, vitamin C, folic acid, iron, and calcium (about 200 milligrams is deposited in your baby's

skeleton every day), so eat foods rich in these nut rients. The skeleton hardens even more and the brai n,

muscles, and lungs continue to mature.

At 30 weeks pregnant, you may be experiencing const ipation. Constipation is a common complaint of

pregnancy. The pregnancy hormones that allow you to maintain your pregnancy also slow the digestive

process considerably. Exercising regularly and eatin g foods high in fiber is important and will help keep

you regular.

At this point you probably have stretch marks . Approximately 50 percent of pregnant women will g et

stretch marks. Stretch marks are streaks that can be pale, dark red, or purple. Stretch marks occur when

the skin stretches to accommodate the growth of the belly.

You may also be experiencing swelling in your hands, feet, face and ankles caused by water retention. A

good way to keep water from building up is to drink lots of water, which will help flush out your syst em.

To help with the discomfort, you can raise your leg s or lie down when you can, preferably on your left

side. Also avoid stockings or elastic-top socks.

However, if swelling appears overnight, you should call your healthcare provider immediately because

swelling can be a sign of high blood pressure and preeclampsia .

Page 23: All About Pragnancy

If you are experiencing frequent indigestion and he artburn, now is the time to pay attention to what y ou

eat. Eat smaller meals, healthy foods, and drink lot s of water. Stay away from spicy foods. If it become s

very uncomfortable, talk to your doctor about medic ations for heartburn or indigestion.

Your Baby's Growth and Development

Your baby weighs about 3 pounds and measures about 1 0.8 inches from crown to rump, your baby

continues to gain weight and layers of fat. From th is point on your baby will gain about a half a poun d a


In male babies, the testicles move from near the ki dneys through the groin en route to the scrotum. In

female babies, the clitoris appears large and expos ed because it is not yet covered by the folds of th e

skin called the labia.

Your baby's head is getting larger, more in proporti on with its body. Your baby's eyelids now open and

close. The bone marrow is now responsible for makin g red blood cells.

At 31 weeks pregnant, the waiting (and sometimes an xiety) begins. You're a few short weeks away

from giving birth , and may be having mixed emotions. This is complet ely normal, especially for a first

timer. Talk about it with your care provider if you feel especially overwhelmed.

You'll need additional stores of iron during the third trimester to help build your baby's oxygen supply.

The best sources are dark green, leafy vegetables, as well as lean red meat, dried beans, and dried fr uits.

It's also important to drink at least eight 8 oz. g lasses of fluids each day. Fluids are essential for building

new cells, maintaining increased blood volume, and decreasing water retention.

At this late stage of your pregnancy and with your belly being the size it is, you may find yourself

spending many hours awake at night as you battle to find a comfortable position for you to sleep in.

Pregnancy body pillows are a godsend, they realign y our body and give you and your tummy extra

support exactly where you need it. You may find you rself using it long after pregnancy, they are a gre at

product for helping to avoid those morning aches an d pains.

Some more tips to help you sleep:

* Go to bed and wake up at the same time everyday.

* Don't drink to much fluid at night, or you will b e in the bathroom the whole night.

* Avoid any caffeine after 2 p.m..

Your Baby's Growth at 31 weeks pregnant

Your baby is entering a growth spurt. For the next e ight weeks, he'll gain weight

faster than he increases in length, at the rate of about half a pound a week. The bigger he gets, the harder

it will be to "see" him on ultrasound and get a goo d estimate of his size--the margin of error increas es to

15 percent by the end of the third trimester.

Page 24: All About Pragnancy

He's definitely growing fast, and you'll notice tha t his kicks will start to feel more like squirming as he

runs out of room to roam. Your baby will be weighin g in at around 3 1/2 pounds and measures nearly 14

1/2 inches from head to toe.

Your baby's growth weight may begin to slow down a l ittle now, but although it is slowing down the

internal organs will continue to grow and develop.

You may want to start preparing for your baby's birt h, by getting supplies together a little at a time.

Our Baby Needs Checklist is a complete printable list of everything you'll need to have on hand for your

new baby.

At 32 weeks pregnant, your uterus is measuring abou t 5 inches above your navel and is pushing your

organs every which way (wherever there is room). Th is may cause heartburn or constipation .

In order to lessen the symptoms of constipation, dr ink lots of water and eat plenty of fiber. If it ge ts really

uncomfortable and you are unable to have a bowel mo vement without pain, talk to your healthcare

provider about stool softeners.

Heartburn may become more of a problem as the uteru s pushes up on the stomach. In order to minimize

heartburn and indigestion, eat frequent small meals instead of fewer larger ones.

You may be experiencing breathlessness and fluid ret ention. Varicose veins, swollen ankles, hands and

face are all symptoms of fluid retention. If the sw elling is sudden it can be a sign of preeclampsia.

This condition causes high blood pressure and prote in in the urine. Be sure to tell your healthcare

provider if you experience any of these symptoms, s ince this condition can affect both the mother and

fetus during the second half of pregnancy.

Your Baby's Growth and Development

During week 32 of pregnancy, your baby is about 4 p ounds and 11.4 inches from

crown to rump, your baby would have an excellent ch ance of survival outside the womb if you delivered


Your baby is larger, so there will be less room for him or her to move around. His or her kicks or

movements may be less frequent.

The final touches are being placed on your baby mas terpiece. Eyelashes, eyebrows, and the hair on your

baby's head are evident. The lanugo hair that has c overed your baby since the beginning of the second

trimester is falling off, although some may remain on the shoulders and back at birth.

By the time you are 32 weeks pregnant, all of your baby's five senses are also functional, including

hearing. This means that your baby is becoming fami liar with all sorts of noises within his or her

surroundings, including your heartbeat and digestio n.

Page 25: All About Pragnancy

Your baby's arms and legs are fully proportioned in relation to the size of the head. His or her hair o n

their head continues to grow while the lanugo conti nues to fall off.

By week 33 of pregnancy, about half a pound a week of your weight gain is going to your baby. You may

be feeling very tired, and have Braxton Hicks contr actions in preparation for labor.

Your pelvis may feel pressure from your baby, causin g aches and discomfort. Your belly button may pop

out, but it will return to normal after delivery.

You may want to begin reading up on labor and delivery , attending a childbirth class, and creating a birth

plan if you have not already done so.

Your Baby's Growth and Development

When you're 33 weeks pregnant, your baby measures a bout 12 inches from crown to rump and weighs

about 4.4 pounds

Throughout the next few weeks, your baby will gain more than half of his or her birth weight. Some

babies have full heads of hair by now; others have only a bit of fuzz.

If your baby is a boy, the testicles are descending into the scrotum. All five senses are developed an d

your baby can listen, feel, and see. Your baby's eye s can detect light and the pupils can constrict and

dilate in response to light.

Your baby's lungs are almost completely matured. Fat will continue to be deposited on your baby's body

for protection and warmth. Babies gain a good deal of their weight in the final few weeks before birth .

Around this time your baby's skin color turns from red to pink.

During week 34 of pregnancy, you might notice more swelling than you had before, especially in your

ankles, fingers, and face. Continue to drink lots o f fluids (water is best), and rest when you can wit h your

feet elevated.

Remember, if you notice sudden, extreme swelling in any of these areas, or you have a rapid significan t

weight gain, call your healthcare provider right aw ay. This could be a sign of preeclampsia or toxemia.

Fatigue is a common complaint of late pregnancy. Di fficulty sleeping, aches and pains, weight gain, an d

anxiety about labor, delivery, and taking care of a newborn may contribute to your exhaustion . Rest as

much as you can and take naps if possible.

Braxton Hicks contractions may be starting or conti nuing, and you may be experiencing pelvic aches, a

sore rib cage and general discomfort as you get lar ger.

Your Baby's Growth and Development

When you're 34 weeks pregnant, your baby now measur es about 12.8 inches, crown to rump, and weighs

about 5 pounds.

The vernix coating on the baby's skin is becoming t hicker, whereas lanugo hair is almost completely

gone. The skeleton is finishing hardening, and your baby is developing immunities to fight infections.

Your baby's fingernails have reached the tips of the ir fingers.

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By now most babies will be in position for delivery . Your health care provider can tell you if your bab y is

positioned head down or breech (bottom-first). Babi es who are born at 34 weeks can usually survive

outside of the womb without extensive medical inter vention

Around 35 weeks pregnant, you also might be experie ncing more discomfort from hemorrhoids caused

by the increased pressure of your growing baby on t he veins in your rectum. You might also

be constipated , which makes hemorrhoids worse because you might s train for a bowel movement.

Try to avoid hemorrhoids by drinking lots of fluids and eating plenty of whole grains, raw or cooked l eafy

green vegetables, and fruits. Try not to strain for bowel movements, and always talk with your doctor

before taking a laxative.

Your overall physical discomfort is increasing as yo ur baby puts more pressure on your body as he or

she grows to full size.

Your Baby's Growth and Development

At 35 weeks pregnant, your baby now measures about 12 inches from crown to rump and likely weighs

more than 5 pounds, 5 ounces. This week begins your baby's most rapid period of weight gain about 8

to 12 each week. Babies who are born during this we ek or after have a 99 percent chance of survival.

If your baby is a boy, his testes have completed th eir descent. He or she is continuing to gain weight and

store fat all over his or her body. The lungs are a lmost fully developed.

When you are 36 weeks pregnant, you may begin to se e your health care provider every week. Your

doctor may give you an internal exam to determine i f cervical effacement (thinning of the cervix)

or cervical dilation (opening of the cervix) has begun.

Lightening (also called engagement) may occur this week. Lightening is when the baby's presenting part

(usually the head) drops down into the pelvis as a first step in preparation for birth.

After lightening occurs, the pressure on your lungs and stomach will be relieved and your appetite may

increase. However, mothers may now feel a tingling sensation or numbness in the pelvic region, which i s

caused by the pressure of the baby on the nerves in the legs and pelvis.

As your baby moves down into the pelvic area, the p ressure may cause hemorrhoids, a condition in

which the veins around the anus or lower rectum bec ome swollen or inflamed. Tell your doctor if you

experience hemorrhoids.

Your Baby's Growth and Development

When you're 36 weeks pregnant, your baby is now pro bably about 13 inches long from crown to rump

and weighs about 6 pounds.

Your baby is filling out, with very little wrinkling left. . There is fat on your baby's cheeks, and po werful

sucking muscles also contribute to your baby's full face.

By this week your baby's gums have become rigid and their sucking muscles are fully developed. The

brain is developing at an amazing pace. Your baby is finishing the final touches in preparation for birth .

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By 37 weeks of pregnancy, most pregnancies are cons idered "full term." In most cases, nothing will be

done to stop your labor once it starts. If you are having your first baby your baby may have "dropped"

lower into your pelvis.

Usually, in a woman who has already given birth, th is happens at the start of labor. True engagement i s

the fixing of the fetal presenting part -- usually the head -- at the level of the mid pelvis, or at t he level of

the ischial spines.

Your cervix may start to dilate in preparation for l abor. This means that the mucus plug that seals off

your uterus from infection and bacteria will discha rge from your body. The plug can discharge from you r

body weeks, days, or hours before you go into labor .

The mucus plug is thick, yellowish, and may be ting ed with blood. Always alert your care provider abou t

any discharge .

Make sure you are wearing supportive bras, as your breasts are preparing for breastfeeding by growing

larger and fuller. You may want to start using brea st cream to prepare your nipples and avoid cracking or


If you are going to breastfeed, get the supplies yo u need ready now. The breastfeeding checklist is

invaluable for preparation.

It's a good idea to start preparing for delivery and the birth of your new baby. If you haven't alr eady done

so, pack your hospital bag. Use the what to take to the hospital checklist to make sure you have

everything you and your baby will need.

More Information About:

Labor and Delivery

Your Baby's Growth

Your baby weighs close to 6.5 pounds and may be abou t 20 inches long from head to toe. Your baby's

head is now cradled in your pelvic cavity -- surrou nded and protected by your pelvic bones. This posit ion

clears some much-needed space for her growing legs and buttocks.

Many babies now have a full head of hair, with lock s maybe around one inch / 2.5 centimeters long. But

don't be surprised if her hair isn't the same color as yours. Dark-haired couples are sometimes taken

aback when their children are born with bright red or blond hair, and fair-haired couples likewise can

produce babies with dark hair. And then, of course, some babies don't have any hair at all.

The coating of lanugo that covered your baby from 26 weeks has disappeared, and so has most of the

vernix caseosa, the whitish substance that also cov ers her.

Your baby will continue to develop about a half an o unce of fat a day, and is getting rounder and pinke r.

She is still practicing breathing, in preparation fo r life outside the womb.

By the time you are 38 weeks pregnant, you may be g oing to the bathroom more than ever. Your bladder

is extremely compressed as your baby is pressing on it

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As your due date approaches, it is a good idea to familiarize yours elf with what to expect in during labor

and birth . Do not wait for your water to break, as only 10 p ercent of women have their water break on its


Labor can come in three forms; pre-term labor , false labor, and actual labor.

Pre-labor is the time before actual labor when the b ody prepares for childbirth.

Prelabor occurs when the baby's head drops down into the pelvis, Braxton Hicks contractions become

more frequent, and there is an increase in vaginal discharge.

False labor feels like the real thing but labor con tractions are irregular and painful. You may feel th em in

various parts of your body (such as the back, lower abdomen, and pelvis). You may be experiencing false

labor if your contractions stay the same in intensi ty (that is, they don't get worse) and come in unev en

intervals with pain in your lower back vs. your abd omen. The contractions may also stop if you change


Actual labor can be determined by contractions that occur at regular intervals and are coming closer

together. The contractions start at the top of your uterus and then spread over the entire uterus, thr ough

your lower back, and into the pelvis, increasing in intensity. You may feel very strong menstrual-like

cramps accompanied by back pain. Your contractions w ill become stronger and more painful and won't

be alleviated by changing position.

Your Baby's Growth and Development

When you are 38 weeks pregnant, your baby can measu re anywhere from 19 inches to 21 inches. Your

baby weighs about 6 pounds, 6 ounces by now. Fat is still accumulating, although growth is slower now.

Since your baby has had the muscles to suck and swal low amniotic fluid, waste material has been

accumulating in his or her intestines. Cells shed f rom the intestines, dead skin cells, and lanugo hai r are

some of the waste products that contribute to mecon ium, a greenish-black substance that constitutes

your baby's first bowel movement.

Your baby is now full term, which means that if your baby were born today, he or she would be

considered a full-grown baby. Your baby is still gro wing an ounce a day at 38 weeks pregnant.

At 39 weeks pregnant, you should be watching for signs of labor . False labor contractions, which may be

as painful and as strong as labor contractions, may begin this week. False labor contractions can get

better if you change positions.

Braxton Hicks contractions may become more pronounc ed. These contractions may be as painful and

strong as true labor contractions but do not become regular and do not increase in frequency as true

contractions do.

Your water may break at any time. Some women experien ce a large gush of water and some feel a steady

trickle when their water breaks. Only 10 percent of all women have their water break on its own. If yo u

think your water has broken or you are experiencing regular contractions, contact your doctor


Most of the pregnancy discomforts you may be feeling by now have appeared in earlier weeks, such as

hemorrhoids, constipation, increased urination, swe lling, varicose veins, and heartburn and indigestio n.

Almost all will disappear with delivery of your bab y.

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Your Baby's Growth and Development

By the time you are 39 weeks pregnant, your baby is likely between 19.5 and 21.5 inches long from head

to toe and may weigh around 7 pounds.

While your baby has very little room to move around if you notice absence of movement completely, call

your doctor or midwife immediately.

During week 39 of pregnancy, the placenta will cont inue to supply your baby with antibodies. These

antibodies will help your baby fight infection the first 6 months to 12 months of life. The umbilical cord

that carried nutrients from the placenta to your ba by is now 20 inches long and half an inch thick.

By now your baby's arm and leg muscles are quite st rong. All of your baby's organs are fully functiona l.

Your baby's lungs are getting stronger in preparatio n for life outside the womb.

Now that you're 40 weeks pregnant, you've made it t o your due date . 95 percent of babies are born either

in the two week period before or after their due da te.

Each care provider has specific instructions about w hen to call and when to come in to the birthing

center or hospital, as well as what to eat or drink in early labor. If no instructions have been provi ded,

now is the time to ask for them.

Usually care providers want to see you when your co ntractions are regular and less than four to five

minutes apart.

At the end of your 42nd week, your pregnancy is post term . Your doctor will probably order testing, just

to be certain that there is still good utero-placen tal circulation.

This testing can involve a non-stress test and/or a contraction stress test or a biophysical profile.

After nine months of doctor's visits, large clothin g, physical discomfort and joyous expectation you a re

finally reaching the last stages of pregnancy - lab or and delivery. Click below for information from t he

medical panel of specialists as they take you step by step through the process of labor and birth .

Your Baby's Growth

By the beginning of this trimester your baby will b e building fat stores and muscle mass. Your baby's

hair will be growing, replacing the lanugo that pro tected her skin in the womb.

By the end of this trimester your baby will be appr oximately 7 pounds in weight and about 20 inches

long. Your baby's lungs mature right up to birth.

If you haven't packed your hospital bag, now is the time to do it. Our Labor-Delivery Needs Checklist is a

complete printable list of everything you'll need t o have on hand for your labor and hospital stay.

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