Alimentos geneticamente modificados


Transcript of Alimentos geneticamente modificados

Your task was to design a persuasive pamphlet in support of or in opposition to the mandatory labeling of genetically altered food based on scientific evidence.

You used various sources to support your stance, carefully considering the credibility of those sources.

They are foods that look altogether “normal” in all respects, yet they are genetically different.

Inside their DNA – the genetic code that determines the way they look, feel, and taste is an extra gene.

Bioengineers are using gene-splicing technology to add this gene to developing crops and foods. a means to solve world hunger and poverty.

Foods are nutritionally enhanced Longer lasting shelf life Resistant to drought, frost, and pests Hopefully will relieve famine and improve economies of

many developing countries.

Corn and tomatoes…

Rice and soybeans…

Cotton and canola…

Alfalfa and sweet potatoes…

CROPS Enhanced taste and

quality Reduced maturation

time Increased nutrients and

yields Improved resistance to

disease, pests, and herbicides

ANIMALS Increased

resistance to disease

Better yields of meat, eggs, and milk

Potential human health impact such as production of new allergens.

Domination or monopolization of world’s food supply by only a few nations.

The ethical issue surrounds the tampering of nature by mixing genes among species.

Agribusiness industries believe labeling should be voluntary.

Consumer interest groups are demanding mandatory labeling.

Do people have the right to know what they are eating?

Are consumers willing to absorb the cost of that labeling?

GMF have the potential to… Solve world hunger Protect and preserve the environment by

increasing crop yield Reduce dependence on pesticides and


HOWEVER We must proceed with caution to avoid causing

harm to human health and environment.