Alexandria Gazette.(Alexandria, VA), tie!atc3t pro?05:dsett!em;otcfthai deb: is...

ALEXA^TDEIA . "V BATDEDA f KYI Xii!-:c. JAJICASY 16. The Chicago fair has been, and is cow btto- roa i.'j the interest; of tbe republican pariv, be', ali the e;me, its manazc-rs have haJ to coma S"<n h, and to taa democra'?. lor '.js oa:icapab'4 cf delivering the ccrst attractive -d Iresa at the dedicatory csreac- cli? rc-zt Oj'obsr. Acd the democratic So v.b. evt-r re-.d? to go more than ca:f way towar" tbe ree-s ab Uhmeot cf the relatlone that ah acidsnbslat b c^-een people of coe conotry. hss eupp iei tha" mm ia the per Bon cf Sir. B-ecfciari "ge of Eautccky. Bat eo intense are =nms of tin South-haters In other pa-ts of tbe North that they object to bis selection, acd say the address shot; d te delivered by a r«r»h«>ra m^n A BILL is new bitvre tue legislature for the adopMon of tba Ass.ra ian eysttm cf voting in V.r^inia. Whj an almost unripi- mous democratic lexie'atcre s'.oald desire tc change a perfectly f ir ejrUm of voting, end cne hy which tho on trammelled voter» «Ire a democratic rr-j *rl'y cf from forty tc fi '.y tr.oa.a d, no b;d/ cm teil, fzcepi those who think it p;cp£.- to tike poor in¬ sane Virginia females from ih? care cf expert eccjd pbysieiaas cf their cwns.ate, and po them in charge of wonao doctors from New Eoglaan, attd win deem it right that three members of inc Farmers' Alliance ehoe'e fix the- freight ncd passenger rates cn all the railroads la tbe S Tsk U. 3. Koura of K-;.r,s5a'ative3 ye:- terda.-, by a vote of 2:7 .o 11, adcpltd a res¬ olution against euas'.diea ;a any snaps cr farm. Tha't wa'jrjst what it ehouid hi.v< done. Of course, caving done ho, it", that is if tt ü±72 any regard icr legic cr con¬ sistency ia Iis p-oceedtog?, cr for the good opinion ot the immense majori y of the peo p e whoe8 votes it r-is elected, vote for a frt.-e eilver bill, sc it la said i: will do, fo: euch a b'.ii would give the silver mine c»n' ersoftfch country and the importers o foreign silver a bounty cf twenij-Sve ceud oa every seveaty-oects worth of silver thej cce'd dump at tbe t'oo's of ;he mints. So raB, at least, en lay within tfce poöe: cf the cemccr.iiic Governor and tbe decc- cratic Icgielat crc cf Virginia, G:C. ilabcne ha3 be a vindicated, that is, in respectcfhif rc-pudiiticg cjure^ on the eo'j ct of the S.ate d'.j1:, f;r, ic::r"icg to cneir state- mint?, tie !atc3t pro?05:dsett!em;otcfthai deb: is mote fivorohie to tec State, and, ol couräf, more a-tfavorahb to the cradit;:?, thaa crea the rcpct]ir*ticg Biddleberger b.ii. Ear, bad as it h, n= tbers ij no immediate c'aencfc of improving it, i: hai bet er bo r.c ceptetl a3 5-oa <x3 possible, thit the dir- agreer.ble thing mjy bo e.t kasi removed ircm e'gbt. _ Tbe ACTION ol tc;:' Federation, or E^g'&nd, in r3fosing 11 p»=2 rrsolutiona cf coctJoiesca wi.h ths grief-3t(i.ken roja fan:ly cf their otvo couity is ia marked aotl decided y unfavorable contrast with th t of the people of Ireland, whose newe- pap;r?, cf 'crj b'fa i jDJ.utitela expreseirg eiacsre rc-gr t for ths diatu cf the young ptiocn ard cLc- deepest syapa'.by with hit eorrewteg family. Mb. \Tsight, cnitf cf tae national bur^c:) of statistic-, =sy; the competition of woaot witb m?n, in occ^p^tioni enca ths exclude fijid of ;h» tatter, tfearJs to decrease the mar¬ riage, and inerte- tbe« divorce rats. That ilr. Wrlsh; ia correct is glaringly apparent ia New Ehland, whore wemsa nowengsge in most all th? r*»r*fn ond Drrfjesions. A E?S0Lt7noN was to:rjüuc9d in the U 8 Kocsj of H3pre33ats.ives y;ate diy fjr t special committee to investigate ctarget- agatnH tto mjna^emsnt cf the census bu¬ reau. That ioves.Ration should be made before another doliar is appropriated for cer. . sue purposes. £EOn VVaüüIi*210* [8p*Cta.! Corregyonionci cf Ok Alesattriria Goaetie.'. WA33iN9rorr. D. C. Jan. 16 18:2 E 0. Mayo of Westmoreland county, Va , S c -.d-'t at West Pdnt, having failed to pase the requisite examinations there, a vacancy has been causon, wnich will ba ti led by t> competit'.^e ezemioatton soon to r>e beid in the first Congreirionai district of Virginia. Congressman Jooea cf Virginia, at the In- B anco of committees of tüe Virginia legisla¬ ture, has requeued ths Sacretery of tbe "Navy to detsL an ongiaeer to survey ana rnak* a plot of the oyeter Deds (a tba waters of Virginia. Mr, Tracy rap;led that be wenld consider the rtquetit Bad tnswsr it by letter. a delegation from Mllfftukee is hero to- day engaged is en :n lo oreats a feslinc in favor cf that city as the place for holding the next national democratic convention, They say the Germane of tbeir State have oome to tbe democrats os acconnt of the poraonal liberty which the latter favor, and chat if the convention pe held in Milwaukee, Wiecsniln will c»s: nsr vote for Its nominee Cocgreeeman Dm Lcckwood of the Buffa¬ lo, Mr. Cleveland'- old district. New York, Who had teid yesterday's GiZBTTE'3 Inter- viewf.'wlth taa Virginia Congreiemea on the enirjec: of tbe most aTatlabie man for tbe nest demcora'.ic Presidential candidate, said this msrsicg trte election of a democratic Präsident de ^ecda upon ths veto of New York, and the question cotv is whether fit;t or Cleveiaad, or a man outside cf NasyYork, Will bo most likely to carry that State, and that that qceBtloa is as prominent In Net? York as elsewnere. He said there are plenty of men onteide of £?ew York who coald carry that State, and that Mr. Oar- 2tsle is one of them. To this Mr. Oerath, who wee sitting near by, beartiiy assented. S nator Colqnitt, who bad also read tbe ia- i^rvleivs, b-'.'i It weald never da to take a joan New York might not want, ARonf those wfco ffili öeilyer oglogie-g gn the Jate Gen W. H. F. L'e In tbe House cn ids G b proximo, the day set apart for them, are iles^rs. Breeiioti?ce of Kentucky. Cuca- mlng« cf :>=v» York, Wilson of Wcet Virgin¬ ia, and Hi^sra. Mereii.h, Tacker sni Ei- mnods of Y.rginia. Gdt. flJeer baa base la oosaltaiioo witb Secretary Blaine, Senstor Qsa? and ex-A"- j ri;:act Postmaster General ClarksoD, with | (tie Otj'SjOt 0? fcffeC.log = 3033 agf$60230t by which, li for Borne reaioa cr other Mr. Blaise 3ösl cot be nominated, tbe anti-Harrison df-le^atcs easy hiri ecjtne other mao, poisi- b:y bin:?-:'.', to Ii b;cl: Epra. v?ne:her the 'rebel brLadis.-ö'' weald hare been !c oootro! cf tbe HoOrO if Kr. Iii.;? böd been e ecied Speaker if uokncwo, be: that tha ez-Co^'ederates are lo: in c:n- troi of it new ia cerüc. T^a: ccc'a le tbe fact la 3o evidea*. teat it 13 reccgr/.2:d by every bod? bare. A e*se la point. A re?o» | lu'.iou was prepared by a Sinthern d^mo- cratlc mcm.or, too ycasg to hivo te?a in tbe war, to pa" r-a tbe roil of th:- Hon e em¬ ployees an ex-Cioa eo;dic-r who up in one occasion bad rtssed his cwa life to tts.'tai a C--n'edera:o prisoner unje: hi-ciarge. I: Wi3 OitG.-r.':!? tbcugo: that i: woe d ce more graceful acid show a batter faelrngil the re=o:a ion were lotrodaeed byaan Confederate seh10-; bat acnecoaid ba t'eued to do ei, goes tbj -c:icR because it m'ght ba oi jec lonabie to iceir cwj constituents scd othsra b6CiB3o they thought it woe d stand a ba'ter cnasce ifiu'redaced bv a Ljrt'Qtro man,and oaf-, °. dls bgalsbed efficer,' e:i.rjse, oe si"?, the Speaker thlofcs it better thai ;be ex Confederates ia th a Congress sboa d stav ia tbe back ground. Toe retu'oiicaa m.-mbsrs of the Senc'e jadiciary 0002211 tee waat to horry a? tbfi< tavorania report upon tbe- nomination for olrcolt jodgs cf Ja ige Woods, who everted b j deeleioa n order to prote t ' B o-;k' 0' Fve" Dai:eT, ba: tcMemocr: t S*n: t rs doing 0 1 t c-y cm t j prev-; t ai t on on t is niaiiu too u: t tie ritirnof Benitx Voorb'*»', wi I d t oolv pr-far charges »gyn t tie Jadgebit t;ecw t t e mo t v«>e:u;lve e^id oc\ Au old sx.d experienced New Tork c n :c pcii ic sn here t -d^y, siys Lr-o'r- y:: 2 toaicee for th-j co:Lirg demcc-a"- c -e:i»:or froa» Kew Ytrj «:it bt ex- Miyor p.".- e-".: >' orEreirniac Cbapin 0.' tbatrity, mi that then-h he wi l i-c cpro:id by 3n We- d ^r.d En'Ve Teckr-^n hi? is f-.e 'r¦e;^ Brioklyr, n I r tbe newTeapportiotnteat, will bo in i 'fd to a raire ajjinrlj-men. He a!?o sty? <h»t Hill ^jilhare z'j. fire c-jri:y of th- d hgatrS f-ora tha .S-a'.o to the nvio.»! doTicer-.tic ^o.-.rrn'i n. Jei^ing cat of toe coa&t ih>so fr-o.-.j Ne* York' it/ and Irj-.klyr, all of whoa h-? i h*T?. Zx-^tn :or Ghee ofVirgiaia, a:w lomherin¬ spector in Aiaika, a Mähen: appointee, is here en a fail'-Oih. Work on the Washington and Arlington 5a:'- r:ai is rn5periJc!, and ha.? br>erj for .(rne time K A. G'.lcs waa to day apr-sitit d ro3 tor tt Kit nztar, Kelson county, Vs., Tics J. M. Berke¬ ley, ie;:eatd. Ar?uine-:s were m3e '0 d .y b*'ore the Hone comtL.:: ee cn toe el- c'i'n cf rie : :es: ai ¦'. Vice- President in favor rf a Ccn?titQti .nal araetdraer:: proTi i\nz for the ele.-'.ion cf C. a. S.-natcrjlya eire't Toto of the peorle. The mimbirsof theEo"sic mmititoon f;roi«n affi'rs eal e-i cn Secrst-.ry to-d*y. H? sp ko in favor of the Nicir,g33 canal, bat sud terer a Wtrd <vb -.a: Chili Jcdrc Ii -:3e?of E«nfncky ha; cecliredtbe ro ition o* member of the int»r3t»te commerce «rorr:iision for which he Wia nom.iiiatci list ^eek. JfEWS TJ1S LiY. Very c;Id weather is pre»al:irg in the northwest. Taomas A. Eli^n la s^id lo have paUctc-d aeys erj cf t3"e3raphicg w'.tbco: wires. Cardical G'tb;C3 bss written a letter :l?irg his rFBioos for Opposing tbeLoCiisrjp. lottery crmpany. Higb wat?r h repor'ed ia nai? cf tbe r'vers f-orn A:abarna to ITaw Earjipslire -nd each damesje hi: been done by over- ü3w3. WilvC? A. Wooj,cz-aeaibar of Coasress, and .'araoct as ac laveater cf mi(?e'i and reepirs, died at Hoosiok Fall?, N. Y., yes¬ terday. A rr«v's»!:o was effered in tbe Hesse yeitetday by Mr. Anderson, of Weit Vir¬ ginia, to look into the minegcment cf the- Oen^us Office. Thexnijority report of tbe ccmmUiea on acconc'B, for tbirty-ssven cterke 0 c:maaitteej, wee agreed to !a thn Hoass yeaterday aftsr which tbe House adjonroed till Monday. Tberp L3 no ' wir t 'k,! in Va'oaralfo, where t ä:-em? t be cxptit d titt tie Ba!« t more slf*lr w;;i eooa be p tt ed ; bit la VT'ashia^-n t is be'iewd t i.t a crieia is approacaicg aod t t we.r may resc t Tbe President and hia cabinet diseoescd :be Cbilisn fitoaticn yejtc-rday. Th5 P.-e;- idsat has cocc:nded hia examination of tbe diolomo'ic correspondence ia tbe contro- ?crs7. Taerc is continued activity In naval preparations, and toe talk of war still g:es oa. Alicntt, N'xon & Gold bsrongb, whole 3i!e boote sed sbee-, in Baltimore, failed y»?terday aa a resalt of tbe Ea-paroB'oa cf Nlcboieon'^ bBck. The assets are $75.CGO lo conaec i »0 with N cbolpon'e failure, also, » bill w?s Ü ed asking that f he Baltimore Pub l^fcinii Company, which Id prlaclpalij iwced hy the bank, be wound up. Mr. Johns H. £. Nicholson la lceace, end it is .hca.^bt his mind ;s forever gonr. Some of he creditors who went to 1 he bank yester¬ day wanted their money wbetber or set, and but for tbe presence of a detective there m'ght have been some rcenes. 7IE-3ISIA J35WS. The rivers lc portions o' tbe Slale ha7e bosn greatly 9«oIen by tbe heavy rales. A bill was Introduced lo the Legcl&tnre yesterday to allow women to praotice law. Jjhn M. Laogeicc, colored, 9ay<) he and Genera! Mabone are now cn friand'y r;rmp, and that tnetr forces are do? nalted, and will endeavor to carry tb.3 S;ate for Har« risoo. Tbe ignorance on tbe Lnrsy loo, amonnt- lag 0 <87;O0O, has been paid by the d.ffir- ent compaols.-t There la co7 no protpsst of its belog rebollt, as tbe insurance money go$s to pay eff tbe purchase money, A strong opposition is belog manifested in 'ha State Senate to tbe bill ps83«d by tbe Eoa?3 a few days ego aatboriz ng the era- p o.mer.t of a f.mäle pbyeictac at f«ob of tbe lunatic asylums In tbe8:at9. Unless they cso get some assistance the frisada of tb's measure believe that it will ba defeated in the nppar branch of tbe Legislature. John H. Alsxtnder has eold his wall-la- proved farm of 170 acres, two milei south¬ west of Leeaborg, to Mr. T«cbiftiiy, a whole¬ sale druggist of Washington, for $11.000, end tbe farm of Jimss Priest, 290 acres, near Midd ebarg, b&s been sold to B. F. Boston for $15 per acre. Tbe comsitslbner in tbe case of Sbry V5, Sbry has sold tbe tract cf US acres lying between GoresTiile and tbe Potomac river to John Athsy for $0 55 per acre. Tbe botsl on ''Stony Man," cne of the highest points on tha Bine Bidge, Page connty, was totally destroyed by Sro Wed¬ nesday nlgbt. Tae boaee was only a pl»ln, snbstantlai frame struofare. ?nd the lo:?, it is said, will not exceed $2.000 or $3,000. It Is believed tbe house was set on fire by thieves who bad carried away some- cf tbe iarnitare. Tbe bnildlog vras tbe property of a company from the North cad WAS iQ* ASSOCIATED P3SSS DISPATCHES. The late Duke of Clarence. LondonJin. 16..Prsprüa ioae for tnefan- eral of the Dake of Clarence and Avondaie are balcg made. The details hare not been arranged, ha: It isannonnced positive y that the interment v i'.I take place at noon Wtd- ns^day. Toe body will be placed in the cjp: ia S:. George.'* Chapel. I: ia beiiered thittbe statements regarding the condition cf the QieenV* health °re grossly exag^erat- eJ. r»as is gTeiilv £ili::ed by the deat'r o.' her favori e grandson, but tbat she le serl- oas'y unwell is no: shown by the arrange¬ ments that have been made for her presence at the funeral ceremonies. Her Hnjesty wiii reruiln at O-bo.-ne Rouse onti: iTuec- day miraiag when 3'ae wiii proceed by spe- cia train to L-.ndon and will arrive a: Wiodsor Cestie early on Tueeday. The body of the dake will be conveyed from Sindrlng'aam and will arrive at Windsor C as Is on the seme day. I: hn been ascertained this afternoon the Q teen remains in goal health. She drove oat yesterday in company with Prioceee Liaise and th9 Dake and Dach^ss of Concaught. So3 personally dictated to the Lord Casmoariain her orders in regard to tae sta'e monraln^. To-day a message was rrcived a: Windsor CasrJe, directing that the royal aporlments be placed in read- iae=3 for cc:uoac? by Her Mijesty. The body of tha Tv.'ze was removed from ?&r.- cringkära hill to the Pari=h Church this morning. Fire and Loss of Life Ni.w Yobk Jan. 16 . Van Tassel's b;g seven story brick gra'a elev. i r and ware¬ house, corner of 13.a avsnce and west 11 h b reet, was destroyed by £;e this momicg, i g t ier with t :e o.d etables cf the Knicket. jborksr Ic3 Co, involving a !o?a of abcat {$230.000. It U known tbat t vo wotkmei I peri-hei in t le dimes 6n1 it ij feared that others lc- t taeir lives. There were several carrow and thrilling escapes. Wan t.e fire wv.3 discovered tlx men were at w:ik on the tcp :1 or of the Wirebca=e aai the | C:st wttrn'.cg they had was wheo thick clouds cf errors pcared ij upon them. They re »de a rs?h to e;cipo by way of thestair3. Two of them tnrx- bled heidloag down to the 4 Ji but/ and made for '.'is wirdows. There was a rope attached to on? of the windows, and down tbi? thry aiid to the streit Another of the men climbed down a «i:e c*tli sttscho! to the grata shut«, to a telegraph polo and thas n a:h:d tho street. He was proi- tra, cd by smoke. Henry Eopp fe'l bick over¬ came Ly smoke, m * petijhed in ;h; thmes. John Ki as fy, another of :hs carpenters, is alto sap- p-s-d to ra7o been birncd to death. All the otht-rs in tha building i: is believed made tiüir escape. Hesitation. FvOi£S, Jan. 16 .The bishop of Green Bay, WiH., the Rt. Bev. Frederick X*vler Ki'st, D D, hs3 sent his retittnatton to the Vatican. It will cot bs accepted. Egypt's New Ruler. Catzto. Jan. 18..Prince Abbis, the ntw Etc- dive. thi3mcrti:tg ecte:fd the htrbor a: Akx sndria from Trieste oa board a steamer. The ateaittcr ~ as scccmpsnied by a nnmber of war¬ ships, which, aa they entered the harbor, thunder¬ ed forth a rojsl salute The Zgyp iin ycskIs took np the refrain md from their gnna belched fl.ra: and snoka. Ail the vessels were bedecked in rainbow sty e and the sijht wa3 very pretty. At 8:30 o'clcck the Ebedivc landed and re ceived with great cntka-iasm by the principsl civil and miiitaiy-ßi ials and a{,avrd of honor ccmpotet of British and Jgyj t:sn trcops. At 10 o'c o:k he tock a s;eci»l train and preceded to Cairo._ mm- MmrnM - - . Cold Wea'ber. Chicago, J:n 16 . Sptciab from vtiioa3 por¬ tions cf the Etato indictt) tint tho prevailing wave is one of the mojt severe of any in re- cert years, the thermometer at various points standing at from 13 to 30 decrees below zerc, with n ) immediate p.ojptct o' a change to warm¬ er weather. Frcm Biveral points an alsrrrl.ig In¬ crease of irflaeezi i3 reported &3 one of tho re- eul'-s cf the co d ansp. t hurch Burned. W^FHrN-gtos, D C, Jan. The fimoca Chorch of the Covetaat, at theinterte tioa of 18th and M. streets and Ccnaett'eut sv-na", caaghr. Ore this evening in the chapel, and at half- past fm . o'c'ock was tti 1 burning wito Ltticor noih-nce ofs»7ing it. TELEGRAPHIC JBBE7XTTSS. Geo. H. Botitball, bailing from Washing- t -c. D. C, was found dead in his b;d at the International hotel in New York, this meriting. He wa9 a Virginian and was in New York cn legal business. A year ago Silas Coulter, a wealthy farmer, ÜTiog near £acltS:oMa ia, Mich , wasmuid.r.d. -aepicbn poin.ed to h.o son Willum. with whem hs hid tot been cn tool terms, and tho young man wbs arrcs'el. Tae trial resulted In the ie» quital of the son. Last sight the son, at . re¬ vival meeting cf the Froe Methidists, profeestd religion and confessed that he murdered his father. Ho was arrested. Major E. B. St&himan hifi been elected com* missioner of the Southern Sal way & Isteemihip Askc'3 ion couselidated with tho Soutbera lilreiisippi Vailty Astociati n at a silary of flftaos tbecsaed dollars per annum. Tho sss.cistioo new cmbiarrs all the railro d lines scuth of the Potomtcani thaChio and wa t- watd to ihe Mississippi river. The hetdquarters of the (Ompeny wi.l be at At'anta. Tho Citlzen>' Bank of Horfollr, Vs., obtained an attachment to day agdast property in New York beloagiejr to Joseph H. Cctf rs & Co., eof.on deal- era of Phtlsdeiphia, for ?il,TOO. The 8t. Loai3, Alton and 6prin*£cld JEk<lroa£t commonly known ai the "Bicff Line" is about to b: fio.d io saiiify the judgments against Is. Dr. C. Eilsworib Hevi't is located op in New York psodiag a eoit cgslts tin by Job n O. Bowman, a lawyer in Paiiadelphia, for $100 600 Bowmao azks this amooot cf ] Hewitt fur mining his wifa and aliens hg ber BfJ-ciicne. Bowman alleges that Dr. Hewlt: drugged hie wife while attending fier professionally, and then assaulted ber. A ooa*armed boy In Augusta saved fenr persons from drowning f be: Dr. Bali's Cough Syrup has saved us thousands from ooreamptioo. Toe ass of highly isasoned aoimal food and alcoholie drinks are the prtdi poring causes of gent. When aware of its presence lose qo time io procuring Salvation Oil, I kills psiSi Scents, Tis Phillips Trill At the close o; :bo Gazette's repcri ves- 'erday i: was eta'ed ;hst tee venire ia the Paiilips case, now beisg tried ia tbe Corpo¬ ra: on Ccnrr, had b;en coxp'sted by the ea.ecticn ofMfssrs. Miilard Padgett aid W. H. Davis. Prevloostotb.eHsnrj Wilct J. E. Trier.yer and J. H. Brtiosoe bad case orccgh: forward a:d qas t oeed, but bed ^rover. themselves incapable of si t ag on nejory, hivlrg. as h y averred, ex^res^ed opinions retrftr^icg I ha sb'c. iog. Bixt en mea &;so ^elected, the prisoner, io tne eztrcis;- o- t :e rrivilege gratt d ia :cc 3 ci-es, exce; t -<t to feer f.j tno number (olfser?. Jamas E^aietb, O. Hopkins, W. Li Atkinson and J. R Jasper, ann t ley were s»r l£c3 . ft T^e recidinitt t 7t Ive were t ei s?:crn,the itdlciaent agaioi: Pr.' ips <?»s teai end tie jiry charged, »f:er which Mr.Lsonsrd Mar- oary, t 12 Commonr,a; h's Ac orney, pro« csed-rd to et; t -hi eis-fram t e e andp:ist of tfce proseca-fon- E= e*d, m aob.'tar.ea, thatca the ti h: of ib^ ~i1 cf Jast Ja y Gtc:ge s. rjmiti lef: hi- b Jiae for tfce pur¬ pose cfproiuing medicine for ; i-» wiff; oat ba p-eceadtd do»L tr-e i r^c-t as far Mr. W. F. Creigotoo'.- d<u< -"re, ootaioed tha medJoice, entered ioto oacersatioa wi n * friend, ted later wi h hi-: coea^aaior: enter, d a sa-oon fid r.raek a g'ass of beer. Oa ieav-ioe; :.h-. -aloca the- two walked aben: midway t .o west side of tbe fq:a o oa Soyat a reer, between K:ng ard Cameron, creased ?o tba east eiae end proceeded {a far as t e southeast corner of B yal aid Cameron streets, where tbe two mtn ra ted and continued tceir ta k. I: was r. btie ihas engstei, pcacefai.y aod usirrnid, toaltb was espied by J-ff.z^n Pösltlp*, who with Mr. rr. 0-ri=oo wa-«eitLg in'.tie deirsay cf toe E. Dorado Hoes.-, on Cameron s:re^:. Paiilips abruptly brought the conversation to a c:cs», crcseed tt e sires: to wbero ibe dece£2?.1 was stand:.- g *. i h bis friend, ocd eic aim ng "George I r-r-daced a re¬ volver a: d q roily a= L-a o.U:d fire-da biil into las beuj or bij, who etartc-d to roc to tba opposite coraer and while tbns eags-:--: wai cgain sh:-t b? Pbiliip3 end so wounded that b.s death fji.cwid lo a short apace cf lira?. Tha Coasaoswealth, the sp&aser eaic, ii tUla that iba pracedare wo3 rintf'erin tlif: S:=t degree, bav:ng heeo eatc.fd with tnaiiec efore:b:agat, which (n reality emconted to lying In wait, as cn tbe otHtit o? :bo shooting tbe accc:.G bad vi:it- td oeyeral places it wa-; no' b:s woo: to en¬ ter, tu: pis.^s wbiie be knew bii victim wa= most .isely to ba foaad. The prisoner e.nd the deceased had pitted oa g;cd :trm?, tco, bot a fjiv hccr-i before the enactment c-f the crime. Mr Me.:b;ry then sacoioct.'y expiaintd fhe diUireat phases cf mardar, homicide, Sc:., aad said tha burden of prov- iig Poiijij-a's crliae murder in tee Oret de¬ cree rest:d cn tbe Commonwealth, and to beiiovid the j jry, in aceordscco with their oa;hs, wcuid rtndcr each a verdict. Mr. Samuel G. B.*fcr, for the prisoner, then proceeded to picture tha case a? view¬ ed b> tbe defeacf. To do thie, tue speaker siid, it wcu.d te neceeeary to go back: seme years and re7*8tsr the i?esand staodiog of ¦ be prisoner and tho deceased. The fritter tad been born cf hi-est and ret pact ed parents and bed had every advantage of oarefnl reerictr Oa tbe other hiDd, tbe prisoner, tbe pricg cf poor parents, at a ier.der ege was ou: into ine world ro =crarrib:o for an e- xUtecce. D.-barred of ell tbe !; fl jer:c:.s which teod to ic-im character, wi:n ao encral treieicg. bis e&riy batits can¬ not bs wcndcied at end bad bitn socfi as m'ght have btea ezpec'.ed. He bid no one near and dear to blm to guide his wayward ateps, and in corse cf t-ine he bectme in- fataa-ed wi:h one Cep'.to.'a Cre-jsmsa. In an evil mcm?r t tbe deceased aiso contract¬ ed ac .'n;ace f ver over the eame woman. Wbec tbe latter bee?me aware of tbe feet that th? clj c: of bir in'atun ion bad her a'- fectioud re.-.tered on the prisener hr becime ooeaay, folio w(d hi- lira: ar-d w^a ps.*3:stent I ;b'.a erid-.avors to raiaiiana.and bed gcn9so far ea ic te:; the pä-rner that be ma*: c?e-:e bis sttenlion3. Ia the coursa cf perseco:)on to which the pr:sc:t>er had been sntjected he had be?o errosted at tha In- stajce of the d'csescd, snd on one occasion the latter, whiie in <h* bocss cf nie innamo- ra;?, bad declared (p ae-ing his batd behind tin) that be wou:d ^ever re-;-: n ttl be bad tbe prUoner'd heart's bleed. PDÜlipj bad endeavored to stfer e'ear of bis rival, end maoifested no d-s're to break the peace of tbe Cosimonweslrr-., bnt tbe deceased bad persistency doused tis steps, and baviog sean the prisoner cocduo'iog si m? «?sme of escorting nature at a race c.Uise in Alex¬ andria ccuoty, LH egain manifested Lie m&lica by having bim arres'ed Ar another time be bad bad btm arrested at tbe Croes- man wrnun'd housir, the dc-ce^std B^earicg cot a warrent against him for alleged a- eailt and battery the hcetf3? and hod b'm fined. The prleccar didn'. kcow whither :o go or what to do la order to evade the malice of bis nerssitatcr. Days pa ?ed on, however, and be Imagined tee de :cfl3ed bed ceased bounding him. tha two m !S having me: In company and the de- CJ&aed apolot zicg for hia conduct. Tee prisoner accepted ibe apo'egv lo good ,'aub, b it In en exceedlrg'y ebor: t mo be bad tbe bist reason to supptss bis former adversoiy h*d become as maii^&snt as ever, as bis per¬ secutions bad asscmad a mere exaspsraticg phase. Being at the Crcs^on woman'd bon-easbort time befcre the shooting tbe deeeised, before three or four witr.e as?, bßd r< furred to a sister cf tbe acen ed in a most ontrageous manner, paying ' she is no ac¬ count, I have been tbe recipient of her fa- vorB-bn; In mcch stronger iangcage. That's what tbe prisoner was compelled to listen to, tbe stieg and grief of which be fcnre lo silence end lo solitude. His wee was hard to bear, but be ccoldntt endure the ecorpion sJngs of a sleter'a al.eged dis¬ honor from one who hsd showed hlrnsslf to ba bis Implacable Ic was la thia conditier, of mind that the so' fpr wblcb be i? ab-ut to be tried was oomseUtcd, 7b?ra was no stealth, no lying In wai-*, no seeking tbe wanti n producer of bis poignant grief, bat be mse'.s him ic a public highway, In tbe presence cf wltnu-e*, and w.tbin ao hour or two after that bis sister's honor bad been attacked la Capltcü* Grcssnjin'd hcnis. be* fore tflvera! peopl? " Mr. Brent tnen pro- c-:od?5 to contravert certain mlcor details which tbe Commonwealth's Attorney btd given concerning the pc-sltfon in wh'cb the deceased was sUadicg at tbe t.his b^ was shot, and referred to two psrsoos (whoa nobody h»s beon able to Identify) who w?re on an opposite side cf ibe street when tbe kWHcg occurred, and ccnoiadsd by savlcg : "Sow, g«ntiemen cf the j iry, if yon Cäa es« tab ieh tbe fact that tbe prisoner wai smart* hg under the oecnsatioa tbe deceased brrj mads against his sister, year verdict will be that no reorder was committed." It was nearly five o'clock wben Mr. Brent finished his statement to the jury, and at tbla Jano'nre the coors sr"j;arnsd till this mor&toz at 10 o'clock. Ltsrg before 10 o'clock tho Oonrt Ecaee dcor and steps tesrjiog Into tbe room pre¬ sented a »urging c3f9 oibnmanl'y.tmpatieet- ly aKa'tlcg tbe time wben tbe boita wcold shoot back acd tbe throng be allowed to en- ter. It bslng a »oboo! holiday, the boys sere au thick as Are oa a ao.'assas barrel.! Tbe prisoner was p'aced in the dock at 10 o'clock and tba doors were opened a few j minutes later. Tbe tnsb and scramble to j enter the room was exoitlog and at times' RtfttSiDg, The a&ÜQU fcortje p«hed. a'..1 ! bowed smd rqasez:d themselves io'o tie toiid rca:3 end bad any tost tbelr footing jt- jg:ant dinth would cave follcwed, as tu?y won d surety bave been tramp ed a;it.c. Io a 'cw m nates five hundred parsons had fi !. ed the space w.thoct the bar. j A: ten minutes pa3: ten the Coa-t rra= opened wita ike mej ae;al fcrmola,' O j< z,'' Dr. O'Brien was sworn and questioned by J the Commonwealth'.! Attorney. Witcete ( kiftw Smith ; mtd-a pee; mortem examine- J tlco of bis remains ; deecriced tbj course of the wounds; there were s x bullet boles ; one ebo: had penetrated tae bac's at the j eighth dcr.:a! vertebra, near the spins: col- iumo.had traversed tie chess upward, cot tue £ut-c:aT!aa artery, passed ovsr tbe Srct rib, breaking i: and came one a: that point. Ibis wooed waa the immediate cause ef 'death. Another hid entered the flerh an¬ der the left arm, cn a 1'ce witn the arm-pit, an j five or six inches b=iov7, under the chest musotee, hid come cut n'covo ths left nlppi-; and buried itself io the left wrist. The tbtrd ball entered tbe lef; shea.der, paest-d in be¬ tween the second and thira riba and wa? toned in tho chort cavity. Tae cec^-od bad died frcm internal Lemorrnsge. Tr_e wttccse was it-en etcwn tbe bullets. Ftrei bu.let rras th8 cr.e wtticb csnsed death, the eub-clavUo ^rterj having L.ta severed by I*. Tue thud wecket would in ail prcbabili»y nave ciused death, white the second wa9 sur e fi:ial. Z ro Hill wosuest placed on the stand. Eis testlmcny, ia eubctance, was as foliowt: He hud met Mr. -Emith at the no t .west enner of Kin? snd Brjal elreets between ai-n' and ha f-pas: nice o'clock on tue- nisi t of th*i tragedy; shut he walked frith smith to Calmes' rett uro: t where ^ici: drank a g!&t3 of bee?; mat cn leaving tie rr:l urent Smith sad be wes pcieg uoa?, ar.d witness remarked, ' I witi walk as far aj C^m-rca etrce. with jcc;"trrv. tney paired up Rojsl :t*eet and crosted t tho eo3t side of ibp street on the fiicgicg to f.-ont of Ftsher'a it re and waiked to the s:n h:a;t comer uf Boral a:d Cameron j streets where t :cy halttd t fitttsh a can;er¬ as' ion roiatiVti to private matten; iLat Shortly after reaching the crrcrr a man, whom be record z.ß as J'fJ. Politics, ap¬ proached them frcm the ncr.h s de o- Came- run str.-et, and wea but a few feet distant .be ere witness noticed bis;tait I'hüli.'S ap¬ parently started to pas3 oroonu Smith atd fcimsclf, bat halted, pronounced theword- "George Smith," and crew frcm h!3 tip pocket a pistol and fired a* Smith who j turned entirely t.r:and and rt»u ia a diagc- i na! course toward t:e northwest craerof i Cameron and Royal siree'r; that Phillips j rat: Smith aad S:cd t^o or more ehots I at the re:r;-aticg nvoc; witness t .en wcot to j the northeast corner of tho s re> t r.-j a.j »Pniiiipe reicced him he sske^: "J LT, srhj did yen do tba<?" Pri :!ps oofc'e no re? y, and wae at tbat momei t arrested by police cfiioere. Cross-examined. Pnltlip.-* br.d not eotireiy peaked Smt i rjben be m- de thi ex clümatioa ''G;0 ge Sml'tl'1 Ddi'tkoow of aoy unfriead.iutss exis i:g between the two mec. S mu-il O.rison fe t 5ed. Knew Smith; was ibe bearer of ß meeiaga from a party in Lemberg t) Phillip : ecueht him, and wss seated v i n hitn oc t is t p of tue prtv: t ( entrance to 'he E. D.-raoo H-tcss on Cam¬ eron street; t iat while deliver Ibe m?£- sage Pni!;ip= suddenly orotG and welkid to too corner cf Royal Eircet and erected to tbe sottieaet ccrncr of the two strte's where two persons v;ere stardinp; t u t ios- m^diateiy thereafter s abot wae hted by PbtKtp:; e&w one of tbe men whirl around aid ion serosa t wnrd ihe ucribwest corner of the it ce:s clo e \ pa.ened by Paihtpi who fi ed iff3 m re shots at tbe fleeing mao r.u c immec'iately under the electric tigh ; te eo^ Smiib niece bis band on his breast, ex¬ claim ' Ob .' ' and bend fch head over and stagger; witcc-es said to Pnii.ips, .'J-.tT, why did yon da thai ?'' The latter msde no re- p'y Witnees dtctn': know it wee Smith till L:en\ Smiib, the brother cf tbe deceased, weit to Mr. HarloR's front doer ond ex- claimed, '"My God, it's Gecrge!' Cros? ex¬ amined. Had fcund Pnilpips at tee E D - rado House. Couldn't recogniza tbe parties on the opposite eide cf the e.reet. Pntilips'a s ate cf mind wan not of snob a nature &= to pay strict attention to what witcets was tajicg, tbcu^b be entered into tbe sotject discussed; wai running bis band tbrccgh his hair; bad flosced Jece; Pci;;ips d dn't e;em perturbeo ; uolpht bave presented an appearanco ir.cicative of drinkicg; bid known bim 12 or 14 years Mary Coteniao, colored, teatifi'd tbat ehe was sitting d the etep cf a grocery etcre at tbe northeast corner of Cameroa and Rotal street?; e&w Mr 0 rieon and Pniliips ta k- leg in ircct cf the E; Dorado Heese; ebw two men etsndicg cn the southeast comer rf tbe etreet.?, but did not'z > them ; eaw Prjii.ips leave O.rison and cross to tbe pirce where the two men were etacding ; saw htm draw a pistel end fi e, sad saw a man rm toward lb?! r.crhwcst corner of tha two i-tr etf; saw Pciilirs running after the man and saw him S:e two more soots; tbe flie- icg man ran Into Mr. Harlow'd door, and ehe Bcrearned, and shortly Afterward learned tbat it vra- Soolth wbo bad been shoe. Smith hid ducked his head while the shots were belog fired. During witness's testimony ehe elicited much merriment by persisting In in¬ terlarding it with her exclamations cn the sight of tb« ehcoticg and wbst othen had told he'. Cress examined, ehe in substance repeatidher former deposition, save tbet she icterepereed it with moto minnti9e In rp- gard to tfca length cf tlcoo ehe had been tlt- tlng in the door, &a In deecribing wblcb side of tbe digging Phillips crowed sbs eaid she didn't koow which was east or west. Pater Lapben knew Smith; eaw him the cUht cf the Bhoo'iog ; si nets wa9 oo Mr. R. T. Lucas'a step at the time; »*w Pci lip3acd O.-risoa In iha docrcf the B Dorado, saw (he shooting; three shct3 wore fired by Phillips; the shots were fired bffore Smith got under the electric light. Eia evidence was merely corroborative of that cf the previcqs witnesses. The cross* examication failed to icya :d;ts bis first depoeitloo, though an apparent disparage¬ ment Eeemed to exist betweec his ooovicticn as to tbe boar of the shooting and that en terteioed b7 Mr. BUI, together with the iensth cf time tbe letter acd Smith were etacding cn tho corner. He believed tha ehcotirg occurred aboot haif-ptae nine o'clock. He was corslderab'y non-plo-sed, howevc, by the cocEsel for the defence put¬ ting vs'Iogj intsr.'Cgationa as to tbe p s*. tiona cf the asc, length of the flUggiog, whethsr tbe bellet strack the back, «3. Dr. O'Brien W38 recalled and explained the course of the bullets, whiob was at va¬ riance the ideas of th? preceding wit* BCM. tlini, Smith, a brother of the de* ceased, beard sbote and ran to to the scene of the abooilog; met Phillips with pistol and turned him over to Offleer Taylor: went to Mr. Jobs Harlow's boaseand Mr. Kell told him tbe man shot was his brother; forced the latter in Sir. Hsriow's door; he fell in j bis a m exclaiming, "Jeff Phiilipa shot ma." Witness then deecribed what follow* ed, convejence cf the wounded man to Mr. Sobawb'd restaurant, Tbe defence nnde exception every time tbe witness quoted any cf the worrJe of bis dying broth* er r fi tctiog on the prisoner. Mr. Laghen was s-.aic recalled, and stated where bo b&d Bten Phillipe some time previons to having t otioed him seated WUh Mr. Q.'.lson in doorway ot the Si Dr. O'Srfen was also recced tio second time and es d Ibers no w-und oa tee üercee%d below üe waft*. Dr. Ja«»6 w»5 ibe u*.x: » tnesspa! oo tse Staad Oj bri'ne qt£; lie 1 b? '.be defense w:'neea described tie au:e::i cf the bedy 0f tec deceased tbe -os:c? made by tbe ballet?. Thoughttbe buhtt 'ris: wasthe iacedi'-'e csa-e of de&tb bid z rosb ct- cesred 's front. B 11 Lotbam te t ä:^ t'-ii be wis r-^r . be ccrner of King and Boy*l street*, beard three reports of aolstol; r-.n to tbe c c' Cim%roa and Boyai streets aed learned that Sauh bad bets sbot; went to restso< rlo'wher&be wsü lyic«. fcond biro cn his b'clr asked Smith b wtbe shootias occur¬ red, to wbic1: te rep!;- d, 41 was talfcicer and JcrT Tbitlipi sas: a,f-:*' witnesa took tfce tblostsfrom thevtccc^rd mit.'s pocket wi;h rel '!'.vea cf the dscejs d. 0£cer Taylor testified that be beard wba~seemed lo be p = o- -ho:s, ran frcra s;3-:->d hoa-e to corner tf Cameron stree', met Pai.:i:.s who :.-.d a oi»;oS la b;< right band; Ph! Hps said: "Here I »a, b-rro '? my pts'cl." Tock prisoner to the rai bonsa sad aszed him what ^as t. the trouble abec, to which -be p.Letter .eplted, "I have nothing to Eaj.' Wea. K?i! K£3 ia front a' H . iract.ioa en- g'ne bcose at time of eboafisc; saw -lin¬ ing; beard a'.l tbe shot? ; heard Sea'/h ex« claim. "Open tbe dour, d;n'c ie: me die here." after tho deceacsd hid reached ilr. E-rlcw'e door. Jona H Greece was ner: sw:rn. 8iw Smith about 10 o'clock oa tba mor:;i..g uf the shooting; aad remarked that be had seme diffsrencs with Pali p;c-- j wan to settle it: witness detailed how St: b met Phillipe at the Ei De-rtd ; remarked,' Jeff, you have dene me dirt, ba« I nave t \ tbe satisfaction I want, let u; f= fr'eid?,*1 sod they d.-s-jE together. Pali I i pa hid Fheken hands with emitn and Eaid, "George, I nev r ta1 any.hira ega : vou;" witness Boppcaad the troobleami- "eaMy settled. J M. Eili testified I saw Phi p S3 minutes to eight o'clock cn tbe c g:t J. tbe shooting at B-exton Smith's ricar t er¬ be cot a light for a char: So every night; Pc:l ips Ee d II rer wen there; Ssun bad paw gj ibs r. about 10 miootea past S Witnessed de;c d ihn rear ro:m ia tbe stcr* w'.urs people sit o smoke; dlda'c rea P^liip; lock into backroom; ooold ts?e setn v;ho ~ the ro;m from the c:.?*r. :^h-*-r: arllo s frequea.ed the e'g^r store of.en: no picaiiaruy abcu. the prleceer a: :ha time, Frank Watfisid fol'aw i. He to'd of Smith's vii'tt to W F. Crelghton'a drug fore hilf an bear bjforf the enoo ice ; s^.vr Paiilie-s pass tha staro whi:o ?m a was si> liog th:ro:n. A recses ft'3i then declared until 2 o'clock. For an hour bef:re tb= re - .^tbii-.g cf the court th^ cro^'i i;: f.-:n' o't ..: hoi d.ojr, W3S very brge cad aniiec. .¦- ; d ths openlog of the doors. About. 2 o'e cstie doors were thrown cr>en and ¦<.:.¦<: 11e clock had tickelcffone mii^'e ererylsth of available fpice cu'eide of £=. r>%r *a' cc- cupled. Tbe ecrimb.-^ fer :ha bee* -ott rf observation wss tetpn=e!y exc I z, ard those who ecu d pretroded beir beads through tbe iron railing which s*par> t tt e bar from the epcca'.cr.', e flrtt oa one i'g ard then oa ;.e I .r tbrcngh tbe moo : -. ca ¦' wltnesse?, fram wh-m e t Ung peelaily ea« tartainlcg bad iesa exf e Upon tbe "pc-uin? cfco ir: 2Ir. ZtroHU! Wis reca.ied by tba defuse ia order to manifest an a legeJ d'r;rcp->r,cy between bis and P-.'^r Li^han'^ c'eo?e la e^ard to tho position of tiep t sa t he Urne of the she: t c?, e c. Officer Ttcer te-f ced to esel -.g PhHHps toingnpLsoil ? t between Prioceasaod Qaeea. tf el^hr c'e:cck on tio night of tie ebottag; a tar tte ebo>tog beard Lieu:. Smith :-Is Officer Taylor to lock Phlliipe or; Licat. Smith and Officer Tay¬ lor were acetd of w:;a.=J in rey^irirg to tbe scene of tbe traged;; prlc ner w&sabci t aqnar-'erof a iqa.ra f :m Cpt aCroia- man's binss when «incsssaw n;m. Dan. Eenry keiw Capi o!a Cro?sm6E; badondetstoodibst See t owned >.-:e h:u-« sheÜVfd in. Otj-ciou vn* mae'e to tfcla quastion by tbe d fees?. V. t .eft siw Phi¬ lips at S o'clock on tho night of tb» shott¬ ing comiog f em h direc 1)0 of Cirit a Cro=rtna rfl hrtg ; ba"i 'nKcn r. j. a s of beer io w t i bs's '.o:s. t t eight; ctta: to MJ bousa occa^icca ly. F. S:hwaö testified t< d c^esd ectni g his bar-room P.rd dfi kino a c'q-'s of beer abcu. half nvt eg t o'co k oa tta niti t of 'in slso ti g. B-as'cn bent th was next rn''-.-. the a'.and. Wa; a o'ph:w o* ti:- '. ;«-.»: d; r-ir: latter earl; in tbe ev^'nz before tbe shooting; Smi b tofci* c ;-<»r rcr-;' ; n'gbs he* was lu Jots; P:i! \m ri'trcd h;j ttore on the night lo quc-:i u and askei for a light; bad cic<bt bold of the'lighter and held t. ; wis almost prai Iva be didn't light his cigar ; con:d biv.- eeao tha back room from the liebte'. Cros.1 es^rn'ord. Positive i blilfps did not ÜEht c!t?ar; pris¬ oner occa-icnaiiy c»me io bis s:oie. I. M. K-ll was theo sworn. Saw Pailiir.a and Jjho E^rrison la lh3 dor.r of the El Dorado EoU39 before eight oVork ; they were taking exci'edely, hut d de'e nppcEr angry with each other; speke to tha two men and after pasMost by rein-t kji. "Y^u two lcrk dangercc?," wh»n %Ir. Bir.i cn replied. ,,Ye», and dacon?d dangrroa?. too," Had beard tbe ebo'a &a bour and a half later lo tbe- evening and ;an to tho ecene cf tbe tragedy and taw Smilh borae to Mr. Sehwab's boase. Siortly alter Ibrce o'c'.-ek las Cjmuna- wealth's Attornay a^noancrd tb*t tbapro*- ecu Ion wccld rest the c^se for the present. Mr. Breatta'd be hoped tbe o*se wou'd lie over until Mondä?, aa the defence had to have tiae to arrange teäticaoay acd cjc« mit. Tho court wa* then sdj .creed until Mou. day morning at 10 o'clock. The Alexandria Gazette. The Alexandria. Gazette has Ja-i en- tered epen Its 93 d year. I: is aiwavs newsy and raüib'.o and la very bright and Itvelv for a?.?. We wish \, :> very barpy Year..Danciile Xeghler The Alpsu-dbla Gazette reecbed Ü3 93 d birthday on Jaomry 1. That m kes It tbe oldest newspaper In tbe S:ate now llv« Ini. while fcnndrods bava gcoo before "where the woodbine twipetb,"-iuncii«ro Nexc9. ' ¥ .--6».*-- Ween great prepare-t'cms were bslrg made in London for tha ce'ebra lon of tba Great Qasen'b Jabllea, loyal citlz cs srx- fous to partlolp* e, were rapidly cn.;Lc; alt their aches atd paln3 b'forebacd, by a gece-cua o=e of ga'vatlon 0 I. Give It ;o the c:l:dreo. Püy-'c'ons pre* sctiba it. Tbocsands use it. Sold by »U dealers. Dr. Bail's Ceugh Syrup. Price 23 cents. What a Woman Can Do She cennot walk so many milee arccsd a billiard table wltb notblog to est. aed cotbin2 ( n spesk cf j to drink, but she bto walk the florr all nlgbf, with a fretful baby, witb-.u' g- lng ecned aeleep tbe first hs f boor. Lo-; of sleep wl>h bab es is uoknowi where StooebrKket's Gum Syrup Uu-ed, Price 25 ct9,

Transcript of Alexandria Gazette.(Alexandria, VA), tie!atc3t pro?05:dsett!em;otcfthai deb: is...

Page 1: Alexandria Gazette.(Alexandria, VA), tie!atc3t pro?05:dsett!em;otcfthai deb: is motefivorohie to tec State, and, ol couräf, morea-tfavorahb to the cradit;:?, thaa



The Chicago fair has been, and is cow

btto- roa i.'j the interest; of tbe republicanpariv, be', ali the e;me, its manazc-rs have

haJ to coma S"<n h, and to taa democra'?.

lor '.js oa:icapab'4 cf delivering the ccrst

attractive -d Iresa at the dedicatory csreac-

cli? rc-zt Oj'obsr. Acd the democratic

So v.b. evt-r re-.d? to go more than ca:f way

towar" tbe ree-s ab Uhmeot cf the relatlone

thatahacidsnbslat b c^-een people of coe

conotry. hss eupp iei tha" mm ia the per

Bon cf Sir. B-ecfciari "ge of Eautccky. Bat

eo intense are =nms of tin South-haters In

other pa-ts of tbe North that they object to

bis selection, acd say the address shot; d te

delivered by a r«r»h«>ra m^n

A BILL is new bitvre tue legislature for

the adopMon of tba Ass.ra ian eysttm cf

voting in V.r^inia. Whj an almost unripi-

mous democratic lexie'atcre s'.oald desire tc

change a perfectly f ir ejrUm of voting,end cne hy which tho on trammelled voter»

«Ire a democratic rr-j *rl'y cf from forty tc

fi '.y tr.oa.a d, no b;d/ cm teil, fzcepi

those who think it p;cp£.- to tike poor in¬

sane Virginia females from ih? care cf experteccjd pbysieiaas cf their cwns.ate, and po

them in charge of wonao doctors from New

Eoglaan, attd win deem it right that three

members of inc Farmers' Alliance ehoe'e

fix the- freight ncd passenger rates cn all the

railroads la tbe S

Tsk U. 3. Koura of K-;.r,s5a'ative3 ye:-

terda.-, by a vote of 2:7 .o 11, adcpltd a res¬

olution against euas'.diea ;a any snaps cr

farm. Tha't wa'jrjst what it ehouid hi.v<

done. Of course, caving done ho, it",

that is if tt ü±72 any regard icr legic cr con¬

sistency ia Iis p-oceedtog?, cr for the goodopinion ot the immense majori y of the peo

p e b» whoe8 votes it r-is elected, vote for

a frt.-e eilver bill, sc it la said i: will do, fo:

euch a b'.ii would give the silver mine c»n'

ersoftfch country and the importers o

foreign silver a bounty cf twenij-Sve ceud

oa every seveaty-oects worth of silver thejcce'd dump at tbe t'oo's of ;he mints.

So raB, at least, en lay within tfce poöe:

cf the cemccr.iiic Governor and tbe decc-

cratic Icgielat crc cf Virginia, G:C. ilabcne

ha3 be a vindicated, that is, in respectcfhifrc-pudiiticg cjure^ on the eo'j ct of the

S.ate d'.j1:, f;r, ic::r"icg to cneir state-

mint?, tie !atc3t pro?05:dsett!em;otcfthaideb: is mote fivorohie to tec State, and, ol

couräf, more a-tfavorahb to the cradit;:?,thaa crea the rcpct]ir*ticg Biddleberger b.ii.

Ear, bad as it h, n= tbers ij no immediate

c'aencfc of improving it, i: hai bet er bo r.c

ceptetl a3 5-oa <x3 possible, thit the dir-

agreer.ble thing mjy bo e.t kasi removedircm e'gbt. _

Tbe ACTION ol tc;:' Federation, or

E^g'&nd, in r3fosing 11 p»=2 rrsolutiona cf

coctJoiesca wi.h ths grief-3t(i.ken roja

fan:ly cf their otvo couity is ia markedaotl decided y unfavorable contrast withth t of the people of Ireland, whose newe-

pap;r?, cf 'crj b'fa i jDJ.utitela expreseirgeiacsre rc-gr t for ths diatu cf the young

ptiocn ard cLc- deepest syapa'.by with hit

eorrewteg family.Mb. \Tsight, cnitf cf tae national bur^c:)

of statistic-, =sy; the competition of woaot

witb m?n, in occ^p^tioni enca ths excludefijid of ;h» tatter, tfearJs to decrease the mar¬

riage, and inerte- tbe« divorce rats. Thatilr. Wrlsh; ia correct is glaringly apparentia New Ehland, whore wemsa nowengsgein most all th? r*»r*fn ond Drrfjesions.

A E?S0Lt7noN was to:rjüuc9d in the U8 Kocsj of H3pre33ats.ives y;ate diy fjr t

special committee to investigate ctarget-agatnH tto mjna^emsnt cf the census bu¬

reau. That ioves.Ration should be made

before another doliar is appropriated for cer. .

sue purposes.£EOn VVaüüIi*210*

[8p*Cta.! Corregyonionci cf Ok Alesattriria Goaetie.'.WA33iN9rorr. D. C. Jan. 16 18:2

E 0. Mayo of Westmoreland county, Va ,

S c -.d-'t at West Pdnt, having failed to pasethe requisite examinations there, a vacancyhas been causon, wnich will ba ti led by t>

competit'.^e ezemioatton soon to r>e beid inthe first Congreirionai district of Virginia.Congressman Jooea cf Virginia, at the In-

B anco of committees of tüe Virginia legisla¬ture, has requeued ths Sacretery of tbe

"Navy to detsL an ongiaeer to survey ana

rnak* a plot of the oyeter Deds (a tba waters

of Virginia. Mr, Tracy rap;led that bewenld consider the rtquetit Bad tnswsr it byletter.a delegation from Mllfftukee is hero to-

day engaged is en :n lo oreats a feslincin favor cf that city as the place for holdingthe next national democratic convention,They say the Germane of tbeir State haveoome to tbe democrats os acconnt of theporaonal liberty which the latter favor, andchat if the convention pe held in Milwaukee,Wiecsniln will c»s: nsr vote for Its nominee

Cocgreeeman Dm Lcckwood of the Buffa¬lo, Mr. Cleveland'- old district. New York,Who had teid yesterday's GiZBTTE'3 Inter-

viewf.'wlth taa Virginia Congreiemea on theenirjec: of tbe most aTatlabie man for tbenest demcora'.ic Presidential candidate, saidthis msrsicg trte election of a democraticPräsident de ^ecda upon ths veto of NewYork, and the question cotv is whether fit;tor Cleveiaad, or a man outside cfNasyYork,Will bo most likely to carry that State, andthat that qceBtloa is as prominent In Net?York as elsewnere. He said there are

plenty of men onteide of £?ew York whocoald carry that State, and that Mr. Oar-2tsle is one of them. To this Mr. Oerath,who wee sitting near by, beartiiy assented.S nator Colqnitt, who bad also read tbe ia-

i^rvleivs, b-'.'i It weald never da to take a

joan New York might not want,ARonf those wfco ffili öeilyer oglogie-g gn

the Jate Gen W. H. F. L'e In tbe House cn

ids G b proximo, the day set apart for them,are iles^rs. Breeiioti?ce of Kentucky. Cuca-mlng« cf :>=v» York, Wilson of Wcet Virgin¬ia, and Hi^sra. Mereii.h, Tacker sni Ei-mnods of Y.rginia.Gdt. flJeer baa base la oosaltaiioo witb

Secretary Blaine, Senstor Qsa? and ex-A"- jri;:act Postmaster General ClarksoD, with |(tie Otj'SjOt 0? fcffeC.log =3033 agf$60230t bywhich, li for Borne reaioa cr other Mr. Blaise3ösl cot be nominated, tbe anti-Harrisondf-le^atcs easy hiri ecjtne other mao, poisi-b:y bin:?-:'.', to Ii b;cl: Epra.

v?ne:her the 'rebel brLadis.-ö'' wealdhare been !c oootro! cf tbe HoOrO if Kr.Iii.;? böd been e ecied Speaker if uokncwo,be: that tha ez-Co^'ederates are lo: in c:n-

troi of it new ia cerüc. T^a: ccc'a le tbe

fact la 3o evidea*. teat it 13 reccgr/.2:d byevery bod? bare. A e*se la point. A re?o» |lu'.iou was prepared by a Sinthern d^mo-cratlc mcm.or, too ycasg to hivo te?a intbe war, to pa" r-a tbe roil of th:- Hon e em¬

ployees an ex-Cioa eo;dic-r who up in one

occasion bad rtssed his cwa life to tts.'tai a

C--n'edera:o prisoner unje: hi-ciarge. I:Wi3 OitG.-r.':!? tbcugo: that i: woe d ce

more graceful acid show a batter faelrngilthe re=o:a ion were lotrodaeed byaanConfederate seh10-; bat acnecoaid ba t'euedto do ei, goes tbj -c:icR because it m'ght baoi jec lonabie to iceir cwj constituents scdothsra b6CiB3o they thought it woe d standa ba'ter cnasce ifiu'redaced bv a Ljrt'Qtroman,and oaf-, °. dls bgalsbed efficer,' e:i.rjse,oe si"?, the Speaker thlofcs it better thai;be ex Confederates ia th a Congress sboa dstav ia tbe back ground.Toe retu'oiicaa m.-mbsrs of the Senc'e

jadiciary 0002211 tee waat to horry a? tbfi<tavorania report upon tbe- nomination forolrcolt jodgs cf Ja ige Woods, who evertedb j deeleioa n order to prote t ' B o-;k' 0'Fve" Dai:eT, ba: tcMemocr: t S*n: t rs doing 0 1 t c-y cm t j prev-; t ai t on on

t is niaiiu too u: t tie ritirnof BenitxVoorb'*»', wi I d t oolv pr-far charges»gyn t tie Jadgebit t;ecw t t e

mo t v«>e:u;lve e^id oc\Au old sx.d experienced New Tork

c n :c pcii ic sn here t -d^y, siys Lr-o'r-y:: 2 toaicee for th-j co:Lirg demcc-a"-c -e:i»:or froa» Kew Ytrj «:it bt ex-

Miyor p.".- e-".: >' orEreirniac Cbapin 0.'tbatrity, mi that then-h he wi l i-c cpro:id by3n We- d ^r.d En'Ve Teckr-^n hi? is f-.e'r¦e;^ Brioklyr, n I r tbe newTeapportiotnteat,will bo in i 'fd to a raire ajjinrlj-men. Hea!?o sty? <h»t Hill ^jilhare z'j. fire c-jri:yof th- d hgatrS f-ora tha .S-a'.o to the nvio.»!doTicer-.tic ^o.-.rrn'i n. Jei^ing cat of toe coa&tih>so fr-o.-.j Ne* York' it/ and Irj-.klyr, all ofwhoa h-? i h*T?.Zx-^tn :or Ghee ofVirgiaia, a:w lomherin¬

spector in Aiaika, a Mähen: appointee, is here en

a fail'-Oih.Work on the Washington and Arlington 5a:'-

r:ai is rn5periJc!, and ha.? br>erj for .(rne timeK A. G'.lcs waa to day apr-sitit d ro3 m» tor tt

Kit nztar, Kelson county, Vs., Tics J. M. Berke¬ley, ie;:eatd.Ar?uine-:s were m3e '0 d .y b*'ore the Hone

comtL.:: ee cn toe el- c'i'n cf rie : :es: ai ¦'. Vice-President in favor rf a Ccn?titQti .nal araetdraer::proTi i\nz for the ele.-'.ion cf C. a. S.-natcrjlyaeire't Toto of the peorle.The mimbirsof theEo"sic mmititoon f;roi«n

affi'rs eal e-i cn Secrst-.ry to-d*y. H?sp ko in favor of the Nicir,g33 canal, bat sudterer a Wtrd <vb -.a: ChiliJcdrc Ii -:3e?of E«nfncky ha; cecliredtbe

ro ition o* member of the int»r3t»te commerce«rorr:iision for which he Wia nom.iiiatci list^eek.

JfEWS TJ1S LiY.Very c;Id weather is pre»al:irg in the

northwest.Taomas A. Eli^n la s^id lo have

paUctc-d aeys erj cf t3"e3raphicg w'.tbco:wires.Cardical G'tb;C3 bss written a letter

:l?irg his rFBioos for Opposing tbeLoCiisrjp.lottery crmpany.Higb wat?r h repor'ed ia nai? cf tbe

r'vers f-orn A:abarna to ITaw Earjipslire-nd each damesje hi: been done by over-ü3w3.WilvC? A. Wooj,cz-aeaibar of Coasress,

and .'araoct as ac laveater cf mi(?e'i andreepirs, died at Hoosiok Fall?, N. Y., yes¬terday.A rr«v's»!:o was effered in tbe Hesse

yeitetday by Mr. Anderson, of Weit Vir¬ginia, to look into the minegcment cf the-Oen^us Office.Thexnijority report of tbe ccmmUiea on

acconc'B, for tbirty-ssven cterke0 c:maaitteej, wee agreed to !a thn Hoassyeaterday aftsr which tbe House adjonroedtill Monday.Tberp L3 no ' wir t 'k,! in Va'oaralfo,

where t ä:-em? t be cxptit d titt tie Ba!«t more slf*lr w;;i eooa be p tt ed ; bit laVT'ashia^-n t is be'iewd t i.t a crieia isapproacaicg aod t t we.r may resc t

Tbe President and hia cabinet diseoescd:be Cbilisn fitoaticn yejtc-rday. Th5 P.-e;-idsat has cocc:nded hia examination of tbediolomo'ic correspondence ia tbe contro-?crs7. Taerc is continued activity In navalpreparations, and toe talk of war still g:esoa.

Alicntt, N'xon & Gold bsrongb, whole3i!e boote sed sbee-, in Baltimore, failedy»?terday aa a resalt of tbe Ea-paroB'oa cfNlcboieon'^ bBck. The assets are $75.CGOlo conaec i »0 with N cbolpon'e failure, also,» bill w?s Ü ed asking that f he BaltimorePub l^fcinii Company, which Id prlaclpalijiwced hy the bank, be wound up. Mr.Johns H. £. Nicholson la lceace, end it is.hca.^bt his mind ;s forever gonr. Some ofhe creditors who went to 1 he bank yester¬day wanted their money wbetber or set,and but for tbe presence of a detective therem'ght have been some rcenes.

7IE-3ISIA J35WS.The rivers lc portions o' tbe Slale ha7e

bosn greatly 9«oIen by tbe heavy rales.A bill was Introduced lo the Legcl&tnre

yesterday to allow women to praotice law.Jjhn M. Laogeicc, colored, 9ay<) he and

Genera! Mabone are now cn friand'y r;rmp,and that tnetr forces are do? nalted, andwill endeavor to carry tb.3 S;ate for Har«risoo.Tbe ignorance on tbe Lnrsy loo, amonnt-

lag 0 <87;O0O, has been paid by the d.ffir-ent compaols.-t There la co7 no protpsstof its belog rebollt, as tbe insurance moneygo$s to pay eff tbe purchase money,A strong opposition is belog manifested

in 'ha State Senate to tbe bill ps83«d by tbeEoa?3 a few days ego aatboriz ng the era-

p o.mer.t of a f.mäle pbyeictac at f«ob oftbe lunatic asylums In tbe8:at9. Unlessthey cso get some assistance the frisada oftb's measure believe that it will ba defeatedin the nppar branch of tbe Legislature.John H. Alsxtnder has eold his wall-la-

proved farm of 170 acres, two milei south¬west of Leeaborg, to Mr. T«cbiftiiy, a whole¬sale druggist of Washington, for $11.000,end tbe farm of Jimss Priest, 290 acres, nearMidd ebarg, b&s been sold to B. F. Bostonfor $15 per acre. Tbe comsitslbner in tbecase of Sbry V5, Sbry has sold tbe tract cfUS acres lying between GoresTiile and tbePotomac river to John Athsy for $0 55 peracre.Tbe botsl on ''Stony Man," cne of the

highest points on tha Bine Bidge, Pageconnty, was totally destroyed by Sro Wed¬nesday nlgbt. Tae boaee was only a pl»ln,snbstantlai frame struofare. ?nd the lo:?, itis said, will not exceed $2.000 or $3,000. ItIs believed tbe house was set on fire bythieves who bad carried away some- cf tbeiarnitare. Tbe bnildlog vras tbe propertyof a company from the North cad WAS iQ*

ASSOCIATED P3SSS DISPATCHES.The late Duke of Clarence.

LondonJin. 16..Prsprüa ioae for tnefan-eral of the Dake of Clarence and Avondaieare balcg made. The details hare not been

arranged, ha: It isannonnced positive y thatthe interment v i'.I take place at noon Wtd-ns^day. Toe body will be placed in thecjp: ia S:. George.'* Chapel. I: ia beiieredthittbe statements regarding the conditioncf the QieenV* health °re grossly exag^erat-eJ. r»as is gTeiilv £ili::ed by the deat'r o.'her favori e grandson, but tbat she le serl-oas'y unwell is no: shown by the arrange¬ments that have been made for her presenceat the funeral ceremonies. Her Hnjestywiii reruiln at O-bo.-ne Rouse onti: iTuec-day miraiag when 3'ae wiii proceed by spe-cia train to L-.ndon and will arrive a:

Wiodsor Cestie early on Tueeday. Thebody of the dake will be conveyed from

Sindrlng'aam and will arrive at WindsorC as Is on the seme day.

I: hn been ascertained this the Q teen remains in goal health.She drove oat yesterday in company withPrioceee Liaise and th9 Dake and Dach^ssof Concaught. So3 personally dictated to

the Lord Casmoariain her orders in regardto tae sta'e monraln^. To-day a messagewas rrcived a: Windsor CasrJe, directingthat the royal aporlments be placed in read-iae=3 for cc:uoac? by Her Mijesty.The body of tha Tv.'ze was removed from ?&r.-

cringkära hill to the Pari=h Church this morning.

Fire and Loss of LifeNi.w Yobk Jan. 16 .Van Tassel's b;g

seven story brick gra'a elev. i r and ware¬

house, corner of 13.a avsnce and west 11 hb reet, was destroyed by £;e this momicg,i g t ier with t :e o.d etables cf the Knicket.

jborksr Ic3 Co, involving a !o?a of abcat

{$230.000. It U known tbat t vo wotkmei

I peri-hei in t le dimes 6n1 it ij feared thatothers lc- t taeir lives. There were severalcarrow and thrilling escapes.Wan t.e fire wv.3 discovered tlx men were at

w:ik on the tcp :1 or of the Wirebca=e aai the

| C:st wttrn'.cg they had was wheo thick clouds cferrors pcared ij upon them. They re»de a rs?hto e;cipo by way of thestair3. Two of them tnrx-

bled heidloag down to the 4 Ji but/ and madefor '.'is wirdows. There was a rope attached to

on? of the windows, and down tbi? thry aiid to thestreit Another of the men climbed down a «i:e

c*tli sttscho! to the grata shut«, to a telegraphpolo and thas n a:h:d tho street. He was proi-tra, cd by smoke. Henry Eopp fe'l bick over¬

came Ly smoke, m * petijhed in ;h; thmes. JohnKi as fy, another of :hs carpenters, is alto sap-

p-s-d to ra7o been birncd to death. All the

otht-rs in tha building i: is believed made tiüir


Hesitation.FvOi£S, Jan. 16 .The bishop of Green

Bay, WiH., the Rt. Bev. Frederick X*vlerKi'st, D D, hs3 sent his retittnatton to

the Vatican. It will cot bs accepted.

Egypt's New Ruler.Catzto. Jan. 18..Prince Abbis, the ntw Etc-

dive. thi3mcrti:tg ecte:fd the htrbor a: Akxsndria from Trieste oa board a steamer. The

ateaittcr ~ as scccmpsnied by a nnmber of war¬

ships, which, aa they entered the harbor, thunder¬ed forth a rojsl salute The Zgyp iin ycskIstook np the refrain md from their gnna belchedfl.ra: and snoka. Ail the vessels were bedeckedin rainbow sty e and the sijht wa3 very pretty.At 8:30 o'clcck the Ebedivc landed and re

ceived with great cntka-iasm by the principslcivil and miiitaiy-ßi ials and a{,avrd of honor

ccmpotet of British and Jgyj t:sn trcops. At 10

o'c o:k he tock a s;eci»l train and preceded to

Cairo._mm- MmrnM - -.

Cold Wea'ber.Chicago, J:n 16 .Sptciab from vtiioa3 por¬

tions cf the Etato indictt) tint tho wave is one of the mojt severe of any in re-

cert years, the thermometer at various pointsstanding at from 13 to 30 decrees below zerc,with n ) immediate p.ojptct o' a change to warm¬

er weather. Frcm Biveral points an alsrrrl.ig In¬

crease of irflaeezi i3 reported &3 one of tho re-

eul'-s cf the co d ansp.

t hurch Burned.W^FHrN-gtos, D C, Jan. The fimoca

Chorch of the Covetaat, at theinterte tioa of

18th and M. streets and Ccnaett'eut sv-na",caaghr. Ore this evening in the chapel, and at half-

past fm . o'c'ock was tti 1 burning wito Ltticornoih-nce ofs»7ing it.

TELEGRAPHIC JBBE7XTTSS.Geo. H. Botitball, bailing from Washing-

t -c. D. C, was found dead in his b;d atthe International hotel in New York, thismeriting. He wa9 a Virginian and was inNew York cn legal business.A year ago Silas Coulter, a wealthy farmer,

ÜTiog near £acltS:oMa ia, Mich , wasmuid.r.d.-aepicbn poin.ed to h.o son Willum. with whemhs hid tot been cn tool terms, and tho youngman wbs arrcs'el. Tae trial resulted In the ie»

quital of the son. Last sight the son, at . re¬

vival meeting cf the Froe Methidists, profeestdreligion and confessed that he murdered hisfather. Ho was arrested.Major E. B. St&himan hifi been elected com*

missioner of the Southern Sal way & IsteemihipAskc'3 ion couselidated with tho Soutberalilreiisippi Vailty Astociati n at a silary offlftaos tbecsaed dollars per annum. Thosss.cistioo new cmbiarrs all the railro dlines scuth of the Potomtcani thaChio and wa t-

watd to ihe Mississippi river. The hetdquartersof the (Ompeny wi.l be at At'anta.Tho Citlzen>' Bank of Horfollr, Vs., obtained an

attachment to day agdast property in New Yorkbeloagiejr to Joseph H. Cctf rs & Co., eof.on deal-era of Phtlsdeiphia, for ?il,TOO.The 8t. Loai3, Alton and 6prin*£cld JEk<lroa£t

commonly known ai the "Bicff Line" is about tob: fio.d io saiiify the judgments against Is.

Dr. C. Eilsworib Hevi't is located op inNew York psodiag a eoit cgslts tin byJob n O. Bowman, a lawyer in Paiiadelphia,for $100 600 Bowmao azks this amooot cf

] Hewitt fur mining his wifa and aliens hgber BfJ-ciicne. Bowman alleges that Dr.Hewlt: drugged hie wife while attendingfier professionally, and then assaulted ber.

A ooa*armed boy In Augusta saved fenrpersons from drowning f be: Dr. Bali'sCough Syrup has saved us thousands fromooreamptioo.Toe ass of highly isasoned aoimal food

and alcoholie drinks are the prtdi poringcauses of gent. When aware of its presencelose qo time io procuring Salvation Oil, Ikills psiSi Scents,

Tis Phillips TrillAt the close o; :bo Gazette's repcri ves-

'erday i: was eta'ed ;hst tee venire ia thePaiilips case, now beisg tried ia tbe Corpo¬ra: on Ccnrr, had b;en coxp'sted by theea.ecticn ofMfssrs. Miilard Padgett aid W.H. Davis. Prevloostotb.eHsnrj Wilct J.E. Trier.yer and J. H. Brtiosoe bad case

orccgh: forward a:d qas t oeed, but bed^rover. themselves incapable of si t ag on

nejory, hivlrg. as h y averred, ex^res^edopinions retrftr^icg I ha sb'c. iog.

Bixt en mea &;so ^elected, theprisoner, io tne eztrcis;- o- t :e rrivilegegratt d ia :cc 3 ci-es, exce; t -<t to feer f.jtno number (olfser?. Jamas E^aietb, O.Hopkins, W. Li Atkinson and J. R Jasper,ann t ley were s»r l£c3 . ftT^e recidinitt t 7t Ive were t ei s?:crn,the

itdlciaent agaioi: Pr.' ips <?»s teai end tiejiry charged, »f:er which Mr.Lsonsrd Mar-oary, t 12 Commonr,a; h's Ac orney, pro«csed-rd to et; t -hi eis-fram t e e andp:istof tfce proseca-fon- E= e*d, m aob.'tar.ea,thatca the ti h: of ib^ ~i1 cf Jast Ja yGtc:ge s. rjmiti lef: hi- b Jiae for tfce pur¬pose cfproiuing medicine for ; i-» wiff; oat

ba p-eceadtd do»L tr-e i r^c-t as far Mr.W. F. Creigotoo'.- d<u< -"re, ootaioed thamedJoice, entered ioto oacersatioa wi n *

friend, ted later wi h hi-: coea^aaior: enter, da sa-oon fid r.raek a g'ass of beer. Oaieav-ioe; :.h-. -aloca the- two walked aben:midway t .o west side of tbe fq:a o oa

Soyat a reer, between K:ng ard Cameron,creased ?o tba east eiae end proceeded {a

far as t e southeast corner of B yal aidCameron streets, where tbe two mtn ra tedand continued tceir ta k. I: was r. btie ihasengstei, pcacefai.y aod usirrnid, toaltbwas espied by J-ff.z^n Pösltlp*, who withMr. rr. 0-ri=oo wa-«eitLg in'.tie deirsaycf toe E. Dorado Hoes.-, on Cameron s:re^:.

Paiilips abruptly brought the conversationto a c:cs», crcseed tt e sires: to wbero ibedece£2?.1 was stand:.- g *. i h bis friend, ocdeic aim ng "George I r-r-daced a re¬

volver a: d sä q roily a= L-a o.U:d fire-dabiil into las beuj or bij, who etartc-dto roc to tba opposite coraer and while tbnseags-:--: wai cgain sh:-t b? Pbiliip3 endso wounded that b.s death fji.cwid loa short apace cf lira?. Tha Coasaoswealth,the sp&aser eaic, ii tUla that iba pracedarewo3 rintf'erin tlif: S:=t degree, bav:ng heeoeatc.fd with tnaiiec efore:b:agat, which (nreality emconted to lying In wait, as cn tbeotHtit o? :bo shooting tbe accc:.G bad vi:it-td oeyeral places it wa-; no' b:s woo: to en¬

ter, tu: pis.^s wbiie be knew bii victimwa= most .isely to ba foaad. The prisonere.nd the deceased had pitted oa g;cd :trm?,tco, bot a fjiv hccr-i before the enactment c-fthe crime. Mr Me.:b;ry then sacoioct.'yexpiaintd fhe diUireat phases cf mardar,homicide, Sc:., aad said tha burden of prov-iig Poiijij-a's crliae murder in tee Oret de¬cree rest:d cn tbe Commonwealth, and tobeiiovid the j jry, in aceordscco with theiroa;hs, wcuid rtndcr each a verdict.Mr. Samuel G. B.*fcr, for the prisoner,

then proceeded to picture tha case a? view¬ed b> tbe defeacf. To do thie, tue speakersiid, it wcu.d te neceeeary to go back: semeyears and re7*8tsr the i?esand staodiog of¦ be prisoner and tho deceased. The frittertad been born cf hi-est and retpactedparents and bed had every advantage ofoarefnl reerictr Oa tbe other hiDd, tbeprisoner, tbe cü pricg cf poor parents, at aier.der ege was ou: into ine world ro=crarrib:o for an e- xUtecce. D.-barred of elltbe !; fl jer:c:.s which teod to ic-im character,wi:n ao encral treieicg. bis e&riy batits can¬not bs wcndcied at end bad bitn socfi as

m'ght have btea ezpec'.ed. He bid no one

near and dear to blm to guide his waywardateps, and in corse cf t-ine he bectme in-fataa-ed wi:h one Cep'.to.'a Cre-jsmsa. Inan evil mcm?r t tbe deceased aiso contract¬ed ac .'n;ace f ver over the eame woman.Wbec tbe latter bee?me aware of tbe feetthat th? clj c: of bir in'atun ion bad her a'-fectioud re.-.tered on the prisener hr becimeooeaay, folio w(d hi- lira: ar-d w^a ps.*3:stentI ;b'.a erid-.avors to raiaiiana.and bedgcn9so far ea ic te:; the pä-rner that bema*: c?e-:e bis sttenlion3. Ia the coursa cfperseco:)on to which the pr:sc:t>er had beensntjected he had be?o errosted at tha In-stajce of the d'csescd, snd on one occasionthe latter, whiie in <h* bocss cf nie innamo-ra;?, bad declared (p ae-ing his batd behindtin) that be wou:d ^ever re-;-: n ttl be badtbe prUoner'd heart's bleed. PDÜlipj badendeavored to stfer e'ear of bis rival, endmaoifested no d-s're to break the peace oftbe Cosimonweslrr-., bnt tbe deceased badpersistency doused tis steps, and baviogsean the prisoner cocduo'iog si m? «?sme ofescorting nature at a race c.Uise in Alex¬andria ccuoty, LH egain manifested Liem&lica by having bim arres'ed Ar anothertime be bad bad btm arrested at tbe Croes-man wrnun'd housir, the dc-ce^std B^earicgcot a warrent against him for alleged a-

eailt and battery the hcetf3? andhod b'm fined. The prleccar didn'. kcowwhither :o go or what to do la order toevade the malice of bis nerssitatcr. Dayspa ?ed on, however, and be Imagined teede :cfl3ed bed ceased bounding him. tha twom !S having me: In company and the de-CJ&aed apolot zicg for hia conduct. Teeprisoner accepted ibe apo'egv lo good ,'aub,b it In en exceedlrg'y ebor: t mo be bad tbebist reason to supptss bis former adversoiyh*d become as maii^&snt as ever, as bis per¬secutions bad asscmad a mere exaspsraticgphase. Being at the Crcs^on woman'dbon-easbort time befcre the shooting tbedeeeised, before three or four witr.e as?, bßdr< furred to a sister cf tbe acen ed in a mostontrageous manner, paying ' she is no ac¬

count, I have been tbe recipient of her fa-vorB-bn; In mcch stronger iangcage.That's what tbe prisoner was compelled tolisten to, tbe stieg and grief of which befcnre lo silence end lo solitude. His wee

was hard to bear, but be ccoldntt endurethe ecorpion sJngs of a sleter'a al.eged dis¬honor from one who hsd showed hlrnsslf toba bis Implacable Ic was la thia conditier,of mind that the so' fpr wblcb be i? ab-ut tobe tried was oomseUtcd, 7b?ra was no

stealth, no lying In wai-*, no seeking tbewanti n producer of bis poignant grief, batbe mse'.s him ic a public highway, In tbepresence cf wltnu-e*, and w.tbin ao houror two after that bis sister's honor bad beenattacked la Capltcü* Grcssnjin'd hcnis. be*fore tflvera! peopl? " Mr. Brent tnen pro-c-:od?5 to contravert certain mlcor detailswhich tbe Commonwealth's Attorney btdgiven concerning the pc-sltfon in wh'cb thedeceased was sUadicg at tbe t.his b^ was

shot, and referred to two psrsoos (whoanobody h»s beon able to Identify) who w?reon an opposite side cf ibe street when tbekWHcg occurred, and ccnoiadsd by savlcg :

"Sow, g«ntiemen cf the j iry, if yon Cäa es«tab ieh tbe fact that tbe prisoner wai smart*hg under the oecnsatioa tbe deceased brrjmads against his sister, year verdict will bethat no reorder was committed."

It was nearly five o'clock wben Mr. Brentfinished his statement to the jury, and attbla Jano'nre the coors sr"j;arnsd till thismor&toz at 10 o'clock.

Ltsrg before 10 o'clock tho Oonrt Ecaeedcor and steps tesrjiog Into tbe room pre¬sented a »urging c3f9 oibnmanl'y.tmpatieet-ly aKa'tlcg tbe time wben tbe boita wcoldshoot back acd tbe throng be allowed to en-ter. It bslng a »oboo! holiday, the boyssere au thick as Are oa a ao.'assas barrel.!Tbe prisoner was p'aced in the dock at 10o'clock and tba doors were opened a few jminutes later. Tbe tnsb and scramble to jenter the room was exoitlog and at times'RtfttSiDg, The a&ÜQU fcortje p«hed. a'..1

! bowed smd rqasez:d themselves io'o tie

toiid rca:3 end bad any tost tbelr footing jt-jg:ant dinth would cave follcwed, as tu?ywon d surety bave been tramp ed a;it.c. Ioa 'cw m nates five hundred parsons had fi !.ed the space w.thoct the bar.

j A: ten minutes pa3: ten the Coa-t rra=

opened wita ike mej ae;al fcrmola,' O j< z,''

Dr. O'Brien was sworn and questioned byJ the Commonwealth'.! Attorney. Witcete( kiftw Smith ; mtd-a pee; mortem examine-J tlco of bis remains ; deecriced tbj course ofthe wounds; there were s x bullet boles ;one ebo: had penetrated tae bac's at the

j eighth dcr.:a! vertebra, near the spins: col-iumo.had traversed tie chess upward, cottue £ut-c:aT!aa artery, passed ovsr tbe Srctrib, breaking i: and came one a: that point.Ibis wooed waa the immediate cause ef'death. Another hid entered the flerh an¬

der the left arm, cn a 1'ce witn the arm-pit,an j five or six inches b=iov7, under the chestmusotee, hid come cut n'covo ths left nlppi-;and buried itself io the left wrist. The tbtrdball entered tbe lef; shea.der, paest-d in be¬tween the second and thira riba and wa?

toned in tho chort cavity. Tae cec^-odbad died frcm internal Lemorrnsge. Tr_ewttccse was it-en etcwn tbe bullets. Ftreibu.let rras th8 cr.e wtticb csnsed death, theeub-clavUo ^rterj having L.ta severed by I*.Tue thud wecket would in ail prcbabili»ynave ciused death, white the second wa9sur e fi:ial.Z ro Hill wosuest placed on the stand.

Eis testlmcny, ia eubctance, was as foliowt:He hud met Mr. -Emith at the no t .westenner of Kin? snd Brjal elreets betweenai-n' and ha f-pas: nice o'clock on tue-

nisi t of th*i tragedy; shut he walkedfrith smith to Calmes' rett uro: t where^ici: drank a g!&t3 of bee?; mat cn leavingtie rr:l urent Smith sad be wes pcieguoa?, ar.d witness remarked, ' I witi walkas far aj C^m-rca etrce. with jcc;"trrv.tney paired up Rojsl :t*eet and crosted ttho eo3t side of ibp street on the fiicgicg to

f.-ont of Ftsher'a it re and waiked to thes:n h:a;t comer uf Boral a:d Cameron

j streets where t :cy halttd t fitttsh a can;er¬

as' ion roiatiVti to private matten; iLatShortly after reaching the crrcrr a man,whom be record z.ß as J'fJ. Politics, ap¬proached them frcm the ncr.h s de o- Came-run str.-et, and wea but a few feet ere witness noticed bis;tait I'hüli.'S ap¬parently started to pas3 oroonu Smith atdfcimsclf, bat halted, pronounced theword-"George Smith," and crew frcm h!3 tippocket a pistol and fired a* Smith who

j turned entirely t.r:and and rt»u ia a diagc-i na! course toward t:e northwest craerofi Cameron and Royal siree'r; that Phillipsj rat: Smith aad S:cd t^o or more ehotsI at the re:r;-aticg nvoc; witness t .en wcot to

j the northeast corner of tho s re> t r.-j a.j

»Pniiiipe reicced him he sske^: "J LT, srhjdid yen do tba<?" Pri :!ps oofc'e no re? y,and wae at tbat momei t arrested by policecfiioere. Cross-examined. Pnltlip.-* br.d noteotireiy peaked Smt i rjben be m- de thi ex

clümatioa ''G;0 ge Sml'tl'1 Ddi'tkoowof aoy unfriead.iutss exis i:g between thetwo mec.S mu-il O.rison fe t 5ed. Knew Smith;

was ibe bearer of ß meeiaga from a party inLemberg t) Phillip : ecueht him, and wssseated v i n hitn oc t is t p of tue prtv: t (

entrance to 'he E. D.-raoo H-tcss on Cam¬eron street; t iat while deliver n» Ibe m?£-sage Pni!;ip= suddenly orotG and welkid totoo corner cf Royal Eircet and erected totbe sottieaet ccrncr of the two strte'swhere two persons v;ere stardinp; t u t ios-m^diateiy thereafter s abot wae hted byPbtKtp:; e&w one of tbe men whirlaround aid ion serosa t wnrd iheucribwest corner of the it ce:s clo e \

pa.ened by Paihtpi who fi ed iff3m re shots at tbe fleeing mao r.u c

immec'iately under the electric tigh ; teeo^ Smiib niece bis band on his breast, ex¬claim ' Ob .' ' and bend fch head over andstagger; witcc-es said to Pnii.ips, .'J-.tT, whydid yon da thai ?'' The latter msde no re-

p'y Witnees dtctn': know it wee Smith tillL:en\ Smiib, the brother cf tbe deceased,weit to Mr. HarloR's front doer ond ex-

claimed, '"My God, it's Gecrge!' Cros? ex¬amined. Had fcund Pnilpips at tee E D -

rado House. Couldn't recogniza tbe partieson the opposite eide cf the e.reet. Pntilips'as ate cf mind wan not of snob a nature &= topay strict attention to what witcets was

tajicg, tbcu^b be entered into tbe sotjectdiscussed; wai running bis band tbrccghhis hair; bad flosced Jece; Pci;;ips d dn'te;em perturbeo ; uolpht bave presented an

appearanco ir.cicative of drinkicg; bidknown bim 12 or 14 yearsMary Coteniao, colored, teatifi'd tbat ehe

was sitting d the etep cf a grocery etcre attbe northeast corner of Cameroa and Rotalstreet?; e&w Mr 0 rieon and Pniliips ta k-leg in ircct cf the E; Dorado Heese; ebwtwo men etsndicg cn the southeast comer rftbe etreet.?, but did not'z > them ; eawPrjii.ips leave O.rison and cross to tbe pircewhere the two men were etacding ; saw htmdraw a pistel end fi e, sad saw a man rm

toward lb?! r.crhwcst corner of tha twoi-tr etf; saw Pciilirs running after the manand saw him S:e two more soots; tbe flie-icg man ran Into Mr. Harlow'd door, andehe Bcrearned, and shortly Afterward learnedtbat it vra- Soolth wbo bad been shoe. Smithhid ducked his head while the shots were

belog fired. During witness's testimony eheelicited much merriment by persisting In in¬terlarding it with her exclamations cn thesight of tb« ehcoticg and wbst othen hadtold he'. Cress examined, ehe in substancerepeatidher former deposition, save tbetshe icterepereed it with moto minnti9e In rp-

gard to tfca length cf tlcoo ehe had been tlt-tlng in the door, &a In deecribing wblcbside of tbe digging Phillips crowed sbs eaidshe didn't koow which was east or west.

Pater Lapben knew Smith; eaw himthe cUht cf the Bhoo'iog ; si nets wa9 ooMr. R. T. Lucas'a step at the time;»*w Pci lip3acd O.-risoa In iha docrcf theB Dorado, saw (he shooting; three shct3wore fired by Phillips; the shots were firedbffore Smith got under the electric light.Eia evidence was merely corroborative ofthat cf the previcqs witnesses. The cross*examication failed to icya :d;ts bis firstdepoeitloo, though an apparent disparage¬ment Eeemed to exist betweec his ooovicticnas to tbe boar of the shooting and that enterteioed b7 Mr. BUI, together with theiensth cf time tbe letter acd Smith wereetacding cn tho corner. He believed thaehcotirg occurred aboot haif-ptae nineo'clock. He was corslderab'y non-plo-sed,howevc, by the cocEsel for the defence put¬ting vs'Iogj intsr.'Cgationa as to tbe p s*.tiona cf the asc, length of the flUggiog,whethsr tbe bellet strack the back, «3.Dr. O'Brien W38 recalled and explained

the course of the bullets, whiob was at va¬riance the ideas of th? preceding wit*BCM.

tlini, Smith, a brother of the de*ceased, beard sbote and ran to to the sceneof the abooilog; met Phillips with pistol andturned him over to Offleer Taylor: went toMr. Jobs Harlow's boaseand Mr. Kell toldhim tbe man shot was his brother; forcedthe latter in Sir. Hsriow's door; he fell in jbis a m exclaiming, "Jeff Phiilipa shotma." Witness then deecribed what follow*ed, convejence cf the wounded man to Mr.Sobawb'd restaurant, Tbe defencennde exception every time tbe witnessquoted any cf the worrJe of bis dying broth*er r fi tctiog on the prisoner.Mr. Laghen was s-.aic recalled, and

stated where bo b&d Bten Phillipe sometime previons to having t otioed him seatedWUh Mr. Q.'.lson in doorway ot the Si

Dr. O'Srfen was also recced tio secondtime and es d Ibers no w-und oa teeüercee%d below üe waft*.

Dr. Ja«»6 w»5 ibe u*.x: » tnesspa! oo tseStaad Oj bri'ne qt£; lie 1 b? '.be defensew:'neea described tie au:e::i cf the bedy0f tec deceased tbe -os:c? made bytbe ballet?. Thoughttbe buhtt 'ris: wastheiacedi'-'e csa-e of de&tb bid z rosb ct-cesred 's front.B 11 Lotbam te t ä:^ t'-ii be wis r-^r

. be ccrner of King and Boy*l street*, beardthree reports of aolstol; r-.n to tbe c

c' Cim%roa and Boyai streets aed learnedthat Sauh bad bets sbot; went to restso<rlo'wher&be wsü lyic«. fcond biro cn hisb'clr asked Smith b wtbe shootias occur¬red, to wbic1: te rep!;- d, 41 was talfcicer andJcrT Tbitlipi sas: a,f-:*' witnesa took tfcetblostsfrom thevtccc^rd mit.'s pocket wi;hrel '!'.vea cf the dscejs d.0£cer Taylor testified that be beard

wba~seemed lo be p = o- -ho:s, ran frcras;3-:->d hoa-e to corner tf Cameron stree',met Pai.:i:.s who :.-.d a oi»;oS la b;< rightband; Ph! Hps said: "Here I »a, b-rro '?my pts'cl." Tock prisoner to the raibonsa sad aszed him what ^as t. thetrouble abec, to which -be p.Letter .eplted,"I have nothing to Eaj.'Wea. K?i! K£3 ia front a' H . iract.ioa en-

g'ne bcose at time of eboafisc; saw -lin¬

ing; beard a'.l tbe shot? ; heard Sea'/h ex«claim. "Open tbe dour, d;n'c ie: me diehere." after tho deceacsd hid reached ilr.E-rlcw'e door.Jona H Greece was ner: sw:rn. 8iw

Smith about 10 o'clock oa tba mor:;i..g ufthe shooting; aad remarked that be hadseme diffsrencs with Pali p;c-- j wan tosettle it: witness detailed how St: b metPhillipe at the Ei De-rtd ; remarked,' Jeff,you have dene me dirt, ba« I nave t \tbe satisfaction I want, let u; f= fr'eid?,*1sod they d.-s-jE together. Pali I ipa hidFheken hands with emitn and Eaid,"George, I nev r ta1 any.hira ega :

vou;" witness Boppcaad the troobleami-"eaMy settled.J M. Eili testified I saw Phi p

S3 minutes to eight o'clock cn tbe c g:t J.tbe shooting at B-exton Smith's ricar t er¬be cot a light for a char: Soevery night; Pc:l ips Ee d II rer wenthere; Ssun bad paw '¦ gj ibs r. about10 miootea past S Witnessed de;c d ihnrear ro:m ia tbe stcr* w'.urs people sit osmoke; dlda'c rea P^liip; lock intobackroom; ooold ts?e setn v;ho ~

the ro;m from the c:.?*r. :^h-*-r: arllo s

frequea.ed the e'g^r store of.en:no picaiiaruy abcu. the prleceer a: :hatime,Frank Watfisid fol'aw i. He to'd of

Smith's vii'tt to W F. Crelghton'a drugfore hilf an bear bjforf the enoo ice ; s^.vrPaiilie-s pass tha staro whi:o ?m a was si>liog th:ro:n.A recses ft'3i then declared until 2

o'clock.For an hour bef:re tb= re - .^tbii-.g cf

the court th^ cro^'i i;: f.-:n' o't ..: hoi d.ojr,W3S very brge cad aniiec. .¦- ; d thsopenlog of the doors. About. 2 o'e cstiedoors were thrown cr>en and ¦<.:.¦<: 11eclock had tickelcffone mii^'e ererylsthof available fpice cu'eide of £=. r>%r *a' cc-cupled. Tbe ecrimb.-^ fer :ha bee* -ott rfobservation wss tetpn=e!y exc I z, ardthose who ecu d pretroded beir beadsthrough tbe iron railing which s*par> t tt ebar from the epcca'.cr.', eflrtt oa one i'g ard then oa ;.e I .r

tbrcngh tbe moo : -. ca ¦'

wltnesse?, fram wh-m e t Ung peelaily ea«tartainlcg bad iesa exfeUpon tbe "pc-uin? cfco ir: 2Ir. ZtroHU!

Wis reca.ied by tba defuse ia order tomanifest an a legeJ d'r;rcp->r,cy betweenbis and P-.'^r Li^han'^ c'eo?e la e^ardto tho position of tiep t sa t he Urne ofthe she: t c?, e c.

Officer Ttcer te-f ced to esel -.g PhHHpstoingnpLsoil ? t between PrioceasaodQaeea. tf el^hr c'e:cck on tio night oftie ebottag; a tar tte ebo>tog beardLieu:. Smith :-Is Officer Taylor to lockPhlliipe or; Licat. Smith and Officer Tay¬lor were acetd of w:;a.=J in rey^irirg totbe scene of tbe traged;; prlc ner w&sabci taqnar-'erof a iqa.ra f :m Cpt aCroia-man's binss when «incsssaw n;m.Dan. Eenry keiw Capi o!a Cro?sm6E;badondetstoodibst See t owned >.-:e h:u-«

sheÜVfd in. Otj-ciou vn* mae'e to tfclaquastion by tbe d fees?. V. t .eft siw Phi¬lips at S o'clock on tho night of tb» shott¬ing comiog f em h direc 1)0 of Cirit aCro=rtna rfl hrtg ; ba"i 'nKcn r. j. a s ofbeer io w t i bs's '.o:s. t t eight; ctta: toMJ bousa occa^icca ly.

F. S:hwaö testified t< d c^esd ectni ghis bar-room P.rd dfi kino a c'q-'s of beerabcu. half nvt eg t o'co k oa tta niti tof 'in slso ti g.B-as'cn bent th was next rn''-.-. the a'.and.Wa; a o'ph:w o* ti:- '. ;«-.»: d; r-ir: latter

earl; in tbe ev^'nz before tbe shooting;Smi b tofci* c ;-<»r rcr-;' ; n'gbshe* was lu Jots; P:i! \m ri'trcd h;j ttoreon the night lo quc-:i u and askei for alight; bad cic<bt bold of the'lighter andheld t. ; wis almost prai Iva be didn't lighthis cigar ; con:d biv.- eeao tha backroom from the liebte'. Cros.1 es^rn'ord.Positive i blilfps did not ÜEht c!t?ar; pris¬oner occa-icnaiiy c»me io bis s:oie.

I. M. K-ll was theo sworn. Saw Pailiir.aand Jjho E^rrison la lh3 dor.r of the ElDorado EoU39 before eight oVork ; theywere taking exci'edely, hut d de'e nppcErangry with each other; speke to tha twomen and after pasMost by rein-t kji. "Y^utwo lcrk dangercc?," wh»n %Ir. Bir.i cnreplied. ,,Ye», and dacon?d dangrroa?. too,"Had beard tbe ebo'a &a bour and a halflater lo tbe- evening and ;an to tho ecene cftbe tragedy and taw Smilh borae to Mr.Sehwab's boase.Siortly alter Ibrce o'c'.-ek las Cjmuna-wealth's Attornay a^noancrd tb*t tbapro*-

ecu Ion wccld rest the c^se for the present.Mr. Breatta'd be hoped tbe o*se wou'dlie over until Mondä?, aa the defence hadto have tiae to arrange teäticaoay acd cjc«mit.Tho court wa* then sdj .creed until morning at 10 o'clock.

The Alexandria Gazette.The Alexandria. Gazette has Ja-i en-tered epen Its 93 d year. I: is aiwavs newsyand raüib'.o and la very bright and Itvelv fora?.?. We wish \, :> very barpyYear..Danciile XeghlerThe Alpsu-dbla Gazette reecbed Ü393 d birthday on Jaomry 1. That m kes It

tbe oldest newspaper In tbe S:ate now llv«Ini. while fcnndrods bava gcoo before"where the woodbine twipetb,"-iuncii«roNexc9. ' ¥.--6».*--

Ween great prepare-t'cms were bslrgmade in London for tha ce'ebra lon of tbaGreat Qasen'b Jabllea, loyal citlz cs srx-fous to partlolp* e, were rapidly cn.;Lc;alt their aches atd paln3 b'forebacd, by agece-cua o=e of ga'vatlon 0 I.Give It ;o the c:l:dreo. Püy-'c'ons pre*sctiba it. Tbocsands use it. Sold by »U

dealers. Dr. Bail's Ceugh Syrup. Price 23cents.

What a Woman Can DoShe cennot walk so many milee arccsd

a billiard table wltb notblog to est. aedcotbin2 ( n spesk cfj to drink, but she btowalk the florr all nlgbf, with a fretful baby,witb-.u' g- lng ecned aeleep tbe first hs fboor. Lo-; of sleep wl>h bab es is uoknowiwhere StooebrKket's Gum Syrup Uu-ed,Price 25 ct9,