Alexandria Gazette.(Alexandria, VA) 1891-07-27.MSDICINAL. THE fRADE IfflK.) CPAS EDUCATED PHYSICIAN,...

MSDICINAL. THE f RAD E IfflK.) CPAS EDUCATED PHYSICIAN, rßOMKNT FOB TUB - [ -sas2 Without Medicine theories "f tiip cause and cure with the electrical and mn»rm-tie iKMly and th« gases surrounding sou.Chi .m> uOlditloiia :i iioi electricity. nl«V\"»K simply Impaired vitality. The ' " isl ujuy adds t<. the vitality and nut ii !'¦. uatnre'n way. to throw Nothing Is . logier <>f iiro:>r than cures are ma.lovhlch by f.- rn-i ar.' (ti'.|M.sdhtc. if I TE PASES "f all kinds are rurr.l In iii. random use; Intelligence and rw-rsrwanee de¬ ll '.¦ cf medication works l .! KOMC CASKS. .i:«r:!il<- home treatment. ;r m pool 11 Mil KNOW,' irther Information, call on or addxesa ' ELECTKOPOiSE, Y. AVE., WASHINGTON, D C. E GaftCE ST.. RlCHMON')., VA. Health is Wealth : Im S-i l- ; - V-v; - R EAT u C NT Da. E. C. West's Nerve and Beats Teeat- II st, a Kuaranteed specific for Hysteria, Dizzi- < Y>nvu;8ion°, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia. Head- Nervous Prostration caused by the use of or tobacco. Wskcftilncss, Mental Depress- ftaningof th* Brain resulting in insanity to misery, decay and death, Prema¬ ture old Apo, Barronn»>£3, Lore of Power or Bex, Involuntary Losaas and Spermator* rhtei c<u*ed by over exortion of the brain, eel.'- abuse or over-'ndulgonee. E»ch hox contains one m i 1.00 a box, or fdx boxes*for S5.00. Peal ::iail p.opaid on receipt of priae. V !'. GUARANTEE SIX BOXES tc cur" any case With ouch order received by us for six b i i, accompanied with $5.00, we will sendii " purchaser oox written guaiarteo to re¬ fund the money if tho treatment does not effect a euro. Guarantees issued only by CHARLES «. LE*!E©N, Drugcist, 604 Kingci'ect, General Atcnt. Alarraadrift. Va NOTICE, llLbWS POSITIVE CURE FOR COILL8, FEVER AND MALARIA Will positively BREAK UP Chills and Fovor in¬ side or TWiHTY Fni'e not;as theso capsules act directly upon th»< liver, and will create an appetite. Can ho obtained of tho following diuggiat" in ilexaudria. Va.. at 50.: por box. or of Lewia 0. ur'i, fo'o manufactnrar, 701 6th stroet n. w., Washington, D. C, or sont by mail upon receipt of price: Warfield & Hull, E. S. Leadboater & Ero Ernest L. Allon, John D. H. Lnnt, L. 8tabler ü Co, W. D. Hudson, Oik. G. L.onucn *nd W. T. frmith. febl4 6ra «PARESE A guaranteed Core for Piles of whatever kind or decree.External, Internal, Blind or Bleeding, Itching, Chronic, Recent or Hereditary. $1 00 a box; 6 boxes, $5.00. Sent by mail, prepaid, on receipt of prioo. We guarantee to euro any case cf Piles. Guaranteed and sold only by E. S. LEAIM-KATER cfc RRO., Alexandria. Va. BUILDING MATERIAL, &c. SMOOT & CO., [Successors to J. Roctor Smoot A Co.,] Sti'amFlooring&PlaniugMill Manufacturers of DOOS ,v:d WINDOW FRaMFS. MOLDINGS, 6 Dealor* in CUMBER, 8HXNGLES, LATICS, NAILS, LIME CALCINED PLASTER and CEMENT. KO. 25 NORTH UNION BT.. XANDBIA. VIRGINIA. **s**lamhnr dalivore*' - tho city free. ji 'Ii N PE5BT, M. B. PEEBY. formerly of Perry, Smoot & Co. v..d Jas. Doctor Smoot A Perry. PERRY & SON, ifflEB UHGHUR OFFICE NO. 128 KING ST., Alexandria, Virginia. Dealers in Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, Ce¬ ment, Calcined Plaster, Lime, Hair, Naile, &c» .-. .1 r kept nr.dor cover. sop5 [ESTABLISHED 69 YEARS.] J08IAniLD.SMOOTASO]J, ->5AL*JIi IT* n »AILS,IJ ME,CEMENT.CALCINED PLABTEE Ac.. Ao, Ac. MAKUyAOTUBSB Off FLOCKING, DOORS, SASH, BUNDS, FRAMES H »ULDING8, MANTELS, BRACKETS AND ALL KINDS OF WOO© WORK. Office and yard No. 31 north Union st. Factory HOB. 13 and 15 north Leo Bt., Alexandria, Va. _^**No c'uargo for delivery in city. jan28 AGRICULTURAL. as . ^wf j«l jc. Gff? mr, Dealer in a complete line of Agricultural Implements, j^ALTEB A. WOOD EABVSSTING MAC3IN- FEESH FIELD and GARDEN 8EED3. oUsQUERANNA FERTIIJSERS, &c, &c. Agent for tho HEWLING8 AUTOMATIC *IJ-K AEBATOR and COOLEB, and tho P0WEBE!; BUCKEYE F£ED MILL and Your patronage respectfully solicited. Crdcrs fillod promptly. ^aa NO. HI KING STREET, «« bm Alexandria, Virginia. tote ptjbli9h3d ©aha* akd tri-weesxt At the Gazette Baild'g., 310 & 31Ü Prince st. Dally one vear.-..._._.88 U0 " Sis months_................3 00 " One month .. 50 rrMVoeldy one. year.4 00 " 8Ix:mo»ihB._. 2 00 Three months..._. 1 00 Contract advertisers will not bo allowed to exceed their space unless the exeees la paid for at transient rates, and under no circumstance* will they be allowod to advertise other than thotr lejdtlniaU) business In the space contracted for. All transient advertisements must be paid for in ad¬ vance. Marriage and death notices most be paid for In ad¬ vance. Resolutions In memstoiam, of thanks, I ributcs of respect, resolutions adopted by societies or persons, unless oi public concern, will only bo printed In tills paper aa advertisements. The Ijajekttb office te connected with the Telephone Exchange. Advertisements, orclers for the paper, news, or any lnfcrBastion or business can be cent by telephone. [Entered at the riegbtffico, Aiexanarla. Vlrjrtni», m second-class maUar.l Peasant Girl's Jealousy. A Eeieationai trial ha-» been concluded at O'l'-etifr, France, wbici places the morality of the French peasant c'&ss ia a rather un¬ enviable light. Adele Ma-son web the daughter of & wine-*rower »cd a girl of st irdj Datare and a o-rt&ln ccmeiinese, and favorably contrasted with tha somewhat hard featured damsel* of the country bide. Adele eecurtd a pace in the family of a Biufall tr&deeman earned August D* Voice, et Bscuxoucy, tif eeo miles from Orleans. Soe was eighteen, and gladly ex changed her DOinotcDOUrf existence for the Bfirrmg life of a country town. Monsieur Da Voine was a widower, and had a chiidlcee old aunt ar loir sb hi j housekeeper. At first rbe ancient dame was eccndaliz at ine arrival lu the household cf the vur.g domestic. Adele tried to oompromiaa her employer with a view o possible marriage Several years passed in a bundrnm way Adele reached her twenty-third birthdaj Tlie event in 6t opio&n advanced her long way toward the: goal she baJ ia view When the aunt died a distinct void was mads in the household that Adele yearned to fill. She, therefore, redoubled ter alten tioos? to the lone widower, striving in every way in her pswer to make herFelf lnd!?p«rjE able. August was neither a demonstrative nor u companionable man, but Adele flatter eri bsrself that she had succeeded, and for b.:r five years' faithful service ste would be rewarded in the only way sbe adequate. r?uch were her day dreams u »til ihsy were rudely dispelled by her master I Apr'l last, when be informed her that was about to give her a new mistress. Had a tbacder-bolt fallen at her fett Aoelo could not bave been rmre astounded. Ia May tie marriage occurred, and the new mistress was brought home. F.-cm "hat moment poor Justine, the r.ems of tbs bride was marked cut as in ucccnscious vioiim on whos;i head Adele'a vengeance was to be wreaked. Under the pretence of ehowin Madame Da Voine over the house, which 1b a very old one, Adele decoyed the unfjr tuoale woman into the cellar, where was disused well. Suddenly assaulting her Adele at first tried to push her frail mistress in but Madnm j Da Voine straggled violent ly. Adel« then changed ber tactics,and et. d< .,v .red to dash out ber rival's brain against the stone «all. laflicticc; a der-u wt>nnd cu Madame Da Volno'd biad. Her won d he assassin, after siranging ber into unoon;ci( u?nefS, threw her into the well pusbioj" over it a benvy stcne. Adele was just leaving the cellar when a faiot voice wt-s beatd pleading for meroy "No," replied the frenzied woman. "You mus", die ; you've led me too much of a dr>i.c? since you came under this roof." Adele tbea went opataita When Mou sieor Da Voine came iu sbe told him that inademe had gone to call on a neighbor, and proC26 led to make he?B=lf as agreeable as poi s h e She suggested a glass of a partlcu iar brand of wine to oheer bim. He acotd- ed to the suggestion, and insisted on going Into the cellar himself. Hardly bad he en¬ tered when be heard the Bound of moaning from the well. Oa searching he found bis wi'e unconscious, nut still alive. The judge this week, with more success in making the punishment fit the ciime than is comrnoa in Freuoh tribunals, on the jury fiodlng Adelo guilty, sentenced ber to 20 years' imprisonment with bard labor, Swallowed by a Whale..Capt. W. M. Malette, of the overdue bark Guy C. Gobs, with a cargo of 1450,000 worth of tea from Yokohama, which arrived at Tacoma on Saturday, tells the following story and vouohes for its truth : One of the Japanese sailors, known as Tom Kitfkiaski, fell overboard during 3 gale, was taken into a whale's mouth and lives to tell the Btory. It happened when the Gobs was 15 days out and a terrifio gale was blow iog. Tom bad ollrr.ed to the topmast to reef flail, when he lost bis bold and fell in'o the foaming tea. The il'eooat was put out, but no traces of tho unfortunate sailor coald be found. Suddenly a wbale appeared just, where be was seen to fall. His fate was then kuowu and the boat reiurned, but a miracle saved him. The whale was seen to bo writhing in agony. All at once there was a commotion and the next second the sailor wsb cast on the deck, to the joy of bis companions and bis own salvation. With careful nursing be was brought to conscious- nrps end is now es well as ever. The expe¬ rience, he eaye, wa? most terrible. The crashing in the whale's J»w nearly killed him. The sailor wore an oil suit which he bad covered with kerosene oil, and it is sup¬ posed this disagreed with the whale and saved bis life. He thinks the whale tried to swallow htm, bat was unable to do so. FOB, OVER FIFTY FEARS. As Old Ah» Wxil-Tbied Bemedy..Mrs. Winsiow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over Fifty Yean by JfifltWM of Mothers lor their C7»tZ- dren While Teething, with Perfect Success. It Soothes the Child, SofUmtiho Gum, Allays all Pain; Cures Wiud CWie and is the beat remedy for Diarrhoea. 8old by Druggists in every part of the world. Its value is incalculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winsiow's Soothing syrup, and take no other kind. Twenty-five <wnts * bott'e. BucfeletT« Arnica Salve The Best S>.ltx in the world for Cuts, Bruises Sores, Ulcer*, Salt Bhoam, Fevor Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Ckilblaina, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, i»nd jKnitivelv enrea Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satis- ."action, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per bix. IV »Je. a* St a Leadteater & Bro. WHITE WASH BBUSHEa of superior quali ty and cheaper grades for sale wholesale nod retail at 328 King street. Call and examine. Prices low. ap21 J. T. CBEIQHTON & SOUT. HONEYSUCKLE S3AP, a good toilet soap, 45c per doson jelö J. C. MILBÜBN, MEDICINAL. Wake Up. If you wake up in the morning with a bitter or bad taste in your mouth, Languor, Dull Headache, Despondency, Constipa¬ tion, take Simmons Liver Begulator. It corrects the bilious Btomach, sweeten3 the breath and cleanses the furred tongue. Children as well as adults sometimes eat something that does not dieest well, producing Sour Stomach, Heartburn, Restlessness, or Sleeplessness.a good dose of Regulator will give relief. So perfectly harmless is this remedy that it can be taken by the youngest infant or the mo3t delicate person without injury, no matter what the condition of the system may be. It can do no harm if it does no good, but its reputation tor 40 years proves it never fails in doing good. AUCTION SALES. By O'Neal & Lunt, Boal Estate Agents and Auc¬ tion eois. *y ALTL- BLE PBOPEB1T FOB SALE. Will bo effartd at private sale for thirty days, and if not previously deposed of, will be offered at public »netion, at tho Boyal ttreot entrance to the Market Building, on AUGUST 15th, 1891, at 12 o'clock tho following property to fettle the estate of the ate John L»phen : SEVEN FBAME HOÜSK8 ar d LOTS on Colum¬ bus street, betworn Wythe and Mcdison. THKEE L'»TS, 18 ft. 10 In. xlU3 feet, on Co¬ lumbus, near Wvtbe. FOUE LOTS, 16 ft. 8 in. xll3 fr., on Alfred, between Wythe and Madiaon. ONE LOT, 15 ft. xlOO ft, on south side of Mndi on, near Colombo?. TWO STOLY BBICK HOUSE and LOT 909 Prince atrcot, betwoen Alfred and Patrick, with four-room BRTCK DWELI ISO n rear. An ESTABLISHED BÜ8INEPS STAND, 8toro and Dwelling; large, dry cellar; brick stable in rear; all under slate roof; 124 Boyal street, oppo¬ site the mtrket. Torms: One-third ca.-h ; the residue in one and two yrars Notts with interest and deed of tru?t to secure paymonta jy!4ts FOR SAhft RENT. T?02 EINT.H0U3E 21G south Washiogton J/ street; in giol order; 10 rooms; $250 per year. AIbj H0U8E 924 Duke street; 7 rooms; in got d order; $120 per ytar. of JOHN T. NALI.S, 82u King atroot._jy21 tf JrtOR BENT.A comfortable T IEEE-ST 1BY BBICK HOUSE, containing 12 rooms, b*th room i»nd trunk room, Mo. 621 Duke c.treet, cor- ner of Washington. Situation dolig>-tfu!. House in good repair. Arply to Mies B. 0. POWELL, on the pn mibea_jy9 tf FOB RENT. ELEGANT THBEE-STOBY BH1CK HOUSE, 8T0BE and t:WELLING combined, Nos. 114 and 116 north Fairfax street; nowly painted and papered throughout; excellent location. Will rent store or dwelling separately if so dosircd. Apply to E. W. FBENCH, 417 and 419 King street._Je26 tf FOB RENT OB 8ALE-BBICK HOUSE 209 north Columbus street, five doors from Christ Chnrch. Apply to_J. C. MILBUBN. FOB BENT-A new and convenient BBICK HOUSE, No. 415 north St. Asaph street; contains six room3 and a bath room, large yard with side entrance and all conveniences- Address JOHN 8. BEACH, at Clerk's office, or on the premisis. jel7 tf FOB SALE. A BABGAIN. FOUB SIX-BOOM, BAY WINDOW, TWO-j 8T0RY BBICK HOU8E8 on the west side of Co¬ lumbus street, between Madison and Montgomery. Deep lots; electric light at the corner; water mains being laid in front of this property. Will be sold cheap and on very easy terms. jol3 M. B. HABLOW, GEOBGE 13. PRICE & CO., Opposite Adams Express Co.'a Office. Tho season having opened, wo aro proparod to furnish Watermelons & Cantaloupes. Of the Best Varieties, AT TEE LOWEST MARKET RATES. WATEBMEL0N8 ON ICE delivered to any part of tho city. VEGETABLES of all kinds during the season, as well as overy variety of FBESH FIBH known in theso waters. Orders from tho country solicited and satisfac¬ tion guaranteed. jyl,3 lm CARRIAGES MARRIAGES I We have on hand the largest stock of NEW CABEIAGES AND 8PRING WAGON8 Ever offered for sale in Alexandria, Which we are selling as low as can bo bough elsewhere. Come and see. SUMMERS Sc BRO. 119 SOUTH PITT STREET. jylO 3m_ ¦^7-HIPPED CREASE, CHAMPAGNE FIZ, SB ALTO, and all of the new drinks at the Soda Fountain at J. D. H. HINT'S DRUG STORE, my21 N. E. cor. King and Waahinarton ata. jyjI.I'K STERILIZERS. Juat received a Bupply of Milk Sterilirars, a complete, practical and economical apparatus for sterilizing milk. WABFIELD A HALL, iyl_Corner Prince and Fairfax streets. OK (\(\(\ LB* 0F BABB FENCING WIBE; hit) uuv also Bnokthorno and Ribbon Wire. A large stock on hand at lowest prices. jelO_JAB. F. CARLIN A 80NS. PRESERVING KETTLES, porcelain-lined, iron and brass; also Sauce Pans, Cherr- Seed¬ ers and Patent Frying Pans. jelO JA8. F. CARLIN & 80NS. iB CHILLS AND FEVER Try LUNT3 AGUE CUBE. feh26 Price 50c per bottle. AFULL LINE OF LUNCH AND MARKET BASKETS for sale by j018 J. C. MILBUBN. DRY GOODS. This is the heart of the season for the above goods. We have too many on hand, and in order to close them out we have concluded, in¬ stead of waiting until the season is over, to put the knife in now. We will offer every garment at prime cost foe one week only. These are all new and desirable styles, and should move quickly at these sacrifice prices. We are agents for the celebrated White Sewing Machine. These machines have a world wide repu¬ tation, and ate sold striotlv on their merits. D. BENDHEIM 316 KINQ STREET. EXCURSIONS?" RIVER VIEW! ALEXANDRIA'S MOST POPULAR RESORT. The Palace Steamer 8aML. J. PENTZ will stop at Alexandria cn the following days : SUNDAYS will make two trips, leaving PiIlcs Btroot wh»rf 11:15 a. iu. and 3:45 p. m. Tickets 25c. WEDNESDAYS mako throe trips, loaving 10:50 a m. and 2:20 and 7:15 p. m. Tickets 25c. SATURDAYS, family days, loaving 10:20 a m. and 2:20 p.m. Tickets 10c SPECIAL SATUBDAY EVENING TRIP8 to Indian Head, stopping at Biver View, both w*ys, leaving at 7 p. m. Ticke's 25c. No objectionable partita allcw.-d on boat or groondr. Good order guaranteed. JyT_e. 8. BAN PALL, Proprietor. 1WE WASHINGTON EXCURSION COMPANY will give DAILY EXCURSIONS oni he PALACE STEAMER «EO. LEAKY As follows: TUE8DAY, WEDNESDiY, THUKSDAY, FBI- DAY and SCNDAY MORMNG. at 9:30 a m.p for CliftoB Beacn and Colonial Beach, Returning to tho city by 9:30 p. m. 8aturd»y morning Family Escor inn for Clifton Beach only at 9:30 a. m , rotnrning to the city by 5:30 p. m. Saturday evening 7:00 p. m. for Colonial Bosch. Monday evening, 7:0 J p. m , fepccinl Bivor Ex¬ cursion 40 milofl down tho river, reluming to the city by 10:00 p. m. Boat leaves wharf foot of Piinco stroot. Stato rooms can ba secured of F M. Waikor, 922 Lou isiana avenue, Washingtcn, where arrangements for charters can also be msdo. Salt Water Bathing, Fishirg, Crsbbing and Splendid .. oals at Colonial Beach aro guaranteed. Music on the boat. ri ho manaeemont desire to impress upon tin public that the excursions will bo strictly first- class. No objectionable character! will be permit¬ ted on the boat. FßANK SCHWABZ, Prest. jy2 H. D. BENNINGEN, Mgr. SUMMER RESORTS. ROCK ENON SPRINGS, VA., In tho Groat North Mountains, Frederick county. Dry and cool. Good bods and bountiful table. No bar; no rowdyism. Eemukablo mineral springs; fino Mineral Baths and Swimming Baths and Swimming Tool, Livery, Bowling Alleys, Tennis Lawn and Elegant Ball Boom, enlarged this yoar. Bates reasonable. For descriptive pamphlet and terms address jy31m A. 8. PBATT, Propiotor. REAL ESTATE AGENTS. KNOX & HEMDON, Real Estate Agents, NO. 216 KING 8TBEET, ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA. DESIRABLE CITY and COUNTRY PBOPEB- TY FOR SALE. Correspondence solicited._ap30 db. d. k. bust, I geobge wise, I w0bth htjlfibh, President. | Secretary. I Treasurer. .THE. mutual real estate cömpy., OFFICE 421 KING 8TBEET. Parties having property for sale in city or coun¬ try will find It to their interest to list it at this office. We deal in Beal Estate and Stocks. A 'arge lot of Eoanoke Property for sale, feb!8 ly _ BOOKS AND STATIONERY. j^STABLISHED 1848. ROBT. wTfRENCH, iuccessor to Geo. E. French, Bookseller,Stationer&Priiiter 417 A 419 KING ST.. ALEXANDRIA, VA. Wholesale and retail dealer in all *inds of STA¬ TIONERS' GOODS. I carry a larger and more varied iine than any other house in the South of Commercial and line Stationery, Envelopes, Shipping Tags, BiLL Note and Letter Heads, State¬ ments, Paper Bags of all sizes, Slates, Pencils, Penholders, Inks, Mucilajte, Tablets, Toys, Fancy Goods, Ac, Ac An indispensable line of attract¬ ive and quick selling goods for dealers. HEADQUARTERS FOB EVEBYTHING IN THE MUSICAL LINE. Sheet Music, Music Books, Music Folios and every variety of Musical Instruments. Agent for the celebrated Estey Organs and Pianos, tho Royal 8t. John Sewing Machines and the Bomington Standard Typewriter. Lowest prices for tho highest grade of eoods. Your patronage cordially solicited. The bright faces of my new and beautilul goods will greet you and my salesmen will show yon every at¬ tention. [ap8J ROBT. W. FRENCH. educational. College* Ashland, Virginia. Nineteen officra and teachers. Full College courses. NEW SCIENCE HALL with Uboratoriea and observatory. Department of Physical Cultube under experienced instructors to .promote health, vigor aud manly grace. Hot and Cold Water Baths. Opens September 17th. RANDOLPH-MACON ACADEMY, 3*rt5S£ 8th. Prepares for auy College or University or for Business. Buildings with appurtenances une- qualed in the touth, worth $100,001». Hoatod by stoam, lighted by electricity, bath rooms on every door. Wot wcatLtr pLy room. Thirty acres of park and play grounds; splondid gymnasium. 8tady riail solely for tbe preparation of lessons. Single bods, single desks, classes taught in sections of fif¬ teen. PjiJfSiDENT W. W. SMITH, A.M., LL.D., Pbincipal. Expenses per term. it.cludl*g medical attention, $115. Tbe institution is strongly commended by Johns Hopkins Univertity, Vanderbilt University, LniverBity of Virginia, Washington and Leo Univo;sity. bond postal for Catalogue to hi vHAED IBBY, fcECBETABY, Ashland, Va., or A M. HUGHLETT, 8eceetaby, Bedford City, Vs. opticians AnFTeWELERS. cffl Ixmsos nrn violet tinted, yet colorless to tho EYE or tho WEARER. nri IFC from tho fatlfruln^ and-nnplossant ilCLltr sensations which attend tho uao of ordinary Spoctaclos. *' Wo highly recommend them for weak eyes and nigbt readiiiR.".CiuusTUH WErxiY. 1SKJ. Price, $2.00 ]>cr 2>air. None genuine nolesB put un in the above dencn^od nacker. and word Al'.L NDEL" on temple. ENDORSED *r CENTENNIAL COMMISSION, Phlladn. FRANKLIN INSTITUTE« 1874. i Pnov. JOS. HENRY, Sse-r SmithsonUn Irutitct«. ! Poor. J. E. HILOASD. U. 8. Coon Sunn. WmS. I Gen. A.DURYKK, N. Y. ^' .* ! Jcdoc wESTHROOK, New York. Jodok LIVINGSTON. rennKylTiuiia. THfÄMOKm, Esq., Sec'r Tribune Ais*n. K.Y. I Vll. KENNER. Aathar ''>Wm du ty.," mjtj: j " Kor superior tininta. accc tlcj and workWuhilip, I they meet with my entire aUiataotiou." ¦ For sale by HETiBY W1LDT, Jeweler and Optician, S1H Hin« street, Alexandria, Va. bristol, tennessee. The Progressive South WhereJonvH Is"-. !': kleiit of the Richmond Terminal, snys thenext large development Is to u- .'. The South la tue lavored spot of the whole United States; and Is the Knut Held Immigration wl :\ we can e t It, und the place for happy anil comfortable homce. 1 oxnect the next hir x development to Ik? In the ifristol district-Bristol and Kost Tennetwe.» uv^ion which has practica lytho same natural advantages Birmingham, bat which have never l> en worked up. This section will crow rapidly within the next few years. Tho railroad (acuities are good now, and are living Improved all the time." 9 Ih In a count rv rieber In coal und Iren than any single Plate In America. It 1m a solid dty, backed i>v unlimited resources In tr^-nt variety, and l.i being pushni to the Cor» by aweii-oTz»- nlzed s\ ^¦.iiir.Meallv-wi'rfc'-':'' chamber of Commerce. The outlook It HavoraMe for Bristol to become the Ptttsbure of the Sonth, Address CHAM It Kit OF COMMKRCK. C0B8BT3. Breaking in isn't needed, with the Ball corset. It's easy from the start. Coils of tiny wire springs in the sides make it so. There are bones that bend, but can't break, and soft eyelets that won't cut the laces. You'll like it. If you don't, after a few weeks' wear, just return it and get your money. For sale by ISAAC EICHBERG. BTBAMBÄ8. THE NORFOLK AND WASHINGTON STEAM¬ BOAT COMPANY will ran a DAILY LINE, commencing on Mon¬ day, March 30, with their now and powerful iron steamers W S HC 11ST Or T O TST NORFOLK, leaving tho wharf at tho foot of Princo streot at 7:30 p. m. Boturning, will loavo Norfolk at 6:20 p. m. Single faro $3. Bound trip $5. P. B. HOOE, Agont, mh30_No. 2 Prince streot Inland&SeaboardCoastingCo. NOBFOLK AND FORTRESS MONROE Connecting at Norfolk with the OLD «BT** DOMINION STEAMSHIP CO. FOBjnaSBHL NEW YOBK, and with the CLYDE LINE FOB PHILADELPHIA, and via those lines to all points North and East. STEAMER LADT OF THE LAKE Leaves TUESDAY, THURSDAY and SUN¬ DAY at 5:30 p m., from Reed's wharf. Fare $1.50. Bound trip $2.50. For further information apply to novl8 F. A. BEED A CO., Agonts. FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS, &c. Spring & Summer Dry Goods. GENTLEMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S FURNISH¬ INGS, N0TT0N8, Ac. We will endeavor to keep up to our standard of the lowest prices for reliable goods. AMOS B. 8LAYMAKER, mhSl No. 429 King street. ICE! ICE! ICE! A full suppiy of NORTHERN ICE, of superior quality, constantly on hand and for sale, wholesale and retail, on iho most favorable terms. Orders left with our driven1, at our offico, or by telephone, will receive prompt attention. Onr facilities for delivery by the carload are unsuipaased in aoy city. Packing for country delivery a spijcialty. je!6 F. A. REED A CO., Beed's wharf. rJRY LÜNT8 COUGH 8YBUP FOR COUGHS AND OoLDS, Price 25c; sample bottle 10c d«cl5 COCOA. GOLD MSDjfr RABIS, W. Baker & Co.'s Breakfast Cocoa from which tho excess of oil haa been removed, is Absolutely Pure and it is Soluble. No Chemicals are used In its preparation. It has more than three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and la therefore far more economical, costing less than one cent a cup. It Is delicious, nourishing, strengthening, easily digested, awl atlniirahly adapted for invalids as well as for persons in health. Sold by Crooors ovorywhero. W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, jjagj GROCERIES, &c. J. W. CAGE- 0. T. SWETXAJ*. QABB & 8WETNAM, GEOCEEY, LIQUOR AND COMMISSION MER¬ CHANTS, Corner Ring and Washington streets, McBurney's old stand. We liavo jast opened at tho above stand with an entirely now and varied stock of Staple and Fine Groceries, Liquors, Ac, and eolicit a share of the public patronage. Fine Liquors of all kinds for family use a spe¬ cialty. B. F. Gravely's best selected Tobacco, three years old. HARDWARE. ESTABLIfl ED 1814, Jas, F. Carlin & Sons, »15 Hing Mi.. Aim ndria, V». Hardware, Cutlery, (hns, WAGON WHEELS, NAILS, 8TEEL AND IRON RIMS, 8HAFTS, HUBS AND 8P0KE8, BARBED FENCING WIRE, BALING TIE8, GBIND3TONES, Ac, Telephone call 80._my9 tf John T. Creighton & Son, WHOLESALE AID BITAIL D SAHIB IK HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, NO. 88 KING. CORNER OF ROYAL STREET Have on hand a very large and well assorted stock of goods in their line. Country merchants aro invited to call and ex* .mine before purchasing. Satisfaction guaranteed. Call and see. [apl JL&JE 2 BIC? JE I JECJJH i j. w. hahhokd, DXAUBH NORTHERN ICE, Market, Alexandria, Ya. Orders left with my drivers, at my office or seat by telephone will receive prompt attention. Personal attention given to packing ice for country delivery._Je20 LITTLE'S SHEEP DIP, Wyeth'a Beef Juice. Wyeth's Beef, Iron and Wine, Packer's Tar Soap, Colgate's Lace Soap for washing delicate fabrics, Bromo Seltzer, Beuzoate Soda, Ooooann» Oil, Garfiold Tea, &c, just received by myll E. S. LEADBEATEB & BBO.

Transcript of Alexandria Gazette.(Alexandria, VA) 1891-07-27.MSDICINAL. THE fRADE IfflK.) CPAS EDUCATED PHYSICIAN,...

Page 1: Alexandria Gazette.(Alexandria, VA) 1891-07-27.MSDICINAL. THE fRADE IfflK.) CPAS EDUCATED PHYSICIAN, rßOMKNTFOBTUB-[-sas2WithoutMedicinetheories "f tiip cause andcure with the electrical



- [ -sas2 Without Medicinetheories "f tiip cause and cure

with the electrical and mn»rm-tieiKMly and th« gases surrounding

sou.Chi .m> uOlditloiia:i iioi electricity.

nl«V\"»K simply Impaired vitality. The' " isl ujuy adds t<. the vitality and

nut ii !'¦. i» uatnre'n way. to throwNothing Is . logier <>f iiro:>r than

cures are ma.lovhlch byf.- rn-i ar.' (ti'.|M.sdhtc.

if I TE PASES "f all kinds are rurr.l Iniii. random use;

Intelligence and rw-rsrwanee de¬ll '.¦ cf medication works

l .! KOMC CASKS..i:«r:!il<- home treatment.

;r m pool 11 Mil KNOW,'irther Information, call on or addxesa '


E GaftCE ST.. RlCHMON')., VA.

Health is Wealth

:ImS-i l- ; - V-v; - R EAT u C NT

Da. E. C. West's Nerve and Beats Teeat-II st, a Kuaranteed specific for Hysteria, Dizzi-

< Y>nvu;8ion°, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia. Head-Nervous Prostration caused by the use ofor tobacco. Wskcftilncss, Mental Depress-ftaningof th* Brain resulting in insanity

to misery, decay and death, Prema¬ture old Apo, Barronn»>£3, Lore of Power

or Bex, Involuntary Losaas and Spermator*rhtei c<u*ed by over exortion of the brain, eel.'-abuse or over-'ndulgonee. E»ch hox contains one

m i 1.00 a box, or fdx boxes*forS5.00. Peal ::iail p.opaid on receipt of priae.

V !'. GUARANTEE SIX BOXEStc cur" any case With ouch order received by us

for six b i i, accompanied with $5.00, we willsendii " purchaser oox written guaiarteo to re¬

fund the money if tho treatment does not effect a

euro. Guarantees issued only byCHARLES «. LE*!E©N,

Drugcist, 604 Kingci'ect,General Atcnt. Alarraadrift. Va




Will positively BREAK UP Chills and Fovor in¬side or TWiHTY Fni'e not;as

theso capsules act directly upon th»< liver, andwill create an appetite.Can ho obtained of tho following diuggiat" in

ilexaudria. Va.. at 50.: por box. or of Lewia 0.ur'i, fo'o manufactnrar, 701 6th stroet n. w.,

Washington, D. C, or sont by mail upon receiptof price: Warfield & Hull, E. S. Leadboater &Ero Ernest L. Allon, John D. H. Lnnt, L. 8tablerü Co, W. D. Hudson, Oik. G. L.onucn *nd W. T.frmith. febl4 6ra


A guaranteed Core for Piles of whateverkind or decree.External, Internal, Blindor Bleeding, Itching, Chronic, Recent or

Hereditary. $1 00 a box; 6 boxes, $5.00.Sent by mail, prepaid, on receipt of prioo.We guarantee to euro any case cf Piles.Guaranteed and sold only by

E. S. LEAIM-KATER cfc RRO.,Alexandria. Va.


SMOOT & CO.,[Successors to J. Roctor Smoot A Co.,]

Sti'amFlooring&PlaniugMillManufacturers of




**s**lamhnr dalivore*' - tho city free.

ji 'Ii N PE5BT, M. B. PEEBY.

formerly of Perry, Smoot & Co.v..d Jas. Doctor Smoot A Perry.


OFFICE NO. 128 KING ST.,Alexandria, Virginia.

Dealers in Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, Ce¬ment, Calcined Plaster, Lime,

Hair, Naile, &c».-. .1 r kept nr.dor cover. sop5







Office and yard No. 31 north Union st. FactoryHOB. 13 and 15 north Leo Bt., Alexandria, Va._^**No c'uargo for delivery in city. jan28 . ^wf j«l jc. Gff? mr,

Dealer in a complete line of

Agricultural Implements,j^ALTEB A. WOOD EABVSSTING MAC3IN-


*IJ-K AEBATOR and COOLEB, and tho


Your patronage respectfully solicited.Crdcrs fillod promptly.^aa NO. HI KING STREET,«« bm Alexandria, Virginia.

toteptjbli9h3d ©aha* akd tri-weesxt

At the Gazette Baild'g., 310 & 31Ü Prince st.Dally onevear.-..._._.88 U0" Sis months_................300" One month .. 50

rrMVoeldy one.year.4 00" 8Ix:mo»ihB._. 2 00

Three months..._. 1 00Contract advertisers will not bo allowed to exceed theirspace unless the exeees la paid for at transient rates,and under no circumstance* will they be allowod toadvertise other than thotr lejdtlniaU) business In thespace contracted for.

All transient advertisements must be paid for in ad¬vance.

Marriage and death notices most be paid for In ad¬vance.

Resolutions In memstoiam, of thanks, I ributcs of respect,resolutions adopted by societies or persons, unless oi

public concern, will only bo printed In tills paper aa

advertisements.The Ijajekttb office te connected with the TelephoneExchange. Advertisements, orclers for the paper,news, or any lnfcrBastion or business can be cent bytelephone.

[Entered at the riegbtffico, Aiexanarla. Vlrjrtni», msecond-class maUar.l

Peasant Girl's Jealousy.A Eeieationai trial ha-» been concluded at

O'l'-etifr, France, wbici places the moralityof the French peasant c'&ss ia a rather un¬

enviable light. Adele Ma-son web thedaughter of & wine-*rower »cd a girl of

st irdj Datare and a o-rt&ln ccmeiinese, andfavorably contrasted with tha somewhathard featured damsel* of the country bide.Adele eecurtd a pace in the family of a

Biufall tr&deeman earned August D* Voice,et Bscuxoucy, tif eeo miles from Orleans.Soe was eighteen, and gladly ex changed herDOinotcDOUrf existence for the Bfirrmg life ofa country town. Monsieur Da Voine was a

widower, and had a chiidlcee old aunt arloir sb hi j housekeeper.At first rbe ancient dame was eccndaliz

at ine arrival lu the household cf the vur.gdomestic. Adele tried to oompromiaa heremployer with a view o possible marriageSeveral years passed in a bundrnm way

Adele reached her twenty-third birthdajTlie event in 6t opio&n advanced herlong way toward the: goal she baJ ia viewWhen the aunt died a distinct void was

mads in the household that Adele yearnedto fill. She, therefore, redoubled ter altentioos? to the lone widower, striving in everyway in her pswer to make herFelf lnd!?p«rjEable. August was neither a demonstrativenor u companionable man, but Adele flattereri bsrself that she had succeeded, and forb.:r five years' faithful service ste would berewarded in the only way sbe cocBidr.readequate. r?uch were her day dreams u »tilihsy were rudely dispelled by her master I

Apr'l last, when be informed her thatwas about to give her a new mistress. Hada tbacder-bolt fallen at her fett Aoelo couldnot bave been rmre astounded.Ia May tie marriage occurred, and the

new mistress was brought home. F.-cm "hatmoment poor Justine, the r.ems of tbs bridewas marked cut as in ucccnscious vioiim onwhos;i head Adele'a vengeance was to bewreaked. Under the pretence of ehowinMadame Da Voine over the house, which 1ba very old one, Adele decoyed the unfjrtuoale woman into the cellar, where wasdisused well. Suddenly assaulting herAdele at first tried to push her frail mistressin but Madnm j Da Voine straggled violently. Adel« then changed ber tactics,and et.d< .,v .red to dash out ber rival's brainagainst the stone «all. laflicticc; a der-uwt>nnd cu Madame Da Volno'd biad. Herwon d he assassin, after siranging ber intounoon;ci( u?nefS, threw her into the wellpusbioj" over it a benvy stcne.Adele was just leaving the cellar when a

faiot voice wt-s beatd pleading for meroy"No," replied the frenzied woman. "You

mus", die ; you've led me too much of a

dr>i.c? since you came under this roof."Adele tbea went opataita When Mou

sieor Da Voine came iu sbe told him thatinademe had gone to call on a neighbor, andproC26 led to make he?B=lf as agreeable as

poi s h e She suggested a glass of a partlcuiar brand of wine to oheer bim. He acotd-ed to the suggestion, and insisted on goingInto the cellar himself. Hardly bad he en¬

tered when be heard the Bound of moaningfrom the well. Oa searching he found biswi'e unconscious, nut still alive.The judge this week, with more success in

making the punishment fit the ciime than iscomrnoa in Freuoh tribunals, on the juryfiodlng Adelo guilty, sentenced ber to 20years' imprisonment with bard labor,

Swallowed by a Whale..Capt. W. M.Malette, of the overdue bark Guy C. Gobs,with a cargo of 1450,000 worth of tea fromYokohama, which arrived at Tacoma on

Saturday, tells the following story andvouohes for its truth :One of the Japanese sailors, known as

Tom Kitfkiaski, fell overboard during 3 gale,was taken into a whale's mouth and lives totell the Btory. It happened when the Gobswas 15 days out and a terrifio gale was blowiog. Tom bad ollrr.ed to the topmast to reefflail, when he lost bis bold and fell in'o thefoaming tea. The il'eooat was put out, butno traces of tho unfortunate sailor coald befound. Suddenly a wbale appeared just,where be was seen to fall. His fate wasthen kuowu and the boat reiurned, but a

miracle saved him. The whale was seen tobo writhing in agony. All at once therewas a commotion and the next second thesailor wsb cast on the deck, to the joy of biscompanions and bis own salvation. Withcareful nursing be was brought to conscious-nrps end is now es well as ever. The expe¬rience, he eaye, wa? most terrible. Thecrashing in the whale's J»w nearly killedhim. The sailor wore an oil suit which hebad covered with kerosene oil, and it is sup¬posed this disagreed with the whale andsaved bis life. He thinks the whale tried toswallow htm, bat was unable to do so.

FOB, OVER FIFTYFEARS.As Old Ah» Wxil-Tbied Bemedy..Mrs.

Winsiow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over

Fifty Yean by JfifltWM of Mothers lor their C7»tZ-dren While Teething, with Perfect Success. It Soothesthe Child, SofUmtiho Gum, Allays all Pain; CuresWiud CWie and is the beat remedy for Diarrhoea.8old by Druggists in every part of the world. Itsvalue is incalculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs.Winsiow's Soothing syrup, and take no other kind.Twenty-five <wnts * bott'e.

BucfeletT« Arnica SalveThe Best S>.ltx in the world for Cuts, Bruises

Sores, Ulcer*, Salt Bhoam, Fevor Sores, Tetter,Chapped Hands, Ckilblaina, Corns and all SkinEruptions, i»nd jKnitivelv enrea Piles, or no payrequired. It is guaranteed to give perfect satis-."action, or money refunded. Price 25 cents perbix. IV »Je. a* St a Leadteater & Bro.

WHITE WASH BBUSHEa of superior quality and cheaper grades for sale wholesale

nod retail at 328 King street. Call and examine.Prices low.ap21 J. T. CBEIQHTON & SOUT.

HONEYSUCKLE S3AP, a good toilet soap, 45cper dosonjelö J. C. MILBÜBN,


Wake Up.If you wake up in the

morning with a bitter orbad taste in your mouth,Languor, Dull Headache,Despondency, Constipa¬tion, take Simmons LiverBegulator. It correctsthe bilious Btomach,sweeten3 the breath andcleanses the furred tongue.Children as well as adultssometimes eat somethingthat does not dieest well,producing Sour Stomach,Heartburn, Restlessness,or Sleeplessness.a gooddose of Regulator willgive relief. So perfectlyharmless is this remedythat it can be taken bythe youngest infant or

the mo3t delicate personwithout injury, no matterwhat the condition of thesystem may be. It cando no harm if it does no

good, but its reputationtor 40 years proves itnever fails in doing good.AUCTION SALES.

By O'Neal & Lunt, Boal Estate Agents and Auc¬tioneois.


Will bo effartd at private sale for thirty days,and if not previously deposed of, will be offeredat public »netion, at tho Boyal ttreot entrance tothe Market Building, on

AUGUST 15th, 1891,at 12 o'clock tho following property to fettle theestate of the ate John L»phen :SEVEN FBAME HOÜSK8 ar d LOTS on Colum¬

bus street, betworn Wythe and Mcdison.THKEE L'»TS, 18 ft. 10 In. xlU3 feet, on Co¬

lumbus, near Wvtbe.FOUE LOTS, 16 ft. 8 in. xll3 fr., on Alfred,

between Wythe and Madiaon.ONE LOT, 15 ft. xlOO ft, on south side of

Mndi on, near Colombo?.TWO STOLY BBICK HOUSE and LOT 909

Prince atrcot, betwoen Alfred and Patrick, withfour-room BRTCK DWELI ISO n rear.

An ESTABLISHED BÜ8INEPS STAND, 8toroand Dwelling; large, dry cellar; brick stable inrear; all under slate roof; 124 Boyal street, oppo¬site the mtrket.Torms: One-third ca.-h ; the residue in one and

two yrars Notts with interest and deed of tru?tto secure paymonta jy!4ts

FOR SAhft RENT.T?02 EINT.H0U3E 21G south WashiogtonJ/ street; in giol order; 10 rooms; $250 peryear. AIbj H0U8E 924 Duke street; 7 rooms;in got d order; $120 per ytar. of JOHNT. NALI.S, 82u King atroot._jy21 tf

JrtOR BENT.A comfortable T IEEE-ST 1BYBBICK HOUSE, containing 12 rooms, b*th

room i»nd trunk room, Mo. 621 Duke c.treet, cor-

ner of Washington. Situation dolig>-tfu!. Housein good repair. Arply to Mies B. 0. POWELL, on

the pn mibea_jy9 tf


combined, Nos. 114 and 116 north Fairfax street;nowly painted and papered throughout; excellentlocation. Will rent store or dwelling separatelyif so dosircd. Apply to E. W. FBENCH, 417 and419 King street._Je26 tf

FOB RENT OB 8ALE-BBICK HOUSE 209north Columbus street, five doors from Christ

Chnrch. Applyto_J. C. MILBUBN.

FOB BENT-A new and convenient BBICKHOUSE, No. 415 north St. Asaph street;

contains six room3 and a bath room, large yardwith side entrance and all conveniences- AddressJOHN 8. BEACH, at Clerk's office, or on thepremisis. jel7 tf


FOUB SIX-BOOM, BAY WINDOW, TWO-j8T0RY BBICK HOU8E8 on the west side of Co¬lumbus street, between Madison and Montgomery.Deep lots; electric light at the corner; watermains being laid in front of this property. Willbe sold cheap and on very easy terms.jol3 M. B. HABLOW,GEOBGE 13. PRICE & CO.,

Opposite Adams Express Co.'a Office.Tho season having opened, wo aro proparod to


Watermelons & Cantaloupes.Of the Best Varieties,


part of tho city.VEGETABLES of all kinds during the season,

as well as overy variety of FBESH FIBH knownin theso waters.Orders from tho country solicited and satisfac¬

tion guaranteed. jyl,3 lm

CARRIAGES MARRIAGES IWe have on hand the largest stock of

NEW CABEIAGES AND 8PRING WAGON8Ever offered for sale in Alexandria,

Which we are selling as low as can bo boughelsewhere. Come and see.


jylO 3m_¦^7-HIPPED CREASE,


and all of the new drinks at the Soda Fountain at

J. D. H. HINT'S DRUG STORE,my21 N. E. cor. King and Waahinarton ata.


Juat received a Bupply of Milk Sterilirars, acomplete, practical and economical apparatus forsterilizing milk. WABFIELD A HALL,iyl_Corner Prince and Fairfax streets.

OK (\(\(\ LB* 0F BABB FENCING WIBE;hit) uuv also Bnokthorno and Ribbon Wire.A large stock on hand at lowest prices.jelO_JAB. F. CARLIN A 80NS.

PRESERVING KETTLES, porcelain-lined,iron and brass; also Sauce Pans, Cherr- Seed¬

ers and Patent Frying Pans.jelO JA8. F. CARLIN & 80NS.


Try LUNT3 AGUE CUBE.feh26 Price 50c per bottle.


j018 J. C. MILBUBN.


This is the heart of the season

for the above goods. We have too

many on hand, and in order to closethem out we have concluded, in¬stead of waiting until the season is

over, to put the knife in now. We

will offer every garment at prime

cost foe one week only.

These are all new and desirable

styles, and should move quickly at

these sacrifice prices.We are agents for the celebrated

White Sewing Machine. Thesemachines have a world wide repu¬tation, and ate sold striotlv on theirmerits.



at Alexandria cn the following days :SUNDAYS

will make two trips, leaving PiIlcs Btroot wh»rf11:15 a. iu. and 3:45 p. m. Tickets 25c.

WEDNESDAYSmako throe trips, loaving 10:50 a m. and 2:20and 7:15 p. m. Tickets 25c.

SATURDAYS,family days, loaving 10:20 a m. and 2:20 p.m.Tickets 10c

SPECIAL SATUBDAY EVENING TRIP8to Indian Head, stopping at Biver View, bothw*ys, leaving at 7 p. m. Ticke's 25c.No objectionable partita allcw.-d on boat or

groondr. Good order guaranteed.JyT_e. 8. BAN PALL, Proprietor.




CliftoB Beacn and Colonial Beach,Returning to tho city by 9:30 p. m.

8aturd»y morning Family Escor inn for CliftonBeach only at 9:30 a. m , rotnrning to the city by5:30 p. m.Saturday evening 7:00 p. m. for Colonial Bosch.Monday evening, 7:0 J p. m , fepccinl Bivor Ex¬

cursion 40 milofl down tho river, reluming tothe city by 10:00 p. m.

Boat leaves wharf foot of Piinco stroot. Statorooms can ba secured of F M. Waikor, 922 Louisiana avenue, Washingtcn, where arrangementsfor charters can also be msdo.

Salt Water Bathing, Fishirg, Crsbbing andSplendid .. oals at Colonial Beach aro guaranteed.Music on the boat.

ri ho manaeemont desire to impress upon tinpublic that the excursions will bo strictly first-class. No objectionable character! will be permit¬ted on the boat. FßANK SCHWABZ, Prest.jy2 H. D. BENNINGEN, Mgr.


ROCK ENON SPRINGS, VA.,In tho Groat North Mountains,

Frederick county.Dry and cool. Good bods and bountiful table.

No bar; no rowdyism. Eemukablo mineralsprings; fino Mineral Baths and Swimming Bathsand Swimming Tool, Livery, Bowling Alleys,Tennis Lawn and Elegant Ball Boom, enlargedthis yoar. Bates reasonable. For descriptivepamphlet and terms addressjy31m A. 8. PBATT, Propiotor.



Real Estate Agents,NO. 216 KING 8TBEET,


TY FOR SALE.Correspondence solicited._ap30

db. d. k. bust, I geobge wise, I w0bth htjlfibh,President. | Secretary. I Treasurer.


mutual real estate cömpy.,OFFICE 421 KING 8TBEET.

Parties having property for sale in city or coun¬

try will find It to their interest to listit at this office.

We deal in Beal Estate and Stocks.A 'arge lot of Eoanoke Property for sale,feb!8 ly




ROBT. wTfRENCH,iuccessor to Geo. E. French,

Bookseller,Stationer&Priiiter417 A 419 KING ST.. ALEXANDRIA, VA.

Wholesale and retail dealer in all *inds of STA¬TIONERS' GOODS. I carry a larger and more

varied iine than any other house in the South ofCommercial and line Stationery, Envelopes,Shipping Tags, BiLL Note and Letter Heads, State¬ments, Paper Bags of all sizes, Slates, Pencils,Penholders, Inks, Mucilajte, Tablets, Toys, FancyGoods, Ac, Ac An indispensable line of attract¬ive and quick selling goods for dealers.


every variety of Musical Instruments. Agent forthe celebrated Estey Organs and Pianos, tho Royal8t. John Sewing Machines and the BomingtonStandard Typewriter.Lowest prices for tho highest grade of eoods.Your patronage cordially solicited. The bright

faces of my new and beautilul goods will greetyou and my salesmen will show yon every at¬tention. [ap8J ROBT. W. FRENCH.


College* Ashland, Virginia.Nineteen officra and teachers. Full College courses. NEW SCIENCE HALL with Uboratorieaand observatory. Department of Physical Cultube under experienced instructors to .promotehealth, vigor aud manly grace. Hot and Cold Water Baths. Opens September 17th.RANDOLPH-MACON ACADEMY, 3*rt5S£8th. Prepares for auy College or University or for Business. Buildings with appurtenances une-qualed in the touth, worth $100,001». Hoatod by stoam, lighted by electricity, bath rooms on everydoor. Wot wcatLtr pLy room. Thirty acres of park and play grounds; splondid gymnasium. 8tadyriail solely for tbe preparation of lessons. Single bods, single desks, classes taught in sections of fif¬teen. PjiJfSiDENT W. W. SMITH, A.M., LL.D., Pbincipal. Expenses per term. it.cludl*g medicalattention, $115. Tbe institution is strongly commended by Johns Hopkins Univertity, VanderbiltUniversity, LniverBity of Virginia, Washington and Leo Univo;sity. bond postal for Catalogue tohi vHAED IBBY, fcECBETABY, Ashland, Va., or A M. HUGHLETT, 8eceetaby, Bedford City, Vs.

opticians AnFTeWELERS.

cfflIxmsos nrn violet tinted, yet colorless to

tho EYE or tho WEARER.nri IFC from tho fatlfruln^ and-nnplossantilCLltr sensations which attend tho uao

of ordinary Spoctaclos.*' Wo highly recommend them for weak eyes andnigbt readiiiR.".CiuusTUH WErxiY. 1SKJ.

Price, $2.00 ]>cr 2>air.None genuine nolesB put un in the above dencn^od

nacker. and word Al'.L NDEL" on temple.


FRANKLIN INSTITUTE« 1874. iPnov. JOS. HENRY, Sse-r SmithsonUn Irutitct«. !Poor. J. E. HILOASD. U. 8. Coon Sunn. WmS. IGen. A.DURYKK, N. Y. ^' .* !Jcdoc wESTHROOK, New York.Jodok LIVINGSTON. rennKylTiuiia.THfÄMOKm, Esq., Sec'r Tribune Ais*n. K.Y. IVll. KENNER. Aathar ''>Wm du ty.," mjtj: j" Kor superior tininta. accc tlcj and workWuhilip, Ithey meet with my entire aUiataotiou." ¦

For sale by HETiBY W1LDT, Jeweler and Optician, S1H Hin«street, Alexandria, Va.

bristol, tennessee.

The Progressive SouthWhereJonvH Is"-. !': kleiit of the Richmond Terminal, snys thenext large developmentIs to u- .'. The South la tue lavored spot of the whole United States; and Is the Knut Immigration wl :\ we can e t It, und the place for happy anil comfortable homce. 1oxnect the next hir x development to Ik? In the ifristol district-Bristol and Kost Tennetwe.»uv^ion which has practica lytho same natural advantages o» Birmingham, bat which havenever l> en worked up. This section will crow rapidly within the next few years. Tho railroad(acuities are good now, and are living Improved all the time."

9Ih In a count rv rieber In coal und Iren than any single Plate In America. It 1m a solid dty,backed i>v unlimited resources In tr^-nt variety, and l.i being pushni to the Cor» by aweii-oTz»-nlzed s\ ^¦.iiir.Meallv-wi'rfc'-':'' chamber of Commerce. The outlook It HavoraMe for Bristol tobecome the Ptttsbure of the Sonth, Address CHAM It Kit OF COMMKRCK.


Breaking inisn't needed, with the Ballcorset. It's easy from thestart. Coils of tiny wiresprings in the sides make itso. There are bones thatbend, but can't break, andsoft eyelets that won't cut

the laces. You'll like it.If you don't, after a few

weeks' wear, just return itand get your money.For sale by ISAAC EICHBERG.



will ran a DAILY LINE, commencing on Mon¬day, March 30, with their now and powerful ironsteamers


NORFOLK,leaving tho wharf at tho foot of Princo streot at7:30 p. m. Boturning, will loavo Norfolk at6:20 p. m.

Single faro $3. Bound trip $5.P. B. HOOE, Agont,mh30_No. 2 Prince streot


Connecting at Norfolk with the OLD «BT**DOMINION STEAMSHIP CO. FOBjnaSBHLNEW YOBK, and with the CLYDE LINE FOBPHILADELPHIA, and via those lines to allpoints North and East.


Leaves TUESDAY, THURSDAY and SUN¬DAY at 5:30 p m., from Reed's wharf.Fare $1.50. Bound trip $2.50.For further information apply tonovl8 F. A. BEED A CO., Agonts.


Spring& Summer Dry Goods.


INGS, N0TT0N8, Ac.

We will endeavor to keep up to our standard of

the lowest prices for reliable goods.AMOS B. 8LAYMAKER,mhSl No. 429 King street.

ICE! ICE! ICE!A full suppiy of

NORTHERN ICE,of superior quality, constantly on hand and forsale, wholesale and retail, on iho most favorableterms.Orders left with our driven1, at our offico, or by

telephone, will receive prompt attention.Onr facilities for delivery by the carload are

unsuipaased in aoy city.Packing for country delivery a!6 F. A. REED A CO., Beed's wharf.



Price 25c; sample bottle 10c d«cl5



W. Baker & Co.'sBreakfast

Cocoafrom which tho excess ofoil haa been removed, is

Absolutely Pureand it is Soluble.

No Chemicalsare used In its preparation. It hasmore than three times the strength ofCocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowrootor Sugar, and la therefore far more

economical, costing less than one centa cup. It Is delicious, nourishing,strengthening, easily digested,awl atlniirahly adapted for invalidsas well as for persons in health.

Sold by Crooors ovorywhero.W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, jjagj




Corner Ring and Washington streets,McBurney's old stand.

We liavo jast opened at tho above stand with an

entirely now and varied stock of Staple and FineGroceries, Liquors, Ac, and eolicit a share of thepublic patronage.Fine Liquors of all kinds for family use a spe¬

cialty.B. F. Gravely's best selected Tobacco, three

years old.


Jas, F. Carlin & Sons,»15 Hing Mi.. Aim ndria, V».

Hardware, Cutlery, (hns,WAGON WHEELS, NAILS, 8TEEL AND IRON



Telephone call 80._my9 tf




Have on hand a very large and well assorted

stock of goods in their line.

Country merchants aro invited to call and ex*

.mine before purchasing.Satisfaction guaranteed. Call and see. [apl

JL&JE 2 BIC?JE I JECJJH ij. w. hahhokd,


NORTHERN ICE,Market, Alexandria, Ya.

Orders left with my drivers, at my office or seatby telephone will receive prompt attention.Personal attention given to packing ice for

country delivery._Je20LITTLE'S SHEEP DIP, Wyeth'a Beef Juice.

Wyeth's Beef, Iron and Wine, Packer's TarSoap, Colgate's Lace Soap for washing delicatefabrics, Bromo Seltzer, Beuzoate Soda, Ooooann»Oil, Garfiold Tea, &c, just received bymyll E. S. LEADBEATEB & BBO.