Alexandria gazette (Alexandria, Va. : 1834).(Alexandria, Va ......The proprietor of Taloot's Ice...

Mr.. Lisle E- Roadhpuse ?s a pa tient at the Alexandria Hospital. He is iil with typhoid fever. i' t ;' y Mr. and Mrs.-R« B. Hacker were presented with a fine .son Sunday Sunday evening. Mother and baby are' doing fine-.- , . ,; .Mrs. Catherine Sinvms who has been quite sick at her home in north Pik street for the past two weeks, is -able to -be out-again. Messrs. Louis Lennon and Victor Eaton are spending two weeks' va¬ cation visiting Buffalo, Niagara Falls. Toronto, Montreal ar.d New York. "Remember the garden party, Tues day evening, June 21, given at the Christ Church rectory lawn by the Girls' Friendly Society. Come and bring your friends. There will be a called meeting to night of Andrew Jackson Lodge No. 120, tonight for the purpose of ex¬ amination advancement work in the Master Masonic degree. "Mt. Vernon Council, Daughters of America, will pay a fraternal visit to the Council of the Daughters of America at Ballston, Va., tomorrow evening. Will leave f Prince and Royal streets at 7 o'clock. The alarm of fire at S:30 o'clock yesterday morning was caused b. a pile of sawdust on the floor of the smoke house of Armour and Com¬ pany, Cameron and Henry streets. A cigarette or cigar stump is thought to have caused the blaze. The proprietor of Taloot's Ice Cream Parlor surprised the members of the Gazette force today by present¬ ing them with a gallon of delicious peach ice cream. Needless to say the delicacy disappeared with amaziu rapidity ami a profusion of thanks to the dionor. Aguinaldo's Daughter Bride at Alexandria, Va. Washington-, June 20..-Miss Car¬ men Auginaldo, only daughter of the celebrated Filipino insurgent general was quietly married March 30 r.t Alexandria, Va., to Jose P. Melenicio, director of the Philippine Press Bu¬ reau here. The marriage became known here yesterday, and has.just been announced by General Aguinal- db*in Manila. Mrs. Melenicio has been a student at Wellesley College. With her husband, she is spending her honeymoon at the home of Philippi >e Commissioned de Veyra. VIRGINIA. In the Clemk'S' Office of the Corpo¬ ration O. or: of ibc Qlty of Alexan¬ dria, on the 10th day of June, 1921, Mary Wiright Colston, complainant Thomas Colston, defendant, In Chancery No. 1G3I- MEMO. The object of this 'Suit is to obtain for the complainant an absolute di¬ vorce from the bonds of matrimony from defendant, c:« the grounds of wilful end v.hit _ry desertion and abandonment for more tha i three' years prior to the institution of thTu, 'suit; the right to resume her nia:den name; and fox general relief I(t appearing by an affidavit filed in this cause that the defendant Thomas Colston is a non-resident of this State: It is Ordered, Tivat srid de¬ fendant appear here within fifteen clay§ afie* due publication of this or¬ der and do what is necessary M pro¬ tect his interest in this suit. Davis and Budiwesky, P. Q. A Copy Teste. NEVELL S, GREENAWAY, 11' -4wp crk VIRGINIA. In the Clerk's Office of the Corpo¬ ration Court of the City of Alexan¬ dria. on the 10th day of June, 1921: Edward G. Cabel, vs. Kathryn M. Cabel, In Chancery No. 1629. MEMO. The. object cf this is to obtain a divorce a mensa eit fhoro for the complainant. Edward G. Cabel, from the defendant, Kathryn M. Ca|el, on; the ground of wilful desertion and abandonment, without just cause or excuse, and upon the passage of the statutory period, that the said Ed¬ ward G Cabel shall be granted a di-. vorce a vinculo matrimonii, and for general relief. .lit appearing by an affidavit filed in (this cause that the dfoendant Kathryn M. Cabel "is a non-resident of this State:-Tt is Ordered. That sai.i dafendanlt appear here within fifteen dlays after due publication of this or d'er 'and do what- is necessaryto pro¬ tect her interest In this suit. E. G. Duvall, P. Q. A Gopy Teste. NEVELL S. GREENAWAY, 140-4wp Cleik A meeting- of the Givl Snouts -prill night" at Norton Memorial Hall I "J***. t «-"r1.***¦*!$ \ Roy E. E^glhfi'd jia.4 ;Sold! |d\ Jff^s. Sophy Wpolf "Hlo^se.hp<f« la« 626 North ! Ttr_ _t-._<_>!..L? -iL'.t i»' Washington street. A' dWd of cohvfey ! ance Kv«s recp/ded- today/ - 5 ** . i . i ; rA"" t ."Is. r -rr-T.¦ , ; Sparks;froih a passmg locomotive at 3:20, o'clock this afternoon set fire to the overhead bridge'' opposite ^allenger's store 'on Duke street ex¬ tended. Chemicals -were used in ex tinguishing the blaze. WOMAN SEEKS SEAT IN MD. HOUSE OF DELEGATES Hyattsville, Md., June .20..Ofany refroms are said to be needed in Prince George's county, and the wo¬ men of this section of Southern Maryland beiieve it ?s up .to their sex to put them across. Accordingly they are support¬ ing the candidacy of Mrs. Mary C. Fuhrmann, of Brentwood, for a seat in the House of Delegates. Mrs. Fuhrmann is the wife of Charles J. Fuhrmann, propreitor of a drug store at Eighth and East Capitol Streets, Washington. She is the mother of several grown sons. John Broadus, colored, of Forest- ville, has announced his candidates for the house of delegates subject to the Republican primaries. John F. Wilson is a candidate for the Repub lican nomination for sheriff. JAPAN BUYING HEAVILY OF EUROPE'S WAR STORES Japanese naval author* ties are ex¬ hibiting unusual purchasing activity in European markets, according to diplomatic and consular advices reaching Washington yesterday. Japanese agents have recently closed a contract fo? 2",000 tons of Swedish pig iron, an 1 arc consid¬ ering further contracts for the «ame material, these advices stated. Swewish pig iron is use! in the man ufacture of armor. The Japanese buyers in England have also asked for bids on a hydrau lie press capable cf produc.r? 16,. GIRLS! WHITEN SKIN WITH LEMON JUICE Squeeze the Juice of two lemons Into a bottle containing- three ounces of Orchard White, which any drug store will supply for a few cents, shake well, and you have a quarter pint of harmless and delightful lemon bleach. Massage this sweetly fragrant lotion into the face, neck, arms and hands each day, then shortly note the beauty and whiteness of your skin. Famous stage beauties use this lemon lotion to bleach and bring that soft, clear, rosy-white complexion, also as a freckle, sunburn, and t,an bleach because it doesn't irritate. VIRGINIA. In ithe Clerk's Office of the Corpo-1 ration Count of the City of Alexan¬ dria, on the Sjth day of June, 1921. Jessie Mae Bleasdale Hagood, Corp-1 blaih'ant vs. Whiter F.' Hagood, de¬ fendant. In Chance/y No. jl'G'28, MEMO. The object of this -sunt is to obtain a divorce a mensa eft thoro for the complainant, Jessie Mae Bleasdale Hagood, from the defendant, Walter F. Hagood, on the ground of wilful d'e&erlbion and1 abandbn-ment without iust cause or excuse for a period «f less than itJhree years prior to the in¬ stitution of thSs suit, and1 for gen¬ eral relief. It appearing by an affidavit filed ir this cause that the defendant Walter F. Hagood is a -non-resiident of this State: It lis Ordered1, That said de¬ fendant appear hetre within ten days after due publication of this order, and do what is necessary to protect his interest in this suit. Charles Henry Smith, P. Q. A Copy Teste. NEVELL S. GREENAWAY. 140-4wp Clerk. VIRGINIA. In the Clerk's Office of the Corpo¬ ration Court of the City of Alexan-j dria, on the 7th day of June, 1921. Martha Duval Watts, complainant vs. Edward Hansborough Watts, de¬ fendant. In Chancery No. 1920. MEMO. The object of this suit is to obtain a divorce a vinculo matrimonii or the complainant, Martha Duval Watts, from the defendant, Edward Ilans borough Watts, on the ground of wil¬ ful and voluntary desertion and aban-1 conment without just cause or excuse- for more than three years prior to the institution of this suit, and for| general relief. It apipearing by an affidavit filsd in this Cause that the defendant Ed¬ ward Hansborough Watts is a non¬ resident of this State: It is Ordered, That said defendant appear here with¬ in ten days after due publication of this1 order, and do" what is necessary to protect his interest in this suit. R- B. Washington, P. Q. A Copy Teste. NEVELL S. GREENAWAY 137-lwp Clerk.j 000 tons of armor nnr.nnlly, nod the contract probablv wi'j go to Dnw r Bros.l td:: "of ShcfficM. ?3VT c±. v\,rtpress waring' and- PAitf yf \ t I }*$qfM GftjnsE < 'The president $an& j ojffrs,5 Hording-I fetid a.-striafl jjarty lofi-igtrosts return ecf to" .WaVhrngtoiTtdday from.a week errd jeruis^ .down' Chesapeake' bay. The yacht Mayflower docked at the navy yard shortly after 9 a I'm. The President went directly " to the White House, where he had numer oua engagements throughout the day. INDIAN'S POTEST U. S. POLICY President Harding was' asked to day to take steps to "humanize" the Bureau of Indian Aaffirs. The action was requested by a committee repre seating the Aemrican Society of Indians, which called at the White House and protested that the Gov¬ ernment's agents are "dictatorial" and "unjust" in their administration of the Indian office. AUTO KILLS WOMAN I ON DAY OF WEDDING Hartford, Conn., June 20..Ida Labinger, 22 years old daughter of Mrs. I. L. Labinger, 204 Mather street, who was to have been mar¬ ried yesterday, *vas killed au¬ tomobile driven by Policeman Ed¬ ward L. Dion ut Main and Park streets crossing. The woman's skulk was fractured. She died within an hour at Hartford Hospital. The policeman told dete fives that he was driving less than seven miles VIRGINIA. In the Clerk's Office of the Corpo¬ ration Court of the City of Alexan¬ dria, on the 6th day of June, 1921. George William McCarter, complain ant vs. Anna Keegan McCarter, de¬ fendant. In Chancery No. 1497. MEMO. The' object of this suit is to obtain for the complainant a limited divorce from the defendant on the grounds of j wilful and voluntary desertion and that upon the passage of the statu¬ tory period of three years same may be merged into an absolute divorce from the bonds of matrimony It appearing by an affidavit tiled i:: this cause that the defendant Anna ICeKegan McCarter is n non-resident of this State: It is Ordered, That said defendant appear here within ten days after due publication of this or¬ der, and do what is necessary to pro¬ tect her interest in this suit. Davis and Budweslky, P. Q. A Copy Teste. NEVELL S. GREENAWAY. l35-4wp Clerk. By Ash'bv E. Bladen, Deputy C^erk. VIRGINIA. ! In the Clerk's Office of the Corpr- ration Court of the City of Alexan¬ dria, on the lftth dhy of June 1921. . Margaret Turner vs. George Wash¬ ington Turner, In Chancer}: No. 1.623. memo! ... The. object-, of .this, suit is to obtain a dlivorce a vinculo .matrimonii for the complainant, Margaret Turner, from defendant Getorge Washington Turner,-on It-he groups *of w:lfu! de¬ sertion and abandonment without-just cause or excuste for more' -tinaft .three years prior to the 'institution 'Of' this sunt ,and tor general relief- It appearing by an affidavit filed in this cause (that the defendant George Washington Turner :is a non-resident of this State: It is Ordered, That said defendant appear here within -ten days after due publication of this or der, and db wha/t is necessary to pro¬ tect his interest in .this suit. ,. Richard B. Washington, P. Q. A Copy Teste. .'< NEVELL S. GREENAWAY, 140-4w)p Clerk. vTrginia. ' . , .- In the Clerk's Office of the Corpo¬ ration Court of the Ciity of Alexan¬ dria, on the Hitih day of June, 1921. Eva Estella Thompson, complain ant vs. Alonzo Bertram Thompson, defendant. In Chancery No. 1636. MEMO. . The object of this suit is to obtain for ithe complainant a divorce a vin¬ culo matrimonii form' /the defendant on' the ground of wilful and voluntary desertion and1 abandonment for m$re than three years immediately pre- ceediing the institution of this suit, and for general relief. It appearing by an affidavit filed in this cause .that the defendant Alonzo Bertram Thompson' is a non-resident of this State: lit is Ordered, That said defendant appear -here .within fifteen days after dUO .publication of this or¬ der, and dO what is necessary to pro¬ tect Wis interest in this suit. John C. Foster, P. Q. A Copy Teste. NEVELL S. GREENAWAY, 140-4wp Pleyk Look over The Classified Column every day an hour, but that Miss Labinger-j givin£|^l4i§= r|ames ofjjfs four&ii^ J [&3>i¥£,q&the curb dirpfllEJj;-front of liis~ "machine. While thcaMraloo Mlgajkgr,iffij<; t?j 1, attaches to P^ffffho: | ... : occupied th^tyjlmb^r^fe o^i< WiWonV\)Id Room at W cf Va. « doo numbed: J$3, WliSfchus bt j Wa.H.pirthplace of lJi Kappal Alpha ^rat I M '( < . ~ I Charlottesnlle Va., June 20 .j.In (replying to' b query of Wood row jwili json regarding his olef room at [ the, .Univeptiity of Virginia, the one' h$>; occupied as a student, it has develop' ed that the old room heretofore re7 garded as-the "Wilson"I^oom;" 'No. 23, West Range, is not thet correct- one. A search.of the refcords in the bursar's office shows that, the room in which the Pi Kappa, Alpha frater, ternity was founded, No. 31, West Range . This room was offered as a per- petual scholarship to the visitors last year by the Pi Kappa fraternity, and was accepted by that body, the first, scholarship holder to occupy it being Winston Atteberry, of Crowley, La. Mr. J. Boiling Jones has been award, ed the scholarship for the summer quarter this year. The Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity placed a handsome brone7. plate on the wall just to the P/t of the door ;>o-' doo inimbe&2£?, hi^pius '&&& re moved froni this connection -witl'j Mr 1 Wilson's nartei * ?.. I ¦) \ Triple FimeValVPcr jdhfld Vic* . !j . 'o'f :;Fath«r Slayer Washington, D. C., June 26.From the District Morgue, where' they now. rest -side by side, three children of Samuel R. Cranford, who were found dead in a gas-filled room at 906 G street southwest, late Saturday night, will 'be taken to Lorton, Va., this af¬ ternoon, for burial tomorrow in one grave, dn the family plot. Cranford's body, which was found in the room with his dead children, will .be claimed today by relatives. Mrs. Ellen Cranford, mother of the DIED MARIAN EDITH, beloved wife of Charles J. Long, and daughter of the late-John H., and Martha E. Knight, died at Chesapeake Beach, Maryland, June 18, at 10 p. m. ^Funeral June 21st, at 2 p. m., from Wheatley's Chapel, Alexan- comnieifiorating its foundling and! dria, Va. 1-16-1 p. Alexandria Fertilizer & Chemical Co. Subsidiary of the American Agricultural Chemical Ompany. Manufacturers and Importers Fertilizers and Fertilizer Materials Factory and Office Alexandria, Virginia. l- CALL 1064 For Straw Rides, Picnics and Parties ITSK3CBL.- . - --£T% ^1" Our Trucks at Your Service Regular Trips Saturday Nights to Tillinghast Dance at Lorton, Va. 1 WALTER S. SMITH Office 301 North Alfred Street t'tie ones, is <prcer rated at her -par- its' homo j'jv r.or+ou. On<: of the we ten who lV-sidu nt ,tli« <. street a«i- day, it wa^ v^aul A corujior'c mqaest will be con¬ ducted this afternoon to detormind ress said CrHTvford bad often abused j if possible' the circumstances cf the is wife and that .911 on? occasion, tragedy. While no trace of drugs was he was told, she suffered many ousis s when he beat Jief. It was through ear that he might kill her that she found iii '.lie room, the police are working on the assumption that the father administered art opiate to the id not return to her home Satur- children before he turned on the ^a; ^ OUR NEXT GOVERNOR 1 SENATOR E. LEE TRINKLE, Of Wytheville, Candidate for Governor, Democratic Primary, August 2, 1921. § Vote for a Business Administration by a 1 Business Man. ENTICEMENT When Ben Turpin, Char SPECTACLE lie Murray, James Fin- Iay.son, Eddie Gribbon, "Dot" Farley and Kalla i \j | NO\ELTV (In Five Parts) ig Pasha conspire in.a:Sen- § r r .... u.: ' Www . R NONSENSE vY. .A I Featuring'actable cast YYY 1 g nett plot, the i esmt isn , ^ ftm-makers and novelty' MsL* '" 1 excitement .to be taken, seriously. It is made to be laughed 1 . 4»|«IS .TIMELINESS >¦...¦.¦ § before used m any at. *.' * i m i y imlmmM&Mm thriLls All these and more you are sure to get in this big 5-act comedy. If you don't believe it, take hold of your sides and see "HOME TALENT" Beauty to inspire artists you might as well wear and m!rth to dimple the dark colored goggles, cheeks of the world in too. this festival of laughs. AT THE THEATRE .n A > *. \ \\ All . I v TODAY AND TOMO JUNE 20th AND 21st

Transcript of Alexandria gazette (Alexandria, Va. : 1834).(Alexandria, Va ......The proprietor of Taloot's Ice...

  • Mr.. Lisle E- Roadhpuse ?s a patient at the Alexandria Hospital. Heis iil with typhoid fever.

    i' t;' yMr. and Mrs.-R« B. Hacker were

    presented with a fine .son SundaySunday evening. Mother and babyare' doing fine-.- , . ,;

    .Mrs. Catherine Sinvms who hasbeen quite sick at her home in northPik street for the past two weeks,is -able to -be out-again.

    Messrs. Louis Lennon and VictorEaton are spending two weeks' va¬cation visiting Buffalo, NiagaraFalls. Toronto, Montreal ar.d NewYork.

    "Remember the garden party, Tuesday evening, June 21, given at theChrist Church rectory lawn by theGirls' Friendly Society. Come andbring your friends.

    There will be a called meeting tonight of Andrew Jackson Lodge No.120, tonight for the purpose of ex¬amination advancement work in theMaster Masonic degree.

    "Mt. Vernon Council, Daughters ofAmerica, will pay a fraternal visit tothe Council of the Daughters ofAmerica at Ballston, Va., tomorrowevening. Will leave f Prince andRoyal streets at 7 o'clock.

    The alarm of fire at S:30 o'clockyesterday morning was caused b. apile of sawdust on the floor of thesmoke house of Armour and Com¬pany, Cameron and Henry streets.A cigarette or cigar stump is thoughtto have caused the blaze.

    The proprietor of Taloot's IceCream Parlor surprised the membersof the Gazette force today by present¬ing them with a gallon of deliciouspeach ice cream. Needless to say thedelicacy disappeared with amaziurapidity ami a profusion of thanksto the dionor.

    Aguinaldo's DaughterBride at Alexandria, Va.

    Washington-, June 20..-Miss Car¬men Auginaldo, only daughter of thecelebrated Filipino insurgent generalwas quietly married March 30 r.tAlexandria, Va., to Jose P. Melenicio,director of the Philippine Press Bu¬reau here. The marriage becameknown here yesterday, and has.justbeen announced by General Aguinal-db*in Manila. Mrs. Melenicio has beena student at Wellesley College. Withher husband, she is spending herhoneymoon at the home of Philippi >eCommissioned de Veyra.VIRGINIA.

    In the Clemk'S' Office of the Corpo¬ration O. or: of ibc Qlty of Alexan¬dria, on the 10th day of June, 1921,Mary Wiright Colston, complainantThomas Colston, defendant, In

    Chancery No. 1G3I-MEMO.The object of this 'Suit is to obtain

    for the complainant an absolute di¬vorce from the bonds of matrimonyfrom defendant, c:« the grounds ofwilful end v.hit _ry desertion andabandonment for more tha i three'years prior to the institution of thTu,'suit; the right to resume her nia:denname; and fox general relief

    I(t appearing by an affidavit filed inthis cause that the defendant ThomasColston is a non-resident of thisState: It is Ordered, Tivat srid de¬fendant appear here within fifteenclay§ afie* due publication of this or¬der and do what is necessary M pro¬tect his interest in this suit.Davis and Budiwesky, P. Q.A Copy Teste.

    NEVELL S, GREENAWAY,11' -4wp '¦ crk

    VIRGINIA.In the Clerk's Office of the Corpo¬

    ration Court of the City of Alexan¬dria. on the 10th day of June, 1921:Edward G. Cabel, vs. Kathryn M.Cabel, In Chancery No. 1629.MEMO.

    The. object cf this is to obtaina divorce a mensa eit fhoro for thecomplainant. Edward G. Cabel, fromthe defendant, Kathryn M. Ca|el, on;the ground of wilful desertion andabandonment, without just cause orexcuse, and upon the passage of thestatutory period, that the said Ed¬ward G Cabel shall be granted a di-.vorce a vinculo matrimonii, and forgeneral relief.

    .lit appearing by an affidavit filedin (this cause that the dfoendantKathryn M. Cabel "is a non-residentof this State:-Tt is Ordered. That sai.idafendanlt appear here within fifteendlays after due publication of this ord'er 'and do what- is necessaryto pro¬tect her interest In this suit.E. G. Duvall, P. Q.A Gopy Teste.

    NEVELL S. GREENAWAY,140-4wp Cleik

    A meeting- of the Givl Snouts -prill

    night" at Norton Memorial HallI "J***. t «-"r1.***¦*!$

    \ Roy E. E^glhfi'd jia.4 ;Sold! |d\ Jff^s.Sophy Wpolf "Hlo^se.hp