Alexandria gazette (Alexandria, Va. : 1834).(Alexandria,...

WEDNESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 1. An Accommodating Husband..The wife of Elias Van Amberg, a well-to-do flor¬ ist and gardener at Arlington, Hudson coun¬ ty, N. J., eloped last Saturday wilb TbarUs Byram, the hired man, taking with her their three children and all the household furni¬ ture. No effort is being made by Van Am¬ berg to recover his wife, children or proper- erty. Byram is twenty tivo years old and good looking, according to the husband's MaleuiHut, and was employed about a year ago. He soon found favor iu the eyes of! Mrs. Vau Amberg, who is thirty-four years old. Io a abort time Van Amberg had lit¬ tle to say about the running of the place, as hi? wife nod Byram took that responsibilty offhishaDds. Byram and Mrs. Van Am¬ berg went away on several little trips which caused some gossip, but which the husband took in good part. Finally the husband re¬ monstrated with his wife in a mild way, which hastened matters to a climax. On Friday last he noticed her packing up goods and asked her if she was going away. She replied that she was. He asked her if she had weighed the matter well and Bbe reply¬ ing she had, he appeared perfectly satisfied. He went to market Saturday morning, and ou bis return found that his wife, children and furniture, likewise the hired man, were missing. Van Amberg and his wife have been married seventeen years and have three children, two girls and one boy. He takes bis wife's departure in a most philo¬ sophical manner. Candidate for Congress. Log Cabin, Near Mitchei.i.'s Station, I CULPErER Co , Aug. 27, 3 886. i I hereby announce myself as a Henry Clay democratic candidate for Congress from this (the 8th) Congressional district, and shall feel proud to be elevated to that high and honorable position. J. R. SMOOT, of Hezekiah. SHOVFLS, SPADES, RAKES, HOES, FORKS and other Garden Tools, in great variety and at low prices, wholesale aDd retail, at 88 King, corner of Royal street, by ' _*pl2 J- T. CREIGHTON A SON. TUMBLESON'S FITTINGS, a new tube, Ac., for infants' nursing bottles, a valuable inven¬ tion; also DEVOE'S RUBBER NURSING BIBS, a nice article, for sale by feb2 E. S. LEADBEATER A BRO. JUST RECEIVED.A fresh Bupply of tho cele¬ brated BUFFALO LITHIA WATER, direct from the springs, by the bottle or case as low as the same can be bought elsewhere. feb8 J. D. H. LUNT. BOVININE OR THE VITAL PRINCIPLES of Beef and Mutton concentrated, a most valua¬ ble article for infants, invalids and dyspeptics, in bottles at 60 cts. and $L each. ie21 E. 8. LEADBEATER & BRO. Genuine waldron and american GRAIN and GRASS SCYTHES, Patent and Plain Snaths, Scythe Rifles, Scytbo Stones, Ac. wholesale and retail at 88 King St., corner Royal. my21 J. T. CREIGHTON & SON. WHITE WASH BRUSHES in great variety, made expressly for our trade. For salo wholesale aud retail at low prico3 at 88 King st., corner of Royal. my!4 J. T. CREIGHTON & SON. Fine perfumery. Something New. Blue Bello of Scotland, Trailing Arbutus, Tally Ho, Marechal Niel Rose and Alpino Violets ac je28 JOHN I). H. LUNT'S. pERRY'S.HARNESS OIL SOAP. Three sizes.$1, 50 and 25c sizes; the finest article in tho world for harness. For salo by fob27 W. F. CREIGHTON A CO- BARB FENCING WIRE at the present timo is very low in price. We have a largo stock, and those in want will do well to call on us before buying. JAS. F. CARLIN & SONS, Jol5 Alexandria, Va PURE LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS* colored border and plain whito for Ladies aud Geuts 12^ cents, at Wl AMOS B. SLAYMAKER'S. oST RECEIVED A FRE8H8UPPLY OF THE tf Celebrated Farmville Lithia Water iu bottlos or by the gallon, at J. D. H. LUNT'S, jel6 Cor. King and Washington at8. OQUARE. OCTAGON and FLAT CAST STEEL IO will be sold at 88 King street, corner of Roy¬ al, at a greatly reduced price Quality warrant¬ ed. Coct28] J. T. CREIGHTON A SON. LADIES' LOW-NECK AND SHORT-SLEEVE GAUZE VESTS for 25c.greatly below their je!6 AMOS B. SLAYMAKER'S. THE NEW AMERICAN FRYER, for frying oysters, crallers. potatoes, Ac., a real comfort to the housekeeper, for sale by feb27 JAS. F. CARLIN A SONS. EGG NOODLES, VERMICELLI, LENTILS, SPLIT PEAS AND BARLEY. mh5 ^0. McBUBNEY & SON._ BALBRIGGAN SHIRTS for men; long and short sleoves, very fine quality, at 50c. For salo by myl4 AMOS B. SLAYMAKER. A HANDSOME assortment of country-made SPRING CASSIMERES for boys and men; vory cheap and good; just received at mh!9 AMOS B. SLAYMAKER'S. CARM EL CASTILE SOAP, made of puro olive oil; a most delightfnl soap, and make9 a very agreeable tooth wash. my28 E. S. LEADBEATER & BRO. POTATO BUGS! POTATO BUGS! Jast received another supply of PARIS GREEN for potato bugs at *my!4 W. F. CREIGHTON & CP'S. ADAMS' EXTRA EARLY CORN, LARGE LIMA BEANS and SUGAR CORN of several varieties just received by ap!5 E. 8. LEADBEATEB & BRO. C1ASTORINE! CASTORINE !.Baum's ever J ready Castorine, a perfect oiler for Buggies, Wagons, Carts, Ac. Never Gums; Never ChillB. For Bale by [Je9] W. F. CREIGHTON & CO. COIL OIL STOVES.Just the thing for hot summer months. One of Adams & West- lake's celebrated make of Oil Stoves very cheap at je24 E J. MILLER, SON & GO'S. CIOMMON SENSE STEW PANS.A largTstock J of this justly celebrated preserving kettle now on hand aDd at prices nevei offered before at jo24 E. J. MILLER. 8QN & CP'S. LASS FOR HOT BEDS.6x8, 7x0 and 8x10. "JT A large supply on hand, which we offer at lowest prices. mh!7 E. 8. LEADBEATER A BRO. IF YOU CANNOT SEE and cannot find any SPECTACLES to suit you, go to HENRY WILDT'S and have your eyes tested, and you will have no more trouble. nov20 NOTICE! NOTICE! Wo have received another supply of HARD OIL FINISH. my!4 W. F. CREIGHTON A CO. F>WLER'S IMPROVED FLY FANS, one of the "luxuries of the ago," for sale by JAS. F. CARLIN A SON8, jel5 Alexandria, Va. fTUBLE AND POCKET CUTLERY, RAZORS, X SCISSORS and a great variety of other goods suited to the country trade for sale at low prices. apl J. T. CREIGHTON A SON. CORN.ADAMS' EXTRA EARLY CORN and SILVER SKIN ONION SETS. A large sup¬ ply just received from Landreth. mhl7 E. S. LEADBEATER A BRO. FULL LINE OF BASKETS, TUBS, WASH¬ BOARDS, BROOMS, Ac., for sale low by wy25 J. C. MILBURN. EARLY JUNE PEA8, canned, just received by jylC J. C. MILBURN. T)URE 8PICES, whole and ground, for sale by ¦ J. C. MILBURN. A TAX SALE. SALE OF PBOPEBTY FOB NON-PAYMENT OF CITY TAXE8. Under the following resolution, passed by the City Council, Tuesday, Jane 8, I880, we will ex- pose at public auction on Wednesday, September 1,1886, in front of the Market Building, Boyal street, Alexandria, Va., the following LOTS AND IMPROVEMENTS thereon, or as much thereof as may be necessary to pay and satisfy the taxes, assessments or chargos due to the City Council of Alexandria on the same: Hesftlved, That the Collectors of Taxes be, and they are hereby, directed to proceed and sell at public auction all real estate in the city of Alex¬ andria, on which taxes are due and unpaid to May 31,1865, in conformity to the City Charter. Said sale to commence on Wednesday, the 1st day of September 1886. The purchasers will be required to pay at the time of sale, the taxes, assessments, charges and expenses of sale. The proprietor or proprietors of such lots, bis or their heirs, representatives or agents, may, within two years from the day or tale, p»y to the purchasor thereof, or to the Mayor, the money paid for such taxes, chargos and expenses, as aforesaid, with twelve per oent. pi-r annum as interest thereon, or make a tender of the same, in which eve>t he shall be reinstated iu his original titlo. If no such paymont or tender be inado within two years next after the sale, the purchaser will bo required to pay tbo remainder of the purchaso money into the treas¬ ury of the City Council where it will remain, subject to tho order of the proprietor or his legal representative; and tho purchaser on tho payment of the whole amount of tho purchase money, will receive a titlo to the said lot or lots, or such parts thereof, in feo simple, from the Mayor. The s*lo will commence at 10 o'clock a. m., on the day specified, and if not completed on that day, will bo continued from day to day and from time to time until completed. J NO. T. HILL Col. N. Dist. a K. FIELD. Col. S. Dist. THIBD WABD. Alexander, Alfred, house Payne bet Cameron and Qucou, '84, $1 68. Atwell. Mary J, house and lot Payne bet Cameron at.d Qucon, '81, $2 36. Boutch, Mary, house and lot s w cor Alfred and Oronoco, '83, $16 80. Brown, Enoch, lot Patrick bet Oronoco and Prin¬ cess, '82, '83. '84, $3 22. Blackburn, H, house Cameron >nd Fayette, '81, '82, §2 05. Baggett, John W, house and lot 8t. Asaph bet Oro¬ noco and Pendloton, '84, $23 41. Ballard D, estate, house and lot s e cor Queen and Payne. '80, '81, '82, '83, '84, $5 17. Bailey, Jumos, lot Washington bet Madison and Montgomery, '84, $6 72. Bailey, Honry, house on Gregory's lot, '80, '81, '82. '83, '84, §7 83. Bladen, John, house and lot Queen bet Patrick and Honry. '80, '84, $33 20. Bell, Charles, house and lot Fayette bet Cameron and Quoon, '78, '79, '80, $7 42, Church (Lutheran) house and lot ne cor Cameron and Alfred, '78, $17 98. Church, (Baptist) house and lot w Pitt and Oro¬ noco, '84, $4 48. Cecil, Bobert, lot Oronoco between Pitt and 8t. Asaph, '84, $2 24. Chichester. Mary E, house and lot King bet West and Payne, '83, $10 50 Cushing, Caleb, estate, lot St. Asaph bet Montgom¬ ery and Madison, '82, '83, '84, $19 32. Cook, Lemuel, house and lot n e cor Cameron and Patrick, '81, '82, '83, '84, $38 45. Claughton & Neale, Corn's, house and lot n e cor King and Fayette, '81, $28 35. Callahan, Bridget, house on Canal lot, '80, '81 $2 92. Contee, Jas., house and lot Patrick bet Queen and Princess, '79 '80 '82 '83, $36 05. Contee. John, house and lot Patrick bet Queen and Princess,'79 '80 '83 $29 24. Caton, Wm. H.. house and lot Cameron bet Henry and Fayette, '78, $11 76. Cox, Frank, house and lot Cameron bet Fayette and Henry, '77, '78, '79, '80, '81, '82, '83, 84. $54 38. Conniff, Jno and Bridget, house and lot in alley bet Henry and Fayetto, '78, 'SO, '81, '82, '83, '84, $25 13. Conniff, Bridget, house on Canal lot, '82, '83, '84, $4 83. Dugan, Jno, houso and lot n o cor Washington and Madison, '80, $14 98. DuVal, G A, lot Pendleton and Columbus, '81, $5 67. Ditcher, Henry, ground rent Fayette bet King and Cameron, '78, $6 00; do house and lot Fayetto bet King and Cameron, '82, $2 63. Dorsey, H C ost, house and lot Queen bet Pitt and St Asaph, 82, '83, $12 60; do houso and lot 8 e cor Queen and St Asaph, '82, '83, $63 00; do 2 houses and lots Patrick bet Queen and Princess, '82, 83, $16 80. Duncan, Jas, lot s w cor Princess and St Asaph, '82, '84, $15 19; do houso and lot 8t Asaph bet Wythe and Pendleton, '82, $10 50. Dixon, Luciuda. house on Gregory's lot, '81, '82 '83. '84, $6 25. Day, David, 2 lots Oronoco bet Henry and Patrick, '80, $1 60. Day, Thos 8,2 lots Oronoco bet Henry and Patrick, '80, $1 60 Elkins, Jno, houso on Byau's lot '80, '81, '82, '83, $4 57. Farner (or Farmer), Chas D, houso and lot s w corner Poyton and King, '84, $68 43. Franklin, G W, 2 housos Oronoco bet Henry and Patrick, '84, $3 36. Fry, Jas (or Jos), 2 lots Fayotto, Queen and Payne, '81, '82, '83, '84, $8 38. Frye, Geo W, house and lot Pitt bet Oronoco and Pendleton, '81, '82, '83, '84, $14 63. Ford, Chas, \ sqr St Asaph, Wythe and Pitt, '78, '79, '82, '83, '84, $53 90. Ford, Josiah, 2 houses and lots swoor King and Payne, '78, $49 28. Glovor, Chas E, lot Alfred bet Cameron and Queen, '79, $2 10. Ghecn, Jno H. house and lot King bet Alfred and Patrick, '80, 'SI, '82, $179 55. Gordon, Annie, lot Fayette bet Queen and Princess, '80, '81, 83, $3 00. Grimsby, Jno, lot Henry bet Princes* and Oronoco, '81, '82, '83, $6 72. Gentzberger, Lipman, house and lot Patrick bet King and Cameron, '83, '84, $26 04. Graham, Sarah, house and lot Alfred bet Qneen and Cameron, '83, '84, $4116. Hall, Geo, houso and lot Oronoco bet Patrick and Alfred, ?83, $8 92. Hammcrsley, James, house and lot n e cor Camer¬ on and Henry, '83, $7 88. Hunter, Jno, ^sq Wythe Payne and Madison, '83 .84, $35 28. Hooff, P H, lot Payne bet Cameron and Queen, '81 '83 '84, $43 61. Harris. Henry, house and lot Pendleton bet Pitt and St Asaph, '81 '83 '84, $13 02. Hardyt . lot 20x100 Queen bet Honry and Fayetto, '80, $1 40. Hardy Jas house on Byan's lot 80 81 83,$3 52. Houderson J W ico houso near Canal basin 77 79 83, $17 22. Johnson CF M ost house and lot Cameron bet Pitt and 8t Asaph 83 '4, $163 92. Johnson Nelson houso and lot West bet Cameron and Queen 82, $1 58. Johnson Wm houso and lot West bet Cameron and Queen 84, $1 68. Joicc Chas house and lot s o corner Columbus and Princess 80, $7 98. Lewis Fred J 2 houses and lot Fatrick bet Prin¬ cess and Oronoco 84, $5 04. Laphen Jno est 7 houses and lots ¦ w cor Madison and Columbus 83 '4, $60 76. Lawson Joseph us houso and lot Alfred bet Queen and Princess 82 '4, $22 79. Lucas Chas ost house and lot Henry bet Cameron and Queen 80 82 83 84, $16 87. Lane Geo houso and lot n w cor Princess and Al¬ fred 80 84, $10 36. Loe Alfred lot Alfred bet Montgomery and First 82, $2 10. Lee Bun h Payne bet Cameron and Qneen 79-82, $4 12. Lewis Jesse houso and lot Princess bet Fayette and Henry 81, $3 15. Martin Jas house and lot Patrick bet Princess and Oronoco 81, $1 89. Moore Ann 2 houses and lots Qneen bet Payne and Fayette 79, $8 40. Millan Jno house and lot Henry near s o corner Henry and Oronooo 83, $4 72. Mack Chas lot Alfred bet Princess and Oronoco 81 84, $5 78. Mercer Betsey lot West bet Princess and Oronoco 82 84. $12 88. Miller Jno house and lot Henry bet Princess and Oronoco 84, $5 04. Miers Jno A lot Payne bet Princess and Oronooo 82-84, $9 66. McCuen, E, est, house and lot 134 and 136 north - Columbus, '79, '80, '81, '82, '83, $134 04. McCauley, Dennis, est, house near Canal basin, '83 '84, $3 25. McDonnell, Patrick, houso near Canal basin, '84, $2 40. McDermott, P, pst, house and lot Washington bet Madison and Montgomery, '78, '80, '82, '83, '84, $28 07. . TAX SALE. O'Brien, Thos, lot near Canal basin, '78, '79, '80, '81, '82, '83. '84, $16 81. Pinkney, B, est, lot Alfred bet Montgomery «nd First, '82, $3 15. Parker, Wm, house and lot Cameron bet Fayette and Payne, '78, $7 28. Parker, Chri«, house on Gregory's lot, '80, '81, .82, '84, $2 47. Perpener D 8 lot Alfred bet Wythe and Pendle¬ ton 81, $4 73. Perpener Mrs lot Oronoco bet Henry and Patrick 80 82 83 84, $7 24. Page Wm et als *4 sq Queen Princes* Fayette and Payne 79 80 81 82 83 84, $41 99. Qainn Lewis lot Henry bet Priaoeas and Ojono- co 81, $1 94. Bodmond Fred house on Flood's lot 83 84, $1 86. Boy Henry house and lot Pendleton bet Patrick and Alfred 81, $6 19. Boy Jno honse and lot Pendleton bet Patrick and Alfred 79 80 81, $10 56. Bobinson Poter lot Patrick bet Princess and Queen 78 79 80 81, $9 02. Bobinson Jere 3 houses and lots West bet Camer¬ on and Queen 81 82 83 84, $19 29. Sanner Eudocia lot 246 Oronoco and 189 West 84, $8 96. Smith Hugh <«t -"4 b<] 6 o cor Pendlotm and Al¬ fred 82, $6 30. Swann Wm T 2 lota St Asaph bet Madison and Montgomery 80 81 82 83 84, $10 33. Swann Francis B 2 lots St Asaph bet Madison and Montgomery 79 HO 81, $8 98. Swann Helen M aq Patrick and Wythe 79-84. $27 96. Swann Chas A lot 8t Asaph between Madison and Montgomery 78-H4, $11. 8hirley Sarah lot Henry and alley between King and Camern 76-78, $22 24; do hoose and Jot Patrick between King and Cameron 76-78, $50 20. Stuart Geo T lot Henry Patrick Pendleton and Oronoco 81, $1 94. Stewart James M 2 honscs and lots St Asaph bet Queen and Cameron 76-78, $88 14. Saunders Ben lot Fayette bet Cameron and Qaecn 76-77 79-84, $12 31. Thornton Lucindx house and lot alley bet Henry and Fayette 79-81, $11 97. Truehardt Wilson est house and lot Patrick bet Queen and Princess 78 and 80, $20 18. Thompson Edward house Oronoco bet Henry and Patrick 84, $2 35. Taylor & McNair fair grounds King and line 1 $173 60. Thomas Geo house Payne bet Cameron and Queen 80-81 and 84, $4 19. Taylor Wm M ost house and lot Henry between Princess and Queen 82-84, $25 76. Williams Isaac honte Oronoco bet Henry and Patrick 84, $2 35. Williams Cecelia houso on Canal lot 83-4, $4 34. Williams, Susau house and lot s e cor Patrick and Pendleton 83, $5 25. Williams, Elias lot Princcss bet Payne and Fay¬ ette 82, $1 46. Williams, Jack houso on Gregory's lot 80-82 and 84, $4 60. Williams King house Queen bet Payne and Fay¬ ette 80-84, $6 22. Whiting Carter 2 lots St Asaph and Madison 79, $2.0. Webster Oliver house and lot Peyton bet King and Prince 80, $8 98. Weismuller Jno A bouse on Daingerfield's lot 80- 81-82, $3 38. Weadon Michael house on Seaton's lot 80-81-84, $9 82. Washington Bubon house Cameron and Fayette 81-83, $1 54. Washington Ceoelia house and lot Fayette bet King and Cameron 79-83, $24 57. Yeaton W C (agent for Eamsay) % square Queen Payne Princcss and Fayette 78, $17 92 Yeaton W C part square Fayette Queen and Prin¬ cess 83, $21. Yeatman Mrs 248*73 sq Payne West and Prin¬ cess 84, $5 60. Young Stepbon houso and lot Alfred bet Mont¬ gomery and First, $3 64. FOURTH WARD. Anderson Henry houso and lot Gibbon bet Pitt and St Asaph 76-79 and 84, $22 81 Baggott Elizabeth est lot 115 Duko 76-77, $11 08 Ballard Jno house on Muir's lot 76-77-83-84, $7 67. Blacklock E S houso and lot Washington bet Wolfe and Duke 70, 542. Brawner's Jas est house and lot St Asaph bet Gibbon and Franklin 78-79-82-83-84, $56 14. Bennett Dan'l house and lot Gibbon bet St Asaph and Pitt 80 and 81, $12 71. Bockley J W est lot Prince bet Payne and Fay- I etto $3 and 84, $4 34. I Bontz Susan house and lot 45 Peyton st 78, 84 48. Breen W n lot n o cor Patrick and Gibbon 83 and 84, $6 51. Clark Nat C bouse and lot Gibbon bet Alfred and Patrick 78-83, $37 86. Clark Nancy or Thornton house and lot Alfred bet Duko and Wolf 76-78-82, $15 64. Claggett Jas houso and lot St Asaph bet Gibbon and Franklin 78-84, $47 5. Day Goo lot Gibbon bet St Asaph and Pitt 81-84, $6 25. Dorsey Elizabeth houso and lot Gibbon bet Al- | fred and Patrick 82-84, $23 52. Douglas R S or Walter Gahan's ost 6 houses ana lots in alley bot Columbus and Alfred 78-81, $59 82; do 3 houses and lots a o cor Gib bon and Alfred 78-81, $103 18. Evans J T est two houses and lots Columbus bot Duko and Princo 80, $59 85; do houso and lot bet Henrv and Fayette 80. $1197; do houso and lot Wolfe bot Columbus and Alfred 80, S7 98; do lot nw cor Columbus and Wilkes 80, $7 98. Fields Edmond, house and lot Peyton bot Prince and King 81 and 84, $18 58. Goodrich Chas houso and lots no 209 Duko 76-77, $12 82. Grady Joshua houso and lot Alfred bet Gibbon ana Franklin 78-81 83-84, $59 87. Griffith Greonbury house and lot Pitt bet Princo and Duko 79-80 82-84, $52 76. Gaines John house and lot Columbus between Wilkes and Gibbon 81 84, $11 OG. Henderson P G est house and lot n o cor Wolfe and Patrick 83 84, $41 40. Henderson Cora and Virginia lot n o cor Duke and Patrick 79-81 84, $48 35. Henderson Polly 2 houses and lots Alfred bet Prince and Duko 78-80 82-84, $79 55. Hoy's est houso and lot Princo bet Fayotto and Payne 82, $16 80. Harris A W houso and lot Columbus bet Jeffer¬ son and Franklin 79-84, $34 17. Hudg ins Robt house and lot Fayette bot Prince ana Duko 78-80 82 84, $35 88. Hunter John lot Franklin bet Columbus and Washington 84, $3 36. Hoymcs Alary and Matilda lot Gibbon bet Pitt and St Asaph 80. $2. Jackson Pompoy houso and lot Gibbon bet Co¬ lumbus and Alfred 83-84, $14 24. Johnson Matthew house and lot Gibbon bet Co¬ lumbus and Alfred 82-84, $7 52. Leo R H lot s w cor Duke and Patrick 82, $8 40; do 2 lot3 Henry bot Duko and Wolfe 82-84, $22 54. Leonard Jno house and lot Alfred bot Princo and Duke 76-84, $71 72. Laphen Jno est house and lot Prince bet Alfred and Columbus, $39 06. Minton Mrs Jno 2 houses and lots Prince bot Favctto and Payne 84, $22 40. Marshall Maria lot s e cor Columbus and Wilkes 82-84, $32 20. Miller Wm house and lot Henry bet Duko and Wolfe 80-81, $8 81. Norris Emeline houso and lot Wllkos bet Pitt and St Asaph 78-84, $75 56. Nickens Jno est house and lot Gibbon bet Pitt and St Asaph 79-80 82-84, $62 67. Parsonage Roberts chapel house and lot Wash¬ ington bet Franklin and Gibbon 82-84, $64 40. Parsonage Baptist church house and lot Patrick bet Prince and Duke 82-84, $6440. Parker Thos house and lot 148 Wolfe bet Alfred and Columbus 79, $8 93. Parker Jos house on Lovoring's lot 77 80-84, $24 49. Richards W B est house and lot Patrick between Princo and Duke 84, $22j40; do n e cor Duko and Fayette 84, $67 20. Robinson Peter house Wolfe bot Columbus and Alfred, §2 70. Semmes Geo house and lot Columbus bet Frank lin and Gibbon 84, $8 96. Seals Chas house and fot Alfred bet Duke and Wolfe 84, $3 92. Thornton Geo house and lot Columbus between Franklin and Gibbon 79-80 82-83. $26 99. Thornton Jno 2 houses and lots Columbus bet Franklin and Gibbon 83, $14 13. Throgmorton Wm houso and lot cor Wilkes and Columbus, $13 94. Verdon Jno est 2 houses and lota s w cor Colum¬ bus and Gibbon 81-84> $82 86. Wright Moses house and lot St Asaph bet Gib¬ bon and Franklin 82-84, $32 72. Webster Jas est house on Yiolett's lot 76-77, $7 74. Webb Jno H house and lot Commerce bet Payne and West 82, $2 63. Webb Alfred 2 houses and lota Commerce bet Payno and We?t 78-81 84. $35 39. TAX SALE. \Vhito"k U Hi s w cor "Wilkes and "\\ ushing- "VVelis^Gco Iwuee on Ycaton's lot "West bet Duke Yeak)n>"v<C lot n'vfcor Duke and West 78, $'22 40 Toune J M hou?e and lot n w cor Alfred and Franklin 84. $16 24. Zimmerman Win est h°u®eoJin(^.0 cyton Duke and Commerce 78 80-84, $o2 b2. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. J. C. MILBUBN, GBOCEB, TEA DEALER AND COMMISSION MEECHANT. No. 17 North Eoyal street, near Market space Alexandria, Va. AiuXouUi a' Orders and consignments solicited ; thoy wi.l re¬ ceive careful and prompt attention. ??1i_ QHASLE8 KING A SON, Wholesale Grocers, 07 CAMEEON STREET apl ALEXANDRIA^ VIRGINIA^ J1RANK HUME, WHOLESALE GROCER AND LIQUOR DEALER, No. 454 Pennsylvania ave., Washington, D. C. All goods packod and delivered free of charge. mh! _ P~ HILIP B. HOOE, No. 2 Prince street, GENERAL SHIPPING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT. Grain a specialty. Agent for steamers to Norfolk, connecting with lino to Boston, Providence and the East, declo JOHN LANNON, WHOLESALE GROCER AND LIQOUR MERCHANT, Corner Market street and Strand, Alexandria, Virginia. AGENCY DUPONT'S SPORTING, MINING sn.i BLASTING POWDER. A fnll line of celebrated pure old Whiskies, Brandies, Gin, Rum, &c., Massey & Co's. Phila¬ delphia and Claggett's Baltimore Ales, and Bergcr & Engel's Lager Beer, in casks or bottles. Agent for the POTOMAC RIVER STEAMERS. Orders promptly attended to and consignmonts solicited. myl-tf W. A. Smoot. Q. S. French. A. SMOOT <fe CO., W. COAL, SALT, PLASTER. Alexaitdeia, Va. Of fice.Smoot's Wharf. ap4 Special^attention paid to forwarding. A. JOHNSON & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, And Dealers in ALL KINDS OF LIQUORS, Havo on hand GIBSON'S XX, XXX, XXXX, and PURE OLD RYE, OLD CABINET and MONOGEAM WHISKIES; also BAKER'S and THOMPSON'S PURE RYE WHISKIES, to which they invite the attention of the trade. Orders from the country for merchandise shall receive prompt attention. Consignments of Flour, Grain and Country Pro¬ duce solicited, for which they guarantee the high¬ est market prices and prompt returns. Northeast corner of Camorou and Royal streets sepl4 Alexandria, Va. rpH DMAS PERRY, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT And Dealor in FLOUR, FISH, SALT, and FERTILIZERS? Also Agents for WATT'S RICHMOND CAST and CHILLF.D PLOWB. febl9-tf ALEX AND RJA_. r _A__ JJABLOW BROS., WHOLESALE GROCERS , GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND Dealers in WINE AND LIQUORS. FLOUB GRAIN AND COUNTRY PRODUCE SOLICITED, PROMPT RETURNS AND LIBERAL AD¬ VANCES ON GOODS IN STORE. AGENCY OF LAFLIN <& RANDS SPORTING, BLASTING AND MINING POWDER Ahx COTTON AND WATEB-PROOF FUSE. N. W. cor. Cameron and Royal st«. mhlO HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. IHE TONTINE. T The subscriber having taken charge of this well known hotel and restaurant informs his friends and the public generally that nothing will be left undono to maintain the high reputation of the house. The larder will he supplied with every delicacy, and the bar stockcd with the best of Liquors. Meals sorved at all hour* in the best style and at reasonable rates. Arrangements can be made for Receptions or Dinner Parties. »p29 SAMUEL ORRISON. M. B. HARLOW. JAMES K. CATON. Harlow & Caton, Real Estate Agents and Brokers, ROOM 2 MARKET BUILDING. Real estate bought and sold, and loans made and negotiated on real estate. We havo on our list a large number of desirable properties for sale both in the city and country. SODA WATER. L. 8TABLER & CO. Have all the popular Syrups and Tonics with So¬ da Water on draught, such as Picon, Moxie's Nerve Food, Raspberry, Phosphate, Limeade, &c. Fresh supply of Limes justjeceived. mylo RAT, ROACH aud BED BUG POISONS of sov- eral kinds for sale by »p20 E. S. LEADBEATER & BRO. Another supply of small hams ro- ceivod to-day by >oglQ J. C. MILBUEN. Moth paper : moth paper < Just received and for sale at 10c a sheet by my!4 W. F. CREIQHTON & CO. AK and PINE HORSE BUCKETS; also Well Buckets, Chains and Wheels. rah 24 J A3. F. CARLIN & SON 9^ Another new and pretty lot of NECKWEAR just opened at ap!2 A_M09 B. SLAYMA KER'S. PURE BLACKBERRY CORDIAL, mado for family use. auglO GEO. McBURNEY & SON^ Fine sugab-cured shoulders and BREAKFAST PIECES just roceived by jy23 J. C. MILBUBN. Call and examine the north star WASH-BOARD, 10 doz. just received by je3 J. C. MILBURN. A DELICIOUS TABLE DBINK.Phillips' l)i gestible Cocoa. For salo by mar3 J. D. H. LUNT. CELLULOID COLLARS AND CUFFS just re¬ ceived by my4 AMOS B. SLAYMAKER. CA8SARD'S BEST REFINED LARD jnst re¬ ceived by my7 J- C. MILBURN. Another supply of acme blacking recoived to-day by my7 J. C. MILBUBN. 1 STEAMERS. FOE NORFOLK AND FORTRESS MONROE. THE POTOMAC STEAMBOAT COMPANY'S First-class steamer GEORGE LEARY will leave Prince st. wharf EVERY MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY, at 6 p. m. Return¬ ing, leave Norfolk overy Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 4 p. m. Connecting at Norfolk with "BOSTON AND providence" STEAMERS and 8tcamer ARIEL FOR RICHMOND. For further particulars enquire at Company's Office 7th 8treet Wharf, Washington, D. C., or to PHILIP B. HOOE, may7-tf Agt. Prince Street Wharf._ INLAND AND SEABOARD coasting COMPANY. GREATLY REDUCED RATES. FOR FORTRESS MONROE AND NORFOLK DIRECT (NO STOPS.) The steamer LADY OF THE LAKE will leave her wharf EVERY TUESDAY, THURSDAY and SATURDAY at 6 o'clock p. m. Fare, firt>t class, $2; rouud trip, $3.00. FOR NEW YORK. STEAMERS E. C. KNIGHT AND JOHN GIBSON IFS» every WEDNESDAY MORNING, aud returning leave- Now York, from pior 41, East river, overy SATURDAY. FOR river LANDINGS. The steamer john W. THOMPSON will leave every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY MORNINGS for landings as far down as Leonard- town. returning, leavo Leonardtown every Tues¬ day, Thursday and Saturday mornings. Tho steamers of this company make connections at Norfolk for Boston and all points East; at New York Willi all points West and Northwest, and at Alexandria with Virginia Midland Railway and Washington and Ohio Railroad. Through rates given and freight handled carefully aud promptly For further information apply to F. A. REED & CO., Agent, Janney's wharf J. W. THOMPSON, President. 1416 F street, aop^tf Washington, D._C._ CLYDE'S STEAM line WEEKLY TO * PHILADELPHIA. Appointed sailing days from Aloxa rt EV¬ ERY TUESDAY and from Philadelpb. EVERY SATURDAY. This lino connects at Alexandria with tbo \ ir- einia Midland and Washington and Ohio railroads, and at Philadelphia with Clyde's regular Steam¬ ships. Freight forwarded with promptnoss and care, free of commissions. v No charge for transfer in Philadelphia. Quick time. Frequent departures. Through rates and through bills of lading given. Insurance ai the lowost ratos. Agents F A. REED & CO., Alexandria. WM. P. CLYDE & CO., Philadelphia. JOHNSON <Sc CO., Wash. & Goorgt'n. janB-tf JJEINEKEN'S VIRGINIA WINES. Norton's Scediing Claret. Rose of Virginia Extra Virginia Virginia Mill Park Sautcrne " . All theso Wines aro absolutely pure, t or sale by my2i GEO. McBURNEY & SON. GREEN AND FIGURED SCREEN WIRE 24 30 and 36 inches, wholesale and retail, at 88 King, corner of Royal street. You can buy wire, and have Window and Door Frames mado of bettor quality, to cost no more than tho com¬ mon Frames offered for sale in the city. Call and see J. T. CREIGHTON & SON, j04 88 King, cor. Royal st. jjumphries' HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFICS For sale by ' fob23 J. D. H. LUNT. SMOKED SALMON, MACKEREL, POTOMAC ROE HERRING "ON EL ESS CODFISH, SMOKED BLOATERS, Nos. 1, 2 and 3 MACKEREL. mhl() GEO. McBURNEY. TjJGG PHOSPHATE, PINK TEA, LIMEADE, Ac., at my24 LUNT'S, cor. King and Wash, sts. QHOICE FLOUR. BAKERS CRYSTAL. TENNEY'S NEW SOUTH, FAMILY AND ROLLER EXTRA, For sale by ap23 _J. C. MILBURN_ rpHOMAS'S LIQUID BLUE, 1 IN PAPER BOTTLES. cntiroly free from acids, and guaranteed puro. The greatest quantity for tho least money of any puro goods on tho market. Don't fail to try it. mho GEO. McBURNEY & 80N. Refrigerators, 01 Pharson's coiobrated make, now on sale in all tho newost patterns and latest improvements. Be sure to give us a call and examine these goods and prices before purchasing. jc24 E. J. MILLER, SON & C0._ rpllE NEW EASY LAWN MOWER.Tho best J_ Mower on tho market, and tho only ono that will cut narrow borders and close to walls and fences. For sale by J AS. F. CARLIN & SONS, ap23 Alexandria, Va. GGLESTON'S HORSE AND CATTLE POW¬ DERS. for horses, mules, cattle, shoop, hogs and domestic fowls. These powders have a high reputation as a preventive and cure for chicken cholera. Price 25c per packago. my28 E. S. LEADBEATER & BRO. 1~~ TARRANT'S SELTZER APERIENT. BROWN'S . Iron Bitters, Warner's Kidney and Liver Cure, Buffalo Lithia Water, Bedford Water, Lead- beater's Lubricating Liniment, a large Bupply in Btore and for sale by oc20 E. 8. LEADBEATER & BRO. 0 WNERS OF WAGONS AND CARRIAGES. Another supply of that lasting body CASTORINE AXLE OIL just received in quart cans and for sale by feb26 W. F. creighton & CO. BEAT OIANCE FOR CHEAP AND GOOD SHIRTS.A. B. S. 8HIRTS reduced to 60c & piece, or $3 50 per half dozen, to close out sur¬ plus stock at jan22 AMOS B. slaymaker'S. POCKET PRESCRIPTION SCALES, capacity to 20 grains ; very accurate, with a folding spatuba, in a box l^xIJ inches. Price $1 each. For salo by mhl7 E. 8. LEADBEATER &. BRO. WIRE-COVERED DOOR AND WINDOW FRAMES and SCREEN WIRE of assorted widths, in quantities to suit, at 88 King stroet, lorner of Royal. my2l J. T. creighton &. SON. JUST FROM THE FACTORY.10 dozen of the improved PATENT-STAY A.B.S. SHIRTS, tho best goods ever offered in Alexandria for the price. Will outwear any $1 Shirt. je2 At AMOS B. SLAYMAKER'S. F_LY TRAPS, ROACH TRAPS, FLY FANS, WATER COOLERS aud other seasonable ijoods for sale at low prices at 88 King street, cor¬ ner of Royal, by my21 J. T. creighton i SON. ICE CREAM FREEZERS AND ENAMELED JL preserving KETTLES, of various sizes, wholesale and retail by J. T. CREIGHTON & 80N, my21 Corner King and Royal sts. \TTE HAVE just received a largo lot of UN- W BLEACHED PEPEREL JEANS DRAW¬ ERS, patent stay ; sizes 28 to 46; goods that have il ways sold at 50c; are now Belling at 40c at iny!4 AMOS B. SLAYMAKER'S. Limeade from fresh limes, a full stock rccoived to-day at J. D. H. LUNT'S. aug21 p RAILROADS. IEDMONT AIR-LINE ROUTE. RICHMOND AND DANVILLE R. R. CO. VIRGINIA MIDLAND DIVISION. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. IN EFFECT JI'I y 4th,_1886. Trains run by 75tli Meridian Titue. ~ S..7 T No. 50. No. \ , - South Bound. uaijv dwi)>. Snuilay. t.EAVB. Washington .... 11 1' a in 11 (i» p m 7 15 ;i j. Alexandria 11 W " II i5 " T *..) ' Manas^a* 12 38 ui 12 17 a in S SO .. Warr'n. June... 1 OV " 12 12 " 'J 20 " Orange 2 25 " 1 55 " 10 5.; .. Charlottesville 3 45 " 3 00 " 12 10 i. Ar Lynchburg C 05 5 15 " 2 to p tt Franklin June. 7 45 " 0 It ARRIVE. Danville S 50 " 7 45 " Atlanta I 40 " 10 40 ji in New Orleans)...' 7 2«) a in 7 no " Louisville Cincinnati Nortit Bocsn. No. 51. Daily. LKAVK. Danville 10 111 a in 11 .!«» i> m> Franklin June. 11 20 " 12 ".7 a in Lynchburg I 00 j> in 2 05 7 j-, Charlottesville 50 " t 15 " in ]n Omnge I 56 " 5 15 '. || 'JI ,! ! ..i I' in S | Warr'n. June... 0 2*.) " f> .. |;» Matiaissas 7 1)5 " 7 Ul " I Alexandria 6 05 " H n5 .. .> j; .. ARRrvE. Washington - 30 .. s a) " _. j, .. Baltimore II 25 " 10 13 '. Philadelphia...! 3 Oil a in 12 :>r> p m New York 6 20 " 3 20 .. MANASSAS BRANCH. Eautwabd. " \v»>n Daily, except I):i, v Sunday. P in Inilv. Ar. I.v. j 10 40 a mi-' Washingl'ii" 2 '». 8 05 p m 10 15 " i" Alexaud a ar 2 f.5 C 55 " 'J 13 - " Mana.-sa* " I 10 i 1 30 " <*. 51 " I" Ft Royal '. .. 1 03 " .> 3S .. Kivertou .. r. it |i 12 CO m G 10 " Iv Strnsburg ' 7 n5 '. II WARRENTON.Trains Nos. .">'». 51. fit connect daily and Nos. 58, and ."»! cent Sunday, to and from Warrenton. FRANKLIN DIVISION.Daily, except Sunday. Leave Rocky Mt. 7:20 a. ni., arrive 1'ii:, Junction 10:40 a. m.: leave Franklin .I n;,* 8:00 p. m,. arrive Roekv Mt. 11:30 ji. n*. SLEEPING CAR SERVHE. On trains Nos. oO and .51 Pullman Ituifi t ors between New York and Atlanta, via I'm. On trains Nos. 52 and 5^5 Pullman Kuil.-t > .; ers between Washington and Montgomery. hi .! Washington and Augusta, via Danville. I'n; :::.,i Sleepers Baltimore and White Sulphur .Nj >r.i.. daily except Sunday. On trains Nos. 54 and 55 Pullman Sleepers i., twecn Washington and Louisville, and Charl-M. villo and Cincinnati. Through tickets on sale at the principal! ! to all points. For rates or information a;»p!y t any agent of the Company, or to J. S. B. THOMPSON, A. 0. !'. A Alcxatnlria. \\. C. W. CHEARS, A. G. P. A. Richmond Vi. SOL. HAAS, T. M.. Richmond. V-, ^7 A8HINGT0N, OHIO AND WESTERN 1;. .. Schedule in effect June 20th, lS.m;. ALL TRAINS DAILY EXCEPT SUN DA V. Leavo Alexandria 0:00 a. m , !l:15 a n;, as, ! 4:50 p.m.; arrive at Round Hill 11:20 a. m.. 11:44 a. m. and 7:19 p. kj. Returning, trains leave Round Hill 0:<>Hin. 11:44 a. m. and 3:15 p.m., arriving at Aic\..i dria at 8:32 a. m. 4:10 p. m. and 5:10 p. m. The 9:15 a. in. train from Alexandria connci: at Round Hill with stago for Blue Ridge, licrry ville and Winchester, and at Leesburi; witii stage for Aldie and Middlebttrg. The 9:15 a. iu. train and 4:50 i>. m. train fr>.i.. Alexandria connects at Vienna with stages i. i Fairfax Court Hou?c. Through tickets to Fairfax Coiitt House, I', n v- villo and Winchester on sale at Alexandria tick office. One thousand mile tickets $25. jo23 tf R. BELL, Superintend : 1886 PENNSYLVANIA ROUTE TO THE NORTH, WEST AND aoUTHWi '! DOUBLE TRACK, STEF.I. KVII,- SPLENDID SCENERY. MAGNIFICENT EQUIPMENT. In effect July 11. 1S8<>. Trains loave Washington.from station,rar Sixth and B streets, as follows: For Pittsburg and tho West, Chicago f.i r-: .«. Express of Palace SloepingCara at 9v»o a. daily; Fast Line, 9:50 a.m. daily, to Cin. :in...'i and St. Louis, with Slocping Cars from ifa:m burg to Cincinnati, and Hotel Car to St. 1 .<.u. daily, cxcopt Saturday, to Chicago, with Sleep¬ ing Cfer Altoona to Chicago. Chicago Ex|iri; . at 7:10 p. m. daily, with Sleeping Ci; Washington to Chicago, and llarrishur^' Cleveland, connecting at Has rislmrg w; r r Western Express with through SIce[eM tor Louisville and St. Louis. Pacific Kxjin . 10:00 p. m. daily, for Pittsburg a:.« the \V< with through Sleeper Harrisbnrg to < hicae". BALTIMCBE AND POTOMAC UAir.R'lAI). For Erie, Canandaigua,Rochester,Buffalo. 10:00 p. m. daily, except Saturday, with PaVe Cars Washington to Rochester. For Williamsport, Lock Haven and Elmirn *t 9:50 a. m., daily, except Sunday. For New York and tho East, 7:15, 9:00 ami !: a. m., 2:00, 4:15,10:00 and 11:20 p. ni. "n Sunday 9:00 a. m. 2:00, 4:15 10:00 and 11 p. m. Limited Express of Pullman Parlor Cars, 9:40 a. m., aad 3:50 p. m. dsiiy. ex.-. pt. 8unday. For Boston without change, 2:00 p. in. over; day. For Brooklyn, N. Y.,all through trains connect Jeraey City with boats of Brooklyn Amies, affording direct transfer to Fulton street, r.vo;.:- ing double ferriage across New York City. For Philadelphia, 7:15, 9:00 and 11:00 a. in 2:00,4:15,6:00,10:00 and 11:20 p.m. Ob 8unday 9:00 a. m., 2:00, 4:15, G:30,10:00 n 11:20 p.m. Limited Express, 9-40 a. m.. a:;: 3:50 p. m. daily, except Sunday. For Baltimore 6:35, 7:15, 9:00, 0t40, 9:50 i ! 11:00 a. m., and 12.05, 2:00, 3:30. 4:15, : 4:40, 6:00, 7:10, 10:00 and 11:20 p. m. <> Sunday, 9:00, 9:50 and 11:00 a. m., and - ,M! 4:15, 6:00, 7:10, 10:00 and 11:20 p. at. For Pope's Crock Lino, 7:15 a. m., and 4:40 p. :»i. daily, except Sunday. For Annapolis 7:15 a. m., and 12:fl!5 an«i i ~:: p.m., daily except Sundays. On Sundays ar 9:00 a. m. 4:15 p. ui. AUXASDEIii. AND FEEDEBICKSBCHO RAILWAY AND ALEXANDRIA AND "WAHHINMTON tAII.KO.M' For Alexandria, 6:00,7:05,9:25,10:55 and 1 i:"5 ' a. m., 2.05, 4:25, 4:35, 6:01, 8:05 and 11 37 ;> m. On Sunday at 6:010,9:25. and 10:55 a.::.., and 8:05 p. m. For Richmond and the South, 6:00 and 10 '. . m., daily, and 4:35 p. m., daily, except Sin i.v Trains lcavo Alexandria for Washington, >> " 8:00, 10:00 and 10:10 a. m.: 1:00, ¦(<>' 3:23,5:1 (\ 7:05 and 10:42 p. m., and 12:1" mid-night,except Monday. On Sunday at S.<n» and 10:10 a. m.; 7:05 and 10:42 p. m. ai; l 12:10 night. Tickets and information at tho office, Northc:.-f corner of 13th street and Penna. Avenue, an'l the station, where orders can bo loft for tho dm' ing of baggago to destination from hotels arc! residences. J. R. WOOD, G. P. A CHAS. E. PUGH, G. M. riylT BUSINESS CARDS. GO TO G . S . W ALKE R .FOIt. Graaite Monnmeiils, Headstones, Tombs AND ENCLOSURES. Three new granite polishing machines, lies facilities for monumental work. He guarantee the best of work, good stock and low figure1!. Works.702,704 and 706, North Capitol strc«.t. in rear of Government printing office, Washing ton, D. C. Liverpool and London and globe INSURANCE COMPANY. Statement U. 8. Branch, Juno 30, IHS."*. Assets $5,918,563 13 Liabilities 3,303,592 17 Surplus 2,014,970 96 Total losses paid in tho U. S 36,676.759 .>'> For policies in this excellent company apply PHILIP B. HOOE, Agt nt. declo No. 2 Prince street. LITHIA and MASSANUTTA WATERS o:: draught at 5c per glass at aug21 J. D. H. LCNT't'.

Transcript of Alexandria gazette (Alexandria, Va. : 1834).(Alexandria,...

Page 1: Alexandria gazette (Alexandria, Va. : 1834).(Alexandria, …,SEPTEMBER1. An Accommodating Husband..The wife


An Accommodating Husband..Thewife of Elias Van Amberg, a well-to-do flor¬ist and gardener at Arlington, Hudson coun¬

ty, N. J., eloped last Saturday wilb TbarUs

Byram, the hired man, taking with her theirthree children and all the household furni¬ture. No effort is being made by Van Am¬

berg to recover his wife, children or proper-erty. Byram is twenty tivo years old andgood looking, according to the husband'sMaleuiHut, and was employed about a yearago. He soon found favor iu the eyes of!Mrs. Vau Amberg, who is thirty-four yearsold. Io a abort time Van Amberg had lit¬tle to say about the running of the place, as

hi? wife nod Byram took that responsibiltyoffhishaDds. Byram and Mrs. Van Am¬berg went away on several little trips whichcaused some gossip, but which the husbandtook in good part. Finally the husband re¬

monstrated with his wife in a mild way,which hastened matters to a climax. OnFriday last he noticed her packing up goodsand asked her if she was going away. Shereplied that she was. He asked her if shehad weighed the matter well and Bbe reply¬ing she had, he appeared perfectly satisfied.He went to market Saturday morning, andou bis return found that his wife, childrenand furniture, likewise the hired man, were

missing. Van Amberg and his wife havebeen married seventeen years and havethree children, two girls and one boy. Hetakes bis wife's departure in a most philo¬sophical manner.

Candidate for Congress.Log Cabin, Near Mitchei.i.'s Station, I

CULPErER Co , Aug. 27, 3 886. i

I hereby announce myself as a Henry Claydemocratic candidate for Congress from this (the8th) Congressional district, and shall feel proudto be elevated to that high and honorable position.

J. R. SMOOT, of Hezekiah.

SHOVFLS, SPADES, RAKES, HOES, FORKSand other Garden Tools, in great variety and

at low prices, wholesale aDd retail, at 88 King,corner of Royal street, by '


TUMBLESON'S FITTINGS, a new tube, Ac.,for infants' nursing bottles, a valuable inven¬


nice article, for sale byfeb2 E. S. LEADBEATER A BRO.

JUST RECEIVED.A fresh Bupply of tho cele¬brated BUFFALO LITHIA WATER, direct

from the springs, by the bottle or case as low as

the same can be bought elsewhere.feb8 J. D. H. LUNT.

BOVININE OR THE VITAL PRINCIPLES ofBeef and Mutton concentrated, a most valua¬

ble article for infants, invalids and dyspeptics, inbottles at 60 cts. and $L each.ie21 E. 8. LEADBEATER & BRO.

Genuine waldron and americanGRAIN and GRASS SCYTHES, Patent and

Plain Snaths, Scythe Rifles, Scytbo Stones, Ac.wholesale and retail at 88 King St., corner Royal.my21 J. T. CREIGHTON & SON.

WHITE WASH BRUSHES in great variety,made expressly for our trade. For salo

wholesale aud retail at low prico3 at 88 King st.,corner of!4 J. T. CREIGHTON & SON.

Fine perfumery.Something New.

Blue Bello of Scotland, Trailing Arbutus, TallyHo, Marechal Niel Rose and Alpino Violets ac

je28 JOHN I). H. LUNT'S.


Three sizes.$1, 50 and 25c sizes; the finestarticle in tho world for harness. For salo byfob27 W. F. CREIGHTON A CO-

BARB FENCING WIRE at the present timo isvery low in price. We have a largo stock,

and those in want will do well to call on us beforebuying. JAS. F. CARLIN & SONS,Jol5 Alexandria, Va

PURE LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS* coloredborder and plain whito for Ladies aud Geuts

12^ cents, atWl AMOS B. SLAYMAKER'S.

oST RECEIVED A FRE8H8UPPLY OF THEtf Celebrated Farmville Lithia Water iu bottlosor by the gallon, at J. D. H. LUNT'S,jel6 Cor. King and Washington at8.

OQUARE. OCTAGON and FLAT CAST STEELIO will be sold at 88 King street, corner of Roy¬al, at a greatly reduced price Quality warrant¬ed. Coct28] J. T. CREIGHTON A SON.


value.atje!6 AMOS B. SLAYMAKER'S.

THE NEW AMERICAN FRYER, for fryingoysters, crallers. potatoes, Ac., a real comfort

to the housekeeper, for sale byfeb27 JAS. F. CARLIN A SONS.



short sleoves, very fine quality, at 50c. Forsalo bymyl4 AMOS B. SLAYMAKER.

A HANDSOME assortment of country-madeSPRING CASSIMERES for boys and men;

vory cheap and good; just received atmh!9 AMOS B. SLAYMAKER'S.

CARMEL CASTILE SOAP, made of puro oliveoil; a most delightfnl soap, and make9 a very

agreeable tooth wash.my28 E. S. LEADBEATER & BRO.

POTATO BUGS! POTATO BUGS!Jast received another supply of PARIS

GREEN for potato bugs at*my!4 W. F. CREIGHTON & CP'S.


varieties just received byap!5 E. 8. LEADBEATEB & BRO.


J ready Castorine, a perfect oiler for Buggies,Wagons, Carts, Ac. Never Gums; Never ChillB.For Bale by [Je9] W. F. CREIGHTON & CO.

COIL OIL STOVES.Just the thing for hotsummer months. One of Adams & West-

lake's celebrated make of Oil Stoves very cheap at

je24 E J. MILLER, SON & GO'S.

CIOMMON SENSE STEW PANS.A largTstockJ of this justly celebrated preserving kettle

now on hand aDd at prices nevei offered before at

jo24 E. J. MILLER. 8QN & CP'S.

LASS FOR HOT BEDS.6x8, 7x0 and 8x10."JT A large supply on hand, which we offer at

lowest!7 E. 8. LEADBEATER A BRO.

IF YOU CANNOT SEE and cannot find anySPECTACLES to suit you, go to HENRY

WILDT'S and have your eyes tested, and youwill have no more trouble. nov20

NOTICE! NOTICE!Wo have received another supply of HARD


F>WLER'S IMPROVED FLY FANS, one of the"luxuries of the ago," for sale by

JAS. F. CARLIN A SON8,jel5 Alexandria, Va.

fTUBLE AND POCKET CUTLERY, RAZORS,X SCISSORS and a great variety of other goodssuited to the country trade for sale at low prices.apl J. T. CREIGHTON A SON.


ply just received from Landreth.mhl7 E. S. LEADBEATER A BRO.


wy25 J. C. MILBURN.

EARLY JUNE PEA8, canned, just received byjylC J. C. MILBURN.

T)URE 8PICES, whole and ground, for sale by¦ J. C. MILBURN.




Under the following resolution, passed by theCity Council, Tuesday,Jane 8, I880, we will ex-

pose at public auction on Wednesday, September1,1886, in front of the Market Building, Boyalstreet, Alexandria, Va., the following

LOTS AND IMPROVEMENTSthereon, or as much thereof as may be necessaryto pay and satisfy the taxes, assessments or

chargos due to the City Council of Alexandria onthe same:

Hesftlved, That the Collectors of Taxes be, andthey are hereby, directed to proceed and sell atpublic auction all real estate in the city of Alex¬andria, on which taxes are due and unpaid toMay 31,1865, in conformity to the City Charter.Said sale to commence on Wednesday, the 1st dayof September 1886.The purchasers will be required to pay at the

time of sale, the taxes, assessments, charges andexpenses of sale. The proprietor or proprietorsof such lots, bis or their heirs, representativesor agents, may, within two years from the dayor tale, p»y to the purchasor thereof, or to theMayor, the money paid for such taxes, chargosand expenses, as aforesaid, with twelve per oent.pi-r annum as interest thereon, or make a tenderof the same, in which eve>t he shall be reinstatediu his original titlo. If no such paymont or

tender be inado within two years next after thesale, the purchaser will bo required to pay tboremainder of the purchaso money into the treas¬ury of the City Council where it will remain,subject to tho order of the proprietor or his legalrepresentative; and tho purchaser on tho paymentof the whole amount of tho purchase money, willreceive a titlo to the said lot or lots, or such partsthereof, in feo simple, from the Mayor.The s*lo will commence at 10 o'clock a. m.,

on the day specified, and if not completed on thatday, will bo continued from day to day and fromtime to time until completed.

JNO. T. HILL Col. N. Dist.a K. FIELD. Col. S. Dist.

THIBD WABD.Alexander, Alfred, house Payne bet Cameron andQucou, '84, $1 68.

Atwell. Mary J, house and lot Payne bet Cameronat.d Qucon, '81, $2 36.

Boutch, Mary, house and lot s w cor Alfred andOronoco, '83, $16 80.

Brown, Enoch, lot Patrick bet Oronoco and Prin¬cess, '82, '83. '84, $3 22.

Blackburn, H, house Cameron >nd Fayette, '81,'82, §2 05.

Baggett, John W, house and lot 8t. Asaph bet Oro¬noco and Pendloton, '84, $23 41.

Ballard D, estate, house and lot s e cor Queen andPayne. '80, '81, '82, '83, '84, $5 17.

Bailey, Jumos, lot Washington bet Madison andMontgomery, '84, $6 72.

Bailey, Honry, house on Gregory's lot, '80, '81,'82. '83, '84, §7 83.

Bladen, John, house and lotQueen bet Patrick andHonry. '80, '84, $33 20.

Bell, Charles, house and lot Fayette bet Cameronand Quoon, '78, '79, '80, $7 42,

Church (Lutheran) house and lot ne cor Cameronand Alfred, '78, $17 98.

Church, (Baptist) house and lot w Pitt and Oro¬noco, '84, $4 48.

Cecil, Bobert, lot Oronoco between Pitt and 8t.Asaph, '84, $2 24.

Chichester. Mary E, house and lot King bet Westand Payne, '83, $10 50

Cushing, Caleb, estate, lot St. Asaph bet Montgom¬ery and Madison, '82, '83, '84, $19 32.

Cook, Lemuel, house and lot n e cor Cameron andPatrick, '81, '82, '83, '84, $38 45.

Claughton & Neale, Corn's, house and lot n e cor

King and Fayette, '81, $28 35.Callahan, Bridget, house on Canal lot, '80, '81$2 92.

Contee, Jas., house and lot Patrick bet Queen andPrincess, '79 '80 '82 '83, $36 05.

Contee. John, house and lot Patrick bet Queenand Princess,'79 '80 '83 $29 24.

Caton, Wm. H.. house and lot Cameron bet Henryand Fayette, '78, $11 76.

Cox, Frank, house and lot Cameron bet Fayetteand Henry, '77, '78, '79, '80, '81, '82, '83,84. $54 38.

Conniff, Jno and Bridget, house and lot in alleybet Henry and Fayetto, '78, 'SO, '81, '82, '83,'84, $25 13.

Conniff, Bridget, house on Canal lot, '82, '83, '84,$4 83.

Dugan, Jno, houso and lot n o cor Washingtonand Madison, '80, $14 98.

DuVal, G A, lot Pendleton and Columbus, '81,$5 67.

Ditcher, Henry, ground rent Fayette bet Kingand Cameron, '78, $6 00; do house and lotFayetto bet King and Cameron, '82, $2 63.

Dorsey, H C ost, house and lot Queen bet Pitt andSt Asaph, 82, '83, $12 60; do houso and lot 8 ecor Queen and St Asaph, '82, '83, $63 00; do2 houses and lots Patrick bet Queen andPrincess, '82, 83, $16 80.

Duncan, Jas, lot s w cor Princess and St Asaph,'82, '84, $15 19; do houso and lot 8t Asaphbet Wythe and Pendleton, '82, $10 50.

Dixon, Luciuda. house on Gregory's lot, '81, '82'83. '84, $6 25.

Day, David, 2 lots Oronoco bet Henry and Patrick,'80, $1 60.

Day, Thos 8,2 lots Oronoco bet Henry and Patrick,'80, $1 60

Elkins, Jno, houso on Byau's lot '80, '81, '82, '83,$4 57.

Farner (or Farmer), Chas D, houso and lot s wcorner Poyton and King, '84, $68 43.

Franklin, G W, 2 housos Oronoco bet Henry andPatrick, '84, $3 36.

Fry, Jas (or Jos), 2 lots Fayotto, Queen andPayne, '81, '82, '83, '84, $8 38.

Frye, Geo W, house and lot Pitt bet Oronoco andPendleton, '81, '82, '83, '84, $14 63.

Ford, Chas, \ sqr St Asaph, Wythe and Pitt, '78,'79, '82, '83, '84, $53 90.

Ford, Josiah, 2 houses and lots swoor King andPayne, '78, $49 28.

Glovor, Chas E, lot Alfred bet Cameron andQueen, '79, $2 10.

Ghecn, Jno H. house and lot King bet Alfred andPatrick, '80, 'SI, '82, $179 55.

Gordon, Annie, lot Fayette bet Queen andPrincess, '80, '81, 83, $3 00.

Grimsby, Jno, lot Henry bet Princes* and Oronoco,'81, '82, '83, $6 72.

Gentzberger, Lipman, house and lot Patrick betKing and Cameron, '83, '84, $26 04.

Graham, Sarah, house and lot Alfred bet Qneenand Cameron, '83, '84, $4116.

Hall, Geo, houso and lot Oronoco bet Patrick andAlfred, ?83, $8 92.

Hammcrsley, James, house and lot n e cor Camer¬on and Henry, '83, $7 88.

Hunter, Jno, ^sq Wythe Payne and Madison, '83.84, $35 28.

Hooff, P H, lot Payne bet Cameron and Queen, '81'83 '84, $43 61.

Harris. Henry, house and lot Pendleton bet Pittand St Asaph, '81 '83 '84, $13 02.

Hardyt . lot 20x100 Queen bet Honry andFayetto, '80, $1 40.

Hardy Jas house on Byan's lot 80 81 83,$3 52.Houderson J W ico houso near Canal basin 77 7983, $17 22.

Johnson C F M ost house and lot Cameron bet Pittand 8t Asaph 83 '4, $163 92.

Johnson Nelson houso and lot West bet Cameronand Queen 82, $1 58.

Johnson Wm houso and lot West bet Cameron andQueen 84, $1 68.

Joicc Chas house and lot s o corner Columbus andPrincess 80, $7 98.

Lewis Fred J 2 houses and lot Fatrick bet Prin¬cess and Oronoco 84, $5 04.

Laphen Jno est 7 houses and lots ¦ w cor Madisonand Columbus 83 '4, $60 76.

Lawson Joseph us houso and lot Alfred bet Queenand Princess 82 '4, $22 79.

Lucas Chas ost house and lot Henry bet Cameronand Queen 80 82 83 84, $16 87.

Lane Geo houso and lot n w cor Princess and Al¬fred 80 84, $10 36.

Loe Alfred lot Alfred bet Montgomery and First82, $2 10.

Lee Bun h Payne bet Cameron and Qneen 79-82,$4 12.

Lewis Jesse houso and lot Princess bet Fayetteand Henry 81, $3 15.

Martin Jas house and lot Patrick bet Princess andOronoco 81, $1 89.

Moore Ann 2 houses and lots Qneen bet Payneand Fayette 79, $8 40.

Millan Jno house and lot Henry near s o corner

Henry and Oronooo 83, $4 72.Mack Chas lot Alfred bet Princess and Oronoco81 84, $5 78.

Mercer Betsey lot West bet Princess and Oronoco82 84. $12 88.

Miller Jno house and lot Henry bet Princess andOronoco 84, $5 04.

Miers Jno A lot Payne bet Princess and Oronooo82-84, $9 66.

McCuen, E, est, house and lot 134 and 136 north- Columbus, '79, '80, '81, '82, '83, $134 04.McCauley, Dennis, est, house near Canal basin,'83 '84, $3 25.

McDonnell, Patrick, houso near Canal basin, '84,$2 40.

McDermott, P, pst, house and lot Washington betMadison and Montgomery, '78, '80, '82, '83,'84, $28 07. .

TAX SALE.O'Brien, Thos, lot near Canal basin, '78, '79, '80,

'81, '82, '83. '84, $16 81.Pinkney, B, est, lot Alfred bet Montgomery «nd

First, '82, $3 15.Parker, Wm, house and lot Cameron bet Fayetteand Payne, '78, $7 28.

Parker, Chri«, house on Gregory's lot, '80, '81,.82, '84, $2 47.

Perpener D 8 lot Alfred bet Wythe and Pendle¬ton 81, $4 73.

Perpener Mrs lot Oronoco bet Henry and Patrick80 82 83 84, $7 24.

Page Wm et als *4 sq Queen Princes* Fayette andPayne 79 80 81 82 83 84, $41 99.

Qainn Lewis lot Henry bet Priaoeas and Ojono-co 81, $1 94.

Bodmond Fred house on Flood's lot 83 84, $1 86.Boy Henry house and lot Pendleton bet Patrickand Alfred 81, $6 19.

Boy Jno honse and lot Pendleton bet Patrick andAlfred 79 80 81, $10 56.

Bobinson Poter lot Patrick bet Princess and Queen78 79 80 81, $9 02.

Bobinson Jere 3 houses and lots West bet Camer¬on and Queen 81 82 83 84, $19 29.

Sanner Eudocia lot 246 Oronoco and 189 West 84,$8 96.

Smith Hugh <«t -"4 b<] 6 o cor Pendlotm and Al¬fred 82, $6 30.

Swann Wm T 2 lota St Asaph bet Madison andMontgomery 80 81 82 83 84, $10 33.

Swann Francis B 2 lots St Asaph bet Madisonand Montgomery 79 HO 81, $8 98.

Swann Helen M aq Patrick and Wythe 79-84.$27 96.

Swann Chas A lot 8t Asaph between Madison andMontgomery 78-H4, $11.

8hirley Sarah lot Henry and alley between Kingand Camern 76-78, $22 24; do hoose andJotPatrick between King and Cameron 76-78,$50 20.

Stuart Geo T lot Henry Patrick Pendleton andOronoco 81, $1 94.

Stewart James M 2 honscs and lots St Asaph betQueen and Cameron 76-78, $88 14.

Saunders Ben lot Fayette bet Cameron and Qaecn76-77 79-84, $12 31.

Thornton Lucindx house and lot alley bet Henryand Fayette 79-81, $11 97.

Truehardt Wilson est house and lot Patrick betQueen and Princess 78 and 80, $20 18.

Thompson Edward house Oronoco bet Henry andPatrick 84, $2 35.

Taylor & McNair fair grounds King and line1 $173 60.Thomas Geo house Payne bet Cameron and Queen80-81 and 84, $4 19.

Taylor Wm M ost house and lot Henry betweenPrincess and Queen 82-84, $25 76.

Williams Isaac honte Oronoco bet Henry andPatrick 84, $2 35.

Williams Cecelia houso on Canal lot 83-4, $4 34.Williams, Susau house and lot s e cor Patrick andPendleton 83, $5 25.

Williams, Elias lot Princcss bet Payne and Fay¬ette 82, $1 46.

Williams, Jack houso on Gregory's lot 80-82 and84, $4 60.

Williams King house Queen bet Payne and Fay¬ette 80-84, $6 22.

Whiting Carter 2 lots St Asaph and Madison 79,$2.0.

Webster Oliver house and lot Peyton bet Kingand Prince 80, $8 98.

Weismuller Jno A bouse on Daingerfield's lot 80-81-82, $3 38.

Weadon Michael house on Seaton's lot 80-81-84,$9 82.

Washington Bubon house Cameron and Fayette81-83, $1 54.

Washington Ceoelia house and lot Fayette betKing and Cameron 79-83, $24 57.

Yeaton W C (agent for Eamsay) % square QueenPayne Princcss and Fayette 78, $17 92

Yeaton W C part square Fayette Queen and Prin¬cess 83, $21.Yeatman Mrs 248*73 sq Payne West and Prin¬cess 84, $5 60.

Young Stepbon houso and lot Alfred bet Mont¬gomery and First, $3 64.

FOURTH WARD.Anderson Henry houso and lot Gibbon bet Pittand St Asaph 76-79 and 84, $22 81

Baggott Elizabeth est lot 115 Duko 76-77, $11 08Ballard Jno house on Muir's lot 76-77-83-84,$7 67.

Blacklock E S houso and lot Washington betWolfe and Duke 70, 542.

Brawner's Jas est house and lot St Asaph betGibbon and Franklin 78-79-82-83-84, $56 14.

Bennett Dan'l house and lot Gibbon bet StAsaph and Pitt 80 and 81, $12 71.

Bockley J W est lot Prince bet Payne and Fay-I etto $3 and 84, $4 34.I Bontz Susan house and lot 45 Peyton st 78, 84 48.Breen W n lot n o cor Patrick and Gibbon 83and 84, $6 51.

Clark Nat C bouse and lot Gibbon bet Alfredand Patrick 78-83, $37 86.

Clark Nancy or Thornton house and lot Alfredbet Duko and Wolf 76-78-82, $15 64.

Claggett Jas houso and lot St Asaph bet Gibbonand Franklin 78-84, $47 5.

Day Goo lot Gibbon bet St Asaph and Pitt81-84, $6 25.

Dorsey Elizabeth houso and lot Gibbon bet Al-| fred and Patrick 82-84, $23 52.Douglas R S or Walter Gahan's ost 6 housesana lots in alley bot Columbus and Alfred78-81, $59 82; do 3 houses and lots a o cor Gibbon and Alfred 78-81, $103 18.

Evans J T est two houses and lots Columbus botDuko and Princo 80, $59 85; do houso and lotbet Henrv and Fayette 80. $1197; do housoand lot Wolfe bot Columbus and Alfred 80,S7 98; do lotnw cor Columbus and Wilkes 80,$7 98.

Fields Edmond, house and lot Peyton botPrince and King 81 and 84, $18 58.

Goodrich Chas houso and lots no 209 Duko 76-77,$12 82.

Grady Joshua houso and lot Alfred bet Gibbonana Franklin 78-81 83-84, $59 87.

Griffith Greonbury house and lot Pitt bet Princoand Duko 79-80 82-84, $52 76.

Gaines John house and lot Columbus betweenWilkes and Gibbon 81 84, $11 OG.

Henderson P G est house and lot n o cor Wolfeand Patrick 83 84, $41 40.

Henderson Cora and Virginia lot n o cor Dukeand Patrick 79-81 84, $48 35.

Henderson Polly 2 houses and lots Alfred betPrince and Duko 78-80 82-84, $79 55.

Hoy's est houso and lot Princo bet Fayottoand Payne 82, $16 80.

Harris A W houso and lot Columbus bet Jeffer¬son and Franklin 79-84, $34 17.

Hudgins Robt house and lot Fayette bot Princeana Duko 78-80 82 84, $35 88.

Hunter John lot Franklin bet Columbus andWashington 84, $3 36.

Hoymcs Alary and Matilda lot Gibbon bet Pittand St Asaph 80. $2.

Jackson Pompoy houso and lot Gibbon bet Co¬lumbus and Alfred 83-84, $14 24.

Johnson Matthew house and lot Gibbon bet Co¬lumbus and Alfred 82-84, $7 52.

Leo R H lot s w cor Duke and Patrick 82, $8 40;do 2 lot3 Henry bot Duko and Wolfe 82-84,$22 54.

Leonard Jno house and lot Alfred bot Princoand Duke 76-84, $71 72.

Laphen Jno est house and lot Prince bet Alfredand Columbus, $39 06.

Minton Mrs Jno 2 houses and lots Prince botFavctto and Payne 84, $22 40.

Marshall Maria lot s e cor Columbus and Wilkes82-84, $32 20.

Miller Wm house and lot Henry bet Duko andWolfe 80-81, $8 81.

Norris Emeline houso and lot Wllkos bet Pittand St Asaph 78-84, $75 56.

Nickens Jno est house and lot Gibbon bet Pittand St Asaph 79-80 82-84, $62 67.

Parsonage Roberts chapel house and lot Wash¬ington bet Franklin and Gibbon 82-84, $64 40.

Parsonage Baptist church house and lot Patrickbet Prince and Duke 82-84, $6440.

Parker Thos house and lot 148 Wolfe bet Alfredand Columbus 79, $8 93.

Parker Jos house on Lovoring's lot 77 80-84, $2449.

Richards W B est house and lot Patrick betweenPrinco and Duke 84, $22j40; do n e cor Dukoand Fayette 84, $67 20.

Robinson Peter house Wolfe bot Columbus andAlfred, §2 70.

Semmes Geo house and lot Columbus bet Franklin and Gibbon 84, $8 96.

Seals Chas house and fot Alfred bet Duke andWolfe 84, $3 92.

Thornton Geo house and lot Columbus betweenFranklin and Gibbon 79-80 82-83. $26 99.

Thornton Jno 2 houses and lots Columbus betFranklin and Gibbon 83, $14 13.

Throgmorton Wm houso and lot cor Wilkes andColumbus, $13 94.

Verdon Jno est 2 houses and lota s w cor Colum¬bus and Gibbon 81-84> $82 86.

Wright Moses house and lot St Asaph bet Gib¬bon and Franklin 82-84, $32 72.

Webster Jas est house on Yiolett's lot 76-77,$7 74.

Webb Jno H house and lot Commerce bet Payneand West 82, $2 63.

Webb Alfred 2 houses and lota Commerce betPayno and We?t 78-81 84. $35 39.

TAX SALE.\Vhito"k U Hi s w cor "Wilkes and "\\ ushing-"VVelis^Gco Iwuee on Ycaton's lot "West bet Duke

Yeak)n>"v<C lot n'vfcor Duke and West 78, $'2240

Toune J M hou?e and lot n w cor Alfred andFranklin 84. $16 24.

Zimmerman Win est h°u®eoJin(^.0 cytonDuke and Commerce 78 80-84, $o2 b2.




No. 17 North Eoyal street, near Market spaceAlexandria, Va.AiuXouUi a'

Orders and consignments solicited ; thoy wi.l re¬

ceive careful and prompt attention. ??1i_QHASLE8 KING A SON,

Wholesale Grocers,07 CAMEEON STREET



GROCER AND LIQUOR DEALER,No. 454 Pennsylvania ave.,

Washington, D. C.

All goods packod and delivered free of!


P~HILIP B. HOOE,No. 2 Prince street,


Grain a specialty.Agent for steamers to Norfolk, connecting with

lino to Boston, Providence and the East, declo



Corner Market street and Strand,Alexandria, Virginia.


A fnll line of celebrated pure old Whiskies,Brandies, Gin, Rum, &c., Massey & Co's. Phila¬delphia and Claggett's Baltimore Ales, and Bergcr& Engel's Lager Beer, in casks or bottles.Agent for the POTOMAC RIVER STEAMERS.Orders promptly attended to and consignmonts

solicited. myl-tfW. A. Smoot. Q. S. French.


Alexaitdeia, Va.

Office.Smoot's Wharf.

ap4 Special^attention paid to forwarding.A. JOHNSON & CO.,



Havo on hand GIBSON'S XX, XXX, XXXX,and PURE OLD RYE, OLD CABINET andMONOGEAM WHISKIES; also BAKER'S andTHOMPSON'S PURE RYE WHISKIES, to whichthey invite the attention of the trade.Orders from the country for merchandise shall

receive prompt attention.Consignments of Flour, Grain and Country Pro¬

duce solicited, for which they guarantee the high¬est market prices and prompt returns.Northeast corner of Camorou and Royal streets

sepl4 Alexandria, Va.




PLOWB.febl9-tf ALEXAND RJA_. r_A__



Dealers in




N. W. cor. Cameron and Royal st«.mhlO

HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS.IHE TONTINE.TThe subscriber having taken charge of this well

known hotel and restaurant informs his friendsand the public generally that nothing will beleft undono to maintain the high reputationof the house. The larder will he supplied withevery delicacy, and the bar stockcd with the bestof Liquors. Meals sorved at all hour* in the beststyle and at reasonable rates. Arrangements canbe made for Receptions or Dinner Parties.»p29 SAMUEL ORRISON.


Harlow & Caton,Real Estate Agents and Brokers,

ROOM 2 MARKET BUILDING.Real estate bought and sold, and loans made

and negotiated on real estate.We havo on our list a large number of desirable

properties for sale both in the city and


Have all the popular Syrups and Tonics with So¬da Water on draught, such as Picon, Moxie'sNerve Food, Raspberry, Phosphate, Limeade, &c.Fresh supply of Limes justjeceived. mylo

RAT, ROACH aud BED BUG POISONS of sov-eral kinds for sale by


Another supply of small hams ro-ceivod to-day by

>oglQ J. C. MILBUEN.

Moth paper : moth paper <Just received and for sale at 10c a sheet bymy!4 W. F. CREIQHTON & CO.

AK and PINE HORSE BUCKETS; also WellBuckets, Chains and Wheels.

rah24 JA3. F. CARLIN & SON9^Another new and pretty lot of

NECKWEAR just opened atap!2 A_M09 B. SLAYMA KER'S.

PURE BLACKBERRY CORDIAL, mado forfamily use.

auglO GEO. McBURNEY & SON^Fine sugab-cured shoulders and

BREAKFAST PIECES just roceived byjy23 J. C. MILBUBN.

Call and examine the north starWASH-BOARD, 10 doz. just received byje3 J. C. MILBURN.

A DELICIOUS TABLE DBINK.Phillips' l)igestible Cocoa. For salo by

mar3 J. D. H. LUNT.



CA8SARD'S BEST REFINED LARD jnst re¬ceived by

my7 J- C. MILBURN.

Another supply of acme blackingrecoived to-day by

my7 J. C. MILBUBN. 1




First-class steamerGEORGE LEARY

will leave Prince st. wharf EVERY MONDAY,WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY, at 6 p. m. Return¬ing, leave Norfolk overy Tuesday, Thursday andSaturday, at 4 p. m.

Connecting at Norfolk with"BOSTON AND providence" STEAMERS

and 8tcamer ARIEL FOR RICHMOND.For further particulars enquire at Company's

Office 7th 8treet Wharf, Washington, D. C., or toPHILIP B. HOOE,

may7-tf Agt. Prince Street Wharf._INLAND AND SEABOARD

coasting COMPANY.




The steamer LADY OF THE LAKE will leaveher wharf EVERY TUESDAY, THURSDAY andSATURDAY at 6 o'clock p. m. Fare, firt>t class,$2; rouud trip, $3.00.


JOHN GIBSON IFS»every WEDNESDAY MORNING, aud returningleave- Now York, from pior 41, East river, overySATURDAY.

FOR river LANDINGS.The steamer john W. THOMPSON will leave

every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAYMORNINGS for landings as far down as Leonard-town. returning, leavo Leonardtown every Tues¬day, Thursday and Saturday mornings.

Tho steamers of this company make connectionsat Norfolk for Boston and all points East; at NewYork Willi all points West and Northwest, and atAlexandria with Virginia Midland Railway andWashington and Ohio Railroad. Through ratesgiven and freight handled carefully aud promptlyFor further information apply to

F. A. REED & CO., Agent,Janney's wharf

J. W. THOMPSON, President.1416 F street,

aop^tfWashington, D._C._CLYDE'S STEAM line WEEKLY TO*

PHILADELPHIA.Appointed sailing days from Aloxa rt EV¬

ERY TUESDAY and from Philadelpb. EVERYSATURDAY.This lino connects at Alexandria with tbo \ ir-

einia Midland and Washington and Ohio railroads,and at Philadelphia with Clyde's regular Steam¬ships.Freight forwarded with promptnoss and care,

free of commissions.vNo charge for transfer in Philadelphia. Quick

time. Frequent departures. Through rates andthrough bills of lading given. Insurance ai thelowost ratos.

AgentsF A. REED & CO., Alexandria.WM. P. CLYDE & CO., Philadelphia.JOHNSON <Sc CO., Wash. & Goorgt'n.



Norton's Scediing Claret.Rose of VirginiaExtra VirginiaVirginiaMill Park Sautcrne "


All theso Wines aro absolutely pure, t or sale bymy2i GEO. McBURNEY & SON.

GREEN AND FIGURED SCREEN WIRE 2430 and 36 inches, wholesale and retail, at

88 King, corner of Royal street. You can buywire, and have Window and Door Frames madoof bettor quality, to cost no more than tho com¬mon Frames offered for sale in the city. Call andsee J. T. CREIGHTON & SON,

j04 88 King, cor. Royal st.


For sale by'

fob23 J. D. H. LUNT.


mhl() GEO. McBURNEY.


LIMEADE, Ac., at

my24 LUNT'S, cor. King and Wash, sts.



For sale byap23 _J. C. MILBURN_

rpHOMAS'S LIQUID BLUE,1 IN PAPER BOTTLES.cntiroly free from acids, and guaranteed puro. Thegreatest quantity for tho least money of any purogoods on tho market. Don't fail to try it.mho GEO. McBURNEY & 80N.

Refrigerators, 01 Pharson's coiobratedmake, now on sale in all tho newost patterns

and latest improvements. Be sure to give us acall and examine these goods and prices beforepurchasing.jc24 E. J. MILLER, SON & C0._rpllE NEW EASY LAWN MOWER.Tho bestJ_ Mower on tho market, and tho only ono that

will cut narrow borders and close to walls andfences. For sale by

JAS. F. CARLIN & SONS,ap23 Alexandria, Va.

GGLESTON'S HORSE AND CATTLE POW¬DERS. for horses, mules, cattle, shoop, hogs

and domestic fowls. These powders have a highreputation as a preventive and cure for chickencholera. Price 25c per packago.my28 E. S. LEADBEATER & BRO.

1~~TARRANT'S SELTZER APERIENT. BROWN'S. Iron Bitters, Warner's Kidney and Liver

Cure, Buffalo Lithia Water, Bedford Water, Lead-beater's Lubricating Liniment, a large Bupply inBtore and for sale byoc20 E. 8. LEADBEATER & BRO.


Another supply of that lasting bodyCASTORINE AXLE OIL

just received in quart cans and for sale byfeb26 W. F. creighton & CO.BEAT OIANCE FOR CHEAP AND GOODSHIRTS.A. B. S. 8HIRTS reduced to 60c &

piece, or $3 50 per half dozen, to close out sur¬plus stock atjan22 AMOS B. slaymaker'S.

POCKET PRESCRIPTION SCALES, capacityto 20 grains ; very accurate, with a folding

spatuba, in a box l^xIJ inches. Price $1 each.For salo bymhl7 E. 8. LEADBEATER &. BRO.


widths, in quantities to suit, at 88 King stroet,lorner of Royal.my2l J. T. creighton &. SON.


tho best goods ever offered in Alexandria for theprice. Will outwear any $1 Shirt.je2 At AMOS B. SLAYMAKER'S.

F_LY TRAPS, ROACH TRAPS, FLY FANS,WATER COOLERS aud other seasonableijoods for sale at low prices at 88 King street, cor¬ner of Royal, bymy21 J. T. creighton i SON.

ICE CREAM FREEZERS AND ENAMELEDJL preserving KETTLES, of various sizes,wholesale and retail byJ. T. CREIGHTON & 80N,my21 Corner King and Royal sts.

\TTE HAVE just received a largo lot of UN-W BLEACHED PEPEREL JEANS DRAW¬ERS, patent stay ; sizes 28 to 46; goods that haveil ways sold at 50c; are now Belling at 40c atiny!4 AMOS B. SLAYMAKER'S.

Limeade from fresh limes, a full stockrccoived to-day at J. D. H. LUNT'S. aug21




CONDENSED SCHEDULE. IN EFFECT JI'I y4th,_1886.Trains run by 75tli Meridian Titue.~

S..7T No. 50. No. \ ,

-South Bound. uaijv dwi)>. csix.plSnuilay.

t.EAVB.Washington .... 11 1' a in 11 (i» p m 7 15 ;i j.Alexandria 11 W " II i5 " T *..) '

Manas^a* 12 38 j» ui 12 17 a in S SO ..

Warr'n. June... 1 OV " 12 12 " 'J 20 "

Orange 2 25 " 1 55 " 10 5.; ..

Charlottesville 3 45 " 3 00 " 12 10 i.Ar

Lynchburg C 05 5 15 " 2 to p ttFranklin June. 7 45 " 0 It

ARRIVE.Danville S 50 " 7 45 "

Atlanta I 40 " 10 40 ji inNew Orleans)...' 7 2«) a in 7 no "


Nortit Bocsn. No. 51.Daily.

LKAVK.Danville 10 111 a in 11 .!«» i> m>Franklin June. 11 20 " 12 ".7 a in

Lynchburg I 00 j> in 2 05 7 j-,Charlottesville .» 50 " t 15 " in ]nOmnge I 56 " 5 15 '. || 'JI ,! !..i

I' in S |Warr'n. June... 0 2*.) " f> .. |;»Matiaissas 7 1)5 " 7 Ul " IAlexandria 6 05 " H n5 .. .> j; ..

ARRrvE.Washington - 30 .. s a) " _. j, ..

Baltimore II 25 " 10 13 '.

Philadelphia...! 3 Oil a in 12 :>r> p mNew York 6 20 " 3 20 ..



\v»>nDaily, except I):i, v


P in


Ar. I.v.j 10 40 a mi-' Washingl'ii" 2 '».

8 05 p m 10 15 " i" Alexaud a ar 2 f.5C 55 " 'J 13 - " Mana.-sa* " I 10 i1 30 " <*. 51 " I" Ft Royal '. ..

1 03 " .> 3S .. Kivertou .. r. it |i12 CO m G 10 " Iv Strnsburg ' 7 n5 '. II

WARRENTON.Trains Nos. .">'». 51. fitconnect daily and Nos. 58, and ."»!cent Sunday, to and from Warrenton.FRANKLIN DIVISION.Daily, except Sunday.Leave Rocky Mt. 7:20 a. ni., arrive 1'ii:,

Junction 10:40 a. m.: leave Franklin .I n;,*8:00 p. m,. arrive Roekv Mt. 11:30 ji. n*.

SLEEPING CAR SERVHE.On trains Nos. oO and .51 Pullman Ituifi t

ors between New York and Atlanta, via I'm.On trains Nos. 52 and 5^5 Pullman Kuil.-t > .;

ers between Washington and Montgomery. hi .!Washington and Augusta, via Danville. I'n; :::.,iSleepers Baltimore and White Sulphur .Nj >r.i..daily except Sunday.On trains Nos. 54 and 55 Pullman Sleepers i.,

twecn Washington and Louisville, and Charl-M.villo and Cincinnati.Through tickets on sale at the principal! !

to all points. For rates or information a;»p!y tany agent of the Company, or to

J. S. B. THOMPSON, A. 0. !'. AAlcxatnlria. \\.

C. W. CHEARS, A. G. P. A.Richmond Vi.

SOL. HAAS, T. M.. Richmond. V-,


Schedule in effect June 20th, lS.m;.ALL TRAINS DAILY EXCEPT SUN DA V.Leavo Alexandria 0:00 a. m , !l:15 a n;, as, !

4:50 p.m.; arrive at Round Hill 11:20 a. m..11:44 a. m. and 7:19 p. kj.Returning, trains leave Round Hill 0:<>Hin.

11:44 a. m. and 3:15 p.m., arriving at Aic\..idria at 8:32 a. m. 4:10 p. m. and 5:10 p. m.The 9:15 a. in. train from Alexandria connci:

at Round Hill with stago for Blue Ridge, licrryville and Winchester, and at Leesburi; witii stagefor Aldie and Middlebttrg.The 9:15 a. iu. train and 4:50 i>. m. train fr>.i..

Alexandria connects at Vienna with stages i. iFairfax Court Hou?c.Through tickets to Fairfax Coiitt House, I', n v-

villo and Winchester on sale at Alexandria tickoffice.One thousand mile tickets $25.jo23 tf R. BELL, Superintend :



In effect July 11. 1S8<>.Trains loave Washington.from station,rar

Sixth and B streets, as follows:For Pittsburg and tho West, Chicago f.i r-: .«.Express of Palace SloepingCara at 9v»o a.daily; Fast Line, 9:50 a.m. daily, to Cin. :in...'iand St. Louis, with Slocping Cars from ifa:mburg to Cincinnati, and Hotel Car to St. 1 .<.u.daily, cxcopt Saturday, to Chicago, with Sleep¬ing Cfer Altoona to Chicago. Chicago Ex|iri; .

at 7:10 p. m. daily, with Sleeping Ci;Washington to Chicago, and llarrishur^'Cleveland, connecting at Has rislmrg w; r rWestern Express with through SIce[eM torLouisville and St. Louis. Pacific Kxjin .

10:00 p. m. daily, for Pittsburg a:.« the \V<with through Sleeper Harrisbnrg to < hicae".

BALTIMCBE AND POTOMAC UAir.R'lAI).For Erie, Canandaigua,Rochester,Buffalo. Niar.vn10:00 p. m. daily, except Saturday, with PaVeCars Washington to Rochester.

For Williamsport, Lock Haven and Elmirn *t9:50 a. m., daily, except Sunday.

For New York and tho East, 7:15, 9:00 ami !:a. m., 2:00, 4:15,10:00 and 11:20 p. ni. "nSunday 9:00 a. m. 2:00, 4:15 10:00 and 11p. m. Limited Express of Pullman ParlorCars, 9:40 a. m., aad 3:50 p. m. dsiiy. ex.-. pt.8unday.

For Boston without change, 2:00 p. in. over;day.For Brooklyn, N. Y.,all through trains connectJeraey City with boats of Brooklyn Amies,affording direct transfer to Fulton street, r.vo;.:-ing double ferriage across New York City.For Philadelphia, 7:15, 9:00 and 11:00 a. in2:00,4:15,6:00,10:00 and 11:20 p.m. Ob8unday 9:00 a. m., 2:00, 4:15, G:30,10:00 n11:20 p.m. Limited Express, 9-40 a. m.. a:;:3:50 p. m. daily, except Sunday.

For Baltimore 6:35, 7:15, 9:00, 0t40, 9:50 i !11:00 a. m., and 12.05, 2:00, 3:30. 4:15, :4:40, 6:00, 7:10, 10:00 and 11:20 p. m. <>Sunday, 9:00, 9:50 and 11:00 a. m., and -


4:15, 6:00, 7:10, 10:00 and 11:20 p. at.For Pope's Crock Lino, 7:15 a. m., and 4:40 p. :»i.

daily, except Sunday.For Annapolis 7:15 a. m., and 12:fl!5 an«i i ~::p.m., daily except Sundays. On Sundays ar9:00 a. m. 4:15 p. ui.


For Alexandria, 6:00,7:05,9:25,10:55 and 1 i:"5 '

a. m., 2.05, 4:25, 4:35, 6:01, 8:05 and 11 37 ;>m. On Sunday at 6:010,9:25. and 10:55 a.::..,and 8:05 p. m.

For Richmond and the South, 6:00 and 10 '. .

m., daily, and 4:35 p. m., daily, except Sin i.vTrains lcavo Alexandria for Washington, >> "

8:00, 10:00 and 10:10 a. m.: 1:00, ¦(<>'3:23,5:1(\ 7:05 and 10:42 p. m., and 12:1"mid-night,except Monday. On Sunday at S.<n»and 10:10 a. m.; 7:05 and 10:42 p. m. ai; l12:10 night.Tickets and information at tho office, Northc:.-f

corner of 13th street and Penna. Avenue, an'lthe station, where orders can bo loft for tho dm'ing of baggago to destination from hotels arc!residences. J. R. WOOD, G. P. ACHAS. E. PUGH, G. M. riylT



Graaite Monnmeiils, Headstones, TombsAND ENCLOSURES.

Three new granite polishing machines, liesfacilities for monumental work. He guaranteethe best of work, good stock and low figure1!.Works.702,704 and 706, North Capitol strc«.t.

in rear of Government printing office, Washington, D. C.

Liverpool and London and globeINSURANCE COMPANY.

Statement U. 8. Branch, Juno 30, IHS."*.Assets $5,918,563 13

Liabilities 3,303,592 17Surplus 2,014,970 96Total losses paid in tho U. S 36,676.759 .>'>For policies in this excellent company apply

PHILIP B. HOOE, Agt nt.declo No. 2 Prince street.


draught at 5c per glass ataug21 J. D. H. LCNT't'.