Alexandria gazette (Alexandria, Va. : 1834).(Alexandria ... · cale.nov" « JT***...

The Richmond Examiner of the 19th, after a careful review oi the military situation, comes to the conclusion that the affairs of the Con¬ federacy "not only wear a hopeful., bat a cheer¬ ful aspect/' and, in regard to Sherman's march upon Mobile intimates that 0 he will probably find, when he shall reach the real ground of battle, that his advance has been imprudent, if not rash aud ruinous." ¦WUiil Ibis reported that "the gunboat Conesfoga, ten aiiles below the mouth of the Red river. recently captured four Confederate officers two of tlietn Colonels, while attempting to cross the mer with a large mail; $200,000 in New Orleans money, thirty bales of cotton, a num¬ ber of mules, horses and wagons, arid other property, to be delivered to the quartermaster at Natchez." The Police Magistrate at St.-John's. New Brunswick, before whom the examination in tVo Chesapeake case was held, delivered his judgement yesterday, ordering the prisoners to be committed to jail for surrender to the United States authorities^ Application will,- however, be made for a writ of habeas corpus, so as to faring the case before the Supreme j Court of the Province. It is reported that Colonel "Ferguson's com¬ mand has been surprised in Wayne county, Western Virginia, and sixty prisoners taken, four of whom were commissioned officers.. Col. Ferguson is the same person who recently captured Genetal Scammonon the Ohio river. The report states that five hundred prisoners were released by the Federal soldiers. PROF. LOUIS WUNDRAM'S VfOW for the first time introduced into this 1M country, have been successfully used for twenty-six years in Germany, and the rest of Eu¬ rope, and are particularly efficient in the cure of all chronic diseases. They are imported direct to this port by the undersigned, and their effi¬ ciency and safety can be relied upon with con¬ fidence. They are VEGETABLE PILLS and POWDERS the best blood purifying medicine ^^tantr and unequalled for the cure of Tetter, Asthma, Heaiache, Sore Eyes, Catarrh, Pain in the Breast and Sides, Spotted Fever, Chills and Fever. Dyspepsia, Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Can¬ cer, Jaundice, Biliousness, Eruptions of the Skin, Piles, "Worms, Dropsy, Erysipelas, Swell¬ ings, Open Wounda< Cholic, and in fact all di¬ seases caused by hnpure blood, or imperfect digestion. PROF, WUNDRAM'S RHUEMATIC POWDERS, a sure cure for all Rheumatic complaints. Gout in particular. PEOF. WITNDRAM'S EPILEPTIC REM- ED \T, the only safe and reliable remedy for the certain cure of this terrible complaint Pj:iOF/ w U N D R AM'S VEGETABLE ELI XIR, an invaluable remedy against Asth¬ ma, Biliousness, Pain in the Breast, Cough,!Dys» ! "sentary, Red and White Flux, Headache, Diar- I jrhcea, Cramp Cholic, &c. PROF. WUNDRAM'S HERB TEA, & I pleasant and wholesome beverage, for sick and convalescents, also for Dispeptics, and those j afflicted with nervousness. j PRO F. W U N D K A M' 8 T APE-WORM EXTERMINATOR. P l.tOF. W U P R A M' S TOOTH A CHE DROPS. . / j Full directions accompany each remedy. For further particulars, apply to JULIUS DIENELT, Dentist, 145 Prince st., nearly opposite the Post Office, betweeivSu Asaph and Washington sts., Alexandria, Va. For sale also by /ISAAC ENTW1SLE, 94 King- st., Alexandria, Va. J. R. PIERPOINT, S. E. corner King and Washington sts., Alexandria, Va. And H. L. PAUL!, No. 62, Prince St., my Cor. Fairfax. Alexandria, Va. TjlRESH GARDEN SEEDS! i' A full supnlv received and for sale by _ HENRY COOK, feb e.lino* 39 and 224 King strost- SIGKSMOND & HAY WARD, DENTISTS. NEW AND IMPROVED INVENTION OF ABTIFICIAL CHEOFLASTIC BONE TEETH WITHOUT METAL PLATE OR CLASPS. DR. S. B. SIGESMOND & CO., I 260 Pennsylvania avenue, between 1.2th u-nd 13tl u I streets, Washington, D. C,, Gl ALLS the attention of the public to the fol¬ lowing advantages of his improved system. 1. The Teeth of their manufacture will never corrode nor change color by any acids, being three-fourths lighter than any other, 2. No teeth or rjots need be extracted, as the artificial ones can be inserted over them. The roots will be made inoffensive and never to ache. 4. No temporary teeth are needed, as perma¬ nent ones can be made immediately, thereby preserving the natural expression of the face, which under the old system is frequently dis¬ figured. 5. This work has been fully tested over five years oy many of the first chemists and physi¬ cians of this country. Dr. S. & Co., have also invented a white un- destructive metal filling, with which the most sensitive teeth can be filled without pain, a^d can build up a perfect sound tooth on any side roots, which will last throug lifetime. ^ The best of references given by Dr. W. Mott; Dr. Doremus, Professor of Chemistry, N. Y., anc thousands of others. Call and examine for yourself. Office hours from 8 a. m., to 5 p. m., each day, Sundays excepted. oct C 0 A L OIL. CHEAPEST AND BEST COAL OIL V> \J THE Oil Y, by the barrel, or at retail, pr-L ces as low, or lower than the lowest.Quality unequaled.A>r sale at COGAN'S, * No. 15 lioyal street, where can be had Lamps, Chimnies, and everything connected with the trade, in every variety of style, together with a general assortment of Gas and Steam Fixtures, Chan¬ deliers, Pendants, Brackets, Drop Lighis. Glass Globes, Paper Shades, &c., of all the new styles, and beautiful patterns, at prices to please. Gas Fitting, Alterations and "Extensions promptly attented to ; all work warranted. Patent Thief Detecting Money Drawer for cale. nov" « JT*** FOE ALEXANDRIA, WASH- INGTON, AND LANDINGS ok THE P 0 T 0 M A C RIVER..The steamer WHILDEN, Captain Kiggin will leave pier foot of Barre street, Baltimore, ever ^ Fri¬ day, at 3 p. m. f or Alexandria, "Washington, and landings on the Potomac river. Returning, will leave Washington every Tues day, at G a. m., and Alexandria sarna day at 7 a. m., for Baltimore and landings on the Poto- mac river. jfeg" Custom House perm i ts in ust accompany freight for Alexandria and landings on Potomac- river. All freight must "be prepaid. For freight or passage, apply on bonrd or to A. NEEDHAM & SONS, 142 Light street wharf, Baltimore, or to ! nov BRODERS & CO., Ale? g, TSAS^! TEAS ! ! JUST received from N"£w York and Phila¬ delphia (direct from importers) a large and well selected assortment of Gun Powder, Young Hyson and Black Teas, some of very superior quality. - F. G. SWAINE, dec 16 No. 26 Royal street. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT WANTED at No. 17 King Street, any amount of RAGS, OLD IRON, COP¬ PER and BRASS, for which the highest mar¬ ket price will be paid at all times. oct BUTTER..1,500 pounds fresh Welch and Goshen Butter in store and for sale by F. G. SWAINE, dec 16 No. 26 Royal street. T NEW BACON. I7ST received a lot of superior new HA MS, SHOULDERS and BREAKFAST PIECES For sale low by F. G. SWAINE, oct 21. No. 26 Roval Street. PIANO MUSIC..A few pupib will be ta¬ ken by a young lady, on moderate terms, A.pp!y this officer * dee 30--if O A LE Si I) A H . ! ^ l CO Cp g1! 5! 5; §?, ^ I * j I i §; s I - i; r s i ; ; " ^ i S !! > ra ! ^ I y. *" =5 : : Jauuary 31 4: 5 io | n112 171 IS 19 > i j ^ . * : r\ op >"3=i . * t ~ I - V r - " :/. - . i 1; .July. 7j K| 9 ] 1.'; 14 15! 1 o .>.-. . -1'.-i 93 -.. ~~ ~'J (10:31 12 !i u >,, 1'- > . 1 ,, J' r' ;; ' 1 ' -v 21 .&¦<* ¦-> - 26-^ .:« ... j Q-J Febu'ry. , , I v ** . i 24125'26 27 i2h!20i'iO: 31| : I i; !31 j li 21 3! 4 5| 0! August..1 1 2 3 * 7 8 9 r 10 11 12|Io|j | T S 9:1011. Niliri/tl-'riio J .' Of» 11 I 1 r -i.. i.. . * March .. !Uil5 17 18;I9!2C:I ! 21:22:23i 24.25 20 i ~ ? j l«i»! i ; : ll 2 .>' 4 5j Septeiis 14'15 10 IT v- v i o i '>.> Tt '& -j;. 15 16 17 April.... ! fil 7 113114 '20!21 or lot 9() 3'iT."i I ~J I - S: 9 i1C illil2; «¦ - ; 4 20120 I 3 4; O! f«: 7' Si 9i ID-11 12 13! 14! 15 1C j h7,ldUi'2(. 21 ;^2i2o! !24:25 26127 28 20 SO1' i I1 2j1 OctoberJ 11111 *2 j 13 14 ]* ]f" j v 'i ft 01 .. I *¦« 47 28 £9 !.!. 10 11 IMc 141- 11'' ]"} 1 {: VI 21 V1 . ; 24 vfi -m o- »>(, ( :*!!». ?:1 May 1 O *r 1 *. i i) >< 0 30 11 1. !.) 1-1 !. Ji 17 ]" >~n .')¦ .j7 2 s C" uno 1 2: 3 4 5; Cj 7j Novcsil S 9,10 11 12 13-14 fi' j15 16!17 IS 19 2u 21 2^'2:v2i 25 20 27 2-Si: 2'.'!30;31 j 1 2? 3; 4 Decf;mb.1 1 2 5 Cj 7; 8 9,10 H. M 4 5 i T > 6 1 11'2 13! 14! 15;lfi! 17 IS ill 12 IS VI 15 1. : ! 19 20 i 21! 22! 28 24 25 -18 19 i- 23 22 2X : j J 125, op 27-28 iO c(' ? r-»T *i>nm ^-.'urtfy r i..t. '20127i 28 29 3u ALEXANDRIA GAZETTE ,-TiftL . = r; ps?. r yi j i SCine Street. !>«(«'t>e3 Kyt s-i! »n<i ritJ. th« Theatre. All orders for Job Privtin .t .mpJ) executed, with neatness and at the io^fr- sash prices. The office is supplied with a & \ * >... -i rnent oi' J 015 1. i. $ ^ 9 For HANDBILLS, BILL HEADS j ! CIRCULARS. CABPS. And Every Description of PRINTING. EEINAJfTS, HEM WANTS, A GOOD CO.ANCE. I HAVE this day selected all my Kern riant? ill Calicoes, Lawns and DeLaines, and put them down at ve. y low figures. Those who wish to get. a bargain, call and see at H. SCIIWAKZE'S. feb No 182, King street TILL S CELEBRATED COUGH SYPJT. A lull supply received and for salo by HEJNK V COOK., o9 & 224 King ?t. jan 28.2w* A lkxanpiiu. B vr rp BICHABD H. GEME&Y, GKOCEB & COMMISSION JVlJSKCHAiV.L. AND DEALER IN PRODUCE GENERALLY' JSo. 7, corner King and (Inkni nov 10 ALEXANDRIA, VA. BUCKWHEAT FLO UK. VTEW BUCKWHEAT FLOUR of?«p0rlOJ' .IX quality, just received and for sale b v _ F G. oct No 26, Royiiljirei'.1^ VTEW BUCKWHEAT. -LN Just received at 106 Prince nov J. /"\NIONS..Just received 15 IjLI?- \J ONIONS, for sale by -,r\-v It. II. feb No. 7, King ttfid fnivn /^IIDEK..Just received 15bbls. prime CH-A#* Kj PAGNE CIDEll, for sale by .-Y 11. B. .feb &-tf $o. 7, King and Lnwn

Transcript of Alexandria gazette (Alexandria, Va. : 1834).(Alexandria ... · cale.nov" « JT***...

  • The Richmond Examiner of the 19th, aftera careful review oi the military situation, comesto the conclusion that the affairs of the Con¬federacy "not only wear a hopeful., bat a cheer¬ful aspect/' and, in regard to Sherman's marchupon Mobile intimates that

    0 he will probablyfind, when he shall reach the real ground ofbattle, that his advance has been imprudent,if not rash aud ruinous."


    Ibis reported that "the gunboat Conesfoga,ten aiiles below the mouth of the Red river.

    recently captured four Confederate officers twoof tlietn Colonels, while attempting to crossthe mer with a large mail; $200,000 in NewOrleans money, thirty bales of cotton, a num¬ber of mules, horses and wagons, arid otherproperty, to be delivered to the quartermasterat Natchez."The Police Magistrate at St.-John's. New

    Brunswick, before whom the examination intVo Chesapeake case was held, delivered hisjudgement yesterday, ordering the prisonersto be committed to jail for surrender to theUnited States authorities^ Application will,-however, be made for a writ of habeas corpus,so as to faring the case before the Supreme jCourt of the Province.

    It is reported that Colonel "Ferguson's com¬mand has been surprised in Wayne county,Western Virginia, and sixty prisoners taken,four of whom were commissioned officers..Col. Ferguson is the same person who recentlycaptured Genetal Scammonon the Ohio river.The report states that five hundred prisonerswere released by the Federal soldiers.


    VfOW for the first time introduced into this1M country, have been successfully used fortwenty-six years in Germany, and the rest ofEu¬rope, and are particularly efficient in the cure ofall chronic diseases. They are imported directto this port by the undersigned, and their effi¬ciency and safety can be relied upon with con¬fidence. They areVEGETABLE PILLS and POWDERS

    the best blood purifying medicine ^^tantr andunequalled for the cure of Tetter, Asthma,Heaiache, Sore Eyes, Catarrh, Pain in theBreast and Sides, Spotted Fever, Chills andFever. Dyspepsia, Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Can¬cer, Jaundice, Biliousness, Eruptions of theSkin, Piles, "Worms, Dropsy, Erysipelas, Swell¬ings, Open Wounda< Cholic, and in fact all di¬seases caused by hnpure blood, or imperfectdigestion.

    PROF, WUNDRAM'S RHUEMATICPOWDERS, a sure cure for all Rheumaticcomplaints. Gout in particular.PEOF. WITNDRAM'S EPILEPTIC REM-

    ED \T, the only safe and reliable remedy for thecertain cure of this terrible complaintPj:iOF/w U N D R AM'S VEGETABLEELI XIR, an invaluable remedy against Asth¬ma, Biliousness, Pain in the Breast, Cough,!Dys» !"sentary, Red and White Flux, Headache, Diar- Ijrhcea, Cramp Cholic, &c.

    PROF. WUNDRAM'S HERB TEA, & Ipleasant and wholesome beverage, for sick andconvalescents, also for Dispeptics, and those jafflicted with nervousness. jPRO F. WU N D K A M' 8 TAPE-WORM


    DROPS. . / jFull directions accompany each remedy.For further particulars, apply toJULIUS DIENELT, Dentist,145 Prince st., nearly opposite the Post Office,

    betweeivSu Asaph and Washington sts.,Alexandria, Va.For sale also by /ISAAC ENTW1SLE,

    94 King- st., Alexandria, Va.J. R. PIERPOINT, S. E. corner

    King and Washington sts., Alexandria, Va.And H. L. PAUL!, No. 62, Prince St.,my Cor. Fairfax. Alexandria, Va.

    TjlRESH GARDEN SEEDS!i' A full supnlvreceived and for sale by _ HENRY COOK,

    feb e.lino* 39 and 224 King strost-




    DR. S. B. SIGESMOND & CO.,I 260 Pennsylvania avenue, between 1.2th u-nd 13tlu

    I streets, Washington, D. C,,

    GlALLS the attention of the publicto the fol¬

    lowing advantages of his improved system.1. The Teeth of their manufacture will never

    corrode nor change color by any acids, beingthree-fourths lighter than any other,

    2. No teeth or rjots need be extracted, asthe artificial ones can be inserted over them.

    The roots will be made inoffensive andnever to ache.

    4. No temporary teeth are needed, as perma¬nent ones can be made immediately, therebypreserving the natural expression of the face,which under the old system is frequently dis¬figured.

    5. This work has been fully tested over fiveyears oy many of the first chemists and physi¬cians of this country.Dr. S. & Co., have also invented a white un-

    destructive metal filling, with which the mostsensitive teeth can be filled without pain, a^dcan build up a perfect sound tooth on any sideroots, which will last throug lifetime.^

    The best of references given by Dr. W. Mott;Dr. Doremus, Professor of Chemistry, N. Y.,anc thousands of others.

    Call and examine for yourself.Office hours from 8 a. m., to 5 p. m.,

    each day, Sundays excepted.oct

    C 0 A L OIL.CHEAPEST AND BEST COAL OIL V>\J THE Oil Y, by the barrel, or at retail, pr-Lces as low, or lower than the lowest.Qualityunequaled.A>r sale at COGAN'S,


    No. 15 lioyal street,where can be had Lamps, Chimnies,and everything connected with the trade, inevery variety of style, together with a generalassortment of Gas and Steam Fixtures, Chan¬deliers, Pendants, Brackets, Drop Lighis. GlassGlobes, Paper Shades, &c., ofall the new styles,and beautiful patterns, at prices to please.

    Gas Fitting, Alterations and "Extensionspromptly attented to ; all work warranted.Patent Thief Detecting Money Drawer for

    cale. nov"

    « JT*** FOE ALEXANDRIA, WASH-INGTON, AND LANDINGS okTHE P 0 T 0 M A C RIVER..The steamerWHILDEN, Captain Kiggin will leavepier foot of Barre street, Baltimore, ever ^


    day, at 3 p. m. f or Alexandria, "Washington,and landings on the Potomac river.Returning, will leave Washington every Tues

    day, at G a. m., and Alexandria sarna day at 7a. m., for Baltimore and landings on the Poto-mac river.

    jfeg" Custom House perm i ts in ust accompanyfreight for Alexandria and landings on Potomac-river.All freight must "be prepaid.For freight or passage, apply on bonrd or to

    A. NEEDHAM & SONS, 142 Light streetwharf, Baltimore, or to

    ! nov BRODERS & CO., Ale? g,TSAS^! TEAS ! !

    JUST received from N"£w York and Phila¬delphia (direct from importers) a large andwell selected assortment of Gun Powder, YoungHyson and Black Teas, some of very superiorquality. - F. G. SWAINE,dec 16 No. 26 Royal street.IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTWANTED at No. 17 King Street, anyamount of RAGS, OLD IRON, COP¬PER and BRASS, for which the highest mar¬ket price will be paid at all times.


    BUTTER..1,500 pounds fresh Welch andGoshen Butter in store and for sale byF. G. SWAINE,dec 16 No. 26 Royal street.

    T NEW BACON.I7ST received a lot of superior new H AMS,

    SHOULDERS and BREAKFAST PIECESFor sale low by F. G. SWAINE,oct21. No. 26 Roval Street.

    PIANO MUSIC..A few pupib will be ta¬ken by a young lady, on moderate terms,A.pp!y this officer

    * dee 30--if

    O A L E Si I) A H .

    ! ^l COCp

    g1! 5! 5; §?,^ I * j I i §; s I - i;r s i ; ; " ^ i S !!> r a ! ^ I y. *" =5:


    Jauuary31 4: 5

    io | n112171 IS 19

    > i j^ .*:

    r\ -»


    . * t ~ I -V r - "

    :/. -


    i 1; .July.7j K| 9 ]1.'; 14 15! 1 o.>.-. . -1'.-i 93

    -.. ~~ ~'J(10:31 12 !i u >,,1'- > . 1 ,, J' r';; ' 1 ' -v 21 .&¦ - 26-^ .:« ...j Q-J


    , , I v **.

    i24125'26 27 i2h!20i'iO:31| : I i; !31

    j li 21 3! 4 5| 0! August..1 1 2 3 *7 8 9 r 10 11 12|Io|j | T S 9:1011.Niliri/tl-'riio J .' Of» 11 I 1 r -i.. i.. . *

    March ..

    !Uil5 1« 17 18;I9!2C:I! 21:22:23i 24.25 20 i ~ ? jl«i»! i ; :ll 2 .>' 4 5j Septeiis

    14'15 10 IT v- vi o i '>.>Tt '& -j;.

    15 16 17


    ! fil 7113114'20!21or lot 9() 3'iT."i

    I ~J I -

    S: 9 i1C illil2;

    «¦ - ;


    20120 I

    3 4; O! f«: 7' Si 9iID-11 12 13! 14! 15 1C jh7,ldUi'2(. 21 ;^2i2o!!24:25 26127 28 20 SO1'

    i I1 2j1 OctoberJ

    11111 *2 j 13 14 ]* ]f"j v 'i ft 01 ..I *¦« 47 28 £9 !.!.

    C» 10 11 IMc 141-11'' ]"} 1 {: VI 21 V1

    . ; 24 vfi -m o- »>(, (:*!!». ?:1

    May 1 O *r1 *. i i)>< 0 30 11 1.

    !.) 1-1 !. Ji 17 ]">~n .')¦

    .j7 2 s C"uno

    1 2: 3 4 5; Cj 7j NovcsilS 9,10 11 12 13-14 fi'

    j15 16!17 IS 19 2u 212^'2:v2i 25 20 27 2-Si:2'.'!30;31

    j 1 2? 3; 4 Decf;mb.1 1 25 Cj 7; 8 9,10 H. M 4 5 i T > 6 1

    11'2 13! 14! 15;lfi! 17 IS ill 12 IS VI 15 1. :! 19 20 i 21! 22! 28 24 25 -18 19 i- 23 22 2X :j J 125, op 27-28 iO c(' ?

    r-»T *i>nm ^-.'urtfy r i..t.'20127i 28 29 3u


    .= r; ps?. ryi j


    SCine Street. !>«(«'t>e3 Kyt s-i! »n... -i

    rnent oi'

    J 015 1. i. $ ^ 9For HANDBILLS,


    CABPS.And Every Description of PRINTING.


    I HAVE this day selected all my Kernriant?

    ill Calicoes, Lawns and DeLaines, and putthem down at ve. y low figures. Those whowish to get. a bargain, call and see atH. SCIIWAKZE'S.feb No 182, King street

    TILL S CELEBRATED COUGH SYPJT.A lull supply received and for salo by

    HEJNK V COOK., o9 & 224 King ?t.jan 28.2w* A lkxanpiiu.B



    JSo. 7, corner King and (Inkninov 10 ALEXANDRIA, VA.

    BUCKWHEAT FLOUK.VTEW BUCKWHEAT FLOUR of?«p0rlOJ'.IX quality, just received and for sale b


    F No 26, Royiiljirei'.1^VTEW BUCKWHEAT.-LN Just received at 106 Princenov J.

    /"\NIONS..Just received 15 IjLI?-\J ONIONS, for sale by -,r\-vIt. II.feb No. 7, King ttfid fnivn

    /^IIDEK..Just received 15bbls. primeCH-A#*

    Kj PAGNE CIDEll, for sale by .-Y11. B..feb &-tf $o. 7, King and Lnwn