
Charles Darwin By: Alex



Transcript of Alex

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Charles DarwinBy: Alex

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Table of Contents Darwin's childhood

The voyage of the Beagle




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Darwin's Childhood Charles Robert Darwin was born on February 12,1809.

This is the garden

view of the house

where he was born and


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Darwin's Childhood cont.

Darwin hated school and would sneak out sometimes.

Darwin sometimes conducted his own experiments in a garden shed.

Darwin loved nature and collected insects and minerals. He also loved bird watching and he also made notes on it.

He also loved hunting birds.

Darwin’s love of nature and exploration made him jump on the opportunity for going on the Beagle voyage as a college student.

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Voyage of The Beagle

The ship, The HMS Beagle set sail on December 27,1831.

HMS stands for Her Majesty’s Ship.

Its two main jobs were to map around the world, and to test many new timekeepers.

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Voyage of the Beagle cont.

Some facts about the Beagle: It carried 74 men and was only 90 feet long (27

m) The beagle carried 10 cannons Darwin shared a cabin with another man and slept

in a hammock Some of the places the Beagle visited include:

The Brazilian Rainforest Uruguay Patagonia The Andes The Galápagos Islands Australia

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Map of the Beagle’s Voyage

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The Galápagos Islands

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The Galápagos Islands In the Pacific Ocean, 600 miles off the South American coast.

Darwin stayed on the islands for 5 weeks.

There were many species of animals living on the islands, including: Giant tortoise Marine Iguana Many different birds, including penguins and finches Many fish

He noticed that many of the animals were very different from all the other places he had been.

Living in a different climate and habitat they evolved differently to survive.

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The Galápagos Islands

• The islands were made from volcanoes that came out of the sea.

•The islands are between 0.7 – 3 million years old, which for land is very young.

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Galápagos TortoiseDarwin noticed that on the different islands there were different shaped shells of the tortoises.

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Evolution by Artificial Selection

Evolution means “Change Over Time”

Dogs were bred by people to be more tame and for different characteristics.

This is called “Artificial Selection”

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Evolution by Natural Selection

The white moth is on the black tree truck so it stands out, so it would be seen by the predator. The Black moth is camouflaged, so the predator will not see it, so it won’t eat it, and so it survives and can reproduce.

If the same black moth is on a white tree trunk it will be the opposite, so the white moth will be camouflaged and reproduce.

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Darwin’s Finches Only found on the

Galápagos Islands

Originally the finches came from South America

Darwin noticed them and how their beaks were different

He noticed that their beaks were specialized for different habitats and their needs

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The Origin of Species The moths and the

finches both have adaptations that allow them to survive in different habitats.

Over time they pass those adaptations to the next generation.

Over time they formed new species that are different in their shape and behavior.

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How Did This Change Our View of the World?

Before Darwin most people thought everything was directly created by God and nothing changed.

Darwin suggested that over time things changed and adapted to new territories.

Darwin was basically saying that the religious books were not saying the truth about where things came from, so many people were very angry at Darwin.

It was hard for Darwin to publish his ideas about this because he didn’t want people to be angry at him. That’s why he waited over 20 years before publishing his books.

A page out of Darwin's notebook showing his first idea of how things evolved.

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Human Evolution Darwin was saying

that like all other animals, humans have changed over time too.

Our closest relatives are the Chimpanzee and Bonobo. We all share the same ancestor.

His idea changed the way people think about themselves forever!

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Conclusion Darwin was curious and would always go deeper

and do his best to pay attention to every detail.

His purpose was to connect things together because he knew if he worked hard he could make a difference.

His voyage on the Beagle was an opportunity of a lifetime and helped him understand how different species might be related.

He spent the last parts of his life putting all the pieces of the puzzle together.

Darwin revolutionized the way we think about life and the connections between living organisms and ourselves.

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Bibliography “,” Accessed November 24, 2013,

“Charles Darwin,” Accessed November 24, 2013,

“Charles Darwin,” Accessed November 25, 2013,

Darwin, Charles. The Origin of Species by means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life. 6th edition. London: Murray, 1872.

“Galapagos Islands,” Accessed November 2013,

King, David. Charles Darwin, a photographic story of a life. New York: DK Publishing, 2007.

Ventura, Piero. Darwin, nature reinterpreted. New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1995.

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