Alex Jones Etc. Plus Some Truth.

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  • 8/2/2019 Alex Jones Etc. Plus Some Truth.


    Alex Jones Etc. Plus Some Truth.

    What are the Illuminati? What are they up too? Why are things as they are

    and getting worse by the day?

    Psalm 14:1 The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are

    corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.


    One of the most annoying aspects of some religious teaching is when some

    pastor somewhere, perhaps on Radio, on TV or in a Church, begins his

    lesson by saying something like this:

    'I was watching the cricket match the other day and I realised that life with

    Jesus is just like a game of cricket....'

    You hear something like this and, even perhaps as an unbeliever, your head

    explodes with frustration because you know that life with Jesus is nothing

    like a game of cricket and never could be, except in the most loose and trite

    of senses. It feels like you have wanted to hear the truth and instead have

    been fed a mushy diet of sentimental homilies with a little scripture thrown

    in. It's like being given lessons from an Winnie The Pooh's Adventures book

    instead of from that greatest of all authors, the Holy Spirit. Jesus did not

    come saying that His life of pure holiness should be compared to a popular

    game. He came saying that unless you learn to die to yourself you cannot

    live in Him. The Christian life is not an intellectual exercise of theory but of

    practical reality. What so-called teachers in the Christian faith miss when

    they say things like the pastor referred to above is this:

    James_4:4 Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship

    of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the

    world is the enemy of God. (KJV)

    Right at the very beginning of my own conversion I said to God, 'If this is

    not real I do not want it. It has to work and it has to have nothing to do with

    me and what I have to do or it is fake.' God proved to me that was exactlywhat it is like to be a Christian and for those reasons and despite the

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    homosexuals, the Marxists, the politically correct ministers in the Church

    and Marxist-Feminists best efforts to try and shame me for it, I remain

    unashamed to be a Christian.

    I stand in some illustrious company. Saints like James, Peter, Paul, Andrew,Matthew, Mark, John, Stephen, Luke and Christ Himself. (Though I

    compare myself to none of these except in terms of aspirations). Before I

    believed, I stood in the same camp as Lenin, Hitler, Mao. The Yorkshire

    Ripper, Dr Crippin, Myra Hindley and her sick boyfriend and the devil

    himself. I am glad I changed sides!

    There is no point in shaking my fist at the evils of people like George Bush,

    Donald Rumsfeld, the Bankers, Nick Clegg and Tony Blair etc., if I am

    sitting in the same camp as they are and being led by the same devil that

    leads them. That, is the real hypocrisy people should be crying about! The

    mistakes made by Christians (and none of us are perfect) pale in comparison

    to the mistakes of those who are led by the devil. 'Oh look!' They cry. 'That

    Christian just used some bad language. What a hypocrite!' Yet with the same

    minds they vote for those willing to drop Napalm on children in foreign

    countries, to get the oil, so they can drive to work in their nice cars. As well

    as for those who are about to bring the evils of Communism and its over

    regulated society (spun to sound positive of course!) upon us all in Europe.

    When someone with a nice face (TV camera suitable) comes along, the

    Christians in a political party vote for him or her to be leader because

    image is everything to them (Not Godly character) and they want to win

    elections. That is how we got Clegg in the UK. So, Clegg becomes this new

    leader and one of the first things he says is, I understand how the world

    (Satan) works. Then he adds, later on, I don't do the God thing. So our

    country gets another wicked leader because the party wanted an image.

    Thanks guys and girls! Just what we need. More of the same evil we have

    had for years and which is pulling our country apart but that's OK because

    this devil has a nice face and looks good on TV. He has no moral compass.

    No relationship with his God but he looks good on TV so we get to win.

    Then, when he gets into office, this defender of the family, makes a law

    saying that gays can marry each other and those same people who voted for

    this devil to be leader now rebel against him! What else did they expect the

    devil to do with the legal system once he gets his grubby little hands on it? Itis no wonder Jesus said this:

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    Luke 16:8 And the lord commended the unjust steward, because he had

    done wisely: for the children of this world are in their generation wiser than

    the children of light.


    Can you imagine the great blessings this country would have if we had a

    truly Christian leadership running it?

    I bring this up because recently I was sent a link to a Catholic guy on You

    Tube teaching about the things Alex Jones is always screaming about: The

    illuminati; the Masons, fiat currency and on and on. I watched every one of

    the films relating to the teaching of the man in question and realised that

    what he was doing was just gathering facts about what the devil is up too in

    this world and then trying to spiritulise them but without referring these

    events back to the scriptures and explaining the way God sees them. This

    point is really important, because, unless we see these things as God sees

    them, our understanding about them will be limited by our own intellects.

    That will just lead to fear, paranoia and superstition. All things the Catholics

    and other cults are famous for peddling to their flocks in order to squeeze

    money out of them and control them.

    Someone said in the e-mail I received that, if only more of this was taught in

    Church then they would be willing to go to Church to hear it. In other

    words, they want the Spirit of God to tell them the things they wantto hear,

    when they wantto hear it. To cover, if you like, their interests and not those

    interests of God. I did not mean by that to say that God would never teach

    on these things; only that we can not dictate to Him what He should teach

    about at any given time. The whole point of Christianity (At least, the true

    and accurate version of it) as I have said above, is that we learn to submit to

    God in all things and stop trying to tell Him what He should be doing. Does

    the clay tell the potter what shape to make it? As the Bible puts it. (Para)

    All of mankinds problems stem from the fact that men and women think

    they can do without the gifts and guidance of God. That is how and why the

    evils described by Alex Jones and others even exist. Then, just to compound

    the error, men and women think they can fight that evil by theirown ideasand plans. Almost always those plans and ideas come down to violence of

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    some kind and when they do not, violence is simply replaced by lies in those

    oppressing you. Thus replacing one evil with another. Anything, but doing

    what God says! The people hit the streets in their thousands protesting to the

    devil that he is evil! They always end up in shock when he sends out his

    own servants to shoot them and gas them or beat them!


    Mankind has been so smart in doing things his own ways that our world sees

    nothing but wars, poverty and greed. Way to go mankind! Genius! We hear

    politicians talking about 'bombing people back to the stone age to make

    them free.' Just how stupid do we have to get before we see that we need the

    wisdom that comes from God? However, that would involve submitting to

    Him and pride prevents people from doing that. They are convinced by their

    own arrogance that they don't need God and can do it all themselves. They

    never let their failures teach them the truth though and so mankind grinds on

    and more and more people die as the devil feeds them with ever more

    sophisticated ways to kill each other. It has been this way for thousands of

    years. This, they call, civilisation. Their hidden motto is: 'Forget the Gospel.

    Use a stealth bomber.' The Church goes along with it because it does not

    want to look unpatriotic because then it might be unpopular with people and

    they can't have that. Jesus would not want the Church to be unpopular with

    men and to suffer the insecurities that would bring...


    Here is what He had to say to those who court popularity.

    Luke 6:26 Woe unto you, when all men shall speak well of you! for so did

    their fathers to the false prophets. (KJV)

    This is what the letter to the Hebrews says:

    Heb 11:32 And what shall I more say? for the time would fail me to tell of

    Gedeon, and of Barak, and of Samson, and of Jephthae; of David also, and

    Samuel, and of the prophets:

    Heb 11:33 Who through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness,

    obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions,Heb 11:34 Quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword,

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    out of weakness were made strong, waxed valiant in fight, turned to flight

    the armies of the aliens.

    Heb 11:35 Women received their dead raised to life again: and others were

    tortured, not accepting deliverance; that they might obtain a better

    resurrection:Heb 11:36 And others had trial of cruel mockings and scourgings, yea,

    moreover of bonds and imprisonment:

    Heb 11:37 They were stoned, they were sawn asunder, were tempted, were

    slain with the sword: they wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins;

    being destitute, afflicted, tormented;

    Heb 11:38 (Of whom the world was not worthy:) they wandered in deserts,

    and in mountains, and in dens and caves of the earth.


    The battle belongs to the Lord and the weapons we use are His, not the arms


    Vengeance is mine, says the Lord. I will repay. (Paul's letter to the Romans


    God calls this, sin. Sin is of the devil and his (the devil's) aims are

    controlling the human race to such a degree that everyone in it, apart from

    the monied elites, are slaves. The elites themselves being slaves to Satan

    also but thinking themselves to be free because they have the cash, nice

    clothes, houses and food. Oh, how tragic the story of the human race is!

    Slavery is much more than just the chains and work imposed upon the

    physical body and the human mind. Spiritual slavery is a death and torment

    that never ends. THAT is what the devil offers and mankind in his genius

    says, 'OK. Thanks!' And grabs it with both hands. Cake today and death

    tomorrow! These are the same people calling Christians dumb! The blind

    lead the blind and everyone ends up in a ditch.

    During an Internet search, God lead me to someone teaching about the same

    things Alex Jones and company teach, but this time, doing it the right way.

    Showing, by the Word of God, why these things happen and offering

    solutions and the proper way to fight back against them. (Even so, this doesnot mean that all he says is true and I endorse it. It still needs to be checked).

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    Because of the current limitations of the Internet regarding the sending of

    files over a certain size by e-mail, I will offer here a link to this teaching so

    that others can hear them also. However, I also offer this caveat:

    Unless you have decided to submit yourself to God and give up trying to dothings your own way and in your own strength and power, some of what you

    will hear will not make much sense to you at all, but some will and so I have

    decided to pass it on. You need to listen to all seven lessons to get the full

    story. Here is the link:

    In the meanwhile, here is a scripture from the prophet Zechariah in the Bible

    to think about.

    Zec 4:1 And the angel that talked with me came again, and waked me, as a

    man that is wakened out of his sleep,

    Zec 4:2 And said unto me, What seest thou? And I said, I have looked, and

    behold a candlestick all of gold, with a bowl upon the top of it, and his

    seven lamps thereon, and seven pipes to the seven lamps, which are upon

    the top thereof:

    Zec 4:3 And two olive trees by it, one upon the right side of the bowl, and

    the other upon the left side thereof.

    Zec 4:4 So I answered and spake to the angel that talked with me, saying,

    What are these, my lord?

    Zec 4:5 Then the angel that talked with me answered and said unto me,

    Knowest thou not what these be? And I said, No, my lord.

    Zec 4:6 Then he answered and spake unto me, saying, This is the word of

    the LORD unto Zerubbabel, saying, Not by might, nor by power, but by

    my spirit, saith the LORD of hosts...

    (KJV )Emphasis mine.

    Hard to grasp huh? Not if the Spirit of God is in you and teaching you the

    meaning. However, the words I have placed in bold text should be easy to

    get for anyone who has read this far.

    Don't worry if you don't get this all at once. Even the BBC's most famouspet intellectual homosexual, Steven Fry, has no idea what any of this
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    means. His eyes are blinded too. YOU, however, do not have to be like him.

    Even the most simple of God's people can understand this, once the Spirit of

    God is in them and is opening their understanding to the truth. It is about

    faith in God not intellectual prowess. Remember, the worlds geniuses think

    the answer is bigger bombs, more bloodshed and accumulating stuff, but thesimplest saint on his knees knows more than all of them combined and one

    of those things He or she knows is..., that it is ALL Jesus and He has it in

    complete control.


    George Rolph.
