Alex 2003 Quarterly Audit Summary Report - … · Web viewFuel oil is used to stabilize combustion...


Transcript of Alex 2003 Quarterly Audit Summary Report - … · Web viewFuel oil is used to stabilize combustion...

Page 1: Alex 2003 Quarterly Audit Summary Report - … · Web viewFuel oil is used to stabilize combustion of wet fuel, as well as during start-up and shut-down of the boilers for maintenance.
Page 2: Alex 2003 Quarterly Audit Summary Report - … · Web viewFuel oil is used to stabilize combustion of wet fuel, as well as during start-up and shut-down of the boilers for maintenance.

Table of ContentsSection No. Page No.

1.0 PURPOSE OF REPORT.......................................................................................42.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.......................................................................................43.0 FACILITY INSPECTION AND RECORDS REVIEW.............................................54.0 FACILITY PERFORMANCE.................................................................................9

4.1 Utility and Reagent Consumptions............................................................22

4.2 Safety & Environmental Training...............................................................23

5.0 FACILITY MAINTENANCE.................................................................................245.1 Availability.................................................................................................25

5.2 Downtime Summary..................................................................................26

5.3 Facility Housekeeping...............................................................................28

6.0 ENVIRONMENTAL.............................................................................................296.1 Nitrogen Oxide Emissions.........................................................................29

6.2 Sulfur Dioxide Emissions..........................................................................30

6.3 Carbon Monoxide Emissions....................................................................30

6.4 Opacity......................................................................................................30

6.5 Daily Emissions Data................................................................................30

6.6 Ash System Compliance...........................................................................30

APPENDIX A FACILITY CEMS DATA..........................................................................33APPENDIX B PHOTOS.................................................................................................37

Alexandria/Arlington RRFSecond Quarter Operating Report – Fiscal Year 2016 1 January 2016

Page 3: Alex 2003 Quarterly Audit Summary Report - … · Web viewFuel oil is used to stabilize combustion of wet fuel, as well as during start-up and shut-down of the boilers for maintenance.

List of TablesTable No. Page No. Table 1: Summary of Audit Report Deficiencies...............................................................................................................................................7Table 2: Quarterly Performance Summaries..................................................................................................................................................15Table 3: Waste Delivery Classification...........................................................................................................................................................16Table 4: Facility Utility and Reagent Consumptions.......................................................................................................................................22Table 5: Quarterly Facility Unit Availabilities..................................................................................................................................................26Table 6: Boiler Downtime – Q2FY16..............................................................................................................................................................27Table 7: Turbine Generator Downtime – Q2FY16..........................................................................................................................................27Table 8: Facility Housekeeping Ratings – August 2015..................................................................................................................................28Table 9: Quarterly Environmental Excursions.................................................................................................................................................29Table 10: Comparison of Statistical Results and Regulatory Thresholds for Metal Analytes.........................................................................31Table 11: Unit #1 Monthly Summary for Reportable Emissions Data.............................................................................................................34Table 12: Unit #2 Monthly Summary for Reportable Emissions Data.............................................................................................................35Table 13: Unit #3 Monthly Summary for Reportable Emissions Data..............................................................................................................36

List of ChartsChart No. Page No. Chart 1: Tons of Waste Processed...................................................................................................................................................................9Chart 2: Tons of Ash Produced per Ton of Waste Processed.........................................................................................................................10Chart 3: Ferrous Recovery Rate.....................................................................................................................................................................11Chart 4: Steam Production..............................................................................................................................................................................12Chart 5: 12-Month Rolling Steam Production..................................................................................................................................................12Chart 6: Steam Production Rate....................................................................................................................................................................13Chart 7: Calculated Waste Heating Value.......................................................................................................................................................14Chart 8: Cumulative Total Waste Delivery.....................................................................................................................................................17Chart 9: Gross Electrical Generation..............................................................................................................................................................17Chart 10: Gross Conversion Rate...................................................................................................................................................................18Chart 11: Net Conversion Rate.......................................................................................................................................................................19Chart 12: Net Conversion Rate.......................................................................................................................................................................20Chart 13: Gross Turbine Generator Conversion Rate.....................................................................................................................................20Chart 14: Net Turbine Generator Conversion Rate.........................................................................................................................................21Chart 15: Ash Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) Results....................................................................................................31Chart 16: Quarterly Ash Test Results.............................................................................................................................................................32

List of Figures

Figure No. Page No . Figure 1: Ash Trailers (typical of 3) have a damaged top pressure-treated wood rail (2”x6”) – New Deficiency.............................................38Figure 2: Ceiling panels corroded, above Condensate Make-up Tank – Painting Item – New Deficiency.....................................................38Figure 3: Pressure treated support split at bolt, on Cooling Tower Access Stairs – New Deficiency..............................................................38Figure 4: Cooling Towers from SDA Penthouse............................................................................................................................................38Figure 5: New Opacity Monitor being installed on Boiler No. 3......................................................................................................................38Figure 6: New Opacity Monitor Panel inside CEMS Enclosure......................................................................................................................38Figure 7: Ferrous Magnet – No Issues Observed..........................................................................................................................................39Figure 8: Boiler No. 3 Grate - Offline for Fall Outage.....................................................................................................................................39Figure 9: Outage Materials at Grate Access Elevation...................................................................................................................................39Figure 10: Refractory Tile awaiting installation...............................................................................................................................................39Figure 11: Ash Trailer Canopy.......................................................................................................................................................................39Figure 12: Tipping Floor Entrance – Recently resurfaced – No Issues Observed..........................................................................................39Figure 13: Metal Drop-off...............................................................................................................................................................................40Figure 14: Facility Scales – No Issues Observed...........................................................................................................................................40Figure 15: Citizen’s Drop-Off..........................................................................................................................................................................40Figure 16: Drainage Grate at Truck Entrance to Facility – New epoxy application being tested....................................................................40Figure 17: General Facility View from east looking west................................................................................................................................40Figure 18: General Facility View – Front of Facility Facing Eisenhower.........................................................................................................40Figure 19: General Facility View – From west looking east............................................................................................................................41Figure 20: Dolomitic Lime Silo – No Issues Observed...................................................................................................................................41Figure 21: Tipping Floor – No Issues Observed.............................................................................................................................................41Figure 22: Economizers & Spray Dryer Absorbers (SDAs)............................................................................................................................41Figure 23: Refuse Pit – From north looking south..........................................................................................................................................41Figure 24: Baghouse Compartment Aisle – No Issues Observed..................................................................................................................41

Alexandria/Arlington RRFSecond Quarter Operating Report – Fiscal Year 2016 2 January 2016

Page 4: Alex 2003 Quarterly Audit Summary Report - … · Web viewFuel oil is used to stabilize combustion of wet fuel, as well as during start-up and shut-down of the boilers for maintenance.

Definition of Abbreviations & Acronym

Alexandria/Arlington RRFSecond Quarter Operating Report – Fiscal Year 2016 3 January 2016

Page 5: Alex 2003 Quarterly Audit Summary Report - … · Web viewFuel oil is used to stabilize combustion of wet fuel, as well as during start-up and shut-down of the boilers for maintenance.

Alexandria/Arlington Waste-to-Energy FacilitySecond Quarter Operating Report – Fiscal Year 2016

Alexandria/Arlington RRFSecond Quarter Operating Report – Fiscal Year 2016 4 January 2016

Abbreviation/Acronym DefinitionAPC Air Pollution ControlApr AprilAug AugustAvg AverageBtu British thermal unitCAAI Covanta Alexandria Arlington, Inc.CEMS Continuous Emissions Monitoring SystemCO Carbon MonoxideDec DecemberECOM Emergency CommunicationsFeb FebruaryFMG Facility Monitoring GroupFY Fiscal Yeargal GallonGAT Guaranteed Annual TonnageHCl Hydrochloric (Hydrogen Chlorides)HDR HDR Engineering IncID Induced DraftJan JanuaryJul JulyJun Juneklbs Kilo-pounds (1,000 lbs)kWhr Kilowatt hours (1,000 watt-hours)lbs PoundsLOA Letter of AgreementMar MarchMax MaximumMay MayMin MinimumMSW Municipal Solid WasteMWhr Megawatt hoursNo NumberNOV Notice of ViolationNov NovemberNOx Nitrogen OxideOct October

OSHAOccupational Safety and Health Administration

PDS Potomac Disposal Servicesppm Parts per millionppmdv Parts per million dry volumePSD Prevention of Significant DeteriorationQ1 First QuarterQ2 Second QuarterQ3 Third QuarterQ4 Fourth QuarterRE Reportable ExemptRNE Reportable Non-ExemptSDA Spray Dryer AbsorberSep SeptemberSO2 Sulfur DioxideTCLP Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure

VADEQVirginia Department of Environmental Quality

WL Warning Letteryr YearYTD Year to date

Page 6: Alex 2003 Quarterly Audit Summary Report - … · Web viewFuel oil is used to stabilize combustion of wet fuel, as well as during start-up and shut-down of the boilers for maintenance.

1.0 Purpose of Report

HDR Engineering, Inc. (HDR) was authorized by the Facility Monitoring Group

(FMG) to conduct quarterly inspections and provide quarterly reports regarding

the operation and maintenance of the Covanta Alexandria/Arlington Waste-to-

Energy Facility (Facility) for the 2016 calendar year. This report is prepared for

the second quarter of the 2016 fiscal year and summarizes Facility operations

between October 1, 2015 and December 31, 2015. This report identifies the

fiscal year beginning on July 1, 2015 as FY16 and the quarter beginning on

October 1, 2015 as Q2FY16.

This report is based upon HDR’s experience in the waste-to-energy industry,

upon site observation visits and previous reports provided by HDR, and upon

data provided by Covanta Alexandria / Arlington, Inc. (CAAI), the Facility owner

and operator.

2.0 Executive Summary

CAAI operated the Facility in an acceptable manner and in accordance with

established waste-to-energy industry practices during Q2FY16. The operation of

the Facility, maintenance, safety, and overall cleanliness continue to be above

average. Environmental performance was acceptable with one (1) reportable

environmental excursion throughout the quarter.

During Q2FY16, the Facility experienced one (1) instance of unscheduled

downtime for the boilers totaling 7.1 hours, and no unscheduled downtime for the

turbine generators. Beginning October 10, 2015, Boiler No. 2 experienced 112.0

hours of downtime for scheduled maintenance, and beginning November 7, 2015

Boiler No. 3 experienced 121.5 hours for scheduled maintenance. Note that

Boiler No. 1 scheduled maintenance was conducted last quarter in the month of

September (Q1FY16). During Q2FY16, the boilers experienced two (2)

instances of standby time totaling 84.8 hours, and Turbine Generator No. 1

Alexandria/Arlington RRFSecond Quarter Operating Report – Fiscal Year 2016 5 January 2016

Page 7: Alex 2003 Quarterly Audit Summary Report - … · Web viewFuel oil is used to stabilize combustion of wet fuel, as well as during start-up and shut-down of the boilers for maintenance.

experienced three (3) instances of standby time totaling 173.1 hours. Note that

standby time isn’t factored into reported availability. A detailed listing of

downtime is provided in Section 5.2 of this report.

Average waste processed during the quarter was 930.1 tons per day, or 95.4% of

nominal facility capacity. Waste deliveries averaged 928.9 tons per day, which is

0.1% lower than the burn rate. The capacity utilization of 95.4% compares

favorably to industry averages, which are generally in the 88% to 92% range.

Performance trends for various measurements are presented in Section 4. In

general, the Facility continues to demonstrate reasonable consistency in month

to month performance throughout the most recent three-year period tracked for

detailed comparisons.

During the quarter, MSW processed increased 0.1% from the corresponding

quarter in FY15; steam production decreased 1.1%, and electricity generated

(gross) decreased 2.7% from the corresponding quarter in FY15. The decrease

in steam generation was attributable to the decrease (1.0%) in the calculated

average waste heating value, offset by less downtime (31.5 fewer hours)

experienced by the boilers. The decrease in gross electrical generation in

Q2FY16 as compared to Q2FY15 is partially attributable to the decrease in

steam production, offset by less downtime (6.2 fewer hours) experienced by the

Turbine Generators.

3.0 Facility Inspection and Records Review

In November 2015, HDR met with the Facility management and other plant

personnel to discuss Facility operations, and maintenance, acquire Facility data

and reports, perform an independent visual inspection of the operating Facility,

photograph areas of interest, and perform a review of recent Facility activity. This

visit was coordinated with the scheduled FMG meeting. At the time of the

inspection, HDR reviewed CAAI records, discussed performance issues with

CAAI staff, and provided a verbal report and performance statistics at the FMG

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meeting. HDR maintains a running tabulation of the status of corrective actions

and plant performance trends. CAAI provides the following documents for each


Facility Monthly Operating Reports Monthly Continuous Emissions Monitoring System (CEMS) Reports

Table 1 summarizes maintenance, repair, and plant condition issues reported

during this and prior audit reporting periods. An “A” indicates an issue of the

highest priority and worthy of immediate attention. Such items are usually safety

or operability issues. A “B” indicates that the issue needs to be dealt with as

quickly as possible, but is not urgent. These items will usually result in a process

improvement or will help avoid future “urgent” issues. A “C” indicates that the

issue should be dealt with at the earliest convenience, but is not a priority issue.

This category might include issues related to aesthetics, non-urgent

maintenance, or housekeeping improvements which are not safety related.

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Table 1: Summary of Audit Report Deficiencies*A is highest priority & demands immediate attention: B needs attention, but is not urgent; C can be addressed at earliest opportunity & is not urgent.

Item No. Audit Report Deficiencies Issue Reported Priority* HDR Recommendation Status Open /



Concrete to roadway drain at truck entrance damaged – exposing reinforcing bar

May 2014 C

Repair damaged concrete CAAI reports that it is experimenting with epoxy-based material to cover the exposed rebar to avoid significant cutting of the surrounding concrete.



Corrosion on ceiling panels in Turbine Generator Enclosure

August 2014 C

Sand, Prime, Paint and Preserve, and replace deteriorated panels as necessary

HDR observed the corroded/deteriorated sections had been primed, but no panels were replaced. CAAI reports that it plans to replace panels in 1 to 2 years.



Corrosion on ceiling panels in Turbine Generator Enclosure (Alternate Location)

August 2014 C

Sand, Prime, Paint and Preserve, and replace deteriorated panels as necessary

HDR observed the corroded/deteriorated sections had been primed, but no panels were replaced. CAAI reports that it plans to replace panels in 1 to 2 years.



Deteriorated purlin east wall in Tipping Floor Enclosure

November 2014 C

Replace deteriorated purlin CAAI reports that it will replace the entire east wall of the Tipping Floor Enclosure as a 2016 Budget Item.


5 Damaged curbing northeast corner of Facility near Citizen’s Drop-off

November 2014 C Repair curbing Status Unchanged Open

6 Damaged curbing west side of Cooling Towers November 2014 C Repair curbing Status Unchanged Open

7 Damaged curbing near Ash Trailer Parking Area November 2014 C Repair curbing Status Unchanged Open

8 Panels on east wall in Charging Floor damaged February 2015 C Replace damaged wall panels Status Unchanged Open

Alexandria/Arlington RRFSecond Quarter Operating Report – Fiscal Year 2016 8 January 2016

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Item No. Audit Report Deficiencies Issue Reported Priority* HDR Recommendation Status Open /


9 Rotary Sootblower Gears Exposed (typical of all 3 boilers) at Crane Pulpit Elevation

May 2015 A Install protective cages around all sides of exposed gears. Complete Closed

10 Induced Draft Fan No. 1 Lagging deteriorated, west side of CEMS Enclosure

May 2015 C Replace deteriorated Induced Draft Fan Lagging Status Unchanged Open

11 Emergency light fixture, east side of Tipping Floor, not functioning in test mode

August 2015 A Repair emergency light Complete Closed

12 Pot hole, southwest corner of Ash Trailer Canopy August 2015 C Repair road surface Status Unchanged Open

13 Ash Trailers (typical of 3) have a damaged top pressure-treated wood rail (2”x6”) – See Figure 1 (Appendix B)

November 2015 CContact ash hauling company and request repairs be made to ash trailers

Status Unchanged Open

14 Ceiling panels corroded, above Condensate Make-up Tank – Painting Item – See Figure 2 (Appendix B) November 2015 C

Conduct proper painting preservation measures Status Unchanged Open


Pressure treated support split at bolt, on Cooling Tower Access Stairs – See Figure 3 (Appendix B) November 2015 A

Inspect entire Cooling Tower Access Stairway and replace split supports as needed

Status Unchanged Open

Alexandria/Arlington RRFSecond Quarter Operating Report – Fiscal Year 2016 9 January 2016

Page 11: Alex 2003 Quarterly Audit Summary Report - … · Web viewFuel oil is used to stabilize combustion of wet fuel, as well as during start-up and shut-down of the boilers for maintenance.

4.0 Facility Performance

Monthly operating data provided by CAAI indicates that 85,572 tons of MSW

were processed during Q2FY16, and a total of 85,546 tons of MSW including

2,147 tons of Special Handling Waste were received. Total ash production

during the quarter was 17,669 tons, which represents 20.6% of the waste

processed. The average uncorrected steam production rate for Q2FY16 was

3.07 tonssteam/tonwaste, which is nearly identical (0.2% less) to the corresponding

quarter in FY15. The decrease in this metric correlates with the decrease (1.0%)

in calculated average waste heating value that was experienced in Q2FY16, as

compared to Q2FY15.

Chart 1: Tons of Waste Processed

Chart 1 illustrates that Q2FY16 waste processed was slightly higher (0.1%) than

the corresponding quarter, Q2FY15.

CAAI reported that 453 tipping floor/MSW internal inspections were conducted

during the quarter and four (4) notices of violation (NOVs) were issued to the

haulers for the following issues:

October 2015 – Two (2) NOVs were issued for:

Alexandria/Arlington RRF

Second Quarter Operating Report – Fiscal Year 2016 10 January 2016

Page 12: Alex 2003 Quarterly Audit Summary Report - … · Web viewFuel oil is used to stabilize combustion of wet fuel, as well as during start-up and shut-down of the boilers for maintenance.

o Excessive metal unloaded onto the Tipping Floor

o Large nylon bags of insulation

November 2015 – One (1) NOV was issued for:

o Opening turnbuckles before entering the Tipping Floor

December 2015 – One (1) NOV was issued for:

o Unacceptable load of sheet rock

Chart 2: Tons of Ash Produced per Ton of Waste Processed

Chart 2 illustrates that the average ash production rate in Q2FY16 was lower

(0.4%) at 20.6% of processed waste, compared to the corresponding quarter in

FY15 when the rate was 21.0%. Ash production remains in the 20.0% to 21.0%

range, as a result of the installation of the “semi-dry” ash discharger spray

system in May 2012, and represents less moisture in the ash residue shipped to


Alexandria/Arlington RRF

Second Quarter Operating Report – Fiscal Year 2016 11 January 2016

Page 13: Alex 2003 Quarterly Audit Summary Report - … · Web viewFuel oil is used to stabilize combustion of wet fuel, as well as during start-up and shut-down of the boilers for maintenance.

Chart 3: Ferrous Recovery Rate

Chart 3 depicts the monthly ferrous metal recovery rate as a percentage of

processed MSW tonnage. In Q2FY16, 2,274 tons of ferrous metals were

recovered, which is 8.8% lower than the corresponding quarter in FY15 and

equivalent to 2.7% of processed waste. CAAI reports that in recent months it

was noted that the ferrous recovery rate had decreased and they replaced an

end section of the vibrating pan which was worn due to wear from material

getting caught between the pan and magnet. However, the metal recovery rate

continues to decline. The reason for the substantial decrease remains


Alexandria/Arlington RRF

Second Quarter Operating Report – Fiscal Year 2016 12 January 2016

Page 14: Alex 2003 Quarterly Audit Summary Report - … · Web viewFuel oil is used to stabilize combustion of wet fuel, as well as during start-up and shut-down of the boilers for maintenance.

Chart 4: Steam Production

In Chart 4, the total steam production for Q2FY16 was 524,844 klbs., and 1.1%

lower than the corresponding quarter in FY15. The decrease in steam

production is attributable to the decrease (1.0%) in the calculated average waste

heating value, offset by less total downtime (31.5 fewer hours) experienced by

the boilers.

Alexandria/Arlington RRF

Second Quarter Operating Report – Fiscal Year 2016 13 January 2016

Page 15: Alex 2003 Quarterly Audit Summary Report - … · Web viewFuel oil is used to stabilize combustion of wet fuel, as well as during start-up and shut-down of the boilers for maintenance.

Chart 5: 12-Month Rolling Steam Production

Chart 5 depicts the 12-month rolling steam production total for the period ending

in December 2015. According to the Title V permit, the annual steam production

for the Facility shall not exceed 1,170,400 tons on the basis of an average value

of 3.34 lbs of steam per lb of MSW processed, calculated monthly as the sum of

each consecutive 12 month period. The Facility was in compliance with the 12-

month rolling steam production total every month in the quarter. The 12-month

rolling total for steam production ending in November 2015 was 1,168,048 tons

which is 99.8% of the limit. Chart 5 clearly shows that Facility throughput, and in

turn, steam and electricity production are being throttled to stay ever so slightly

below the steam production limit nearly every month.

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Second Quarter Operating Report – Fiscal Year 2016 14 January 2016

Page 16: Alex 2003 Quarterly Audit Summary Report - … · Web viewFuel oil is used to stabilize combustion of wet fuel, as well as during start-up and shut-down of the boilers for maintenance.

Chart 6: Steam Production Rate

In Chart 6, the conversion of raw waste tonnages into “reference tons” is another

way of analyzing steam production, and helps to determine whether changes are

related to boiler performance or to fuel issues. “Reference tons” are adjusted to

account for the calculated average fuel heating value, so that lower Btu fuel raw

tonnages are adjusted upwards and vice versa. In Q2FY16, this metric tracked

lower (0.4%) at 2.8 tonssteam/tonref, compared to the corresponding quarter in


Alexandria/Arlington RRF

Second Quarter Operating Report – Fiscal Year 2016 15 January 2016

Page 17: Alex 2003 Quarterly Audit Summary Report - … · Web viewFuel oil is used to stabilize combustion of wet fuel, as well as during start-up and shut-down of the boilers for maintenance.

Chart 7: Calculated Waste Heating Value

Chart 7 illustrates that Q2FY16 calculated average waste heating value was

lower (1.0%) at 4,922 Btu/lb than the corresponding quarter Q2FY15, which

averaged 4,970 Btu/lb.

Alexandria/Arlington RRF

Second Quarter Operating Report – Fiscal Year 2016 16 January 2016

Page 18: Alex 2003 Quarterly Audit Summary Report - … · Web viewFuel oil is used to stabilize combustion of wet fuel, as well as during start-up and shut-down of the boilers for maintenance.

Table 2: Quarterly Performance Summaries


Processed (tons)

Waste Diverted


Ash Shippe


Special Handling


Ferrous Recovere


Steam Produced


Net Electrical



Quarterly Totals 85,286 0 17,833 866 2,027 517,968 33,068October -13 27,989 0 5,763 410 658 165,840 11,198November -13 28,043 0 6,008 188 689 179,483 9,705December -13 29,254 0 6,062 268 680 172,645 12,165


Quarterly Totals 85,456 0 17,912 1,814 2,492 530,413 37,911October -14 27,883 0 5,990 521 846 178,450 12,745November -14 27,099 0 5,799 764 793 172,875 12,276December -14 30,474 0 6,123 529 853 179,088 12,890


Quarterly Totals 85,572 0 17,669 2,147 2,274 524,844 36,665October -15 27,796 0 5,807 684 732 170,190 11,899November -15 27,510 0 5,549 676 726 165,681 11,626December -15 30,266 0 6,313 787 816 188,973 13,140

FY16 YTD Totals 174,144 0 35,831 4,021 4,631 1,063,947 73,727FY15 Totals 348,686 0 71,019 5,413 9,864 2,109,442 145,085FY14 Totals 349,118 0 72,071 3,549 8,922 2,091,123 143,064

Table 2 presents the production data provided to HDR by CAAI for Q2FY16 on both a monthly and quarterly basis. For purposes of comparison, data for Q2FY14 and Q2FY15 are also shown, as well as FY14, FY15 and FY16 YTD totals.

In comparing quarterly totals, the data shows:

More waste was processed in Q2FY16 than Q2FY15 and Q2FY14 Less steam was generated in Q2FY16 than Q2FY15 and more than

Q2FY14 Less electricity was generated in Q2FY16 than Q2FY15 and more than

Q2FY14 Significantly more supplemental waste was received in Q2FY16 than

Q2FY15 and Q2FY14.

Please note that the total steam generation figures presented in Table 2 do not correlate with the annual steam production limit from the Facility Permit; such limits apply on a 12-month rolling average monthly basis, and not a fiscal year

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basis. It is also worth noting that the quantity of waste processed during Q2FY16 and FY16 continues to be limited by the steam production permit restrictions (refer to Chart 5).

Alexandria/Arlington RRF

Second Quarter Operating Report – Fiscal Year 2016 18 January 2016

Page 20: Alex 2003 Quarterly Audit Summary Report - … · Web viewFuel oil is used to stabilize combustion of wet fuel, as well as during start-up and shut-down of the boilers for maintenance.

Table 3: Waste Delivery Classification

Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Totals % of Total


Jurisdiction Waste 18,112 20,021 19,304 17,796 17,523 17,211 16,202 14,952 17,430 18,338 20,138 18,361 215,381 61.89%Spot Waste tons 8,901 13,623 13,303 9,788 11,976 11,900 10,276 10,697 10,283 10,029 11,333 10,177 132,295 38.01%

Supplemental Waste 10 10 34 15 15 21 12 22 15 23 68 91 336 0.10%MSW Totals 27,023 33,654 32,641 27,599 29,514 29,132 26,490 25,672 27,729 28,390 31,539 28,629 348,012 100.00%


Jurisdiction Waste 19,413 18,357 16,632 17,625( 18,838 16,195 - - - - - - 107,058 30.76%Spot Waste tons 10,516 11,326 10,610 10,317 9,330 9,558 - - - - - - 61,656 17.72%

City Waste - - - - - - 1,683(1) 1,287 1,444 2,382 2,286 1,919 11,000 3.16%County Waste - - - - - - 2,442(1) 2,100 2,372 3,381 3,932 3,309 17,536 5.04%

Municipal Solid Waste - - - - - - 25,019(1) 23,637 21,661 27,066 25,794 24,930 148,107 42.56%Supplemental Waste 151 11 80 25 234 405 363 365 76 403 281 271 2,665 0.77%

MSW Totals 29,928 29,683 27,241 27,942 28,167 25,753 29,507 27,388 25,552 33,231 32,293 30,429 348,022 100.00%


City Waste 2,065 1,693 1,702 1,924 1,566 1,780 1,529 1,231 1,556 2,256 2,203 1,883 21,389 6.11%County Waste 3,459 3,079 2,784 3,091 2,707 2,802 2,568 1,957 2,272 3,326 3,987 3,387 35,419 10.12%

Municipal Solid Waste 26,167 23,604 22,034 23,354 21,879 25,531 23,869 22,523 23,198 25,414 27,206 24,812 289,590 82.75%Supplemental Waste 546 676 248 410 188 268 275 192 231 253 151 110 3,548 1.01%

MSW Totals 32,237 29,053 26,768 28,779 26,340 30,380 28,241 25,903 27,256 31,249 33,546 30,193 349,946 100.00%


City Waste 1,814 1,497 1,699 1,737 1,518 1,770 1,411 1,209 1,648 2,155 2,059 2,045 20,562 5.91%County Waste 3,297 2,868 2,973 3,095 2,508 2,852 2,358 1,833 2,411 3,269 3,652 3,572 34,687 9.96%

Municipal Solid Waste 26,661 24,466 21,887 21,241 21,678 27,906 24,611 20,915 24,094 25,189 23,126 25,667 287,442 82.57%Supplemental Waste 141 275 329 521 764 529 389 351 272 613 531 698 5,413 1.55%

MSW Totals 31,913 29,106 26,888 26,595 26,468 33,057 28,769 24,308 28,424 31,225 29,369 31,982 348,105 100.00%


City Waste 1,960 1,563 1,723 1,645 1,685 1,872 10,448 5.96%County Waste 3,627 2,880 2,832 2,869 2,682 2,891 17,781 10.14%

Municipal Solid Waste 27,933 22,999 22,552 22,850 20,679 26,138 143,150 81.61%Supplemental Waste 676 427 771 684 676 787 4,021 2.29%

MSW Totals 34,196 27,869 27,878 28,047 25,722 31,687 175,399 100.00%Note (1): Beginning January 2013, the method in which waste was classified was modified as compared to prior periods due to change in contractual obligations and plant ownership

Alexandria/Arlington RRFSecond Quarter Operating Report – Fiscal Year 2016 19 January 2016

Page 21: Alex 2003 Quarterly Audit Summary Report - … · Web viewFuel oil is used to stabilize combustion of wet fuel, as well as during start-up and shut-down of the boilers for maintenance.

Chart 8: Cumulative Total Waste Delivery

As depicted in Table 3 and Chart 8, for the period ending in November 2015;

cumulative total waste delivery was 0.8% more compared to the same period in


Chart 9: Gross Electrical Generation

During Q2FY16, the Facility generated 43,757 MWhrs (gross) of electricity

compared to Q2FY15 generation of 44,985 MWhrs (gross), a 2.7% decrease.

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Second Quarter Operating Report – Fiscal Year 2016 20 January 2016

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The decrease in gross electrical generation in Q2FY16 as compared to Q2FY15

is attributable to the decrease in steam production, offset by less downtime (31.5

fewer hours) experienced by the Turbine Generators. Note that the sharp spikes

depicted in Chart Nos. 10 through 14 for the months of May and June 2015 are a

result of significant downtime (424.7 hours) experienced by Turbine Generator

No. 1 to repair an exciter failure in the generator. A similar spike is depicted in

the same charts for November 2013 as a result of Turbine Generator No. 2

experiencing significant downtime (494.8 hours) for a Major Overhaul.

Chart 10: Gross Conversion Rate

As shown in Chart 10, the average gross electrical generation per reference ton

of refuse processed during Q2FY16 was 467 kWhr, which is 2.1% lower than the

corresponding quarter in FY15. Since this calculated value uses reference or

normalized tonnages of waste, it should cancel the effect of MSW heating value

(Btu content) variability.

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Chart 11: Net Conversion Rate

Chart 11 depicts the normalized net power (gross minus in-house usage)

generation history. In Q2FY16, the average net electrical generation per

reference ton was 392 kWhr, which is 2.7% lower than the corresponding quarter

in FY15.

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Chart 12: Net Conversion Rate

Chart 12 depicts the net power generation per processed ton. The net electrical

generation per processed ton in Q2FY16 was 428 kWhr, which is 3.6% lower

than the corresponding quarter in FY15.

Chart 13: Gross Turbine Generator Conversion Rate

Charts 13 and 14 illustrate the quantities of steam required to generate one kWhr

of electricity, gross and net respectively. This measure is a turbine generator

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performance indicator, where lower steam rates indicate superior performance.

For simplification, this calculated rate is based on the average for the two turbine

generators. In Q2FY16 the average lbs of steam consumed per gross kWhr

generated was 12.0, which is higher (1.7%) than the corresponding quarter

Q2FY15, and indicative of poorer performance. A contributing factor to the

decline in this metric is Turbine Generator No. 2 continues to operate with its

Stage 9 blades removed from the rotor. CAAI reported that during the Turbine

Generator No. 2 overhaul in November 2013, some cracking was observed on

the Stage 9 blades of the rotor, and the blading in that row was removed as a

precautionary measure. CAAI originally indicated that a new set of blades would

be manufactured and installed during a Turbine Generator No. 2 Outage in 2016,

but advised in May 2015, that the implementation of the replacement blades

installation would be delayed. The average lbs of steam consumed per net kWhr

was 14.3, which is higher (2.3%) than the corresponding quarter in FY15. The

average steam temperature during the quarter was 678.3° F, which is 0.1% lower

than the average steam temperature of the corresponding quarter last year and

21.7° F lower than design temperature of 700o F.

Chart 14: Net Turbine Generator Conversion Rate

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4.1 Utility and Reagent Consumptions

Table 4: Facility Utility and Reagent Consumptions

Utility Units Q2FY16 Total


Q2FY16”Per Processed

Ton” Consumption

Q2FY15”Per Processed

Ton” Consumption

FY16 YTD Total

FY15 Total

Purchased Power MWhr 5,560 5,500 0.06 0.06 11,037 22,001

Fuel Oil Gal. 9,050 9,630 0.11 0.11 19,560 35,920

Boiler Make-up Gal. 1,748,000 2,044,000 20.43 23.92 3,814,000 8,501,000

Cooling Tower Make-up Gal. 35,132,772 33,436,464 410.56 391.27 77,373,039 143,594,395

Pebble Lime Lbs. 1,396,000 1,384,000 16.31 16.20 2,730,000 5,254,000

Ammonia Lbs. 167,000 159,000 1.95 1.86 333,000 632,000

Carbon Lbs. 102,000 102,000 1.19 1.19 204,000 408,000

Dolomitic Lime Lbs. 215,200 231,200 2.51 2.71 463,200 1,007,200

Fuel oil usage during the quarter represents approximately 0.16% of the total

heat input to the boilers, which compares favorably with industry averages, and

slightly lower than the percentage of heat input in Q2FY15 which was 0.17%.

Fuel oil is used to stabilize combustion of wet fuel, as well as during start-up and

shut-down of the boilers for maintenance. Boiler makeup water usage during the

quarter represents 2.8% of steam flow, which is lower than the boiler makeup in

Q2FY15 which was 3.2%, and is acceptable. Pebble lime usage, at 1,396,000

lbs. is higher (0.9%) than the corresponding quarter last year, and the quarterly

consumption rate of 16.3 lbs/ton is comparable to historical levels (16-18 lbs/ton).

In comparing Q2FY16 to Q2FY15 on a per processed ton consumption basis:

the purchased power consumption rate was 0.9% higher

the total fuel oil consumption rate was 6.2% lower

the boiler make-up water consumption rate was 14.6% lower

the cooling tower make-up water consumption rate was 4.9% higher

the total pebble lime consumption rate was 0.7% higher

the ammonia consumption rate was 4.9% higher

the carbon consumption rate was 0.1% lower

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the total dolomitic lime consumption rate was 7.1% lower1

4.2 Safety & Environmental Training

The Facility had no recordable accidents during the quarter and has operated

1,777 days without an OSHA recordable incident through the end of September

2015. During the quarter, Safety and Environmental training was conducted with

themes as follows:

October 2015 Safety:

o Confined Space Air Monitoring

o Stretch and Flex

o Grinding


o Water/Storm Water Best Management Practices (BMPs)

o Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan

November 2015 Safety:

o Hot Work

o Scaffolding

o Carbon Monoxide (CO) Monitoring


o Ash Generation and Treatment

o Fugitive Emission

o Ash Sampling and Transfer

December 2015 Safety:

o Hearing Conservation

1 CAAI reports that the dolomitic lime consumption data previously provided via the monthly operating reports are incorrect. The value reported herein is derived from a separate reagent report. The correction of prior incorrect data for this parameter will be discussed at the forthcoming FMG meeting.

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o Hazard Recognition/Prevention


o Electronics Recycling

o Ash Reuse

5.0 Facility Maintenance

Throughout the quarter, significant routine and preventative maintenance was

performed. HDR considers that the Facility is implementing an effective

maintenance regimen, and is performing routine and preventative maintenance,

along with selected equipment replacements in a timely manner. CAAI monthly

maintenance reports provide a detailed account of maintenance performed.

Beginning October 10th, Boiler No. 2 experienced 112.0 hours of downtime for

scheduled maintenance. Some significant maintenance activities that occurred

during the outage were:

Modification of the atomizer lube oil cooler sump

Replacement of the low and high boiler drum safety valves

Repair of a crack in the generating bank hopper seam

Replacement of two (2) curved boiler grate blocks on the ignition header

Change-out of Sootblower Lances G9B Nos. 3, 8, and 9

Installation of seven (7) tube shields in the superheater section

Change-out of the motor on Sootblower G9B No. 27

Repair of holes on Baghouse Hoppers B and D Cells

Change-out of the coupling hub and sleeve on the fan side of the

Induced Draft (ID) Fan

Beginning November 7th, Boiler No. 3 experienced 121.5 hours of downtime for

scheduled maintenance. Some significant maintenance activities that occurred

during the outage were:

Modification of the atomizer lube oil cooler sump

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Replacement of the high boiler steam drum safety valve

Repair of broken superheater vent line fitting on the 5th Floor

Installation of new Sootblower auto valve on the 6th Floor

Installation of a new ash discharger drain valve

Replacement of the oil cooler on the hydraulic skid

Change-out of four (4) wear plates in between the lower and upper doors

on the north side of the ash discharger

Repair of one (1) ash discharger ram arm

Replacement of four (4) Sootblower elements on G9B Nos. 4, 5, 12, and


Replacement of nine (9) curved blocks by the ignition roof header

Re-plating of four (4) feet of the lower feed chute water jacket

Change-out of the motor on the ID Fan

Repair of several holes in the ID Fan Damper Wall

Replacement of one (1) broken grate bar on Step No. 9 on Run No. 1

Replacement of three (3) driving beam support rollers

In addition to the scheduled maintenance activities conducted on Boiler No. 1,

CAAI reports that 1,121 preventative maintenance actions were completed

during the quarter.

5.1 Availability

Facility availabilities for Q2FY16 are shown in Table 5. According to CAAI

reports, the average unit availabilities for Boiler Nos. 1, 2, and 3 for Q2FY16

were 100.0%, 94.6%, and 94.4%, respectively. The three-boiler average

availability during the quarter was 96.3%, which is good.

During Q2FY16, the average availability for Turbine Generator Nos. 1 and 2 was

100.0%. The two-turbine generator average availability during the quarter was

100.0%, which is excellent.

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Table 5: Quarterly Facility Unit Availabilities

AvailabilityQ1FY16 Average

Q2FY16 Average

FY16YTD Average

Boiler No. 1 94.1% 100.0% 97.0%

Boiler No. 2 97.9% 94.6% 96.3%Boiler No. 3 98.5% 94.4% 96.5%

Avg. 96.8% 96.3% 96.6%Turbine No. 1 99.0% 100.0% 99.5%Turbine No. 2 99.1% 100.0% 99.5%

Avg. 99.0% 100.0% 99.5%

5.2 Downtime Summary

During Q2FY16, the Facility experienced one (1) instance of unscheduled

downtime for the boilers totaling 7.1 hours, and no unscheduled downtime for the

turbine generators. Beginning October 10, 2015, Boiler No. 2 experienced 112.0

hours of downtime for scheduled maintenance, and beginning November 7, 2015

Boiler No. 3 experienced 121.5 hours for scheduled maintenance. Note that

Boiler No. 1 scheduled maintenance was conducted last quarter in the month of

September. During Q2FY16, the boilers experienced two (2) instances of

standby time totaling 84.8 hours, and Turbine Generator No. 1 experienced three

(3) instances of standby time totaling 173.1 hours. Details of downtime events

experienced during the quarter are portrayed in Tables 6 and 7:

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Table 6: Boiler Downtime – Q2FY16Boiler

NumberOutage Begin Date

Outage End Date

Hours Unavailable

DowntimeClassification Reason Unavailable

2 10/10/15 10/15/15 112.0 Scheduled Fall 2015 Scheduled Boiler Outage

2 10/15/15 10/17/15 60.0 Standby Preventative measure taken to avoid exceeding 350,000 ton rolling 12-month process limit

1 11/10/15 11/11/15 24.8 Standby Preventative measure taken to avoid exceeding 350,000 ton rolling 12-month process limit

3 11/7/15 11/12/15 121.5 Scheduled Fall 2015 Scheduled Boiler Outage

2 12/31/15 12/31/15 7.1 Unscheduled ID Fan Coupling Failure

Total Unscheduled Downtime 7.1 Hours

Total Scheduled Downtime 233.5 Hours

Total Standby Downtime 84.8 Hours

Total Downtime 325.4 Hours

Table 7: Turbine Generator Downtime – Q2FY16Turbine

Generator Number

Outage Begin Date

Outage End Date

Hours Unavailabl


Classification Reason Unavailable

2 10/13/15 10/16/15 85.5 Standby Boiler No. 2 down for outage and in standby for process limitations

1 11/9/15 11/11/15 50.6 Standby Boiler No. 3 down for outage and process limitations

2 12/1/15 12/3/15 37.0 Standby Dominion Virginia Power Scheduled Maintenance

Total Unscheduled Downtime 0.0 HoursTotal Scheduled Downtime 0.0 HoursTotal Standby Downtime 173.1 HoursTotal Downtime 173.1 Hours

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5.3 Facility Housekeeping

CAAI is performing Facility housekeeping and maintaining plant cleanliness in

accordance with acceptable industry practices. A site inspection was conducted

in November 2015. At the time of the inspection, new deficiencies were recorded

and prior deficiencies were given a status update. Photos of interest from the

inspection are depicted in Appendix B. The Facility housekeeping ratings from

the November 2015 inspection are presented in Table 8.

Table 8: Facility Housekeeping Ratings – August 2015Facility Area Acceptable Needs

Improvement Unacceptable

Tipping Floor (1)

Citizen’s Drop-off Area (2)

Tipping Floor Truck Exit Front Parking Lot Rear Parking Lot Boiler House Pump Room Lime Slurry Pump Room Switchgear Area Ash Load-out Area Vibrating Conveyor Area

Ash Discharger Area Cooling Tower Area Truck Scale Area SDA/FF Conveyor Area SDA Penthouses Lime Preparation Area Boiler Drum Levels Turbine Room (3)

Electrical Room Note (1): Tipping Floor – Needs Improvement Deteriorated Purlin Note (2): Citizen’s Drop-off Area – Needs Improvement Damaged Curbing Note (3): Turbine Room – Needs Improvement Ceiling panels corroded

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6.0 Environmental

The retrofit air pollution control equipment maintained emission concentrations

well within the established regulations. Average Continuous Emission Monitoring

System (CEMS) data collected for each monthly period during Q2FY16 are

summarized in Appendix A. The Facility experienced one (1) permit deviation

during the quarter.

On August 8, 2014, CAAI sent a letter to the Virginia Department of

Environmental Quality (VADEQ) requesting relief from the steam permit limit

requirements in the Facility’s Title V and PSD permits. These requested

changes relate to the permit values established for the calculated steam-to-waste

ratio, which has resulted in a reduction of MSW throughput. In recent

discussions, CAAI indicated that it is re-evaluating options to the proposed permit

changes, and will provide further updates on this issue.

On December 31, 2015, Boiler No. 2 experienced a permit deviation when 8-hour

carbon injection levels decreased to 15.0 lbs/hr (16.0 lbs/hour minimum limit) as

a result of an Induced Draft Fan Coupling Failure. CAAI reports that the

corrective action taken was to replace the sheared coupling and inspect the

equipment for proper operation.

A summary of the permit deviation experienced by the Facility during Q2FY16 is

shown in Table 9 as follows.

Table 9: Quarterly Environmental ExcursionsDate Excursion Exempt

12/31/15 Boiler No. 2 8-hour Carbon Injection Levels reached 15.0 lbs/hr (16.0 lbs/hr minimum limit) Yes

6.1 Nitrogen Oxide Emissions

During Q2FY16, the monthly emission concentrations of nitrogen oxides (NOx)

averaged 161.0 ppmdv, 162.0 ppmdv and 163.7 ppmdv for Boiler Nos. 1, 2, and

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3, respectively. CAAI continues to operate the units at the lower (160 ppmdv)

set-points, except immediately following a scheduled outage and associated

boiler cleaning.

6.2 Sulfur Dioxide Emissions

During Q2FY16 the monthly emission concentration of stack sulfur dioxide (SO2)

averaged 0.3 ppmdv, 1.0 ppmdv, and 0.7 ppmdv for Boiler Nos. 1, 2, and 3,

respectively. All of these stack SO2 concentrations are significantly below the 40

CFR Subpart Cb requirement of 29 ppmdv @ 7% O2.

6.3 Carbon Monoxide Emissions

During Q2FY16, the average CO emission concentrations on Boiler Nos. 1, 2,

and 3 were 35.7 ppmdv, 30.7 ppmdv, and 29.7 ppmdv, respectively, and all are

well within permit limits (100 ppmdv, hourly average).

6.4 Opacity

During Q2FY16, the average opacity for Boiler Nos. 1, 2, and 3 was 1.3%, 0.1%,

and 0.8% respectively. All of these averages are significantly below the 10% (6-

minute) average permit limit.

6.5 Daily Emissions Data

Appendix A, Tables 11, 12, and 13 tabulate the monthly average, maximum, and

minimum emissions data for each unit during Q2FY16. Excursions, if any, would

appear in bold print. It should be noted that these tabulations of monthly

averages, reported here for informational purposes, are based on tabulations of

daily averages. These averages do not correlate with official reports to the

regulatory agencies because of differences in averaging times and other

technical differences required by agency report formats.

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6.6 Ash System Compliance

The dolomitic lime feed rate is adjusted periodically in order to maintain a desired

ash pH level in the range of 8.0 to 11.0. Since initial startup, the feed rate has

varied from between 1 to 9 lbs per ton. Ash Toxicity (TCLP) tests were

performed for field samples collected over a seven (7) day period in October

2015, and results indicated that the average pH during testing was 9.5. Results

from the TCLP testing conducted in October 2015 are depicted in Table 10 and

Chart 15 below.

Table 10: Comparison of Statistical Results and Regulatory Thresholds for Metal Analytes


90% Upper Confidence

(October 2015)

90% Upper Confidence(May 2015)

Regulatory Threshold

(mg/L)% of Threshold (October 2015)

% of Threshold (May 2015)

Arsenic 0.250 0.250 5.0 5.00% 5.00%Barium 0.888 0.783 100.0 0.89% 0.78%Cadmium 0.058 0.050 1.0 5.80% 5.00%Chromium 0.250 0.250 5.0 5.00% 5.00%Lead 0.250 0.250 5.0 5.00% 5.00%Mercury 0.0002 0.0002 0.2 0.10% 0.10%Selenium 0.050 0.050 1.0 5.00% 5.00%Silver 0.250 0.250 5.0 5.00% 5.00%

Chart 15: Ash Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) Results

Note: The regulatory threshold for Barium is 100 mg/L

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In addition to semi-annual TCLP testing, CAAI also samples ash monthly in-

house, and documents pH readings to adjust dolomitic lime feed rate. The

results for the ash pH tests are found below in Chart 16 where each quarter is

represented by the average of the respective monthly readings. During Q2FY16,

the average ash pH for in-house tests was 9.9, which is approaching the high

end of the desired pH range.

Chart 16: Quarterly Ash Test Results

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Table 11: Unit #1 Monthly Summary for Reportable Emissions DataGroup#-Channel# G8-C35 G8-C28 G8-C8 G8-C4 G8-C12 G8-C34 G8-C37 G8-C40 G8-C39

Long Descrip. U-1 Steam U-1 Econ U-1 Stack U-1 Stack U-1 Stack U-1 Opaci U-1 FF In U-1 Carbo U-1 LimeShort Descrip. SteamFl SO2ec SO2sc COsc NOxsc Opacity FF InTemp CarbInj LimeFlow

Units K#/Hr ppmc ppm ppmc ppmc % deg F #/hr gpmRange 0-100 0-2000 0-500 0-4000 0-1000 0-100 100-500 0-50 0-20

Oct-15AVG 80.7 36.0 0.0 31.0 162.0 1.1 301.0 16.3 3.0

Max 88.7 74.0 2.0 39.0 181.0 1.2 301.0 16.6 3.6

Min 70.5 20.0 0.0 24.0 157.0 0.9 301.0 16.0 2.8

Nov-15AVG 80.2 46.0 0.0 38.0 161.0 1.3 301.0 16.3 3.1

Max 88.1 67.0 6.0 52.0 168.0 1.8 302.0 16.5 3.5

Min 72.6 31.0 0.0 28.0 158.0 1.0 299.0 16.2 2.8

Dec-15AVG 81.9 34.0 1.0 38.0 160.0 1.4 303.0 16.3 3.0

Max 85.2 67.0 5.0 55.0 162.0 1.9 307.0 16.4 3.6

Min 62.3 18.0 0.0 25.0 155.0 1.2 302.0 16.2 2.8Quarter Average 80.9 38.7 0.3 35.7 161.0 1.3 301.7 16.3 3.0Quarter Max Value 88.7 74.0 6.0 55.0 181.0 1.9 307.0 16.6 3.6Quarter Min Value 62.3 18.0 0.0 24.0 155.0 0.9 299.0 16.0 2.8Limits: 98 NA 29 100 205 10 333 16(a)

(a) Carbon flow limit is a minimum value

* Note: The data reported herein represent 24 hour average data for all parameters. Emissions excursions that are measured on shorter time intervals (i.e., 4-hour block averages for CO) do not correlate with the 24 hour average data reported above.

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Table 12: Unit #2 Monthly Summary for Reportable Emissions DataGroup#-Channel# G8-C35 G8-C28 G8-C8 G8-C4 G8-C12 G8-C34 G8-C37 G8-C40 G8-C39

Long Descrip. U-2 Steam U-2 Econ U-2 Stack U-2 Stack U-2 Stack U-2 Opaci U-2 FF In U-2 Carbo U-2 LimeShort Descrip. SteamFl SO2ec SO2sc COsc NOxsc Opacity FF InTemp CarbInj LimeFlow

Units K#/Hr ppmc ppm ppmc ppmc % deg F #/hr gpmRange 0-100 0-2000 0-500 0-4000 0-1000 0-100 100-500 0-50 0-20

Oct-15AVG 82.3 53.0 1.0 26.0 167.0 0.2 301.0 16.3 3.1

Max 88.5 88.0 3.0 39.0 178.0 1.8 302.0 16.5 3.5

Min 71.2 30.0 0.0 13.0 156.0 0.0 300.0 16.2 2.9

Nov-15AVG 81.4 48.0 1.0 28.0 160.0 0.1 301.0 16.3 3.1

Max 88.2 75.0 3.0 39.0 163.0 0.3 302.0 16.5 3.6

Min 71.8 29.0 0.0 22.0 158.0 0.0 300.0 16.2 2.9

Dec-15AVG 82.7 37.0 1.0 38.0 159.0 0.0 301.0 16.3 3.1

Max 86.0 62.0 3.0 49.0 167.0 0.2 304.0 16.4 3.4

Min 62.5 20.0 0.0 19.0 155.0 0.0 299.0 16.1 2.9Quarter Average 82.1 46.0 1.0 30.7 162.0 0.1 301.0 16.3 3.1Quarter Max Value 88.5 88.0 3.0 49.0 178.0 1.8 304.0 16.5 3.6Quarter Min Value 62.5 20.0 0.0 13.0 155.0 0.0 299.0 16.1 2.9Limits: 96 NA 29 100 205 10 330 16(a)

(a) Carbon flow limit is a minimum value

* Note: The data reported herein represent 24 hour average data for all parameters. Emissions excursions that are measured on shorter time intervals (i.e., 4-hour block averages for CO) do not correlate with the 24 hour average data reported above.

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Table 13: Unit #3 Monthly Summary for Reportable Emissions DataGroup#-Channel# G8-C35 G8-C28 G8-C8 G8-C4 G8-C12 G8-C34 G8-C37 G8-C40 G8-C39

Long Descrip. U-3 Steam U-3 Econ U-3 Stack U-3 Stack U-3 Stack U-3 Opaci U-3 FF In U-3 Carbo U-3 Lime

Short Descrip. SteamFl SO2ec SO2sc COsc NOxsc Opacity FF InTemp CarbInj LimeFlow

Units K#/Hr ppmc ppm ppmc ppmc % deg F #/hr gpm

Range 0-100 0-2000 0-500 0-4000 0-1000 0-100 100-500 0-50 0-20

Oct-15AVG 82.3 30.0 0.0 31.0 159.0 0.1 305.0 16.4 3.2

Max 90.0 65.0 4.0 45.0 166.0 1.1 306.0 16.5 3.6

Min 70.0 19.0 0.0 18.0 157.0 0.0 303.0 16.3 3.0

Nov-15AVG 82.9 55.0 1.0 26.0 172.0 0.9 306.0 16.4 3.1

Max 93.0 105.0 6.0 37.0 179.0 1.6 307.0 16.5 3.4

Min 73.5 28.0 0.0 19.0 158.0 0.0 305.0 16.3 2.6

Dec-15AVG 87.1 47.0 1.0 32.0 160.0 1.3 304.0 16.4 3.1

Max 91.1 80.0 3.0 45.0 162.0 1.8 309.0 16.8 3.3

Min 63.3 34.0 0.0 19.0 157.0 1.0 301.0 16.2 3.0Quarter Average 84.1 44.0 0.7 29.7 163.7 0.8 305.0 16.4 3.1Quarter Max Value 93.0 105.0 6.0 45.0 179.0 1.8 309.0 16.8 3.6Quarter Min Value 63.3 19.0 0.0 18.0 157.0 0.0 301.0 16.2 2.6Limits: 98 NA 29 100 205 10 327 16(a)

(a) Carbon flow limit is a minimum value

* Note: The data reported herein represent 24 hour average data for all parameters. Emissions excursions that are measured on shorter time intervals (i.e., 4-hour block averages for CO) do not correlate with the 24 hour average data reported above.

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Alexandria/Arlington RRF

Second Quarter Operating Report – Fiscal Year 2016 40 January 2016

Page 42: Alex 2003 Quarterly Audit Summary Report - … · Web viewFuel oil is used to stabilize combustion of wet fuel, as well as during start-up and shut-down of the boilers for maintenance.

Figure 1: Ash Trailers (typical of 3) have a damaged top pressure-treated wood rail (2”x6”) – New Deficiency

Figure 2: Ceiling panels corroded, above Condensate Make-up Tank – Painting Item – New Deficiency

Figure 3: Pressure treated support split at bolt, on Cooling Tower Access Stairs – New Deficiency

Figure 4: Cooling Towers from SDA Penthouse

Alexandria/Arlington RRF

Second Quarter Operating Report – Fiscal Year 2016 41 January 2016

Page 43: Alex 2003 Quarterly Audit Summary Report - … · Web viewFuel oil is used to stabilize combustion of wet fuel, as well as during start-up and shut-down of the boilers for maintenance.

Figure 5: New Opacity Monitor being installed on Boiler No. 3

Figure 6: New Opacity Monitor Panel inside CEMS Enclosure

Figure 7: Ferrous Magnet – No Issues Observed Figure 8: Boiler No. 3 Grate - Offline for Fall Outage

Figure 9: Outage Materials at Grate Access Elevation

Figure 10: Refractory Tile awaiting installation

Alexandria/Arlington RRF

Second Quarter Operating Report – Fiscal Year 2016 42 January 2016

Page 44: Alex 2003 Quarterly Audit Summary Report - … · Web viewFuel oil is used to stabilize combustion of wet fuel, as well as during start-up and shut-down of the boilers for maintenance.

Figure 11: Ash Trailer Canopy Figure 12: Tipping Floor Entrance – Recently resurfaced – No Issues Observed

Figure 13: Metal Drop-off Figure 14: Facility Scales – No Issues Observed

Figure 15: Citizen’s Drop-Off Figure 16: Drainage Grate at Truck Entrance to Facility – New epoxy application being tested

Alexandria/Arlington RRF

Second Quarter Operating Report – Fiscal Year 2016 43 January 2016

Page 45: Alex 2003 Quarterly Audit Summary Report - … · Web viewFuel oil is used to stabilize combustion of wet fuel, as well as during start-up and shut-down of the boilers for maintenance.

Figure 17: General Facility View from east looking west

Figure 18: General Facility View – Front of Facility Facing Eisenhower

Figure 19: General Facility View – From west looking east

Figure 20: Dolomitic Lime Silo – No Issues Observed

Figure 21: Tipping Floor – No Issues Observed Figure 22: Economizers & Spray Dryer Absorbers (SDAs)

Alexandria/Arlington RRF

Second Quarter Operating Report – Fiscal Year 2016 44 January 2016

Page 46: Alex 2003 Quarterly Audit Summary Report - … · Web viewFuel oil is used to stabilize combustion of wet fuel, as well as during start-up and shut-down of the boilers for maintenance.

Figure 23: Refuse Pit – From north looking south Figure 24: Baghouse Compartment Aisle – No Issues Observed

Alexandria/Arlington RRF

Second Quarter Operating Report – Fiscal Year 2016 45 January 2016