Alcoholism, Esoteric Healing Part II p145

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Transcript of Alcoholism, Esoteric Healing Part II p145

  • 8/9/2019 Alcoholism, Esoteric Healing Part II p145


    reminded of an analogous process which occurs when monkeys are trapped Africans.

    A hole is made in a melon or kalabash, just large enough to enable monkey to insert

    his hand in search of melon pips. The trapper then rushes Is the monkey who, in a

    panic, clutches the pips in his clenched fist with determination that he traps

    himself. The monkey's clenched fist cannot be lied out of the melon because the

    hole is too small -- and he won't let go. is, he is anchored to the melon and easilycaught.

    analogy, the astral body, in drunken coma, cannot let go of the physical body, lored

    to it, the individual becomes a target for astral attack. At first 1 could believe the

    evidence of my own (astral) eyes.

    more than a dozen examples of vampirism 1 have experienced in alcoholics, following

    was probably the most typical. Gerald H. is a young man of very treat sensitivity.

    Because of illness as a boy he had fallen behind in his school-ins and never really

    became literate. He was sensitive to this limitation. He Wushed easily at the slightest

    stimulus and very frequently suffered from allergic responses. His face, arms and legscould swell rapidly in a few hours merely from "his nerves", adding to his

    embarrassment in public. At first, he was wary of alcohol, especially beer because it

    had led to enuresis, adding further to his sensitivity. Alcohol produced an "allergic"

    reaction" in him which he believed was related to gin, and then later to the lime juice

    he took with it. He had to be treated on several occasions for nervous spells. He was

    managing quite well as a butcher but then entered into a marriage which proved

    disastrous. His wife found him "inadequate" and he considered her "depressing."

    She finally left him, removing all the furniture from the apartment whilst he was at


    This further embarrassment proved too much for Gerald and his weekly "booze-up"

    became almost a nightly matter. He would try and entice his friends to keep him

    company but inevitably went on the bottle alone. He would drink until the bar shut

    and then drive home sinking into a deep intoxicated sleep. At this stage he came to me

    for help, though 1 had known him as a patient for many years. 1 quickly realised that

    his condition was serious. All the usual measures to help, him desist were to no avail

    and to make matters worse, he lost his driver's licence through intoxication.

    Because of his extreme sensitivity and the accompanying tendency to cover up

    when questioned, I began to investigate him through astral observation. 1 had noted that

    he very rarely dreamed and slept more heavily than anyone I knew. One night, I was called

    by his landlady and told that he had drumk himself into a senseless condition, During

    that night I was able to project to him astrally. What I found in his presence

    confirmed my worst suspicions. As I approached him

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