Alcoholism, Esoteric Healing Part II p121

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Transcript of Alcoholism, Esoteric Healing Part II p121

  • 8/9/2019 Alcoholism, Esoteric Healing Part II p121


    Man began drinking alcohol very early on this planet, certainly before Atlantis. Thus ,

    in Lemuria, it was used mainly as a device for stimulating the body's mechanisms

    for adjusting to changes in outside temperature. Earliest man's homeo-static devices

    were immature. His skin was very thin and had not yet developed that richness of

    organelles by which it is now characterised. Its insulatory de-devices (e.g.

    subcutaneous fat) and its blood capillary shunts were poorly established and had toawait the sympathetic nervous system and its coordination with the fast maturing

    central nervous system. Sensory organs for deferring and adjusting to heat and cold

    were disseminated very late in the skin and this need was met in earliest men by the

    pineal gland acting on the hypothalamic regions of the brain. The thickening of the

    skin, and its keratinisation to prevent water loss, its incorporation of tactile, and

    other organs of sensation came very late. Yeast cells had always flourished, deriving

    as they do from the plant kingdom and aiven a spirit , as they were by the advent of

    the angiosperms and their fruit-bearing trees about eighty million years ago. About

    that time, Man, ( mainly those elements individualising on the Moon ChainJ began to

    materialise the first elements of his physical structures.

    The ecstatic and etheric states of consciousness

    experienced during man's habitation of the Hyperborean

    Continent* were progressivly lost during his transition

    from a purely etheric being into one with an etherico-

    physical vehicle. He fed, at first on juices and fruits, and

    these, when accumulated and allowed to ferment gave

    him an exhilaratory beverage which, in addition provided

    him with semblances of his long lost, but instinctual

    memories of ecstatic states in Hyperborea where spiritual

    beings were almost as common as primitive ones. They

    associated the two and our present word "spirits" for

    alcohol is testimony of this, the "gift of the gods." This

    has an important bearing on what follows herein later. It

    is perhaps too much to suppose, that in addition to the

    ordinary interpretation of the derivation of the word

    "alcohol" (of Arabic origin), "hoi" once referred to the

    drinker being made "whole" - hence "holism", or one

    with the gods, imbued with . his lost nature, i.e. spirit.

    Nevertheless, to the primitive men, this is what drinking

    the beverage implied.

    Much later, as Man began to develop his Solar Plexus

    Chakra, and, with it, his emotional nature - a spiritual

    event for him at that stage of his development, emotional

    growth was stimulated by alcohol, reinforcing the concept

    of the beverage's spiritual qualities. Today, for Man on

  • 8/9/2019 Alcoholism, Esoteric Healing Part II p121


    the Path, orientation away from emotional license, into

    mental polarity, is theorder of spiritual things and alco-

    hol, though it may bring vague surfacing of archetypal

    memories of past-spiritual glories, is not, in any way an

    adjunct to or a passport for spiritual advance.

    *Anthropogeny, Vol. VI, S.P.A.W., pp. 138, 141
