Alcohol Insights for pre-loaders and increasing risk drinkers

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  • 8/12/2019 Alcohol Insights for pre-loaders and increasing risk drinkers


  • 8/12/2019 Alcohol Insights for pre-loaders and increasing risk drinkers


    MI:A Medway London South East England

    Does our survey tell us anything new?

    Medway Drinker Type Population estimates (ages 18-65)

    Headlines: The Medway Population

    How do we compare with other areas?

    MI:A Survey data compared to other estimates

    Socio Economic Group(SEG) & Drinking HarmOur survey gives a mixed picture: In many single drinker typecategories SEG is not a factor Lower SEGs were more likely tobe in multiple drinker categorieswith exception of IRD & Binge

    Our survey shows: MORE higher risk, bingedrinkers & PLs than expected FEWER IRDs than expected







    A b s t a

    i n e r

    L o w e

    r R i s k

    I n c r e a

    s i n g R

    i s k ( I R D )

    H i g h e

    r R i s k

    B i n g e

    P r e - L o

    a d ( P L ) P L


    Social Norms 3 out of 4 adults inMedway choose not to drinkabove the recommendedguidelines 9 out of 10 adults inMedway decide not to drinkregularly before they go on anight out 7 out of 10 adults inMedway do not binge drink

    Abstainers Lower Risk IRD Higher Risk

    12%higher risk

    7%higher risk

    MedwayPopulationestimatebased on oursurvey (18-65)

    PreviousEstimates(LAPE, etc)





    P L & I R D

    P L + &

    I R D

    P L + &

    B i n g


    P L + , I R D

    & B i n

    g e

    I R D & B i n

    g e

    Drinker type by SEG

    ABC1 C2DE

    Medways alcohol related hospital admissionscome from areas of higher deprivation.

    Alcohol related crimes follow a similar pattern

    Our survey estimates that in Medway there may be: 27,000 IRDs the majority of this group know the unit guidelines & want to make some changes to their drinking 88,000 people who pre-load of whom, 17,000 do this regularly 53,000 Binge drinkers 21,000 Higher risk drinkers our survey shows they are significantly higher consumers of health services

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  • 8/12/2019 Alcohol Insights for pre-loaders and increasing risk drinkers



    Using alcohol for winding up

    I dont like towalk into a pub


    Its a fun partof the evening sometimesthe most fun



    A consistentfinding wastha t PL i sa s s o c i a t e dwith greatera l c o h o lconsumption,intoxication &a l c o h o l -related risks

    Lit. Review

    Having a drink wassymbolic of relaxing andstarting to change thepurpose of their time


    To Save Money To fit in & Build confidence Transition point Direct & In-direct peerpressure Things force the pace, e.g.kitty, rounds, drinking games,shots, social norm Normalised behaviour


    Chatting / talking withfriends / Socialising Music playing or some watchTV (inc. sport - males) Most eat first Start to drink from 7.30-8pm

    Enter NTE from 9pm (at thebusiest points) if going to apub and from 10/10.30pm togo to clubs Some go straight to a club,others go from pub to club Mostly Thursday Saturdayevenings


    Setting All drink with other people friends, people they know wellor close family Group sizes vary from 2 20 Female respondents oftenspoke about we in relationto drinking behaviours, whilstmales often said I whendescribing these S o m e g r o u p s h a dmoderators who looked outfor the groups members andstayed sober

    Who Some felt drinking anywhere

    before final destination is pre-loading

    Some felt it was a saferenvironment to drink at home &limit time in NTE as they couldcontrol the environment athome but not in NTE

    Pubs are too loud to talk in There are idiots about Clubs : Casino, Bliss Pubs that stay open late and

    have music: The Edge, City Wall,Churchills, Tap n Tin

    Where Women want to be in a safe

    environment Generally they did not actively

    moderate drinking using specifictechniques

    Alternating is done to try not toget too drunk

    Some took limited money to

    reduce spend & drinking thisoften failed as others lend moneyor buy drinks

    Dislike losing control, losingpossessions, fights, being sick

    Many would prefer socialconfidence without drinking &resent spending money


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    "Takes you out of boringeveryday life

    Can't say I actually like a drink"

    "I resent spending money ondrinking & going out

    "It's just what you do isn't it

    Gets you in the mood

    Im just going along witheveryone else

    PL+ "I'm happy with how much Idrink, I don't think it's too


    Forgetting the day, gettingready for the night

    It's a social thing

    Have a glass of wineinstead of a cup of tea

    OPL ROFILEPre-Loaders

    Using alcohol for winding up

    With this group, we tested:

    Pacing my drinking canreduce the risk of becoming

    a victim of crime

    Avg. threat scoreswere reasonably high Male PLs & Over 30sgave highest scores

    Female PLs had lowestscore

    THREAT All groups rated this

    a high-efficacymessage

    2/3 felt they couldpace their drinking as

    advised & that it wouldhelp reduce risk ofbecoming a victim High scores from

    young males (

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  • 8/12/2019 Alcohol Insights for pre-loaders and increasing risk drinkers


    Self-determined : they make choice to drink However some admit an automatic habit Normalised among social groups/family No cross over of IRDs drinking in Home ANDPub Many bulk-buy alcohol in weekly shop -always available at home. Cost not an issue Some drink on their own, others with apartner or family, & small friend groups Some drink whilst socialising on socialmedia


    IRDUsing alcohol for winding down

    More likely to think about theirdrinking than they used to

    More likely to think health risks ofdrinking are exaggerated People move in & out of drinkertypes Interventions should focus onhealth, wealth & happiness, provide agood reason to change; make it easyto act; & support their behaviourchange

    What does the literaturetell us?

    The first drink also marksout a transition point: A time to stop thinkingabout p rob lems andresponsibilities

    Now it is my time Reward & Pleasure Self-justified habit or apar t of the i r copingmechanism


    Sometimes the level ofdrinking is determined bythe level of stress felt Motivations for IRD aremore personal than for PL


    They drink and eatat the same time

    They often have aset amount of alcoholthat they will drink

    They may well havea pre-set time tofinish drinking and goto bed

    Where Many are drinking without thinking about

    risk, impact as it is habit Some were conscious of invisible harm

    caused by their drinking Some asked for more info on alternatives

    to drinking They can stop drinking each night without

    problem to meet responsibilities - theydont want immediate effects to impact onthis they do not link their drinking withfuture harm

    They dont believe their drinking is ap rob lem & need to d i scove r fo rthemselves


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    I can't handledrinking to silly

    o'clock anymore

    It helps unwindafter a stressful


    MenIts a very useful de- stress mechanism

    I watch TV or go onFacebook, or make

    phone calls. AlthoughI am on my own, it is

    social time


    Scores were mixed -women & older people(45+) scored higherthan men & youngerpeople Over felt it was aserious threat, but only1/3 felt their drinkingled to increased risk


    IRDUsing alcohol for winding down

    With this group, we tested:

    Checking how much I drinkcan help to reduce my risk

    of getting cancer

    Most groupsrated this as ah i g h - e f f i c a c ymessage Highest scoresc a m e f r o mwomen & over45s

    THREAT The message resonated well with targetgroups, however relatively few felt they were atincreased risk of getting cancer due to drinking Know binge is bad but dont know IRD canbe bad They do not self identify as a drinker type Activities were more relevant to our targetgroup (age & drinking behaviour) than non-target groups suggesting they are well targeted


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    What impact can we expect to have?

  • 8/12/2019 Alcohol Insights for pre-loaders and increasing risk drinkers


    Social marketingc a m p a i g n s d o n tfeature in evidence ofe f f e c t i v e n e s s i nreducing alcohol harmat population level

    Growing evidence ofeffectiveness of FearAppeals & Social Normsi n c h a n g i n g h a r mbehaviours Evidence shows bestimpact comes fromg e t t i n g p e o p l e t ou n d e r t a k e a n i n t e r v e n t i o n themselves rather thaninfo / awareness onlycampaigns

    What works Badly thought throughcampaigns can have negativeimpact

    Strong evidence thatscreening & advice achievesreduced alcohol harm

    Motivating priority groupsthrough targeted, tailored

    & realistic threat coupledw i t h p e r c e p t i o nchallenging, social normsmessage making it feelrelevant & personalised

    Empowering individuals toself discover - aiding thisb y g i v i n g e f f e c t i v e ,achievable and realisticactions to take

    !"# %#&' ())*+(,"

    Messages: IRDIRD Male : Risk of cancer and heart attack/stroke;expose social norm of most IRDs thinking they aredrinking inside limits encourage self assessment &checking units consumedIRD Female : Risk of breast cancer; Responsibilitymindedness could be used as a source of motivationto make small changes in drinking habits encourageself assessment & checking units consumed

    Messages: PL+PL Male : Risk of being a victim of violent crime orlosing your wallet; being sick because of being toodrunk encourage group moderator role & use of arange of moderating tipsPL Female : Loss of control and risk of being avictim of sexual assault, losing purse or phone -encourage planning safe routes home & use of arange of moderating tips


    Managing Expectations: Evidence suggests a good campaign canimpact on awareness, attitudes & engagementin considering and committing to behaviourchange, by contributing to culture change long-term Evidence on alcohol behaviour change fromcampaigns is scarce. Evidence stronger oninterventions like IBA which can be part ofcampaign Design evaluation at outset set realisticaims, timescales, VFM parameters Start to grow local evidence base

    Mobilise concern Personalise threat Use social norms Cyclical content Amplify nationalmessages Use Better Medwayevents to sign people up

    Content Pledge follow-up Create a relationship(interactive & trusting)

    Build on existingmaterials

    Encourage uptake ofalcohol policies (Council,

    NHS, WPH)

    Based on what works, localinsight, co-design/messagetesting & evaluation findings

    Campaign co-ordination


    Real-time feedback fromusers & shareholders withflexibility to be responsive andadapt

    )*+,- *,+. D e v e l o p aShareholders /c rowdsourced approach tomobilise key players e . g . S i g n p o s t i n g ;Friends & Family (Publichea l th champions) ;Pharmacists; NHS staff Build on existingplatforms

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    Mix of mobile,static & humaninteractions isrequired to reachour prioritygroups

    ChannelsAudienceCapitalise on motivation to change

    by majority of each group

    Differences between ages &gender within groups mean

    nuanced messages are required

    Priorities = PL+, IRD

    Friends & Family are an

    opportunity to mobilise peers &develop emerging public healthchampions

    NHS branding & Better Medwayis more trusted & used than

    Council branding also, prioritygroups trust information &

    advice from NHS staff &pharmacists

    Ensure campaign is easilyfound online AND delivered by

    eo le





    Long-term, invested & co-owned campaign

    Personalise make risk real = develop a trusting relationship Target : IRD - Health focus & gender specific

    PL+ & Binge - Social focus & gender specific Channels : Mix & variety (NHS/Better Medway branded)

    1 st Info online to develop motivation2nd Advice on a personal basis (online & in person)

    Next Steps : Mobilise shareholders & network of friends/family

    Develop campaign through dedicated resource Content based on insights & evidence & evaluation Re-Cycle : Use existing effective materials on regular refresh cycle

  • 8/12/2019 Alcohol Insights for pre-loaders and increasing risk drinkers


    6 points for an Effective Campaign

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  • 8/12/2019 Alcohol Insights for pre-loaders and increasing risk drinkers


    Developing an Effective Campaign

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  • 8/12/2019 Alcohol Insights for pre-loaders and increasing risk drinkers


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    Discussion & Knowledge TransferOf MI:A products & learning

    Design evaluation Evaluation survey Evaluation survey

    Detail co-ordination function

    Shareholder & Asset/Benefit mapping Shareholder engagement Functioning shareholders

    Content development Content re-fresh Content review

    Platform development Platform improvements Platform review

    Message testing Real-time feedback

    Campaign goes live

  • 8/12/2019 Alcohol Insights for pre-loaders and increasing risk drinkers
