Alchemy of Growth

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  • 8/9/2019 Alchemy of Growth


    The True Inspiration in Life

    Comes from Continuous Growth.

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    GrowthAlchemy of

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    Read More

    Interesting Books By

    VastuShastri Khushdeep Bansal

    The Alchemy of Space(a set of 5 books)- Alchemy of Growth (English, Hindi)- Purpose of Life (English, Hindi)- Alchemy of Inner Mind (English, Hindi)

    - 45 Powers of Alchemy (English, Hindi)- Directions of Alchemy (English, Hindi)

    Patanjali Yoga Sutra(a set of 4 books)- Dhyan(English, Hindi)- KarmaCompletion (English, Hindi)- Intuitions (English, Hindi)

    - Only Flow (English, Hindi)


    MahaVastuTM(English, Hindi)

    MahaVastu for Better Relationships(English)

  • 8/9/2019 Alchemy of Growth


    VastuShastri Khushdeep Bansal


    Alchemy of

    DiscoverPanchkosha, the secret key of VedicAlchemy,

    for your holistic Growth.

  • 8/9/2019 Alchemy of Growth


    First published in 2012 by


    Registered ofce131, Block A3, Paschim ViharNew Delhi 110 063, IndiaPhone: +91 11 2528 1251

    Sales ofceA 103, Sector 65, Noida 201 301Uttar Pradesh, IndiaPhone: +91 11 4512 0949

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    Copyright Vastushastri Khushdeep Bansal

    Alchemy of

    Editorial Advisor: Sunita Pant BansalEditor: Swami Prem ParivartanCompiler: Nitin GuptaDesigner: Rachna Panchal

    ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this book may be reproduced ortransmitted in any form by any means, electronic or mechanical, includingphotocopying and recording, or by any information storage and retrievalsystem, except as may be expressly permitted in writing from the Author.

    ISBN: 978-93-81570-17-3

    Printed in India by AarVee Printers

    10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

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    (O Absolute Conscious Lord of The Building, Having Earth AsYour Seat of Creation, I Bow to You from My Soul,

    May You Always Bless My Home withMoney, Food and Prosperity.)


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    FIVE LAYERS OF GROWTH 17Growth what it is? And, how it can be

    made into what you desire it to be?Welcome to the Inner Journey of self-awareness

    and awareness of the Existence for Growth.



    Annamaya Kosha: Action BodyPranmaya Kosha: FeelingBodyManomaya Kosha: Experience BodyVigyanmaya

    Kosha: Intuition BodyAnandmaya Kosha: Joy Body

    The Five Layers of Being what are they and how do theyfunction? It is necessary to know the rules of the game in

    order to win.TWO


    Five Bodies in ActionProcess of Creation

    Everything is created in the mind frst and then it comes to theexistence. The Vedic Alchemists went beyond this. They came

    to the inverse theory from Ananda to creating a New World.


    Mastering the Five BodiesSolutions for Growth

    To accomplish greater growth, manifest your desires anddreams, the journey will always start from inside.


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    GrowthAlchemy of

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    To understand Growth what it is and how it can be

    made into what we desire it to be, it is necessary to

    understand its alchemy and how the VedicAlchemy

    of Space, Vastu Shastra can be harnessed to live a

    realistically fullled life. The Alchemy of Growth

    has been beautifully explained by our ancient saints

    and sages.

    According to Vedantathe entire creation grows

    and evolves in ve layers calledPanchkoshas or the

    Five Layers of Existence, namelyAnnamaya Kosha,

    Pranmaya Kosha, Manomaya Kosha, Vigyanmaya


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    Kosha and Anandmaya Kosha. Annamaya Koshais

    the gross layer of existence whileAnandmaya Kosha

    is the most subtle.

    Panchkosha is the natural hardware design of

    Existence spread across ve layers where the entire

    process of Existence takes place. To understand the

    Alchemy of Growth and to work with the symbols

    for creating a life you desire, let us understand these

    layers of creation and growth. This knowledge will

    not only help us in understanding the phenomenon

    called Life, but also in crafting it the way we want

    it to be.

    Most of you experience this in your day-to-day

    life: you respond to a situation in a particular manner,

    and later on, wonder where that response actually

    came from! Your response to a particular situation

    is rooted in the programming of your inner mind,

    which in turn is programmed by the Five Layers of

    Space you live in.

    The ve layers in a human being are Annamaya

    Kosha(Action body),Pranmaya Kosha(Feeling or


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    19Five Layers of Growth

    Energy body), Manomaya Kosha (Experience or

    Mind body), Vigyanmaya Kosha(Intuitive body) and

    the fth isAnandmaya Kosha(Joy body).

    To draw an analogy, your mind is like the internet

    search engine and consciousness is like electricity;

    if there is no electricity, the search engine cannot

    work. Our physical body, that is our Action body is

    like the computer; Feeling bodyis like the computer

    programme; internet is also like the mind; and the

    information we get over the internet is like Intuition.

    But what isAnanda? Anandais the spontaneous

    surge of emotions and feelings you experience when

    you come across what you have been striving for

    so long. It is like the feeling that comes over you

    when you stumble upon the desired information over

    the Internet.

    It is that Wow feeling; the Anandaarising on

    a successful completion of your search. Especially,

    when it is helpful in manifesting an important

    purpose while you work for your holistic growth. Say,

    if you wish for a computer; but if it is not working

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    the computer is useless. You need a programme to

    make it work and search for the information.

    But even the programme is useless if you do

    not have the internet access. Once again it is useless

    to just have internet if you do not know what is the

    information you are looking for. In such a case,

    whatever information the Internet throws up is

    meaningless for you.

    In fact without a purpose for growth you cannot

    even search for an information. Therefore, the basic

    precondition is the presence of a desire, an urge for

    information. It is equally true for us as beings. If

    we do not have desires, if we do not have dreams

    then our whole existence our body, Prana, mind,

    intuition is useless and meaningless.

    To grow, whatever you want to achieve in

    life, for that you need to understand whatever is

    happening naturally around you. That will help you

    understand how things grow in Vastu. You can also

    call it the Science of Life. The way our sages and

    seers have explained this science is really beautiful


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    21Five Layers of Growth

    and worth paying attention to. Vastu Shastra

    emanates from SthapatyaVeda(one of the Up-Vedas

    of Vedicknowledge).

    Patanjali, the rst scientist on meditation

    and creator of Yoga, also speaks of the ve bodies

    without using these words. The whole technology

    of understanding the ve bodies comes with the

    Patanjali Yoga Sutras but nowhere doesPatanjali

    mention them by name.

    And, I am really astonished howPatanjali, with

    his mind, could have left out the words pertaining to

    Panchkosha. Shankaracharya in Vivek Chudamani

    explains beautifully how these ve bodies are

    working inside us. In Taittreya Upanishadalso it is

    beautifully described.

    I will not go into the details of the Vedanta

    darshan (philosophy) here.I will focus more on how

    these ve bodies work, how they become the base for

    Alchemy of Growth, how it all comes together, and

    then how you can use the layers of your own being to

    create the life you desire.

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    We will also see how the mind works with these

    ve layers, because these ve layers are also the

    basis for the ve different kinds of experience of

    our Mind.

    Slowly you will start recognising that when you

    took a particular decision, you were in Ananda, or

    when you were having a certain feel, which of your

    ve bodies you were in; so when your mind was at

    a particular level or layer and you took a decision,

    what happened in your life. How you can establish

    this on other levels also.

    Further we will understand in detail the ve

    bodies and how they work and how to work with

    them at will. Because then, whenever you want to

    take a serious decision, or a creative decision, you

    will know how to use the different layers and how to

    enter into these layers at will.

    It must be kept in mind that nature has her own

    way to create the world fromAnanda(joy or bliss)

    to physical manifestation. The order of transition from

    Anandmaya Kosha to Annamaya Kosha is reversed


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    23Five Layers of Growth

    when you build a house or any other building. Now,

    it is through Sthoola (physical or material form)that

    you want to achieve the subtle bliss.

    The ultimate purpose of a building is achieving

    Ananda, whether it is through physical comfort,

    security, amassing wealth or through fame. The routes

    may be several but the sole aim of all your actions is

    Ananda. How you actually get that feeling ofAnanda

    is conditioned by the Space you inhabit.

    Every person creates his own conditionings

    (Vrittis) and buildings according to his own perception

    of the source of Ananda. Now, this sequence of

    expectations of getting Ananda is happening each

    moment around you; it is happening all around.

    But when a physical form takes place, when

    the manifestation of the human being is there in

    the physical world, then again it wants to achieve

    Ananda. The ultimate desire is to achieve the joy, the

    bliss. The modus operandi may differ.

    Someone wants money, someone wants to

    possess something else; but, everyone is engaged in

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    one nal search that is the search forAnanda; even

    those who are leaving behind each and everything in

    the mundane sense. So the core search and the core

    achievement isAnanda.

    In the Vedanta, the reference point Ananda is

    known asAnandmaya Kosha. Kosha literally means

    a sheet or a layer. So it is a layer ofAnanda. When

    ancient VedicRishis(mystics) realised this, by getting

    established in Ananda, they came to know of other

    layers also.

    In this way the whole physical world, as is

    visible to human eye and other senses of perception,

    manifests on ve levels (layers). For all that you

    want to create. If what you desired is not happening,

    then you should look into the knowledge of these

    ve layers. How do these ve layers create and

    control our lives? Why do we not attain bliss or when

    and how can we do so? All these aspects should be

    understood in depth.

    This book besides answering all these questions

    also answers how to experience the Panchkoshas?


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    25Fi L f G th

    How buildings affect yourPanchkoshas? And, how

    to advance in the eld of meditation (Dhyan), Yoga,

    and spirituality?

    Welcome to the inner journey of self-awareness

    and awareness of the Existence. To achieve the

    holistic growth you always longed for in order to

    create the life of your dreams, with the Alchemy

    of Growth.