AlchemicalWedding Revised(Booklet)

Items needed: - conch shell (Dennis) - censer, coals, resin (Dennis) - cup for purifying (Dennis brings) - 4 Small taper candles (dennis) - double cube altar (Michael & Evie) - Grail, patten and music stand for PRIEST (Dennis) - 2 small tables (with blue and red cloths) - robes or special clothing for officers (each will have a red rose pinned to their shirt) - flowers (already have order placed) - black, white and red barriers(Michael & Evie) - Jachin & Boaz Banners (Michael & Evie) - Veil (Michael & Evie) - High Priestess Scroll (with Book of Tokens phrase on it) - red cord (already purchased) - Grail for PRIEST (Dennis brings?) - Red Wine - Chairs for congregation and officers (already ordered) - 2 Rings(Dennis to bring) - Dagger for PRIEST (Dennis) - Dagger and sheath for Mike & Evie: ABN short sword (Dennis) - Lantern (Michael & Evie) Officer Pairs 1

Transcript of AlchemicalWedding Revised(Booklet)

Alchemical Wedding- Revised.docx

Items needed:- conch shell (Dennis)- censer, coals, resin (Dennis)- cup for purifying (Dennis brings)- 4 Small taper candles (dennis) - double cube altar (Michael & Evie)- Grail, patten and music stand for PRIEST (Dennis)- 2 small tables (with blue and red cloths)- robes or special clothing for officers (each will have a red rose pinned to their shirt)- flowers (already have order placed)- black, white and red barriers(Michael & Evie)- Jachin & Boaz Banners (Michael & Evie)- Veil (Michael & Evie)- High Priestess Scroll (with Book of Tokens phrase on it)- red cord (already purchased)- Grail for PRIEST (Dennis brings?)- Red Wine- Chairs for congregation and officers (already ordered)- 2 Rings(Dennis to bring)- Dagger for PRIEST (Dennis)- Dagger and sheath for Mike & Evie: ABN short sword (Dennis)- Lantern (Michael & Evie)

Officer Pairs- Lori and John - the West (sponsors and ring bearers)- Sam and Justin - First Barrier - Black- Claire and Seanie - Second Barrier - White- Brianna and Julian J.(?) - Third Barrier - Red- Parker - Purifying- Julian L. - Consecrator

* Any time PRIEST says AMEN, that is a cue for the congregation to repeat.

(Amy plays guitar) Purification and Consecration of the space(Purifier enters the space, goes to the main altar, and receives the water from the Priest. Purifies the directions silently. This is followed by the Consecrator who does the same with the censor.)Preparation for the Wedding FeastThe altar is set up in the east, with the priest seated in the eastern quarter. On the main altar is the Grail, the cord, the lantern, the pillar candles (black in north and white in south) . On the side table will be the scroll, holy water, tapers, censor and cup for water.

The Holy Rite:

(The candles are lit and incense is kindled at the outset)

When the all have gathered and settled, the Priest of the assembly arises, saying,Let the officers stand and face the East, and call upon the Name of the Holy One. (Or words to this effect)

Opening Invocation:

*PRIEST performs the Kabbalistic Cross silently or quietly.Then, the Priest invokes, intoning:Baruch Ha ShemEheieh,Yahweh,Shaddai El Chai,Adonai;Yah, Yahweh Elohim;El, Elohim Gibor;Yahweh Tzabaoth, Elohim Tzabaoth;

Atoh Gibor Leolam Adonai.

Holy One, Bornless One,Ruler of the Light and the Darkness,Creator of heaven and earth,Source and Sustenance of all that lives,We praise you, and we bless and glorify your Holy Name,And we pray for that day when You and your Name will be One on the face of the earth.

Intonation of the Shema:

The Priest intones the Shema:Shema Israel, Adonai Elohenu, Adonai Achad

The Priest proclaims:It is written, Love Yahweh Elohim with your all heart and soul, mind and strength.And also, Love your neighbor as yourself.This is the way of unification, and it is the essence of holiness,Remembering and practicing it, we are deeply blessed; amen.

All: AMEN.

Priest: (if anyone is standing:) You may be seated.

Invocation of the Archangels of the Sacred Circle:

(Four designated officers will come to the center of the aisle facing east standing in a row for invoking the archangels.)

Lori:Raphael, Healing Power of God, we invite you and we welcome you; please come and be with us!

Sam:Michael, Who is like unto God, we invite you and welcome you; please come and be with us!

John:Gabriel, Strength of God, we invite you and welcome you; please come and be with us!

Justin:Uriel, Light of God, we invite you and we welcome you; please come and be with us!

Priest: Metatron, Prince of the Countenance, we invite you and we welcome you; please come and be with us!

Gazing downward and laying hands upon the holy altar, thepriest invokes, saying:

Sandalphon, Great Wheel, Angel of the Sacred Circle, we invite you and we welcome you; please come and be with us!

The priest stands, facing the East and says:

O you Archangels who stand as the attendants of the Christos, let the Gates of the Palace of Lights be opened, and let word of this Wedding go forth into all realms, worlds and universes of the Entirety, gathering all who desire to celebrate the Rite of Mystical Union!

Then the priest says:Behold, standing in our Midst, the likeness of the Risen Christ saying: Come, receive my peace and partake of my joy. Amen.

All: Amen.


[PRIEST lights the two pillar candles]


Companions, we are gathered here together on this day for the celebration of union of two souls, Michael and Evie, who seek each other through the Mysteries of the Royal Art. We come to wish them well, witness their agreements with each other, and invoke the greatest Blessing on them. Let us bid them welcome.

[Conch Shell is sounded. Bride and Groom will enter upon conch shell. The Bride is left, the Groom right. They meet the first barrier, a black wand lowered from the left side. They are holding the wands at attention.]

PRIEST: Learn from this the first law of your life together. Avoid all that you should not do if happiness and harmony are to prevail in married living. Know what is worst in you and shun it all you can. Do you so agree?

ANSWER: We do. PRIEST: Then Pass and prosper. (Officer that was receptive to the wand take it up return to holding and at attention)

[The second barrier which is white is met about halfway to the altar area. Officer on right side lowers it from vertical to horizontal position so officer on left side holds the other end. Halt ]

PRIEST: Learn from this the second law of harmony and happiness, both in your marriage and in your life. Know what is best in you and seek it always. Do all that you can to make this possible. Do you so agree?

ANSWER: We do.

PRIEST: Then Pass on and prosper. (officer on right side lifts barrier to vertical position)

[The third and last barrier is red and met just before the altar area where Bride and Groom should remain. Wand is raised or slid across.]

PRIEST: Learn from this the third and most important lesson of the golden mean in married life, the forgiveness of each other's faults and genuine appreciation of good qualities wherever found. Know what is best and worst in you. Then work skillfully with them. Do you so agree?

ANSWER: We do.

PRIEST: Then lift the barrier between you and upraise it rightly.

[This is done, rod barrier being held upright by its center between them, groom's hand uppermost.]

PRIEST: Learn from this that obstacles you grasp together by the middle way can be converted into strong supports that you may rely on to maintain your balance steadily through life. Do you so agree?

ANSWER: We do.

PRIEST: Having traversed the Three Alchemical Stages, unite your Flames in the Lantern of Divine Guidance, and turn about the center and face the congregation.

[Using the upright staff as a pivot, the Bride goes forward and the Groom back half a circle each so that they face gathering still gripping staff.]

PRIEST: True marriage is a social and a spiritual commitment between two beings. All things are interconnected. It is not only this man and woman who will be affected by this union, but also everyone with whom they are connected. All of their actions will influence the future of our world. This may be minimal, or profound, indeed as destiny decrees. Have such important matters been considered carefully? Are these, our fellow souls and friends, now ready to assume responsible behavior to each other, this congregation and all beings by taking such a commitment? Do they fully realize their obligations? Who is prepared to sponsor them as worthy to be wedded in our Mysteries of the Royal Art?

Who vouches for this woman?


PRIEST: Tell us what you believe to be true, yet let your words be gentle and compassionate. Say why you think the marriage would be beneficial for this woman and for all of us concerned.

[Sponsor speaks her piece.)

PRIEST: Thanks be to you from all of us. Amen.ALL: Amen.PRIEST: Who vouches likewise for this man?


PRIEST: Tell us what you believe to be true, yet let your words be gentle and compassionate. Say why you think the marriage would be beneficial for this man and all of us concerned.

[Sponsor speaks his piece.] PRIEST: Thanks be to you from all of us. Amen.ALL: Amen.PRIEST: If anyone knows any reason why the wedding should not proceed, this is the only opportunity for proclaiming so. Speak now or forever hold your peace.

[Pause.] ,

PRIEST: Then we all agree that this Divine Union is indeed a worthwhile act of Love and trust between these fellow souls.

OFFICERS: So mote it be. Amen.

ALL: Amen.

PRIEST: Therefore let us lift our hearts and souls toward the Supreme Spirit, asking Its attention to our present prayers and practice, saying:

O Thou within whom we live and move and have our being, consider these thy children who seek to marry within the Mysteries of the Royal Art. Witness here their words toward Thee. Help them to keep their promises and find fulfillment of their hearts Desire. Defend them in their difficulties and preserve them in all perils. Grant them health and happiness. Accept them as a Vehicle of Thine awareness in this world, and make them worthy of this Great Work among humanity. Live Thou through them, that they may ultimately live in Thee. Amen.

[Here is the call and response section]


Holy art Thou, Adonai Sabaoth, Lord of the Hosts of all Beings in all Worlds; Heaven and Earth are full of Thy Glory.


MI ADIR EL HAKOL (response)MI BARUKH EL HAKOL (response)MI GADOL EL HAKOL (response)

Thy Splendor is upon all, Thy Blessing is upon all and Thine abundance is upon all.


PRIEST: [to couple] Turn now and complete the circle. Rely no more on this symbolic Staff, but only on the strength of your resolution which it represents.

[Staff handed to guardian of the red barrier who wasnt the one who lowered it]

PRIEST: Spiritual Marriage is a sacrifice of soul to soul, by bonding blood with blood because of our beliefs in Deity as our deliverer from death into immortal living light. In ancient times, this was symbolically shown by mingling both bloods and then sharing this from the same cup. Today the externalities are altered, but their inner sense remains the same. Attend this action.

[Blessing red cord]

PRIEST: May this cord be accepted as an emblem of that blood which flows between you both and binds you one to another by Love alone.

[Blessing cup of wine]

PRIEST: May this wine be accepted as a symbol of the spiritual blood which was shed by the Christos, that humanity may realize it on Earth.

Consecrate this emblem, O Eternal One, that it may truly serve thy Spirit .

[To couple] Hold forth your nearest hands above the cup.

[PRIEST binds Bride's right wrist and signs with knife.]

In this sign sacrifice yourself. Give that you may be given, empty yourself that you may be filled, end mortality that you may be eternal, and blessed be your blood forevermore.

[PRIEST drapes cord to cup, and repeats action on Groom's left wrist.]

In this sign sacrifice yourself. Give that you may be given, empty yourself that you may be filled, end mortality that you may be eternal, and blessed be your blood forevermore.

Peace be with you both at present, though married life is seldom without struggles.

[PRIEST gives knife to Groom and sheath to Bride.]

PRIEST: If ever you become at daggers drawn with one another as any wedded couple may be, here is the formula for your forgiveness and reconciliation. First bury your blade within the grave of every grudge.

[Groom puts knife, in sheath held by Bride and they continue holding it.]

PRIEST: Now lay this upon the altar and say together: We give our quarrels unto God that they may be transmuted into loving peace.

[This is done.]

[To Evie] Release Michael, saying: Because I love you, I honor your freedom to be who you are. Beyond that we are one by blood forever. "

[She does so; then PRIEST to Groom:]

[To Michael] Release Evie, saying: Because I love you, I honor your freedom to be who you are. Beyond that we are one by blood forever. "

[Groom hands chord to PRIEST. PRIEST lays cord round cup sunwise, then says:]


All life begins and ends by bloodIn the continuum of space and timeManifesting as existence everywhere, Encircling all within its cosmic coils. Each are cells in its eternal stream,Linked together by Light and LoveHence God and Good are Love indeed.So let us live in Love forevermore.Amen.



1) I AM,Without beginning, without end, Older than night or day,Younger than the babe new-born, Brighter than light,Darker than darkness,Beyond all things and creatures,Yet fixed in the heart of every one.

2) From me the shining worlds flow forth,To me all at last return,Yet to me neither men nor angelsMay draw nigh,For I am known only to myself.Ever the same is mine inmost being;Absolutely one, complete, whole, perfect; Always itself;Eternal, infinite, ultimate;Formless, indivisible, changeless.

3) Of all existences I am the source, The continuation, and the end.I am the germ,I am the growth,I am the decay.All things and creatures I send forth;I support them while yet they stand without;And when the dream of separation ends,I cause their return unto myself.I am the Life,And the Wheel of the Law,And the Way that leadeth to the Beyond. There is none else.

[PRIEST presents lantern to couple. Priest hands Bride and Groom tapers which they light from the two pillar candles, and then light the lantern at the same time.]

PRIEST: Behold this symbol of the light within the blood. Let it be your guide through life and its obscurities. Take it together.

[They do so]

May the Light Divine illuminate the way, inspiring you at every step you take along its path. Let it lead you surely to the fountain of everlasting light beyond all limits.

[Places Lantern on altar. To Bride:]

Now bestow the blessing of this cup upon your chosen one with these ancient words: Take this, my love, and share my life and blood.

[Groom accepts cup and drinks. Words and action repeated from man to woman:].

Now bestow the blessing of this cup upon your chosen one with these ancient words: Take this, my love, and share my life and blood.

[ PRIEST takes back cup and empties it, returning it to altar with the words]

PRIEST: Life. Be. Thou. One. Created and consumed by thine own consummation of the Love Thou art.

As every one of us is but a link within the chain of life, so let the joining of these two before us be well represented by the rings with which they pledge each other.

[Blessing rings]

Blessed be these ancient symbols, honored as a sign of faith between these two souls who will wear them as tokens of the spirit they share. It has been said that Deity is like a Circle whose circumference is everywhere and center nowhere. Therefore in this sign is God acknowledged and approached.

May these rings bear the heavenly blessing which will incline their holders' hearts to mutual Love and trust throughout life.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Mother Spirit. Amen.


[Bride first, Groom second]

Priest: Wilt thou, Evie, take this Man to be thy lawful husband, and wilt thou pledge thy troth to him, in all love and honor, in all duty and service, in all faith and tenderness, to live with him, and cherish him, in the holy bond of matrimony ?


Priest: Wilt thou, Michael, take this Woman to be thy lawful wife, and wilt thou pledge thy troth to her, in all love and honor, in all duty and service, in all faith and tenderness, to live with her, and cherish her, in the holy bond of matrimony ?


[After both affirmations have been made Priest prompts couple to repeat the following]

BRIDE: I shall be thy holy Temple of sacred love, revealing to the heart of thee the mysteries of ineffable unity with GodGROOM: I shall be thy consecrated, everlasting flame, soaring with the soul of thee to light our way to Heaven

PRIEST asks Michael to repeat after him while Michael holds Evies hands between his.

I, (name), take thee, (name), to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love, to cherish and to honor, till death do us part; and thereunto, in the presence of the Lord of the Universe and in the power and inspiration of Love, I pledge thee my troth. Amen.

[They release their hands. Evie takes Michaels hands between hers, repeats after the priest]PRIEST(repeated by Evie):

I, (name), take thee, (name), to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love, to cherish and to honor, till death us here do part; and thereunto, in the presence of the Lord of the Universe and in the power and inspiration of Love, I pledge thee my troth. Amen[PRIEST now presents the rings to Michael and has him place Evie's ring on her ring finger, repeating after PRIEST]

PRIEST (repeated by GROOM):

With this ring I thee wed; my truest love I thee pledge; with my body I give thee reverence, and with all my strength I thee shield. Amen

[PRIEST now presents trays with ring to Evie and has her place Michaels ring on his finger, repeating after PRIEST]

PRIEST (repeated by Evie):

With this ring I thee wed; my truest love I thee pledge; with my body I give thee reverence, and with all my strength I thee shield. Amen

PRIEST: Michael and Evie. all here have heard and witnessed these words and acts between your souls,. Therefore, through our hearing and seeing, these words and actions have reached the consciousness of the Divine Source of all Being.

As an agent of that Power which is Eternal Love, Power, Truth and Light I proclaim and bless your partnership in life as husband and wife.

Wherefore live henceforth that you may trulyBe. Of. One. Blood.

[They embrace and kiss.]

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Mother Spirit. Amen.

[While they embrace, the PRIEST sprinkles them with holy water during the benediction.]It is DoneThey are one.

PRIEST: Thanks be to Thee, O Thou within whom we live and move and have our being, in whom alone originates the royal blood of our redemption, and that sacred sacrifice which enobles the human race.

Blessed be the Rite which we have done here this day, and may it benefit not only those it honored, but all beings throughout infinite space without exception.

So mote it be. Amen.ALL: Amen.

PRIEST: As with the circle of a wedding ring, there is no end that is not also a beginning. Now is always the end of our past and commencement of our future. Here we have come to the end of a beginning. May it bless us all as we bless it. Therefore there is only this to say in farewell:

Fare forth from here in peace and learn. Fare forth from here in peace and light. Fare forth from here in peace and Love.

It is finished.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Mother Spirit. Amen.

Perhaps this could be recited or chanted at the end while Amy plays guitar?

Optional, (Michael and Evie face each other):

Female Attendant reads or intones: (Here there may be soft background music. Amy plays guitar?) Upon my bed at night I sought him whom my soul loves;I sought him, but found him not;I called him, but he gave no answer;I will rise now and go about the city, in the streets and in the squares;I will seek him whom my soul loves.I sought him, but I found him not.The watchmen found me as I went about the city.I asked, "have you seen him whom my soul loves?"Scarcely had I passed them, when I found him whom my soul loves.I held him, and would not let him gountil I had brought him into my mother's house, and into the chamber of her that had conceived me. Male attendant reads or intones: You have ravished my heart, my sister, my Bride,You have ravished my heart with a glance of your eyes,With one jewel of your necklace.How sweet is your love, my sister, my Bride!How much better is your love than wine,And the fragrance of your oils than any spice!Your lips distill nectar, my Bride;Honey and milk are under your tongue,And healing in your fingers and hands.

[SAIORSE makes her grand entrance.]

[The Bride and Groom leave the area beneath a triumphal arch under the 3 barriers which are lifted up high by officers to suitable music. They are lead out by SAIORSE who throws flowers everywhere. The PRIEST and anyone so inclined stay by the altar for brief private prayers on their behalf.]18