Albury High School...2020/06/07  · their HW or assignment needs. Students must have HW or...

Term 2 Week 6 2020 Issue 7 4 June 2020 Albury High School Proud Member of Crossing Point Learning Community ‘Creating our Future’ __________________________________________________________ Learning for all through Tradition, Innovation & Excellence 625 Kiewa Street ALBURY NSW 2640 Website: Email: [email protected] Twitter:@Albury_High Phone: (02) 6021 3488 Fax: (02) 6041 3782 We have a safe place called home, Where we’re free to walk and roam, We still have our loved ones, Who help us when we have problems. Sometimes we feel stuck or trapped, But we all need to adapt, to the fact, That the world is mending, But it isn’t ending. And this matters. I still have family, Who care for me, A roof above our heads, and no emotions of dread. There’s meals to eat, And shoes on my feet, We need to be grateful, Not hateful. Our planet can rest, From our human mess, It doesn’t need to die, From cars on the road and Planes in the sky. We can learn to be kind, To have peace of mind, This storm we will weather, And it will bring us together. So, 2020 can teach us plenty, About what’s really important, Patience, love, togetherness, kindness, And that’s what matters. Jake Bauerle Yr7 Student W4 Sඋඐඔ Cඕඍගඑගඑඖ Yr9 Textiles Technology students are undertaking this competition which involves developing fashion designs using wool fibres, yarns and fabrics to meet the set design brief. We wish them all the best in their creative endeavours. Other interested students can also enter this competition. Check out the website, register, research and get designing This competition is a design competition, the entrants do not need to make their designs however the winning Yr10 entry is made up into clothing by an Australian fashion designer. WHAT MATTERS? What matters to me? It seems strange now, That we’re in lockdown, but how? Well society has been split up, Our shops are closed our doors locked up. I can’t play my sport, There’s no dribbling up the court and the seasons been cut short. It’s like I’ve had to abort, all my passions, And do other things instead, Like Ping Pong in the shed, and whacking my sister on the head. This new rule means I can’t go to school, Walk through the gates, muck around with my mates, No. We must keep down infection rates. There’s been new boundaries set in place, Like not to touch your face, Or to stand within a space, With someone from the human race. We can’t go down the street, To meet and greet, They say ‘Keep your Distance’… at least two feet. But why does it matter? Today my friend turned thirteen, We had to celebrate over a screen. I can’t see my Nan and Pa, Unless its from afar, waving from the car. It matters to me, that Covid-19, Is beginning to flee, All over the world. It is important because, this viral intrusion, has brought an illusion, of confusion, And delusion, Of reality and real life, And sometimes we feel as if we’re in strife. But are we? Completely? Our Society has slowed down, And yes! that makes me frown, But we are not in strife, Because frankly we all still have a life.

Transcript of Albury High School...2020/06/07  · their HW or assignment needs. Students must have HW or...

Page 1: Albury High School...2020/06/07  · their HW or assignment needs. Students must have HW or assignment tasks to work on. An information sheet on the HW programme is available from

Term 2 Week 6 2020

Issue 7

4 June 2020

Albury High School Proud Member of Crossing Point Learning Community

‘Creating our Future’ __________________________________________________________

Learning for all through Tradition, Innovation & Excellence

625 Kiewa Street ALBURY NSW 2640

Website: Email: [email protected]


Phone: (02) 6021 3488 Fax: (02) 6041 3782

We have a safe place called home, Where we’re free to walk and roam, We still have our loved ones, Who help us when we have problems.

Sometimes we feel stuck or trapped, But we all need to adapt, to the fact, That the world is mending, But it isn’t ending.

And this matters.

I still have family, Who care for me, A roof above our heads, and no emotions of dread. There’s meals to eat, And shoes on my feet,

We need to be grateful, Not hateful. Our planet can rest, From our human mess, It doesn’t need to die, From cars on the road and Planes in the sky.

We can learn to be kind, To have peace of mind, This storm we will weather, And it will bring us together.

So, 2020 can teach us plenty, About what’s really important, Patience, love, togetherness, kindness,

And that’s what matters. Jake Bauerle Yr7 Student

W 4 S C Yr9 Textiles Technology students are undertaking this competition which involves developing fashion designs using wool fibres, yarns and fabrics to meet the set design brief. We wish them all the best in their creative endeavours. Other interested students can also enter this competition. Check out the website, register, research and get designing This competition is a design competition, the entrants do not need to make their designs however the winning Yr10 entry is made up into clothing by an Australian fashion designer.

WHAT MATTERS? What matters to me? It seems strange now, That we’re in lockdown, but how?

Well society has been split up, Our shops are closed our doors locked up.

I can’t play my sport, There’s no dribbling up the court and the seasons been cut short. It’s like I’ve had to abort, all my passions, And do other things instead, Like Ping Pong in the shed, and whacking my sister on the head.

This new rule means I can’t go to school, Walk through the gates, muck around with my mates, No. We must keep down infection rates.

There’s been new boundaries set in place, Like not to touch your face, Or to stand within a space, With someone from the human race.

We can’t go down the street, To meet and greet, They say ‘Keep your Distance’… at least two feet.

But why does it matter?

Today my friend turned thirteen, We had to celebrate over a screen. I can’t see my Nan and Pa, Unless its from afar, waving from the car.

It matters to me, that Covid-19, Is beginning to flee, All over the world.

It is important because, this viral intrusion, has brought an illusion, of confusion, And delusion, Of reality and real life, And sometimes we feel as if we’re in strife.

But are we? Completely?

Our Society has slowed down, And yes! that makes me frown, But we are not in strife, Because frankly we all still have a life.

Page 2: Albury High School...2020/06/07  · their HW or assignment needs. Students must have HW or assignment tasks to work on. An information sheet on the HW programme is available from

T 2 F A number of students have entered this competition and we wish them well as they explore turning trash into wearable fashion. This competition is still occurring and changes will be made to the presentation event as per the advice on COVID-19 at that time. The main point is for students who have entered the competition to continue to work on their creations and to seek assistance from the Home Economics Faculty and their class teachers.

H C The HW Centre has not been operational since week 8 of last term. We are planning to open it again the Monday after the long weekend. This date is the 15th June 2020. We hope to see our regular students as well as new faces, so put this date in your diary. A reminder that light refreshments are served to recharge

young minds and encourage a productive study or HW session. A number of staff are always on hand to assist students with their HW or assignment needs. Students must have HW or assignment tasks to work on. An information sheet on the HW programme is available from

each Year Advisor, Mrs Bender in the Library, the Front Reception area and from Ms Mortimer in the F block kitchens.

C 2020 As a consequence of the COVID-19 restrictions the AHS CAREVAN Programme has not started up for 2020. It will start once the restrictions are further eased. Thus, we need the names of students who wish to volunteer to be part of this programme for 2020. Each Yr 8, 9 and 10 Food Technology teacher has information notes and permission forms. Please collect one from your teacher or see Ms Mortimer in the F block kitchens.

Yr8 - 10 Food Technology students have the opportunity to participate in the volunteer cooking programme we run each year in terms 2 and 3 to support CAREVAN. This programme usually operates during sport each Wednesday afternoon and

the time spent participating in this programme counts towards student’s volunteer hours – 15 hours per term. 2019 Volunteers included our Year 11 Exchange student Francesca Bosio.

S AHS K S HSC 2016 Katy was always doodling and then turning some of those doodles into creative designs and products. She has continued her exploration and love of Textiles post school and is currently studying Textiles at RMIT in Melbourne. The course involves a graphic design component and many organisations offer design briefs to the students as part of their studies. We congratulate Katy on winning the Linen House bedroom soft furnishing competition (quilts, cushions, pillowcase and sheets). Next time you are in Melbourne check out her winning Metropolitan Tiles design, for the Victorian Government’s Tunnel Project. The display is situated on the corner of Swanston and Franklin Streets near Melbourne City Baths.

Ms Tanya Mortimer

Head Teacher

Y 12 G U As the final HSC exam is on Wednesday 11 November we have found it necessary to change the dates of our Graduation Assembly and Ball. The Graduation Assembly will take place on Monday 16 November. At this stage the Ball has been booked for Tuesday 17 November. These are tentative dates, dependant on the relaxing of restrictions due to COVID-19.

4 June 2020

Proud Member of Crossing Point Learning Community ‘Creating our Future’ 2

Page 3: Albury High School...2020/06/07  · their HW or assignment needs. Students must have HW or assignment tasks to work on. An information sheet on the HW programme is available from

4 June 2020

Proud Member of Crossing Point Learning Community ‘Creating our Future’ 3

P ’ M We are in uncertain times at the moment and as a country are working through several confronting issues. Many people and communities are still in recovery mode from the bushfires and now we have COVID-19 to contend with. The upheaval these and other events are creating have impacted on families, students and our communities. The school appreciates the support it has received from the community and is always looking for ways it can return that support. I would like to promote the following event. We have registered, so our students will have access, but we will not be live streaming this event. The following explains the event. Stand Tall is a not for profit event which was established to directly address the increasingly high incidence of mental health issues in young people. It is usually held at the International Convention Centre in Sydney but this year due to COVID-19 it will be livestreamed online and accessible live to all secondary students across Australia on Thursday 4 June. The event is supported by Australian Education Departments and funded by the NSW and Federal Governments and has a number of speakers who address topics including:




Overcoming Adversity

Helping Community

A recording of the event will be available on the Stand Tall website on the day and for two weeks after the event. All participating schools will receive access to a recording of the event to use for PDHPE and well-being classes over 2 weeks. Although this event is intended for secondary school students, it is also accessible for individual adults or young people not engaged in mainstream schooling. The turmoil in the world continues, especially in America, while not appropriate to comment on it directly I would like to say that our school supports the notion of equity for all peoples and supports our Aboriginal communities and families in seeking this. Last week was National Reconciliation week and it is pertinent that we recognise and celebrate that in these times.

N R W 27 M 3 J Reconciliation is a journey for all Australians – as individuals, families, communities, organisations and importantly as a nation. At the heart of this journey are relationships between the broader Australian community and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

We all have a role to play when it comes to reconciliation, and in playing our part we collectively build relationships and communities that value Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, histories, cultures, and futures.

D E :

INTEGRITY: Being consistently honest and trustworthy.

EXCELLENCE: Striving for the highest personal achievement in all aspects of schooling and individual and community action, work and life-long learning.

RESPECT: Having regard for yourself and others, lawful and just authority and diversity within Australian society and accepting the right of others to hold different or opposing views.

RESPONSIBILITY: Being accountable for your individual and community's actions towards yourself, others and the environment.

COOPERATION: Working together to achieve common goals, providing support to others and engaging in peaceful resolution of conflict.

PARTICIPATION: Being a proactive and productive individual and group member, having pride in and contributing to the social and economic wealth of the community and the nation.

CARE: Concern for the wellbeing of yourself and others, demonstrating empathy and acting with compassion.

FAIRNESS: Being committed to the principles of social justice and opposing prejudice, dishonesty and injustice.

DEMOCRACY: Accepting and promoting the rights, freedoms and responsibilities of being an Australian citizen.

Mr Darryl Ward


Ad Astra Per Aspera - “Through hardship to the stars”

P C M The P&C was forced to postpone the last scheduled meeting due to the governments Public Health Order restrictions on public meetings. Since then however, the Minister for Education has approved a new model constitution for incorporated P&C Associations to conduct its business by holding virtual meetings. With that in mind, the next P&C meeting, scheduled for Tuesday 16 June will proceed, not face-to-face but via Zoom video conferencing. Please email any queries to [email protected]

Ms Brooke Costello AHS P&C President

Page 4: Albury High School...2020/06/07  · their HW or assignment needs. Students must have HW or assignment tasks to work on. An information sheet on the HW programme is available from


Congratulations to the following student who has been observed going above and beyond: Y 10

Logan Manwaring

S P The date for school photographs has been changed and is yet to be decided, depending on DoE protocols regarding COVID-19. In the meantime we ask that full winter uniform requirements are sorted so students are able to be photographed in their winter uniform including the tie. With the restriction in place around COVID-19.and social distancing of adults it is really important that each student has their own winter uniform components as we will not be able to lend out any uniform (jackets, jumpers, shirts or ties) as we have done in the past. We wont be able to assist students to fasten their tie, it would be appreciated if you can help by teaching your child to do their own tie. Please contact Ms Mortimer or Mr Honeyman at AHS on 60213488 if you have any questions regarding school photographs.

Ms Tanya Mortimer Head Teacher

Calendar of Events:

Week 7

Monday June 8 Queens Birthday Public Holiday

Week 8

Monday June 15 Home Work Centre 3:30pm ‐5:00pm Tuesday June 16 P&C Zoom mee ng

Friday June 19 CCA and USAC online presenta ons

4 June 2020

Proud Member of Crossing Point Learning Community ‘Creating our Future’ 4

AHS C C For sale from the AHS Reception Office . The products are delicious and cost $4 each.