THE SAN FRANCISCO CAUL, SUNDAY, JULY 31, 1904. 43 OAKLAND ADlrT ? SiraTS. QAjrr.aira BSAXi E3TATX. HOLCOMB, P" " H" > ±. BAJCCKO5T. IQkiO BROADWAY. OAKLAND. CAL> CNIMPEOVEat ZZZ :- : r -. i 520 cer foot: oa Broadway: 157x170: fiae to- [ catica; Is ipm-rt to dochle ta. short ttsse. $19 ta $23 ser foot, ta BeCa Vtsta.; fiae Tiew: Ztj«d surrsvedtass; clcae to caxx etc.; mast be ccid. ! $7C0—Fine fcnildtaut stte clca# t=: Veraca «.. i.f-^r-ta Point yrcc«rt7. Z£tll3: tttia ts * decided saa;. $123*— Home site ta T^-pfot Viata terrace; 30 feet froniaj-s; street wcrk csmststa; O- ; «x=etled -view; Cae scrrcuattiaas: *i«»aji£ henses: close ta K57 Route tramtt, schools. cars, ats, X23C0—Over 2C0 fset frcatxr- ca OakTasd av-., Liada, Vl«ta. terrace, ocpestte tha Soo>- Bacoo Hao»; a very tine tocartna for a home; see how dasirabie ani low jnc-d taia prcperty tu OEPROVED. rOSSCLOSURS SALE3. \- $2TC0— New 14 -story cottage. S rootsa awl bath; mxlera; lot 32x123; Cae location: cicoe to scamls. caxs ami Key Hocta trains, to caa Franctafw; very easy terma. •*>*£. $2300 Two fiae 3- room cottages. 4 rccraa and tath eaca; Io'a 23xl<»; ctcse to Tweaty- third ave.. broad gauge Ic-al. schoeU ajsd cars; bow reated; see lieae. $2600— New ccloaial acrs». 7 larff* rcoaia. 2=» dlnlaj-mcm; niodara fa «very datail; sunny ail*; Ict nSxlo*5; c!cs« tj schocis. rars ami Kev Rutit-? traiaa; Cae view oC B*rkel.?y ac-1 Gvs!di-n Gate; small pay- ment down, balance on - ljt, asmthly pay- area ts. 2CO4. S2SC<V—New colonial houae. 7 rccais, hafh. ets. ; cn a racd corser on T^legraah ave.: Ict 33xlG4; fiae location .aad «3rm!mdl2gs: ¦¦!-s-» to ichooia. cars. Santa. Fe and Key Ruute trains to San Francisco; -*rr.i.\ easht paqmsSBta ;»j.-.'-i same aa rant. S. A- $373fr— Just beins built $3730. A S~xi3s bunsalow. ccctaiaing ca first fi-or. reception hail. ~arlcr. dialag-rKjai. USrary cr dea. kitcnea. paatrtea, etc.; sj- •rairs. three fcedroota* bath with a^ medem Cxnirea. two toilets, jaua and. elec- tric lighting: the linttn* and rrannls caa be ssada to «nir the tastu of ptrrcaaaer; this property is wrtatn easy waliiag distance <-f if'ourteents aad .Sro»dw»y. HOLCOMB. BREED £ B.yfCROFT. 1G«) Broadwa^ OakUad, Cai. A. J. SXYDER. flEAL ESTATE BROKER A.tD DEALER. 4«7 Nctii St., Oakland. CaL ZZZtX— A chance to «ecur» a hciae with very little ect'ay; lot •"•• xl^r 3 rxcj ».:•; bath; hcuse cn .'I'ita st.. n««r Teiesrash; only $23r> cash, balance at $23 per soeth: ch«ap-»r thaa paymx rent- !?.•:>?¦ Elesaat; I wxat yau to *•• that caciee new ..o~u that I 13 i<i;:--l:.-* oa tha sr^uth aid* ot :ilst St.. bet. Te!-gra;hi and Gcov«; diaia£-robC2 i* be fiai^heii ta hari maple; b«ast"tful inlaid 2c<.rs: wtd? rarer- ttaa hall: large airy rooms.; lot 4ijx14O: iijcati<in everything that co'ild be desared. $2S(» Ccttac- of & rocu «nd Ua.*a; :- Z'.*z st.. bet. Grsve and 'West: ronsr. cctt- veniect. w*Ubuilt and caa be ha«t aa *ery easy terats. $7JC0 li'ixn and th* rest at $CO ?*r iscath. ir:- cl'idias Interest. wt;i put yon tn pcaa»-»- ajoa of a splendid 4-rroni hetrse. barh and laundry : ei*irtric lighted: p»p««i fTr Zi*. ci-ok st3»«; Lot 40x140: scly 4 mta- uts^' war* the K»y Routs station at Grort- i.-v.i Fcrtieth sts. : tHi< u » snap for rKi». $23C0 One of th* ftsa&nnest rew cctrag^s ta town: 5 rcoms and hath: h:ss Nisemeat; fry ecsy an>I »ttra^rtire; sure and te« thla cne; near Filbert and 3Cth sts. $XCOc—Sp>r«lid lot en the north sMa cf SCth St., .^J:4.xl4<?: west >?f T'legraph. $3C0 Kay Rorte statlca^Icts. 30x133: "1st St.. near Adeliae; cal7 a few cf thes* left. Central Oakland Tract No. 2: here U a splen- did .'ot. close u Te!egr»7h; feet fnst. witlt stre<»t sewered and macadamized; 51st str- *SCO. A. S. 5S1VTSL REAL ESTATE SaCAfcS AND DEALER. 457 Ninth St., CaiCand. CaL E. J. »mVA?.T A CO.. ICC* BROADWAY, OAKLAND*. IC'X'O—I* yr* want a trxid incrm* oe y-mr rrroney. here ts ytur chance. Two b*au- ttr<il Cats, rt and 7 nwtas. wita >ar?» fca.-§emiat. Th^ prcr*erty haa an isccrae new cf $2S ser menta. aad tae owner oceupwe t^e t> roona. It ts close ta and ia a bargain. S273i> CTcsirg u-o an estate: chare* far a KTtstf barialr?. Deanxttfixl 7-rroTn hcaae. P'lrcelaia bath, wi* 1 ! ail' the nioilera con- veniences; tarje let with driveiray: oa S4tH- st.. betw»ea T-Ie«ra!:a av». ar;d Gruv* st. iNote tha^ location. > Thia property U ch«a3 i_ T.;7..... bat t.-» rgect c.'iick raTi wa are orf^rins tt at $2739. $2<00 J-sst crmrrt^nceff: la waTXina; dlstaac? of City Kail: O»?5itifsl 3-ncm cctta?e. wtta biyh fca*»ms3t and all the Tate*t tra- pnrven:* nt». . Plans can be charrred ts «utt rttr^»a <rrr. See owner at cf3c« for full rartirulars. 522C0 A saa;: »5-rrr;ra ecttaxe. bcth as-i hl,?h ba3»men*. brick fiundatt^a; ta 3 minutes' waHt cf Kry H-mte and risht c!cse r> strest ears; lit 32:rtxll2; oa the north <d-r of B*m street. wit!i cpea t»wa and beautiful Sowr gar-i>n. Iavesti«ate et ccce: fcarjain for nidi caaa *al>. aa«i U a sacrtS-* at tht* Drtce. $130 WITI rlace y-rs tn rors?sMca <rf a merf- trrn .T-Rf.rj houae with tars* basement; right n:ar. street car The bn'ance can hn rail~is ren: at SCJ a nwnth. Price $io;o. 1CCS BROADWAY. OAKLAND. RF.AL TESTATE "'KO'WE.'* S3* EltCAD- WAY. RCCMS 1 -OID2. UPSTAIRS. HEAL FSTATE FCR SALE. bargains olt. specialty. $23i-4) a half tterfe vt ta»S arai hcas* of « roca»: un2n:shi?d inside: Ca* tor chickens or pijrecra farm; clcsm Ia; fine srecn!ati-v» bar- gain. *230t> Aa Investment property; Z. 2ats: sep- arate *ntran?es: will pay Urer cent; a ssnap; ter"-:?. SrtOC— A f=- 3-r=rta ccttaja: all far- ri>he<t: gnn>* location; near car liae; w*2 ta; will aay t2 Der cent. £1£^- $^3^*. S*5ii4> a;.:; CpWlrf; *>¦!*¦!» gf th* f.r k; iot# In Oaklanti at the best targaiax KXt* A En* tr-iet nt Ua,l near Oakland. wtt*i srralt hnt:s«\ vrt'.U etc.; Just risat fsr Pl^n far= cr t hi,^_ M-\KE NO >nSTJ»KE tX OCB NUSTSETt. 334 BROAD-WAY. UPSTAIRS. SecCO— a 3-j hocse oa Talesrtfh av».; thcr- crcsHilT rrrrwi*m and c? to dara la every rt^ce«; 9 rwrs and bath: bara *x<i drive-iray: tnt BCatSA on a. ccmer; beaa- tiful sreondar; aturidm-e cf Cow-r* and sftmtb*r-r: tila price has feeea reduced froca s*i.".;¦. $£0 s«r front foot f.^r tot oa Wabatsr sc; close la: ""jr:*.; the thlas; for Cats; lot CCxlCG: C. K. MAKSaALL. IS7» BrctlTTaT. $2iU* CASK. *:0 tnoccisty: only $.•» per let for 1* lot*; tsar* tan.1 ait*>inia2r if wanted- all covered with full-bearlcs fruit trees: saajy team soil: Ideal location; near cars anil •efcect: no fog» ncr er:M wlada teTe; I? you ar» lotTkiiyr for * d»strabl« ixtr.t nir» let take you this prcprrty: adWniaf Eaat Cakland; call or send far circular 435 7ta *t.. cpjj. Ersairwrr stat!.-»r:. Cakiiad: car- riage. H. 3t JOYCES. land owner. S2CC0— SLs-rrcm eotta??. near CEntan stjtlcn- IarK» ?• t; taay tarrca. $27C<? Mad^m we'l-buii; «?-rooni house, near K*y Rcct*. ofl Tfl^rash aTe. J16CC Nice 3-rocia cottase: Tairty-atatlk st near Tetegrapft ave. F. F. PORTER. 4«& Eights *t.. O*kIaa«L 514ct) COTTAGE ft five rooms: lot 4<:xIW: cn* tlcck frcm the PiednKat-ave. statics *f the Key Raata; Tsry nr«a7 Iccatiaa aa4 near schnel; nrcst »ol.J; place cujat 3 sell for $2W>. but cwaer muss tav* morwy: term» $3«» cas*. balanc* nert- rasr^: Just Z2 on the Key Route to- San Francisco. ', . J. S. MTER5, itC2 Brw»d^ti7, r^'y^j BEEKELEY ADYEBT ? S y NTS BERKELEY REAL ESTATE. THE * I H03CS PARK TRACT. I "WEST BERKELEY. CHOICE ETJTLDIXG LOTS. OPPOSITE PACIFIC COA3T ;LUMBER AND FCRNatTURE MANUFACT- URING COMPANY. WEST BERKELEY, CORBIN STATION. On the l:-« cf the West Berkeley local I branch of the Scathera Pacinc Railroad. 1 ! 43 MINUTES TO SAN FRANCISCO 43 j 50—TRAINS PASS THIS TRACT DAILY— 30 !SPECIAL OFFER IN PRICES FOR THIRTY ' SPECIAL OFFEH ON TERltS FOR. THIRTY .DAYS. I ' UP GO THS PRICES Id TO 25 PER CENT. LOTS FROM $130 TO $4C0 EACH. $23 caih as first payment, balance $3 per 1 month. Interest cn deferred payments 7 per J cent cer annum. $U nircth Ccmmutatlcn ticksts S3 month , Si=e is Oakland. East Beriil-;y and Alaaseda. DO YOU "WANT TO MAKE MONET? Ser.d fcr 3»-day Social Offer. ! PACIFIC COAST LUMBER AND FURNI- TURE MANUyAi-TrRrN'G COMPANY Ear* Er*Ct*d a MA1IMOTH PLANT, . Spending h-indreds ct thrasands fcr the pur- . teen cf mUlin; aad manufacturing all kinda of FURNITURE. And bav« pecure.1 the most practical and corn- p-tirt men in the Vnttcl States ta stt-rsd ta : this branch ex th* easiness. H-andr»ds of men : will be employed ta d-Teloplrur what premises ; fo cne of t&i greatest industries i" th'.i , state. The cenrpany owns for this plant alone thirty' i acres of land. t.<-g<;th#r with a, water fr^nt I ¦*-h»re ship and rail can ccm« t^e^ther, arlorrt- in% shipping facilities to all parts et the coun- : try, either by rail cr slsio. L.V RGS^JJ SilAND. Although in its infancy, with but a few i -wheels ia motion t3 turn cut certain Iota of ' ftimit*.xr». the company ts at present having a :•»—:¦-¦: far is exs»i of their capacity. It : 1-5 newness to ?ay that such ar. enterprise has ; !rr.r been aeed-d in th;« Stata and that the ; project cadeitakea by these «twrs=cic ger.tie- : men will nndoubtetily pr-yve a success to them ¦ a< well as a beneiaetrr to th<» public by jflvlas i emsloyrmint to thousands of men in the-.r . factcry and timber lands. THS HOME PARK TRA<:T. ¦ Ccnsisttng ct only IRS lots, by reference ta the ! ma? caa bf »»«n lie« only across the str-~t from thu great enterprise. Every purrhaaer w~o bn-s in this tract, either fcr j hura or . tpecilation, can assured of a safe and : rrcfitabl* investment. TER3TS OF SALE. ; Fcr thirty I 19 authffrixeti to seU these rragniScently ideated l^ts. Only $2S cash aa : irst payment, balance $3 per month. t zzzm Interest ra deferred payments, 7 per 'jent : per anacai. Address a!I comsssnlc!»t!-»tT i « «jr call -jp?m I. Vi. LAYMANCE. ' 632 Market «t.. !ian Francisco. Cal. Phone Buah .723. .1. " \ ! LOTS LOTS. LOTS. LOTS. ; ELEGANT lotji. tncltidine street wcrX within 4 block* of Berkeley staticn; $«!W upward; terms riven. BeyfttBS T»rraoe. th» f r'iniWnf view In C?rk<*- i lots: includlnx utreet work; $ia:o op. I We have an el»jnnt I^r-»>ai hcux<». tneladin? i sta.b!». r'.cse t:> the Univ»rsiTy and rar l:n*a : , to r»nt far $..> p»r m-:nth: will sell tf desired : jr?TER & EAIRD, 21.T7 ShattBC* ire. I A SPLENDID opportunity to buy two 'if the ; finest lota tn Berkeley, as owner is leavi-jr1 the State ar.d is anxious to malt* a ctiick ! sale: property adjoins the university arcurjiia-I Butsjaifleaat view*; an ideal spot for a hrrr.s I ¦ M=«t attractive h»Mne aj <i tobj and bnth- ' all modem trnnravementj: near Kfy r-7uta : ] cn cne of th-i main avrnnes; prti*e"$n23i) Splendid investment; 12 lots east cf T»I«- : sraph av«. ; in chotce locatU5n; atrwt wrjri ; all tl<yr.e; cemfnt sid^wallts: at bargain fiyare- can be retailed at lanje advance prices. BOARDMAN ERCS. i <r6.. 133 Montgomery st. , $15.<)C<) FIVE acres of the finest residence I:ts < lo Berkeley: on hill ovi»rlcckrR^ Saa Fran- c-.soo Bay: 2 blcrks frcm car liae. $3000 1 lots on Walnut it. ; cne minute frcm ' F train; view anexceled. J31U0 Pin«» '. -rcom house near Berkeley sta-^ ¦ ttcn: only *C0i> dowa. We have lots from $13O irp; houses and lots ! [ fr-rm ?*<><""> up; terms $130 down. baTance tn ' 1 small payment*. NEWTON &. NEED HAM. r731 Cer.ter «.. : R?al Estate rind Iirsarancs. ¦ - - ¦ I GCCD Investment* Near New Santa F«. ALL ON EASY PAYMENT3. End of block; 271 £«.•; frontage aa track; two I blcclcs from Berkeley station $2320 I Let 25xlCi>: I blocic fraza railrcad $i00 ' , Lot 40xU3; sour. ; wi;fci a V, block *»3i> I Hair block M.'oialar R, R. property $2fi«« Bay wC«re values are tncreastnj. Several tundrrt oth«r lots acd & aamber of ! cheap bouses. CHAS A BAILET. ItCS Unfr-rsftr it*. N«sr San Pablo »»«., West Berkeley. " col;;g like hot cakes. ' LOTS In ths Hopkins Terrace and the "Wheeler I Tracts; the most elevated and st»st!y ioca- ' tior.» ta Berkeley; strrrts are beta? niacad- ! amtsed: cr,«t of sach work tnctude«I ta th* price; the view obtained frcra these tracts is 1 beytjed descriotlcn; so ad fcr map at prices ! and terass. W. J. MOnTIMEH & CO.. 2T2S Center st.. Berkeley i p&^Si- Ma»n entrance ta V. C. ; FOR sale— New aad nearly new hcu3"s f-am ! $1SCO to $20.CC0; tots from $23<> to $7C«0- w^ i <an »ili you * destrable let 3 blocks from i Dwlgat-way staCcn. size 40il30, for $7C0- ; will buiiid you a b.jua* to suit oa a payment i of $3CO dewn. baJance monthly; before bay- i Irg. give us a call and let as show ycu our ' extensive list. F. H. LAWTON & CO -Itl I Center it. "* j $35?O BARG*AI>«, ' $GCO CASH, BALANCE EAST 6 large rooms wita bath, new aad mode-aT sunahir.« la every rcom. us to date all over- yas and electricUx; sidewalks and finished street: aice view. Large Boa, 43xU7; plenty I rocia for drive .v*y ; enly 4 blocks to S p and Key rente trains. N«ari7 ready to ocrupy ! See GiUihaa at CHENEY i BEilRY'S. Post- oface block. Berkeley. $2630 HERB U a for any oae: a welt built home ef 7 rooma and bath; lately paint- ed insid* and oat: street work dune; «ran<* view; clcae to cars; Drtce $2S34 fcr a f-w days; cal' and see- it without delay. W. J. 21ORTTMER A CO., CVJt'.i Ciater at.. Berkeley. Main entrance to L\ C. BEAUTIFUL 3-ronrn bansalcrw; avxlera- n»w improved grotnid»; $2700. 132! Stuart. "«ff Grow st.. Aahby station^ Berkeley; no agent* EEAUTTFUL house of, 7 rccms; lot 3CxI.73; gardex fratt trees: 4 block* from Lortn sta- tica; turaia easy; ta rait. 1CT7 Fairvtew st. gttL SSTATS CO U ii T MT— JPcr S*le« a—130 ACHTS: dairy raach: 23 aar«a good »:- - x beCazce g^cd far=lag laad: feaced tr.i c7C2s-fsaced; gsod ho^Te aad fca^aa; SCUM. 23 acres, all ta il'iJir g^od water rigat: '¦-¦<¦ bara, < wSa£s£3 m Ti-k; chraa aad gsod; Stsck aza gaaaral £arz: 800 acres: faced and crcae-f cased: restdcace. saraa, lixia aad ctocr »~-»" c-dldtags; 72 head. SO hap, li<> ftv.»-t, s hcraea. 4 cx-sles, wageca aad -:»—- = -.. z:- 1 .- ¦ terma. _ A IXQ •r-i Scascis. Cscaty. near Eaata; E.-s*; S a-r^s crcharl: &> acres craia; bclaacs inr< crchard cr T^a«ra-d laad: waar vaei aa c-jmeraca sprtass: water piped u h-i-ae. tarn acd ccrrals; 513 per acre: terssa, 23 «_¦—«. 2O acres rt_i_=. Tlaeyard. balaasa :- iira-fau *-roc=i house, ham and cuthu;;d- :=»s; a let cf perscnaJ grjgerty; iaccme- $13C0 per year; pr".ca $43C0. 47 a-rrea, aS ta alfalTa: water right, feaced •r.:I crrtss- feaced: heese and accessary fculld- tr^s: ti;a ia a r«ry desiraile dairy ran-ca; fMOfc 4«r> 1 •-.: : v aad dairy rasca: aH rested: C23 acr^» Al alfalfa land; «— -«* ca land; gr:od maier rigat; SCOCO- A ~ : - BarxaZa. 1W a-rea; 12r> la al-alTa, baixace r=«d ;as- t=r«: fecf-tisit fence; crcaa-Jeaced tata S feldt: water lor Irrigative aU year reuad: water right iccea w-.ta place: S-roca. ?e«:dene». SiTM, chicken e^t^»». sheds, ccrrals: a crns- r«ete dairy li-rsi: cream «»?eratcr; 20 dairy ccTTs. 14 r*arLU:n: a lrt rf road wagra. m*-wer. rakes, hay derrick aad small tools; fir ai:. POM; terms. r^rrrrr :jl\s and trust ccmpant. STOCK P.AXC1£ES A SPECIALTY. CaZ^emia >*rs-f*a. Artrsca. Mexico st«k raacres fcr their valae Tzr gnz-^r vast tracts r-^tahle tcr rshcUTtstos and ccloKixatiea. Vai- ua: » act aleae fcr gr^slag. but fcr timber, ag- riculture, ell. minerals cr tswa sites. We have many tracts where frcst never ocrure. tt, ha»-« many raloai> rasrrr* lands where grake cattle are fat la Ajril. when bee? tt-,rr-~tl -.' t ¦H"e have bestness prrrerry that win pay < per cent set ca ecsx frr five cr tsa years' lease have resideacea c? to date, ia tie laad ci th* lenca. craaxe. suashiae. trztz »*«f sewers. ""« fcav* =^=y bea=t:ral crchard ;:-•« ia the anetf Sasta Clara. Valley. n«*»r the Gardra Clry cf It-Tarsia. Gocd ia^ry m~-^ ailaifa TT« caa c2!er a Jiexlcaa graat that w£l bsq- pcrt iruOO teai ef cattle fcr caly S3O.0O0. CEAF.LE3 W. CC- * CO.. F^al Estate. Cattle and T->— - T 75 73 auirilli blig.. Ean Joe*. r^T E »-."3A^<'S ta ranches aad nral hosaa, etc. : we t.'Z tor. sell and ex-aan^* ,%*izj ct aU i.nla. MVHDOrK ft CO.. 13 Chrrmirle ttdg. F"F- rale P-an-h. 10i a=^«; U miles fr-rr. CaiCand: rrsit. hay. stack. tmp!*m«ata and f-m.-r». Sr-z. Call ofnee. ponrr arczjgQja lfgi^x. xstattb. >_LTA FTTNTa TP_»,CT. at iTiija. cn iaatm F* and e^ectr;: reals; land $200 per acre; lets 6»'x20a at $li0: cr=iard cf 13 acres and bt:'. i;r^rs. 1W> per asre; mcnthJy payments: ser.i fcr ma^s. •*-=. HAIGHT. 4^71 gr^LO F15Z *Tr rSTATT. COO 7ZZ. arre— Tw-j ?-a^re ar.d ere 4-a^re trart, back cf 5"i:r <~-^ : water aal good -cads; last cf ti^ zr-^^zy left; H cash. H.voia Park A £=? ccatry hctne. wrta wjjg-.Z^ garlen and marnrScent trees; w»tl imUt, cli-ta«hicced tcnae ia good conditlea; Icr sai« tt a berzain: 13 a^res. ail traprcved. Fa_r On** La-d ta best part of this dis- trict; we:: *heiter-d and woc«i~i; la tracts ef f-cm I ts 3 acres.; special tsr=s ta these t'l-iiag ; .~>/*»*» : y. SELBT. RODOEKS * CO^ Telessirne 2£ai= ?73. lit CaU^cmla st. 5A7T 2tAT~O -By-aT-r XSTATIL Sa:: 3JATEO EAN 1LVTEO THE FTNEST-SUBUP3.AN RESIDENCE DIS- TRICT NEAP. *AN FRANCI5CO- vs* have a cioic-e list cf «x=t-llent residence -j.-v-nie'-. \;:i* «tt<>9 and acreajpe. Don't fail * ' '-s t^Tn» barmg. Inveetigate San. '^^: Park. The idsa.: tr^7*rzy rt them ai f *t*r=iz cne a^r» eadi. Easy ter=a. Socad he BKxt raltiahle. See oar Incal « = •--.. Frank S. Ersrscc. £aa JIatec «f2ce rAi_D-s-rr.- &. hottell. 25 Pest st. L'lilTAPARK Ca tSs» of iaa Mateo electric caj-j; 43 minutes frcm ;-.h and Martet; sewer a=i water Btptfj ta eaca let; e>ctric. lights, ; CC-fcct Let* fr;m $323 ta $400; terms. I'-'l i—i-z and $10 a month; ret cC at "LomiTA ~»-ir' aad iave«ti£ate; nay sent oa appii- EELBT. F.CMZB2 i CO^. Ttt ?.ri:n ?71. i:"J Cal:f-:r=La «t- SA3TA C2TZ 22Ai ESTATS. *- ¦ "¦' a-r«s at c>a Lotcccd: crcaaxd and vtaerarl: creek rosa thrcaea place: cf. water, 2<'-'W-gaiIcn tar.k - .'¦» i-ruse and grcuacs; cosy 4- rrcc-'i. new cottage aad fcarfc: cleaty of weed with ready atarket clo«« ta baad; cfeear at $2CG0. EUSINEH3 <r3AN<rES. can. sLa:e *oa b a fcak»ry. b«5cts and •tees, meat =^s.ric?;. bLcyrles. srT<rertee. feed. i:T*ry. wioti and c^al. to», secocd-band r»ds, Tr^gr-g hevs . hct»I. fcardwar*. dry rseds. jen- erai stcr-. etc , ar.i :a fact ta ab«jtit any line ytrj *jt ::er_?ag» ia. ADAMS & BAR2.X, Real Estate Brokers. 117 PUic iv... S^r.-a Crs* Califrrriia. EAYWASSS K7T1T. ESTATE. STANTC.V TPA-.T—$!;•¦» to iZZt} -tr acre; from. 4 Ba H acre trscts- Sj3»— Bea^tirsil crrcntry home; IO acres: va- r-e-ry cf frslt. tacatly a->ri<rcts aad : acn?s £=- vegt?tafc:e <w alTalfa Und; very -tea ana grews sl-^icst ev«ry- 'hinr: hra>» cf 3 T-xmca: wtadmlH: taak- hocse: ««X0-<a!. tank: rx4 Scred well: Sae water and r>»?n.tifil; fcaxn aad 2 ¦•hickra-kocsea: r=rsl J .»::T»rr; daily cun- rsuni<^ti:a a-iih Ssr Francisio. l:?!i«— Hma*. 3 mema. tata and rantry- let Zt^xirxi; pri! --caticn; cce bloc* fi-a •lectri-: cxr. F-tXtOE A gTANTON. $73 EACH-U» Ir: E3ai»rur»t. t ti.---k frcm the r*;!r<^*d «t*lio=; Cae meO. hea>J:fal !o-ality- eajy a few o< these I<it* left; $3 mcathly. SZZC 2-rr*;~* j hard-2cish»d, mcriern ccttag". I MUb* ii let*. :a Elmhurrt; feaced aad -r cuitavatinn; small caan jajmeats, bal- »a« moottiy. ... .*¦-' C^CAR EETMA.V. It P-art «t. K7.F7. SS?ATa~7O IIXCJULgGS^ HKAI.TT E2CHAXGS COMPANY. F. A- BARK, MANAGER. fUFTE ?C7-*a CALL BUILDING. It is rntcoestly the case that a' party wishes ta sell him taXffiSCi fer ii* purpose of reiav*»t- Icj the prc«:ee4s in i dXSereat <tiad of property. Ccr icni ct^rience ta tils ba»ia*s» enxbles is to cften 2cccs;l!sh this double purpose cr szlr cse rraraactioa. Ti* cciy ccaaitiaa we xalt« s that r&ur ;rcr»rty. if yen w.»a na to 5.-P««e tit It fcr yoa. MUST BE GOOD OF ITS itl-VD AND IS A GOOD LOCATION. L-oa t t*»^ cp cLJmi i-^r Cz» er ycer cw& wita worttl*»s oS>r:=«-«. cr property so liemviiy acr^gaswi as ta b-av* no actual «q-=ity. IfK has merit, whether 70a e»a r«al estate sr a serraatfte cr nsanj^actsrinx tnsiaess. seifg a il-si"!;CC5 cf »aai« to ccr cf2?e «tai» a* srfeat.fcrd cf ywi -refer ia ex- -fcarg~. *~d rca wta rarpnsed bew wt> car* «r?ert ta-» rrstiit. THIS 15 £IMi»I.T BECArSE WE TrSZlZn- «TA>T> THE EXCHANGE BL"StN'E3S and ar* 16* enlr r«r.9»ry in Saa Francisco rr- J k-<- Tr ,, »pe»nalty of «ai»e. make bo charge fcr ad- »erti«=5 cr aay ether -£Zles3 vt pro- cur* an «jul:a2ce «atlstaitcry to yea ta ac- -' r-t. . L2S acres Tia^yari and orchard, fn bea=ti*ol Szn^ taCrazJicc«». fcarci.wtaery.biackj^iith shop t^aetKL lovely ground*; hors*». etrwa. chickens." tnoU. wagons; fenr^ies. ete.:par.rg very band- ataar rsveaas; tacrr^igaiy e^airped aad tscf- frr-d for bay tova prepcrty. oa accotmt ct Ul &eairfc; price JL3.C00. Particulars 247 5th st. EXCHANXiX A fine residence ia Alameda. 1212 Paru rt.. fcr a resilence la the city-; cwner win «ay cash di—erence. A. J. RICH & CO., 112 \Tr-~*~*_*vi^ry jt. TTE hare •e-r»ral acmes la Oaklaad to trade fir UttJe piaies la the cctiatry. GEORGE W. AU*TLV. 1C02 Bread way. Oaklaad. 20 EaP.RELS of good to exchange fcr g-jed country laad*. Eos 15C9. r*n cfijee. ¦ StTDSTAi*TL4X eqairy ia 10 cholca city tots.I crsr cars; want laad? Box 1313. f~nn XOOEF-X Ulssasa "£ats ccttages. wita! larye grcuaiia. iz. Oailaai. Box 3.422L f^'\. FEUITVALE ADYERT^S BYNDICATB lyvEViMEjrrcompany. tNCORPOftATBTD- lii 15». 312 BUSS taTREET. SAN t.'ftA'V* *^.^TY> HONEY TO LOAN". BRANCH OFFICE. FRUITS" AL3. VALENTINEG. HUSH. President. ' V- . S. R- THORNS, Secretary. FTRST NATIONAL BANK. Treastirer. It makes no dUtereace whether yoa have $10. $1GO or S1CCO to invest. L*t us shew you our large Ust cf houses and Icu. ' (?otta?es for sale all Cm way from XC3«> to 1 $1SCO on easy caymenrs. Finer residences ranTtns- fa price «oll«w»: $I«50. $2tX<>. $223Ov t22C<>. 5270O. $30«:0. $3200, $3.-500, $4C00 aad oa cp to $25,0Ca VTt bav« ."xcluai-vi sale cf all the property lifted with us. ! IaTwst S130 ta onu of our HemphiH Trast lots; $25 cash, balance $10 per mcnt.1. OB : Inv-at J-tCO la ece cf thes* Cne lots ea I Peraita ave. ta tfcet Frsi trade Olea Tract; your own terms. CR » Invest iZZO ta go* cf our dssen beasUfal lots ca Bray avenue; s-jre cf Ijt3 22x133 fset. 1 OR Invest $125 each, ta a U-w lots ta tha Ltada t Park Tra^t. OR. Invent J3CO la th? Le^y and Lane Tract. within 4 blccks cf ataticn; sue cf lota 30xl3O feet. OR Invest $7C0 Ina corner lot oa TcaStnSi a.v«- : na«; corners are scarce, jau know; sisa 32x1^0 feet, OR Invest J^CO close u> Fraitvale station: sijt- ' t.> maJie you <{uici rroat. and where tlie ' meney willabnulut'ly safe. 1 Remenioer, we bav»e Largest list. Choicest Lots. Lowest prices. Eajisst tsrnu. SYNDICATE INVESTMENT COiTPANY. Com-;r of Bajsitt and Putnam str»*ts, Fmitvale, Cal. > Fhcne -Vsh. 3i7. . i H- BA2KMHTEE, I2f'«> B'r-utva:«» ave.. Fruitrale Statlcn. Cal. I $11X) cajli. bitianc- $0 p»r n-reth; clain cct- tas^ ot 3 Urs* rcoma. let 73x2ie; alt ftnead; z^od w»!I and mm!; 4 bLcckJ [ ' frcm. car line; crtce, all Uld, $5^0. 1 $1.23i>— New cottas* of 4 roomj; pantry an<£ doseta. hanl finished; yo^d well and purcp: lot 3<>x30'J: firming on 2 gtre-Ks; 2 biccfc* frc-m car line: terra* if desired. \ $100 caah. balance $U 5<> per montn; b»iy window cottasm cf 4 rwms; hard fcnish- ed; sliding do»irs; pantry, closats, etc.; :j block* frcra Fruitrale station; price > ody $12C0; worth invest:ga:ins. $l,3C0 Mcd-rn o:ttas? cf 9 ir:orn3 and bath; ; larje pantry; high basement; Ict 5Oxli3; nice ttower-4 arai fruit trees; bam and bugsy sned; driveway, etc.; near rar line; la walking distance cf local train: this ia a Cn* home and must be *.«3 to aaor«<:iat«d. « i I2.4T1? Very desifabie cuttas* of 4 roams; high basement: punrry. hall; h»anng orrtard; ; plenty of cftick«n honH*»; tor. -:-*s :¦¦'-¦.•. on mat:»iiami3--d r^ad; no reaacnatiie offer refused. ; $3,!00 Modern ccttas* r>( 5 tarca ricnrs »f! bath.: a!I the lawst improve meats; attic all floored: 4 acr»» of cbc'.c* Uuut ta bearing orchard; 2-3tory bam. carrlaa^ hcrase and stable; <-stra e-.-eit wetL. w*nd- milf and tank; t^is an elegant home ; SBit mt:st be aeen ti b* arcrecl-it^d. 5U,I0C Two-et:ry r»st<i»r!cs of 12 r.ccrs. n*w',y ' renovat d: n.-eptac« and staticcary ( wasliutaada ta each, rncni: tarse. artia- j tie icrounds: tw>-stary bara and oat- bui'dinsrs: elesant Dlace for sanitarium mt docture home; t«rrR3 $.^rO cajti. bal- ! an.-» cn easy monthly installmeat*. ?o,<5CC Efte"* 1 ** horn* <;c Fnitvale aveni*. cnntainiss <i larg-? rocm«. all sice!y ] tiittrd and frescoed: rccepticrt hall, por- ' eclain bath tub; all ouen and nick'l : r!at«d nlTimhing: lars* lot. twJxL'*."?: :*. ] iarx^ h-thous<»s clanted 'With chi'ir* ' carriatton*; extru. s^od well, wrndraill anii ; TCW-ga.Ilr-3 ta-S. a!T enTfr?sed: win re- ; move hrathens*-.-* antj a^lt for $4009. Fcr particulars nt>ilv tn H. BARK.METER, N«ar Fraitval* i^rarica, Cal. W. E. RUDELL. Comer Fruit-vale .U». an<t WashiastSB Et.. i Fruitvale. Cal. HERS ARE A FETT GOOD BARGAINS. One c* th»ae onjht tf> s«it you. Ii y%« want ' to live tj "beaat;ful Fraitvale." ¦ $SCO Houe*. ."i nice r?cni3 and bath; close to station acd car line. $12C4 troffag". 4 n?<;=i3 and bath; lac -tCx'-'O: £ half bitici - frora Fruitvali-ave. car line: terms if desire«i. iJCt.O f.'ottag". ; rocras and bath: lot -43=113: ¥ c\it*n ta cir Iia#, stat'.ca aad schoct. . %VjO Lot JCx2':<3; will Icaa you ta« racoey to - - build. $3SCC B^autfut ccuntry heme: 4i-i acres; ' fruit, vegetables and Sowers, nlca cottag». ¦ (S rccms; larze stab!*, chicken hcxiifn. ] windmill and tanli; "think it over, then 1 CttS and 3-?e 0:0.'" S1CUC N^.w, modern, cotta;*; 4 lars* rscma and recent; jn hail: pcrceiain bath, sta- 1 tita-iry vmh trayr; high ba»«m<f3t. part- ly Cor.rsd: Iars» lot: near station, car 1 line <id.J. achuol: terms reajcaabte. ACRES AT $1-10 PER ACRE. E Apply W. E. RUDELL. Real Estate and In- i jur-inc» Xgeat. Frultva'-i are. aad Wisiin;- \ ton st. I. L. SAXXO3C, Fraitvxle. Ca:. StlCQ Stack and :rr^ruvem»nts and Craft en &• acre ranoi ia Fr.iitvale. The Lmpniven*! nta ; cocsUt «t 3-room !x»use. 17 ehicken houses. ! 3 brocier house*, 'i incubatcrs, f.ed house, j «T.'Od hcrse and. w-isotj. cart, ail tool* and i icTOi furniture: seed -well, also city watar; on!y 2 blocks fr-3m car line. $2,3c'D Just cjmaretad a new cicdarn 3-rcoci cottage, Lar-ia rerrtkra hall. scrceLaia bath tub. nxant^i. ra^ and «I«ciric I flxture*. lanr» lot. street work all *ine, ' c»n»nt wa'is. ?SCO Two acre^ cf sarten land: grod bara. bricked up wpII,- Boaa&tSm for hjuse. street ] wirk all dene. INCOME PROPEP.TY FOR SALE. 3-acre raaca. Craft, terries and ve^-tiSIas; > etfuipped for raisins stock cf ail kinda". Iar?e farmh<M:3e: hot and COM Tratir; windmill; ! larse barn; bcx stalls; stan«l»a firca'tle; price- i reduced (run ?C"i.O to *-"•:« t: . ofl couoie want I tc cn East. Lot !n Oakland. 3'islS.". only $+30: close t-> , Key RouW. Scathera Paclic aad Santa, Fe depots. Tfcase are 3na-s. Ccs3-r.and ace tha cunwr. ~.-*r r. 1^ saxto.v. t> FRUm/ALE STATION. P. O. B.-.'X. 213, Frair-.ale. Ph.:ne Vale : CHAS. F. L5E. Phcne V a ;- 2T/<J. ' Office cne-half fclcck from Fraitvale statica. StCCO *SC«1 caali. b«'ar.-e $1& monthly: ntrose > of il rccms: clcs* ta street cars and sriiocl- Ict 3CXU0. *5C4> cash— Beaotifrl. up-tc^iate, h[«;X bajw- j ment cottar* of 3 rwms. bath, reception-hall. | pantry. .-«:».lra.iry wasarabe; sanitary pitanb- i tn.r: near the local train, sence! and electric cars: tat 23x123: rrice. all .tuid. $T73O. SUiTO cash Mc*ra hotrse. bat&. puntr>. 'lesrant art mantel, abundance cf ' b^rry vln^s cf ail >cisufs: 15 fruit trees tn bear- '• tnu: sravl-d wal'ita: '-hicitirn house and yard; ' ntcaly ttrrirt-d; oa^ t!••-:< to street cars. ! seN-cf, and t?ml train wirhtn fenr mlatrtss' ' wane: street wcr!»- al! dnne; s*rTr^r»d; nice sidewalk; lot 0:^x1:10; monthly parmenta $20- Erw». all told. fC3Mk $73 tots tn the beautiful R=sa t^e Tract; fin»! srtl;. gra-.d viav.-: new hom*» racldly J.ima- its: ', na ccid wind" cr ««t tmza and lots only $73 j each: *3- down. rj*:anc<» $2 3i) r>«r month. CHAfc-". F. LflE. 1221 FruftTale *v*mie. _ SPECIAL ~~~ FOR THIRTY DAYS. LINDA PAPS. LirfDAPARK. LINDA PARS. ! T^e terminus if 5-cent fare. Haywarla cam; ; streets graced and ?ravefrd: stone sidrwaiij- j depiit on tract; lots firm S3D to $UCO; $1T> caaa i and baiarsci* $10- p*-r moa:h: 13 bio.?ka w luc*i trala; t*rr !ocn:ed property cn San Leandro j road: crad^L, sr-nool on tract. App4y to S. S: AUSTIN. lWt Twenty-third avu.. Oaktand. FOR sale— $2730; U cost $37U. rents far T2a per atcnth: 2 cntt45»s rm. lot. 4Cxl3O. Arcty tn S. S. AUSTIN. IIOI Tweaty-tMrd ave.. East Oakland. TWO netr cottajres. t aai 3 rccms: terms ta ' stdt ptm-haaer: cnaace to get gacd home ! chetrr- *l»"7 Bray ave.. Frnlfrale, on- bfeck i sctxth of county rotui. ! 310Ci> FOR sal*. FmitrraJ* S-rocra house aad j b-tth; lot 30 br MB; windmill arid tank, bara. Apply H- LKITH. (53 Rjecmer »t. FOR sale $10Ci>; house of 8 rocms and bath: I tot 30xl«U; bam, wLndmilL tank. Aroiv to . ?3 Bc*fcaier St.. Fraitvale. H- LETTH. " [ $43<>— STOCK an«l flxwres-cf pealtry and fruit I . ranch. F. LEITHM-OTN. Uacola. ave Cp- j per Fro^val*. ——»—.— —^ » 1^— .— —^ MIM ; QAELA2vl> ADTERTOlfTS O~" ICE. J»I6 BROADWAY. O£.KJ,ATTD KTTAI. SSTATS. ¦ mm ¦ : ~i $43Cfi—FLATS rijht in town: 5 aad « rooms; rent* $47 3f> month: a bargaia- By TItB ALDES CO.. 1233 Broadway. IF yetl tnt«n«i buying, cail and e»t m llwt ot d»slr;ibie prop»rti«-» at A. J. ENYDIi^R'S KZ i Xiath. st_, Cailaad. ALAMEDA ADYEBrSH^S AXAMBSA BJaAJi XSTATg. HATB TOC SZXX THE BEAUTXF"CT* -EDDIES "WE ARE OrTSRXNO FOR SALE! 3CT.3T BS SSSX TO BS APPRECIATED 1 . A3 assdera, ccs-reaieaces, the ?ery Ixtsst laiproveaie-tj aad Eo«t perftct arraagsmeat octalaaile. TrariT.r CHajucng: SCFEaBl ET TES CHOICEST LOCATION3 IN AT.*\rFTtA, PCHCHASS AH0MZ IN* ALAmrDX * E * Oealttiest. prettiest »^d meat deairabls elace far a honie ia tae world. >"ear Scboola. Traiae aad Omrclies- A 3TTW OF THE3JL ' JS200— Elegaat new S-rrscai eoloaial kotise; a preacuaced architectural scccesa; beaati- ! faUy designed: •very pcssiXle arraass- t =e=t made for cotafcrt. $-wOC New S-rccm coicmal hotxse- corner lot- ; -„ * barsxin ; «arroc=ded br beactifsl homes" ! $-SCO— See this heme if ycu waat * bargain: ; 3-rocia cattag* aad attie: lot SCxlSO; ¦table; worth. $7300; ctttsa: Iear'.c* cosa- JilCO—8 rre=« aad bata : let -43x130- Saa I _ > _^ Actsalo are. 1 $3710 <i rcEf aad fcatn; cottag*; let 40x150; ! i cearlj new. ; $25C!> <!-rocni ccttage; aew; let SCxlSO: mad- : errs. ; ;$ISCt>— Fias bargain: 4 races arid bath; cot- > tage; por:h. 23w»rs. cement witv-»; ca ! CTftHrfg«l avenue; moat be sold. ¦ J_li ALAMEEA LAND CO.. «-° Fart St.. Alajaeda; Picas ALiaisda, 430. SACRIFICE ERAND NEW S-ROOM HOUSE. ' IZZSt* Heu»* cc»t $23CO: I^t wcrth $S00- tctal ¦ cent $i7C0: only tTjZZO b-ys it: fc»st reasons I for s^lllajr: ts well built, modern, open '. plinicing. pcrcelaln bath, electric lights J aad gaa. cement walks, t'.c. ; every modern 1 convenience: beautifully finlsaed in pme; , artistic in appearance: Z blacks cf Mastick i «tat!cn: 35 minatis cf S. I'.: beautiiul location and surroundinss. LOOS— INVEST31ENT—LCOK. j *3?C0 Tt»> ntcdirn 3-rocm cottages, with large : recepticn han; rent* $3S per aiccth; steady tenants; well bu:It. modem, cement walks, la was, good lets; well located: I ewner ncn-resid'nt; must be said; let na ! shew faa these. ; t'i'.r- Tw~-et;ry 7-rootn Sm:»: h^h basement. ! t. rii£h«>«l ; modej*?. up-to-date: near Grand- i »t. »tat:oc; 2nj Iawr:: aa ideal home: a ' %*. -r-.n<?» ra acco-unt r.f cwner 1«a,vtng- ' VSCOf Elegant twa-stcri' heme: south side of i tawn. In beaatifal l--watioa; near bay 1 stcrt: well fcciZt aad Sntsfced; cearty n«w; , ccst $CCCO w^thrri!t let. I i-:y M.jdem t9 I n^m. two-srory aad bas*- rrent h-m«<»: med^rr:; up-tt>-late.- lot S>x 150; idssi Scnie. with stable: sitnated ca ¦ the !•:--. side, near sratica and cars. $eC0«'1 Modem house of 5 ncffli upstair* and 4 'i.-'VTistairs; tl!l:ard-rrora, cellar, wtnd- ni;:i and tars; let 53x1*0. HALLT t CO.. . 2312 SANTA 'JL.XRA AVE.. NEAR P.VRK ST. ! OFTZS TO-I>AY. ; HERS 13 A CHANCE FQH EVERYBODY. ; GRSAT BARGAINS. TTCT> NTCB WATETR FRONT COTTAGES ' : ON CENTRAL AVE.. N5AR STATION- i ' EAHGAIN5; LAR'lE LIST C? REALTY. GENUINE BARGAINS. 5-ron ccttajre Ninth, st, near station; I I lot 25xl2S>: eniy $14iX). A fine heme cn Reyent it.: See garden; lot I 1 JCilSO; near Park statrcn. TTTO BARGAINS. S-rocsa ecitxs*; lrt uPxl^3; J13CO. 5-roci= cottage; Ict 25x130; $13?0. FOS. SALE ON' E-4SY TERM-?. $30 rO"5TN. BALANCE TO SUIT. 3= LOTS . rt: 4x123 TO 33x17^. paf.t cr sq-':alled fkomm thact ITTVO BLOCKS FROM SIXTH-ST. STATION, THrr.TY MINUTES FROM SAN FftAXCXBCO HALF ELCCK FROM LONGFELLO%V SCHO«3L. FOR EXCHANGE FOR SAN FHANCI3CO ' r.rAL ESTATE A MODERN 7-ROOM j HCV5E 1^.- EEiT LOCALITY. APPLY TO A R. PENKZ, 1400 WEBSTER ST.. ALAMEDA. ALAMS7JA. AL.11IEDA. ALAMEDA. THE STTELLcs-7 AND FINEST SUBCBBA2V ! CITY IN THS UNITED STATES. THIS "O-EEICS LEADERS FOLLOW: $r>5j» Cn Paru «t.. sear Central ave.: 50- ; I feet let: bwbU. 1.— - r n*ir cottage of C rooms: ! : r<-rreia!n bath; ccmhiriaticn ras arid electric ' : Kr&S ?.xra-<*SL $12TT Fine BCCSi ccrtagis of 3 rxinrs: mcrt- rar- of S3C0 caa remain; see it. tlTZi! <rcttagt cf •* rj.^ss; -lot lot; beaatifal ; vi«-«r. $3Cr>0 New, Jrrst cnrrrpleti^: «!-room cottaa--; all the latest modern impravement»; $730 cash, ; talance monthly. $273O A beautiful te=«; lot 106x110; lawn. ; Cow*rs, »ts. : heese of S rooms. BUILDING LOTS AT ALL PHICSS— OUR : £?E:riALTY. If ycu are thinking cf baying, renting or selling eee the leading and reliable agents. HAMMOND i HAMMOrD, It22 P.UtK 5T. Sa>«san ia efflce to-day. CENTR-U-LY LOCATED. Kossera ccttaj*. tf rrrcn:? and bsth; let 23x ! 10S; enly $1 ¦»(."<) ; easy terma. T O CLOSE ESTATE Two-stcry b.^se. II rocms ar.d bath: all ; modern conveniences; in (fee order: north, sid* : , BfeStsi Clara av.-., near Grand; li seld at onue ! i $«00. A BEAUTIFUL HOME :Oa Mcrtca st.. sccth of Central: modern 3- I rccm. hcu=e; spl-ndMIy ballt; sanltarr plumb- ' ¦, ! =«- tattt. high basement, attic, taakhouse : ! weii cr citr water: lot 3OxIa3; coat owner : ' VXOir, win sell f^r KZTi»\ I J. g. HANLEY. 131.> Park ;t. ATTENTTON TO INVESTORS. This ts paying « p»r cent net; mast be sold- j i new two-story brick tutiiia«. cantainin* 3 ; stores: 7-foot c-ilar; 4 modem up-to-daw i i fiats; Utjw 2-et=ry stable; war-he-jea; 4,}x73: ! 1 near City Hal! and Library ftnlldtae-. cn ma:.i < ; line of electric cars aad i, black from "ark 1 st.: price -TlH.^ai: this !b a chance; call and I •»<• ua f;r farther* nurti.-nlars. TVM. DUFOUR & CO.. : =3* Fanta. Clar-t are., rear P:irit St.. Alameda ' ; BEAUTIFUL trise, north side Clintcn ave 19 rooms: medera: nothing tetter tn A.!a- meda: rharm.'rg hnm*. 9- rocms. Alameda ! are., cc'y ?r..-.)i}; 3-rccta cottage. Slw.'O. Ala- 1 rwHia ave. : 5-rscm cntta»e. Grand s- $l^x>- s i2" r^, 1 ?' .£v£ tr *l ***" rr * at fc «^ai=. Biaat i be teli. rrrx**; Irji> f e - t front choire lot on I ; Central ar?.. erjy $32X»; S Beta. *ne t-»ct ! frr bu'tdlBg. ofTr.r wajtte4 Lafay»tte «t. ! carraia. JTT3O. I E- D. JUDD CO.. It2t Park st. \ ¦ REALLT CHOICE A^«D REALLY CHEAP ' I 3S fin- huiMing I«ts ia the beat ~«'d-nc- ' , -art of ITinarfo; thew l^ts face cn Tajfar. ' ¦ Santa Clara. Haljet and Railroad .v.,.. a.^^' j are all within tvn block* pf railroad and street ! . car Ur.««: str^u rcacad%=ix*d and ! I cf cement: nricea rans» from $4<x> t-> $7"VV > >. terms. «5O »r;d mcrtth'-r rsrvmen*» C f fo' : HA%\TK3 * MEHRTENS; Sevesta st. and Railroad ave.. ATam-«da ! "a-d-amsV-cB: Fcr a :«-¦•-:'- real e-tat? tott fan tn caD I : tia. the reiiable agents who fcav,. ho'is»s cot- i tar-s and lets for sal* «n the very best toca-T STvSg^g. TaiM ?~? e •*» I ADAMS ft CO^ Bay «taacn. PhmT».AUrf.«da «3?2. Cf*ce ez-'.a 5s2 t Iars frora J a. a b 3 p. n. eli;er e. johnsox. *~- ~ csicnia! honl^. new. J375Q. S-r^nra bm«:o». r.«r, $273O. HcT"«ea. lots, all cn»^»» EL^fER E. JOHX3Q?f. ISOI Park st. $iCrt> WILL build to crier modern cottars c* 5 rcen»: let 3.1xt23 J- H. T.OUNG. BnlTder l?l.%Far!< *.. Alameda. G^>OD fcusir»-sa prmjeiiy at a bargaia cn P«r* **~ Inr;TriT» at 2HT5 San Ant.-^gfff ave. BEEKELEY APyERT'S'yTS HESXTZZ.ZTT "KT,\Tm SS7A7Z. i w. c. Jioa.u;. I1S50 Nfc.vw 4- room cottag-v all medera tm- prsrveasents, 1 block ta K.ry Route: street wcr* all dene; »2W> casa. balaace $20 p«r nwati. W. C. 2I0R.VN. Scuta Berkeley. tZt-Vt— 7-EOOM ecttage ca «O»ft. etrset- half block ta ears: trait trees, all bearing; gced ¦well; lot 50x1 49; a snap; street work all dene rndedirar c«=eat walks. W. C MORANL Stsata Berkeley. $3CO CASH bal $12 per nicath: 24 acres iai- pnmed. near Frcim!*: pne« X'ldnss \ F. O. tcx 10. Duuacni. C*J» t BEEEELEY ADYEET ? S ? NTS BSXOLZY •«•«a t. SSTj^uj. CHENET * BSKST. $3350 $800 casa; many cottage. 3 rooms aad bata; Z blocks ta cars and schccla; barrzia. S35C0 I6C0 cash: aaw ft-rocai boose; taa- saia* la all tae rctuas; haady tn traias aad 1 schools; snap. $385O TU.CO cash: 5 rocma and 1 bita; &ice place; near Dwight way; looJc this up- $4250 $3C0 casa: Etna St.; colonial r S rocnis and bath; cneice tcscatioa. $2230^-$23O cash; Vintaia-gt buns^tio-w; street work dene: 3 rooms and bata; $UC0 for let. hall cash; Forest ave.; sunny; fine view. $4C0 acre lot. near Tmtrersity; Alpine. $1300 arr* tot; Garemcnt; bargain for a henxe. $6CC0— Dwight-way business corner; 100x135. $l«,0C0 3*^ acres at Cl-or-mont; 13-rocca ' house: elegant grounds, fruit, etc. . CHENEY & EEKRT, PcstJtfice Block, Berk-ley. BERKELEY BARGAINS. 1 $1550— Modern cottiye. 5 rcoms. bath, etc.; lot 4t}xl<:0; gtre*t work, all dem?: close to t[ A«hby; cash $3CT, balance $13 month- ly. - usw> ! $22tO Buugalcw. 3 rocrns. bath. »tc. ; gas arjii , electric; cash flCQ, balance $25 monvbly. { ttsm j C7C0 Commedli^js eclcnial 3-story hauaa . j 'built 2 years). 7 larse rcoins, hi?h Saorsd busement. bath, tctlet, electric light,' city water, etc.; fane Int: Main av*nae. close to station; str^ec -work dcn»; small casii . » pam?»nt: ea«- In^tairments; a snap. (M4l» 1 !$2TS*; New 2-«tory hous*. 7 w^ll finished r-.oms. bath, pantry, laundry, 2 toilats; !cc 4-"-sI^0; srr«.»t wcrk and ceoi^nt dene, close to station. il.5"51> ' ! %-lZZv Pesirabie rssidence, 2-*tory. 7 rocma (paneled r^r^ptxa and dining rooms): up- tc-iiate ttttlass. etc.; lot IQaclCfl; ici- ,| proved av»cu-; ideal home in lovely lo- cality, near College ave. (13t"v , H. I_>. LSW1K. L.:rin station. South Bericeley. Ou»o siuniiaya Camas« in atteniiajici. I S13CC— "J-ROOM ho':ro: fcish tas«m«nt; on rcxln 1 j street; np-to-I^te m every respect; street ¦ j wcrk cenjptate; close to car?. j J-':Ci; Handsome new 0-rcom coctase; .; baj- wtr.dr*ws; gas in ev»ry room; tinted thromrSQUt: str»et work complete: let 4i;-x _ 130 and 4 f*eL abcv e strict: cl.j»e ta Key Route and S. P. station; blotk from screes cars. $33C3 Fine larye ?-rf-'Cta house with basement: corner l<x; street wcrk ccmrtete; la heart of Lortn: bandy to ail cars; owner's in- structions are to rsfMce no reaaccabta ci- te. ANOTHER SACRIFICE. ! ; I have ttve lary*. beautiful Lota within 3 [ minutes' walk of K-y Rdum and S. P. trains: ¦ j all fenced; street work and cement walk: your.^ 1: fruit treea: tofal frontal" if!t> f»et; aa a, "whete 1 or in subdivisiccs: a grand buy. f jC C EM^'LIE, the Aahby-ave. Real Estate ( ' r«?al-sr. tjren S"uaday» frctn 12 t-a Z. . $I3C0 i r. ; cie*. modern; Ict 37x133; inr car«. easy term*. "^-StSCO a r. : nice condition: lot 40x130; sear : : Grove St. I $223*) 5 r. : lot 30xt3«>; near U. C. and "Key."' ! *2300 7 r. in.i attic: moiara; let 40x130; near Orcve St. j S30CC H r. : n;-w: nlc»; good tot: east of Grore. ?.>7Ct! > r. : modern; nearly saw; line location; near tn. ¦ ; $03<)C 7 r. : modem: fine location; east cf t Dana, ncrth cf Dw'.giit. < i $4Z3n 7 r. : new: a «-?m <f a home; very sight- ly sa:uau-Mi: near Berryman. \ ; f\Z>:<> * r. rr--nr; 3. d^isy; fin-iy finishe-l; base- ¦¦ aient; <?;c?ant lecation; beautilul v.tws; . j near IGCCC .1 r.: aa attract Jv». medera hcrne: I^L=d- *ctr» grourtila'; cnotce location; near nci- '.' .Tiitr: ertnttrnaatmam trjseii; nwk* <sfr-r. LTUANAL1.EN. 2VZI "Center st. ' $CC<^> A NEW 2-star-*. «5-rQt«n bouse; larg-; t>.t; ne&r tlte Key Rnute. ; FU:e 2-Jtory h-iwe of 7 rjoms: cemer . : tot: <:re«t work all dona: very conveniently ¦ situated. ; -Si&eiV- Near Dwijht 7<-~ay sta:icn: fia* 2-atjry I house of 'J rccms; lot 7ttxlO3; street wirk. aS dene. $7000 A 'j>v»ly swell chalet; fine corner lot ia a nrst-cljs.; r/»:«3i-<w!i>>;d. cn aa electric : car line; a ;jr?tty place. ii acr* in th* a*irt ot town, with ottajte. ; wlrdmii:. 4**«"C-2-a;. tank, lory- bam. crvr seed , aad bus,ry thte&'. frcntlns; cn macadaaiizeil ( str»»t. for sale at a tarjain; there* money 1 in. it. JOS. J. MASON, Esal Estate. c SE. cms Shatrick ave. aad Centsr »c.Bsrks!»y. , ALL BARtiAlXS. ; $ZZtAi EIe«mt new »5-r»-.cri Scc3e. ;iear Dwljht way tfaffew; car. be twoirU for * 1 JCi>cash; cfc<?a:vr tsaa rest. ' $3S5'> Larit 7-rocm h-ji^««». n»*r university and test car lines: beat bary-iin in Berkeley ' ;$3<;CiJ— > rwms. Nirth Bjrksfey; hi Sa base- ment. SooretJ attic; conservatory; lary? lot; perfect Ia-wcr s»» thLs plic- : aiaics offer; owner .complied to nr-ikj .jTiick ::aie. ¦VTrit? to xw f.:r eery c f our ne-» map .if Derkaley. ahnwin? all ?tretft». ear lines. local ! station:;, <iniv»rsity bti f .!.Iin~!« »tc TV. R. ELLIS tCO./ I Phccg North yj. 2130 Shattuck ave. ; $11O EACH—2 hcusws: EzTSS let; half caah. ti!ance lei«s than rtiat. $li3<) 3-r. eottay-; lari? ict; on Z streets; terms rea.«:n.ib!e. $1700 Shinsied mttas 1 -: ne-v; $,v:o cash. $13 rer men in: moxt sell qui.?k. Ccttjg»s All prices, frcm $12iM> up: jr-jod lew. $2C0 and up; hins?s. £Uts and star»s to rent Phcne Dirby SOC. MURDOCK £ CO.. Open Simdaya Scuta. B^rk*l«y iLortni. I«Jh JftXE lot, 44xX9; on TTcoisey st.. near T?t«s=apa ave. : Cos a f»»?» days only. Ta Rent tn H*rice!-y. House cf 7 rooms: on U*h«| Cr st.: $27 5«>_ House of 7 rc.irns: on Louisa st-: $C3 l?cnse of H rrr.2. n B!»*r? tz. : $20 ; LITTLE £ WOOtSET. Stt* ave. B^rk»iey, Cal. . MAKE diligent tr;v»stlssticn and then compare prices aad advantage of the -M;i>« Tract" with any property far ••jrsneral rciroers" la Berkeley and you wilt Qrwl it stands at tha head of th* Ust; one btcc't from hlsa so lure 1. two blocks from ne-» library, rnaia Key RiiOte ar.d S. P. statlTs; three btccts from university acrt Santa Fe station. FP iNCI'^ FEREOER. 2121 i-Iuttuck ave. ; 6 ACRES la the heart of town, with catta^* ; windmill. 4C<M-cal. t^nV. I^^rg^ b»ra. e«>w shed and baszy sh»d; CnmiiBc on macida- raised street, for sale at a barzaln; ther»'» money ia It- » JOS. J. MASON, i SS. Ccr. Saattack and Center St. PHILO MILL5.n»J7 Shartiick it». j I havo a few law left tn the folio-wine; tracts; I Berry -Baays. Hopkins' T»rnc!, Wheeler. M3- 4-<3ee. Daly Scenic and Sweeney tracta. Also j choice, select lets here and there. Let me j show them to you. Phcne Mason 21S2. 1330 FOR a S-TOom cottigs and baspment; lan» let; smith frrnta«r~: near Berkeley sta- tion; a birffain. ALBEE t CORTELL 2133 Csntsr St. I ELEGANT lot in Berkeley for «a!» ch^ao M0RAN 4 SWAIN. 21.TI Shattockave. 1FKUITYALE ADVERT'STS! i ?a c it v AxsjasAi^ est a-te. j [ ELRuD & Hl'LL. , \ No. «—ttiUi-. a 4-rontn house; will and j pump; chick->n houses; lot ZCx^cj); nwre laa.1 ¦ j ailjoir.lns can be bought cheap; this wiil make ! a. Sae chiokec ran<-h; 2 blocici fraia car line; 1 5 blocks from ffcfccoL No. 43^ IHCO; a bouse of 4 Lars* reonrs: cor- i ' ner lot: 1 blocks from 23d-av*. station; atr—t work doc*: can sell you this place for i2SO •lo-wn. balance same a.s rent; this la a nice j place; ccms aod w? will be g:ad to- show you J this place. No. 14 $183<}; a new 4-rccin bun^aiu-ar; city J water;, rastry; ccnn«ct#d with raaia ! s-wer; ru»ar acbool and car line; corner lot. I 2KX.14O; staaE payment do-wn, balance saraa aj I rent. 1 No. 3—$C*50: a. 7-roora tnuae. femished corn- ! slete; nice go«J-?n *^i snuads^ aoaia fruit ; I trt-.s and berries: let j.xl:J7; i block from ear j liae; close to good school: tiasurpaaaed vlaw cf surrotindire citros and b^y. No. 51 $.W0: a 3-rcam house: bath, paatry. ' i stationary wash travs. hiih basement, city i ! water; good barn; chiok-n hensea; berries and fruit tret*; flcw5rs ta abundance; ccmnianda elijant '."t* 1^; tot ICHXiij: clcae to Siiactsl- 4 I blocks freni car liae. ' Na. 13— ?4C;C0; a Icrret7 7-rocm hctrse. Io- «tt*d cn Fraitvata ave.; aoaae Juat dafshad; modern tfcrourbent; you wilt only hare ta see this ph»ci» ti> want tt: Cn» cherry treea oa rtar of tot, whirti v«ry Iarse. No. 20— *Xfi» will buy a 7-rocm bcuso Ic- cated cn BUS pound, ecrnmandlna- a jrrand f rtsw- of du? cities and bay; taia p!ac<. tuts a j spacious rarden and locely surrouadtasa ta every way. 7 - Na 1*5 S22CO: a S-rx>«n bon^-alow. jnat Rn- tshed- beam celling and paael walls, wita dlsh-»hell ia dinlay-raonr. cnve ceili'mrs throushoct>- balancw ct hcuse. elenrantiy e.inin^d pantry, kitchen arm bath; on Una street, ta gocd neljhborhood ; adjblainje lots caa be pureaased; 13 raiatrtea' wslk froai Iac*i BTrtlding tots on Fruitvala are., located on th«* me»S desirable part oC tfc# aireaaa: lots are 4O> feet deen and revered -wrth. full bearing trcft trees: ! surrorinded by fine homes: come anti 6<» convinced of ta*ir sup-rasrlty. --nd for fall pristad -tiata ami aiapa o*Froit- TaV--. PtLROD i. HULL. U10 FriiitraJe ave.. VA blacks frura local station;* Broci 1631. OAKLAM) ADYEBrSHTS ¦ OaK1a\U HKAL ESTATE. r~ j ¦"- It. KAKNAJtD co Tec wxaa a h^me^^T^.^^ &Jiae ethers. JOslOO. $3C« aad $3Sa . a: *> * chexa iace. « ness witi let 4Sx l*a aa<* stable, for f^fia Another witi frait aad ffowert. SL3CO On MrrCe st.. aaif biccie frrrei str-«: ca»»x 5-rjcrce.i houae; let 35x123: $1SCO. A 7-r-Jome-i tcusa ca West st. Bear Uta; tedtea; ?iir-» Oa Z2& cr Vtila ate. oc» tlcck trxs. itar^ai «t Golriea Gata. Ict tODzllS feet. Juat C2a thiaflr far three cattaxrs : YICGO. All caaa. ar $3CO caua and mortgxrs at T-* per ceui. IT ywi wiat cti«r paytny iar»«t=aeats r*tisr tlaa real nza.Zs I can. bu cZ serrics to y-?u- WHAT WILL TOC CHOOSE? Some itscic ta S. P. 5i:;:ia» Co. paytas 5O cent* mcaiily ca every taar* fsr acre tiaa t»a years. Ia Cakiaa-1 Crematory, paid 30 cents «tr»t- deair m March. May aad Z-xam. Ia the S. 5". 3ahtirSe.a H:oe -p- «*.-»•-g 5©. ctety; Is«tted bonds iper cent aad ¦* per cent. fc» fartaer saar-.ns; ia tS» pnfits. The«s be feo«si; by roU pajmjau er Also ta ta* ilr_r;«...m tavtsi Treat Ca. of Saa Frmadsco* 5 per cent and •» per ceat. acme stack ia tiia P*aaU aad Br^okaSJr* C.J Cca.. c^ar Sacta Maria; prrxiucttve w%Cs: selling- taetr oil to th* £taadar-l Oil Ci at «5 Ti cents p-r barr*I *: tie w*Ila. FULL INFORMATION FCRXISHEO. Also 3O saarea cf tie Par* Vaxsr Cj-*» itcci. gsaraat»eln» 9 r«T «=t net. Scaia Tariack lrri«aiica bcoda. 5 ner erst, running 4 years, a* 9«>. «3C0 wcrth cf Bsaiti- Syadirat* 3 per c#at «r»12cat*a at SSc. or dijeouat of tfcW. 1.' i> plied for immediately. Ctaer axtractrr* «- cor-.ties. Cnt tii» out for ref ei «ace- Onj ens inaertica. s 1^ rcu caa do better, fy eljswhere. I? YOU CANXC-T DO EZTT23. '~ V-<ES W. B, BAR.VAI1I}. 473 T-nth st.. Cailaa*. LaYIIANCS R2AL ESTATE CC 4*>-tS2 EIS33T3 ST. OAKLA.VO. Jl> XC Coe« »;*.-•• eteastnt 7TW. -,;—.,- t2- rr)r=a r-«1dence; - .; ,-a:-« ratartar-. 70s 113: aaadao=«st acme west of Braa-i- war- S9.ZC0 h::«gaat bxnae: 3 rjeais; near Seaatcr Ptricrnsr' ifcagJtga; Shakespearean ar- caitsetars; iOxliJ: tsrr*ced; sa*s3i2ss=j vie-w; Veraca Hh^scs best prcoerty. $3.TC Extra ffa« ec-f^»g*; 7 rTcnrs; 30 f:. frrara.r*: »d>rta» nae manaJcc*: v»ry choices* sertjea; Marlut-et. statioa- ?4.CCC ZJ) lacj; Braatdway Tirra^e; scrpcraitoa ctestnjc out sale: terms. S3.SZG Ccst VSZm; mcrtgaga fsrria« «.•:• »- r>«ai hcafle, •xtr* wea bti^-: T»nta ar?. : cretcw* sectlmv warm belt: ta*- 1 - $3.S3O— Suburtaa pia.t: 29 £o-» or * »er*a: b«s: I*vb1 laad ia ecuaty. frensa *aa Lea-idr ¦> ETi-rsric Rcaa: nscd^ra SaUdtrw. atm and 5-r-.u=i fiat; insorert S2ZCO- Car mcTT^ag^ tECO; wtU dou.Ua ta »aia-. MVST BS SOUD. $2,.-0— Med-rrj cctiajr!; 3 and tata; haaesent; gas: Cakland PostafSc.? 4 Clocks. *2.'5-C^-Mcdera cottar^: 3 rocrra and batS: Uasearea:; reata CO: Itzi. ind T»ie«r»;X $5C0— Lt-t . 2ifxl.79; itre?t wcrk eonsatet** Wi;«^rtj ave. $SCO Let 25x112; street work escstetsr I3ta and Market. $M0 Let eas-7 terats; Cakiaad ave. $1.SC9 Neat ccttas*; •$ p:t.^i»; *T:teU0; tarn; snaay lecatica; strsei ccajplie"*; cze^j. $7'^— Fin^ 577. ccmer. 3<>tl3I: conv-aieas : > t -Jw . Dw '* 3 ' w *3' and caata. 4*pot. *1.^CC Neat cottaase; 4 rccms; near T«ljgr*pn ave. p«5wer-hense-. $1^ICC Cc?mfQrta»)le cottage; 4 rscraa; lira •*-. near C*ater-st. stat'its. L.VTMA.VC2 REAL E3TAT3 CO^ «a>-*rt FTiaHTH 5T^ OAKXAXU TAYLor: rracs. a co.. Real Estat?. InsuranrT and FTaaaclif Afstrrs. TUtS&sat C?iar I2T» Br^^lwxj-. Caitizi. C*C A HOMS ON THS HILLS. . . $213O— A pretty ccfas», sirzat* on taw tiTs ta Pl-«tn-ont. wita mrm-Tiaciecr -»i«rw art all «i*»» of bay and fcjothilli; irt I2xt25 - feet; tti» honse im nearly new. 5 rooms. tata «n.-J fej^s haaets«n^ one bisde tt> P'«*a»>r:r ave. car ac>2 ba: a. jiort dis- tax<re fr'tn prrpesed Ksy Route erten- stca. C>wTt»r wjies ta i«*v» zzzy f ' mnat s»i!. This 53 aacther tarxaia. MUST BS SOLD TO CLCan M2S ESTATS. H*r» as el#cant eeraer ea Crov- sf . t^tir»ea 13th and Itia sts.. lot 73xlL» f»t. Tats- mewl ta caa of tha chcicrsj resid«3:r* dlitncts. Present tai- Enrv-mmrs corafat of aeai: cottig*. Taia wnulu be aa elesaat loeatlca fcr «i?«- Make effsr. C3Sa? BUSINESS PSOPSRTT. ii-.-nn: anaoal income C«4O: tr* «CxlC>> feet; wit>iia ca* block or Broad- way sit*at* ta a «uatab> toeatlca fcr waoIt»U: ecrreapcraiiaar prtrcertun. Nrtns h«i; a: «znj per fa«jt witaon: imanvi?- meats- Tt:f» toitinn warrants a gr»a: fattxre and. th* pr-sent income is all tha' could be d*strt«s, . TAYLOR BROS, t CO.. t-";^ Braai-way. NsTvT flat* ti*:tar ¦ Nearly 20 per t*at incrme. Fixarw it out for yocrself— . Frui price $3ZH} yScnz^Sfi 90B9 Cash' taT»3tment -.......:. .$o»^ Yr-irty Intfrist ch nscrttay? ft«o Insuranre en 5CTfO \^ •Nt taxes Co cay. aj 12a taort- jsisr* carrf»a it a!I.> Total $3*4 nrt4. laccce ($1&S per macti waca ail "r=ata<!> $12ro .V;t jrnr'visna* %f.Tf, Or aearly >:? e»at ea tae »^"^rr! of <ajU rc<T^r<>it (jnC4:«,"> The fcuilila^ !s rw» irsd witiia oaa bl<»:i «f local traia. Call an*I snail show tt to Ten. CIOSnE TV. AUSTIN ?'^2 "r.OADTAT. OAKLAND. THL? rarr ct Cat* cays tt ce? c<nt whja alt reatexl Ftjll rrir« ..- $r^r<» Mcrtsasa tSO Caaa r?<xuirc4 $12n«» Leek at eis s&rall lavestmaat :: Y«arfy sta:enient It*nt» S3P> Interest ea $173} ..;... . I«O Water irt InsuTancj A Balance tett, Str». or sbo«t ft per cent ea ta* rrasri taves t«d- Cue c->s f.isit beer* vacatel by a t«;ii_-.t ¦who- p^id $U» p»r mcath, I; win rens far tiii lana price a^ain. cr jcu caa uceip7 It /iur» jeir aati let the 'ltier rav fw the proc*rty. Wh«-» "ais you place J .!.'¦¦ co better a*vaat- .-- ' Call aad s««e ML •JOtEGS ¦»". ACSTTX. " ISC2 C3OADO"iT. OAKL.\Nr». B?*H- E>T\T<2, LOAN3 .4XD t>Sf."R.vxCiL ;ys TTCt-EGIUPH A VS.. OAKLAND. TELEyHUNw BLACK •;*<!. *2SM—Lot. '.-"r: .- ¦ In ' :-— Gat*. - ¦ *r - 1 ¦ $273 Lrt. U'>xl*S. ia Coidro Cate. hsl sckouC $CCe— Let. SCxlftJs, aear Tsiesraph ave. aatt K*yrjot». $1^:0— Let. tSSilSO. al<r:!7 bxxzm jtrar Kjy rrmts. - ' ' . ?IZ^>—l-roffai Tottage. bath. 4-foct baseasent- lot 23xl0ii; near Kfy tout*. Tiissnaa *ad Grav» depot. ? 17CP * Tor.ras: garisn. fruit aa<J v*5^tabt-»; make* .!<rmfirtabla &c=<; CTareascnt a«c. - «- new iiev rmite. stead on crraer. eeatrall» kwraEfd. sy»<r!oti» XTvunda: bl^My iisprcveii; fcbsly equ:pp*<2 «:.»:-.-¦• aere yen batv« aa :¦> i'. :- --:* .--••• he^rt cf tJs» elty, j«t tn the mUjt of thnas qsiat an4 r*ffa«<l **irTcuadinsp» so .iwiraaU?. t"WUI sell ear?«t3.) Preailsesi aitowai by a;- HARRY L- HOLCOXat FOR sal#—Bea^tlftil Bone; * :arj» r^-ra hoaxf: hafa: laundry: Stae -.?-::.: Sail: U»x« I«t: -..r-.: chickra janis; jlentr trait. r!ew«rs: teaatlful Utj:: -ru:_i. la^'iir* 477 TWrry-fcnrti at.. Cairasi fj.3j<'! MAEKJAIN: 3-ro«nn cottase; tot .T7:1x: Mi:eorrrer: 1 rnirotea." we^x from Ease Oai- : ir. i I*-: ¦¦¦¦ »Tr-»t rm m-3 by t^w dc«rt eirwr leavtax .-ta:- arir» wui *arrta>» for a catrS sal*. Jtrr>-H5X-£S A BAHTCX. a** Brar^ay: ft- Vj:ti t»7. OVKLAVD k»tfn*; i«->t w"xt25 ft.: hoasa. nara; t£za- ursi, F. GROSoCUJ*. 1»* Markst st,T S- f'. For CLxsslAnS Adrextisev cents Sec P3je Forxy-Fcix^ 11ur< "ff*ff*1ftW&i iiJJ*iTtTiiir*f3Mirr 1 iinBrnm






i520 cer foot: oa Broadway: 157x170: fiae to-[ catica; Is ipm-rt to dochle ta. short ttsse.$19 ta $23 ser foot, ta BeCa Vtsta.; fiae Tiew:

Ztj«d surrsvedtass; clcae to caxx etc.;

mast be ccid.

! $7C0—Fine fcnildtaut stte clca# t=: Veraca «..• i.f-^r-ta Point yrcc«rt7. Z£tll3: tttia ts *decided saa;.

$123*—Home site ta T^-pfot Viata terrace; 30feet froniaj-s; street wcrk csmststa; O-

; «x=etled -view; Cae scrrcuattiaas: *i«»aji£

henses: close ta K57 Route tramtt,, ats,

X23C0—Over 2C0 fset frcatxr- ca OakTasd av-.,Liada, Vl«ta. terrace, ocpestte tha Soo>-Bacoo Hao»; a very tine tocartna for ahome; see how dasirabie ani low jnc-dtaia prcperty tu


rOSSCLOSURS SALE3.\- „$2TC0—New 14 -story cottage. S rootsa awl

bath; mxlera; lot 32x123; Cae location:cicoe to scamls. caxs ami Key Hoctatrains, to caa Franctafw; very easy terma.


—Two fiae 3-room cottages. 4 rccraa and

tath eaca; Io'a 23xl<»; ctcse to Tweaty-third ave.. broad gauge Ic-al. schoeU ajsdcars; bow reated; see lieae.

$2600— New ccloaial acrs». 7 larff* rcoaia. 2=»dlnlaj-mcm; niodara fa «very datail;sunny ail*; Ict nSxlo*5; c!cs« tj schocis.rars ami Kev Rutit-? traiaa; Cae view oCB*rkel.?y ac-1 Gvs!di-n Gate; small pay-ment down, balance on

-ljt, asmthly pay-

area ts.2CO4.

S2SC<V— New colonial houae. 7 rccais, hafh. ets.;cn a racd corser on T^legraah ave.: Ict33xlG4; fiae location .aad «3rm!mdl2gs:¦¦!-s-» to ichooia. cars. Santa. Fe and KeyRuute trains to San Francisco; -*rr.i.\ eashtpaqmsSBta ;»j.-.'-i same aa rant.

S. A-$373fr—Just beins built


A S~xi3s bunsalow. ccctaiaing ca first

fi-or. reception hail. ~arlcr. dialag-rKjai.USrary cr dea. kitcnea. paatrtea, etc.; sj-•rairs. three fcedroota* bath with a^medem Cxnirea. two toilets, jaua and. elec-tric lighting: the linttn* and rrannls caabe ssada to «nir the tastu of ptrrcaaaer;this property is wrtatn easy waliiagdistance <-f if'ourteents aad .Sro»dw»y.

HOLCOMB. BREED £ B.yfCROFT.1G«) Broadwa^ OakUad, Cai.


4«7 Nctii St., Oakland. CaL

ZZZtX—A chance to «ecur» a hciae with verylittle ect'ay; lot •"•• xl^r 3 rxcj ».:•;bath; hcuse cn .'I'ita st.. n««r Teiesrash;only $23r> cash, balance at $23 per soeth:ch«ap-»r thaa paymx rent-


Elesaat; Iwxat yau to *•• that cacieenew ..o~u that I13 i<i;:--l:.-* oa thasr^uth aid* ot :ilst St.. bet. Te!-gra;hi andGcov«; diaia£-robC2 i*be fiai^heii ta harimaple; b«ast"tful inlaid 2c<.rs: wtd? rarer-ttaa hall: large airy rooms.; lot 4ijx14O:iijcati<in everything that co'ild be desared.


Ccttac- of & rocu «nd Ua.*a; :- Z'.*zst.. bet. Grsve and 'West: ronsr. cctt-veniect. w*Ubuilt and caa be ha«t aa *eryeasy terats.

$7JC0 li'ixnand th* rest at $CO ?*r iscath. ir:-cl'idias Interest. wt;i put yon tn pcaa»-»-ajoa of a splendid 4-rroni hetrse. barhand laundry:ei*irtric lighted: p»p««i fTrZi*. ci-ok st3»«; Lot 40x140: scly 4 mta-uts^' war* t» the K»y Routs station atGrort- i.-v.i Fcrtieth sts. : tHi< u » snapfor rKi».


One of th* ftsa&nnest rew cctrag^s tatown: 5 rcoms and hath: h:ss Nisemeat;fry ecsy an>I »ttra^rtire;N» sure and te«thla cne; near Filbert and 3Cth sts.

$XCOc—Sp>r«lid lot en the north sMa cf SCthSt., .^J:4.xl4<?: west >?f T'legraph.


Kay Rorte statlca^Icts. 30x133: "1st St..near Adeliae; cal7 a few cf thes* left.

Central Oakland Tract No. 2: here U a splen-did .'ot. close u Te!egr»7h; 4» feet fnst.witlt stre<»t sewered and macadamized;51st str- *SCO.


457 Ninth St., CaiCand. CaL


IC'X'O—I* yr* want a trxid incrm* oe y-mrrrroney. here ts ytur chance. Two b*au-ttr<il Cats, rt and 7 nwtas. wita >ar?»fca.-§emiat. Th^ prcr*erty haa an isccraenew cf $2S ser menta. aad tae owneroceupwe t^e t> roona. It ts close ta andia a bargain.


CTcsirg u-o an estate: chare* far aKTtstf barialr?. Deanxttfixl 7-rroTn hcaae.P'lrcelaia bath, wi*1!ail' the nioilera con-veniences; tarje let with driveiray: oaS4tH- st.. betw»ea T-Ie«ra!:a av». ar;dGruv* st. iNote tha^ location. > Thiaproperty U ch«a3 i_T.;7..... bat t.-» rgectc.'iick raTi wa are orf^rins tt at $2739.


J-sst crmrrt^nceff: la waTXina; dlstaac? ofCity Kail: O»?5itifsl 3-ncm cctta?e. wttabiyh fca*»ms3t and all the Tate*t tra-pnrven:*nt». .Plans can be charrred ts«utt rttr^»a<rrr. See owner at cf3c« forfull rartirulars.


A saa;: »5-rrr;ra ecttaxe. bcth as-i hl,?hba3»men*. brick fiundatt^a; ta 3 minutes'waHt cf Kry H-mte and risht c!cse r>strest ears; lit 32:rtxll2; oa the north<d-r of B*m street. wit!i cpea t»wa andbeautiful Sowr gar-i>n. Iavesti«ate etccce: fcarjain for nidi caaa *al>. aa«i Ua sacrtS-* at tht* Drtce.


WITI rlace y-rs tn rors?sMca <rf a merf-trrn .T-Rf.rj houae with tars* basement;right n:ar. street car The bn'ance canhn rail~is ren: at SCJ a nwnth. Price$io;o.



bargains olt. specialty.


a half tterfe vt ta»S arai hcas* of «roca»: un2n:shi?d inside: Ca* tor chickens orpijrecra farm; clcsm Ia; fine srecn!ati-v» bar-gain.


Aa Investment property; Z. 2ats: sep-arate *ntran?es: willpay Urer cent; a ssnap;ter"-:?.

SrtOC— A f=-3-r=rta ccttaja: all far-ri>he<t: gnn>* location; near car liae; w*2 ta;will aay t2 Der cent.

£1£^- $^3^*. S*5ii4> a;.:; CpWlrf; *>¦!*¦!» gf th*f.rk;iot# In Oaklanti at the best targaiax


A En* tr-iet nt Ua,l near Oakland.wtt*i srralt hnt:s«\ vrt'.U etc.; Just risat fsrPl^n far= cr thi,^_


SecCO— a 3-j hocse oa Talesrtfh av».; thcr-crcsHilT rrrrwi*m and c? to dara la everyrt^ce«; 9 rwrs and bath: bara *x<idrive-iray: tnt BCatSA on a. ccmer; beaa-tiful sreondar; aturidm-e cf Cow-r* andsftmtb*r-r: tila price has feeea reducedfroca s*i.".;¦.

$£0 s«r front foot f.^r tot oa Wabatsr sc;close la: ""jr:*.; the thlas; for Cats; lotCCxlCG:C. K. MAKSaALL. IS7» BrctlTTaT.

$2iU*CASK. *:0 tnoccisty: only $.•» per let for1* lot*; tsar* tan.1 ait*>inia2r if wanted- allcovered with full-bearlcs fruit trees: saajyteam soil: Ideal location; near cars anil•efcect: no fog» ncr er:M wlada teTe; I? youar» lotTkiiyr for * d»strabl« ixtr.t nir» lettake you r» this prcprrty: adWniaf EaatCakland; call or send far circular 435 7ta*t.. cpjj. Ersairwrr stat!.-»r:. Cakiiad: car-riage. H. 3t JOYCES. land owner.

S2CC0— SLs-rrcm eotta??. near CEntan stjtlcn-IarK» ?• t; taay tarrca.


Mad^m we'l-buii; «?-rooni house, nearK*y Rcct*. oflTfl^rash aTe.


Nice 3-rocia cottase: Tairty-atatlk stnear Tetegrapft ave.

F. F. PORTER.4«& Eights *t.. O*kIaa«L


COTTAGE ft five rooms: lot 4<:xIW: cn*tlcck frcm the PiednKat-ave. statics *fthe Key Raata; Tsry nr«a7 Iccatiaa aa4near schnel; nrcst h« »ol.J; place cujat 3sell for $2W>. but cwaer muss tav*morwy: term» $3«» cas*. balanc* nert-rasr^: Just Z2 the Key Routeto- San Francisco.

', . J. S. MTER5,itC2 Brw»d^ti7, r^'y^j









On the l:-« cf the West Berkeley localIbranch of the Scathera Pacinc Railroad.1







$23 caih as first payment, balance $3 per1 month. Interest cn deferred payments 7 perJ cent cer annum.

$U nircth Ccmmutatlcn ticksts S3 month, Si=e is Oakland. East Beriil-;y and Alaaseda.

DO YOU "WANT TO MAKE MONET?Ser.d fcr 3»-day Social Offer.



MA1IMOTH PLANT,. Spending h-indreds ct thrasands fcr the pur-. teen cf mUlin;aad manufacturing all kinda of

FURNITURE.And bav« pecure.1 the most practical and corn-p-tirt men in the Vnttcl States ta stt-rsd ta

:this branch ex th* easiness. H-andr»ds of men:will be employed ta d-Teloplrur what premises; fo b« cne of t&i greatest industries i" th'.i, state.

The cenrpany owns for this plant alone thirty'iacres of land. t.<-g<;th#r with a, water fr^ntI¦*-h»re ship and rail can ccm« t^e^ther, arlorrt-

in% shipping facilities to all parts et the coun-: try, either by rail cr slsio.

L.VRGS^JJ SilAND.Although in its infancy, with but a few

i-wheels ia motion t3 turn cut certain Iota of' ftimit*.xr». the company ts at present havinga :•»—:¦-¦: far is exs»i of their capacity. It

: 1-5 newness to ?ay that such ar. enterprise has;!rr.r been aeed-d in th;« Stata and that the;project cadeitakea by these «twrs=cic ger.tie-:men will nndoubtetily pr-yve a success to them¦ a< well as a beneiaetrr to th<» public by jflvlasiemsloyrmint to thousands of men in the-.r. factcry and timber lands.

THS HOME PARK TRA<:T.¦ Ccnsisttng ct only IRS lots, by reference ta the!ma? caa bf »»«n lie« only across the str-~t

from thu great enterprise. Every purrhaaerw~o bn-s in this tract, either fcr jhura or. tpecilation, can b» assured of a safe and

:rrcfitabl* investment.


Fcr thirty I19 authffrixeti to seU theserragniScently ideated l^ts. Only $2S cash aa

:irst payment, balance $3 per month.

t zzzmInterest ra deferred payments, 7 per 'jent

:per anacai.

Address a!I comsssnlc!»t!-»tT i« «jr call -jp?mI.Vi. LAYMANCE.'

632 Market «t.. !ian Francisco. Cal.Phone Buah .723.



!LOTS LOTS. LOTS. LOTS.;ELEGANT lotji. tncltidine street wcrX within •

4 block* of Berkeley staticn; $«!W upward;terms riven.

BeyfttBS T»rraoe. th» fr'iniWnf view In C?rk<*-iW» lots: includlnx utreet work; $ia:o op.

IWe have an el»jnnt I^r-»>ai hcux<». tneladin? ista.b!». r'.cse t:> the Univ»rsiTy and rar l:n*a :, to r»nt far $..> p»r m-:nth: will sell tf desired :jr?TER & EAIRD, 21.T7 ShattBC* ire.

IA SPLENDID opportunity to buy two 'if the;

finest lota tn Berkeley, as owner is leavi-jr1the State ar.d is anxious to malt* a ctiick!sale: property adjoins the university arcurjiia-IButsjaifleaat view*;an ideal spot for a hrrr.s I

¦ • M=«t attractive h»Mne aj <i tobj and bnth-'

all modem trnnravementj: near Kfy r-7uta :]cn cne of th-i main avrnnes; prti*e"$n23i)

Splendid investment; 12 lots east cf T»I«-:sraph av«.; in chotce locatU5n; atrwt wrjri;all tl<yr.e; cemfnt sid^wallts: at bargain fiyare-can be retailed at lanje advance prices.

BOARDMAN ERCS. i<r6..133 Montgomery st.


FIVE acres of the finest residence I:ts <

lo Berkeley: on hillovi»rlcckrR^ Saa Fran-c-.soo Bay: 2 blcrks frcm car liae.$3000

—1lots on Walnut it.;cne minute frcm


F train; view anexceled.J31U0

—Pin«» '.-rcom house near Berkeley sta-^

¦ ttcn: only *C0i> dowa.We have lots from $13O irp; houses and lots !

[ fr-rm ?*<><""> up; terms $130 down. baTance tn'

1 small payment*.NEWTON &. NEEDHAM.

r731 Cer.ter «..: R?al Estate rind Iirsarancs.¦

—-— —-—¦I

GCCD Investment* Near New Santa F«.ALL ON EASY PAYMENT3.

End of block; 271 £«.•; frontage aa track; twoIblcclcs from Berkeley station $2320 I

Let 25xlCi>: Iblocic fraza railrcad $i00'

,Lot 40xU3; sour. ;wi;fcia V, block *»3i>IHair block M.'oialar R, R. property $2fi««

Bay wC«re values are tncreastnj.Several tundrrt oth«r lots acd & aamber of !

cheap bouses.CHAS A BAILET. ItCS Unfr-rsftr it*.N«sr San Pablo »»«., West Berkeley.


col;;g like hot cakes.'LOTS In ths Hopkins Terrace and the "Wheeler I

Tracts; the most elevated and st»st!y ioca-'

tior.» ta Berkeley; strrrts are beta? niacad- !amtsed: cr,«t of sach work tnctude«I ta th*price; the view obtained frcra these tracts is 1beytjed descriotlcn; so ad fcr map at prices !and terass.

W. J. MOnTIMEH & CO..2T2S Center st.. Berkeley ip&^Si- Ma»n entrance ta V. C. ;

FOR sale— New aad nearly new hcu3"s f-am!$1SCO to $20.CC0; tots from $23<> to $7C«0- w^i<an »ili you * destrable let 3 blocks from iDwlgat-way staCcn. size 40il30, for $7C0- ;willbuiiid you a b.jua* to suit oa a payment iof $3CO dewn. baJance monthly; before bay- iIrg. give us a call and let as show ycu our

'extensive list. F. H. LAWTON & CO -ItlICenter it.



6 large rooms wita bath, new aad mode-aTsunahir.« la every rcom. us to date all over-yas and electricUx; sidewalks and finishedstreet: aice view. Large Boa, 43xU7; plenty Irocia for drive .v*y;enly 4 blocks to S p andKey rente trains. N«ari7 ready to ocrupy !See GiUihaa at CHENEY iBEilRY'S. Post-oface block. Berkeley.


HERB U a for any oae: a weltbuilt home ef 7 rooma and bath; lately paint-ed insid* and oat: street work dune; «ran<*view; clcae to cars; Drtce $2S34 fcr a f-wdays; cal' and see- it without delay.

W. J. 21ORTTMER A CO.,CVJt'.i Ciater at.. Berkeley.Main entrance to L\C.

BEAUTIFUL 3-ronrn bansalcrw; avxlera- n»wimproved grotnid»; $2700. 132! Stuart. "«ffGrow st.. Aahby station^ Berkeley; no agent*

EEAUTTFUL house of, 7 rccms; lot 3CxI.73;gardex fratt trees: 4 block* from Lortn sta-tica; turaia easy; ta rait. 1CT7 Fairvtew st.

gttL SSTATS CO UiiTMT—JPcr S*le«

a—130 ACHTS: dairy raach: 23 aar«a good »:-- x beCazce g^cd far=lag laad: feacedtr.i c7C2s-fsaced; gsod ho^Te aad fca^aa;SCUM.

23 acres, all ta il'iJir g^od water rigat:'¦-¦<¦ bara, <wSa£s£3 m Ti-k; chraa aad gsod;

Stsck aza gaaaral £arz: 800 acres: facedand crcae-f cased: restdcace. saraa, lixia aadctocr »~-»" c-dldtags; 72 head. SO hap,li<> ftv.»-t, s hcraea. 4 cx-sles, wageca aad-:»—-=-.. z:-1 .- ¦ terma.

_ A—

IXQ •r-i Scascis. Cscaty. near Eaata;E.-s*; S a-r^s crcharl: &> acres craia; bclaacsinr< crchard cr T^a«ra-d laad: waar vaei aa

c-jmeraca sprtass: water piped uh-i-ae. tarn acd ccrrals; 513 per acre: terssa,

23 «_¦—«. 2O acres rt_i_=. Tlaeyard. balaasa:- iira-fau *-roc=i house, ham and cuthu;;d-:=»s; a let cf perscnaJ grjgerty; iaccme- $13C0per year; pr".ca $43C0.

47 a-rrea, aS ta alfalTa: water right, feaced•r.:I crrtss- feaced: heese and accessary fculld-tr^s: ti;a ia a r«ry desiraile dairy ran-ca;fMOfc

4«r> 1 -« •-.::v aad dairy rasca: aH rested:C23 acr^» Alalfalfa land; «— -«* ca land; gr:odmaier rigat; SCOCO-


BarxaZa.1W a-rea; 12r> la al-alTa, baixace r=«d ;as-

t=r«: fecf-tisit fence; crcaa-Jeaced tata Sfeldt: water lor Irrigative aU year reuad:water right iccea w-.ta place: S-roca. ?e«:dene».SiTM, chicken e^t^»». sheds, ccrrals: a crns-r«ete dairy li-rsi: cream «»?eratcr; 20 dairyccTTs. 14 r*arLU:n: a lrt rf road wagra.m*-wer. rakes, hay derrick aad small tools; fir ai:. POM; terms.

r^rrrrr :jl\sand trust ccmpant.


CaZ^emia >*rs-f*a. Artrsca. Mexico st«kraacres fcr their valae Tzr gnz-^r

—vast tracts

r-^tahle tcr rshcUTtstos and ccloKixatiea. Vai-ua: » act aleae fcr gr^slag. but fcr timber, ag-riculture, ell. minerals cr tswa sites. We havemany tracts where frcst never ocrure. tt,ha»-« many raloai> rasrrr* lands where grakecattle are fat la Ajril. when bee? tt-,rr-~tl-.'t

¦H"e have bestness prrrerry that win pay <per cent set ca ecsx frr five cr tsa years' lease

have resideacea c? to date, ia tie laad cith* lenca. craaxe. suashiae. trztz »*«f sewers.

""« fcav* =^=y bea=t:ral crchard ;:-•« iathe anetf Sasta Clara. Valley. n«*»r the GardraClry cf C« It-Tarsia. Gocd ia^ry m~-^ ailaifa

TT« caa c2!er a Jiexlcaa graat that w£l bsq-pcrt iruOO teai ef cattle fcr caly S3O.0O0.

CEAF.LE3 W. CC- *CO..F^al Estate. Cattle and T->—-

T75 73 auirilli blig.. Ean Joe*. r^T

E »-."3A^<'S ta ranches aad nral hosaa, etc.:we t.'Z tor. sell and ex-aan^* ,%*izj ct aUi.nla. MVHDOrK ft CO.. 13 Chrrmirle ttdg.

F"F- rale—

P-an-h. 10i a=^«; U miles fr-rr.CaiCand: rrsit. hay. stack. tmp!*m«ata andf-m.-r». Sr-z. Call ofnee.

ponrr arczjgQja lfgi^x.xstattb.>_LTA FTTNTa TP_»,CT. at iTiija. cn iaatm F*

and e^ectr;: reals; land $200 per acre; lets6»'x20a at $li0: cr=iard cf 13 acres andbt:'. i;r^rs. 1W> per asre; mcnthJy payments:ser.i fcr ma^s. •*-=. HAIGHT. 4^71

gr^LO F15Z *Tr rSTATT.

COO 7ZZ. arre— Tw-j ?-a^re ar.d ere 4-a^retrart, back cf 5"i:r <~-^:water aal good-cads; last cf ti^ zr-^^zyleft; H cash.H.voia Park

—A £=? ccatry hctne. wrta

wjjg-.Z^ garlen and marnrScent trees; w»tlimUt, cli-ta«hicced tcnae ia good conditlea;Icr sai« tt a berzain: 13 a^res. ail traprcved.

Fa_r On**—

La-d ta best part of this dis-trict; we:: *heiter-d and woc«i~i; la tracts eff-cm Its 3 acres.; special tsr=s ta theset'l-iiag;



Telessirne 2£ai= ?73. litCaU^cmla st.

5A7T 2tAT~O -By-aT-r XSTATIL



vs* have a cioic-e list cf «x=t-llent residence-j.-v-nie'-. \;:i* «tt<>9 and acreajpe. Don't fail*'

'-s t^Tn» barmg. Inveetigate San.'^^: Park. The idsa.: tr^7*rzyrt them ai

f *t*r=iz cne a^r» eadi. Easy ter=a.Socad t» he BKxt raltiahle. See oar Incal

« = •--.. Frank S. Ersrscc. £aa JIatec «f2cerAi_D-s-rr.- &. hottell. 25 Pest st.


Ca tSs» of iaa Mateo electriccaj-j; 43 minutes frcm ;-.h and Martet; sewera=i water Btptfj ta eaca let; e>ctric. lights,

;CC-fcct Let* fr;m $323 ta $400; terms.I'-'li—i-z and $10 a month; ret cC at "LomiTA~»-ir' aad iave«ti£ate; nay sent oa appii-

EELBT. F.CMZB2 iCO^.Ttt ?.ri:n ?71. i:"J Cal:f-:r=La «t-


*- ¦

—"¦' a-r«s at c>a Lotcccd: crcaaxd and

vtaerarl: creek rosa thrcaea cf. water, 2<'-'W-gaiIcn tar.k•

-.'¦» i-ruse and grcuacs; cosy 4-

rrcc-'i. new cottage aad fcarfc: cleaty ofweed with ready atarket clo«« ta baad;cfeear at $2CG0.

EUSINEH3 <r3AN<rES.can. sLa:e *oa b a fcak»ry. b«5cts and

•tees, meat =^s.ric?;. bLcyrles. srT<rertee. feed.i:T*ry. wioti and c^al. to», secocd-band r»ds,Tr^gr-g hevs . hct»I. fcardwar*. dry rseds. jen-erai stcr-. etc , ar.i :a fact ta ab«jtit any lineytrj *jt::er_?ag» ia.

ADAMS &BAR2.X,Real Estate Brokers.

117 PUic iv...S^r.-a Crs* Califrrriia.

EAYWASSS K7T1T. ESTATE.STANTC.V TPA-.T—$!;•¦» to iZZt}-tr acre; from.

4 Ba H acre trscts-

Sj3»— Bea^tirsil crrcntry home; IO acres: va-r-e-ry cf frslt. tacatly a->ri<rcts aad •

: acn?s £=- vegt?tafc:e <w alTalfa Und;very -tea ana grews sl-^icst ev«ry-

'hinr: hra>» cf 3 T-xmca: wtadmlH: taak-hocse: ««X0-<a!. tank: rx4 Scred well:Sae water and r>»?n.tifil; fcaxn aad 2¦•hickra-kocsea: r=rsl J.»::T»rr; daily cun-rsuni<^ti:a a-iih Ssr Francisio.

l:?!i«— Hma*. 3 mema. tata and rantry- letZt^xirxi; pri! --caticn; cce bloc* fi-a•lectri-: cxr.


$73 EACH-U» Ir:E3ai»rur»t. t ti.---k frcm ther*;!r<^*d «t*lio=;Cae meO. hea>J:fal !o-ality-eajy a few o< these I<it* left; $3 mcathly.


2-rr*;~*jhard-2cish»d, mcriern ccttag".IMUb* iilet*. :a Elmhurrt; feaced aad

-r cuitavatinn; small caan jajmeats, bal-»a« moottiy. ... .*¦-'C^CAR EETMA.V. It P-art «t.



fUFTE ?C7-*a CALL BUILDING.It is rntcoestly the case that a' party wishes

ta sell him taXffiSCi fer ii*purpose of reiav*»t-Icj the prc«:ee4s inidXSereat <tiad of property.

Ccr icni ct^rience ta tils ba»ia*s» enxblesis to cften 2cccs;l!sh this double purpose crszlr cse rraraactioa. Ti* cciy ccaaitiaa wexalt« s that r&ur ;rcr»rty. if yen w.»a na to5.-P««e tit It fcr yoa. MUST BE GOOD OF ITSitl-VD AND IS A GOOD LOCATION. L-oa tt*»^ cp cLJmi i-^r Cz» er ycer cw& witaworttl*»s oS>r:=«-«. cr property so liemviiyacr^gaswi as ta b-av* no actual «q-=ity.IfK has merit, whether 70a e»a r«al estate

sr a serraatfte cr nsanj^actsrinx tnsiaess.seifg a il-si"!;CC5 cf »aai« to ccr cf2?e «tai»a* srfeat.fcrd cf ywi -refer ia ex--fcarg~. *~d rca wta e« rarpnsed bewwt> car* «r?ert ta-» rrstiit.

THIS 15 £IMi»I.T BECArSE WE TrSZlZn-«TA>T> THE EXCHANGE BL"StN'E3S and ar*16* enlr r«r.9»ry in Saa Francisco rr-Jk-<-Tr

,,»pe»nalty of «ai»e. W« make bo charge fcrad-»erti«=5 cr aay ether -£Zles3 vt pro-cur* an «jul:a2ce «atlstaitcry to yea ta ac--'r-t. .L2S acres Tia^yari and orchard, fnbea=ti*ol Szn^

taCrazJicc«». fcarci.wtaery.biackj^iith shopt^aetKL lovely ground*; hors*». etrwa. chickens."tnoU. wagons; fenr^ies. ete.:par.rg very band-ataar rsveaas; J» tacrr^igaiy e^airped aad tscf-frr-d forbay tova prepcrty. oa accotmt ct Ul&eairfc; price JL3.C00. Particulars 247 5th st.


A fine residence ia Alameda. 1212Paru rt.. fcr a resilence la the city-; cwnerwin «ay cash di—erence. A. J. RICH &CO.,112 \Tr-~*~*_*vi^ry jt.

TTE hare •e-r»ral acmes la Oaklaad to tradefir UttJe piaies la the cctiatry. GEORGEW. AU*TLV. 1C02 Bread way. Oaklaad.

20 EaP.RELS of good to exchange fcrg-jed country laad*. Eos 15C9. r*n cfijee. ¦

StTDSTAi*TL4X eqairy ia 10 cholca city tots.Icrsr cars; want laad? Box 1313. f~nn

XOOEF-X Ulssasa "£ats ccttages. wita!larye grcuaiia. iz. Oailaai. Box 3.422L f^'\.


BYNDICATBlyvEViMEjrrcompany.tNCORPOftATBTD- lii15».

312 BUSS taTREET. SAN t.'ftA'V**^.^TY>


FTRST NATIONALBANK. Treastirer.Itmakes no dUtereace whether yoa have $10.

$1GO or S1CCO to invest. L*tus shew you ourlarge Ust cf houses and Icu.

'(?otta?es for sale all Cm way from XC3«> to

1 $1SCO on easy caymenrs.

Finer residences ranTtns- fa price *»«oll«w»:$I«50. $2tX<>. $223Ov t22C<>. 5270O. $30«:0. $3200,$3.-500, $4C00 aad oa cp to $25,0Ca

VTt bav« ."xcluai-vi sale cf all the propertylifted withus.

!IaTwst S130 ta onu of our HemphiH Trast

lots; $25 cash, balance $10 per mcnt.1.OB: Inv-at J-tCO la ece cf thes* Cne lots ea

IPeraita ave. ta tfcet Frsitrade Olea Tract; yourown terms.

CR »Invest iZZO ta go*cf our dssen beasUfal lots

ca Bray avenue; s-jre cf Ijt3 22x133 fset.1 OR

Invest $125 each, ta a U-w lots ta tha Ltadat Park Tra^t.

OR.Invent J3CO la th? Le^y and Lane Tract.

within 4 blccks cf ataticn; sue cf lota 30xl3Ofeet.

ORInvest $7C0 Ina corner lot oa TcaStnSi a.v«-

:na«; corners are scarce, jau know; sisa 32x1^0feet,

ORInvest J^CO close u> Fraitvale station: sijt-'

t.> maJie you <{uici rroat. and where tlie'meney willb« abnulut'ly safe.1 Remenioer, we bav»e

Largest list.Choicest Lots.

Lowest prices.Eajisst tsrnu.

SYNDICATE INVESTMENT COiTPANY.Com-;r of Bajsitt and Putnam str»*ts,

Fmitvale, Cal.> Fhcne -Vsh. 3i7. .iH- BA2KMHTEE,

I2f'«> B'r-utva:«» ave.. Fruitrale Statlcn. Cal.I $11X) cajli. bitianc- $0 p»r n-reth; clain cct-

tas^ ot 3 Urs* rcoma. let 73x2ie; altftnead; z^od w»!I and mm!; 4 bLcckJ

[ ' frcm. car line; crtce, all Uld, $5^0.1$1.23i>— New cottas* of 4 roomj; pantry an<£

doseta. hanl finished; yo^d well andpurcp: lot 3<>x30'J: firming on 2 gtre-Ks;

2 biccfc* frc-m car line: terra* if desired.\ $100 caah. balance $U 5<> per montn; b»iy

window cottasm cf 4 rwms; hard fcnish-ed; sliding do»irs; pantry, closats, etc.;

:j block* frcra Fruitrale station; price >

ody $12C0; worth invest:ga:ins.$l,3C0

—Mcd-rn o:ttas? cf 9 ir:orn3 and bath; ;

larje pantry; high basement; Ict 5Oxli3;nice ttower-4 arai fruit trees; bam andbugsy sned; driveway, etc.; near rarline; la walking distance cf local train:this ia a Cn* home and must be *.«3to b« aaor«<:iat«d. «


Very desifabie cuttas* of 4 roams; high

basement: punrry. hall; h»anng orrtard; ;plenty of cftick«n honH*»; tor. -:-*s :¦¦'-¦.•. onmat:»iiami3--d r^ad; no reaacnatiie offerrefused.


Modern ccttas* r>( 5 tarca ricnrs »f!bath.: a!I the lawst improve meats; atticall floored: 4 acr»» of cbc'.c* Uuut tabearing orchard; 2-3tory bam. carrlaa^hcrase and stable; <-stra e-.-eit wetL. w*nd-milf and tank; t^is t» an elegant home ;SBit mt:st be aeen ti b* arcrecl-it^d.

5U,I0C—Two-et:ry r»st<i»r!cs of 12 r.ccrs. n*w',y'

renovat d: n.-eptac« and staticcary (

wasliutaada ta each, rncni: tarse. artia- jtie icrounds: tw>-stary bara and oat-bui'dinsrs: elesant Dlace for sanitariummt docture home; t«rrR3 $.^rO cajti. bal- !an.-» cn easy monthly installmeat*.


Efte"*1** horn* <;c Fnitvale aveni*.

cnntainiss <i larg-? rocm«. all sice!y ]

tiittrd and frescoed: rccepticrt hall, por-'

eclain bath tub; all ouen and nick'l :r!at«d nlTimhing: lars* lot. twJxL'*."?: :*. ]iarx^ h-thous<»s clanted 'With chi'ir*

'carriatton*; extru. s^od well, wrndraillanii ;TCW-ga.Ilr-3 ta-S. a!T enTfr?sed: win re- ;move hrathens*-.-* antj a^lt for $4009.

Fcr particulars nt>ilv tnH. BARK.METER,

N«ar Fraitval* i^rarica, Cal.

W. E. RUDELL.Comer Fruit-vale .U». an<t WashiastSB Et.. • i

Fruitvale. Cal.


One c* th»ae onjht tf> s«it you. Iiy%« want 'to live tj "beaat;ful Fraitvale."



Houe*. ."i nice r?cni3 and bath; close tostation acd car line.


troffag". 4 n?<;=i3 and bath; lac -tCx'-'O:• £ half bitici-frora Fruitvali-ave. car line:terms if desire«i.


f.'ottag". ; rocras and bath: lot -43=113:¥ c\it*n ta cir Iia#, stat'.ca aad schoct. .


Lot JCx2':<3; will Icaa you ta« racoey to--


—B^autfut ccuntry heme: 4i-i acres;


fruit, vegetables and Sowers, nlca cottag». ¦

(S rccms; larze stab!*, chicken hcxiifn. ]windmill and tanli; "think it over, then 1

CttS and 3-?e 0:0.'"


N^.w, modern, cotta;*; 4 lars* rscmaand recent; jn hail: pcrceiain bath, sta- 1

tita-iry vmh trayr; high ba»«m<f3t. part-ly Cor.rsd: Iars» lot: near station, car 1line <id.J. achuol: terms reajcaabte.


E Apply W. E. RUDELL. Real Estate and In-ijur-inc» Xgeat. Frultva'-i are. aad Wisiin;- \ton st.

I. L. SAXXO3C, Fraitvxle. Ca:.StlCQ

—Stack and :rr^ruvem»nts and Craft en &•

acre ranoi ia Fr.iitvale. The Lmpniven*!nta;cocsUt «t 3-room !x»use. 17 ehicken houses. !3 brocier house*, 'i incubatcrs, f.ed house, j«T.'Od hcrse and. w-isotj. cart, ail tool* and iicTOi furniture: seed -well, also city watar;on!y 2 blocks fr-3m car line.


Just cjmaretad a new cicdarn 3-rcocicottage, Lar-ia rerrtkra hall. scrceLaia bathtub. nxant^i. ra^ and «I«ciric Iflxture*. lanr» lot. street work all *ine,

'c»n»nt wa'is.


Two acre^ cf sarten land: grod bara.bricked up wpII,- Boaa&tSm for hjuse. street ]wirk all dene.

INCOME PROPEP.TY FOR SALE.3-acre raaca. Craft, terries and ve^-tiSIas; >

etfuipped for raisins stock cf ail kinda". Iar?efarmh<M:3e: hot and COM Tratir; windmill;!larse barn; bcx stalls; stan«l»a firca'tle; price- ireduced (run ?C"i.O to *-"•:« t:. ofl couoie want Itc cn East.

Lot !n Oakland. 3'islS.". only $+30: close t->,Key RouW. Scathera Paclic aad Santa, Fedepots.

Tfcase are 3na-s.Ccs3-r.and ace tha cunwr.

~.-*r r. 1^ saxto.v.t> FRUm/ALE STATION.

P. O. B.-.'X. 213, Frair-.ale. Ph.:ne Vale :CHAS. F. L5E. Phcne Va;-2T/<J.

'Office cne-half fclcck from Fraitvale statica.


*SC«1 caali. b«'ar.-e $1& monthly: ntrose >

of ilrccms: clcs* ta street cars and sriiocl- Ict3CXU0.

*5C4> cash— Beaotifrl. up-tc^iate, h[«;X bajw- jment cottar* of 3 rwms. bath, reception-hall. |pantry. .-«:».lra.iry wasarabe; sanitary pitanb- itn.r: near the local train, sence! and electric '¦cars: tat 23x123: rrice. all .tuid. $T73O.

SUiTO cash—

Mc*ra hotrse. bat&. •puntr>. 'lesrant art mantel, abundance cf


b^rry vln^s cf ail >cisufs: 15 fruit trees tn bear- '•

tnu: sravl-d wal'ita: '-hicitirn house and yard;'

ntcaly ttrrirt-d; oa^ t!••-:< to street cars. !seN-cf, and t?ml train wirhtn fenr mlatrtss'


wane: street wcr!»- al! dnne; s*rTr^r»d; nicesidewalk; lot 0:^x1:10; monthly parmenta $20-Erw». all told. fC3Mk

$73 tots tn the beautiful R=sa t^e Tract; fin»!srtl;. gra-.d viav.-: new hom*» racldly J.ima- its: ',na ccid wind" cr ««t tmza and lots only $73 jeach: *3- down. rj*:anc<» $2 3i) r>«r month.

CHAfc-". F. LflE. 1221 FruftTale *v*mie._ —SPECIAL


LINDA PAPS. LirfDAPARK. LINDA PARS. !T^e terminus if 5-cent fare. Haywarla cam; ;

streets graced and ?ravefrd: stone sidrwaiij- jdepiit on tract; lots firm S3D to $UCO; $1T> caaa iand baiarsci* $10- p*-r moa:h: 13 bio.?ka w luc*itrala; t*rr !ocn:ed property cn San Leandro jroad: crad^L, sr-nool on tract. App4y to S. S:AUSTIN. lWt Twenty-third avu.. Oaktand.

FOR sale— $2730; U cost $37U. rents far T2aper atcnth: 2 cntt45»s rm. lot. 4Cxl3O. Arctytn S. S. AUSTIN. IIOI Tweaty-tMrd ave..East Oakland.

TWO netr cottajres. t aai 3 rccms: terms ta'

stdt ptm-haaer: cnaace to get gacd home !chetrr- *l»"7 Bray ave.. Frnlfrale, on- bfeck isctxth of county rotui. !


FOR sal*. FmitrraJ* S-rocra house aad jb-tth; lot 30 br MB; windmill arid tank, bara.Apply H- LKITH. (53 Rjecmer »t.

FOR sale—

$10Ci>; house of 8 rocms and bath: Itot 30xl«U; bam, wLndmilL tank. Aroiv to.?3 Bc*fcaier St.. Fraitvale. H- LETTH.


$43<>—STOCK an«l flxwres-cf pealtry and fruitI. ranch. F. LEITHM-OTN. Uacola. ave Cp- jper Fro^val*.

———»—.—— »̂1^—.—

—— M̂IM;



: ~i$43Cfi—FLATS rijht in town: 5 aad « rooms;

rent* $47 3f> month: a bargaia- By TItBALDES CO.. 1233 Broadway.

IF yetl tnt«n«i buying, cail and e»t m llwt otd»slr;ibie prop»rti«-» at A. J. ENYDIi^R'S KZiXiath. st_, Cailaad.



A3 assdera, ccs-reaieaces, the ?ery Ixtsstlaiproveaie-tj aad Eo«t perftct arraagsmeatoctalaaile.




PCHCHASS AH0MZ IN* ALAmrDX*E* Oealttiest. prettiest »^d meat deairablselace far a honie ia tae world.

>"ear Scboola. Traiae aad Omrclies- •


JS200—Elegaat new S-rrscai eoloaial kotise; apreacuaced architectural scccesa; beaati- !faUy designed: •very pcssiXle arraass- t=e=t made for cotafcrt.$-wOC—

New S-rccm coicmal hotxse- corner lot-;-„

*barsxin;«arroc=ded br beactifsl homes" !$-SCO— See this heme if ycu waat * bargain:;

3-rocia cattag* aad attie: lot SCxlSO;¦table; worth. $7300; ctttsa: Iear'.c* cosa-

JilCO—8 rre=« aad bata: let -43x130- SaaI


Actsalo are.1 $3710

—<i rcEf aad fcatn; cottag*; let 40x150; !

i cearlj new.;$25C!>

—<!-rocni ccttage; aew; let SCxlSO: mad- :errs. ;

;$ISCt>—Fias bargain: 4 races arid bath; cot- >

tage; por:h. 23w»rs. cement witv-»; ca !CTftHrfg«l avenue; moat be sold.¦ J_li ALAMEEALAND CO..—

«-° Fart St.. Alajaeda; Picas ALiaisda, 430.




Heu»* cc»t $23CO: I^t wcrth $S00- tctal ¦

cent $i7C0: only tTjZZO b-ys it:fc»st reasons Ifor s^lllajr: ts well built, modern, open '.plinicing. pcrcelaln bath, electric lights Jaad gaa. cement walks, t'.c. ;every modern 1convenience: beautifully finlsaed in pme; ,artistic in appearance: Z blacks cf Mastick i«tat!cn: 35 minatis cf S. I'.: beautiiullocation and surroundinss.


—Tt»>ntcdirn 3-rocm cottages, with large :

recepticn han; rent* $3S per aiccth;steady tenants; well bu:It. modem, cementwalks, lawas, good lets; well located: Iewner ncn-resid'nt; must be said; let na !shew faa these.


Tw~-et;ry 7-rootn Sm:»: h^h basement. !t.rii£h«>«l;modej*?. up-to-date: near Grand- i»t. »tat:oc; 2nj Iawr:: aa ideal home: a

'%*.-r-.n<?» ra acco-unt r.f cwner 1«a,vtng-'


Elegant twa-stcri' heme: south side of itawn. In beaatifal l--watioa; near bay 1stcrt: well fcciZt aad Sntsfced; cearty n«w;,ccst $CCCO w^thrri!t let.


M.jdem t9In^m. two-srory aad bas*-rrent h-m«<»: med^rr:; up-tt>-late.- lot S>x •150; idssi Scnie. with stable: sitnated ca ¦

the !•:--. side, near sratica and cars.• $eC0«'1—

Modem house of 5 ncffli upstair* and4 'i.-'VTistairs; tl!l:ard-rrora, cellar, wtnd-ni;:i and tars; let 53x1*0.





GENUINE BARGAINS.5-ron ccttajre Ninth, st, near station; IIlot 25xl2S>: eniy $14iX).

A fine heme cn Reyent it.: See garden; lot I1 JCilSO; near Park statrcn.

TTTO BARGAINS.S-rocsa ecitxs*; lrt uPxl^3; J13CO.

5-roci= cottage; Ict 25x130; $13?0.


3= LOTS .rt:4x123 TO 33x17^.










Cn Paru «t.. sear Central ave.: 50-;

Ifeet let: bwbU. 1.—-r n*ircottage of C rooms: !

:r<-rreia!n bath; ccmhiriaticn ras arid electric'

:Kr&S ?.xra-<*SL$12TT

—Fine BCCSi ccrtagis of 3 rxinrs: mcrt-

rar- of S3C0 caa remain; see it.tlTZi!

—<rcttagt cf •* rj.^ss; -lot lot;beaatifal


—New, Jrrst cnrrrpleti^: «!-room cottaa--;• all the latest modern impravement»; $730 cash,

; talance monthly.$273O

—A beautiful te=«; lot 106x110; lawn.;Cow*rs, »ts.:heese of S rooms.


If ycu are thinking cf baying, renting orselling eee the leading and reliable agents.


Sa>«san ia efflce to-day.


Kossera ccttaj*. tf rrrcn:? and bsth; let 23x!10S; enly $1¦»(."<) ; easy terma.

TO CLOSE ESTATETwo-stcry b.^se. IIrocms ar.d bath: all •

;modern conveniences; in (fee order: north, sid* :,BfeStsi Clara av.-., near Grand; liseld at onue !i$«00.

A BEAUTIFUL HOME:Oa Mcrtca st.. sccth of Central: modern 3-Irccm. hcu=e; spl-ndMIy ballt; sanltarr plumb-

'¦, !=«- tattt. high basement, attic, taakhouse :!weii cr citr water: lot 3OxIa3; coat owner :' VXOir, win sell f^rKZTi»\I J. g. HANLEY. 131.> Park ;t.

ATTENTTON TO INVESTORS.This ts paying « p»r cent net; mast be sold- j

inew two-story brick tutiiia«. cantainin* 3 •

; stores: 7-foot c-ilar; 4 modem up-to-daw iifiats; Utjw 2-et=ry stable; war-he-jea; 4,}x73: !1 near City Hal! and Library ftnlldtae-. cn ma:.i

<; line of electric cars aad i,black from "ark •1 st.: price -TlH.^ai: this !b a chance; call and I•»<• ua f;r farther* nurti.-nlars.

TVM. DUFOUR & CO..:=3* Fanta. Clar-t are., rear P:irit St.. Alameda'

;BEAUTIFUL trise, north side Clintcn ave •19 rooms: medera: nothing tetter tn A.!a- •meda: rharm.'rg hnm*. 9- rocms. Alameda !are., cc'y ?r..-.)i}; 3-rccta cottage. Slw.'O. Ala- 1rwHia ave. :5-rscm cntta»e. Grand s- $l^x>- s

i2"r^,1?' .£v£ tr*l ***" rr*at fc«^ai=. Biaat ibe teli. rrrx**; Irji> fe-t front choire lot on I

; Central ar?.. erjy $32X»; S Beta. *ne t-»ct !frr bu'tdlBg. ofTr.r wajtte4 Lafay»tte «t. !carraia. JTT3O.



3S fin- huiMing I«ts ia the beat ~«'d-nc-', -art of ITinarfo; thew l^ts face cn Tajfar.'

¦ Santa Clara. Haljet and Railroad .v.,.. a.^^'j are all within tvnblock* pf railroad and street !. car Ur.««: str^u rcacad%=ix*d and !Icf cement: nricea rans» from $4<x> t-> $7"VV >

>. terms. «5O »r;d mcrtth'-r rsrvmen*» Cf fo' :HA%\TK3 *MEHRTENS;Sevesta st. and Railroad ave.. ATam-«da

! "a-d-amsV-cB:—

Fcr a :«-¦•-:'- real e-tat? tott fan tn caD I: tia. the reiiable agents who fcav,. ho'is»s cot- i

tar-s and lets for sal* «n the very best toca-TSTvSg^g. TaiM ?~? e •*»-«I

ADAMS ft CO^ Bay «taacn.PhmT».AUrf.«da «3?2.

Cf*ce ez-'.a 5s2 tIars frora J a. a b 3 p. n.

eli;er e. johnsox. *~- ~csicnia! honl^. new. J375Q.

S-r^nra bm«:o». r.«r, $273O.HcT"«ea. lots, all cn»^»»

EL^fER E. JOHX3Q?f. ISOI Park st.$iCrt> WILL build to crier modern cottars c*5 rcen»: let 3.1xt23

J- H. T.OUNG. BnlTderl?l.%Far!< *..

Alameda.G^>OD fcusir»-sa prmjeiiy at a bargaia cn

P«r* **~ Inr;TriT» at 2HT5 San Ant.-^gfff ave.


w. c. Jioa.u;.


Nfc.vw 4-room cottag-v all medera tm-prsrveasents, 1 block ta K.ry Route: streetwcr* all dene; »2W> casa. balaace $20 p«rnwati. W. C. 2I0R.VN. Scuta Berkeley.

tZt-Vt—7-EOOM ecttage ca «O»ft. etrset- halfblock ta ears: trait trees, all bearing; gced¦well; lot50x149; a snap; street work all denerndedirar c«=eat walks. W. C MORANLStsata Berkeley.

$3CO CASH bal $12 per nicath: 24 acres iai-pnmed. near Frcim!*: pne« X'ldnss \F.O. tcx 10. Duuacni. C*J»



—$800 casa; many cottage. 3 rooms aad

bata; Z blocks ta cars and schccla; barrzia.


I6C0 cash: aaw ft-rocai boose; taa-saia* la all tae rctuas; haady tn traias aad

1 schools; snap.


TU.CO cash: 5 rocma and1 bita; &iceplace; near Dwight way; looJc this up-


$3C0 casa: Etna St.; colonial r S rocnisand bath; cneice tcscatioa.

$2230^-$23O cash; Vintaia-gt buns^tio-w;street work dene: 3 rooms and bata; $UC0 forlet. hall cash; Forest ave.; sunny; fine view.


acre lot. near Tmtrersity; Alpine.


arr* tot; Garemcnt; bargain for ahenxe.

$6CC0— Dwight-way business corner; 100x135.


3*^ acres at Cl-or-mont; 13-rocca'house: elegant grounds, fruit, etc. • .

CHENEY & EEKRT,PcstJtfice Block, Berk-ley.

BERKELEY BARGAINS.1 $1550— Modern cottiye. 5 rcoms. bath, etc.; lot

4t}xl<:0; gtre*t work, all dem?: close tot[ A«hby; cash $3CT, balance $13 month-



—Buugalcw. 3 rocrns. bath. »tc.;gas arjii, electric; cash flCQ, balance $25 monvbly.

{ ttsmjC7C0

—Commedli^js eclcnial 3-story hauaa. j 'built 2 years). 7 larse rcoins, hi?h Saorsd

busement. bath, tctlet, electric light,' citywater, etc.; fane Int: Main av*nae. closeto station; str^ec -work dcn»; small casii. » pam?»nt: ea«- In^tairments; a snap. (M4l»


New 2-«tory hous*. 7 w^ll finishedr-.oms. bath, pantry, laundry, 2 toilats;!cc 4-"-sI^0; srr«.»t wcrk and ceoi^ntdene, close to station. il.5"51>'


Pesirabie rssidence, 2-*tory. 7 rocma(paneled r^r^ptxa and dining rooms): up-tc-iiate ttttlass. etc.; lot IQaclCfl; ici-

,| proved av»cu-; ideal home in lovely lo-cality, near College ave. (13t"v, H. I_>. LSW1K. L.:rin station. South Bericeley.

Ou»o siuniiaya Camas« in atteniiajici.

IS13CC— "J-ROOM ho':ro: fcish tas«m«nt; on rcxln1 j street; np-to-I^te m every respect; street¦ j wcrk cenjptate; close to car?.j J-':Ci;

—Handsome new 0-rcom coctase; .; baj-

wtr.dr*ws; gas in ev»ry room; tintedthromrSQUt: str»et work complete: let 4i;-x_ 130 and 4 f*eL abcv e strict: cl.j»e ta KeyRoute and S. P. station; blotk fromscrees cars.


Fine larye ?-rf-'Cta house with basement:corner l<x; street wcrk ccmrtete; la heartof Lortn: bandy to ail cars; owner's in-structions are to rsfMce no reaaccabta ci-te.

ANOTHER SACRIFICE.!; Ihave ttve lary*. beautiful Lota within 3

[ minutes' walk of K-y Rdum and S. P. trains:¦ jall fenced; street work and cement walk: your.^1:fruit treea: tofal frontal" if!t> f»et; aa a, "whete1

'¦ or in subdivisiccs: a grand buy.f jC C EM^'LIE, the Aahby-ave. Real Estate(

'r«?al-sr. tjren S"uaday» frctn 12 t-a Z.

. $I3C0—i r.; cie*. modern; Ict 37x133; inr

car«. easy term*."^-StSCO

—a r.: nice condition: lot 40x130; sear

:: Grove St.• I$223*)

—5 r.: lot 30xt3«>; near U. C. and "Key."'

• !*2300—

7 r. in.i attic: moiara; let 40x130; nearOrcve St.


H r.:n;-w: nlc»; good tot: east of Grore.'¦ ?.>7Ct!

—> r.:modern; nearly saw; line location;

near tn.¦ ; $03<)C

—7 r.:modem: fine location; east cf• t Dana, ncrth cf Dw'.giit.

< i $4Z3n—

7 r.:new: a «-?m <f a home; very sight-ly sa:uau-Mi: near Berryman.

\ ; f\Z>:<>—*r. rr--nr; 3. d^isy; fin-iy finishe-l; base-

¦ ¦ aient; <?;c?ant lecation; beautilul v.tws;.j near

—.1 r.: aa attract Jv». medera hcrne: I^L=d-

*ctr» grourtila'; cnotce location; near nci-'.' .Tiitr:ertnttrnaatmam trjseii; nwk* <sfr-r.

LTUANAL1.EN. 2VZI"Center st.'


A NEW 2-star-*. «5-rQt«n bouse; larg-;t>.t; ne&r tlte Key Rnute.• ; FU:e 2-Jtory h-iwe of 7 rjoms: cemer.:tot: <:re«t work all dona: very conveniently•¦ situated.• ;• -Si&eiV-Near Dwijht7<-~ay sta:icn: fia*2-atjry

I house of 'J rccms; lot 7ttxlO3; street wirk. aS• dene.$7000

—A 'j>v»ly swell chalet; fine corner lot• ia a nrst-cljs.; r/»:«3i-<w!i>>;d. cn aa electric

: car line; a ;jr?tty place.iiacr* in th* a*irt ot town, with ottajte.;wlrdmii:. 4**«"C-2-a;. tank, lory- bam. crvr seed, aad bus,ry thte&'. frcntlns; cn macadaaiizeil

( str»»t. for sale at a tarjain; there* money1 in. it.

JOS. J. MASON, Esal Estate.c SE. cms Shatrick ave. aad Centsr »c.Bsrks!»y.


; $ZZtAi—

EIe«mt new »5-r»-.cri Scc3e. ;iear Dwljhtway tfaffew; car. be twoirU for *

1JCi>cash;cfc<?a:vr tsaa rest.'


Larit 7-rocm h-ji^««». n»*r university andtest car lines: beat bary-iin in Berkeley '

;$3<;CiJ— > rwms. Nirth Bjrksfey; hiSa base-ment. SooretJ attic; conservatory; lary?lot; perfect Ia-wcr s»» thLs plic-:aiaicsoffer; owner .complied to nr-ikj .jTiick::aie.

¦VTrit? to xw f.:r eery cf our ne-» map .if• Derkaley. ahnwin? all ?tretft». ear lines. local!station:;, <iniv»rsity btif.!.Iin~!« »tc

TV. R. ELLIS tCO./IPhccg North yj. 2130 Shattuck ave.; $11O EACH—2 hcusws: EzTSS let; half caah.

ti!ance lei«s than rtiat.$li3<)

—3-r. eottay-; lari? ict; on Z streets;

terms rea.«:n.ib!e.$1700

—Shinsied mttas1-: ne-v; $,v:o cash.

$13 rer menin: moxt sell qui.?k.Ccttjg»s

—All prices, frcm $12iM> up: jr-jod

lew. $2C0 and up; hins?s. £Uts and star»s torentPhcne Dirby SOC. MURDOCK £ CO..Open Simdaya Scuta. B^rk*l«y iLortni.


JftXE lot, 44xX9; on TTcoisey st.. nearT?t«s=apa ave. :Cos a f»»?» days only.

Ta Rent tn H*rice!-y.House cf 7 rooms: on U*h«|Cr st.: $27 5«>_House of 7 rc.irns: on Louisa st-: $C3l?cnse of H rrr.2. n B!»*r? tz.:$20

;LITTLE £ WOOtSET. Stt* ave.B^rk»iey, Cal.

. MAKE diligent tr;v»stlssticn and then compareprices aad advantage of the -M;i>« Tract"with any property far ••jrsneral rciroers" laBerkeley and you wilt Qrwl it stands at thahead of th* Ust; one btcc't from hlsa solure1.two blocks from ne-» library, rnaia KeyRiiOte ar.d S. P. statlTs; three btccts fromuniversity acrt Santa Fe station. FP iNCI'^FEREOER. 2121 i-Iuttuck ave.

;6 ACRES la the heart of town, with catta^*; windmill. 4C<M-cal. t^nV. I^^rg^ b»ra. e«>wshed and baszy sh»d; CnmiiBc on macida-raised street, for sale at a barzaln; ther»'»money ia It- »

JOS. J. MASON,i SS. Ccr. Saattack and Center St.

PHILO MILL5.n»J7 Shartiick it». jIhavo a few law left tn the folio-wine; tracts;

I Berry -Baays. Hopkins' T»rnc!, Wheeler. M3-4-<3ee. Daly Scenic and Sweeney tracta. Alsoj choice, select lets here and there. Let mej show them to you. Phcne Mason 21S2.

1330 FOR a S-TOom cottigs and baspment;lan» let; smith frrnta«r~: near Berkeley sta-tion; a birffain. ALBEE t CORTELL 2133Csntsr St.

I ELEGANT lot in Berkeley for «a!» ch^aoM0RAN 4 SWAIN. 21.TI Shattockave.

1FKUITYALE ADVERT'STS!i ?a citvAxsjasAi^ esta-te. j[ ELRuD & Hl'LL. ,\ No. «—ttiUi-. a 4-rontn house; will andjpump; chick->n houses; lot ZCx^cj); nwre laa.1 ¦

jailjoir.lns can be bought cheap; this wiilmake !a. Sae chiokec ran<-h; 2 blocici fraia car line;15 blocks from ffcfccoL

No. 43^—

IHCO;a bouse of 4 Lars* reonrs: cor- i'ner lot:1blocks from 23d-av*. station; atr—twork doc*: can sell you this place for i2SO•lo-wn. balance same a.s rent; this la a nice

jplace; ccms aod w? willbe g:ad to- show you

J this place.No. 14

—$183<}; a new 4-rccin bun^aiu-ar; city

J water;, rastry; ccnn«ct#d with raaia! s-wer; ru»ar acbool and car line; corner lot.I2KX.14O; staaE payment do-wn, balance saraa aj

Irent.1 No. 3—$C*50: a. 7-roora tnuae. femished corn-!

slete; nice go«J-?n *^i snuads^ aoaia fruit ;I trt-.s and berries: let j.xl:J7;iblock from earj liae; close to good school: tiasurpaaaed vlaw cf• surrotindire citros and b^y.

No. 51—

$.W0: a 3-rcam house: bath, paatry.'

i stationary wash travs. hiih basement, cityi! water; good barn; chiok-n hensea; berries and

fruit tret*; flcw5rs ta abundance; ccmniandaelijant '."t*1^; tot ICHXiij:clcae to Siiactsl- 4

I blocks freni car liae.' Na. 13—?4C;C0; a Icrret7 7-rocm hctrse. Io-«tt*d cn Fraitvata ave.; aoaae Juat dafshad;modern tfcrourbent; you wiltonly hare ta seethis ph»ci» ti> want tt: Cn» cherry treea oa rtarof tot, whirtii« v«ry Iarse.

No. 20—*Xfi» will buy a 7-rocm bcuso Ic-cated cn BUS pound, ecrnmandlna- a jrrand

f rtsw- of du? cities and bay; taia p!ac<. tuts aj spacious rarden and locely surrouadtasa ta

every way. 7-

Na 1*5—

S22CO: a S-rx>«n bon^-alow. jnat Rn-tshed- beam celling and paael walls, witadlsh-»hell ia dinlay-raonr. cnve ceili'mrsthroushoct>- balancw ct hcuse. elenrantiye.inin^d pantry, kitchen arm bath; on Unastreet, ta gocd neljhborhood ; adjblainje lotscaa be pureaased; 13 raiatrtea' wslk froai Iac*i

BTrtlding tots on Fruitvala are., located onth«* me»S desirable part oC tfc# aireaaa: lots are4O> feet deen and revered -wrth. full bearingtrcft trees: !surrorinded by fine homes: comeanti 6<» convinced of ta*ir sup-rasrlty.

--nd for fall pristad -tiata ami aiapa o*Froit-TaV--. •

PtLROD i. HULL. U10 FriiitraJe ave.. VAblacks frura local station;* Broci 1631.



r~j¦"- It. KAKNAJtD

co Tec wxaa a h^me^^T^.^^

&Jiae ethers. JOslOO. $3C« aad $3Sa. a:*> *chexa iace. « ness witi let 4Sxl*a aa<* stable, for f^fiaAnother witifrait aad ffowert. SL3COOn MrrCe st.. aaif biccie frrrei str-«: ca»»x5-rjcrce.i houae; let 35x123: $1SCO.A 7-r-Jome-i tcusa ca West st. Bear Uta;

tedtea; ?iir-»Oa Z2&cr Vtila ate. oc» tlcck trxs. itar^ai

«t Golriea Gata. Ict tODzllS feet. Juat C2athiaflr far three cattaxrs :YICGO.

All caaa. ar $3CO caua and mortgxrs at T-*per ceui.

IT ywiwiat cti«r paytny iar»«t=aeats r*tisrtlaa real nza.Zs Ican. bu cZ serrics to y-?u-

WHAT WILL TOC CHOOSE?Some itscic ta S. P. 5i:;:ia» Co. paytas 5O

cent* mcaiily ca every taar* fsr acre tiaat»a years.

Ia Cakiaa-1 Crematory, paid 30 cents «tr»t-deair m March. May aad Z-xam.

Ia the S. 5". 3ahtirSe.a H:oe -p-«*.-»•-g 5©.ctety; Is«tted bonds c£ iper cent aad ¦*percent. fc» fartaer saar-.ns; ia tS» pnfits.

The«s be feo«si; by roU pajmjau er

Also ta ta* ilr_r;«...m tavtsi Treat Ca. ofSaa Frmadsco* 5 per cent and •» per ceat.

acme stack ia tiia P*aaU aad Br^okaSJr* C.JCca.. c^ar Sacta Maria; prrxiucttve w%Cs:selling- taetr oil to th* £taadar-l Oil Ci at«5 t» Ti cents p-r barr*I *:tie w*Ila.

FULL INFORMATION FCRXISHEO.Also 3O saarea cf tie Par* Vaxsr Cj-*»

itcci. gsaraat»eln» 9 r«T «=t net.Scaia Tariack lrri«aiica bcoda. 5 ner erst,

running 4 years, a* 9«>.«3C0 wcrth cf Bsaiti- Syadirat* 3 per c#at

«r»12cat*a at SSc. or dijeouat of tfcW. 1.' i>plied for immediately. Ctaer axtractrr* «-cor-.ties. Cnt tii» out for refei «ace- Onjens inaertica. s

1^ rcu caa do better, fy eljswhere.


W. B, BAR.VAI1I}.473 T-nth st.. Cailaa*.



Coe« »;*.-•• eteastnt 7TW. -,;—.,- t2-rr)r=a r-«1dence;

-.;,-a:-« ratartar-. 70s113: aaadao=«st acme west of Braa-i-war-


h::«gaat bxnae: 3 rjeais; near SeaatcrPtricrnsr' ifcagJtga; Shakespearean ar-caitsetars; iOxliJ: tsrr*ced; sa*s3i2ss=jvie-w; Veraca Hh^scs best prcoerty.$3.TC—

Extra ffa« ec-f^»g*; 7 rTcnrs; 30 f:.frrara.r*: »d>rta» nae manaJcc*: v»rychoices* sertjea; Marlut-et. statioa-


ZJ) lacj; Braatdway Tirra^e; scrpcraitoactestnjc out sale: terms.


Ccst VSZm; mcrtgaga fsrria« «.•:• »-r>«ai hcafle, •xtr* wea bti^-: T»ntaar?. :cretcw* sectlmv warm belt: ta*-1

-$3.S3O— Suburtaa pia.t: 29 £o-» or *

»er*a: b«s:I*vb1 laad ia ecuaty. frensa *aa Lea-idr ¦>

ETi-rsric Rcaa: nscd^ra SaUdtrw. atmand 5-r-.u=i fiat; insorert S2ZCO- CarmcTT^ag^ tECO; wtU dou.Ua ta »aia-.MVST BS SOUD.$2,.-0— Med-rrj cctiajr!; 3 and tata; haaesent;gas: Cakland PostafSc.? 4 Clocks.

*2.'5-C^-Mcdera cottar^: 3 rocrra and batS:Uasearea:; reata CO: Itzi.ind T»ie«r»;X

$5C0—Lt-t. 2ifxl.79; itre?t wcrk eonsatet**Wi;«^rtj ave.$SCO—

Let 25x112; street work escstetsr I3taand Market.$M0

—Let eas-7 terats; Cakiaad ave.


Neat ccttas*; •$ p:t.^i»; *T:teU0;tarn; snaay lecatica; strsei ccajplie"*;

-¦ cze^j.$7'^—Fin^ 577. ccmer. 3<>tl3I: conv-aieas :>

t-Jw.Dw '*3' w*3' and caata. F» 4*pot.


Neat cottaase; 4 rccms; near T«ljgr*pnave. p«5wer-hense-.


Cc?mfQrta»)le cottage; 4 rscraa; lira•*-. near C*ater-st. stat'its.



TAYLor:rracs. a co..Real Estat?. InsuranrT and FTaaaclif Afstrrs.TUtS&sat C?iar

I2T» Br^^lwxj-. Caitizi. C*CA HOMS ON THS HILLS.. . •

$213O— A pretty ccfas», sirzat* on taw tiTsta Pl-«tn-ont. wita mrm-Tiaciecr -»i«rw artall «i*»» of bay and fcjothilli; irt I2xt25

-feet; tti» honse im nearly new. 5 rooms.tata «n.-J fej^s haaets«n^ one bisde tt>P'«*a»>r:r ave. car ac>2 ba: a. jiort dis-tax<re fr'tn prrpesed Ksy Route erten-stca. C>wTt»r wjies ta i«*v» zzzy f

'mnat s»i!. This 53 aacther tarxaia.



H*r» i» as el#cant eeraer ea Crov- sf.t^tir»ea 13th and Itia sts.. lot 73xlL»f»t. Tats- L» mewl ta caa of thachcicrsj resid«3:r* dlitncts. Present tai-Enrv-mmrs corafat of aeai: cottig*. Taiawnulu be aa elesaat loeatlca fcr «i?«-


ii-.-nn: anaoal income C«4O: tr*«CxlC>> feet; wit>iia ca* block or Broad-way sit*at* ta a «uatab> toeatlca fcrwaoIt»U: ecrreapcraiiaar prtrcertun. Nrtnsh«i; a: «znj per fa«jt witaon: imanvi?-meats- Tt:f» toitinn warrants a gr»a:fattxre and. th* pr-sent income is all tha'could be d*strt«s,

. TAYLOR BROS, t CO.. t-";^ Braai-way.

NsTvT flat* ti*:tar¦ Nearly 20 per t*at incrme.

Fixarw itout for yocrself—.Frui price $3ZH}yScnz^Sfi 90B9Cash' taT»3tment -.......:..$o»^


Intfrist ch nscrttay? ft«oInsuranre en 5CTfO \^•Nt taxes Co cay. aj 12a taort-

jsisr* carrf»a it a!I.> •

Total $3*4 nrt4.laccce ($1&S per macti waca ail"r=ata<!> $12ro

.V;t jrnr'visna* %f.Tf,Or aearly S» >:? e»at ea tae »^"^rr!of <ajUrc<T^r<>it (jnC4:«,">

The fcuilila^ !s rw» irsd witiia oaa bl<»:i«f local traia. Call an*I w» snail show tt toTen. CIOSnE TV. AUSTIN


THL? rarr ct Cat* caystt ce? c<nt whja alt reatexl

—Ftjllrrir« ..- $r^r<»Mcrtsasa tSOCaaa r?<xuirc4 $12n«»Leek at eis s&rall lavestmaat • ::

Y«arfy sta:enient—

It*nt» S3P>Interest ea $173} ..;... . I«OWater irtInsuTancj A

Balance tett, Str». or sbo«t ft per centea ta* rrasri taves t«d-

Cue c->s f.isit beer* vacatel by a t«;ii_-.t¦who- p^id $U» p»r mcath, I;win rens far tiiilana price a^ain. cr jcu caa uceip7 It /iur»jeir aati let the 'ltier rav fw the proc*rty.Wh«-» "ais you place J .!.'¦¦ co better a*vaat-.-- ' Call aad s««e ML



*2SM—Lot. '.-"r:.- ¦ In :¦':-— Gat*.


-1 ¦


Lrt.U'>xl*S. iaCoidro Cate. hsl sckouC$CCe— Let. SCxlftJs, aear Tsiesraph ave. aatt

K*yrjot».$1^:0— Let. tSSilSO. al<r:!7 bxxzm jtrar Kjy

rrmts. •- ''.

?IZ^>—l-roffaiTottage. bath. 4-foct baseasent-lot 23xl0ii; near Kfy tout*. Tiissnaa *adGrav» depot.


Tor.ras: garisn. fruit aa<J v*5^tabt-»;make* .!<rmfirtabla &c=<; CTareascnt a«c.


new iiev rmite.

stead on crraer. eeatrall» kwraEfd. sy»<r!oti»XTvunda: bl^My iisprcveii; fcbsly equ:pp*<2«:.»:-.-¦• aere yen batv« aa •

:¦> i'. :- --:* .--•••he^rt cf tJs» elty, j«t tn the mUjt of thnasqsiat an4 r*ffa«<l **irTcuadinsp» so .iwiraaU?.t"WUI sell ear?«t3.) Preailsesi aitowai by a;-


FOR sal#—Bea^tlftil Bone;* :arj» r^-ra

hoaxf: hafa: laundry: Stae -.?-::.: Sail:U»x« I«t: -..r-.: chickra janis; jlentr trait.r!ew«rs: teaatlful Utj::-ru:_i. la^'iir* 477TWrry-fcnrti at.. Cairasi

fj.3j<'! MAEKJAIN: 3-ro«nn cottase; tot .T7:1x:Mi:eorrrer: 1rnirotea." we^x from Ease Oai-:ir.i I*-:¦¦¦¦ »Tr-»t rm m-3 by t^w dc«rteirwr leavtax .-ta:- arir» wui *arrta>» for acatrS sal*. Jtrr>-H5X-£S A BAHTCX. a**Brar^ay: ft- Vj:ti t»7.

OVKLAVDk»tfn*; i«->t w"xt25 ft.:hoasa. nara;t£za- ursi, F. GROSoCUJ*. 1»*Markst st,TS- f'.

For CLxsslAnS Adrextisevcents Sec P3je Forxy-Fcix^11ur<
