Al-Qaida chief Ayman al-Zawahiri The Coordinator 2015 Part 19-142-Caliphate-ISIS

By Capt (Ret) C de Waart, feel free to share: in Confidence Al-Qaida chief Ayman al-Zawahiri The Coordinator 2015 Part 19- 142-Caliphate-ISIS C: Never leave a partially defeated enemy in one way or the other back on the battlefields. Al-Qaeda General Guidance for Jihad, ISIS has put together an online guide. ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi sent out a chilling message to fellow Muslims in an online post, calling on followers of the faith to get in the religious war and that Islam has never been about peace. His message, titled “March Forth Whether Heavy or Light,” was posted at the online site Downrange and points to a single verse in the Quran calling on believers to “strive with your wealth and your lives in the cause of Allah,” Jihad Watch reported. Baghdadi’s post: “O Muslims, Islam was never for a day the religion of peace. Islam is the religion of war.” He then appealed directly to fellow believers to get in the fight. “Where are you in relation to your prophet (peace be upon him) whom you claim to emulate, and who spent his whole life … as a mujahid for the cause of Allah, fighting for his enemies? His lateral incisor tooth was broken in battle, his forehead was wounded, two rings from his chainmail cut his cheeks, his helmet was broken on his head and blood ran down his face.” Baghdadi also said Muslims ought to realize “the Jews, the Christians and the rest of the disbelievers” will not “abandon waging war against you until you follow their religion and apostatize from yours,” and as such, should join ISIS. “This war is only against you and against your religion,” he wrote, Jihad Watch reported. “Has the time not come for you to return to your religion and your jihad and thereby bring back your glory, honor, rights and leadership? Has the time not come for you to know that there is no might nor honor nor safety nor rights for you except in the shade of the caliphate? … Therefore, O Muslims, seek shelter, after Allah, with the Islamic State.”(C: For Full see below) " We dropped the ball on the Al-Qaeda." "We thought and told policy-makers that this outburst of popular revolt would damage al- Qaeda by undermining the group's narrative." "The failure to predict the growth of the jihadist threat following the revolutions throughout the region was due to the CIA's own failure to have reliable human intelligence sources on the ground in the various nations experiencing revolt. Instead, the CIA had grown accustomed to relying upon the intelligence of the existing Middle Eastern nations.""-- former CIA chief Michael Morrell "General Guidance for Jihadi Action,"Zawahri urges There is a need to fight against the infidels, but at any cost avoid targeting the civilians and here Cees: Intel to Rent Page 1 of 26 20/03/2022

Transcript of Al-Qaida chief Ayman al-Zawahiri The Coordinator 2015 Part 19-142-Caliphate-ISIS

Page 1: Al-Qaida chief Ayman al-Zawahiri The Coordinator 2015 Part 19-142-Caliphate-ISIS

By Capt (Ret) C de Waart, feel free to share: in Confidence

Al-Qaida chief Ayman al-Zawahiri The Coordinator 2015 Part 19-142-Caliphate-ISIS

C: Never leave a partially defeated enemy in one way or the other back on the battlefields.Al-Qaeda General Guidance for Jihad, ISIS has put together an online


ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi sent out a chilling message to fellow Muslims in an online post, calling on followers of the faith to get in the religious war and that Islam has never been about peace. His message, titled “March Forth Whether Heavy or Light,” was posted at the online site Downrange and points to a single verse in the Quran calling on believers to “strive with your wealth and your lives in the cause of Allah,” Jihad Watch reported.

Baghdadi’s post: “O Muslims, Islam was never for a day the religion of peace. Islam is the religion of war.” He then appealed directly to fellow believers to get in the fight. “Where are you in relation to your prophet (peace be upon him) whom you claim to emulate, and who spent his whole life … as a mujahid for the cause of Allah, fighting for his enemies? His lateral incisor tooth was broken in battle, his forehead was wounded, two rings from his chainmail cut his cheeks, his helmet was broken on his head and blood ran down his face.”Baghdadi also said Muslims ought to realize “the Jews, the Christians and the rest of the disbelievers” will not “abandon waging war against you until you follow their religion and apostatize from yours,” and as such, should join ISIS. “This war is only against you and against your religion,” he wrote, Jihad Watch reported. “Has the time not come for you to return to your religion and your jihad and thereby bring back your glory, honor, rights and leadership? Has the time not come for you to know that there is no might nor honor nor safety nor rights for you except in the shade of the caliphate? … Therefore, O Muslims, seek shelter, after Allah, with the Islamic State.”(C: For Full see below)

" We dropped the ball on the Al-Qaeda." "We thought and told policy-makers that this outburst of popular revolt would damage al- Qaeda by undermining the group's narrative." "The failure to predict the growth of the jihadist threat following the revolutions throughout the region was due to the CIA's own failure to have reliable human intelligence sources on the ground in the various nations experiencing revolt. Instead, the CIA had grown accustomed to relying upon the intelligence of the existing Middle Eastern nations.""-- former CIA chief Michael Morrell

"General Guidance for Jihadi Action,"Zawahri urges There is a need to fight against the infidels, but at any cost avoid targeting the civilians and here is where we will score over the ISIS, the Al-Qaeda leadership has told its fighters across the world.

The radical terror group ISIS has put together an online guide to help sympathizers carry out their call to jihad against the western world. The recent ISIS guidebook is just the latest in online manuals or e-handbooks released by the Middle Eastern terror group.

Al-Qaeda General Guidance for Jihad action and how CIA dropped the ball Written by: Vicky Nanjappa Published: Tuesday, May 5, 2015

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Page 2: Al-Qaida chief Ayman al-Zawahiri The Coordinator 2015 Part 19-142-Caliphate-ISIS

By Capt (Ret) C de Waart, feel free to share: in Confidence

The former CIA chief Michael Morrell sums it all up in just one line- " We dropped the ball on the Al-Qaeda." An outfit that was bruised and beaten after the death of Osama Bin Laden is back in business and it is just a matter of time before they exercise complete control over the south of Yemen. Their sleeper cells in the Southern part of Yemen have woken up and surprisingly we get to hear Ayman Al-Zawahiri talking after coming out of a self imposed exile. To add to all that is happening in Yemen was a video from Asim Umar the Al-Qaeda in the Sub Continent chief who threatens to establish themselves from France to Bangladesh.

At a time when all of us felt that there would be one less threat to deal with, just what is it that prompted Morell to say that they dropped the ball on the Al-Qaeda. Yemen is where all the difference was made. Since the Yemen conflict broke out at least a 1000 articles have been written about how the Al-Qaeda has managed to bounce back through its wing in the Arab Peninsula. Let us blame the Saudis for this and their specific targeting of the Houthi rebels which in turn gave the Al-Qaeda the required support to take over area on the ground. Yes, it is a fact that the Saudis just went about bombing the Houthis from the air and never once targeted an Al-Qaeda base. Moreover it is not enough if one carries out just aerial strikes. It is equally important that a legitimate army holds ground after the aerial strikes and not leave it to the Al-Qaeda to do so. Today the Al-Qaeda is beaming with joy about the success of its operations in Yemen. The Houthis were their biggest threat and just as the ISIS was also making an entry, the aerial strikes by the Saudis helped the Al-Qaeda a great deal. The ball indeed has been dropped Morrel in his book "The Great War of Our Time," admits that the Arab Spring would undermine Al-Qaeda's message and help to shift the Middle East away from terrorism after the death of Osama bin Laden.

"We thought and told policy-makers that this outburst of popular revolt would damage al- Qaeda by undermining the group's narrative."

"The failure to predict the growth of the jihadist threat following the revolutions throughout the region was due to the CIA's own failure to have reliable human intelligence sources on the ground in the various nations experiencing revolt. Instead, the CIA had grown accustomed to relying upon the intelligence of the existing Middle Eastern nations."

"We were lax in creating our own windows into what was happening, and the leadership we were relying on was isolated and unaware of the tidal wave that was about to hit," Morell further notes.The General Guidance for Jihad Action In a document titlted "General Guidance for Jihadi Action,"Zawahri urges his militants to avoid bloody killing of civilians. This would ensure that the local civilians support us. " Don't kill even the Shias even though we consider them as infidels, the document states.‘ Don't bomb Churches, don't kill Christians and never target areas where civilians gather," the document also states.

These guidelines have gone a long way and earned the Al-Qaeda

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By Capt (Ret) C de Waart, feel free to share: in Confidence

a great deal of respect especially in Yemen. The locals support this approach and unlike the ISIS which targets anyone it considers an infidel, the Al-Qaeda has waged an entirely different war. The Al-Qaeda even went up to the extent of claiming that it wants to take a liberal approach although it does want the Sharia law in place. There would be no ban on music, hosting parties or dancing, the Al-Qaeda had also claimed .In the long run this is the same theory that the Al-Qaeda would try and impose in Afghanistan and Bangladesh as well. There is a need to fight against the infidels, but at any cost avoid targeting the civilians and here is where we will score over the ISIS, the Al-Qaeda leadership has told its fighters across the world. Read more at:

ISIS Releases Online Guide Explaining How to Befriend, Rob and Kill WesternersBy April 28, 2015 , 8:30 am Take care that you be not ensnared to follow them, after they have been destroyed before you.” (Deuteronomy 12:30)The radical terror group ISIS has put together an online guide to help sympathizers carry out their call to jihad against the western world. The new 70-page online manual instructs followers abroad on how best to attack their home countries and their fellow citizens. The guide instructs would be terrorists or terror sympathizers how to create one or two person sleeper cells, change their names and slip past western security measures. In-depth instructions teach readers how to rob people via online scams and thereby raise money for their own mini-terror infrastructure. The guide reads: “If the (shedding of) non-Muslim

blood is permitted by scholars, then no doubt (the taking of) their wealth is.” Written in English, the guide gives step-by-step instructions on how to create homemade explosives and to build cell phone detonators. Ten pages of the manual are devoted to teaching how to use everyday items such as jars filled with nails, pressure cookers, gas canisters and even microwave ovens to create these deadly explosives. There is also an in depth section on how to make a car bomb. While heaping praises upon former terrorists such as Dzhokar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the terrorists behind the Boston Marathon bombing that killed three and injured over 260 others, the guidebook teaches sympathizers how to keep their operation covert. Tips include using Western names, not wearing any Islamic clothing and even wearing contact lenses so as to confuse witnesses. The guide also explains how to create plausible alibis by befriending westerners and people in positions of power. “Befriend good decent white people who are dissatisfied with their governments, be close to them and offer them support and guidance in life,” it suggests. “If these people open up to you, you can decide if you want to tell them about Islam. You will tell them enough information to satisfy what service you require of them, but not more than that.” The recent ISIS guidebook is just the latest in online manuals or e-handbooks released by the Middle Eastern terror group. Previous books include “The Management of Savagery,” which outlines how to attack tourists and infiltrate public institutions as well as a manifesto produced by the all-female al-Khanssaa Brigade, explaining the expected role of women in society. The women’s guidebook shockingly outlines the behavioural expectations of females: “It is considered legitimate for a girl to be married at the age of nine. Most pure girls will be married by 16 or 17, while they

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By Capt (Ret) C de Waart, feel free to share: in Confidence

are still young and active. Young men will not be more than 20 years old in those glorious generations.”

Isis is developing sleeper cells in the UK using secret online terror guides that teach would be jihadis how to stay under the radar Arabic manual hidden behind innocent looking websites on classic carsStep-by-step instructions on how to avoid detection by security servicesTells would-be western jihadists how to delete their digital footprintPolice and government have said an attack on the UK is almost inevitable  By Sam Matthew and Martin Robinson for MailOnline

Published: 09:25 GMT, 28 April 2015 Islamic State (ISIS) has published a shocking step-by-step online 'teach yourself terrorism' manual for radicalised British fighters. The document, hidden behind innocent looking websites on classic cars and art, details how to plan a strike in the UK without detection. The Arabic guide, said to be written by a number of different authors, will further ignite fears that the terrorist group has placed sleeper cells in the UK, who are laying in wait to carry out attacks.The document includes basic instructions for wannabe western jihadists on how to delete their digital footprint to avoid detection. The manual says that if used correctly it would be 'impossible' for the counter terrorism services to access 'important information on the Muslim brothers,' according to

the Mirror.  Among the lessons  are how to conceal a computers unique IP address and the method for disarming a smartphone's tracking software. The text is also said to give step-by-step instructions on how to send encrypted messages and advises how to access the 'dark web,' to research and plan attacks.  Experts say that material leaked by Edward Snowden  'This is just the tip of the iceberg,' a spokesman for Global Vigilance, an offshoot of the hacking group Anonymous, who discovered the material told the newspaper. 'The training material brings home the level of sophistication they posses. Home SecretaryTheresa May and senior British police chiefs have previously said that a terrorist atrocity involving an ISIS-style beheading or bomb attack on civilians is now 'almost inevitable'. Belgian national Dimitri Bontinck, who is known as the 'Jihadi Hunter' for rescuing youths from IS, has also said attacks are likely. 'I've been told by very influential sources that they have sleeper cells over here, and are preparing to unleash their war in Europe,' he said last year.  This is not the first time that IS has published basic guides for its radicalised recruits. A 50-page manual has been circulated online called Hijrah, meaning 'holy emigration', which includes details of safe houses and routes for Western wannabe jihadists and has been compared to a gap year travel guide.  Another, titled Questions And Answers On Taking Captives And Slaves, instructs IS fighters on how to buy and sell women and girls who have been captured in war as booty. There are also Arabic manuals that give advice to Jihadi mothers on how to raise a new generation of 'Caliphate cubs' trained for war. 

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By Capt (Ret) C de Waart, feel free to share: in Confidence

Our faith condones raping underage slaves: ISIS publishes shocking guidebook telling fighters how to buy, sell and abuse captured womenManual entitled 'Questions And Answers On Taking Captives And Slaves' Document says all 'unbelieving' women can be taken as captives and sold Says it is 'permissible' to have 'intercourse with female slave who hasn't reached puberty'Pamphlet was distributed by masked ISIS fighter outside mosque in MosulBritish terrorism experts have concluded the Arabic document is genuine  By Abul Taher for The Mail on Sunday Published: 22:10 GMT, 13 December 2014 Islamic State (IS) has published a shocking guidebook for its fighters on how to rape slave girls – even if they have not reached puberty. The Arabic manual, titled Questions And Answers On Taking Captives And Slaves, instructs IS fighters on how to buy and sell women and girls who have been captured in war as booty. The document, published by the Research and Fatwa Department of IS, gives its fighters the green light to turn captured women into slaves and concubines, and even give them as gifts to one another. It was circulated on the Twitter accounts of senior IS leaders and on Friday was distributed by masked IS fighters outside a large mosque in Iraq’s second city Mosul, which is controlled by the group.The document has been obtained by the Washington-based Middle East Media Research Institute and translated into English. British terrorism experts, who have studied the document, have concluded it is genuine. They have condemned the manual – which answers questions dealing with sex with slave girls, their status as the master’s property, and how to beat them – as ‘disgusting’, saying it harks ‘back to the Dark Ages’. In the guide, one question asks: ‘Is it permissible to have intercourse with a female slave who has not reached puberty?’  The response is: ‘It is permissible to have intercourse with the female slave who hasn’t reached puberty if she is fit for intercourse.’ Another asks: ‘Is it permissible to sell a female captive?’ The response is: ‘It is permissible to buy, sell, or give as a gift female captives and slaves, for they are merely property, which can be disposed of.’The document says that all ‘unbelieving’ women, including Jews and Christians, can be taken as captives and sold as slaves. However, it prohibits the enslavement of Muslim women, even if they have become apostates.The pamphlet allows masters to beat their female slaves, but only as a disciplinary measure, and not as a source of gratification. The master is also forbidden from beating his slave-girl on the face. Haras Rafiq, an expert at British counter-terrorism think-tank the Quilliam Foundation, said: ‘It is a sick and disgusting document, and it takes the world back to the Dark Ages. 'There is no place for slavery in the modern world. There have been widespread reports of IS fighters raping female captives, which has now become part of the anti-IS propaganda. 'This document may be a way to regulate the behaviours of these fighters.’ IS fighters have taken thousands of women and children as captives, especially around 2,500 women from the minority Yazidi sect in Iraq. A UN report last month said these women were then taken as far as Raqqa in Syria and sold to IS fighters, or given as gifts to their leaders. Some of them, it claims, were then used for sex.

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By Capt (Ret) C de Waart, feel free to share: in Confidence

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Page 7: Al-Qaida chief Ayman al-Zawahiri The Coordinator 2015 Part 19-142-Caliphate-ISIS

By Capt (Ret) C de Waart, feel free to share: in Confidence

The War on ISIS is a Farce By T. J. Petrowski Global Research, April 27, 2015

Nowhere in recent years have the contradictions of imperialism been so clear than in the West’s war against ISIS. Working people are bombarded with messages in the media of the worldwide threat of ISIS, with the aim of the messages to convince working people of the need to sacrifice their civil liberties and democratic freedoms to counter ISIS and to support more military interventions in the Middle East. If Barack Obama, David Cameron, Tony Abbot, and other Western leaders were truly interested in countering the threat of ISIS, perhaps they should follow Stephen Harper’s “strong leadership” by finding the nearest closet to lock themselves in.The rise of ISIS has its origins in the illegal occupation of Iraq by the U.S., the U.K., and other Western forces in 2003, which caused the deaths of an estimated 5% of the Iraqi population.

The Bush and Blair administrations falsely accused the Iraqi regime of harboring weapons of mass destructions, of supporting al-Qaeda, and of having some connection with the 9/11 attacks. What the public wasn’t informed of was that the Bush administration had plans to attack Iraq long before 9/11 [1]. What’s more, the U.S. facilitated the rise of Saddam’s regime, supplied it with weapons of mass destruction in its war against Iran, and unlike Saudi Arabia and other allies of the U.S. in the region, Iraq was a secular state that was violently opposed to the reactionary Islamist ideology of al-Qaeda. The war, if anything, was a boon for al-Qaeda, which was never active in Iraq before the U.S.-led occupation.

In 2011, the U.S., the U.K., France, Canada, and other Western imperialist states, along with their allies in the region, including Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Qatar, allied themselves with militant Islamist organizations in Libya and Syria to overthrow the secular governments of Muammar al-Gaddafi and Bashar al-Assad respectively. Western imperialism invoked the ‘responsibility to protect’ (R2P) doctrine to justify NATO airstrikes on Libya, killing thousands of civilians [2]. Libya was the wealthiest and most stable country in Africa, with the continent’s highest standard of living and with universal healthcare and education for all its citizens, but in the aftermath of NATO’s humanitarian intervention, the country fell into a state of collapse as rival tribes and Islamist organizations battled to control the country’s wealth. Militant Islamists captured, brutally tortured, and murdered Gaddafi.

The NATO intervention in Libya directly facilitated the breakaway of the Azawad and the rise of al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) in Mali. Using the “war on terror” ruse the U.S., E.U., Canada, and other imperialist states have been actively supporting the Malian regime in its war against Tuareg autonomy and AQIM, which they earlier supported in Libya along with the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group. Libya was virtually handed to al-Qaeda by NATO. With their success in Libya, al-Qaeda and other Sunni Islamic militants quickly mobilized to overthrow the secular government of Bashar al-Assad in Syria, where the failure of Western imperialism is eerily similar to Afghanistan from the late 1970s to the 1990s and, albeit on a much larger scale, to Libya.

The U.S. policy of supporting hostile Sunni insurgent groups laid the foundation for the rise of ISIS, the Taliban, al-Qaeda, and nearly every single Sunni extremist group that has appeared in the last 40-50 years. In Afghanistan, to undermine the country’s 1978 socialist revolution and spread instability into Soviet Turkestan, U.S. imperialism with its allies in the Persian Gulf and in Pakistan supported militant Islamist groups that would later form the

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By Capt (Ret) C de Waart, feel free to share: in Confidence

nucleus of al-Qaeda and the Taliban [3]. The policy of supporting Sunni insurgent groups was given a further impetus following the 1979 Iranian Revolution, where an anti-U.S., theocratic Shiite regime was established. Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Seymour Hersh wrote in 2007:

“To undermine Iran, which is predominantly Shiite, the Bush Administration has decided, in effect, to reconfigure its priorities in the Middle East. In Lebanon, the Administration has cooperated with Saudi Arabia’s government, which is Sunni, in clandestine operations that are intended to weaken Hezbollah, the Shiite organization that is backed by Iran. The U.S. has also taken part in clandestine operations aimed at Iran and its ally Syria. A by-product of these activities has been the bolstering of Sunni extremist groups that espouse a militant vision of Islam and are hostile to America and sympathetic to Al Qaeda.”

The Islamic State was formed in 2006 when al-Qaeda in Iraq merged with other Sunni insurgent organizations. The name was changed to the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (or Levant) (ISIS) in April 2013 after a second merger, this time between the Islamic State and al-Qaeda’s affiliate in Syria, the al-Nusra Front.The U.S., the U.K., Canada, and other imperialist states, through their allies Israel, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, and Qatar, have been supporting the “moderate” Free Syrian Army (FSA) rebels with hundreds of millions of dollars in weapons as well as setting up training camps and offering free medical treatment to injured fighters. The question that begs to be asked is how ISIS has managed to defeat the FSA despite hundreds of millions of dollars in aid from the West and its allies in the region?

You would have to be an absolute lunatic to believe that Saudi Arabia and the Persian Gulf States, all absolute monarchies run by a small clique of corrupt Arab sheikhs that couldn’t be farther from an acceptable version of democracy, would support a moderate, democratic, and free Syrian organization. Even to the corporate media in the West it is no secret that these allies of the West fund reactionary Islamist organizations whose interests are antithetical to democracy. The Washington Post reported that “Qatar’s cultivation of African Islamists, principally Somalia’s al-Shabab insurgents, has…troubled the United States,” [4] which is drone bombing Somalia in the name of the “war on terror.” Israel, the region’s “only democracy” we are told, itself supported Hamas to counter the influence of the secular Palestinian Liberation Organization in the 1980s.

These “moderate” FSA fighters that the U.S. and its allies support, if there really was an independent FSA, have en masse joined the ranks of ISIS. Dozens of outlets have detailed this fact. A Lebanese newspaper quoted an FSA commander as saying, “We are collaborating with the Islamic State and al-Nusra,” [5] and Al-Jazeera reported in 2013 that “hundreds of fighters under the command of the opposition Free Syrian Army (FSA) have reportedly switched allegiance to al-Qaeda-aligned groups.” [6] The World Net Daily quoted Jordanian officials as saying that the rebels trained by U.S. instructors in Jordan have joined ISIS [7].Furthermore there is overwhelming evidence that the U.S. and its allies are both directly and indirectly supporting ISIS. According to a source close to Iraqi intelligence, there is allegedly an ISIS training camp in Turkey that is in the vicinity of Incirlik Air Base near Adana, where American personnel and equipment are located [8]. NATO member Turkey is among the most staunch supporters of the rebels, a fact that an ISIS fighter detailed to the Jerusalem Post: “Turkey paved the way for us. Had Turkey not shown such understanding for us, the Islamic State would not be in its current place.” [9]

Former Iraqi Prime Minister and current Vice-President Nouri al-Maliki publicly accused U.S. allies Saudi Arabia and Qatar of bankrolling ISIS [10]. Kuwait, in particular, due to its weak financial laws, has become a financial and organizational hub for Syrian rebel groups. The Brooking’s Institute in Washington, D.C. reported “evidence that Kuwaiti donors

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have backed rebels who have committed atrocities and who are either directly linked to al-Qa’ida or cooperate with its affiliated brigades on the ground.” [11]

Evidence exists of direct Israeli support for ISIS fighters. United Nations observers in the Golan Heights reported to the United Nations Security Council of direct contact between ISIS and Israel, including Israeli Defense Forces supplying ISIS with unmarked crates and offering medical treatment to wounded fighters [12] [13]. An Israeli officer spoke out in opposition to the U.S. war against ISIS, claiming that in fighting ISIS the U.S. is strengthening what Israel perceives as the real threat, the Shiite alliance of Hezbollah and Iran [14].

Finally nearly all of the aid provided to the “moderate” rebels has been captured or sent to ISIS. It wasn’t long after the Washington Post reported that aid from the CIA and the State Department, which included dozens of Toyota pickup trucks, were being delivered to rebels on the Turkish-Syria border that the iconic photo of ISIS militants in a convoy of Toyota pickup trucks invading northern Iraq became public [15]. Less than four months after Obama pledged $500 million in weapons and aid to the FSA rebels, ISIS had acquired the same amount of weapons from the FSA; a Syrian fighter told Al-Quds al-Arabi that much of the aid was sold to unknown parties in Turkey and Iraq [16]. Don’t forget about the repeated “accidental” weapon drops by the U.S. in ISIS-controlled territory! [17]

The war against ISIS in the Middle East by Western imperialism is a farce. ISIS has and continues to dutifully serve Western and Israeli imperialist interests in the Middle East, causing chaos in formerly staunch anti-imperialist states that had the strength to oppose Israel, and creating a force capable of countering Iranian influence.The reason ISIS is now a “threat” is that Western imperialism, in failing to topple the Syrian government, requires a new pretext to continue its aggressive military interventions in the Middle East, in particular to weaken Syria and the Shiite leadership of Iraq for an attack on Iran. If defeating ISIS was the real objective, the Western powers would form an alliance with Iran, Syria, and Hezbollah, which have relentlessly battled ISIS on the ground, not with Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Turkey. Working people need to realize that the real threat to the world isn’t ISIS, Iran, or Syria, it is Western imperialism.Notes:[1] [2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17] Petrowski is a Central Committee member of the Young Communist League of Canada.

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Page 10: Al-Qaida chief Ayman al-Zawahiri The Coordinator 2015 Part 19-142-Caliphate-ISIS

By Capt (Ret) C de Waart, feel free to share: in Confidence

In New Audio Speech, Islamic State (ISIS) Leader Al-Baghdadi Issues Call To Arms To All Muslims

 May 14, 2015

The following report is a complimentary offering from MEMRI's Jihad and Terrorism Threat Monitor (JTTM). For JTTM subscription information, click here.

 On May 14, 2015, the Islamic State (ISIS) media company Al-Furqan released a new audio speech by its leader, Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, titled "March Forth Whether Light or Heavy." In the speech Al-Baghdadi issued a general call to arms to all Muslims, urging them to emigrate to ISIS territories and to fight ISIS's enemies, whom he called the enemies of all Muslims. Al-Baghdadi directly addressed several issues related to current events, primarily the campaign being waged in Yemen by the Saudi-led coalition against the Houthi rebels.

The link to the speech, on, was disseminated by ISIS supporters via Twitter.

Below is a summary of Al-Baghdadi's speech, followed by the English translation of it provided by ISIS.

Al-Baghdadi begins his speech with an introduction replete with Koranic quotes stressing the importance and obligation of fighting the enemies of Islam and dying as a martyr for it. Citing the example of the Prophet Muhammad, who, Al-Baghdadi says, waged jihad throughout his entire life, he stresses that jihad and fighting are obligatory for every Muslim. Al-Baghdadi adds that participation in battle and willingness to die for Allah are aimed at testing the believers and rewarding them.

He then goes on to attack the enemies of Islam, whom he identifies mainly as the Christians and the Jews, quoting scripture in order to emphasize that they are perpetual foes of the Muslims who wish to harm them and to cause them to leave their religion. Urging all Muslims to join the Islamic State in its battles, he says that its enemies are in fact the enemies of all Muslims, as the Islamic State is but the "spearhead" in this war. "The Crusaders," i.e. the Western powers, will soon target all Muslims, he claimed.

Bluntly underscoring his call to arms and his statement that actively supporting ISIS in its war is obligatory, he states that Islam is not a religion of peace, but rather "Islam is the religion of war."

Next, Al-Baghdadi lashes out at the regimes and rulers of the Arab and Islamic countries, accusing them of being nothing but the slaves of the Western powers, which he says use them to oppress the Muslim peoples. He speaks at length against Saudi Arabia, pointing at the Saudi monarchy as one of his archenemies. Calling the Saudi royal family allies of the Christians and the Jews, he says they are traitors to Islam. He taunts the Saudis, saying that their longtime ally, the U.S., has exchanged them for Iran. In their frustration, he says, the Saudis launched an attack on the Shi'ites in Yemen, the Iranian-backed Houthis. This, he says, is hypocrisy, since the Saudis have never done a thing to assist downtrodden Muslims elsewhere, from Syria to Burma to Africa, and, most prominently, in Palestine.

Saudi Arabia's Operation Decisive Storm is nothing but the "kick of a dying man" aimed at regaining the appreciation of its masters in the U.S., he says, and urges the Sunnis to see the Saudis for their true traitorous nature and to understand that their only defender is the Islamic State.

Al-Baghdadi also talks about the situation in Anbar province in Iraq, calling upon its Sunni residents to return to their lands and villages and to embrace Islamic State rule.

In the final part of his speech, Al-Baghdadi addresses the Islamic State fighters. Beginning with those in Iraq, to whom he speaks at length, he calls on them to be steadfast and strong and to persist in their fighting, and praises them for their achievements in the war against the Iraqi government forces and the Shi'ite militias.

He also addresses Islamic State soldiers in the other countries, beginning those in the Sinai province;  these he commends for striking fear amongst the Jews and expresses his hope to meet them in Jerusalem "very soon."

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By Capt (Ret) C de Waart, feel free to share: in Confidence

Praising Islamic State fighters in the various areas of Syria, in Libya, and in Algeria and Tunisia, he gives special mention to those in two new Islamic State provinces – Khurasan, that is, Afghanistan/Pakistan, and West Africa. Another special mention is given to the Islamic State fighters in Yemen, whom he congratulates on their recent advances against the Shi'ites.

Following is the full text of Al-Baghdadi's speech, in the English translation provided by ISIS:      

"Indeed, all praise is due to Allah. We praise Him, seek His aid, and ask for His forgiveness. We seek refuge with Allah from the evils of our souls and the wickedness of our deeds. Whomsoever Allah guides, then none can misguide him; and whomsoever Allah leaves astray, then none can guide him. I testify that there is no god but Allah alone, who has no partner, and I testify that Muhammad is His slave and messenger. As for what follows:

"Allah (the Mighty and Majestic) said, {Fighting has been enjoined upon you while it is hateful to you} [Al-Baqarah: 216].

"And He (the Mighty and Majestic) said, {So let those fight in the cause of Allah who sell the life of this world for the Hereafter. And he who fights in the cause of Allah and is killed or achieves victory – We will bestow upon him a great reward} [An-Nisā': 74].

"And He (the Mighty and Majestic) said, {O you who have believed, what is [the matter] with you that, when you are told to go forth in the cause of Allah, you adhere heavily to the earth? Are you satisfied with the life of this world rather than the Hereafter? But what is the enjoyment of worldly life compared to the Hereafter except a [very] little. If you do not go forth, He will punish you with a painful punishment and will replace you with another people, and you will not harm Him at all. And Allah is over all things competent} [At-Tawbah: 38-39].

"And He (the Glorified) said, {And those who are killed in the cause of Allah – never will He waste their deeds. He will guide them and amend their condition, and admit them to Paradise, which He has made known to them} [Muhammad: 4-6].

"O Muslims! O you who are pleased with Allah as your Lord, and with Islam as your religion, and with Muhammad (peace be upon him) as your prophet and messenger… O you who testify that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the Messenger of Allah… Speech will not benefit you without action, for there is no faith without action.

"So whoever says, 'Allah is my Lord,' it is incumbent upon him – if he is truthful – to obey Allah (the Mighty and Majestic) who enjoined fighting, meaning that He made it obligatory upon those who believe in Him, and commanded the performance of jihād for His cause, and promised reward for those who obey His command, and threatened those who disobey Him.

"And whoever says, 'My prophet is Muhammad (peace be upon him),' it is incumbent upon him – if he is truthful in his claim – to follow his example (peace be upon him). And he is the one who said, 'By He in whose hand is Muhammad's soul, if it were not that I would be placing hardship on the Muslims, I would never stay behind when a detachment departs to fight for the cause of Allah. But I do not find any means so that they can accompany me, nor are they pleased with staying behind when I depart. And by He in whose hand is Muhammad's soul, I would love to fight for the cause of Allah and be killed, and then fight for the cause of Allah and be killed again, and then fight for the cause of Allah and be killed again.'

"So where are you O Muslim in relation to the command of your Lord, who commanded you to fast in one verse, and commanded you with jihād and fighting in dozens of verses? Where are you in relation to your Prophet (peace be upon him), whom you claim to emulate, and who spent his whole life (peace be upon him) as a mujāhid for the cause of Allah, fighting His enemies? His lateral incisor tooth was broken in battle, his forehead was wounded, two rings from his chainmail cut his cheeks, his helmet was broken on his head, and blood ran down his face. May my father, my mother, I, and all of mankind be sacrificed for him.

"O Muslim! O you who claims to love Allah (the Mighty and Majestic), and claims to love His Prophet (peace be upon him)… If you are truthful in your claim, then obey your beloved and fight for the cause of Allah, and emulate your beloved (peace be upon him), and do not die except as a mujāhid for the cause of Allah. {Alif,

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Lām, Mīm. Do the people think that they will be left to say, 'We believe' and they will not be tried? But We have certainly tried those before them, and Allah will surely make evident those who are truthful, and He will surely make evident the liars. Or do those who do evil deeds think they can surpass Us? Evil is what they judge. Whoever should hope for the meeting with Allah – indeed, the term decreed by Allah is coming. And He is the Hearing, the Knowing. And whoever strives only strives for [the benefit of] himself. Indeed, Allah is free from need of the creation} [Al-'Ankabūt: 1-6]. {Go forth, whether light or heavy, and strive with your wealth and your lives in the cause of Allah. That is better for you, if you only knew} [At-Tawbah: 41].

"O Muslims! Indeed, Allah's way (the Blessed and Exalted) is for the conflict between truth and falsehood to continue until the establishment of the Hour. {And you will not find in the way of Allah any change} [Al-Ahzāb: 62].

"And indeed, Allah (the Glorified) tested His slaves with this conflict in order to distinguish the wicked from the good, the liar from the truthful one, and the believer from the hypocrite. {And We will surely test you until We make evident those who strive among you [for the cause of Allah] and the patient, and We will test your affairs} [Muhammad: 31].

"Indeed, your Lord has made jihād for the cause of Allah obligatory upon you and has commanded you to fight His enemies so that He may forgive your sins, raise you in rank, take from among you martyrs, purify the believers, and destroy the disbelievers. Otherwise, He Himself (the Glorified) is capable of prevailing over them. But it is in order to test you. {And these days [of varying conditions] We alternate among the people so that Allah may make evident those who believe and [may] take to Himself from among you martyrs – and Allah does not like the wrongdoers – and that Allah may purify the believers [through trials] and destroy the disbelievers. Or do you think that you will enter Paradise while Allah has not yet made evident those of you who fight in His cause and made evident those who are steadfast?} [Āl 'Imrān: 140-142].

"O Muslims! Whoever thinks that it is within his capacity to conciliate with the Jews, Christians, and other disbelievers, and for them to conciliate with him, such that he coexists with them and they coexist with him while he is upon his religion and upon tawhīd (monotheism), then he has belied the explicit statement of his Lord (the Mighty and Majestic), who says, {And never will the Jews or the Christians approve of you until you follow their religion} [Al-Baqarah: 120]. {And they will continue to fight you until they turn you back from your religion if they are able} [Al-Baqarah: 217]. {Neither those who disbelieve from the People of the Book nor the polytheists wish that any good should be sent down to you from your Lord. But Allah selects for His mercy whom He wills, and Allah is the possessor of great bounty} [Al-Baqarah: 105].

"So this is the condition of the disbelievers in dealing with the Muslims until the establishment of the Hour. {And you will never find in the way of Allah any alteration} [Fātir: 43].

Indeed, fighting the disbelievers, hijrah (emigration), and jihād will remain until the establishment of the Hour. Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) said, 'Hijrah will not cease [to exist] until repentance ceases [to be accepted], and repentance will not cease [to be accepted] until the sun rises from the West.' He (peace be upon him) also said, 'Goodness – reward and booty – will be in the forelocks of horses until the Day of Judgment.' He (peace be upon him) also said, 'There will not cease to exist a group from my nation fighting upon the truth, manifest until the Day of Judgment. Then, Jesus son of Mary will descend, and their leader will say, 'Come and lead us in prayer.' So he will say, 'No. You are leaders over one another as an honor from Allah for this nation.''

"O Muslims! Do not think the war that we are waging is the Islamic State's war alone. Rather, it is the Muslims' war altogether. It is the war of every Muslim in every place, and the Islamic State is merely the spearhead in this war. It is but the war of the people of faith against the people of disbelief, so march forth to your war O Muslims. March forth everywhere, for it is an obligation upon every Muslim who is accountable before Allah. And whoever stays behind or flees, Allah (the Mighty and Majestic) will be angry with him and will punish him with a painful torment. {O you who have believed, when you meet those who disbelieve advancing [for battle], do not turn to them your backs [in flight]. And whoever turns his back to them on such a day, unless swerving [as a strategy] for war or joining [another] company, has certainly returned with anger [upon him] from Allah, and his refuge is Hell – and wretched is the destination} [Al-Anfāl: 15-16]. {If you do not go forth, He will punish you with a painful punishment and will replace you with another people, and you will not harm Him at all} [At-Tawbah: 39]. {And whoever strives only strives for [the benefit of] himself. Indeed, Allah is free from need of the creation} [Al-'Ankabūt: 6].

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By Capt (Ret) C de Waart, feel free to share: in Confidence

"So there is no excuse for any Muslim who is capable of performing hijrah to the Islamic State, or capable of carrying a weapon where he is, for Allah (the Blessed and Exalted) has commanded him with hijrah and jihād, and has made fighting obligatory upon him.

"And we call upon every Muslim in every place to perform hijrah to the Islamic State or fight in his land wherever that may be. And do not think that we are calling upon you to march forth out of weakness or incapability, for we are strong by Allah's bounty, strong by Allah, strong by our faith in Him, our seeking of His aid, our seeking refuge with Him, our reliance upon Him alone without any partners, and our good expectation of Him. This is because the battle is one between the allies of the Merciful and the allies of Satan, and so Allah (the Mighty and Majestic) will support His soldiers, grant His slaves authority, and preserve His religion, even if the days alternate between victory and loss, even if war is competition, and even if wounds afflict both parties. We do not call upon you O Muslim out of weakness or inability. We call upon you out of advice for you, love for you, and compassion for you. We remind you and call you so that you do not attain Allah's anger, torment, and punishment, and so that you do not lose this good that the mujāhidīn for Allah's cause obtain. This good of the worldly life and Hereafter entails the expiation of sins, obtainment of good deeds, raising of ranks, getting closer to Allah (the Mighty and Majestic), and accompanying the Prophets, the truthful, the martyrs, and the righteous. We call upon you so that you leave the life of humiliation, disgrace, degradation, subordination, loss, emptiness, and poverty, to a life of honor, respect, leadership, richness, and another matter that you love – victory from Allah and an imminent conquest.

"O Muslims, Islam was never for a day the religion of peace. Islam is the religion of war. Your Prophet (peace be upon him) was dispatched with the sword as a mercy to the creation. He was ordered with war until Allah is worshipped alone. He (peace be upon him) said to the polytheists of his people, 'I came to you with slaughter.' He fought both the Arabs and non-Arabs in all their various colors. He himself left to fight and took part in dozens of battles. He never for a day grew tired of war. He (peace be upon him) passed away during the period he was preparing the expedition of Usāmah (may Allah be pleased with him). And from his last instructions – peace be upon him – was, 'Dispatch the expedition of Usāmah.'

"His companions after him and their followers carried on similarly. They did not soften and abandon war, until they possessed the Earth, conquered the East and the West, the nations submitted to them, and the lands yielded to them, by the edge of the sword. And similarly, this will remain the condition of those who follow them until the Day of Recompense. Our Prophet (peace be upon him) has informed us of the Malāhim (bloody battles) near the end of time. He gave us good tidings and promised us that we would be victorious in these battles. He is the truthful and trustworthy, peace be upon him. And here we are today seeing the signs of those Malāhim and we feel the winds of victory within them.

"And if the Crusaders today claim to avoid the Muslim public and to confine themselves to targeting the armed amongst them, then soon you will see them targeting every Muslim everywhere. And if the Crusaders today have begun to bother the Muslims who continue to live in the lands of the cross by monitoring them, arresting them, and questioning them, then soon they will begin to displace them and take them away either dead, imprisoned, or homeless. They will not leave anyone amongst them except one who apostatizes from his religion and follows theirs. And you will remember what I now say to you, and I entrust my affair to Allah.

"O Muslims, the Jews, the Christians, and the rest of the disbelievers will not approve of you nor abandon waging war against you until you follow their religion and apostatize from yours. This is the word of your Lord (the Mighty and Majestic) and the tidings of your Prophet, the truthful and trustworthy, peace be upon him. America and its allies from amongst the Jews, Crusaders, Rāfidah (Shi'ites), secularists, atheists, and apostates claim that their coalition and war is to aid the weak and oppressed, help the poor, relieve the afflicted, liberate the enslaved, defend the innocent and peaceful, and prevent the shedding of their blood. They also claim to be in the camp of truth, good, and justice, waging war against falsehood, evil, and oppression, alongside the Muslims! Rather, they claim to defend Islam and the Muslims! Indeed, they lie. And Allah spoke the truth and His Messenger (peace be upon him) spoke the truth.

"O Muslims, the apostate tyrannical rulers who rule your lands in the lands of the Two Holy Sanctuaries (Mecca and Medina), Yemen, Shām (the Levant), Iraq, Egypt, North Africa, Khorasan, the Caucasus, the Indian Subcontinent, Africa, and elsewhere, are the allies of the Jews and Crusaders. Rather, they are their slaves, servants, and guard dogs, and nothing else. The armies that they prepare and arm and which the Jews and Crusaders train are only to crush you, weaken you, enslave you to the Jews and Crusaders, turn you away from your religion and the path of Allah, plunder the goods of your lands, and rob you of your wealth. This reality has

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become as obvious as the sun in the middle of the day. No one denies this except for one whose light Allah has obliterated, whose foresight Allah has blinded, and whose heart Allah has sealed.

"Where are the jets of the Arabian Peninsula's rulers towards the Jews who desecrate the destination of our Messenger's Isrā' (al-Quds), peace be upon him, and who afflict the people of Palestine from amongst the Muslims with the worst of torment? Where is the support of Āl Salūl and their allies for a million of the weak Muslims who are all without exception being exterminated in Burma? Where is their chivalry towards the barrel bombs of the Nusayriyyah and their cannons, which demolish the Muslims' homes upon the heads of their dwellers from amongst the women, the children, and the weak in Aleppo, Idlib, Hama, Homs, Damascus, and elsewhere. Where is the jealousy of the Arabian Peninsula's rulers towards the noble women who are raped daily in Shām, Iraq, and the various lands of the Muslims? Where is the relief of the rulers of Mecca and Medina for the Muslims in China and the Muslims in India against whom the Hindus commit the worst of crimes daily, including murder, burning, rape, severing of joints, looting, plundering, and imprisonment? Where is their relief for them in Indonesia, the Caucasus, Africa, Khorasan, and everywhere else? The Arabian Peninsula's rulers have been exposed and disgraced and have lost their supposed 'legitimacy.' Their treachery has become clear even to the laymen of the Muslims. And their reality thereby became apparent. So their masters from amongst the Jews and Crusaders had no more use for them. And so their masters began to replace them with the Safawī (Safavid) Rāfidah and the Kurdish atheists.

"When Āl Salūl realized their masters' abandonment of them, their disposal of them like tattered shoes, and their replacement of them, they launched their supposed war against the Rāfidah of Yemen. And it is not a storm of resolve, rather it is the kick of a dying person, by Allah's permission, as he struggles during his last breaths.

"Āl Salūl, the slaves of the Crusaders and allies of the Jews, do not wish that any good should be sent down to the Muslims from their Lord. They remained for decades not caring about the tragedies of the Muslims all over the world generally, and in Palestine particularly. Thereafter, they remained for years allied with the Rāfidah of Iraq in a war against Ahlus-Sunnah (the Sunnis). Thereafter, they remained observing the barrel bombs of death and destruction in Shām for years, enjoying and taking delight in the scenes of Muslims being killed, imprisoned, slaughtered, and burned, and their honor raped, their wealth plundered, and their homes destroyed, all at the hands of the Nusayriyyah.

"Today they claim to defend Ahlus-Sunnah in Yemen against the Rāfidah! Rather, they have lied, failed, and lost. Their war is nothing but an attempt to prove themselves once again to their masters from amongst the Jews and Crusaders. It is nothing but a desperate attempt to turn the Muslims away from the Islamic State whose voice is high everywhere and whose reality has become clear to all the Muslims and therefore the Muslims began to gradually rally around it. Their storm is nothing but a storm of delusion after the fire of the Rāfidah scorched their thrones and after the Rāfidah's march reached the people of the Arabian Peninsula, a matter that will lead thereafter to the Muslim public in the Arabian Peninsula rallying around the Islamic State since it defends them against the Rāfidah. This is what frightens Āl Salūl and the rulers of the Arabian Peninsula and makes their thrones tremble.

"This is the secret of their supposed 'storm,' which, by Allah's permission, will be their imminent end, for Āl Salūl and the rulers of the Arabian Peninsula are not people of war nor do they have the patience for it. Rather, they are people of luxury and extravagance, people of intoxication, prostitution, dances, and feasts. They have become accustomed to the defense of the Jews and Crusaders for them and their hearts have drunk humiliation, disgrace, and subservience.

"O Muslims everywhere, has the time not come for you to realize the truth of the conflict and that it is between disbelief and faith? See on which front the rulers of your lands stand and to which camp they belong. Has the time not come O Ahlus-Sunnah for you to know that you alone are the targets? This war is only against you and against your religion. Has the time not come for you to return to your religion and your jihād and thereby bring back your glory, honor, rights, and leadership? Has the time not come for you to know that there is no might nor honor nor safety nor rights for you except in the shade of the Caliphate?

"And what saddens us and eats at our souls is to see some of the women, children, and families of Ahlus-Sunnah seeking refuge in the areas controlled by the Rāfidah and Kurdish atheists in Iraq. They stand at their doors, humiliated, disgraced, and displaced in the lands. And there is no might nor strength except by Allah. Those who carry the blame for the displacement of these Muslims and their humiliation are the evil scholars from the supporters of the apostate tyrants, the callers at the gates of Hellfire, those who confuse those poor people and

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portray the Islamic State to them as being the cause of evil and the source of hardships. They say, 'If not for them, you would live in safety, extravagance, luxury, and peace.' They portray the Crusaders, Rāfidah, atheists, and apostates to them as being people of good, justice, mercy, and compassion, and that they are the peaceful defenders of Ahlus-Sunnah! There is no doubt that these are the years of deception.

"O Ahlus-Sunnah in Iraq, and specifically our people in al-Anbār, be certain that our hearts are broken on account of your leaving of your homes and your lands, and your seeking of shelter in the territory of the Rāfidah and the Kurdish atheists, and your being forced to wander the lands. And even if some of your relatives are apostates waging war against the religion of Allah and allied with the Rāfidah and the Crusaders, then we don't hold you accountable for their crimes. So return to your lands, and remain in your homes, and seek shelter – after first seeking shelter with Allah – with your people in the Islamic State, for you will find therein, by Allah's permission, a warm embrace and a safe refuge. For you are our people. We defend you, your honor, and your wealth. We want you to be mighty and noble, we want you to be safe and secure, and we want your salvation from Hellfire.

"So seek shelter – after Allah – with the Islamic State. What do you wait for after the truth has become clearer than the day and after the spiteful Rāfidah exposed their reality? Here they are today slaughtering everyone considered from Ahlus-Sunnah in Baghdad and elsewhere. No one was saved from them, even their allies, supporters, aids, tails, and dogs from the apostates who had once belonged to Ahlus-Sunnah, those in the Sahwah, army, police, and elsewhere, those whom the evil scholars confused into fleeing the implementation of Allah's law in the territory of the Islamic State. So they became homeless, humiliated, fearful, and worrisome of the Rāfidah's cruelty, whereas the Muslims live in the territory of the Islamic State with might and honor, secure by Allah's bounty alone, with a life of comfort, going about the affairs of their business, livelihood, and trade, enjoying the grace of living under the rule of their Lord's law, and all praise and grace is Allah's. Therefore, O Muslims, seek shelter – after Allah – with the Islamic State.

"We direct a renewed call towards those who remained in the ranks of the Rāfidah and the Crusaders in the army, police, and Sahwah so that they repent to Allah and abandon their support of the disbelievers against the Muslims, and so that Allah accepts their repentance and forgives them and they are thereby saved from Hellfire. Rush towards repentance for its gate will not be closed until the sun rises from the West. Repent so that you might save your Hereafter before it is too late, for you have lost the worldly life, so do not lose with it your Hereafter for the sake of someone else's worldly life. Repent before the hands of the mujāhidīn reach you, for there will be no repentance for you thereafter, and you will lose both the worldly life and Hereafter. Repent, turn back, and return to your people. Repent and you will find them merciful towards you. Your repentance is more beloved to us than killing you or expelling you. Repent for we do not call you out of weakness. Rather, we call you while our swords are at a distance of two bow lengths or nearer from your necks. If you repent, you will not find from us anything except good and kindness.

"O soldiers of the Islamic State, be firm, for you are upon the truth. Seek help through patience, for victory comes with patience and triumph is for those who are patient. Be patient, because the Crusaders are bleeding to death, the Rāfidah are faltering, and the Jews are horrified and in dread. Your enemies have become weaker than they were yesterday – by Allah's grace – and are growing weaker and weaker, and all praise be to Allah. You have become mighty by Allah's grace. We say this without boasting. You are growing stronger and stronger by Allah's grace. So be patient, for it is one of two good outcomes, and it is just one soul, so sacrifice it cheaply for Allah's cause. {Indeed, Allah has purchased from the believers their lives and their properties [in exchange] for that they will have Paradise. They fight in the cause of Allah, so they kill and are killed. [It is] a true promise [binding] upon Him in the Torah and the Gospel and the Qur'ān. And who is truer to his covenant than Allah? So rejoice in your transaction which you have contracted. And it is that which is the great attainment} [At-Tawbah: 111].

"I will not conclude without commending the brave lions of creed, the soldiers of the Caliphate, those in Baghdad, in its north and south, who are holding onto hot coals, who are firmer than stone, those who humiliate the Rāfidah in their strongholds and their major fortresses every day. How good you are! How good you are! We consider one of you equal to a thousand. If the Muslims are heedless of the greatness of your actions and the terror you inflict, then enough for you is Allah. Indeed, nothing is hidden in the earth nor in the heaven from Allah (the Exalted).

"And I commend the valiant men of tawhīd, the heroes of Islam, the brave mujāhidīn from the muhājirīn and the ansār in the defiant region of Baiji, the fortress of Ahlus-Sunnah in the north, and the mujāhidīn in the defiant

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region of Kirkuk who contest the coalition of disbelieving nations against the Muslims and who proved that the boots of the Islamic State today are from the heaviest of boots and its voice is from the loudest of voices. They have presented their blood and corpses as an evidence for that, and they offered their souls cheaply to defend Islam and its people. They made the Jews and the Crusaders in America, Europe, Australia, and Canada sleep with rage filling their hearts, powerlessness burdening their backs, and fear pounding their beds. How good you are! How good you are! You have proven that the Muslims will not be defeated as long as they hold firm to the Book and the sword with which our Prophet (peace be upon him) was dispatched. Be firm, may I be sacrificed for you. Be firm, because your assaults on the Rāfidah and their allies in Iraq not only make the Crusaders bleed and strengthen the pillars of the Caliphate, but will make the Nusayriyyah in Shām and the Houthis in Yemen collapse.

"And I commend the lions of walā' and barā' (allegiance and enmity for Allah's sake), the predators of al-Anbār who demolished the strongholds of the apostates, who made them swallow cups of humiliation and bitterness, who scattered them and expelled them, and who snatched al-Anbār from the eyes of the apostates and the throats of the Rāfidah, in spite of America and its allies. How good you are! How good you are! You have taught a lesson to the world that to Allah belongs all honor, and to His Messenger, and to the believers. Be firm. How good you are! Your next engagement by Allah's permission, will be Baghdad and Karbala.

"And I commend the lions of the Caliphate, the muwahhidīn (monotheists) of the Sinai Peninsula, the mighty and defiant who disbelieved in pacifism and treaded the path of honor, dignity, and manhood. They refused humiliation and subservience and offered their blood and lives for their religion. How good you are! How good you are! We consider you to be amongst those whom the Master (the Mighty and Majestic) described by saying, {men who are true to what they promised Allah} [Al-Ahzāb: 23]; we consider you such and Allah is your judge. We ask Allah (the Glorified) to allow us to see you in al-Quds very soon. It is a sufficient deed for you with Allah that you have pounded the beds of the Jews with terror.

"And I commend the lions of the Caliphate in Raqqah, Mosul, Aleppo, Dijlah, al-Furāt, al-Jazīrah, al-Barakah, al-Khayr, Homs, and Hama. How good you are, O heroes of Islam! How good you are! You are recording the Malāhim and restoring the glories of Islam. Be patient and firm, and be cautious, for the enemies of Allah are mobilizing, thundering, increasing, and threatening the people of Mosul. We believe that their mobilization will be for Raqqah and Aleppo before Mosul. So be cautious.

"And I commend the lions of the Caliphate in Damascus and Diyala, the patient, the firm, the warriors. How good you are! How good you are! A nation with people like you can never be defeated.

"And I commend the soldiers of the Caliphate, the valiant heroes of Libya, Algeria, and Tunisia. How good you are. Be firm and be patient, for the final outcome is for you, with Allah's permission.

"And I commend the mujāhidīn from the soldiers of the Islamic State in Khorasan and West Africa. We congratulate them on their pledge of allegiance, and we ask Allah to make them firm and grant them victories and consolidation. How good they are!

"And I commend the soldiers of the Caliphate in Yemen. We congratulate them on their advance and look forward to seeing more from them. How good they are!

"I will not forget to mention the captives in the prisons of the apostate tyrants everywhere. I say to them: We have never forgotten you for a day and we will never forget you, by Allah's permission. We will not hold back any strength or spare any effort or miss any opportunity, until we free the last one of you, with Allah's permission. So be patient and firm. I mention in particular the seekers of knowledge in the prisons of Āl Salūl. May Allah humiliate Āl Salūl and their supporters.

"O Revealer of the Book, O He who is swift to account, O Allah, defeat the parties, defeat them and make them tremble. O Allah, deal with America and its allies from the Jews, the Crusaders, the Rāfidah, the apostates, and the atheists. Our Lord, obliterate their wealth and harden their hearts so that they do not believe until they see the painful torment. Our Lord, forgive us our sins and the excess committed in our affairs and plant firmly our feet and give us victory over the disbelieving people. And the last of our call is: Praise be to Allah, Lord of the creation."

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