Al-Qaeda chief Ayman al-Zawahiri The Coordinator 2015 Part 17-42-The Deep Battle against the West

By Capt (Ret) C de Waart, feel free to share: in Confidence Al-Qaeda chief Ayman al-Zawahiri The Coordinator 2015 Part 17-42-The Deep Battle against the West. Pakistan's Radical Cleric Maulana Abdul Aziz: 'Very Soon ISIS Will Unfurl The Flag Of Victory On The Whole World' MEMRI March 2, 2015 Haftar says ISIL will attack Europe if the West does not provide Libyan army fighting the armed group with weapons. March 20, 2015 ISIS Spokesman Reaffirms The Group's Victory, Says 'We Want... Paris Before Rome... After [We] Blow Up Your White House, Big Ben, And Eiffel Tower' March 12, 2015 C; Spreading rapidly and getting close to our economical vital corridors and to home ground; Islamic State claims suicide attacks in Sana’a mosques , Islamic State reportedly claims responsibility for Tunis massacre “ISIS is not the problem for America. ISIS is the problem for the Middle East. Al-Qaida will continue to be the problem for America,” The plight of Christians in the Middle East was ignored by the world in general because “the West is ignoring this,” said --- Catholic Chorbishop Faris; a Knight Commander with Star in the Equestrian Order. That Catholic order dates to the First Crusade in 1096. ISIS attacks in Yemen and Tunisia in the space of a few days could be just the beginning of the group's next phase - 1 ; "My hunch is that this movement (into the two countries), marked by a significant acceleration, is the precursor to the resumption of a terror campaign in Europe," he said. ISIS "demonstrated in recent weeks its ability to coordinate a vast expansion movement, first in Libya, then Tunisia, and finally Yemen," said Jean-Pierre Filiu, professor at the Sciences-Po institute in Paris. The Islamic State in Iraq and al Sham (ISIS) carried out five suicide bombings in Yemen mid March ISIS claimed responsibility, warning it was "the tip of the iceberg" for Yemen. In contrast, the country's al-Qaida branch, AQAP, issued a statement saying that it avoided "targeting mosques and markets" to protect "innocent Muslims". The Houthis, who swept into Yemen's capital, Sanaa, in September, now control nine of the country's 21 provinces. "We want, Allah willing, Paris before Rome and before Al-Andalus, [and] after that we will blacken your life and blow up your White House, Big Ben, and the Eiffel Tower, Allah willing...We want Kabul, Karachi, the Caucasus, Qom, Riyadh, and Tehran. We want Baghdad, Damascus, Jerusalem, Cairo, Sana', Doha, Abu Dhabi, and Amman. And Muslims shall return to ruling and leadership everywhere." MARCH 21, On this weekend’s “Fox News Sunday,” host Chris Wallace quizzed CIA Director John Brennan over his 2012 claim al Qaeda was on the run during the 2012 presidential election. After Wallace ran a clip of Brennan in 2012 saying this will be the decade al Qaeda’s demise he asked, “Director Brennan, weren’t you just flat wrong about that?” Brennan shot back “No. When we look at al Qaeda and look what has happened to al Qaeda as the core of al Qaeda that was in the area of Afghanistan and Pakistan, they have taken some really big hits.” Wallace continued, “But respectfully, sir, when you were saying this is the decade of al Qaeda’s demise, I don’t think most people thought there will be an offshoot called ISIS which spreads across the Middle East.” Brennan countered by saying, 1 Cees Page 1 of 12 23/03/2015

Transcript of Al-Qaeda chief Ayman al-Zawahiri The Coordinator 2015 Part 17-42-The Deep Battle against the West

By Capt (Ret) C de Waart, feel free to share: in Confidence

Al-Qaeda chief Ayman al-Zawahiri The Coordinator 2015 Part 17-42-The Deep Battle against the West.

• Pakistan's Radical Cleric Maulana Abdul Aziz: 'Very Soon ISIS Will Unfurl The Flag Of Victory On The Whole World' MEMRI March 2, 2015

• Haftar says ISIL will attack Europe if the West does not provide Libyan army fighting the armed group with weapons. March 20, 2015

• ISIS Spokesman Reaffirms The Group's Victory, Says 'We Want... Paris Before Rome... After [We] Blow Up Your White House, Big Ben, And Eiffel Tower' March 12,


C; Spreading rapidly and getting close to our economical vital corridors and to home ground; Islamic State claims suicide attacks in Sana’a mosques, Islamic State reportedly claims

responsibility for Tunis massacre…

“ISIS is not the problem for America. ISIS is the problem for the Middle East. Al-Qaida will continue to be the problem for America,” The plight of Christians in the Middle East was ignored by the world in general because “the West is ignoring this,” said --- Catholic Chorbishop Faris; a Knight Commander with Star in the Equestrian Order. That Catholic order dates to the First Crusade in 1096.

ISIS attacks in Yemen and Tunisia in the space of a few days could be just the beginning of the group's next phase - 1; "My hunch is that this movement (into the two countries), marked by a significant acceleration, is the precursor to the resumption of a terror campaign in Europe," he said. ISIS "demonstrated in recent weeks its ability to coordinate a vast expansion movement, first in Libya, then Tunisia, and finally Yemen," said Jean-Pierre Filiu, professor at the Sciences-Po institute in Paris. The Islamic State in Iraq and al Sham (ISIS) carried out five suicide bombings in Yemen mid March ISIS claimed responsibility, warning it was "the tip of the iceberg" for Yemen. In contrast, the country's al-Qaida branch, AQAP, issued a statement saying that it avoided "targeting mosques and markets" to protect "innocent Muslims". The Houthis, who swept into Yemen's capital, Sanaa, in September, now control nine of the country's 21 provinces.

"We want, Allah willing, Paris before Rome and before Al-Andalus, [and] after that we will blacken your life and blow up your White House, Big Ben, and the Eiffel Tower, Allah willing...We want Kabul, Karachi, the Caucasus, Qom, Riyadh, and Tehran. We want Baghdad, Damascus, Jerusalem, Cairo, Sana', Doha, Abu Dhabi, and Amman. And Muslims shall return to ruling and leadership everywhere."

MARCH 21, On this weekend’s “Fox News Sunday,” host Chris Wallace quizzed CIA Director John Brennan over his 2012 claim al Qaeda was on the run during the 2012 presidential election. After Wallace ran a clip of Brennan in 2012 saying this will be the decade al Qaeda’s demise he asked, “Director Brennan, weren’t you just flat wrong about that?” Brennan shot back “No. When we look at al Qaeda and look what has happened to al Qaeda as the core of al Qaeda that was in the area of Afghanistan and Pakistan, they have taken some really big hits.” Wallace continued, “But respectfully, sir, when you were saying this is the decade of al Qaeda’s demise, I don’t think most people thought there will be an offshoot called ISIS which spreads across the Middle East.” Brennan countered by saying,


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By Capt (Ret) C de Waart, feel free to share: in Confidence

“This phenomenon that Dash represents right now is a new one. It is one that has grown up in the past two years.” Wallace inserted, “But it’s an offshoot against al Qaeda.” Brennan continued, “We have pushed al Qaeda back and prevent their attacks, but there are these offshoots, as you say. This is a phenomenon that we have to deal with and I do think over the next decade this will be a long, hard fight. Wallace asked, “I guess what I’m asking is didn’t you give the American people and the president give the American people a false sense of confidence back in 2012 about our fight against Islamic terrorists at a time perhaps not so coincidentally when the president was running for re-election.?” Brennan concluded, “We said al Qaeda was on the run. We said that al Qaeda was really bloodied. It was not the same organization that it was at 9/11 as well as in the years after that. There was no sense that I think either I or the president or others gave to the American people that terrorism was going away. But we’ve made great progress against a lot of these groups that had plans in place to carry out attacks.”

Catholic Chorbishop Faris 2 says U.S. should focus on al-Qaida, not ISIS March 18, 2015, 12:01 a.m. Chorbishop John Faris, of Uniontown who has served the Catholic Church in the Holy Land, speaks with media about challenges facing Christians in the Holy Land at the Bishop William Connare Center in Greensburg on Tuesday, March 17, 2015. The United States should not send troops to the Middle East to fight the Islamic terrorist group ISIS despite the barbaric acts committed against Christians because the nation will be bogged down in a drawn-out war, said a Roman Catholic Church official who served the church in the Holy Land. “The worst thing we could do as an American society is to be drawn into that debacle. We would be drawn into a trap. If we start sending troops (to fight ISIS), we are playing the game by their rules,” Chorbishop John D. Faris, who was vice president of the Pontifical Mission for Palestine from 1996 to 2009, said Tuesday at the Bishop William G. Connare Center east of Greensburg. Rather than sending boots on the ground as some politicians have advocated, “we should continue to isolate them so they


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become another failed Islamic political entity,” said Faris, 64, a Uniontown native of Lebanese descent who was ordained a Maronite Catholic priest in 1976 in St. George Church in Uniontown. Faris, who traveled extensively throughout the Middle East, Asia and Africa as deputy secretary general of the Catholic Near East Welfare Association, said he does not believe the United States is dealing with ISIS correctly. Faris said he views ISIS as focused on controlling territory in the Middle East, without the reach of al-Qaida, which carried out the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks against the United States under Osama bin Laden. “ISIS is not the problem for America. ISIS is the problem for the Middle East. Al-Qaida will continue to be the problem for America,” Faris said prior to speaking to about 50 people at the Lenten Evening Prayer in St. Joseph Chapel at the Connare Center. The unintended side effect of the videotaped beheadings by ISIS of U.S. citizens and Christians has awakened the world to the persecution of Christians in that region, said Faris, who in 1991 became a chorbishop, which is a rank below that of a bishop. “They've been persecuted (before), but now it's in the media,” Faris said. With the Christians in a distinct minority in the Middle East, “they do not have the power on their own to protect themselves,” Faris said. The plight of Christians in the Middle East was ignored by the world in general because “the West is ignoring this,” said Faris, a Knight Commander with Star in the Equestrian Order. That Catholic order dates to the First Crusade in 1096, when Christians tried to recapture Jerusalem from the Muslims. Part of the problem of being a minority and being ignored is that in peace talks centered on reducing conflict between Muslims and Israelis, “the Christians are just forgotten, completely,” Faris said. “Where, if we do make peace, do they (Christians) fit in,” said Faris, an adjunct professor of canon law at The Catholic University of America in Washington. For the Middle East, it is good to have the Christians protected because they interact with the warring factions of the Muslim faith. “The Christians can build the bridges and maintain social institutions,” Faris said.

Depicting 2014

BRUSSELS, March 21—Al Qaeda may try to mount a terrorist attack in Europe to prove it hasn't lost the “leadership of global jihad” to Islamic State, a European Union antiterrorism official said Saturday. “There is a fierce competition between Al Qaeda and Daesh,” EU

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counterterrorism coordinator Gilles de Kerchove said at the Brussels Forum, a foreign policy conference. Islamic State is also known as Daesh. With 4,000 to 5,000 European citizens having traveled to Syria and Iraq for military training with extremist groups, Mr. de Kerchove said the risk of them returning to Europe to carry out attacks has “increased significantly.” Young Europeans “with no contact to terrorist organizations” who get radicalized in prison, online or by extremist imams are also a security threat for Europe, Mr. de Kerchove said, mentioning the terrorists who carried out attacks in Paris and Copenhagen earlier this year. Turkey’s minister for European affairs, Volkan Bozkir, acknowledged that his country is often blamed for letting European fighters enter Syria to join militant groups. “We have 39 million tourists each year, we can’t check everyone,” Mr. Bozkir said. He added, however, that Turkey has arrested 1,200 people and prevented them from joining Islamic State, based on intelligence shared by its international partners.

"How Naive Are These People!" March 20, 2015 Special Dispatch No.6001 Urdu Daily On The White House Summit On Countering Violent Extremism: 'Like A Sweet Thug, Obama Tried To Give An Impression That Attributing Terrorism To Islam Is Wrong'

The Roznama Islam articleA recent article titled "How Naive Are These People!" written by Professor Shamim Akhtar has termed the White House Summit on Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) as a festival of American cronies. The article, published in Pakistan's widely circulated Urdu language newspaper Roznama Islam, argued that if the U.S. is truly interested in ending terrorism it needs to stop "state terrorism" by Israel and India in Palestine and Kashmir, respectively.Roznama Islam, known for its support for militant organizations, first started publishing in the early 1990s. At one time, it used to avoid publishing photographs of living creatures in keeping with Islamic values. It is published from seven cities of Pakistan: Karachi, Lahore, Rawalpindi, Peshawar, Multan, Quetta, and Muzaffarabad, the capital of Pakistani Kashmir. "The Ground Is Being Prepared For Military Intervention … Sometimes On The Pretext Of Finishing Al-Qaeda, At Other Times Daesh [ISIS in Iraq and Syria], Boko Haram [In Nigeria], Or Ansar Al-Sharia [In Libya]""American President Barack Obama on February 19-20 organized a festival for the representatives of 60 client states in the White Palace [sic, House] to effectively fight an anti-terrorism war, [and] announced a strategy which was tantamount to putting old wine in a new bottle. However, like a sweet thug, Obama tried to give an impression that attributing terrorism to Islam is wrong because the religion Islam prohibits it [terrorism] and a majority of Muslims in the world are peaceful, but some elements – because of poverty, hardship, and injustices – are misled and driven to violence and subversion. To justify it [violence and subversion] they use religion; and such people do not only exist among Muslims, but in fact are found among the followers of other religions [as well]."The participants of the conference, like servants of Obama, were seconding him by nodding their heads like a goat. Considering them [participants of the conference] as being likeminded, Obama proposed a worn-out prescription to deal with 'terrorism,' that it can not be eradicated by military actions only, and there is need to win the heart and minds of the local populations, so that the silent majority could be activated against extremism…"We have been hearing from the days of the Cold War that to eliminate communist insurgency we need to win the hearts and minds of local people. But history is witness that Americans, instead of winning the hearts and minds of Vietnamese, kept dropping napalm bombs on their localities, their farms, and their jungles. Only one decade before [the Vietnam War] they were using poisonous gases against the Korean population. So, the American colonialist group retreated from North Korea and Vietnam after humiliating defeats.

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"By gathering this type of meeting [i.e. the CVE], Obama is playing the drum like a footpath juggler. America, even after using nuclear radiation coated [depleted uranium] bullets and dropping napalm bombs in Iraq, and [dropping] daisy cutter bombs in Afghanistan, had to retreat from these countries. This drama [the summit on CVE] is being staged in the White House to establish its dominance in those countries. The ground is being prepared for military intervention in those countries – sometimes on the pretext of finishing Al-Qaeda, at other times Daesh [in Syria and Iraq], Boko Haram [in Nigeria] or Ansar Al-Sharia [in Libya]. To hide their looting intentions, they are talking of winning the hearts and minds of the people. "Though Obama has said that extremism has no link to Islam, all the organizations he has vowed to fight are the militias of Muslim militarists [i.e. militant groups]. Why has Obama not mentioned [India's extremist Hindu organizations] Vishwa Hindu Parishad, Shiv Sena, Bajrang Dal, Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, and Buddhist organizations of Sri Lanka and Burma, Christian militias of the Central African Republic, who every other day are committing genocide of Muslim minorities? Why is no need felt to [medically] treat the hearts and minds of these extremists?""If America Can Attack Far-Flung Areas, 6,000 Miles Away From Its Borders, Why Can't The Affected People [i.e. Islamic Militant Groups] Carry Out Revenge Attacks On Its Soldiers And Citizens?" "Does Obama consider the Republican Party of his own country and its faction Tea Party [movement] and its extremists John McCain and Lindsay Graham as moderates who sometime put pressure to invade Pakistan and sometimes to invade Iran? Is Obama himself not fanning the feeling of hatred and revenge against America and its looting [ally] NATO by attacking Pakistan's tribal localities with drones? If America can attack far-flung areas, six thousand miles away from its borders, why can't the affected people [militant groups] carry out revenge attacks on its soldiers and citizens? "If America, on the suspicion of attacking its occupation army, considers it legitimate to attack Haqqani group's localities with drones, the Haqqani [Network] freedom fighters have the right to attack occupation army in Afghanistan on the same basis. It can't happen like this that America can attack any country merely on suspicion, but others have no right to make advance attacks. "If Obama and its cronies really want to end terrorism, they first need to end state terrorism of their own, of the NATO group, Israel, and India. If America can do aerial bombing of any tribe or nation on its own, [and] if the affected people blow up its soldiers, artillery, and tanks in Afghanistan or Iraq with underground explosive devices … then what is the basis of its complaint? Obama's cronies include Muslim rulers. They [Muslim rulers] could not ask him to first deal with Palestine's occupier, racist, Zionist state [of Israel], and the state terrorism by 600,000 Indian soldiers in Kashmir who have subjugated 20 million people, then keep dealing with Taliban, Daesh, Al-Qaeda, Boko Haram, Ansar Al-Sharia."They should have advised their black boss [Obama] to first control extremism and terrorism of its own racist police and judiciary, and then lecture us. It doesn't bode well for Obama to say that the remedy to tackle extremism lies in democracy. We have to say with regret what type of democracies are America and the European Union, which support the colonization of Palestine by racist Zionists. They [democracies] neither declare its [Israel's] brutal bombing of Lebanon in 2006 and of Gaza in 2008 and 2014 as state terrorism nor as war crimes. Is this not the clash of civilizations?""Has Daesh Dropped An Atom Bomb…? Obama's Face Is Already Black; Nothing Will Change It By Painting It Dark, But His Black Face Has Become Colorful With The Blood Of Muslims In FATA [Pakistan's Tribal Areas], Afghanistan, And Iraq""We do not support Al-Qaeda, Daesh, Boko Haram, Ansar Al-Sharia, but we do ask a question to Obama: Have all these militants collectively killed as many innocent people as

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America did in Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan? Has Daesh dropped an atom bomb on any civilian population as Western media is crying about so much? Obama's face is already black; nothing will change it by painting it dark but his black face has become colorful with the blood of Muslim in FATA [Pakistan's Federally Administered Tribal Areas], Afghanistan, and Iraq."If the remedy for extremism lies in democracy, then why did Obama allow the usurper Abdul Fattah Al-Sisi [of Egypt], murderer of thousands of people, to overthrow a democratically elected government and take power? Is Al-Sisi the flag bearer of democracy? Hasn't he committed state terrorism by massacring peaceful protesters? When you (Obama) support a usurper, murderer, dictator, war criminal, and state terrorism, then you are the biggest patron of terrorism. When you (Obama) oppose a [resolution] in United Nations for the membership of Palestinian state, then you are the biggest enemy of democracy. So what is the difference between Daesh and Al-Sisi? Though Al-Sisi has murdered more innocent people than Daesh, did America not protect Hosni Mubarak's 30 years of dictatorship? Obama knows what type of sexual, physical, and mental torture was used against the detained persons in Egyptian torture cells... Hosni Mubarak had learned these methods of torture from its tutors, American presidents. Would Obama like if we publish pictures of those Pakistanis, Afghans, and Iraqis subjected to inhuman torture in ... American army's torture cells – Guantanamo Bay, Abu Ghuraib, and Bagram, where they are kept without being charged? "Has Obama forgotten the Americans [who were] tearing the Koran into pieces and flushed in bathrooms, and despite promising [to shut them] have kept open these torture cells so that this time innocent Muslim men and women could be locked up by accusing them as being members of Daesh? Is this your tolerance that in response to ... [French satirical weekly] Charlie Hebdo's repeated attempts to defame the sacred personality of the Prophet of Islam, you, like the Alibaba of Forty Thieves, putting hands in hands, were saying, 'We are all Charlie,' meaning that we all (Obama and company) are all blasphemers? Is there still any doubt left about who is extremist and who is terrorist – the Muslim nation or the Crusader-Zionist group?" Source: Roznama Islam (Pakistan), February 22, 2015.

UN Special envoy says international community growing impatient with unrest as rival parties meet in Rabat for peace talks.

20 Mar 2015 The UN special envoy to Libya has warned that chaos in the north African country could destabilise the whole region if rival politicians fail to nail down a political agreement within the next few days. Bernardino Leon told rival politicians meeting in Morocco for peace talks on Friday that the international community was growing impatient and feared the unrest could spillover into neighbouring countries. "Terrorism in Libya is becoming a problem for Libyans and a problem for the region," he said.

The following report is a complimentary offering from MEMRI's Jihad and Terrorism Threat Monitor (JTTM). On March 12, 2015, the Islamic State (ISIS) media company Al-Furqan released an audio message by its official spokesman Abu Muhammad Al-'Adnani. The 27:52 message is titled "So They Kill And Are Killed."[1]

The message is mainly meant to boost the morale of ISIS soldiers, with Al-'Adnani reaffirming that ISIS continues to be strong and to expand despite the attacks against it. He also reminds the soldiers that they are fighting for a more noble cause than their enemies. Al-'Adnani also informs ISIS's enemies that they had lost, and that they only realized

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how strong ISIS was when it was too late. In that regard, Al-'Adnani notes that while ISIS might be sustaining losses on the ground here and there, that would not stop it from ultimately achieving victory. He also notes that ISIS wishes to reach Western cities, naming Paris before even Rome or Spain, and that prior to doing so, ISIS will "blow up your White House, Big Ben, and the Eiffel Tower." Following are Al-'Adnani's main points: Al-'Adnani reaffirms ISIS's steadfastness in the face of the multi-national campaign against it. He also says that ISIS will bring back the glory of major Islamic battles and conquests, and will even reach Nahawand.[2] "Therefore, feel your necks, O Safavid Rafidites," he warns the Shi'ites.Al-'Adnani welcomes Boko Haram's merger with ISIS and says that the caliph, i.e. Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, had accepted their pledge of allegiance.[3] Al-'Adnani thus declares that the caliphate had expanded to western Africa. He also notes that Boko Haram's move opens the doors of hijra to Africa, especially for Muslims who couldn't join ISIS in Syria, Iraq, the Arabian Peninsula, or Khurasan. "O Muslims, come to your [Islamic] state, we urge you to [join the] jihad, and urge you and call upon you to make hijra to [join] your brothers in western Africa. In particular, [we direct this call to] the callers [of Islam] and those seeking [Islamic] knowledge. Come, O Muslims, to the land of the caliphate, for it is better for you to be a sheepherder in Dar Al-Islam [abode of Islam] than an obeyed master in Dar Al-Kufr [the abode of unbelief]. Here, monotheism was fulfilled, here the [principle] of association [with Muslims] and disassociation [with the unbelievers] has been realized. Here is the jihad for Allah's sake. No polytheism or idols. No nationalism or patriotism. No polytheistic democracy or heretic secularism. [Here, there is] no difference between Arab and foreigner, white or black. Here, the American and the Arab became brothers, and the African and European, and the Eastern and Western [as well]..." Addressing ISIS's enemies, namely the Jews and Crusaders, Al-Adnani's informs them that they were late in comprehending what took place, i.e. in how rapidly ISIS ascended and expanded. "We took you by surprise," he says. Al-'Adnani also affirms that ISIS shall continue to expand and remain strong, and that its enemies "will not be able to stand in its face, Allah's willing." Al-'Adnani also informs the Jews and Christians that they are faced with only two options: To become Muslims and be assured safety, or pay the jizya (poll tax) in humiliation after pulling their armies from all Muslim lands, including Saudi Arabia and Jerusalem. "What you [will] be paying to us in jizya won't account for [even] tenth of a tenth of a tenth of a percent of what you pay to finance your doomed war [against ISIS]," Al-'Adnani informs them.Al-'Adnani also notes that the death of ISIS's mujahideen will not have an effect on its continuous growth. He also emphasizes that the mujahideen seek death and martyrdom to being with. Al-'Adnani also reaffirms ISIS's victory, while noting that it was achieved, inter alia, when ISIS was able to freely implement the shari'a and abolish democracy. Al-'Adnani also mocks the West, namely the U.S., for what it considers victory when it worked so hard to win back a town like Kobani. Such changes in the U.S.'s perceptive on victory, Al-'Adnani notes, is by itself a victory for ISIS. On the other hand, he notes ISIS perspectives on victory and says: "We want, Allah willing, Paris before Rome and before Al-Andalus, [and] after that we will blacken your life and blow up your White House, Big Ben, and the Eiffel Tower, Allah willing...We want Kabul, Karachi, the Caucasus, Qom, Riyadh, and Tehran. We want Baghdad, Damascus, Jerusalem, Cairo, Sana', Doha, Abu Dhabi, and Amman. And Muslims shall return to ruling and leadership everywhere."Moving to Sunnis in the region, Al-'Adnani warns them from the Shi'ites, and tells them that the latter had entered a "new phase" in their war against them. He also warns of the collaboration between the Crusaders and Shi'ites against Sunnis. Al-'Adnani ties the fate of ISIS with the fate of all Sunnis: "And if the Islamic State is broken, God forbid, then no

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Mecca or Madina will be for you O Sunnis after that." He also says that when that happens, Sunnis will be slaves and servants for the Shi'ites. Therefore, Al-'Adnani calls upon all Muslims to make hijra to "their state" in order to defend it. Al-'Adnani also directs a special call to Muslim Kurds in Turkey, Iran, and northern Iraq, asking them to join ISIS.Al-'Adnani finally calls upon ISIS soldiers to continue their fight while reminding them that nothing can stand in their way. "Go ahead, for Mecca, Madina, Al-Quds, and Rome are awaiting you," he says.


[1] The title is based on Koran 9:111: "Indeed, Allah has purchased from the believers their lives and their properties [in exchange] for that they will have Paradise. They fight in the cause of Allah, so they kill and are killed. [It is] a true promise [binding] upon Him in the Torah and the Gospel and the Qur'an. And who is truer to his covenant than Allah? So rejoice in your transaction which you have contracted. And it is that which is the great attainment."[2] The city is located in Hamadan Province in Eastern Iran.[3] See MEMRI JTTM report Boko Haram Pledges Allegiance To ISIS Leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, March 7, 2015.

Libya army chief warns of ISIL threat against Europe Haftar says ISIL will attack Europe if the West does not provide Libyan army fighting the armed group with weapons.

20 Mar 2015 General Khalifa Haftar, the army chief of Libya's internationally recognised government, said ISIL had seized control of at least two cities along Libya's long Mediterranean coastline and has a strong presence in several others, its first major expansion from its bases in Syria and Iraq. In a sign of the group's expanding reach, ISIL claimed responsibility on Thursday for an attack a day earlier on a museum in neighbouring Tunisia that killed 23 people, mostly foreign tourists. Haftar told the Associated Press news agency in an interview that his forces need backing from the West against ISIL. "We want weapons and ammunition only. We have the men. The army is increasing in number every day," he said. He warned that ISIL will "spread in even the European countries if [the West] does not offer real help to the Libyan people, especially the Libyan army." ISIL, he said, "will head with the illegal migrants to Europe, where corruption and destruction will spread just like Libya. But there it will be hard to confront them". Haftar's comments came as Bernardino Leon, the UN envoy to Libya, was due to meet on Friday delegations from Tobruk and the Tripoli-based government in Rabat, the Moroccan capital. On Thursday, delegates from the Tripoli-based government had to delay their trip to Morocco after the only functioning commercial airport in the capital was attacked by warplanes from the UN-recognised government.

'Thousands of fighters' ISIL has been able to expand by taking advantage of the chaos in Libya, where rival governments are fighting for power. The elected government, which is internationally recognised and which Haftar backs, was driven out of Tripoli, last year and has been confined to the small eastern city of Tobruk and other nearby towns. Another bloc of

parties, backed by fighters, has set up its own government in the capital Tripoli. The number of ISIL fighters in Libya has grown to an estimated 7,000 to 7,500, Haftar said, including fighters from African, Arab and Middle Eastern countries trained in Syria. Libya's elected government appealed to the UN Security Council last month to lift an arms embargo and facilitate its request for dozens of fighter jets, tanks and other weapons it says it needs to fight the armed group.

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More than 7,000 Tunisians Join ISIL TEHRAN (FNA March 19)- A growing number of Tunisians who’ve joined the ranks of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) terrorist group, including 4,000 believed fighting in Libya and another 3,000 fighting with the group in Syria and Iraq, pose a threat to their home country and as many as 15 nations in sub-Saharan and North Africa, according to security experts and United Nations officials. Among the countries at risk are Chad, Niger and Mauritania, where poverty is exacerbated by problems ranging from drought to poor governance, the experts say. Until recently, there had been little appreciation for the sheer numbers of Tunisians who’ve joined ISIL, Islam Times reported. A 2014 report by the US State Department’s bureau on counterterrorism flagged the growing security threat that Tunisian Takfiri militants represent and suggested they were more numerous than might be expected, but it offered no specifics. The surge in Takfiri numbers in North Africa also poses a serious security threat to Europe, the experts said, because North Africans easily can hide among large immigrant communities living in France, Belgium, Germany and other countries. Tunisia is a former French colony.

March 18, 2015 Special Dispatch No.5999 Jihadi Media Company Praises Tunisia Attack, Calls For More Attacks On Western TouristsThe following report is a complimentary offering from MEMRI's Jihad and Terrorism Threat Monitor (JTTM). Following the deadly March 18, 2015 attack at the Bardo National Museum in Tunisia, in which 17 tourists and two Tunisians were killed, the Ifriqiyya media company, which is associated with jihad organizations in North Africa, released an article titled "Just Another Day – Commentary on the Blessed Attack on Bardo Museum." The article states that the gunmen who carried out the attack, Yassine Laabidi and Hatem Khachnaoui, focused on killing infidels and "apostate" policemen and soldiers, and urges Muslims to carry out similar attacks, especially against tourists, with emphasis on French, British, American and Israeli nationals. It also suggests ways to kill tourists, suggesting to "drown them in the ocean, poison their food, bash their skulls with a rock, or suffocate them with pillows in their [hotel] rooms." It lists what is calls the great achievements of the attack, including the harm to Tunisia's tourism industry and economy, and threatens that additional attacks will be carried out soon, on unexpected targets throughout the country. The following are excerpts from the article, which was posted on the jihadi forum Shumoukh Al-Islam:[1]

"The article begins with a storybook-like description of the shooters on their way to the target site: "One ordinary sunny day with nice, clear weather, the two left their homes, boarded the metro, got off at a station where they changed to another [line], and then exited the metro. They passed the Bardo police station and the headquarters of the tyrannical military intelligence [apparatus]. Leaving the bags containing their guns at a bus stop, they entered [the museum] to check it out. They went back for their bags and [again] infiltrated [the area of] the apostate parliament and the museum. One of them took out the weapons and the grenades, while the other did a short preparatory tour... The policemen and presidential guards noticed that they were armed but were so amazed they froze on the spot. 'How did you enter so easily,' they asked in astonishment, and the two answered: 'We come in the name of Allah.' Then they began throwing grenades, crying 'Allah Akbar, and shooting at infidels and at the policemen that guarded them, and the massacre began."The article adds that the shooters originally intended to continue from the museum to the nearby parliament building, but changed their minds when they encountered heavy gunfire, because they did not want to be killed before killing as many infidels as possible. So instead they shot some infidels who had gathered at the bus stop, and then went back into the museum

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and took some more infidels hostage. According to the article, they released some children and Muslim museum employees, not wanting to shed innocent blood.After a long while, says the article, when the "counter-Islam" (i.e., counterterrorism) unit arrived and stormed the site, the gunmen shot the hostages and then fought back. Eventually they achieved their goal of attaining martyrdom, having delivered a harsh blow to the apostates [the Tunisian government] and their masters [the West], and having fulfilled what is said in the Koran (9:14): "Fight against them so that Allah will punish them by your hands and disgrace them and give you victory over them and heal the breasts of a believing people."The article lists what it regards as the achievements of the operation, as follows:1. The killing and wounding of dozens of infidels and Tunisian security personnel.2. The operation exposed the ease of infiltrating sensitive sites.3. The operation proved that using simple means and minimal planning, it is possible to deliver harsh blows to the regime and carry out deadly attacks even in secured and fortified locations. According to the article, the perpetrators only carried two AK-47 rifles and four grenades, and did not use explosive belts.4. The regime's lies were exposed, such as its claim that the perpetrators had killed a Muslim woman who worked at the museum.5. The operation exposed the true face of "hypocrite" clerics who presume to be Salafis, and of politicians, journalists, and even Muslim Brotherhood members who were quick to condemn the attack.6. The Tunisian stock market crashed following the attack: "The stock market collapsed as the result of the actions of only two individuals. What would have happened if it were a coordinated and simultaneous attack on several sensitive military and tourist locations?"7. Tourism, which is an import source of revenue for the Tunisian economy, was badly damaged.8. Many Tunisians were exposed as apostates when they sent condolences to the Western countries for their citizens who were killed.9. The attack caused the countries of "Tunisia's masters" (i.e. Western countries) to issue travel warnings for Tunisia. Additionally, it revealed "that Tunisia's new rulers are agents of the French, and that Tunisia is still a French colony. Less than an hour after the operation commenced, the French prime minister issued a warning, a threat, and a condemnation, even before speaking to his tyrant Tunisian agents – the president and prime minister."10. The attack damaged the morale of Tunisian government and security personnel.The article calls on Muslims to express their joy quietly, while promising them that in the future they will rejoice openly in streets and city squares. The article also addresses all Muslims, asking them to take an example from the operation and kill non-Muslim infidels as well as apostates who have abandoned Islam. Citing the Koran and Islamic law on the permissibility of killing infidels, it urges Muslims to kill tourists in Tunisia: "If you are afraid to kill an apostate soldier or policeman or tyrant ruler despite Allah's orders, then you must kill infidels, who are called tourists. The blood and money of an infidel is permitted... Hunt them down everywhere, especially the French, American, British, and Israeli ones. Run them over with cars after changing your license plates and hiding your faces. Lure them on the roads, in dance clubs, and in bars. Then slaughter them on the beach or drown them in the ocean, poison their food, bash their skulls with a rock, or suffocate them with pillows in their rooms." The article advises the attackers to change their appearance before carrying out the attack, avoid using cameras or phones or leaving fingerprints, and steal the tourists' money and possessions before making their escape. It also advises them to later discard the clothes they wore during the act.The article threatens Tunisian authorities and promises more attacks in the future: "You can promise, threaten, and do whatever you want. Muslims have grown used to prisons, torture

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and arrests. These have become enjoyable for them, since they brings them closer to their creator. But you do not know of the active fighting cells and do not recognize them. Expect further [attacks] in unexpected places." Addressing the fact that no organization has claimed responsibility for the attack, the article adds: "Regarding the claim of responsibility for the operation and the affiliation of the two dead [attackers], we say that, for the meantime, we want to listen to your funny analyses, hear your crying and moaning on the TV and radio, and laugh at the helplessness of your apostate masters [the Tunisian security apparatuses]. We informed them of every operation several hours in advance, and despite this, their helplessness is clear to all. We hinted at the type of target, and despite this, their helplessness is clear to all. What more do they want? The GPS coordinates??"The article concludes by addressing "the hypocrite journalists and politicians" and advising them to flee Tunisia. It also warns the regime's spies and agents and threatens that jihadis will kill them if they continue their activities. Endnotes: [1], March 18, 2015.

Regards Cees: Feb 2015, New York 3A Saudi Arabian on trial for allegedly conspiring to kill Americans made sure Osama bin Laden's messages were spread throughout the world before he was arrested in the wake of two deadly bombings of U.S. embassies in Africa in 1998, a prosecutor told jurors on Wednesday at the start of closing arguments.Assistant U.S. Attorney Sean Buckley pointed at Khaled al-Fawwaz as he accused him of being one of al-Qaida's top operatives for nearly a decade, serving as a "bridge to the West" as bin Laden sought to spread his message that Americans should be killed wherever they are found.He called al-Fawwaz al-Qaida's "expert on how to reach the West" and said he "understood the language of the Western media."

Regards Cees: March 22, 1 injured in London synagogue attack – report

A group of at least 20 people attacked a synagogue in the London suburb of Stamford Hill, where there is a large Jewish population, according to Israeli Hatzalah, a volunteer emergency medical service. The mob assaulted worshipers, vandalized property and shouted, “we will kill you,” a local witness is cited as saying by the Jerusalem Post. One Jewish local tried to make a citizen’s arrest, but was beaten up.

Regards Cees: "We took you by surprise,"

“We will conquer Rome, by the will of Allah” “They have been making threats about targeting the West for some time,” says Rob Wainwright, the director of the pan-European Union law enforcement agency EUROPOL. “Here, they’re making [the threat] closer to Europe in geographical terms and in an area of North Africa that’s also the embarkation point for flows of migrants. So common sense would dictate that there is a potential threat there, and we’re very alive to that possibility.” Jihadists hoping to use Libya as a "gateway" to wage war across the whole of southern Europe, plans by Isil supporters reveal; If the militias of the Caliphate advance faster than the decisions of the international community how can we put out the fire in Libya and stem the migration flows? We are at risk of an exodus without precedent.’ -- Italian Minister for the Interior Angelino Alfano said last Feb


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• The jihadists hope to flood the north African state with militiamen from Syria and Iraq, who will then sail across the Mediterranean posing as migrants on people trafficking vessels, according to plans seen by Quilliam, --- the British anti-extremist group.

• "Those boat people who go for immigration purposes and try to cross the Mediterranean ... in the next few weeks, if we do not act together, they will be boats full of terrorists also," -- Nasser Kamel, Egypt's ambassador to London

• ISIS has threatened to flood Europe with half a million migrants from Libya in a ‘psychological’ attack against the West, it was claimed today. Transcripts of telephone intercepts published in Italy claim to provide evidence that ISIS is threatening to send 500,000 migrants simultaneously out to sea in hundreds of boats in a ‘psychological weapon’ against Europe if there is military intervention against them in Libya. According to a report at the UK Daily Mail

• "The risk is imminent, we cannot wait any longer,” Defense Minister Roberta Pinotti told Italian newspaper Il Messaggero – 18 Feb

• “It [the EU] is going to have to make up its mind on what is the right strategy,” Sir Richard Walton, former British ambassador to Libya- 18 Feb

• Late Aug the former king of Saudi Arabia warned that jihadists could target the United States and Europe if leaders across the globe do not react to growing terrorist threats as Islamic State militants make advances across Iraq and Syria. "If neglected, I am certain that after a month they will reach Europe and, after another month, America," he said

Worse than ISIS and Putin: EU political friction is biggest threat to the world in 2015 - 4- The ideological reach of ISIS could spread throughout the Middle East and North Africa in 2015, according to the list. "It will grow organically by setting up new units in Yemen, Jordan and Saudi Arabia, and it will inspire many jihadist organisations to join its ranks," --- Ian Bremmer, founder of New York-based Eurasia Group


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