AL JABR ISLAMIC SCHOOL NEWSLETTER Semester II, June 2015 Bismillahirrahmanirrahim Daftar Isi : From the Principal 1 PRE K : Pet Day 2 K1 : Plant2 2 K2 : Assessment in the Early Years 2 Grade 1: 3Rs (Reuse, Reduce and Recycle 3 Grade 2: learning how to share the planet 3 Grade 3: Learning About Risks, Challenges and Opportunities 3 Grade 4 : Solusi Pada Saat Ter- jadi Konflik 4 Grade 5: Organizing Ourselves to Share the Planet 4 Teachers Community Project: Keputrian untuk Siswi MYP-HS 4 Student Council 5 This is MY ACTION, MY SERVICE 7 MYP Community Project 8 Catatan dari Administrasi 9 ISLAMIC STUDIES: Learning Al Quran 6 From the Principal Assalaamu’alaikum wr.wb. Alhamdulillah, this Academic Year 2014/2015 is now about to end and we would like to thank everyone for making it hap- pened. Well-rounded with concept knowledge, multi skills, great attitudes and actions have been achieved and now its time to self-reflection how to make a better world . “..Ihdinashirotholmustazqiim.. Tunjukilah kami jalan yang lu- rus..’(Al Faatihah ayat 6). The fasting month is just around the corner and we would like to share how ow we learn and implement Islam in Al Jabr? As written in the school diary we are not only learning in memorizing surah in Al Quran but more to understanding, comprehending and applying what Allah SWT guides us. Our Pre K to Grade 1 students learn about basic Islamic beliefs, values and norm from their teachers and from Grade 2 onward the students read the Quran messages 6 juz per year and connect what the knowledge and guidance to present life. For example, in unit 6, K1 students learnt about plants. We connected Quranic histories about plants and how Allah blesses us with plants. Prophet Yunus ate pumpkins to get energy and finally he could manage to get out from the whale. Logically, it provokes the students to eat healthy food to get energy. In result, as their action, they will not become a picky eater or a-fast-food-trends follower and demonstrating gratitude for Allah SWT blessing. By knowing Allah swt messages thru reading Quran everyday—Insya Allah our life is more engaging and meaningful, Lillahitaalla, for the better dunia akhirat. Doing action or amalan is very important part of applying what Allah SWT teaches us. Especially at the end of academic year in the theme of SHARING THE PLANET, Al Jabr students (and par- ents plus teachers) not only busy with celebrating farewell but showing their social re- sponsibilities skills by their own ways in making real actions integrated to their Unit of In- quiry. Such as, G5 went to Cikananga Wildlife Center in Sukabumi to experience how to support the endangered animals; G3 students went to Cikoneng Bogor to interact with local students and donate sport equipments; and MYP/HS students went to Ciwidey for refurbishing libraries and contributing for water access. These different sorts of action are hoped will shape our students to become a well-rounded muslims who are intelligence and charm in attitude. Bismillah, Insya Allah this khalifah culture remain strong in us. Aamiin YRA. Finally, we would like to welcome our new upcoming parents and students in 2015/2016 and warm welcome for everyone who stays. Happy holiday, Selamat Berpuasa dan Hari Raya Idul Fitri, mohon maaf lahir dan bathin. Looking forward to seeing you again in Tuesday August 4th, 2015. Wassalamu’alaikum wr. wb. Kartika Desy Wardani


Page 1: AL JABR ISLAMIC SCHOOL NEWSLETTER - · AL JABR ISLAMIC SCHOOL NEWSLETTER Semester II, June 2015 Bismillahirrahmanirrahim Daftar Isi : From the Principal 1 PRE K : Pet


Semester II, June 2015


Daftar Isi :

From the Principal 1

PRE K : Pet Day 2

K1 : Plant2 2

K2 : Assessment in the Early Years 2

Grade 1: 3Rs (Reuse, Reduce and Recycle 3

Grade 2: learning how to share

the planet 3

Grade 3: Learning About Risks,

Challenges and Opportunities 3

Grade 4 : Solusi Pada Saat Ter-

jadi Konflik 4

Grade 5: Organizing Ourselves to

Share the Planet 4

Teachers Community Project:

Keputrian untuk Siswi MYP-HS 4

Student Council 5


MYP Community Project 8

Catatan dari Administrasi 9


Al Quran 6

From the Principal

Assalaamu’alaikum wr.wb.

Alhamdulillah, this Academic Year 2014/2015 is now about to

end and we would like to thank everyone for making it hap-

pened. Well-rounded with concept knowledge, multi skills,

great attitudes and actions have been achieved and now its

time to self-reflection how to make a better world .

“..Ihdinashirotholmustazqiim.. Tunjukilah kami jalan yang lu-

rus..’(Al Faatihah ayat 6). The fasting month is just around the corner and we would like

to share how ow we learn and implement Islam in Al Jabr? As written in the school diary

we are not only learning in memorizing surah in Al Quran but more to understanding,

comprehending and applying what Allah SWT guides us. Our Pre K to Grade 1 students

learn about basic Islamic beliefs, values and norm from their teachers and from Grade 2

onward the students read the Quran messages 6 juz per year and connect what the

knowledge and guidance to present life. For example, in unit 6, K1 students learnt about

plants. We connected Quranic histories about plants and how Allah blesses us with

plants. Prophet Yunus ate pumpkins to get energy and finally he could manage to get

out from the whale. Logically, it provokes the students to eat healthy food to get energy.

In result, as their action, they will not become a picky eater or a-fast-food-trends follower

and demonstrating gratitude for Allah SWT blessing.

By knowing Allah swt messages thru reading Quran everyday—Insya Allah our life is more

engaging and meaningful, Lillahitaalla, for the better dunia akhirat. Doing action or

amalan is very important part of applying what Allah SWT teaches us. Especially at the

end of academic year in the theme of SHARING THE PLANET, Al Jabr students (and par-

ents plus teachers) not only busy with celebrating farewell but showing their social re-

sponsibilities skills by their own ways in making real actions integrated to their Unit of In-

quiry. Such as, G5 went to Cikananga Wildlife Center in Sukabumi to experience how to

support the endangered animals; G3 students went to Cikoneng Bogor to interact with

local students and donate sport equipments; and MYP/HS students went to Ciwidey for

refurbishing libraries and contributing for water access. These different sorts of action are

hoped will shape our students to become a well-rounded muslims who are intelligence

and charm in attitude. Bismillah, Insya Allah this khalifah culture remain strong in us.

Aamiin YRA.

Finally, we would like to welcome our new upcoming parents and students in 2015/2016

and warm welcome for everyone who stays. Happy holiday, Selamat Berpuasa dan Hari

Raya Idul Fitri, mohon maaf lahir dan bathin. Looking forward to seeing you again in

Tuesday August 4th, 2015.

Wassalamu’alaikum wr. wb.

Kartika Desy Wardani

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K1: Plants

“Why do we assess the students?”

“What is the purpose of assessment?”

At the beginning of every unit, teachers ask the students questions in order to provoke their prior knowledge about a topic. In this unit, K1 students learned about plants. Therefore, we discussed about different kinds of plants, products we can derive from plants, what plants

need to grow, and how to take care of plants.

To deepen the students’ understanding of plants, we visited our school garden to learn about the kinds of plants and their functions for other living things. Our school gardener, Bapak Nian, explained the kinds of plants clearly. Alhamdulillah, the students’ achieved

new knowledge from this activity.

In order to evaluate the teaching and learning process, students presented and explained the sustainability of different kinds of plants

and brought products made from them.

Insyaallah, at the end of the unit, the students understood that other living things have a benefit for them and understood how to take

care of plants. (K1 teachers/05/15)

Pre K: Pet Day

In the unit of about sharing the planet with the central idea about how animals and people interact in different ways in different contexts , pre-k students learned about the different roles animals play in peoples’ lives and their responsibility for the well-being of


To tune in into the unit, the students observed the living and non-living things inside the school and brought their own animal dolls. They presented their dolls and identify their habitats. The students were also introduced to some animals like chickens, fish, birds and

cats so they would understand the characteristics of these animals.

The students presented about the animal kingdom (mammals, birds, fish, amphibians and reptiles) and pre-historic animals. They identified and classified the animals based on the kingdom. It was fun for them especially when we discussed about dinosaurs. the children

posed many questions about them. Azka asked, “Kenapa sekarang tidak ada lagi dinosaurus?” Mika answered, “Karena meletus.”

The students were guided to develop responsibilty to take care of animals, and that’s why we had animals as our pets in the classroom.

In Pre-K A, we had a turtle. In Pre K B, we had fish. In Pre-K C, we had a bird.

To show their knowledge about pets, the students brought their own pet to school during our pet day on May 20th, 2015. They presented their pets in front of all Pre-K students and teachers. After that, we invited K2 and G1 students to visit our pet galleries. During this activity, the students developed their communication skills by answering and explaining other students’ questions and developed

their confidence by getting along with diffferent level students.

This unit was very enganging and fun for the students and teachers. We had many activities and learned new knowledge about


K2 : Assessment in the Early Years

How do we assess the students? In the earliest stages, we can use various methods and strategy in making the assessment. The strategy that we use should be appropriate with

the skill and students ability.

Assessment involves the gathering and analysis of information about students’ performances and identifies what students know, understand and can do in teaching and learning process. Assessment is a very important part in Al Jabr to measure, appraise and evaluate the student’s learning. Through that process teachers are responsible to create and develop the strategies and tools to assess the learning. Student is in charge to demonstrate their skills and apply their understanding to get achieve the goals. And the parent is considered to help the teacher and student through giving motivation and

support in assessment progress.

This unit, K2 students learn about “People interact with, use and value the natural environment in different ways”. The assessment strategy in this unit are creating campaign poster to school community on how to conserve the local natural environment and doing the role play showing human responsibility to the natural environment and considering the impacts if we harm it. Furthermore, we put the indicator as their knowledge to identify and related environmental problems and their understanding on how to act responsibly

toward local environment of achievement in the rubric as the strategy tool. (K2 teachers /05/15)

Halaman 2 Semester II, June 2015

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Grade 1: 3Rs (Reuse, Reduce, and Recycle)

The first graders started the unit of inquiry by analyzing the importance of the finite Earth source like electricity. They experienced a day without electricity. Without electricity, the students were not able to do their activities easily. They also watched a video about how the electricity was made to support their curiosity about the electricity. Here, they understood that reducing the

use of electricity would save the earth.

Visiting the Trashion and Green life was an exciting learning. There, the students learned how to recycle the rubbish into some kinds of beautiful art. They understood that the rubbish would only damage the earth if they threw it away. The visits to two recycling center changed the way of their thinking about the rubbish. The rubbish would have high value when it is recycled and the

earth would be clean and green.

As the summative assessment project, students worked in a group to make some kinds of beautiful arts to sell. They brought the rubbish that could be recycled. They would sell it in a Recycle Day. The money they got was used for a charity. To support their charity, they also brought the reused things like clothes, toys, and books to donate. They donated the materials to TPA Gunung Balong. This activity showed that they

were caring to the environment and to people that is in need. (Mirna, Imel, Ayu /05/15)

Grade 2: Learning How to Share the Planet

Central idea: When interacting with natural habitats, humans make choices that have an impact on other living things

Our students became animal investigators! We explored various animal habitats and how different species

are specially adapted to their ecosystems. This unit is framed around the science strand of living things. The

students aim to develop and apply science-based skills, including formulating questions, making

observations and using scientific vocabulary. This inquiry allowed the students to review the seven

continents and where different ecosystems are located around the world. Since our unit of inquiry focused

on how we share the planet, our classes had a wonderful opportunity to visit Kebun Raya LIPI Cibodas and

participate in a “Habitat Hunt” in the different ecosystems found there. As part of this unit, the students

had an overnight animal adventure in Villa Putih Puncak, and they learned about various animals that are

active both during the day and at night. The students also made choices based on their understandings

and the actions they should take to make a difference. The actions they chose were cleaning up and

picking the trash in the river bank area in Puncak and created a local habitat in Nabawi kindergarten

near the school. They collaborated with the students there by planting different kinds of plants. However,

their curiosity and research skills need further development to support their inquiry in the future (Hana/22/05/2015).

Grade 3: Learning About Risks, Challenges and


This unit, grade 3 is inquiring the central idea is “Children worldwide encounter a range of challenges, risks and opportunities”. Teachers introduced the 10 rights of children and focus on education and access of health for children. We invited guest speaker to explain about vaccination. They were able to understand that every child has right to get health access by give them immunization. We used equality, right, resilience

and health as our related concept.

Students indentify those rights and connect it to children challenge, risks and opportunities. They understand that poverty, geographical challenge, health, education, handicapped is problem for some of children either locally or globally.

Students propose action plan for their summative assessment to encounter those challenges and connect it to one of 10 children’s right.

Finally, we do an action project to SDN Cikoneng, Puncak to share our knowledge and demonstrated that every child has right to get education, play and health. SDN Cikoneng is located between hills and students there have to encounter their challenge by walking around 5 km to school. Students used the money they got from the photo booth activity during the unit of new digital media and bought several sport equipment, like skipping rope, volley and soccer ball. The grade 3 students arranged the activity conducted there, art, math, sport and language class for SDN Cikoneng second and third graders. Everyone showed enthusiasm and was eager to learn from each other. Students developed their empathy for others and learned to collaborate though games and play. Alhamdulillah, sharing felt

really good. (Arni, Rara, Tiza, Dwi/05/15)


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Grade 4: Solusi Pada Saat Terjadi Konflik

Selama kurang lebih 2 ½ bulan, siswa kelas empat belajar tentang bagaimana seseorang ataupun kelmpok mencapai suatu resolusi atau pemecahan masalah ketika terjadi sebuah konflik. Kami memulainya dengan memberikan beberapa pertanyaan kepada siswa, salah satunya adalah apa yang dimaksud dengan konflik, apa penyebab terjadinya konflik, apa tanggung jawab kita sebagai makhluk sosial untuk membuat suatu

masyrakat yang harmonis dan damai.

Untuk mendukung kegiatan belajar mengajar, kami mengajak siswa untuk mengunjungi Yayasan Usaha Mulia dan melakukan wawancara dengan beberapa masyarakat yang berada disekitar wilayah Cibodas, Jawa Barat tentang penatalaksanaan konflik yangterjadi di wilayah mereka. Siswa belajar banyak belajar secara langsung dan sekaligus memahami bagaimana suatu konflik terjadi. Siswa juga mengetahui strategi apa yang harus digunakan untuk mengatasi suatu konflik. Siswa dapat mengambil sikap

tentang kosekuensi apa yang harus mereka lakukan ketika mereka berhadapan dengan suatu konflikDi akhir unit, siswa membuat skenario singkat tentang suatu konflik yang umum dan biasa terjadi di lingkungan mereka. Dari skenario singkat tersebut, siswa mencoba

mengidentifikasi suatu masalah dan memberikan pilihan solusi pemecahannya. Diharapkan siswa dapat memecahkan konflik

diantara mereka secara mandiri dan bertanggung jawab. (Nugie/05/15)

Teachers Community Project: Keputrian untuk Siswi MYP-HS

Community project adalah salah satu program yang dilakukan oleh siswa dan guru di Al Jabr untuk melayani kebutuhan masyarakat

sekitar. Salah satu project guru adalah melaksanakan Keputrian setiap Jumat untuk siswi MYP-HS di musholla MYP.

Keputrian diawali dengan sholat Zuhur berjamaah, pemberian materi dan sesi tanya jawab. Tema Keputrian meliputi adab seorang muslimah seperti melaksanakan sholat lima waktu, berperilaku kepada orang tua, bersyukur, menjaga lisan, keutamaan saling memaafkan, keutamaan ayat kursi, atau topik yang sedang hangat dibicarakan pada waktu tertentu seperti tata cara dalam ujian di

satu minggu sebelum menghadapi UN.

Tujuan program ini adalah untuk membina akhlakul karimah siswi MYP-HS Al Jabr khususnya dalam beribadah kepada Allah dan adab terhadap sesama manusia. Di sini siswi dapat bertanya seputar masalah kewanitaan atau isu-isu remaja, untuk kemudian membahas ayat-ayat Al Quran yang berkaitan. Sebelum pembahasan, siswi akan membaca arti dari ayat-ayat tertentu dan mengaitkannya

dengan kehidupan sehari-hari.

Nara sumber adalah guru wanita dan kegiatan diisi oleh siapa pun yang mau berbagi pengetahuan dan membahas ayat-ayat Al Quran. Inisiatif mengadakan Keputrian datang dari Ms Desy dan Ms Tarra, yang dalam pelaksanaannya dilakukan bersama Ms Wida,

Ms Nuki dan Ms Rika. (Wida & Tarra/Juni 2015)

Grade 5: Organizing Ourselves to Share the Planet

Grade five inquired into two different central ideas this unit. 5A class explored how

biodiversity relies on maintaining the interdependent balance of organisms within systems,

while 5B discussed about how Government systems influence the life of citizens. These two

units were connected to each other in terms of ways living things interact in an ecosystem

and the government roles to support those interactions. As a provocation, students found

out the connection between previous exhibitions topics to recent central ideas.

To go further, students created word splashes that defined words in the central idea, the concepts and the lines of inquiry. They also made several questions to understand more ways in which governments, ecosystems, biomes and environments are interdependent. Students also brought to school pictures of living things from certain ecosystems and types of government systems to recognize the responsibility as

citizens to take care of balanced ecosystems.

To involve students in real life situations about ways governments cooperate with citizens to take care of the ecosystem, grade 5 students stayed three days and two nights in Cikananga, a place for animals to rehabilitate. Before the students went there, they were all ready with action ideas from their exhibition. Students organized the actions ideas into three different parts: promoting conservation through social media, recycled scrap paper, old clothes and bottles to make pencil cases, bags and a pulp diorama, and planting Puspa trees to support the life of animals in Cikananga and to prevent landslides. Students acknowledged a lot of new knowledge from this experience

that positives human activity gives huge benefits for all living things and animals.(Elok/G5/ May-June2015)

Halaman 4 Semester II, June 2015

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Student Council is a student-based organization consists of chosen representatives, where each member is

given specific jobs in order to help the school and the community.

The current Student Council consists of seven members, which are ranging from PYP, MYP and High School.

Here are the members:

In order to be in the Student Council, few stages were held to decide who has the most potential to be a

member. First stage was to pick 2 best representatives from each class, ranging from Grade 4 up to Grade 11 (not including Grade 6 and Grade 9 due to their examination). Second stage was by holding an event called the Leadership Training. Third stage was to have each remaining representatives promoting themselves in a form of visual campaign, which allowed each candidate to create their own campaign poster with their own self-made vision and mission. The two previous stages were the elimination rounds to determine the next gen-eration of the Student Council. The last stage (stage 4) was oral campaign, which includes a debate, Q&A

and a chance to promote orally. After that, all the member of the school community are able to vote which candidate they think deserves to be the President of the Student Council while the rest of the positions were decided by the rank of the voting or the decisions from the school leaders.

After the chosen representatives assembled as the new Student Council, they have discussed and met few

times to decide the programs they will run. The current programs that are still running are Environment Police (continuing the program from last year), Recycle Day (also continuing the program from last year), making connections with other Student Council organizations and the upcoming program Mini Olympics (which will be held on June 3rd – 5th). Other programs have been discussed and hopefully will start running from the next academic year.

Hopefully the new Student Council can be the light of hope for the school and can make a difference to the school community. ‘Difference’ as in to better organize the school programs, making the school more well known and creating a better relationship between the community & the surrounding environment. The entire school community wishes that the Student Council can work together as a team and give their best in order to

achieve the goals. (Athifa G7 & Een G11/05/15)




Dafi Almadani


Vice President

Athifa Hafizha


Public Relation





Een Nuraini




Khaira Azizah


High School


Widyi Arta


MYP Coordinator

Rizki Pramadan


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ISLAMIC STUDIES: Learning Al Quran

Allah SWT dalam firmannya pada QS 58:11 menjanjikan kedudukan derajat yang lebih tinggi untuk para umat-Nya yang mau menuntut ilmu. Atas dasar itulah, kita sebagai umat Muslim wajib senantiasa belajar, agar menjadi hamba Allah yang bermanfaat bagi sesama.

Berkaitan dengan hal tersebut di atas, kegiatan belajar Agama Islam difokuskan pada pembelajaran nilai-nilai Al Quran. Pembelajaran nilai-nilai Al Quran tersebut dibagi ke dalam dua kategori. Pertama, untuk kelas bawah, dimulai dari Pre-K s.d. G1. Kedua, untuk kelas atas, dimulai dari G2 sampai dengan G12.

Untuk kelas Pre K, pelajaran Agama Islam diajarkan oleh guru kelasnya langsung dengan menyesuaikan usia dan pemilihan bahasa yang sejalan dengan karakter anak. Sementara K1-G6 diajarkan oleh guru Agama Islam selama 4 periode dalam seminggu. Materi pela-jaran untuk kelas Pre K - G1 disesuaikan dengan ide utama setiap unit. Misalnya, para siswa pada unit 1 membahas role model (suri tauladan), maka pelajaran agama Islam pun mem-bahas tentang role model dalam Islam.

Sedangkan untuk G2-G6, para siswa sudah membahas topik berdasarkan Juz dalam Al Qur’an. Selama satu tahun akademik, para siswa mempelajari 6 Juz untuk 6 Unit. Sebagai contoh, Kelas 2 akan mempelajari Juz 1, 2 dan 3 pada semester 1 dan tiga juz lain pada semester 2. Selain itu, para siswa diperkenalkan untuk memahami dan menghafal surat-surat pendek dari surat An-Naas s.d. An-Naba. Tujuan dari kegiatan tersebut adalah para siswa mampu melafalkan ayat-ayat Al-Qur’an dengan baik dan benar sesuai dengan kaidah bacaan Al Qur’an. Selain itu, para siswa juga diharapkan memahami makna dari ayat-ayat tersebut.

Sedangkan untuk G7-G12 secara umum sama dengan materi di G2-G6; yakni membagi ke dalam beberapa Juz dalam Al Qur’an. Yang membedakan adalah di kelas atas pembahasannya lebih dalam dan kompleks, sehingga pembahasannya sudah cukup luas namun tidak keluar dari topik utama. Contohnya di Unit 4, G10 membahas tentang kebersi-han, maka siswa-siswa mendiskusikan hal tersebut dalam berbagai perspektif termasuk keterangan-keterangan dalam Islam. Selain itu, metode pembelajarannya berbeda dengan PYP. Di MYP dan High School, siswa-siswa dibagi kedalam beberapa kelompok. Kemudian, masing-masing kelompok diberi judul/topik yang harus dibuatkan artikel untuk dipresentasikan, sehingga guru hanya sebagai fasilitator. Dari metode ini, disamping untuk mengetahui kemampuan siswa, guru juga bisa mengasah kepercayaan siswa-siswanya secara dinamis.

Mempelajari Al Quran tidak sekedar dengan menghapal surat-surat pendek untuk bacaan

shalat, namun juga pemahaman arti Al Quran sehingga tahu bagaimana cara penera-

pannya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Siswa menjadi paham bahwa sekecil apapun kondisi

atau masalah dalam hidup, Allah telah mengatur dalam Al Quran. Harapan kami, semoga

anak-anak didik kita selain bagus dalam segi akademik, mereka juga bagus dalam segi

moral dan emosional. Amin Yaa Rabbal Aalamiin. (Ma’ruf/Juni 2015).


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Halaman 7 Semester II, June 2015


Action 2015 has ended with full of happiness and also sadness. This year, our action took place in the area of

Legok Kondang, Ciwidey, West Java between 25-27 May 2015, with the theme of “Education and Friendship

Have No Limits”. Finally students could apply what they have learned during Unit 1-6 with other children at

Ciwidey. This year Grade 10 and 11 students as part of their Creativity, activity, service (CAS) helped

organizing this year`s MYP action. They had been the steering committee that has helped arranging all the

activities there. For students in Grade 6 and 9, this was their last action in Al Jabr and their last moment with

their classmates before the graduation.

On the first day, students arrived to school at 5am to get ready and pray for safety to the destination as usual.

We went to Bandung around 6am and arrived at the destination at noon. After resting and eating, a team

from Legok Kondang gave a briefing about tent establishment to students. Because this year, the tents were

not ready, all must be made by students and we expected students to work cooperatively with each other. At

the end, there had stood 28 sturdy tents which were the result of their good cooperation. Well done! We

followed all the activities that day and got some reflection and preparation for our action the following day.

We started the second day with physical exercise and followed by the action that was planned. We had

several actions, such as irrigation, teaching and playing together in elementary school, and cleaning the

mosque. Unfortunately we had to delay our action in posyandu for the next day. The day was very exciting

because we could interact directly with no limitations with the people there and we loved those moments.

We did our action with joy and sincerely for the common good. We didn’t feel the clock has shown 12 o'clock,

which meant an end to the activities of action and we came back to the camp. Tired indeed, but filled with

happiness. In the afternoon, we had guests, the children from the Islamic center in Legok Kondang. We

played together, invited them to paint kites, and shared the souvenirs with them. It was a beautiful day, wasn’t


As usual, on the second night, we had a bonfire and reflection session which was the most eagerly awaited

moment by all students. In these sessions, we usually make a circle around the bonfire. The night atmosphere

dissolved in jokes and laughter from some performances that entertained the students. But, when Mr. Qosyim

started his speech about his resignation from Al Jabr, the atmosphere was so quiet and full of emotions.

Students loved him, but it was his choice to leave so we supported him all the way.

On the last day, we started this day with tracking to the hilltop that surrounded our camp. We saw a

magnificent view and learnt to maintain and be grateful for what the nature had given us. After completion

of tracking, we took a rest. Once recovered, we continued to play in the fish pond. We raced to find the

fishes in the pond with a little mud. As a result, our entire body was covered in mud and we caught some fish

but some of them died. Even so, this was a moment that cannot be forgotten.

After all the activities were finished, we prepared to take a bath and cleaned up our tents. It was so sad to

leave this place, but this was the time to return to Jakarta. We hope that what we have done in Ciwidey can

be beneficial for the community. Thank you so much for the amazing time during the action and thank you for

the opportunity that has given to us to share with other people. We went back to Jakarta around 3 pm and

arrived at 8:30 pm at school. It was an amazing action. Grade 6 & 9 said that “This was maybe the last, but this

was the best”. (Dafi Almadani Matahir (G11) /05/15)

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Halaman 8 Semester II, June 2015

MYP Community Project

What is MYP Community Project?

MYP Community Project is one of major projects for Grade 8 students to complete - as one of MYP programs at Al Jabr

Islamic School. The community project focuses on encouraging students to explore their rights and responsibility to

implement their knowledge, interest and passion as action in society. The community project gives students an

opportunity to develop awareness of needs in various communities and apply their skills, especially self-management

and social skills in society.

What are the Grade 8 Community Projects?

Community project was the biggest challenge that we had so far. We must go through the process of Investigating,

planning, taking action and reflecting. However, it helps us become more generous, caring and involved in our

community. Here are some Community Projects of Grade 8.

Green Run by Nadja, Arielle and Gya

We held a running event called Green Run as our Community Project. It was

held on Sunday, May 10th 2015. The running track was from FX Lifestyle

Center to Sarinah. We had good feedback from the participants. We could

tell the event was successfully done. We would like to thank Allah SWT for

letting us succeed in running our event. We gave our big gratitude to all

people who helped us maintained this event and participants who joined in.

The money we got from this event, we donated to Al Jabr Action Program

2015. At last, it was all paid off after all of our hard work, Alhamdulillah.

“The Photographs” – Photo Contest by Jihan and Adira

Our community project was called “The Photographs”- it was a photo

contest for grade 4 up to 11 students of Al-Jabr Islamic School. After we

made the photo competition with the tagline “Sight of Surroundings”, we

made an exhibition of the participants masterpieces on big black booths.

The exhibition was held on Monday - Wednesday, April 27th – 29th, 2015 at

the main entrance lobby of Al-Jabr Islamic School. Why did we make this

kind of project? It was our passion – photography. Besides that, we aimed

to develop the potential and interest of Al-Jabr Islamic School students in

the field of photography. We wanted Al-Jabr students to have more atten-

tion to their surroundings, so they had more concern and improve their

environment for better atmosphere. We gave all participants’ registration fee of this event as our contribution to Al Jabr

Action Program 2015.

The Trashketball by Oryza, Irfan and Nauval W.

The Trashketball has so far made a big difference in the Al Jabr community.

People must throw their trash into the Trashketball as its appearance like as

a basketball ring. We convince that the Trashketball is our great project as

many students from grade 1 – 11 have been using it. Though, many people

have been using it wisely; some people still do not really care about their

trash. They know that we put the sign on the Trashket Ball, “If you failed,

throw it again”, but they do not bother about it. Instead of they take and

put their trash when they failed, they just leave their trash there – near the

Trashket Ball. Overall, this Trashketball has helped Al Jabr community to

keep clean.

(Nuki, Nadja, Jihan & Ory/May 2015)

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Al Jabr Islamic School

Jl. Bango II No. 34 Pondok Labu, Cilandak

Jakarta Selatan 12450, Indonesia

Misi dari Al Jabr Islamic School

Misi kami adalah menyediakan pendidikan yang berkualitas tinggi untuk komunitas pelajar di sekolah guna

mengembangkan semaksimal mungkin potensi yang dimilikinya melalui pembelajaran yang aktif, sepanjang masa dan kesempatan mendapatkan pengalaman yang nyata demi membentuk individu-individu yang seutuhnya baik mental, fisik, emosi dan akademis dalam rangka ikut mendorong terciptanya dunia yang lebih baik dan menghormati nilai-nilai luhur Islam yang ada di komunitas global.

Al Jabr Islamic School Mission Statement

Our mission is to provide a high quality education for our community of learners to develop and maximize their potential through active, life-long learning and real life experiences to become well-rounded individuals mentally, physically, emotionally and academically in creating a better world with respect of Islamic values in a global community.


Catatan dari Administrasi

Assalaamu’alaikum wr. wb.

Pertama yang kami catat adalah merebaknya kembali berita tentang orangtua yang dihubungi oleh pihak

“sekolah” dan memberitahukan bahwa anaknya mengalami kecelakaan di sekolah. Orangtua bahkan

diminta untuk segera mentransfer sejumlah besar dana dengan alasan agar si anak, yang saat itu sudah

berada di rumah sakit, segera mendapatkan tindakan darurat yang dibutuhkan. Kami tekankan dan himbau

sekali lagi kepada Bapak dan Ibu untuk mengkonfirmasi langsung ke sekolah jika hal tersebut terjadi.

Kedua, kami himbau orangtua/wali murid untuk selalu mengupdate nomor handphone maupun email

karena perubahan data dari Bapak/Ibu akan mempengaruhi kelancaran komunikasi antara sekolah dengan


Ketiga, jika Bapak/Ibu memiliki Rumah Sakit rujukan bagi putra/putrinya, mohon diinformasikan ke bagian

Administrasi. Sehingga bilamana terjadi kecelakaan di sekolah, kami akan segera tindak lanjuti sebagai

pertolongan pertama.

Akhir kata, kami, atas nama Al Jabr Islamic School, mengucapkan selamat berlibur dan semoga kita dapat

segera bertemu lagi di Tahun Ajaran baru 2015/2016 dengan keceriaan dan semangat baru. Aamiin.

Wassalaamu’alaikum wr. wb.

Siska Liliana

Head of Administration