Al Gore in Copenhagen 17 December 2009 - European...

Al Gore in Copenhagen 17 December 2009: "Currently pollution has zero value, we must put a price on our pollution i.e. put a price on carbon!" But excessive ressource consumption has, we just have to include this in our valorisation of the overall production costs The cheapest cost-cutting is to avert consuming resources that are in excess and henceforth expendable– this is good common sense Photo: Luc Hardy©

Transcript of Al Gore in Copenhagen 17 December 2009 - European...

Al Gore in Copenhagen 17 December 2009:

"Currently pollution haszero value, we must puta price on our pollution

i.e. put a price on carbon!"

But excessive ressourceconsumption has,

we just have to include thisin our valorisation of theoverall production costs

The cheapest cost-cutting is to avert consumingresources that are in excess and henceforth

expendable– this is good common sensePhoto: Luc Hardy©

Kalundborg Industrial Symbiosis- Your Waste – Our Resource

1. History2. Features and key figures3. Political drivers4. IS 2nd generation



DANMARK 5,5mio indbyggere


1. Fact sheet for Kalundborg

1. 49.743 inhabitants, 603,7 km22. Industry and port leverage levelling a medium sized European city• Denmark’s largest co-gen. power plant (DONG) 2008 10% DK power• Northern Europe’s 2nd largest oil-refinery (StatoilHydro)• Northern Europe’s largest industrial waste water treatment plant• World’s largest enzyme production facility (Novozymes)• World’s largest insulin production facility (Novo Nordisk)• World’s maybe largest industrial symbiosis• World’s largest 2G ligno cellulosic bio-ethanol demo-plant (2009)

Denmark’s largest CO2 emitter per capita/km2/industry –Kalundborg appx. 8 % in 2009

Symbiosis in Kalundborg within the perimeter of 7 km2

2. Features and Key figures

Kalundborg Industrial Symbiosis is a catalyst for developing bothfinancial and environmental viable developing models in order to attaina substantial Reduction and Recovery of:


Kalundborg Industrial Symbiosis- a Pioneer at a glance since 1961 driven by profit

A resource and environmental collaboration network consisting of 32bi- or trilateral, commercial agreements (projects) composed initiallyby 8 founding partners: five industries, two waste handlingcompanies and the utilities department of Kalundborg Municipality

Three categories of projects:Recycling of water: 12 ProjectsExchange of energy: 9 ProjectsRecycling of waste products: 11 Projects

Some of the annual results of the Symbiosis in Kalundborg are:240.000 tons CO2 emissions down since 19823 millioner m3 water saved through reuse and recycling150.000 tons NovoGro replaces traditional fertilizers150.000 tons yeast slurry replaces traditional soy protein in feed150.000 tons gypsom replaces imported nature gypsum (CaSO4)

-> changes in regulatory framework could increase figures substantially

The Symbiosis Institute1996

RGS 90LakeTissø


Novo Nordisk


Fish farm

DONG EnergyAsnæs

Power Station

The Municipalityof Kalundborg






10 Surface water 1987



13 Sulphur 1990Fertilizer 2001

5Fly ash1979

16 Gypsum 1993

9 Steam 1982

15 Gas 1992

11 Coolingwater 1987


6 Heat1980/89

8 Steam 1982



19 Sludge

17 Waste water 1995

1 Surface water 1961



14 Tech.water 1991

18 Drain water 1995

1998Waste water





21 Deionized water 2002


of water22Water200425 Sea water 2007

Recovery of nickeland vanadium

Pig farms


26 Steam2009

30 Bioethanol



27Straw 2009

23 Waste gypsum

29 Condensate2009

Pyroneer33 Gasifier 2011





Cronology of Kalundborg Industrial Symbiosis

China's top legislature passed a law to promote circular economy on Friday at the closingof the fourth session of the Standing Committee of the 11th National People's Congress(NPC).The draft law was ratified after its third reading, and President Hu Jintao signed it into law.It will come into force on January 1, 2009. The aim of the law is to boost sustainabledevelopment through energy saving and reduction of pollutant discharges.Government departments will map out a system for recycling and improve energy-savingand waster utilization standards. China Daily 2008

3. Political drivers:

New Green Economy feature sustainable growth & Green Governance:

- From 2020-targets to ’Waste hierarchy’ and substitution of fossil fuels

Directive 2006/12/EC on waste (4 R’s ):Member States shall take appropriate measures to encourage theprevention or reduction of waste production and its harmfulness

(i) the recovery of waste by means of recycling, re-use or reclamationor any other process with a view to extracting secondary rawmaterials; or(ii) the use of waste as a source of energy (19 Oct.2008)

3. … to the next global challenge: the Water Footprint!

The Water footprint is the measure for the amountof water a certain product requires to be produced.

”The challenge is to start using the water footprint concept as apractical tool to analyse how consumption patterns affect water use”

Water footprints of nations, A.K. Chapagain & A.Y. Hoekstra, 2004

”It takes more water to produce more energy andit takes more energy to consume more water!”EU Water Technology Platform, March 2010


…waste, water and energy

Municipalities, cities and industry can and should make a differenceboth within and exterior to the ETS:

Too much energy and too many resources are wasted.

We need to adopt the waste hierarchy fully and spur the inherentsuccess that is entailed within a proper use of the many resourcesthat we do not utilitise at its utmost today, that be either waste,power, heat, water or other residues.

Failure to comply with resource efficiency and an optimate use ofresidues, will either lead to a sustained or even increasedinvestment in extra capacity and new utility facilities (wwt;combustion; CHP) based on ’old’ technologies that will tie our handseven further.


2009 Danish Government asked the Danish ClimateCommission to come up with suggestions on how

”Denmark is to become fossil free in 2050”


Danish Climate Commission 28 September 2010:The answer is ”through wind and biomass”

Kalundborg’s strategic challenge anno 2020:

Industrial investment growth scenario 2009-2020 +1,6 bn €- challenge with increased climate regulationINCREASED INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT <=>


A) Unrestricted growth

B) Decoupling

C) Reduced emissions –economically viable?

€ investment/time


2012 2020

Public Private Partnerships: Key constituent of Kalundborg Symbiosisis DONG Energy who’s 85/15 vision not only leads the way but alsoimpacts Kalundborg greatly

2011 globally we are 7 bn inhabitants (31st October; Source: UNFPA)

2050 projections estimate 9 bn !

-Gloomy figures featuring evolution of prosperity andincreased demands for Western material cultural valueswhich will bring devolution and jeopardize biodiversitywith excessive depletion of resources and severeirreversible impacts on nature why:

– we need to get more from less

- we need to think differently

- we need to turn waste into resources

We need to act symbiotically - with solutions


4. IS 2’ generation: biorefinery added to the equation

There are more intelligent ways to heat up our houses than to puta match to our waste – Solutions integrating resources andenergy, and KETs! - e.g. Pyroneer©; Renescience©; Aikan©

Figure 1: Peak phosphorus‘Hubbert’ curve, indicating thatproduction will eventually reach amaximum, after which it willdecline

(based on Cordell, Drangert and White,submitted)i. 2009

Cellulosic biomass(Waste)


C5 molasses

Lignin biofuel

Ethanol replaces oilin transportation

Biofuel replaces coal inpower and heat generation

C5 molassesincreases foodproduction- or replaces moreoil in transportation- or produces bio-chemicals

Intelligent use of biomass is the answer– Inbicon settled in Kalundborg because of the Symbiosis

Figur: Inbicon

2. Generation IS – Biorefinery

2. generation IS – biorefinery

…3rd generation IS is being shaped asSmart City Kalundborg


In Kalundborg the Resource Efficiency Flagship isperceived as a glas half full of water with new age

opportunities for business and civic society!Visit us at Stand 19, 1st floor

Thanks for Your attention!

Martin [email protected]

Energy efficiency Supply Model inducinginvestments in wind power


Nord Pool Challenge when when prices go negative


From Coal to Biomass and Wind:”Cities are part of the solution” storing excess grid power